Hi, Im using 2h staff, lvl 66 hwiz, and sooo new to rox. I've been contemplating to use the same skill build but then, I saw other vid of yours showcasing hwiz skills. I compared the vid, pvp part and saw that it doesn't match to the skills here. Can you please help me. Thank you.
Personally yes i'am prefer to use m.pen on headgear Sir. M.atk can boost from eq's already. Cz Wiz not only prio m.atk like priest who really need m.atk to get higher heal, you need to boost dmg output from m.pen / m.dmg bonus also
Both are great, nothing better or perfect build here. 1h shield build can survive longer in PVP, since they got more HP from shield, lil bit harder to using high levels skill because 1h has lower haste, and need to boost it from card / enchantment (expensive). 2h shield will be greatfull on PVP, but harder to play, will be OP if people can play it well. Can quickly using high levels skill, 2h have high haste from main weapon. For damage it's not too far different, shield give m.dmg bonus still can dealt good dmg with lower lv skills, and 2h can using high levels skills really quick
3 months video, hope you'll read my comment though XD im using 1hand high wizard and still wondering what card should i use in headgear? for now i hv mummy and piere, should i use mummy again or verit?
Hmm, i prefer to make it balance m.dmg bonus and m.pen card, and for weapon using 3x elems enchance like arclouze maybe. Iam just avoid to using pure m.atk card for wiz like pierre or mino, cause need to boost dmg output using m.pen and m.dmg bonus 😇
Bro, im on lvl 60 with 3 arc on weapon, 2 mummy on hg, some white cards on acc. Can you suggest what should i focus? On this video i saw that your haste is 770. Mine is 1400, is it too much? Thanks
@@tanskiee depends what you focus on, pvp or pve? i suggest to have 3 obeanu for pvp and verit card or shuna (i forget matk% card from slime event name😅) for pve. also it's enough haste bcs later on you need to add skills level as your level go higher. 24s cd is enough for max level of storm gust and lov
may i know what is better magic attack or final magic bonus? for now im focusing at final magic bonus i have already 3desert wolf and now im farming verit card den next zerom . . is that ok? by the way im using 2hand staff.. . what u think is this ok for pvp too? or focusing final magic pene?
For final m.dmg bonus, it depends on your m.atk, more m.atk you have, more final m.dmg bonus you've got also. Yeah both are need to up (dmg bonus and pen). Both will increase dmg output but in different way. So if dmg bonus directly boost your dmg output, pen using for reduce final deff targets. But for final pen, you no need to have much fixed number on your m.pen, final (%) m.pen still useful to reduce final deff targets without fixed number of m.pen we have.
I went for 2h staff with mdmg bonus and i find it strong against monster but not against players. Is it the same with MPEN build? Strong against players but weak against monsters?
Also i read your comment below that 2h staff wiz dominates pvp end game, can you tell me what stat and cards to focus on? I'm lvl 47 and i dumped everything to int. Should i get VIT?
both are good for boost your damage output, dmg bonus is directly increase your dmg, and penetration dmg calculation is (100% + final PEN - Target final DEFF)
No i don't have stun resist card, but that really important card for pvp. use x3 obeaune + dark blinker on headgear, and you will don't know what the stun is 🤣
Nothing better bro, if you are need more offensive wiz, 2handed still better, higher damage on mid until endgame.. but if you had more deffensive playstyle and need survive longer just like me on TW (there is so much Whale player fyi) better using 1h+shield.. 2h staff will be greately insane and OP after open and upgrade the shadow equipment 😊
tergantung servernya juga mas wkwk, klo dituntut harus survive lebih 1h shield ok karena dmg jg ttp ada kok kebantu dr m.dmg bonus di shield. klo jarang sultan mid spender 2h staff biar lebih gampang ngebantai..
masih sama mas semuanya balance dan kepake sih terakhir sy di TW. Nanti semua job stlh ubah job terakhir semua kepake. Paling komposisi party yg OP ya 2 hi-priest, 1 hi-wiz, 1 MS, 1 lg LK spear / dagger sinx atau pure dmg dealer job spt aspd LK/sniper/sinx katar
@@Nicelyz yoi meta 2 HP emang imba apalagi kalo haste tinggi, ress no delay, 1 priestnya build badak, sultan jg ga bisa ngalahin itu idup2 trus di ress
om itu cardnya ngambil magic penetration rata2. kalau buat PvE alias farming level bagus ga? atau bagusan set Mantis + anacondac buat gedein bonus magic power.
