I’ve been following you and listening to Ntxoov Yias for many years. I enjoyed it very much. All things have beginnings and endings. Thank you so much for your time and effort for telling a good tale. God bless you.
Zoo mloog heev li os tij laug aw txawm kj txoj dab neeg ntxoov yiam xau li no lawm lo kav tsij tham lwm yam dab neeg rau peb mloog dua os nawb mog peb yeej tseem to ntsoov kj cov dab neeg
Hais taught zoo kawg tu siab tias yuav tsis tau hnov ntxov yias txuas ntxiv lawm tab sis ntseeg tias yuav hnov lwm zaj us zoo ib yam li zaj no ua tsaug rau koj txoj kev tham dab neeg Great story teller
Kuv nyiam txog tej kev ua neeb ua yaig li no kawg li os thiab kuv nyiam mloog txog ntxoov yia thaum kuv mloog mas kuv yeej pom zem zuag ntawm qhov muag mas kuv nyiam mloog heev mloog tag los xav mloog dua xwb.
Kuv tos tos hv li ces zaum no tawm lawm tiag ua tsaug ntau ntau o txiv ntxawm uas kj tseem muab ib lub ntsiab lus coj los phim nrog rau ntxoov yias ua rau kuv nyiam hv li o
Zoo mloog kawg linos txiv ntxawm fujin txhobbmaj muab xau li no e hai txuas ntxiv mu rau peb mloog laug lub sij hawm thiab lub caij nyoog kom txhob ntev ntev rau peb os thov txob maj muab xau li no os
Noooooo uncle or grandpa don't stop telling us about NTXOOV YIAS story please.... that my hero... if you stop telling us about him I'm not listening to hmong story anymore cause my hero die and there no more reason for me to listen anymore.... NTXOOV YIAS is the only one I listen to so please tell us more.....
Very good i'm the first one to listen, nim no muaj qee tus hmoob tsis kam foom lus phem rau dej tshoob mus rau zaj qho lawm qee tus hmoob tshuas foom kev phem kev tsis zoo mus rau hnub coo hli kawg ntuj to qab teb to qhov kom poob rau hluav taws hlawv lawm xwb vim foom rau dej tshoob mus zaj qho hmoob yuav rov mus ce dej los haus laiv...
Ua cas es txiv ntxawm aw kuv mloog koj zaj dab neeg ntxoov yia no es kuv pom zem zuag zem zuag ntawv kuv qhov muag li os. Thiab kuv mloog zaj no tag es cas kuv pom dej nyab lub teb chaws nplog loj heev thiab los nag tsis tu li lawm. Es puas yog ntxoov yia thiab tus zaj Lia nkawv ua rog na.
Kuv nyob sab pas dej tauv 516, koj zaj dabneeg no kuv kuj hnov tej laus pias ploj loog lawm thiab. Nyob ntawm tus dej Naab tub muaj ib lub roob loj muaj ob lub pas zaj loj kawg nyob saum roob...
Xav mloog koj cov dab neeg xwb os yij laug. Xav kom koj txua ib cov dab neeg muaj ntsiab lus zoo los rau peb mloog yam tsis tu ncua li vim koj cov dab neeg muaj keeb khawm thiab tham tau zoo mloog heev li
Keep on going with Ntxoov Yias or Yawg Txawj Leem. I think stories like these definitely capture the young audience's attention therefore inspire them to learn and keep our culture alive. Thanks for all you do and don't listen to the naysayers.
Can you turn phaj ej lee lue into many parts of story ? I know he fly and fight thousands of time in the air. I believe if you can break down each time he fly to battle the hmoob people will love to listen. Just a ideas
Tham tau zoo heev tab kuv xav ma koj muab tham ua lwm tu phaj ej lub npe e pib phaj 1-2-3-4mu zuj zu tej zaum yuav ok dua vim kuv rov qab qee li lawm os F C hmong Laos hai qhov twg yuam kev thov txim nawb txiv ntxawm
I’ve been following you and listening to Ntxoov Yias for many years. I enjoyed it very much. All things have beginnings and endings. Thank you so much for your time and effort for telling a good tale. God bless you.
