Hi Paul, we'd like to challenge you in a friendly quest to take count of how many plastic straws you encounter on a daily basis! You might be surprised by just how many you do in fact use, even if you don't ask for a plastic straw. And, regardless of opinion on that number, the fact remains that zero % of plastic straws are recyclable.
Here's the legislation that states that waiters can be fined for passing out unsolicited straws. leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1884
Error404pgNotFound Yep and sent to prison! Will there be a straw cop at every establishment that sells beverages?! I'm taking my Silly Straws with me from now on! 😉😁
So what? Plastic is cheaper, more durable and ultimately more green to produce than paper or bamboo straws. We are not helping ourselves or the environment with this feel good politics...
Lost me right at the beginning with "we use 500 million plastic straws per DAY" metric. Highly unlikely. There are only 325 million people in the U.S. So 500 million would be 1.5 plastic straws per DAY or 547 straws per YEAR for every man, woman, child & baby in the U.S.
Hi Dev, we'd like to challenge you in a friendly quest to take count of how many plastic straws you encounter on a daily basis! You might be surprised by just how many you do in fact use, even if you don't ask for a plastic straw. And, regardless of opinion on that number, the fact remains that zero % of plastic straws are recyclable.
I'm sorry but this is SO freaking ridiculous!!! A server will have to watch out for the Straw police or worried that a customer will report the server or the establishment for handing out a straw! And scaring these employees, owners to constantly watch what they do! Aren't plastic straws recyclable? Next they'll tell us how many squares to use from the toilet paper, or only use one tissue a day or month even if you're balling your eyes out or sick with a bad cold!! I need to move to another planet! 😉
Hi Jeanette, plastic straws are not recyclable. Also, did you know that only 9% of plastic is ACTUALLY recycled. That means that 95% of plastic ends up in landfills and in our environment.
lets not forget it was the enviros that pushed plastic everything to save the trees
Haha! What a great way to help people become aware of our plastic straw addiction!
>500 milion plastic straws per DAY
Actual number = 999 billions of billions per nanosecond
All plastic straws have been banned by the government in Medellín, Colombia!
how many straws were used in the making of this video??
No new plastic straws were used in the making of this video :)
This is a great ad! Why aren't there more views???
Because people know it's liberal insanity
kanodogg Jeezus.krist
because this is ridiculous
Bring's new meaning to "That's the last straw!"
Ha, yes!
Check this video out!
Next up: Outraged octopussies to protest in front of straw factory.
One would think that by now they would have gone back and edited out their fake 500MM straws stat.
Hi Paul, we'd like to challenge you in a friendly quest to take count of how many plastic straws you encounter on a daily basis! You might be surprised by just how many you do in fact use, even if you don't ask for a plastic straw. And, regardless of opinion on that number, the fact remains that zero % of plastic straws are recyclable.
So what's this thing about waiters getting a $1000 fine for offering unsolicited straws?
Here's the legislation that states that waiters can be fined for passing out unsolicited straws. leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1884
Error404pgNotFound Yep and sent to prison! Will there be a straw cop at every establishment that sells beverages?! I'm taking my Silly Straws with me from now on! 😉😁
I got this straw guy, works out of an alley on 37th and 10th. Best damn straws on the West Side. Very, very discreet.
It's really not that impractical, as a waiter I can attest that most servers wouldn't mind having one less thing to bring to customers.
I love my straws, I double up
Just so long as they're reusable! :) strawlessocean.org/alternatives
So what? Plastic is cheaper, more durable and ultimately more green to produce than paper or bamboo straws. We are not helping ourselves or the environment with this feel good politics...
Lost me right at the beginning with "we use 500 million plastic straws per DAY" metric. Highly unlikely. There are only 325 million people in the U.S. So 500 million would be 1.5 plastic straws per DAY or 547 straws per YEAR for every man, woman, child & baby in the U.S.
Hi Dev, we'd like to challenge you in a friendly quest to take count of how many plastic straws you encounter on a daily basis! You might be surprised by just how many you do in fact use, even if you don't ask for a plastic straw. And, regardless of opinion on that number, the fact remains that zero % of plastic straws are recyclable.
I'm sorry but this is SO freaking ridiculous!!! A server will have to watch out for the Straw police or worried that a customer will report the server or the establishment for handing out a straw! And scaring these employees, owners to constantly watch what they do! Aren't plastic straws recyclable? Next they'll tell us how many squares to use from the toilet paper, or only use one tissue a day or month even if you're balling your eyes out or sick with a bad cold!! I need to move to another planet! 😉
Hi Jeanette, plastic straws are not recyclable. Also, did you know that only 9% of plastic is ACTUALLY recycled. That means that 95% of plastic ends up in landfills and in our environment.
lie couldnt be more false