For these years the mother always gives the growing children piles of corn meal and only about one tablespoon of vegetable. While she eats mainly vegetable with just a smaller amount of cornmeal. Makes no sense. The children are growing and need nutrition, they actually work equally as hard as the mother, then also walk to school and study
42:10 Chucky washing her hand in the drinking water she rubs the spoon around her feet just no manners it really is disgusting shes as bad as her sister Birma .
Oh my god I've never seen anything like that in my life 😮its like a lizards tongue so large and pointed as you say just like her mothers cant stop watching 😮
I think that mother puts her hands on all her kids even Umala off camera. I've seen her yell and raise her hand at Bruno and he ran. They all her victims of abuse not just Bissoma. She shows love on camera but when we are not watching she's different. No one escapes that mother anger she needs help.🇺🇲
Someone need to get the kids but soon the man get off the camera 📸 the mother want to whoop the kids they don't even go to schools with dirty clothes or take bath
Esta señora como que no quiere a la niña la ignora siempre nunca se ve que abrace a sus hijos oh que los asee solo gritos y gritos los niños deben estar limpio de su cuerpo y de ropa no los deja disfrutar su infancia solo trabajo y trabajo además los niños no tienen la obligación de hacer tanto trabajo ella es quien debe hacer más trabajo también ella siempre anda sucia también
12:46 Wow, this mother has no manners. Instead of saying excuse me Umala please move to the side. Mother just shoved her!!! She's a Monster Mom alright!!!
So little food for bissoma, monster you are a witch, you are worse than a stepmother, makes me wonder, how can you treat bissoma like this it's cruel, and you are still shoveling food into your screaming mouth, 👹
Birma has a injured leg she's limping and forced to work and prepare food for the family. Here is where Bissoma can help her sister thank God Bruno helped. How come no one feels any sympathy for her rather than still call her names. How do we know what that mother did to her off camera. I've seen her raise her hand at Birma and she cowered down..Whenever Bissoma gets a spot on her face we accuse the mother. Only comments are why Bissoma don't have enough food on her plate does she look like she's starving. Instead our hearts should go out to each one of these kids they all are abused. Physically emotionally and psychologically. Abuse is abuse.🇺🇲
True. But when bissome had both eyes swollen shut and all of them including the parents sat there and they all laughed at her or when she fell and cut her head no one babied her. There was so many times where she is abused and the mom never hid it from the camera and the haters on this page still call her names and think it's funny. Yes they all get abused but Bissome gets it the most.
It sickens me when people say it’s their culture. No, it absolutely is not. I watch other families from same village, and they are very clean. Just as poor, but clean. Also, very loving to their children.
Мамаша,не отдаляй Биссому,приласкай ее,скажи ей ласковые слова,в старости твоей именно Биссома будет за тобой ухаживать,потому что у Биссомы доброе сердце.Пойми наконец то.Пусть Аллах,услышит мои молитвы,Аумин❤❤❤
12:45 I’ve noticed a strange unnatural sound starting to come from mom’s mouth while angry and hurting others. It’s usually just saved for Bissome but now the evil sounds are used while mad in general.
Stop having children if you can’t take care of them or love them the only one she cares about is the little brat she has a weird relationship with the smallest child
@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbtu deberías ir ah cuidar ah la gritona y caprichosa de Humala y ponerte ah trabajar con Birma para q alimentes ah nuestra hermosa de Bissome ❤❤❤
Это летнее видео ,соединили к нынешнему,вы ж видите мать без куртки в короткими рукачики ,зеленые брючки у бирмы ,А сейчас они снимались зимой ,Биссом выросла волрсы густые ,и сама рослая стала ,бирма в пестрых штаназ куртке ,все одеты как капуста
Она постоянно даёт Бессомэ меньше всех и всегда даже зелёную подливу даёт меньше, а за Умалой следит и постоянно подкладывает. Между детьми разводит распри,Бирма приспосабливается, и иногда получает вкусняшку, а Бессомэ не может хитрить и ей всегда достается и от матери и старших.
The horrible mother discriminates against Bisome, she gives all the other children plenty of food but not Bisome, did anybody notice how little potatoes she give to Bisome and to the Boy and baby girl gave plenty, I hope Bisome someday leaves this home and find a new family that will love her , I wish I could adopt her but I know is unrealistic.