Keduanya bagus dan sama2 nambah dmg output. Magic dmg bonus bagus di early game ya untuk PVE, dab. nnti di mid-late M.PEN lebih efektif karena deffense player sudah tinggi
Yup, BS is a must job to be had in party for KVM. BS buff is very useful to boost malee jobs damage. You can see my guildmate yt ch: Klandestine Gaming, she already made a vids about BS guide on early Sir. Later after being Mastersmith it's will be more greatful and useful job
Hi! I'm planning to switch from 2 hand staff build to 1 hand staff build. just have some questions about the cards and stat build. Unlike 2 handed staff build, you can go full int and dex is optional. With 1 hand build, Dex and Int should be balanced for you to have enough haste, correct? And for the cards, should I go for full haste card or Mix with M.Attack% and M.Pen%? Your feedback is much appreciated.
Hallo. Yes it's lil bit harder for 1h shield yo find haste, but its okay still ups your stats full INT on early, still using lv.25 rings and talisman then tier up them, also refine +4 and upgrade. You must adjust your skill levels depends on how many cooldown and channeling you can reduce, its okay to still using low lv skills. For card yes haste card it's okay but not a must. M.atk still the priority, or you can use m.atk,m.pen % like archer skel card. Really not recom for buying white card using crystals, save it for blue is better, and don't forget always do coc mission for card gacha coins for blue cards (150 coins/gacha)
@@Nicelyz Hey! Thank you for the fast response. So basically, I will just be investing all to blue cards for the Haste % and then tier up the accessories for the raw Haste?
Haste and final haste is different stats, you can see how many cooldown you can reduce from your raw haste + final haste. See on your details characters then hold on your haste and final haste. So you can check, if you have 1000haste and 6% final haste, then you ups your eq until 1500haste but still 6% final haste, does it will reduce higher cooldown from final haste or not
@@Nicelyz Thank you so much for the feedback. By the way, for the headgear cards. Should I go for Piere Card (6% M.attack ea) Verit Card (6% Final M.Dmg ea) Mummy Card (6% Final M.pen ea)??
Auto and set nearby, cz i just to focus to protect my priest. 1h shield wiz has different role with 2h staff in PVP, 2h staff is harder to play, mobility, timing to use skills, find their own spots before using skills. For 1h shield, since he has more HP to survive, better he stick always with Priest, make sure your priest not attacked by malee with firewall as well
Hmm difficult question, since you are on mid-endgame phase, PVP will more intense and balance dmg at all, its hard to do "one man show" for all jobs. But so far as i know, Wiz 2hstaff build and Knight Spear build is insane on PVP
bro gw punya pertanyaan mohon di jawab, hw itu sebenernya untuk pve dan pvp bagusan pakai apa ya? 1 hand atau 2 hand? krn gw liat di taiwan kebanyakan 2 hand tapi ada juga yg bilang 1 hand better.. so?
