One thing to point out with the Gladiator kit is that it makes the Lancer, Reaper, Valiant variants AND makes the Impulsor kit as well, and DOESNT need magnets to swap between all variants, just a tiny bit of press-stick. That makes it a great buy for anyone, even if they're only looking for an Impulsor currently. I would rather spend the extra $8 for a kit that can swap between four units, than just buying the standard Impulsor.
The thing with the gladiator is it is essentially the closest thing you can get to a 'value' kit from GW without buying a discount box because it is able to make effectively 4 datasheets without really any magnetisation needed. My gladiators have been rotating between Impulsors and Lancers most of the edition and if the Reaper for example came good I can quickly switch them to that.
Phobos Librarian also probably got a boost from the Phobos combat patrol that released in White Dwarf. I know I personally picked mine up because he was the only model I was missing for that patrol and I doubt I'm the only one
Its Crisis Suits. As far as i heared, Taub players need a ton of them 😉 (Its not like Most have a Secret Tau Army in the celing in that White Box... 😅)
Something to remember is that 10th invalidated a huge number of peoples existing Crisis Suits that were not magnetized. Of the 6 non-magnetized I own, none have strictly legal WYSIWYG loadouts, as they were all built with 3 weapons.
@@dexionsgamingcorner310 Hmmm yeah but literally zero tournaments out there force any WYSIWYG rule. The last time i saw any event whether it was semi-comp or comp enforce any WYSIWYG rule was in 7th like 10 years ago. Matter of fact, i dont think i've played a single player in the last 7 years in any format that ran WYSIWYG, its for sure a dead rule.
The issue is that Crisis suits are a scam. The reason they're so high up on the list is that there aren't enough guns in the box to equip a force with all of one gun (for example, six flamers): you need to buy at least two boxes just to have enough for two different units. Then their point totals are stupid cheap which incentivizes you to buy a shitload of them.
I don't even need to watch this video to know that the Skatros is definitely numero uno and there's a bunch of other AdMech models on this list too. Right? Right everyone? .... Ri... rig... right?
Speculation on the Phobos Librarian: he can be combined with the Vanguard Task Force box to make the alternative 10e marine combat patrol from White Dwarf.
I got so sick of being told "rules dont effect sales" when i worked there to quantify their decision to not properly play test. But on the flip side most of the production costs are recouped in the first month of a kit comming out because people buy the new shiny regardless, so gw largely don't care so long as 'some' are being sold
At the prices currently they only need to sell five kits to break even. Six takes them firmly into the black for the remainder of the quarter. The plastic actually costs them pennies to the dollar price tag.
Im honestly surprised War Dogs weren't on the list! They are a really common ally for a lot of CSM armies, and they are also an auto take/major part of the majority of Chaos Knight lists!
I bought the Horus heresy assault marine kit for not much more than a single box of jump intercessors, except now I can field two squads of them. I was able to kit bash the parts for the other Sgt so no problemo here’s two for basically the cost one one
Wargame Portal is NOT a good source for sales data, they carry a fairly limited product range at any given time, so if they decide to only stock up on product "A", then shocker of shockers, "A" becomes one of their top sellers. Right now for example they have a grand total of ZERO Custodes, Sororitas, or Militarum products. NONE. Sure if they decide to stock up on a few Leman Russ tanks, it's going to become one of their top 25 products. Respectfully, this series is bad for the credibility of the channel if you keep using their data.
The only reason they sell so many Inceptors is because they're designed so badly. I have six that are broken apart. I've glued and reglued the support strut so many times. Im about ready to just glue them to the ground
I 3d printed a smoke trail for them from cults3d, everybody that has seen them likes them. I'd check that out if you can find somebody to print for you. I printed them fdm and it worked great
For a kit seen being popular for a 30k fitting right in to 40k for it price. The 30k MK3 , MK4 and Mk6 kits were popular for a store i get my mini from. For about 100$ CAN you can get a MK4 tactical squad from 30k to make 2 full 10 man CSM legionare squad . COmpare that to the 40k price for the same 10 unit squad . 2025 goal : try to get more rhino's , predator's tank and vindicator as support vehciles. For 10th edition they are good models for their point worth in a 2k list.