27:48 poor birma……where did you learn to eat like this. 44:08 she then carelessly throws her unwanted food into the community drinking water 😦. 48:11 why does the cameraman not say anything to her?
@@OTOTTOROHi Totoro ❤. It’s 10 AM. I was up in the middle of the night so I slept in. Time to feed my hungry cats 🐈⬛ 🐈⬛🐈⬛🐈. How is your night shift going?
@@OTOTTOROI actually remember her saying that to Adal. But at the time the ‘teacher’ was really frustrating me! I didn’t realize at the time I’d grow to be such good friends with Adal.
Thương gia đình bé quá .khoai tây lên mầm sẽ có độc tố gây bệnh .youtube .bảo cô ấy đem phơi ngoài cho khô ráo .không bỏ trong bao ẩm ướt.cắt tóc ngắn cho bé gái .có nước tắm rửa sạch sẻ.cầu mong cho họ được bình an mạnh khỏe
This lady is frustrated see how she pushed Umala out of the way. I know there is a lot of things they can do to make their lives easier but they are stuck in tradition and time. And refuses to change.🇺🇲
Бирма добрый и отзывчивый ребёнок. В свои восемь лет ты уже многое умеешь и понимаешь. Я уверена что твоё трудолюбие и твои знания тебе пригодятся. Здоровья тебе крепкого и в будущем жизни 🌹 полегче.
Umala is 3 and Bissome not Bison as the hater calls her is only 5. Bissome and Umala are only 18 months apart. So how do you get 3 and 7 😂😂😂. It's not hard to add. But maybe for some it is.
@@jackiedecoteau3699 у меня нет вашего перевода и не надо больше вводить смуту по поводу возраста детей. Ваше мнение по годам детей кому сколько. - ошибочно поэтому не пишите ерунды.
OMG DID YOU ALL SEE the mother taking bugs out of her daughter hair 😮😮😮😮😮😮poor girl .. please take those kids away from that awful dirty mother I hope you keep your kids away
Umala burada biraz daha büyümüş görünüyor.Anneye benziyor.Şımarıklığı ile küçük monster. başka birşey olmaz ondan.Oğlan da köpek boğazlı Umalanın önünden tabağı çevire çevire yiyor Sinsi bir çocuk iki açgözlü aynı tabakta😂😂
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧ Мама положите мыло рядом с водой, чтобы дети М Ы Л И руки, а не мочили водой, разводя ципки на руках. Что вам на всех, на каждого и на весь мир наплевать, вы демонстрируете каждый день. Шокотерапия для нас, однажды закончится шоком для вас, когда заберут у вас детей.✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧
Я думаю, что не наказала. Биссома очень упрямая кстати, может настоять на своём, если захочет, и матери приходится уступать. Я думаю, что она просто не захотела кушать с Бирмой, и матери ничего не оставалось, как дать ей отдельную тарелку. Ест Биссома тоже немного, по сравнению с Бирмой и Умалой. Мама знает, как едят ее дети, соответственно и накладывает еды каждому по их потребностям.
@@ЕкатеринаБасангова-ж2нStop talking rubbish the mother deliberately knows what she's doing she loves to give Bessomi less as she cant stand her own little girl and who in hell wants to share a plate with that dirty Birma just look at that dirty girl eat would you share with her 🤮
@@MirnavamirНе бизон, а Бессома, это средняя девочка! А ты сходи к психотерапевту, может он вам поможит избавится от привычки обзывать ребенка! А хотя вряд ли поможит! Таким как ты оскорбить не в чем не повинного ребенка, что нормальным людям выпить воды!
@@LkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbА ты не заметила, зоркая ты наша, что Бессома ест из одной тарелки с Бирмой! И кладет мамаша рис на двоих, так, что не позорься и одень очки! "Справедливая" ты наша!
Umala has such a cute smile. Birma and Burno always work so hard, they get little rest, usually have to share a plate with somebody . 💔💔💔 for how hard Birma and Burno have to work, they are just children themselves💔
@@dharianaangomas3275 Why are you lifting Bessomes name in vain are you deliberately trying to confuse viewers ,its Umala who is the spoiled nasty child?
Dar tu nu ești leneșă. Tu hărțuiești până împingi copii la sinucidere cum sa întâmplat acum două zile cu Salina Pokarel . Cățeaua și hărțuitorii ei ,fix ca tine într-o zi vor fi în pușcărie. Nu se hărțuiesc copii de 13 ani Humala. Ai înțeles 🤮🤮🤮@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbrobot stricat.
