Just to make it clear - I think the JU-88 is completely unnecessary on a map like Fjell 652. You can take it out with a fighter but still, the infantry are super exposed and get farmed all day long. Super frustrating to die to and takes VERY little skill to use.
Small arms against planes needs to be more effective and AA less effective. If everyone collectively shot at a bomber flying by like in BF1 you can deter them. Right now unless you get on an AA you are completely ineffective towards planes.
@@tbirdfan93 Sadly It is both the least useful to have planes, and the best map for planes because of the mountains. It really should have been a plane only game mode on this map like we had in BF1 and BF 1943.
Quite True, had a team on The Marita Frontlines, and they had the better side purely because the 13 or so recons didnt spot or were sat back being useless lol
Well spotting is almost nonexistent in bf5 compared to the other bfs. And there isnt much of a ground to air relationship between planes and infantry if you know what i mean. There aren't many ways for your team mates on the ground to signal your plane. It sucks really. Really you just gotta kinda predict where they are. Best way i do it, if the enemy has just capped a flag then theyre most likely still there. If its been capped for awhile, then most likely theyre running to the next closest flag. After awhile you start to realise troop movements and your predicting gets better
@@12redpeg Medics REVIVE teammates, which affects directly the number of tickets left for your team. Did I really need to explain this? This is a team based game.
What do you mean by accessibility ? I cant really figure out why access to vehicles in BF would be a problem? Or am I just stupid here and missing out on the proper term ?
The wood armour in battlefield since it’s a cosmetic wouldn’t do that much but in WWII tank crews said often saved their lives because it would detonate rounds before they entered the tank or could slow armour piercing rounds so much they wouldn’t go through the armour. They also used sand bags, extra track pieces, Jerry cans, and wire mess fencing to stop or nullify the first few rounds that an enemy would fire at them giving the tank crew time to react and kill the enemy tank before they died
The problem is with it, you can have one guy repair as the thing is still flying. The AA in BF1 wasn’t that powerful and had little range. No one would put effort into taking them out either
You could absolutely RINSE people in the ilya muromets, used to destroy the behemoth battleship in minutes by just hitting ceiling and lining up a run, even WITHOUT someone sat repairing it as I was out of aa range
I still play bf1, haven't seen a single Ilya perform well in a very long time. the repair seat only goes in increments of 2hp, which is nothing compared to the damage you can take. Plus the rear gun is significantly harder to aim for defense against other planes than a regular mg. attack/bomber planes >>>
On some maps Vehicles/planes should be locked on specific ones. Fjell for expamle only fighters, maybe Stukas. Bombers should be reserved for larger maps where you are not locked in a couple chocke points and/or can bomb down vehicles.
I just love this bomber. If you learn all choke points of infantry and spawn points you can get pretty high kills and salt in the chat. 3200 kills with it :')
That's my favorite when teammates actually start pinging the enemy, I feel like I'm actually playing the objective and helping the team. I think I had someone with a spotting scope helping me out in breakthrough, when that happens you can decimate the enemy.
Sometimes on grand operations i just ask some spotting flares on the objectives, when someone reads the request boom you get all spotted and multikills
For both balance and immersion, IMO there should be no third person view for vehicles, and certainly no reticule in third person. Additionally, it should take a LONG time to switch seats so that you actually need to have a gunner or end up being much more vulnerable to fighters.
Sorry to be sound stupid but how do I level up planes and tanks? Play more or kill more? I’m just getting started on bfv. And I am absolutely loving the game so far.
Yeah know what, I was actually kinda happy about the bombing reticle.. but now that you say it, it does take the fun outta things.. I remember in battlefield 4 trying to master the strafing runs with the JDAM and it was hard yes, but it was fun
The brightness "issue" may be related to HDR, since BF5 supports it. Do your monitor support HDR? In that case, the brightness can be very bright in certain maps. I also noticed you had your brightness very high, at 80. I'm using 55 and it works for every map. But that's personal preference, you might want to increase brightness on certain maps so you can see enemies better.
I really enjoyed this video Art , you're like the david attenborough of BF. Maybe you should stream. I sometimes watch jrob, maxiq,thebrokenmachine. Can you make a video to coincide with niccamans video about youtube content creation. Thought about doing it myself but work/life balance....