I had trouble getting a chaos landraider, ended up getting lucky with a second hand one from my LGS. I'm surprised nemesis claw wasn't on the list considering it took 4 months to fulfill my my order.
It's their supply not meeting the demand. They may be one of if not the most popular kit for the faction right now, but they just don't seem to ever make enough. Our search data, mirrors a lot of this top list as well, Deathshroud are not an often sought after model but tend to be overbought when they are.
@ they are easy to mag the main gun, so i have done that, however SM does not lack for options on chaff clearing, since their buff even basic intercessors can do thay now, but the macro plasma incinerator is better into tougher stuff and is actually pretty efficient for elite infantry, think terminators or custodes, and even does ok up into tanks etc so that is what they are most often loaded up with
Surprising BT are so high on this list with how few players they actually have. I wonder if it’s kitbashing or just a quirk of the store being more popular amongst people who play them.
I will be seriously pissed if they get rid of tanks, further disadvantaging CSM players. We already only have a ¼ to a ⅓ of the stuff Marines have. Taking half of our viable 12 units away would be just peachy.
He said he was going to focus on stiff that didn't release this year, for kroot that only leaves 3 units, the main one which was also in the new intro box for kroot. So I don't think they would of shown up anywhere.
@@Robjec53 usually when new stuff releases old stuff gets picked up which why I expected something not expected like the stealth suits to be there. I expected like the farstalkers or something.
@BaeBunni Edit: I was wrong about when farstalkers came out. I was thinking of a different model, but @Baebunni is right, it is over the time limit and cool models with new rules.
@BaeBunni you're right right. For some reason I was thinking of the flesh shaper I think kill teams did bad overall here. I am not sure why, maybe the price point? Buying kill teams medley always feels kind of bad.
Surprised no sister units. But also we didn't get anything new or special. Did clear put a few of the older boxes as they came out. But skipped this holidays. Arco repentia and rhino's was stuff I had enough of and didn't need.
Ah so this is the Meta over the last year, Tank and Monster spam, needing ungodly tanky transports, hordes of Infantry if that failed, and a couple of new models.
what exactly were you expecting? You just mentioned tanks, monsters, transports, and infantry. Like, that's basically everything in the game lmao ofc they're all gonna be in this list
Killa Kans were so hyped but between the huge base size and how rather mid thier performance is, the hype died fast. However, some GREAT kitbashes came out during this time so we can make some real snazzy walkers to at least look great as they get scooped.
Can somebody explain the inventory issue games workshop has? Their products are selling out left and right, and they like money, so why wouldn’t they just expand production of the products they keep selling out on? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that space marine stuff will sell out more, so making more models is a good idea
I really like that rules sell models. As a hardcore collector of faction X I have amassed a large collection of models over the years and I like that I can spend 30-60 hours on a model or unit that will see table time. When it goes out of fashion, I’ll paint up something else, adding to the awesomeness. Everything has its time in the sun. We’ll done GW!
This data is completely meaningless when large parts of the range are out of stock for extended periods of time. All it means is the items in stock sell more than the ones that aren't. Congratulations, you've wasted your time and everybody else's.
I wonder just how much money GW lost by there being absolutely NO Land Raider Redeemer kits available for six months. I know I would've pulled the trigger, but then I was over it.
I'll admit to a certain amount of disappointment that a Primaris tank is in the #1 slot, those things are without exception ugly models. That said, the Gladiator is probably the more tolerable one and at least it has a vaguely reasonable number of guns compared to the general abomination that is the Repulsor. I was pleased that a Predator got a cameo in SM2 near the end, at least.