Оператор болдеет чтоли от съёмок этой семьи!?смотреть больно на детей,а мать это трэшь ваще!чё цыплят не готовит детям хоть немного,?интересно у нее такая же мать была?время проходит не смотришь,потом смотришь а ничего ни меняется.пипец полный!дети помогают во всем можно из этого помещения картинку сделать,но матушке плевать,зачем столько рожать?если дети нафиг ненужны.
Очень грубая женщина 😢. Никакой ласки, рычит как зверь, дети грязные, все очень грязно. Мне 60 лет, живу в глубинке, у меня гектар земли, все вручную. Но, каждое утро трое моих внуков, просыпаемся и умываемся. Дети должны выглядеть опрятно. У моих девочек длинные волосы, расчесываем волосы около часа. Приводим в порядок жилище, потом накрываем стол. Бедно, не бедно, не имеет значения - стол должен быть красивым. А потом мыэ пашем до обеда, грязные, чумазые, опять умываемся, приводим себя в порядок перед обедом. А тут, дети видимо месяц не мылись. Да мадам и сама грязная, как поросят. Неприятно. 😢
Ca sera mieux si tu fais la cuisine pas les gosse et et arête de gronde et crier comme une folle 😡😡😡😡 parce que ont entend que ca et l'opérateur qui dépasse tout avec son souffle ont dirait que ils es au toilette 🤮😡😡😡
20:48 Holy moly, that's 😳 a lot of food mother is serving. 21:15 😮 Burma plate. 23:00 Not much food on Bessome's plate. 23:48 Greedy Bruno helped himself from Bessome plate when he had the most food on his plate. 24:3325:14 Burma stuffing her mouth while food is dropping out of her mouth eww 🤮 25:28 Mother is so freaken tight with Bessome serving 25:53 That Burma eats as much as her mother. 26:12 Mother serving Bruno and herself more foods 30:27 Burma still EATING 😮 32:24 The lil munchkin asking for more food. This kid can EAT TOO!!!
الأسف هذه ليست أنا ولا تستحق أن تكون أين رحمتها بصغارها وتنظيفها لهم وتنظيف البيت كبف تستطيع ان تعيش وتعيش صغارها في هذه القذارة والأب عديم الفائدة للأسف😢
This little girl is treated badly like a slave . Her so-called mother never gives her a kiss or cuddle, and the child is always looking at her mother for acceptance. Its so 😔
**Cuihua idiot loses her patience and shows unnecessary wrath** 12:45 Not nearly as rough and hateful as when she pushed Bizzome before. 16:20 Monster is raising her voice at her favorite son. She is crazy 😝 as usual. And YOU HAVE INJECTED AN OLD TAPE INTO THIS ONE AGAIN. LEARN HOW TO EDIT YOUR VIDEOS!
10:39 Mother making stir-fried fish 🐟, cabbages 🥬, cauliflower, and potatoes 🥔 what a combination eww. The children need to eat what their mother serves.
Doesn't seem like the mother don't care for the girl in pink I always see that she's always ignored
아이들을 씻기고 옷도 빨아서 입히세요 위생도 엉망 환경도 엉망 이가족들은 그냥 먹기위해서 사는 사람들 입니까? 어떻게 이렇게 살수있나요?
For these years the mother always gives the growing children piles of corn meal and only about one tablespoon of vegetable. While she eats mainly vegetable with just a smaller amount of cornmeal. Makes no sense. The children are growing and need nutrition, they actually work equally as hard as the mother, then also walk to school and study
There is only one holy and powerful God in the world, his name is Jesus Christ❤
. Maiali. Ma 😢. Tutto. E. X. Tutto. Non. Essere. Umani. 😅. Cavernicoli. 😮
His name is JEHOVAH GOD & His son name is JESUS CHRIST
I thought it was mostly rice?
Jesus is son of god , Mohammed is messenger of god and god is krishnaji RADHE RADHE 🇳🇵
42:10 Chucky washing her hand in the drinking water she rubs the spoon around her feet just no manners it really is disgusting shes as bad as her sister Birma .
She's a nasty little animal.
@@penelopeplummer7929She certainly behaves like one not a nice child .
