Chasun was my first wind nat 4 back in the day and I'm so glad she got buffed because my rookie mistake was feeding her with devilmons long time ago when I was a freaking noob LOL
So you used the fire cookie against a guy who ignores all dmg reduction effect when she puts the shield up. Usually she'd reduce all damage taken by her defense while that S3 is up. Carcano just doesn't care lol. I'm happy to see a few niche units getting some love though.
@@xxkilla she absorbs way more dmg then i ever thought possible. ive seen her tank a hit on a defense broken unit from a masha and somehow reduced it to 0.
Sorry guys video starts 6:20
Ignore from 2.20 till 6.20 😅
Chasun was my first wind nat 4 back in the day and I'm so glad she got buffed because my rookie mistake was feeding her with devilmons long time ago when I was a freaking noob LOL
Haha we all made a similar mistake back in the days 😂😂
She's back baby 💯💯
Great video and i enjoyed watching the new buffed siege units in play.
Op bro 💯💯
So you used the fire cookie against a guy who ignores all dmg reduction effect when she puts the shield up. Usually she'd reduce all damage taken by her defense while that S3 is up. Carcano just doesn't care lol. I'm happy to see a few niche units getting some love though.
Yer I made a mistake there but I'm very happy with her, really nice unit 💯💯
@@xxkilla she absorbs way more dmg then i ever thought possible. ive seen her tank a hit on a defense broken unit from a masha and somehow reduced it to 0.
15:10 he is talking facts
OMG the GOAT queen Chasun is back, I miss those days years ago
She's actually good now 💯💯
Yo the audio is broken at 15:10
1min in the video he mentions it
@@kxi._.5765didn’t pay attention mb
LoL 😓
When u put ur last siege on ytb ?
In the next 2 days bro, sorry for delay. The interserver arena video and and this video delay it 😓
u said "2nd Part of this Video is muted sorry".
The First Minutes of this Video (after explain) ist "muted" aswell xD
Aww really ?
Dam, you right. I forgot to edit it out. Very strange I remember doing it 😅😅
@@xxkilla😄😄 much love bro
😅😅 so embarrassing, next vidz not muted 😂😂
@@xxkilla i got u. If that every happens i flame you :)
Make khumn Theo chasun great again
Lmao, remember those days 💯💯
@@sergeiivanov5739although you are 100% correct I want to be a pest and just say A.I is smarter now lol.
I used chasun to counter dark shizuka. With her buff, she's became much better
Chasun nice now again 💯💯
Finally,but where asia/main siege?I am starving for content
Haha sorry for delay bro, no need to worry coming in next 2 days and more even after 💯💯
@@xxkilla Its okay bro I know your time is tight
Will be waiting patiently
@TC-uh2xf haha bro was gonna drop it today but I'm gonna save it 1 more day but the weekend will be op with siege vidz