I know I'm just going to look dumb, but I'm honestly surprised about how well various Space Marines units did on this list. Obviously, they have always been, and will continue to be, the iconic "face" faction of 40k, so it isn't exactly shocking, and there's more to purchases than tournament performance, but Space Marines have just SUCKED for so much of this last year. If you were playing Astartes, you were probably playing Divergent Chapters, and while several of them can certainly use the choices from the SM codex, like Land Raiders, Hellblasters, and the like, they just didn't seem as popular as whatever unique units earned each of these Chapters their own book, instead of slumming it with the Raven Guard, White Scars, and Salamanders. I can see Ultramarines using Land Raiders, the Marine variants, and such, but until the recent change to their rules, where they tried to develop actual value, versus additional unique units, and detachments, it just didn't feel like people were actively playing them, as so many factions, with newer rules, seemed to be performing better than the poster boys. It's nice to see, of course, and now that their rules are shoring up, those numbers will probably only increase, but this list was, thankfully, not simply the meta-chase I might have expected it to be.
Space Marines make up more than 50% of every order we make with Games Workshop, every time. There are some times where marines equate to more than 80% of those orders. Most of the more "niche" faction purchases follow the rules and "meta." For instance, Canoptek Wraiths were constantly selling earlier in the Necron release cycle, then fell off when they got a small nerf, and cratered upon further nerfs. Space Marines on the other hand sell despite their lack of good rules and meta status. It's been that way since we started really, it's the most collected faction/model range out of any that we sell, period.
I'm not surprised at the Gladiator kit selling so well because the Lancer is a blatantly overpowered unit that's been hiding out in a mid-low tier faction, if any other army in the game had Lancers it would have been nerfed to hell and back ages ago. Could you imagine guard with vanquishers that hit on 2+ and re-rolled every step when firing? It's the only unit that I see consistently make its points back and then some in the shooting phase because the damage its capable of is so ridiculous for the fact that it's only 160 points.
Not really a great analogy tbh vanquisher guns arent the best, they can already hit on 2s, and they can already reroll the wound roll. The really crazy thing about the lancer is that for basically the same price point you get double the attacks while retaining similar speed and durability.
@@aqz7603 To get a Vanquisher to hit on 2+ you need set up and to expend a valuable TC or Lord Solar order, the Lancer only has to worry about heavy, or can just get a techmarine to boost them if they want to move as well. The Vanquisher ONLY rerolls wounds and only if they're a vehicle or monster, if you miss the hit or roll low on damage then you're expending a command re-roll, meanwhile the Lancer is going to re-roll both on at least one of its attacks. The point of the Vanquisher comparison is because everyone would complain if Guard was capable of the same BS, the way it's currently designed it's practically impossible to not get damage through with the Lancer because there's a rule to bail you out every step of the way, not to mention the unnecessary double tap which leads it to having 50% more maximum damage over the Vanquisher, and also gets around those once per game abilities to negate damage since it comes in two halves. No other faction gets this kind of training wheels to avoid the player from getting a feels bad moment when their big gun doesn't do any damage, and just makes it suck to play against.
It's highly doubtful that it would be that much different or provide a more diverse/meaningful dataset as the total revenue for GW (which includes sells to stores like ours) is nearly double in the United States as the UK. ($143m in the UK to $270m in NA)
You say this as if they’re not already going to do it. That’s why they’re trying to sell all the old kits now so they don’t get caught with old inventory. I’m feeling like 11th edition or maybe 12th will see the reimagined land raider kit
2025 Goals: Make Centurions the number #1 selling unit. I doubt anyone else wants to buy them so I'd best get my wallet out...
Screaming Ravens for Grotmas 2025 XD
Hi paul
Maybe we will get updated centurions in 2025 ha ha ha
11th Edition all the Centurions sold, we can add them to Legends now.
They wont, they are just ugly bad sculpts. I've seen better on Etsy.
One thing to point out with the Gladiator kit is that it makes the Lancer, Reaper, Valiant variants AND makes the Impulsor kit as well, and DOESNT need magnets to swap between all variants, just a tiny bit of press-stick. That makes it a great buy for anyone, even if they're only looking for an Impulsor currently.
I would rather spend the extra $8 for a kit that can swap between four units, than just buying the standard Impulsor.
yep I just wanted an impulsor so got the gladiator kit. Probably get another one.
As a Thousand Sons player I'd see more Tzaangor discount boxes, the last few combat patrols had too many rubrics.
The year is 2027. in order to buy a thousand sons combat patrol, you must ritualistically sacrifice a box of rubric marines
My ideal combat patrol is marked with "includes 80 miniatures" with an upgrade sprue for tzangoor shamans.