So true just like her sister birma she never blows her nose😮
คุณเป็นแม่ที่ไม่มีความยุติธรรม ลูกสาวที่ช่วยคุณทำงาน ได้รับกับข้าวเะียงน้อยนิด แต่เธอตักกินแบบไม่มีความเป็นธรรม นางมารร้าย
Poor children’s hands nearly black😮
This mom is something else 😢
My Bissouma love you always ❤️
Hand not black but this is really dirty 😂😂never take shower , there water why want not take shower ... Really sad see like this 😢
@@dona7021 delete your comment because I stated “NEARLY BLACK” YOU🤡
@@dona7021 NEARLY BLACK … Read it again!
The dirty is waste u cannot wash the wash the skin is dry it is hard to take out the dirty is too late it is danger
See which of your life never know how... others.. village of shower and brush teeth...
4:07 4:54 Burma and Bruno hands ✋️ are so dirty 😳 You both need to wash your hands before cutting the potatoes 🥔 and cauliflower.
밖에 수도물이 콸콸 나오던데 왜 아이들 씻겨주지 못하나요? 더럽고 역겹네요. 부모없는 거지도 이보단 깨끗 할거에요. 부모자격 없습니다
37:22 Wow, look 😮 at Umala tongue 👅 hanging out so long like her mothers.
Oh my god I've never seen anything like that in my life 😮its like a lizards tongue so large and pointed as you say just like her mothers cant stop watching 😮
I think that mother puts her hands on all her kids even Umala off camera. I've seen her yell and raise her hand at Bruno and he ran. They all her victims of abuse not just Bissoma. She shows love on camera but when we are not watching she's different. No one escapes that mother anger she needs help.🇺🇲
Nobody saw her hitting her children. Stop talking nonsense
@@AdelineMailer I saw her giving a flying kick to Burma's face with her right feet. Burma cried with much pain.😢😢😢
@@AdelineMailer have heard her hit the brat when she hit mum with a stone ep 681
Someone need to get the kids but soon the man get off the camera 📸 the mother want to whoop the kids they don't even go to schools with dirty clothes or take bath
Yo creo que esta mujer no es normal, está mal de la cabeza, NO tendría que parir hijos 🤬
8:13 mom’s anger is aging her rapidly.
She seems very frustrated with everyone today. I can’t remember if this is newer episode.
Esta señora como que no quiere a la niña la ignora siempre nunca se ve que abrace a sus hijos oh que los asee solo gritos y gritos los niños deben estar limpio de su cuerpo y de ropa no los deja disfrutar su infancia solo trabajo y trabajo además los niños no tienen la obligación de hacer tanto trabajo ella es quien debe hacer más trabajo también ella siempre anda sucia también
12:46 Wow, this mother has no manners. Instead of saying excuse me Umala please move to the side. Mother just shoved her!!! She's a Monster Mom alright!!!
A monster
😂😂😂 она не в курсе ,что такое манера.
Я понять не могу,зачем они ходят в обуви,если они ноги вообще не моют.
Ночью или когда темно,детям страшно ходить в туалет, поэтому они ходят по нужде, прямо у порога. Всё просто в этой жизни.
Ont dirait que ils ont de tapis cher dans la maison ils ont levé le chausson devant la porte 🤣🤣🤣
А то,что холодно ходить босиком бывает ,об этом не подумали ?
Там горы,а в горах обычно холодно
Oni nisi normalni ljudi 😅
@@SA-yl6xq а ты нормальный
This is the only mother I know who actually takes food from her children.
She should be told by the father to bloody stop it.
SÍ es una hambrienta esta mujer, a los hijos les dá puro arroz🤬
Why is the oldest girl limping and she still has to do chores while she's injured..with all that been said I'm happy about them having food to eat
Because the have everything there not poor the cannot go to sleep with eat dirty is only the have and no respect no love
Not to worry. They will always have food to eat. And light brew for kids to drink too.
Poor girl
There is only one holy and powerful God in the world, his name is Jesus Christ❤
There is only one holy and powerful God in the world, his name is Jesus Christ❤❤
So little food for bissoma, monster you are a witch, you are worse than a stepmother, makes me wonder, how can you treat bissoma like this it's cruel, and you are still shoveling food into your screaming mouth, 👹
She's a horror inhumane creature ??