PC US servers here: If I jump in a bomber there are immediately three enemy fighters taking me down with enemy AA. Imo, the bombing shit got weeded out early in BFV's life and now almost no one tolerates it. At least if you aren't playing with complete scrubs
There's a complete lack of effective counters to them for ground infantry. You can continuously unload into a bomber flying directly at you with any AA weapon or vehicle in game and they can quite literally eat all of your shots and drop a bomb right on you. The AA weapons either overheat in your desperation to pound as many shots into them as you can, or you burst fire like a good lad and they still bomb you anyways. Aside from aircraft, AA weaponry is abysmal against infantry. Watching infantry happily eat 20mm, 37mm and 40mm HE shells all day long is absurd. If I recall correctly, Dice nerfed the AA weapons pretty early on, but then proceeded to over-buff aircraft, only to then dial them back to a more moderate, but still very powerful state. If you don't have dedicated fighter aircraft on your team, you're guaranteed to be harassed by a full enemy team of bombers all match.
Personally, I love the vehicle combat in Battlefield 5. They are war vehicles so in my opinion of course they should be more powerful that the infantry.
I agree with ak art. The fact is i never have red heads when im dropiny bombs an the other fact is you r the only one flying the plane your plane would move
i think the bombers are very balanced because every time im in a spitfire i seem to destroy every bomber also with the bf109 also with the bf109 when the bombers jump seats you can just shoot 2 rockets at the bomber then it's destroyed or just the 1 rocket then finish it
So, my issue with the plane gameplay is basically that as soon as someone decent gets in a fighter, you have to get in a fighter to counter them, then almost every match deteriorates into all fighters dogfighting while some butthurt jerk spawns in an AA tank or AA guns that can shoot you from anywhere on the map. It just becomes un fun. Sometimes on Xbox at least players will make a treaty where everyone in the sky just stays cool and shoots the infantry because as soon as a few decent pilots start fighting things go to hell and you get into these 5 min long dogfights where you all only get a few kills.
To answer your question. I dont enjoy flying in this game. For me it all just goes way too quick and its too hard to control. I can fly pretty well but i hardly ever get kills in a plane...
When you mentioned cosmetics I guess you could say the same about a game like overwatch, in overwatch cosmetics are huge even though it's an fps, I guess cosmetics are used to show off your identity to other players.
I’ve no problem with planes on the larger maps.. but on fjell it should have been an infantry only map like Marita it isn’t big enough.. easy mode for bombers
They've certainly noobified the planes in BFV over BF4, and I miss the whole having to wait for the plane then get in and take off thing - instead now you can just spawn straight into a carpet bomber and in third person use the guides instead of working out trajectories yourself. Considering how they've done ridiculous things like remove high-powered scopes from snipers, it seems ludicrous to give buffs to pilots.
Personally I think having carpet bombers in a Battlefield game is ridiculous. The fact that some boos can just hop in and decimate a team like that is stupid. Dice ha a good system in BF4 and BF3 with each team getting a fighter and a dedicated ground attack plane that both needed skill to use properly. In addition to ditching that formula they have done little to nothing to balance out the planes and stop them from destroying teams
As someone who used to play a lot of flight Sims I'm just not really very interested in planes in BFV. I don't just don't enjoy it compared to flight Sims. The control and gameplay is to arcady (if that's the word for it). I'd much rather play infantry.
I only play battlefield for the flyig and I got bored with this game after a few months because the flying wasn't skillful enough. BF4 and BF3 had much better planes that required a lot of practice to actually be useful. I hope they go back to that style in the next game.
Planes in BF4 were too slow for me. Especially considering they were jets. They also didn't really impact the game compared to say the Attack helo or even a little-bird. I feel at an attempt to make planes more effective they decided to make planes not only more powerful but more casual to fly. Too casual in my opinion. At times planes still feel weak especially against AA guns that have the range of 3/4 of the map. However they do feel unbalanced.
One of the main problems I feel is that the maps are too small/compact. BF has always been massive maps and they have moved to small maps with no airfields fell must be the size of an airfield in bf2. It just feels so disconnected the implementation of vehicles is terrible. I'm a total bf fanboy btw
This is why I don't bother with cosmetics. Haven't purchased an elite skin, and I never will. You never really see them, or pay attention to them. Vehicles I can maybe see the point, but for soldiers, nah.