Oh no, Thousand Sons models in Thousand Sons army! The horror!
The thing with the gladiator is it is essentially the closest thing you can get to a 'value' kit from GW without buying a discount box because it is able to make effectively 4 datasheets without really any magnetisation needed. My gladiators have been rotating between Impulsors and Lancers most of the edition and if the Reaper for example came good I can quickly switch them to that.
Looks like gw's sales strategy of "rules sells the modell" works well.
15:37 Auspex here from the future with 11th edition
I want to buy more Space Marine Lieutenant
Honestly I'd be pretty happy with a lieutenant in Terminator armor and one in Gravis armor!
Dw they'll make malum caedo a primaris lt. in boltgun 2 or if he cameos in a space marine 2 dlc
I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure the #1 next year is tzaangors
People love to make fun of the brick tanks but I guess people really loving buying bricks.
Phobos Librarian also probably got a boost from the Phobos combat patrol that released in White Dwarf. I know I personally picked mine up because he was the only model I was missing for that patrol and I doubt I'm the only one
Crazy that a Tau unit is THIRD! I thought we were a niche faction...
Its Crisis Suits. As far as i heared, Taub players need a ton of them 😉
(Its not like Most have a Secret Tau Army in the celing in that White Box... 😅)
Something to remember is that 10th invalidated a huge number of peoples existing Crisis Suits that were not magnetized. Of the 6 non-magnetized I own, none have strictly legal WYSIWYG loadouts, as they were all built with 3 weapons.
@@dexionsgamingcorner310 Hmmm yeah but literally zero tournaments out there force any WYSIWYG rule. The last time i saw any event whether it was semi-comp or comp enforce any WYSIWYG rule was in 7th like 10 years ago. Matter of fact, i dont think i've played a single player in the last 7 years in any format that ran WYSIWYG, its for sure a dead rule.
The issue is that Crisis suits are a scam. The reason they're so high up on the list is that there aren't enough guns in the box to equip a force with all of one gun (for example, six flamers): you need to buy at least two boxes just to have enough for two different units. Then their point totals are stupid cheap which incentivizes you to buy a shitload of them.
you should make a video of GW with LFGS, limited stock and extremely slow delivery dates.
Citadel Skulls is quite popular too if including any GW kit
If GW ever just released Deathwatch Terminator shoulder pads, they'd be selling thousands in no time.
I don't even need to watch this video to know that the Skatros is definitely numero uno and there's a bunch of other AdMech models on this list too. Right?
Right everyone? .... Ri... rig... right?
Who's gonna tell him?
I'm not gonna tell him.
Speculation on the Phobos Librarian: he can be combined with the Vanguard Task Force box to make the alternative 10e marine combat patrol from White Dwarf.
I got so sick of being told "rules dont effect sales" when i worked there to quantify their decision to not properly play test.
But on the flip side most of the production costs are recouped in the first month of a kit comming out because people buy the new shiny regardless, so gw largely don't care so long as 'some' are being sold
At the prices currently they only need to sell five kits to break even. Six takes them firmly into the black for the remainder of the quarter. The plastic actually costs them pennies to the dollar price tag.
@saintmayhem9873 most of the costs is the development and moulds. Not the materials
Phobos Librarian is the best way to make a Judiciar, especially if you have some Stormcast Eternal bits for the sword (relic tor kit I think)
The gladiator sales are also helped a tiny bit by the fact that it also builds the Impulsor if you just don't glue down the gun turret and back cover.
Makes sense why GW is so reluctant to put the Crisis suits in any discount box and they'll drop the Commander in one at every given chance
Im honestly surprised War Dogs weren't on the list! They are a really common ally for a lot of CSM armies, and they are also an auto take/major part of the majority of Chaos Knight lists!
I wasn't even aware anyone tracked this
As someone who started because of SM2, I did buy the Redemtor Dread because of its role in the game.
Always enjoy when you do this
The humble rhino... Chaos edition.
I'm surprised that the Astra Militarum tank upgrades isnt at the top of the list. I bought so many earlier in the year.