Monster umala she get alot food
es..she hardl gave Bissome anything but filled her plate and the others..she is a rotten person
Right treatment on bissome makes me mad
Which one is bissoma
Birma has a injured leg she's limping and forced to work and prepare food for the family. Here is where Bissoma can help her sister thank God Bruno helped. How come no one feels any sympathy for her rather than still call her names. How do we know what that mother did to her off camera. I've seen her raise her hand at Birma and she cowered down..Whenever Bissoma gets a spot on her face we accuse the mother. Only comments are why Bissoma don't have enough food on her plate does she look like she's starving. Instead our hearts should go out to each one of these kids they all are abused. Physically emotionally and psychologically. Abuse is abuse.🇺🇲
True. But when bissome had both eyes swollen shut and all of them including the parents sat there and they all laughed at her or when she fell and cut her head no one babied her. There was so many times where she is abused and the mom never hid it from the camera and the haters on this page still call her names and think it's funny. Yes they all get abused but Bissome gets it the most.
Even me I said why bissome don't help only eating no food only eating drinking moon shine she has bad behaviour know because she drink
It doesn't get any better. The children get filthier each day!
Don't forget about the parents. Mom looks like she hasn't washed her face either.
@@louracalvert5225 It is the way of life for them****They were raised up in a third world ***
@@gerriesmith5584а ты из какого мира
It sickens me when people say it’s their culture. No, it absolutely is not. I watch other families from same village, and they are very clean. Just as poor, but clean. Also, very loving to their children.
16:30 Mother and her nasty temper. Watch how Bruno ducked as mother tosses his slippers. 😂 He was afraid mother was aiming for him. 😂
Thus girl umala why don't go out and play
Мамаша,не отдаляй Биссому,приласкай ее,скажи ей ласковые слова,в старости твоей именно Биссома будет за тобой ухаживать,потому что у Биссомы доброе сердце.Пойми наконец то.Пусть Аллах,услышит мои молитвы,Аумин❤❤❤
صح كلامك بارك الله فيك
Así es Bissome la salvara y no la valora porque Humala no la va ah cuidar es una niña egoísta
12:45 I’ve noticed a strange unnatural sound starting to come from mom’s mouth while angry and hurting others. It’s usually just saved for Bissome but now the evil sounds are used while mad in general.
The sound of the devil she's evil 👿
@@lornadeans9741the sounds seem to come from the bowels of heII …
@@Tonimaroni2BeKindToAnimalsI noticed that too. It's like she's sick of her own kids.
@@jackiedecoteau3699 Exactly! I couldn’t describe it. But you just did ❤️
It looks like Lorna’s comment disappeared 😒
34:33 Old scenes...mother isn't as skinny as this anymore.
This mother, Always on top of her voice, no love ❤️ at all for her own children,
Детей много. Они её раздражают.
Stop having children if you can’t take care of them or love them the only one she cares about is the little brat she has a weird relationship with the smallest child
@@lillianameneses1163а чем странность, то что те выросли, а эта маленькая, в этом странность. Вы наверно по другому к детям относитесь
17:30 Bruno hands ✋️ is much dirtier than the rices. Omg, only once he rinse the rices. You need to do it several more times.
Разуваются как будто в доме чисто и ковры.
Bisoma nao se sente Feliz na familia tenho pena dessa menina
@@andrademaria2756feel sorry for the world we live in
😂😂😂😂 excellent
Je te jure, alors que un enclos de porc est plus propre
영양도좋지만 아이들 좀 씻어주세요 손,발 정말 불결합니다 그손으로 밥이 입으로들어갑니까 제발 비누로 목욕좀 시키세요
Nece to mama nikad uraditi posto se ona boji vide 😅
But there big the know what to do why the know when there angry want to u
크는 아이들인데 닭이라도 좀 잡아서 먹이세요!
다른 네팔유트브집은 고기 진짜 사주 먹이던데
Чтобы покормить цыплят, их не надо ловить. Их надо собрать всех.
ilk kez duydum bissimo diye çağıdığını annenin.çok şaşırdım.
Stay healthy everyone😊 love you bissome😊❤
Bissoma is not being shown. When Mom calls her to eat you can see a bruise under her right cheek. 😢
I noticed that in the last Video too 😢
She is being beaten up again 😢
Listen to Bissome crying piteously at 13:30.