I liked BF1, expected bfv to be more awesome cus faster planes etc, but sadly it does not feel that way at all. It could also be a bit harder imo. another thing I always believed all vehicles should be first person. screw this 3th person stuff. it's a 3rd person shooter, another thing make vehicles co-operative.
I'm not trying to belittle your skill. But the 3rd person bombing is far too casual. Just line up the circles and boom (no pun intended) It's like machine gun campers. Just promotes lazy play styles. Where a high skill ceiling is swapped out for easy gratification.
Great video! But for me, the planes in BFV are cancer, if your a half decent pilot you can bomb the shit out of the hole map and wreck up kills as easy as breathing. I also can't belive how pilots are still able to get free kills in the start of rounds from bombing start spawn, that's just straight up stupid. More plain nerf please!
Sure it's powerful a bomber is supposed to do a lot of damage like when you carpet bomb a point in War thunder The best way to make it balanced is to make it less easy to maneuver so it turns like a truck like the heavy bomber in battlefield 1 that was easy to take out but was able to do a lot of damage
@@misteronsepatro7018 Maybe on your lobbies, i play Hardcore in BF1 and those things never get picked because they get killed in like 10 sec after spawning. Objectivly the attack plane is the best bomber.
Also sry but enemy pilots was notvso good, thats why you made this party. If was there a dicent pilot the situation would be different. Bombers are a butter for fighters ez kills.
@@capolean2902 ofc your right, but you know im tired to hear that planes are op. Op is the pilots not planes. Thats why im telling him that if was there a real good pilot he probably couldnt fly, at least not so ez that he thinks. Yesterday i had 20 planes down on this map and my friend another 12, the most of them bombers, their first pilot had 10 kills and then he stoped flying. So fgs they must stop with this bullshit about op planes. About sniper campers and mmgs that crawling and ruin the game he dont say anything.
@@Azrael_wings the spitfire during this round are really flown by bad pilots who the hell is attacking a bomber while flying Straight those guy shouldn't play war thunder they would get wrecked easily
Sure it's powerful a bomber is supposed to do a lot of damage like when you carpet bomb a point in War thunder It's common sense to know that a bomber does a lot of damage
That's not the point its about a carpet bomber on a map that is heavily infantry based where the Infantry has no cover at all, also it's an objective game mode so if you're sitting on an aa gun all game you're not really doing much. Also it's a video game shit should be balanced it shouldn't be a chore to just try to get to point A from B without getting nuked on, like why the fuck does the bomber get a huge radius on its bomb? O cuz it's a big bomb..well guess what go look at the sturntiger its shell is massive but its splash dmg is low af when you compare its shell to the real thing.
@@Licmebro but this bomber is like the heavy bomber from bf1 you can take it down easily because of its size infantry players complaining about it are just not that good at the game
Plane game play is so damn boring... Take a fighter > enemy fighter sneaks up to you and kills you before you can react.. > you respawn and sneak up to him Bombers > Invincible to things it shouldn't be invincible but a single panzerfaust one shots them.. > respawn get another 40 kills.. Went back to BF1 to get more battlestars on my planes.
They should decrease the ttk between all air vehicles. Add weak points that more accurate players can use to quickly dispatch opposing aircraft. And open up the angles in which pilots in planes can be taken out.
weak points wont raise skill, it will just add an element of luck to dogfighting as most people wont actively aim for these weak points and will only hit them by chance. as for ttk, yeah it should definitely be decreased as it is much too forgiving, in addition to this a smaller fov on aircraft would make skillful maneuvers more viable and also some sort of speed control (love it or hate it) will open up a much bigger skill gap and reward skilled pilots.
Just to make it clear - I think the JU-88 is completely unnecessary on a map like Fjell 652. You can take it out with a fighter but still, the infantry are super exposed and get farmed all day long. Super frustrating to die to and takes VERY little skill to use.
Small arms against planes needs to be more effective and AA less effective. If everyone collectively shot at a bomber flying by like in BF1 you can deter them. Right now unless you get on an AA you are completely ineffective towards planes.
This map dont need planes at all buddy
@@tbirdfan93 Sadly It is both the least useful to have planes, and the best map for planes because of the mountains. It really should have been a plane only game mode on this map like we had in BF1 and BF 1943.
If it takes very little skill to use then everyone would do it
RusnakAutoDesign AA is not very effective against bombers, dmg should be increased
We also don't need 12 snipers on each team on every round but noooo we dont say anything about that.