Thank you 🙏
This has been a long series and an amazing ride with Ntxoov Yias. I appreciate all the time and effort over the years you put into this character
Zoo mloog heev li os tij laug aw txawm kj txoj dab neeg ntxoov yiam xau li no lawm lo kav tsij tham lwm yam dab neeg rau peb mloog dua os nawb mog peb yeej tseem to ntsoov kj cov dab neeg
It was a pleasure to listen to this series told from you! What a journey! Thank you, sir!
Hais taught zoo kawg tu siab tias yuav tsis tau hnov ntxov yias txuas ntxiv lawm tab sis ntseeg tias yuav hnov lwm zaj us zoo ib yam li zaj no ua tsaug rau koj txoj kev tham dab neeg
Great story teller
Love the story's, ya have good voice for storys
I'm going to miss listening to it. Learned a lot from the story. I started my shaman journey at a young age too so I love listening to it.
Hais tau zoo heev kuv ngiam koj cov dab neeg heev❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
❤❤❤ going to miss ntxoov yais love every moment of his journey 😊😊… every episode there is lesson to learn from…
I am ntxoov too.. keep it going.. I will come see u new year
Zoo mloog heev li os😊😊😊
Koj lub suab thiab los lus tham tau txhua2 zaj dab neeg zoo mloog kawg
Kuv nyiam txog tej kev ua neeb ua yaig li no kawg li os thiab kuv nyiam mloog txog ntxoov yia thaum kuv mloog mas kuv yeej pom zem zuag ntawm qhov muag mas kuv nyiam mloog heev mloog tag los xav mloog dua xwb.
Zoo mloog heev li os txiv ntxawm ❤❤
Muab mloog los mus lawm mas khws li nyuam qhuav yog nag hmo xwb tu siab kawg😢
Kuv tos tos hv li ces zaum no tawm lawm tiag ua tsaug ntau ntau o txiv ntxawm uas kj tseem muab ib lub ntsiab lus coj los phim nrog rau ntxoov yias ua rau kuv nyiam hv li o
Ua tsaug tau mloog koj os tijlaug 🙏🙏🙏
Nice last ep. Of ntxoov Yias..tks ♥️♥️🌹🌹
Hais kom ntau zaj mam peb xav mloog kj cov dab neeg heev li o txiv hlob
Zoo mloog kawg linos txiv ntxawm fujin txhobbmaj muab xau li no e hai txuas ntxiv mu rau peb mloog laug lub sij hawm thiab lub caij nyoog kom txhob ntev ntev rau peb os thov txob maj muab xau li no os
Zoo mloog heev li ❤❤❤👍👍👍
Nice story bro, thanks 4 coming this part.
Muab qhov tseeb los tis rau qhov cuav mas zoo mloog kawg nkaus li nawj, thov qhuas koj lub suab tham lus, thia lub tswv yim.!
Zoo mloog kawg li os
peb tos2 koj cov dab neeg nploog kawg li os thov kom koj nrog peb nyob hauv youtube kom ntev2 os
Zoo mloog tiag tiag li cuag li yog tiag tiag ❤ li xav kom txhob muaj qhov xaug xwb
Zoo mloog heev os ❤❤❤❤
Xyoo 1957-60 Ntxoov Yias muaj 55-56 xyoo lawm, kuv muab hais tau rov qab hais tias Ntxoov Yias muaj 44-45 xyoos no lawm xwb.
Peb yeej nkag siab zoo
Tu siab ntu no ntu kawg lawn 😢
kuv tsi xav koom ntxoov yias xaug li os 😢😢
Tu siab yuav tsi muaj ntxoov yias lm
Tus siab hais tias ntshe yuav tsi muaj ib zaj dab neeg zoo mloog npaum lis zaj nov lawm😢😢😢😢😢😮
Zoo mloog heev li os❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
nyob zoo txiv ntxawm koj cov dab neeg movie zoo kawg😊
Ntxoov yias tuag thaum tsawm xyoo lawm ❤😊
dag li dag
tuag mu tuag lo
Koj hais tau zoo heev os..