Wao cuanta pena me da la pobrs bissoma, es una niña buena 😢😢😢lastima que tenga ests familia Dios ❤❤❤❤
@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbtu deberías ir ah cuidar ah la gritona y caprichosa de Humala y ponerte ah trabajar con Birma para q alimentes ah nuestra hermosa de Bissome ❤❤❤
Agree she's so different from the rest she acts like a human being sweet Bessomi ❤❤❤
La niña que cosina se llama Birna Bissoma es la otra niñita tercera la gordita
Bisoma je najbolja u ovoj fameli ❤
Bissome is the one and only one that has a kind heart ♥ 😊
Это летнее видео ,соединили к нынешнему,вы ж видите мать без куртки в короткими рукачики ,зеленые брючки у бирмы ,А сейчас они снимались зимой ,Биссом выросла волрсы густые ,и сама рослая стала ,бирма в пестрых штаназ куртке ,все одеты как капуста
Gracias por la información,si me confundí mucho así es,está mexvlFl con otro anterior
@@OTOTTORO😆😆 Good morning 🌞☕️
Что ж за мать такая нерадивая 😮, Бессоме пожалела капусты и картошки в рис положить. Чтоб тебя так дети кормили, жадная и противная мамаша 😱😱😱
Она постоянно даёт Бессомэ меньше всех и всегда даже зелёную подливу даёт меньше, а за Умалой следит и постоянно подкладывает. Между детьми разводит распри,Бирма приспосабливается, и иногда получает вкусняшку, а Бессомэ не может хитрить и ей всегда достается и от матери и старших.
@@ГалинаР-к3щ Да , к сожалению это так. Бессома для неё как чужая , она даже не разговаривает с ней, никакого внимания ей не удивляет. Жалко девочку.
Ms Buffalo and her stupidity comments 🙄
кенжа в твоих комментах не нуждаюсь, можешь не строчить свой бред.
@@ОляВидова-у5тМилева,покажи свое личеко😂😂😂
Bissome you are loved ❤
I feel like I'm in an oxygen tank with the videographer... that heavy breathing is really unpleasant to listen to
Bissome 😍😍😍😍😍😍Florzinha linda.😘😘😘
Bessomi ❤❤🎉🎉
Burma,🐷🐷 and Umala😈
Bissoma is beautiful!!❤
@@robinb.4699 She has the most beautiful little smile she is gorgeous ❤❤❤
The horrible mother discriminates against Bisome, she gives all the other children plenty of food but not Bisome, did anybody notice how little potatoes she give to Bisome and to the Boy and baby girl gave plenty, I hope Bisome someday leaves this home and find a new family that will love her , I wish I could adopt her but I know is unrealistic.
Yes we see
And if you noticed, the brat and boy are sharing their food so of course it makes sense for them to have more in their dish, geepers
27:48 poor birma……where did you learn to eat like this. 44:08 she then carelessly throws her unwanted food into the community drinking water 😦. 48:11 why does the cameraman not say anything to her?
@@OTOTTOROHi Totoro ❤. It’s 10 AM. I was up in the middle of the night so I slept in. Time to feed my hungry cats 🐈⬛ 🐈⬛🐈⬛🐈. How is your night shift going?
@@OTOTTOROlol. I just read your whole comment… have me laughing…….she is nothing compared to you my friend ❤🌺🥰
@@OTOTTOROI actually remember her saying that to Adal. But at the time the ‘teacher’ was really frustrating me! I didn’t realize at the time I’d grow to be such good friends with Adal.
@@OTOTTOROI feel so bad for you, I hope you get off in the morning and can sleep 😴 ❤
@@OTOTTOROI’m finished feeding my kitties, you’re probably back to work…..
Девочка -гость очень чистая и нарядная
She’s the one that made the kids wash their hands
아고 위생이 왜케 안좋아요 제발 엄마 소리좀 지러지마요😢
Thương gia đình bé quá .khoai tây lên mầm sẽ có độc tố gây bệnh .youtube .bảo cô ấy đem phơi ngoài cho khô ráo .không bỏ trong bao ẩm ướt.cắt tóc ngắn cho bé gái .có nước tắm rửa sạch sẻ.cầu mong cho họ được bình an mạnh khỏe
Vídeo antigo, não gravam mais
@@MariaCastro-zy6izMaria that’s not true. We’ve seen current calendars.