Quite True, had a team on The Marita Frontlines, and they had the better side purely because the 13 or so recons didnt spot or were sat back being useless lol
Everytime I am on a bomber, literally NOBODY spots enemies. I don't get it.
Well spotting is almost nonexistent in bf5 compared to the other bfs. And there isnt much of a ground to air relationship between planes and infantry if you know what i mean. There aren't many ways for your team mates on the ground to signal your plane. It sucks really. Really you just gotta kinda predict where they are. Best way i do it, if the enemy has just capped a flag then theyre most likely still there. If its been capped for awhile, then most likely theyre running to the next closest flag. After awhile you start to realise troop movements and your predicting gets better
Recon class kinda sucks
@@weir-t7y Recon is the most useful class in this game, along with medics.
Barkar how are medics that useful? I felt like their almost useless after coming from bf1
@@12redpeg Medics REVIVE teammates, which affects directly the number of tickets left for your team. Did I really need to explain this?
This is a team based game.
11:35, that “what” was priceless😂😂
Bombers like this JJ-88 are a good example why BFV can't be taken seriously as a combined war BF game. "Accessibility" gone through the roof.
What do you mean by accessibility ? I cant really figure out why access to vehicles in BF would be a problem? Or am I just stupid here and missing out on the proper term ?
The wood armour in battlefield since it’s a cosmetic wouldn’t do that much but in WWII tank crews said often saved their lives because it would detonate rounds before they entered the tank or could slow armour piercing rounds so much they wouldn’t go through the armour. They also used sand bags, extra track pieces, Jerry cans, and wire mess fencing to stop or nullify the first few rounds that an enemy would fire at them giving the tank crew time to react and kill the enemy tank before they died
The Blenheim MK IF is super fun when you have the belly mounted double MG. The 360° turning for the MGs is good for squad mates as well
Nothing was so annoying as the Ilya Muromets bomber in Bf1... compared to that the bombers in BfV are fairly balanced
Herr Mann facts, I got 114 Kills and 26 deaths and 32000 score with the Ilya Mumomets in BF1
The problem is with it, you can have one guy repair as the thing is still flying. The AA in BF1 wasn’t that powerful and had little range. No one would put effort into taking them out either
You could absolutely RINSE people in the ilya muromets, used to destroy the behemoth battleship in minutes by just hitting ceiling and lining up a run, even WITHOUT someone sat repairing it as I was out of aa range
But this plane was a big target
I still play bf1, haven't seen a single Ilya perform well in a very long time. the repair seat only goes in increments of 2hp, which is nothing compared to the damage you can take. Plus the rear gun is significantly harder to aim for defense against other planes than a regular mg. attack/bomber planes >>>
I remember the "zerging" on Nivelle Nights in BF1 was abysmal. The map became unplayable.
I found the planes to be a lot easier in Bf1, the warstory really helped me get accustomed to the flying
Compared to bf5 the bf1 flying lacks in dynamic. Bf5 flying is about as good as it gets.
I love watching Art’s videos not only because of the constant uploads, great content but also because of his voice. It’s very comforting to hear
On some maps Vehicles/planes should be locked on specific ones. Fjell for expamle only fighters, maybe Stukas. Bombers should be reserved for larger maps where you are not locked in a couple chocke points and/or can bomb down vehicles.
Love these live gameplays aka! Great commentary and awesome gameplay! Wel done 💪🏻💪🏻
loved the live commentary and would really be interested in you streaming. nice video as always, keep up the great work.
What if they added a plane that had flak guns on it.
The planes in BF never change the game. The only time they did was in BF1
This was very relaxing to watch. I enjoy your voice and narration
Literally God tier boomerism
I just love this bomber. If you learn all choke points of infantry and spawn points you can get pretty high kills and salt in the chat.
3200 kills with it :')
JU-88 is like paper now, small enemy plane takes it out less than 5 seconds usually. It has massive nerf now
Bomber crews in Rush/Grand Operations taking out side objectives and fortifications highlighted by teammates would've been amazing. *big sigh*
That's my favorite when teammates actually start pinging the enemy, I feel like I'm actually playing the objective and helping the team. I think I had someone with a spotting scope helping me out in breakthrough, when that happens you can decimate the enemy.
Sometimes on grand operations i just ask some spotting flares on the objectives, when someone reads the request boom you get all spotted and multikills
You remind me of FRANKIEOnPC with the soothing commentary lol. I love your videos!