Utk free player di early - mid game disarankan pakai 1h+shield. Untuk ambil max HP. Max HP penting buat survive di PVP sm PVE (dungeon hard). Damage jgn ragu, magic dmg bonus dari shield itu berasa bgt. Kita kekurangan Vigor pasti, jadi jangan naikin level skill terlalu tinggi, sesuaikan aja biar cooldownnya sedikit. Gaperlu banyak Skill point itu enak. 2h staff. Dmg besar, perlu skill point yg banyak karena pusat dmg nya dari level skill (harus tinggi). Max HP sedikit, jarang survive di dungeon hard. Untuk afk grinding di early ini cocok. Tapi kembali lagi ke selera gameplay masing2. Saya udh nyoba 2h staff dr awal sampai lv 55+ akhirnya pindah ke 1h+shield ternyata jauh lebih ramah utk freeplayer. Akhirnya shadow equip telat soalnya ngulang lg questnya 😁
@@zweek2163 masih m.atk > m.bonus, soalnya m.atk jg naik dr basic stat naikin INT, m.bonus cmn dr shield, acc, sm dr card aja. makanya klo lg liat char wiz yg m.atk kecil itu (biasanya type shield) brrti dia ada m.bonus buat up dmg nya
There is nothing better, its a choice to used 1h or 2h, if you have a offensive of your gameplay as Wiz, use 2h staff.. because iam playing more deffensive and need to survive longer againts the "Whales" in TW, iam using 1h+shield 😊
Karena sy buka shadow eq nya 1h shield jd sy krg cocok pke meteor mas, shadow eq 1h shield lebih ke element ice-wind, klo 2h earth-fire, bagus sih buat pvp, cmn meteor itu kan keluar pas lg cast tuh, beda sm skill lain yg cast dlu baru keluar, nah klo lg cast trs kena hit atau stun dia ke cancel, jd rada berat buat 1h pke meteor di pvp yg gameplaynya cepet, buat grinding msh oke
Hi! thanks for the POV.. do you have any theories of the future of the classes? my experience from ROM EL & RO Origin says, Archer(& its upgrade jobs & other branches like bard or gypsy) are low tier or low in demand I just want to know any feeling if any class doing weirdly good for its own good or oddly bad(or bit under performing) than expected. 😅 Thanks~
Haha yes, ROX in general it is almost similar to other mobile ragnarok for the use of each job. Here for class archer, hunter and even sniper including top dps for early game (easily become strong with elemental arrow). But after reaching the mid-late game, he will lose with LK and SinX for DPS (we'll talk if the situation is on equal equipment). That's what makes the archer class more suitable for "the Whale" player i think here, because it requires more effort to be able to carry out his duties as range-dps class in order to kill faster. Because the archer class has a low survival rate and will always be the main target in PVP after Priest. And also for SinX, need a little help with spending real money or luck in this game for building a SinX, so far SinX is less needed in party (FYI).
Why phen card Sir? Maybe you mean Obeaune card for stun resist? Yeah it stun resist really needed for PVP. Just got a little help from firewall as Wiz bcs i dont have stun resist 😅
bisa aja om cmn lebih kompleks klo spear. banyak skill aktif yg dipake buat PVP. Klo itu knight xAthenax ya? dia build aspd, memang dps lebih besar dr spear, cmn skill aktifnya dikit cmn utk stun aja, sisanya dia naikin pasif buat crit+aspd nya. Sword lebih buat PVE, klo spear lebih ke PVP sptnya.
hm, i think for pure dps jobs like Sniper/SinX, main role in KVM is only killed the enemy Priest (ASAP), after that you have to find position to get free dps (kill everyone who gonna kill your Priest first). I think thats the biggest impact for your team as a pure dps 😊
sepertinya job2 pure dps spt SinX / Sniper kurang ramah untuk freeplayer di PVP ya, sejauh ini saya kurang ngerasain impact mereka (SinX, Sniper) di PVP selama equip dan level tidak terpaut jauh. Paling mentok klo saya di spam grimtooth sm SinX baru agak kerepotan, selebihnya untuk Dmg receive kurang serem sih wkwk. Di PVE pun begitu, kadang DPS sinX / sniper masih kalah sm wizard atau knight crit.. mungkin memang job para sultan haha
Keduanya sama bagusnya, saya pakai shield untuk bs survive lebih lama aja, untuk 2handed staff user disarankan pakai valkyrie set tapi ya, kumpulin koin dr awal 😊
MS the only job that I am not interested in. But for MS, it's highly recommended to build vigor (haste) type for both PVE/PVP, not recommended for aspd type.
Player Human (not NPC) in PVP area still treats like RO Classic?
Race : Demi human?
Size : Medium?
Element : Neutral?
Thanks in advance...