I think jump intercessors are lower as a lot are converting them with 3d printed jump packs
I bought the Horus heresy assault marine kit for not much more than a single box of jump intercessors, except now I can field two squads of them. I was able to kit bash the parts for the other Sgt so no problemo here’s two for basically the cost one one
I wonder how the Horus Heresy kits compare to these, all flavors of space marines and guards can use HH units in 40k
Very interesting that there were almost no ork kits on this list (technically not since there were only grots)
Wargame Portal is NOT a good source for sales data, they carry a fairly limited product range at any given time, so if they decide to only stock up on product "A", then shocker of shockers, "A" becomes one of their top sellers.
Right now for example they have a grand total of ZERO Custodes, Sororitas, or Militarum products. NONE. Sure if they decide to stock up on a few Leman Russ tanks, it's going to become one of their top 25 products.
Respectfully, this series is bad for the credibility of the channel if you keep using their data.
The only reason they sell so many Inceptors is because they're designed so badly. I have six that are broken apart. I've glued and reglued the support strut so many times. Im about ready to just glue them to the ground
I 3d printed a smoke trail for them from cults3d, everybody that has seen them likes them. I'd check that out if you can find somebody to print for you. I printed them fdm and it worked great
I stuck mine on a piece of old coat hanger
I have 6. 3 are glued to the ground itself. I’ve always hated the flight stands
For a kit seen being popular for a 30k fitting right in to 40k for it price. The 30k MK3 , MK4 and Mk6 kits were popular for a store i get my mini from. For about 100$ CAN you can get a MK4 tactical squad from 30k to make 2 full 10 man CSM legionare squad . COmpare that to the 40k price for the same 10 unit squad . 2025 goal : try to get more rhino's , predator's tank and vindicator as support vehciles. For 10th edition they are good models for their point worth in a 2k list.
I had trouble getting a chaos landraider, ended up getting lucky with a second hand one from my LGS. I'm surprised nemesis claw wasn't on the list considering it took 4 months to fulfill my my order.
As difficult as it is to find Deathshroud Terminators these days, I'm convinced that it's actually the number one highest selling
It's their supply not meeting the demand. They may be one of if not the most popular kit for the faction right now, but they just don't seem to ever make enough. Our search data, mirrors a lot of this top list as well, Deathshroud are not an often sought after model but tend to be overbought when they are.
Rhinos can't be the best 'selling'. Rhinos are free.
Hallo there just here to wish all a early happy new year and a late Christmas
: )
4:23 just grabbed a Proteus to proxy as one!
I got into 40k coz of Space marine 2 and I'm definitely getting a redemptor dreadnought to lead him to the slaughter
They are always useful, I always run at least 2
@@randalthor832 what weapons do u use? And I got 2 brutalis's for now
@ they are easy to mag the main gun, so i have done that, however SM does not lack for options on chaff clearing, since their buff even basic intercessors can do thay now, but the macro plasma incinerator is better into tougher stuff and is actually pretty efficient for elite infantry, think terminators or custodes, and even does ok up into tanks etc so that is what they are most often loaded up with
@@randalthor832 fair enough, thanks for the info
Thunderwolfs are goofy. There I said it.
Surprising BT are so high on this list with how few players they actually have. I wonder if it’s kitbashing or just a quirk of the store being more popular amongst people who play them.
I will be seriously pissed if they get rid of tanks, further disadvantaging CSM players. We already only have a ¼ to a ⅓ of the stuff Marines have. Taking half of our viable 12 units away would be just peachy.
2 things 1 surprised kroot is nowhere, didn't think the line was selling that badly, and 2 was not surprised aeldari was no on the list.
He said he was going to focus on stiff that didn't release this year, for kroot that only leaves 3 units, the main one which was also in the new intro box for kroot. So I don't think they would of shown up anywhere.
@@Robjec53 usually when new stuff releases old stuff gets picked up which why I expected something not expected like the stealth suits to be there. I expected like the farstalkers or something.
@BaeBunni Edit: I was wrong about when farstalkers came out. I was thinking of a different model, but @Baebunni is right, it is over the time limit and cool models with new rules.