Koj cov dab neeg zoo heev li og txiv hlob
Ua tsaug nej txhua tus rov qab tig los mloog los txhawb kuv dua nawb mog.
Txiv ntawm koj tag coj dag neej nas dub mu ntxiv o
Tij laug thov koj hais dab neeg ntxoov yias mus ntxiv os 🫶
Ua li og txiv hlob
Thank you for all the great stories.
We will miss Ntoov Yias, the best story teller in the Hmong community and this story is well written and told by you! Thank you 🙏
Zoo mloog heev li os FC nawb❤
Thov koj rov tham ntsoov yias rau peb ploog og vim koj tham tau zoo ploog heev txiv hlob thov koj tiag2 li ❤❤❤❤
Kv mas nyiam koj hais dab neeg tshaj li o
Tham txuas ntxiv mus zoo mloog heev
Zoo mloog thiab lom zem heev li
Thov Piav ntxiv ma piav rau peb cov yau tom qab no tau mloog Ua kev paub thiab Os 😢😢😢 peb tos mloog ntxoov yias txhua txhua hnub Li Os
Tham ntxiv mus ma peb twb tos2 mloog os txiv ntxawg aw😊
You should definitely find a way to make it into animation action episodes.
Zoo heev li os khuv xim ua zaj dab neeg tag lawm
Koj tham dab neeg Kev sib hlub Vim kuv nyiam heev
Noooooo uncle or grandpa don't stop telling us about NTXOOV YIAS story please.... that my hero... if you stop telling us about him I'm not listening to hmong story anymore cause my hero die and there no more reason for me to listen anymore.... NTXOOV YIAS is the only one I listen to so please tell us more.....
peb ntxawm yuav tsi tau mloog li lm lov cas tu siab ua luaj oh
Lom zem heev, mloog tas kuj kaj siab ntau
Thov kom koj piav txoj dab neeg ntxoov yias mus kom ntev2 vim peb nyiam mloog heev 😢😢
Thv kj rov qab piav ntxoov yias rau peb mloog mas tseem tshuav ntxoov yias thiab cov nab dub yawg txawj leem lawv kj twb tham g tau kawg ne
Nyob zoo os hlob mloog koj hais tau zoo heev li os thov pab caum txhawb nqa kv thiab ua tsaug ntau os ❤❤❤❤❤
Thov hais tiag es peb thiab tau mlhooj ma tseem xav2 mlhooj na😢😢😢😢😢😊
Kuv tseem xav mloog heev li os tsis tau xav koj kawg li no😢❤
Nice brother thanks 4 sharing 👍👍👍
I enjoy listening to these shaman stories.
Me too!!!❤
Keeb kwm Ntxoov Yias zoo mloog heev ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙
Zoo heev li o Txiv ntxawm
Em hâm mộ anh được 7 năm rồi nên em mong anh ra nhiều video về ntsoov yias ạ
Very good i'm the first one to listen, nim no muaj qee tus hmoob tsis kam foom lus phem rau dej tshoob mus rau zaj qho lawm qee tus hmoob tshuas foom kev phem kev tsis zoo mus rau hnub coo hli kawg ntuj to qab teb to qhov kom poob rau hluav taws hlawv lawm xwb vim foom rau dej tshoob mus zaj qho hmoob yuav rov mus ce dej los haus laiv...
Ua cas es txiv ntxawm aw kuv mloog koj zaj dab neeg ntxoov yia no es kuv pom zem zuag zem zuag ntawv kuv qhov muag li os. Thiab kuv mloog zaj no tag es cas kuv pom dej nyab lub teb chaws nplog loj heev thiab los nag tsis tu li lawm. Es puas yog ntxoov yia thiab tus zaj Lia nkawv ua rog na.
@@BliaChang-dw2ho yog kawg ov
Tij zaj Lis Nyiaj Choo koj puas tau npaj yuav tham os xav mloog lawm 🎧👍
Ntxoov yias yog ib zaj dab neeg zoo mloog❤❤ muaj ntau Hmoob cov keeb kwm.
so sad to hear the end of the most listened, most loved, character base on Hmoob history....i still cant let go...😭😭😭
Kuv nyob sab pas dej tauv 516, koj zaj dabneeg no kuv kuj hnov tej laus pias ploj loog lawm thiab. Nyob ntawm tus dej Naab tub muaj ib lub roob loj muaj ob lub pas zaj loj kawg nyob saum roob...