No, at ROX PVP or player not include on demi human and medium size. But for element i think ya just the same as neutral 😇
@@Nicelyz thanks a lot bro
Hi, Im using 2h staff, lvl 66 hwiz, and sooo new to rox. I've been contemplating to use the same skill build but then, I saw other vid of yours showcasing hwiz skills. I compared the vid, pvp part and saw that it doesn't match to the skills here. Can you please help me. Thank you.
ey bro about headgear cards, is mdef pen better than matk? like for ex coco card or martin card? tnx bro
Personally yes i'am prefer to use m.pen on headgear Sir. M.atk can boost from eq's already. Cz Wiz not only prio m.atk like priest who really need m.atk to get higher heal, you need to boost dmg output from m.pen / m.dmg bonus also
hi bro. if u dont mind what stat buil if im wiz in kvm.. thanks
latest stats on TW iam using 85INT 30DEX 20VIT on all my loadout.. if you 2h staff user i think you can try 5:1 or 4:1 INT:VIT for kvm
@@Nicelyz thankyou 👍👍👍
hello can i ask if can i trasnfer my item in the another char? same account same server
No Sir, we don't 😅
Whats the build of swordsman athenax?
He is aspd crit build Knight, you can also see the details of Athens equipment on my other video "F2P Journey" 😊
@@Nicelyz whats the best for wizard sir? 1handed or 2 handed?
Both are great, nothing better or perfect build here. 1h shield build can survive longer in PVP, since they got more HP from shield, lil bit harder to using high levels skill because 1h has lower haste, and need to boost it from card / enchantment (expensive). 2h shield will be greatfull on PVP, but harder to play, will be OP if people can play it well. Can quickly using high levels skill, 2h have high haste from main weapon. For damage it's not too far different, shield give m.dmg bonus still can dealt good dmg with lower lv skills, and 2h can using high levels skills really quick
3 months video, hope you'll read my comment though XD
im using 1hand high wizard and still wondering what card should i use in headgear? for now i hv mummy and piere, should i use mummy again or verit?
Hmm, i prefer to make it balance m.dmg bonus and m.pen card, and for weapon using 3x elems enchance like arclouze maybe. Iam just avoid to using pure m.atk card for wiz like pierre or mino, cause need to boost dmg output using m.pen and m.dmg bonus 😇
Bro, im on lvl 60 with 3 arc on weapon, 2 mummy on hg, some white cards on acc. Can you suggest what should i focus? On this video i saw that your haste is 770. Mine is 1400, is it too much? Thanks
@@tanskiee depends what you focus on, pvp or pve? i suggest to have 3 obeanu for pvp and verit card or shuna (i forget matk% card from slime event name😅) for pve. also it's enough haste bcs later on you need to add skills level as your level go higher. 24s cd is enough for max level of storm gust and lov
How Come LK is more stronger dps thab sinx and hunter/sniper?
Yup don't know in here LK had higher dps than another pure dps jobs. LK aspd > Sniper > sinx
may i know what is better magic attack or final magic bonus? for now im focusing at final magic bonus i have already 3desert wolf and now im farming verit card den next zerom . . is that ok? by the way im using 2hand staff.. . what u think is this ok for pvp too? or focusing final magic pene?
For final m.dmg bonus, it depends on your m.atk, more m.atk you have, more final m.dmg bonus you've got also. Yeah both are need to up (dmg bonus and pen). Both will increase dmg output but in different way. So if dmg bonus directly boost your dmg output, pen using for reduce final deff targets. But for final pen, you no need to have much fixed number on your m.pen, final (%) m.pen still useful to reduce final deff targets without fixed number of m.pen we have.
does the knight much better than sinX in KVM? and especially for a F2P like me? hope you help me dude. thanks!
yeah will be better using knight than sinx bro
Thanks guys I really appreciate it!
I went for 2h staff with mdmg bonus and i find it strong against monster but not against players. Is it the same with MPEN build? Strong against players but weak against monsters?