@@Robjec53 the farstalkers was 2023. Again which is why I thought it would sell more.
@BaeBunni you're right right. For some reason I was thinking of the flesh shaper I think kill teams did bad overall here. I am not sure why, maybe the price point? Buying kill teams medley always feels kind of bad.
The Phobos Librarian could have ranked up with the Vanguard Task Force as Combat Patrol with White Dwarf 496
Surprised no sister units. But also we didn't get anything new or special. Did clear put a few of the older boxes as they came out. But skipped this holidays. Arco repentia and rhino's was stuff I had enough of and didn't need.
Ah so this is the Meta over the last year, Tank and Monster spam, needing ungodly tanky transports, hordes of Infantry if that failed, and a couple of new models.
what exactly were you expecting? You just mentioned tanks, monsters, transports, and infantry. Like, that's basically everything in the game lmao ofc they're all gonna be in this list
@@aqz7603lmao I was just about to comment the same thing. “Ungodly tanky transports, hordes of infantry” bro you just described 40K.
I bought three phobos lieutenants for my raven guard army.
I thought the maleceptor had to be in stock for them to be top selling. I had to have one printed
I bought so many Cadian Shock Troops this year. I think I got 60+ for my army.
No unified chart at the end showing the difference between this list and last year? For shame!
Killa Kans were so hyped but between the huge base size and how rather mid thier performance is, the hype died fast. However, some GREAT kitbashes came out during this time so we can make some real snazzy walkers to at least look great as they get scooped.
"exocrine often getting spammed" is incorrect wording here. they're often used as they're the best gun we have.
Can somebody explain the inventory issue games workshop has? Their products are selling out left and right, and they like money, so why wouldn’t they just expand production of the products they keep selling out on? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that space marine stuff will sell out more, so making more models is a good idea
I really like that rules sell models. As a hardcore collector of faction X I have amassed a large collection of models over the years and I like that I can spend 30-60 hours on a model or unit that will see table time. When it goes out of fashion, I’ll paint up something else, adding to the awesomeness. Everything has its time in the sun. We’ll done GW!
I cannot, for the life of me, find a Taurox anywhere. They're sold out just about everywhere
Must be 30K units, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS OoS!!
Name a clearer indication that we're living in so-called interesting times of moral and societal decay than this Tau unit being in the top 3.
Was good to see 6 boxes of Korps at the local. Still some on the shelf a week later too.
As a Tau player this is vindication 😊
I am surprised to see the gladiator that high. Mostly because the sculpt is sorta... ugly.
Great video thanks for sharing 👍🇬🇧🍻🍻🍻🍻
This data is completely meaningless when large parts of the range are out of stock for extended periods of time. All it means is the items in stock sell more than the ones that aren't. Congratulations, you've wasted your time and everybody else's.
Not a unit but rather the blood angels combat patrol
Why you gotta upload at 2 am for me i gotta sleep
I wonder just how much money GW lost by there being absolutely NO Land Raider Redeemer kits available for six months. I know I would've pulled the trigger, but then I was over it.
Aren't all the Landraider variants in one box now?
Am I the only one who read "best SMELLING warhammer units"? Could be a fun video...
I'll admit to a certain amount of disappointment that a Primaris tank is in the #1 slot, those things are without exception ugly models. That said, the Gladiator is probably the more tolerable one and at least it has a vaguely reasonable number of guns compared to the general abomination that is the Repulsor.
I was pleased that a Predator got a cameo in SM2 near the end, at least.
Gladiator kit also builds the Reaper, Lancer, and Impulsor. 4 in 1. That's why it sells so good. Minimal magnetizing which is nice.
