33 WEEKS ULTRASOUND, 33 weeks pregnant ultrasound, pregnancy ultrasound

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2023
    What will your baby's belly look like at this week of pregnancy? It's almost out of room! To give you a rough idea, here is a very interesting ultrasound.
    The size of the baby in this week is like that of a cabbage.
    We explain how your body is evolving at 33 weeks of pregnancy and how your baby is growing.
    Your Baby's Development.
    In these last few weeks before delivery, the billions of developed neurons in your baby's brain are helping him or her to learn about the in-utero environment - your baby can listen, feel, and even see somewhat. Your baby's eyes can detect light and the pupils can constrict and dilate in response to it.
    Like a newborn, your baby sleeps much of the time and even has rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the sleep stage during which our most vivid dreams happen!
    Your baby's lungs are almost completely matured. Fat will continue to build on your baby's body for protection and warmth. Babies gain a good deal of their weight in the final few weeks before birth.
    Your Body.
    With labor and delivery only 2 months away, you may be considering how you'll cope with pain during childbirth. Commonly used ways to help manage pain include breathing techniques such as those taught in Lamaze classes; pain-relief medicines given through injection; and epidurals, where doctors can give an anesthetic through a soft, thin catheter placed in the lower back.
    Whatever your choice, the more you know, the better informed your decision will be. You don't have to decide yet, but discuss your choices with your health care provider soon.