Also i read your comment below that 2h staff wiz dominates pvp end game, can you tell me what stat and cards to focus on? I'm lvl 47 and i dumped everything to int. Should i get VIT?
both are good for boost your damage output, dmg bonus is directly increase your dmg, and penetration dmg calculation is (100% + final PEN - Target final DEFF)
Hi can you update on your build for the 2H high wiz?
bro did u use anti stun card like obeune card? for acc?
No i don't have stun resist card, but that really important card for pvp. use x3 obeaune + dark blinker on headgear, and you will don't know what the stun is 🤣
@@Nicelyz do u suggest class like wiz go for 3 piece of it? 90 percent of reduction. and does vit help reduce stun chance?
Yes bro use it so you will feel the huge difference, hmm don't know the details about Vit will increase stun resist 😌
@Nicelyz I hope you see this comment, just gonna ask if you are using all your skills in auto? thanks for replying
As 1h shield, yes. I'am just need to use firewall to protect my priest as fast as i can. And turn on auto for other skills then
is it better for wiz to use Wand/Shield instead of Staff?
Nothing better bro, if you are need more offensive wiz, 2handed still better, higher damage on mid until endgame.. but if you had more deffensive playstyle and need survive longer just like me on TW (there is so much Whale player fyi) better using 1h+shield.. 2h staff will be greately insane and OP after open and upgrade the shadow equipment 😊
@@Nicelyz kalo mid spender mending 2h apa 1h + shield, gan?
tergantung servernya juga mas wkwk, klo dituntut harus survive lebih 1h shield ok karena dmg jg ttp ada kok kebantu dr m.dmg bonus di shield. klo jarang sultan mid spender 2h staff biar lebih gampang ngebantai..
bro ini build skill nya bisa buat gvg jga?
bisa mas, klo gvg bagus pake meteor ya tp utk maksimalin killing meritnya
bro di TW skrg job apa yg paling ngeri buat KVM ?
masih sama mas semuanya balance dan kepake sih terakhir sy di TW. Nanti semua job stlh ubah job terakhir semua kepake. Paling komposisi party yg OP ya 2 hi-priest, 1 hi-wiz, 1 MS, 1 lg LK spear / dagger sinx atau pure dmg dealer job spt aspd LK/sniper/sinx katar
@@Nicelyz lu skrg di sea maen di server mana bro ikut guild lu dong
@@Nicelyz yoi meta 2 HP emang imba apalagi kalo haste tinggi, ress no delay, 1 priestnya build badak, sultan jg ga bisa ngalahin itu idup2 trus di ress
Di Haimdal - demon castle mas wkwk, oke nnti sy bantu bilangin untuk slot guild, klo emg mau niat main di demon castle bs pm ingame aja mas 😇
MS itu job apa mas?
holy shit the priest is too fucking good
why do your gravity skills cooldown decreases sometimes? is it from the shadow eq ?
No, its cause i got buffs from hi-priest, Suffragium 😇
@@Nicelyz oh I see! thanks!
Once you reached level 70+, kill wizards first, priest second, because priest all become second-tankest monsters by that point.
noted Sir, pleasee i need more guide from you haha, where i can reach you directly 🤣🤣
@@Nicelyz I am usually only on youtube comment section, and I haven't used twitter in months. sry.
Question: As a fellow Wizard, which one do you prefer? Piere Card or Verit card? Why?
Piere, m.atk still 1st prio, or even better mummy card (m.pen), will more effective on mid-endgame phase for pvp
@@Nicelyz how bout for accessory? Any suggested cards. Im using 2h wand btw
For PVE m.atk, you already have enough haste cz 2h staff gave you high haste, just develop it. For PVP on acc really need 3x stun resist card 😊
om itu cardnya ngambil magic penetration rata2. kalau buat PvE alias farming level bagus ga? atau bagusan set Mantis + anacondac buat gedein bonus magic power.
Keduanya bagus dan sama2 nambah dmg output. Magic dmg bonus bagus di early game ya untuk PVE, dab. nnti di mid-late M.PEN lebih efektif karena deffense player sudah tinggi
8:10 song name pls
go search for, "rest in peace the undertaker theme song remix" Sir 😊
@@Nicelyz thank you :D
Is that spear knight class ? with 10 kills?