I know I'm just going to look dumb, but I'm honestly surprised about how well various Space Marines units did on this list. Obviously, they have always been, and will continue to be, the iconic "face" faction of 40k, so it isn't exactly shocking, and there's more to purchases than tournament performance, but Space Marines have just SUCKED for so much of this last year. If you were playing Astartes, you were probably playing Divergent Chapters, and while several of them can certainly use the choices from the SM codex, like Land Raiders, Hellblasters, and the like, they just didn't seem as popular as whatever unique units earned each of these Chapters their own book, instead of slumming it with the Raven Guard, White Scars, and Salamanders. I can see Ultramarines using Land Raiders, the Marine variants, and such, but until the recent change to their rules, where they tried to develop actual value, versus additional unique units, and detachments, it just didn't feel like people were actively playing them, as so many factions, with newer rules, seemed to be performing better than the poster boys. It's nice to see, of course, and now that their rules are shoring up, those numbers will probably only increase, but this list was, thankfully, not simply the meta-chase I might have expected it to be.
Space Marines make up more than 50% of every order we make with Games Workshop, every time. There are some times where marines equate to more than 80% of those orders. Most of the more "niche" faction purchases follow the rules and "meta." For instance, Canoptek Wraiths were constantly selling earlier in the Necron release cycle, then fell off when they got a small nerf, and cratered upon further nerfs. Space Marines on the other hand sell despite their lack of good rules and meta status. It's been that way since we started really, it's the most collected faction/model range out of any that we sell, period.
I dont know many people who play 40k and dont have a SM army,
The prices are true rip offs.
The gladiator, really? It’s so ugly.😂
Infernus marines for sure!
I feel like everyone gets them from the starter sets
The more the whales buy from GW, the more the company can justify anti-consumer rackets.
Easy now, don’t let my buying impulses impact you all.
U know the new dreadnought design is bad when a dreadnought is not even in top 5.
Add a comment...😅
Armiger class.
auspex with the honey scam coming out and you using affiliates maybe you should tell people to uninstall honey.
War thunder sales model
Wow this is just kinda sad, almost everything is imperial, yuk
The best selling stuff is whatever have the best rules. Filthy meta chasers
I'm not surprised at the Gladiator kit selling so well because the Lancer is a blatantly overpowered unit that's been hiding out in a mid-low tier faction, if any other army in the game had Lancers it would have been nerfed to hell and back ages ago. Could you imagine guard with vanquishers that hit on 2+ and re-rolled every step when firing? It's the only unit that I see consistently make its points back and then some in the shooting phase because the damage its capable of is so ridiculous for the fact that it's only 160 points.
Not really a great analogy tbh vanquisher guns arent the best, they can already hit on 2s, and they can already reroll the wound roll. The really crazy thing about the lancer is that for basically the same price point you get double the attacks while retaining similar speed and durability.
@@aqz7603 To get a Vanquisher to hit on 2+ you need set up and to expend a valuable TC or Lord Solar order, the Lancer only has to worry about heavy, or can just get a techmarine to boost them if they want to move as well. The Vanquisher ONLY rerolls wounds and only if they're a vehicle or monster, if you miss the hit or roll low on damage then you're expending a command re-roll, meanwhile the Lancer is going to re-roll both on at least one of its attacks. The point of the Vanquisher comparison is because everyone would complain if Guard was capable of the same BS, the way it's currently designed it's practically impossible to not get damage through with the Lancer because there's a rule to bail you out every step of the way, not to mention the unnecessary double tap which leads it to having 50% more maximum damage over the Vanquisher, and also gets around those once per game abilities to negate damage since it comes in two halves. No other faction gets this kind of training wheels to avoid the player from getting a feels bad moment when their big gun doesn't do any damage, and just makes it suck to play against.
This is specifically what the US demographic is buying tho, would Element Games not let you see the sales data Auspex? 😅
It's highly doubtful that it would be that much different or provide a more diverse/meaningful dataset as the total revenue for GW (which includes sells to stores like ours) is nearly double in the United States as the UK. ($143m in the UK to $270m in NA)
I wish people would stop buying the old Rhinos and Land Raiders so that we could get updated kits for them.
Saw a friend building one this year and it looked awful to build. And I thought Eldar antigrav tanks were bad. 😅
You say this as if they’re not already going to do it. That’s why they’re trying to sell all the old kits now so they don’t get caught with old inventory.
I’m feeling like 11th edition or maybe 12th will see the reimagined land raider kit
Other hobbyist are buying printers.
An irrelevant amount of people have printers.
Not fan of the Gladiator (ugly tank model) but i understand why people buy it.