Tu siab me ntsis, tab sis txog lub sijhawm zaj dab neeg yuav tsum xaus
Tij laug kj tsis hais kj zaj dab neeg ntxoov yias thiab tsov tswv xyas ua rog tom lub zos tiaj mqeeb lawm los..... peb tseem xav xav mloog ntxiv os
nteeev ntev koj tsi tham dab neeg lawm es ho mus koom koos loos lawm og hlob ntxoov yias" los rov los koom mlog nrog koj thiab nawb
Xav mloog koj cov dab neeg xwb os yij laug. Xav kom koj txua ib cov dab neeg muaj ntsiab lus zoo los rau peb mloog yam tsis tu ncua li vim koj cov dab neeg muaj keeb khawm thiab tham tau zoo mloog heev li
ua tsaug os mog
Tij laug txhob maj tsum o tseem xav mloog ntxoov yias mus ntxiv os
hais mạ kuv nyiam nong heev 😢
Zaj dab neeg ntxoov yias no muaj peb hmoob li keeb kwm zoo heev nyob rau hauv zaj dab neeg ntxoov yias
Zoo siab os txiv txawm zaum no ces peb saus
Keep on going with Ntxoov Yias or Yawg Txawj Leem. I think stories like these definitely capture the young audience's attention therefore inspire them to learn and keep our culture alive. Thanks for all you do and don't listen to the naysayers.
Ua cas Ntxoov yias ho tss rog vaj pov ntaus tsov rog mam😢
Txiv hlob tsis xav kom koj muab zaj dab neeg no xau li o vim zoo mloog heev li xav kom koj tham tas li xwb o
Very nice job brother
Ua tsaug tij hmong bedtimes stories ua koj tseem siv kuv zaj music kuv played no rau ntxoov yias Theme song...THANK YOU
Zoo heev o tij ❤❤❤❤
I think you must to continue telling this story going for us please
tuam leejkuab thiab ntxoov yias dab neeg hmoob yog txhais taw xis thiab laug xwb, ua li hmoob puas yuav neej ua lod?...
Please continue ntxoov Yias story
Zoo mloog heev
Tij ca koj g hai cov dab neeg sib hlub ed kom muaj ob peb part li zaj niam nkauj cuab cuas lm na tij
Zoo heev os❤
Zoo heev li os xav Nyob li no mus li
This one is zoo heev 👍
Why are you ending Ntxoov yias series? It’s the best series I’ve heard on UA-cam. You should keep it going brother. We enjoy listening to it.
Kuv nyiam ntxoov yias heev li
Dab neeg Ntxoov yiaS tsis xav mlooj li os xav mlooj nkauj nraug xb
Zoo ploog kawg li os Txiv hlob
Can you turn phaj ej lee lue into many parts of story ? I know he fly and fight thousands of time in the air. I believe if you can break down each time he fly to battle the hmoob people will love to listen.
Just a ideas
Txiv hlob zaj no kujj zoo thb tab si cov ntsiab lus tss zoo mloog pes tsawg lm feem ntau tss mj qhov zoo li cov tag los lm hov ntau lm os txiv hlob
Tham tau tu siab kawg li
Yog ua cas ho tsi tham lawm og tseem xav xav mloog twb tsi qhuav li og😢
Tu siab kawg tag lawm
❤❤ I love your stories
Tham tau zoo heev tab kuv xav ma koj muab tham ua lwm tu phaj ej lub npe e pib phaj 1-2-3-4mu zuj zu tej zaum yuav ok dua vim kuv rov qab qee li lawm os F C hmong Laos hai qhov twg yuam kev thov txim nawb txiv ntxawm
New listener to this story, is there a playlist? Is there a time-line of the events?
Sorry I didn’t put them in order but the very first Ntxoov Yias episode was starting from 2015