Should be noted that when you get into the vehicle you stashed for this File, you can’t get out of it until you reach Fort Zancudo. So don’t drive so erratically that you wind up stuck in a tree with no way to back up.
Nah, or else you'd have done it. The only issue is sometimes the last guard before the cover is blown drops his gun after dying, and let's off rounds, which will fail Objective 2.
Should be noted that when you get into the vehicle you stashed for this File, you can’t get out of it until you reach Fort Zancudo. So don’t drive so erratically that you wind up stuck in a tree with no way to back up.
Why you didn't destroy the empty vehicle as soon as collected the scarab?
Wouldn't it be faster?
It always fails me on the get to the place undetected but i did what u did
Nah, or else you'd have done it. The only issue is sometimes the last guard before the cover is blown drops his gun after dying, and let's off rounds, which will fail Objective 2.