On last match? No, ReTry is 2handed sword Lord Knight Sir
@@Nicelyz Sir nicelyz can i ask about blacksmith job / mastersmith job? is it really good for solo type player? and KVM ?
Yup, BS is a must job to be had in party for KVM. BS buff is very useful to boost malee jobs damage. You can see my guildmate yt ch: Klandestine Gaming, she already made a vids about BS guide on early Sir. Later after being Mastersmith it's will be more greatful and useful job
How to get the balloon??
it's just emoticons that you can select above the chat bar 😊
Hi! I'm planning to switch from 2 hand staff build to 1 hand staff build.
just have some questions about the cards and stat build.
Unlike 2 handed staff build, you can go full int and dex is optional. With 1 hand build, Dex and Int should be balanced for you to have enough haste, correct?
And for the cards, should I go for full haste card or Mix with M.Attack% and M.Pen%?
Your feedback is much appreciated.
Hallo. Yes it's lil bit harder for 1h shield yo find haste, but its okay still ups your stats full INT on early, still using lv.25 rings and talisman then tier up them, also refine +4 and upgrade. You must adjust your skill levels depends on how many cooldown and channeling you can reduce, its okay to still using low lv skills.
For card yes haste card it's okay but not a must. M.atk still the priority, or you can use m.atk,m.pen % like archer skel card. Really not recom for buying white card using crystals, save it for blue is better, and don't forget always do coc mission for card gacha coins for blue cards (150 coins/gacha)
@@Nicelyz Hey! Thank you for the fast response. So basically, I will just be investing all to blue cards for the Haste % and then tier up the accessories for the raw Haste?
Haste and final haste is different stats, you can see how many cooldown you can reduce from your raw haste + final haste. See on your details characters then hold on your haste and final haste. So you can check, if you have 1000haste and 6% final haste, then you ups your eq until 1500haste but still 6% final haste, does it will reduce higher cooldown from final haste or not
@@Nicelyz Thank you so much for the feedback.
By the way, for the headgear cards.
Should I go for
Piere Card (6% M.attack ea)
Verit Card (6% Final M.Dmg ea)
Mummy Card (6% Final M.pen ea)??
If i'am a 2h staff user, i will use 2x m.pen and 1x m.dmg bonus on headgear
the first time i tried free arena i faced a p2w lol
Is staff shit compared to 1 hand rod and shield?
Is it better to start with one hand + shield early and sacrifice haste?
it's okay, nothing better.. both are great Sir
bro when u do pvp how do u cast ur skills? do u just go auto and stand there? thanks
Auto and set nearby, cz i just to focus to protect my priest. 1h shield wiz has different role with 2h staff in PVP, 2h staff is harder to play, mobility, timing to use skills, find their own spots before using skills. For 1h shield, since he has more HP to survive, better he stick always with Priest, make sure your priest not attacked by malee with firewall as well
@@Nicelyz thanks bro keep it up
Hello bro, hope your doing fine. Mind if ask about xATHENAx. About her gears,stats, overall build? Since im a knight. Do you have any facebook page?
There is my video "f2p journey" you can see the latest ATHENA's equipment on TW in detail Sir, just see in description 😊
Slower video pls, this is not a speed run right? 😭
The last... Real sultan muncul wkwkwkkw.. Semangat bossss....pantang kendor meski jadi tumbal😁😁
wkwkwkw 😂
Auto sub bos
mantap, thanks mas! 😁
Ano malakas na job sa pvp sa rox?
Hallo, sorry i'am Indonesian Sir, English please 😇
@@Nicelyz oh, sorry! What’s the strongest job for PvP?
Hmm difficult question, since you are on mid-endgame phase, PVP will more intense and balance dmg at all, its hard to do "one man show" for all jobs. But so far as i know, Wiz 2hstaff build and Knight Spear build is insane on PVP
@@Nicelyz too bad. I chose hunter instead of wiz :( should i stay dps or haste type in pvp?
@@Nicelyz glad to know that every job will be useful.
bro gw punya pertanyaan mohon di jawab, hw itu sebenernya untuk pve dan pvp bagusan pakai apa ya?