What happened to Frankie
@@ThePeoplezElbow you killed him
JU 88 with cluster bombs now. B-2 bomber with nukes in BF6.
still loving bf4
For both balance and immersion, IMO there should be no third person view for vehicles, and certainly no reticule in third person. Additionally, it should take a LONG time to switch seats so that you actually need to have a gunner or end up being much more vulnerable to fighters.
I love this plane so much, I went 70-18 on Hamada breakthrough last night with it. The ventral mount guns are my favorite vehicle upgrade in the game.
Awesome man😱👍🔥⚡
Me flying a bomber = infantry safe and sound. No really.
DICE should take out the ability to repair for planes. let them land to be able to repair.. makes them stay away from AA and be more tactical
Sorry to be sound stupid but how do I level up planes and tanks? Play more or kill more? I’m just getting started on bfv. And I am absolutely loving the game so far.
its like poker game..no defence against small planes..in one sec you are down waiting another one hour to take the other one
mosquito can easily take the out the Ju, everytime it gets on my tail, it takes me down faster than I can switch seats
Yeah know what, I was actually kinda happy about the bombing reticle.. but now that you say it, it does take the fun outta things.. I remember in battlefield 4 trying to master the strafing runs with the JDAM and it was hard yes, but it was fun
I think they should remove bombers from this map and keep the fighter planes only
Fighters are actually the best planes. There is an ex competitive pilot that gets 70+ kills on basically every map with fighters.
i hate this battlefield map. dice should rework it
Or just remove it
No it needs to be removed. The visibility is terrible
The brightness "issue" may be related to HDR, since BF5 supports it. Do your monitor support HDR? In that case, the brightness can be very bright in certain maps.
I also noticed you had your brightness very high, at 80. I'm using 55 and it works for every map. But that's personal preference, you might want to increase brightness on certain maps so you can see enemies better.
Great video. The only this I should add is first person cosmetics can be amazing for camouflage in certain maps
Now you see me
I really enjoyed this video Art , you're like the david attenborough of BF. Maybe you should stream. I sometimes watch jrob, maxiq,thebrokenmachine. Can you make a video to coincide with niccamans video about youtube content creation. Thought about doing it myself but work/life balance....
PC US servers here: If I jump in a bomber there are immediately three enemy fighters taking me down with enemy AA. Imo, the bombing shit got weeded out early in BFV's life and now almost no one tolerates it. At least if you aren't playing with complete scrubs
hey is there bf4 campagne background music in the begining
There's a complete lack of effective counters to them for ground infantry. You can continuously unload into a bomber flying directly at you with any AA weapon or vehicle in game and they can quite literally eat all of your shots and drop a bomb right on you. The AA weapons either overheat in your desperation to pound as many shots into them as you can, or you burst fire like a good lad and they still bomb you anyways. Aside from aircraft, AA weaponry is abysmal against infantry. Watching infantry happily eat 20mm, 37mm and 40mm HE shells all day long is absurd. If I recall correctly, Dice nerfed the AA weapons pretty early on, but then proceeded to over-buff aircraft, only to then dial them back to a more moderate, but still very powerful state. If you don't have dedicated fighter aircraft on your team, you're guaranteed to be harassed by a full enemy team of bombers all match.
Always thought squad leaders should be able to put markers down for aircraft. just as an extra level of communication.
Personally, I love the vehicle combat in Battlefield 5. They are war vehicles so in my opinion of course they should be more powerful that the infantry.
Every time I get in a bomber on this map I get raped by the entire enemy air force
New to the channel ! Love this gameplay Nd Audio
Got a sub and like !
Do you do more air gameplay ?
Crisp Audio quality 🔥
The Mosquito missiles are awesome but the anti armor gun build is likely to be superior in most cases.
Thats a powerful plane.
I agree with ak art. The fact is i never have red heads when im dropiny bombs an the other fact is you r the only one flying the plane your plane would move
Hi. What's the best settings for flying as I'm struggling with the mouse. Love your content mate watch it all the time!!
@AKA-ART I know you’re a good tanker and would love a tutorial on how to play aggressively with tanks in bfv
Zerging "Starcraft" reference
How do you get your camera to function like that's? Mines always fixed to the aircraft
Vehicle body type "coming soon".
This plane needs to get balanced, it takes too much to take just one down.