@@MariaCastro-zy6izdesde cuándo no se graban nuevos videos,aquí fecha 2 de marzo 2024,ayuda para salir de dudas, por favor
No tied of potatoes rice omg summer it will be cabbage
영상보는데짜증나네 아니 왜 아들한태성질내 가만이앉아서 애들시키면서 이엄마정말웃기네 그집애들같이착한애들이어디있다고 막내만빼고 화을내는지 이해할줄모르네 큰딸큰아들 내시키면서 애들공부방 이따로있어야돼는 데없으니 한구석매일같이있으니 애들도눈치보고 편치만안겠네 저러다 애들성질버리겠다 매일저래붙어있으니 엄마 때문에애들 기도못펴겠어요 에휴
My goodness,how drith is their hands,wow,
This lady is frustrated see how she pushed Umala out of the way. I know there is a lot of things they can do to make their lives easier but they are stuck in tradition and time. And refuses to change.🇺🇲
Бирма добрый и отзывчивый ребёнок. В свои восемь лет ты уже многое умеешь и понимаешь. Я уверена что твоё трудолюбие и твои знания тебе пригодятся. Здоровья тебе крепкого и в будущем жизни 🌹 полегче.
Shes 10
Igual q humala tiene 5 se llevan 2 años Humala y Bissome😊@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjb
Umala is 3 and Bissome not Bison as the hater calls her is only 5. Bissome and Umala are only 18 months apart. So how do you get 3 and 7 😂😂😂. It's not hard to add. But maybe for some it is.
@@jackiedecoteau3699 у меня нет вашего перевода и не надо больше вводить смуту по поводу возраста детей. Ваше мнение по годам детей кому сколько. - ошибочно поэтому не пишите ерунды.
@@jackiedecoteau3699 Всё верно. Разница между Бессоме Чумалой 18 месяцев. Вы правы👍
ถึงอากาศหนาวเย็นเขาสามารถต้มน้ำอาบได้ อยากเห็นคลิปที่เธออาบน้ำให้ลูกๆ
Сколько же злости в этой мамашке! Чем она кидалась в мальчика? Да с какой злостью!
Неужели в сына? Вроде на улицу что- то выбрасывала эта ведьма
OMG DID YOU ALL SEE the mother taking bugs out of her daughter hair 😮😮😮😮😮😮poor girl .. please take those kids away from that awful dirty mother I hope you keep your kids away
You see today mom dies in the video no shame
Жуки или вши ? Две разные вещи
Bu kadar kirli oldukları için izleniliyor olmalılar
Ova djeca ne rastu nimalo vazda ista
ayen! bide kadın çocuklarına nasıl bağırıyor ya kaba anne 😢😢😢
Ну и мамаша...ребятам добавки по дольке картошки, а себе навалила полный черпак😮
Она ещё Умале постоянно подкладывает!
Umala burada biraz daha büyümüş görünüyor.Anneye benziyor.Şımarıklığı ile küçük monster. başka birşey olmaz ondan.Oğlan da köpek boğazlı Umalanın önünden tabağı çevire çevire yiyor Sinsi bir çocuk iki açgözlü aynı tabakta😂😂
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧ Мама положите мыло рядом с водой, чтобы дети М Ы Л И руки, а не мочили водой, разводя ципки на руках. Что вам на всех, на каждого и на весь мир наплевать, вы демонстрируете каждый день. Шокотерапия для нас, однажды закончится шоком для вас, когда заберут у вас детей.✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧
Наказала Биссому, а теперь зовет...Жалко стало
@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjb Ну все- то ты знаешь! Слушай, а Чумала случайно не твоя дочь? Что ты о ней так плохо заботишься?
Я думаю, что не наказала. Биссома очень упрямая кстати, может настоять на своём, если захочет, и матери приходится уступать. Я думаю, что она просто не захотела кушать с Бирмой, и матери ничего не оставалось, как дать ей отдельную тарелку. Ест Биссома тоже немного, по сравнению с Бирмой и Умалой. Мама знает, как едят ее дети, соответственно и накладывает еды каждому по их потребностям.
@@sniper4444bodyaUmala could be her daughter ?