1 hand atau 2 hand? krn gw liat di taiwan kebanyakan 2 hand tapi ada juga yg bilang 1 hand better.. so?
Utk free player di early - mid game disarankan pakai 1h+shield. Untuk ambil max HP. Max HP penting buat survive di PVP sm PVE (dungeon hard). Damage jgn ragu, magic dmg bonus dari shield itu berasa bgt. Kita kekurangan Vigor pasti, jadi jangan naikin level skill terlalu tinggi, sesuaikan aja biar cooldownnya sedikit. Gaperlu banyak Skill point itu enak.
2h staff. Dmg besar, perlu skill point yg banyak karena pusat dmg nya dari level skill (harus tinggi). Max HP sedikit, jarang survive di dungeon hard. Untuk afk grinding di early ini cocok.
Tapi kembali lagi ke selera gameplay masing2. Saya udh nyoba 2h staff dr awal sampai lv 55+ akhirnya pindah ke 1h+shield ternyata jauh lebih ramah utk freeplayer. Akhirnya shadow equip telat soalnya ngulang lg questnya 😁
@@Nicelyz nah iya nih bener ada - + nya
Setau gw juga kalo early main 1 hand berat banget di vigor/haste.
Ok lah kalo gitu makasih infonya gan
@@zweek2163 iya, yg penting vigor 600 utk lv 10 soulstrike no cooldown, sisanya cukup naikin skill lv 3-5 aja, penggantinya dmg level skill dr shield yg ada magic dmg bonus
@@Nicelyz kalo disini mbonus > matk ya?
@@zweek2163 masih m.atk > m.bonus, soalnya m.atk jg naik dr basic stat naikin INT, m.bonus cmn dr shield, acc, sm dr card aja. makanya klo lg liat char wiz yg m.atk kecil itu (biasanya type shield) brrti dia ada m.bonus buat up dmg nya
hey bro im playing wizard as well. Can I ask 1h or 2h rod is better for wiz?
There is nothing better, its a choice to used 1h or 2h, if you have a offensive of your gameplay as Wiz, use 2h staff.. because iam playing more deffensive and need to survive longer againts the "Whales" in TW, iam using 1h+shield 😊
@@Nicelyz thx bro. understood do you have discord?
Yes, Nicelyz#6043
Bro, tanya dong.
Kok Meteor ga dipake di pvp kenapa ya? Bukannya bisa stun dan dmgnya besar yah?
Karena sy buka shadow eq nya 1h shield jd sy krg cocok pke meteor mas, shadow eq 1h shield lebih ke element ice-wind, klo 2h earth-fire, bagus sih buat pvp, cmn meteor itu kan keluar pas lg cast tuh, beda sm skill lain yg cast dlu baru keluar, nah klo lg cast trs kena hit atau stun dia ke cancel, jd rada berat buat 1h pke meteor di pvp yg gameplaynya cepet, buat grinding msh oke
Boss lvl 40 nko na wiz and 2h staff. Pangit ba ang 2handed na wiz? Pa help salamat
Yes hopefully i can helped. But i don't understand your language bcs iam an Indonesian 😅 pls using English Sir 😇
@@Nicelyz He's level 40 wiz and he's asking if 2H staff are good or not.
Thanks for translating 😇 Mostly people in TW server who play as Wiz is using 2h staff. Both are good to used bro (2h or 1h)
Nice play, but not with the music, not relate 😁
Hi! thanks for the POV.. do you have any theories of the future of the classes? my experience from ROM EL & RO Origin says, Archer(& its upgrade jobs & other branches like bard or gypsy) are low tier or low in demand
I just want to know any feeling if any class doing weirdly good for its own good or oddly bad(or bit under performing) than expected. 😅
Haha yes, ROX in general it is almost similar to other mobile ragnarok for the use of each job. Here for class archer, hunter and even sniper including top dps for early game (easily become strong with elemental arrow). But after reaching the mid-late game, he will lose with LK and SinX for DPS (we'll talk if the situation is on equal equipment). That's what makes the archer class more suitable for "the Whale" player i think here, because it requires more effort to be able to carry out his duties as range-dps class in order to kill faster. Because the archer class has a low survival rate and will always be the main target in PVP after Priest. And also for SinX, need a little help with spending real money or luck in this game for building a SinX, so far SinX is less needed in party (FYI).