I like using the 16 bombs and waffenbehalter guns. The guns arent as effective on infantry as they should be but they absolutely destroy other planes
If you got a maxed out fighter plane in bfV, you can take a bomber out quick even thought they shoot back👍🏻
This is totally an innovative game!
I went 85-0 on twisted steel breakthrough with the ju88 in 15 mins 😂
No one spots period on Xbox. One thing I miss about bf1 as a pilot
i think the bombers are very balanced because every time im in a spitfire i seem to destroy every bomber also with the bf109 also with the bf109 when the bombers jump seats you can just shoot 2 rockets at the bomber then it's destroyed or just the 1 rocket then finish it
So, my issue with the plane gameplay is basically that as soon as someone decent gets in a fighter, you have to get in a fighter to counter them, then almost every match deteriorates into all fighters dogfighting while some butthurt jerk spawns in an AA tank or AA guns that can shoot you from anywhere on the map. It just becomes un fun. Sometimes on Xbox at least players will make a treaty where everyone in the sky just stays cool and shoots the infantry because as soon as a few decent pilots start fighting things go to hell and you get into these 5 min long dogfights where you all only get a few kills.
so true
Battle field 3 and 4 are 👌
Your voice is relaxing
I am playing it, airplanes is very helpful and i see that. many times we was stuck and the airplane help us to continue
To answer your question. I dont enjoy flying in this game. For me it all just goes way too quick and its too hard to control. I can fly pretty well but i hardly ever get kills in a plane...
planes existed in this battle but would have been a lot higher
What's your fov?
When you mentioned cosmetics I guess you could say the same about a game like overwatch, in overwatch cosmetics are huge even though it's an fps, I guess cosmetics are used to show off your identity to other players.
I’ve no problem with planes on the larger maps.. but on fjell it should have been an infantry only map like Marita it isn’t big enough.. easy mode for bombers
They've certainly noobified the planes in BFV over BF4, and I miss the whole having to wait for the plane then get in and take off thing - instead now you can just spawn straight into a carpet bomber and in third person use the guides instead of working out trajectories yourself.
Considering how they've done ridiculous things like remove high-powered scopes from snipers, it seems ludicrous to give buffs to pilots.
,,, And silk road music in the background
Personally I think having carpet bombers in a Battlefield game is ridiculous. The fact that some boos can just hop in and decimate a team like that is stupid. Dice ha a good system in BF4 and BF3 with each team getting a fighter and a dedicated ground attack plane that both needed skill to use properly. In addition to ditching that formula they have done little to nothing to balance out the planes and stop them from destroying teams
i think going back to a modern battle field will fix the bomber problems lol
As someone who used to play a lot of flight Sims I'm just not really very interested in planes in BFV. I don't just don't enjoy it compared to flight Sims. The control and gameplay is to arcady (if that's the word for it). I'd much rather play infantry.
Iam Happy If I can stay in the Sky for More than 1 min...
this hackers is still insanely plentyful in bf5...
I almost never use bombers but I love fighters I've got around 1200 kills in fighters
I've got over 4000 in fighters
I only play battlefield for the flyig and I got bored with this game after a few months because the flying wasn't skillful enough. BF4 and BF3 had much better planes that required a lot of practice to actually be useful. I hope they go back to that style in the next game.
does anyone fly on default settings/controls? for PC, they feel awfully un-intuitive
Planes in BF4 were too slow for me. Especially considering they were jets. They also didn't really impact the game compared to say the Attack helo or even a little-bird. I feel at an attempt to make planes more effective they decided to make planes not only more powerful but more casual to fly. Too casual in my opinion. At times planes still feel weak especially against AA guns that have the range of 3/4 of the map. However they do feel unbalanced.
How in the hell are you the only one flying?LOL. On PS4 I have 4 Spitfires on my ass in seconds.
One of the main problems I feel is that the maps are too small/compact. BF has always been massive maps and they have moved to small maps with no airfields fell must be the size of an airfield in bf2. It just feels so disconnected the implementation of vehicles is terrible. I'm a total bf fanboy btw
This is why I don't bother with cosmetics. Haven't purchased an elite skin, and I never will. You never really see them, or pay attention to them. Vehicles I can maybe see the point, but for soldiers, nah.
I liked BF1, expected bfv to be more awesome cus faster planes etc, but sadly it does not feel that way at all. It could also be a bit harder imo. another thing I always believed all vehicles should be first person. screw this 3th person stuff. it's a 3rd person shooter, another thing make vehicles co-operative.
lol just change your camera view
Attack jets in bf4 is the best i used to anal fist the enemy team with jdams 😁
slow down drop 500kg first and dive with 50kg
I'm not trying to belittle your skill. But the 3rd person bombing is far too casual. Just line up the circles and boom (no pun intended)
It's like machine gun campers. Just promotes lazy play styles. Where a high skill ceiling is swapped out for easy gratification.
Vehicles have skins
Great video! But for me, the planes in BFV are cancer, if your a half decent pilot you can bomb the shit out of the hole map and wreck up kills as easy as breathing. I also can't belive how pilots are still able to get free kills in the start of rounds from bombing start spawn, that's just straight up stupid. More plain nerf please!
That spitfire at 1:51 is a really bad pilot how dafuq you attack a bomber in Straight line ??
KD 70/4 if you missed it @ 13.32
Sure it's powerful a bomber is supposed to do a lot of damage like when you carpet bomb a point in War thunder
The best way to make it balanced is to make it less easy to maneuver so it turns like a truck like the heavy bomber in battlefield 1 that was easy to take out but was able to do a lot of damage
That thing in bf1 was too easy to take out. I don't think I've ever seen one drop a full load.
@@_AriseChicken jackfrags made a video about this bomber and in operation it was easy to make a lot of kills while being an easy target
@@misteronsepatro7018 Maybe on your lobbies, i play Hardcore in BF1 and those things never get picked because they get killed in like 10 sec after spawning. Objectivly the attack plane is the best bomber.
@@_AriseChicken that's why bombers like that need to do a lot of damage while being easy to take out
Also sry but enemy pilots was notvso good, thats why you made this party. If was there a dicent pilot the situation would be different. Bombers are a butter for fighters ez kills.
i mean you cant choose whether you wanna fight pros or noobs
@@capolean2902 ofc your right, but you know im tired to hear that planes are op. Op is the pilots not planes. Thats why im telling him that if was there a real good pilot he probably couldnt fly, at least not so ez that he thinks. Yesterday i had 20 planes down on this map and my friend another 12, the most of them bombers, their first pilot had 10 kills and then he stoped flying. So fgs they must stop with this bullshit about op planes. About sniper campers and mmgs that crawling and ruin the game he dont say anything.
@@Azrael_wings i understand what you're saying agreed to a certain degree
@@capolean2902 ofc my friend
@@Azrael_wings the spitfire during this round are really flown by bad pilots who the hell is attacking a bomber while flying Straight those guy shouldn't play war thunder they would get wrecked easily
Sure it's powerful a bomber is supposed to do a lot of damage like when you carpet bomb a point in War thunder
It's common sense to know that a bomber does a lot of damage
That's not the point its about a carpet bomber on a map that is heavily infantry based where the Infantry has no cover at all, also it's an objective game mode so if you're sitting on an aa gun all game you're not really doing much. Also it's a video game shit should be balanced it shouldn't be a chore to just try to get to point A from B without getting nuked on, like why the fuck does the bomber get a huge radius on its bomb? O cuz it's a big bomb..well guess what go look at the sturntiger its shell is massive but its splash dmg is low af when you compare its shell to the real thing.
@@Licmebro but this bomber is like the heavy bomber from bf1 you can take it down easily because of its size infantry players complaining about it are just not that good at the game
Idc what anyone says, blenheim IF is the best bomber
Plane game play is so damn boring...
Take a fighter > enemy fighter sneaks up to you and kills you before you can react.. > you respawn and sneak up to him
Bombers > Invincible to things it shouldn't be invincible but a single panzerfaust one shots them.. > respawn get another 40 kills..
Went back to BF1 to get more battlestars on my planes.
They should decrease the ttk between all air vehicles. Add weak points that more accurate players can use to quickly dispatch opposing aircraft. And open up the angles in which pilots in planes can be taken out.
weak points wont raise skill, it will just add an element of luck to dogfighting as most people wont actively aim for these weak points and will only hit them by chance. as for ttk, yeah it should definitely be decreased as it is much too forgiving, in addition to this a smaller fov on aircraft would make skillful maneuvers more viable and also some sort of speed control (love it or hate it) will open up a much bigger skill gap and reward skilled pilots.