@@Nicelyz Thanks thanks for the insight, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Is it hard to pvp without phen card ? i see its getting interrupted hehe
Why phen card Sir? Maybe you mean Obeaune card for stun resist? Yeah it stun resist really needed for PVP. Just got a little help from firewall as Wiz bcs i dont have stun resist 😅
Phen card para di ma cas interrupt
It's not money power. Donator/Whales called it a money gap hahaha
hahaha exactly 🤣
wow hardy theme song hahaha!
Which is better dmg lov or gravitational field?
What's your Fire Wall level?
Lv. 10 Sir
Gravitational field is more on cc? Or can do damage aswell?
G.field is AOE stun skills, it can't dealt high damage. Low damage with high impact 😊
Mau tanya om, bagusan knight spear atau sword ya kira2?
Itu knight di guildnya GG banget om, kira2 kalo spear bisa se GG itu kah? hehe
bisa aja om cmn lebih kompleks klo spear. banyak skill aktif yg dipake buat PVP. Klo itu knight xAthenax ya? dia build aspd, memang dps lebih besar dr spear, cmn skill aktifnya dikit cmn utk stun aja, sisanya dia naikin pasif buat crit+aspd nya. Sword lebih buat PVE, klo spear lebih ke PVP sptnya.
bikin guild ga nanti pas OBT?
sepertinya ngga mas, masih ikut guild genocide dari PH aja 😅
How can a sniper compete in a open field like this? 🤣 is there a way for sniper to pvp?
hm, i think for pure dps jobs like Sniper/SinX, main role in KVM is only killed the enemy Priest (ASAP), after that you have to find position to get free dps (kill everyone who gonna kill your Priest first). I think thats the biggest impact for your team as a pure dps 😊
Cant wait to try it in OBT 😁
Yes, we're all waiting for OBT SEA 😄
@@Nicelyz do you have any pro cons theory or video of blacksmith job?
@@yanfajeza6045 I dont think so, but so far the best blacksmith build is vigor/haste build with 2h-Axe, not recommended for aspd build 😁
naka fast forward naman T_T need pa i islow
your skill build?
00:50 - 01:10 😊
assasincross agak kurang ya bang? digame ini, di pve cuma single target, liat divideo damagenya juga kurang trus ke counter sama fire wallnya mage
sepertinya job2 pure dps spt SinX / Sniper kurang ramah untuk freeplayer di PVP ya, sejauh ini saya kurang ngerasain impact mereka (SinX, Sniper) di PVP selama equip dan level tidak terpaut jauh. Paling mentok klo saya di spam grimtooth sm SinX baru agak kerepotan, selebihnya untuk Dmg receive kurang serem sih wkwk. Di PVE pun begitu, kadang DPS sinX / sniper masih kalah sm wizard atau knight crit.. mungkin memang job para sultan haha
untuk free player rekomen build apa bor?
Keduanya sama bagusnya, saya pakai shield untuk bs survive lebih lama aja, untuk 2handed staff user disarankan pakai valkyrie set tapi ya, kumpulin koin dr awal 😊
Fast forward? Why? Making the game look worse
Guide mastersmith ?
MS the only job that I am not interested in. But for MS, it's highly recommended to build vigor (haste) type for both PVE/PVP, not recommended for aspd type.
to be honest sometimes MS has higher dps than high wizard
i thought this is not a pay to win game? lol its also same
haha yeah, now it's just how we survive as a free player, most mmorpg game just like that 😋
No game will survive, if you only had f2p wannabee players hahaha
@@motobeks5908 that's right man
There was a top player who posted 300k+ attack with more than 1m HP...that dude was like in godmode destroyed guilds with just a priest lol
Yua mikami lmao
Is valk set good for wiz?
Yes, valk sets suitable of every jobs to be more tankier