@@ЕкатеринаБасангова-ж2нStop talking rubbish the mother deliberately knows what she's doing she loves to give Bessomi less as she cant stand her own little girl and who in hell wants to share a plate with that dirty Birma just look at that dirty girl eat would you share with her 🤮
Burma, and Chucky eat like 🐷🐷🐖
Что-то одной девочке меньше всех еды досталось
Бессоме мать всегда не докладывает, у неё по отношению к Бессоме патологическая жадность и раздражение. Девочку жаль.
@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbбизон это кто? Мальчик Бруно, старшая бирма, дальше не знаю
Her name is Bissome not Bison. Such hate towards our sweet girl ❤😊❤😊❤😊
@@MirnavamirНе бизон, а Бессома, это средняя девочка! А ты сходи к психотерапевту, может он вам поможит избавится от привычки обзывать ребенка! А хотя вряд ли поможит! Таким как ты оскорбить не в чем не повинного ребенка, что нормальным людям выпить воды!
@@LkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbА ты не заметила, зоркая ты наша, что Бессома ест из одной тарелки с Бирмой! И кладет мамаша рис на двоих, так, что не позорься и одень очки! "Справедливая" ты наша!
Die Anziehsachen von den Kindern stehen vor Dreck.😢
Mak ayah mabuk, anak2 juga mabuk, kanak2 dibagi minum rice wine😱😢 ini gila 😡
Sucede muy seguir,la madre y padre muy borrachos y dejan que beban su bebida los miños
Có nước sao không tắm cho các cháu 😮 rửa tay trước khi ăn .😮
Umala has such a cute smile. Birma and Burno always work so hard, they get little rest, usually have to share a plate with somebody . 💔💔💔 for how hard Birma and Burno have to work, they are just children themselves💔
애들 손 발이 흑인 피부보다 더 검다 비소마는 불쌍해요
어찌 밥만 먹고 살아 가나요. 제발 제발 부탁 드려요 아이들좀 씻기고 옷좀 갈아입혀 주세요 영상보는사람 불결해서 역겹습니다 못보겠습니다
Talvez sejam mais puros que nós .
Los niños hacen mas que la propia madre😢😢😢ella solo sabe comer, maltratar a los tres niños mas grande, solo sabe comer y malcriar a bissoma 😢😢😢
Malcriar es humala así se llama la caprichosa
@@erikaestrada2020 yo sé que le llaman a umala a la niño más pequeño, pero, prefiero decirlo así gracias
@@dharianaangomas3275 Why are you lifting Bessomes name in vain are you deliberately trying to confuse viewers ,its Umala who is the spoiled nasty child?
Dar tu nu ești leneșă. Tu hărțuiești până împingi copii la sinucidere cum sa întâmplat acum două zile cu Salina Pokarel . Cățeaua și hărțuitorii ei ,fix ca tine într-o zi vor fi în pușcărie. Nu se hărțuiesc copii de 13 ani Humala. Ai înțeles 🤮🤮🤮@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbrobot stricat.
Zena nije normalan tesko samo ovoj djeci sanjiom kako hi matletira .
Wanita tamu makan satu piring penuh berdua kameramen , 😅 so sweet
Оператор болдеет чтоли от съёмок этой семьи!?смотреть больно на детей,а мать это трэшь ваще!чё цыплят не готовит детям хоть немного,?интересно у нее такая же мать была?время проходит не смотришь,потом смотришь а ничего ни меняется.пипец полный!дети помогают во всем можно из этого помещения картинку сделать,но матушке плевать,зачем столько рожать?если дети нафиг ненужны.
Why just showing eating all the time Show us where they sleep taking a shower etc
Que bueno que se lavaron las manos los niños, eso está muy bien, sobre todo la igiene para no enfermarse, solo les falta bañarse.
Видела на старом видео их старшую дочь подростка, умница и красавица, труженница, учится в городе
Очень грубая женщина 😢. Никакой ласки, рычит как зверь, дети грязные, все очень грязно. Мне 60 лет, живу в глубинке, у меня гектар земли, все вручную. Но, каждое утро трое моих внуков, просыпаемся и умываемся. Дети должны выглядеть опрятно. У моих девочек длинные волосы, расчесываем волосы около часа. Приводим в порядок жилище, потом накрываем стол. Бедно, не бедно, не имеет значения - стол должен быть красивым. А потом мыэ пашем до обеда, грязные, чумазые, опять умываемся, приводим себя в порядок перед обедом. А тут, дети видимо месяц не мылись. Да мадам и сама грязная, как поросят. Неприятно. 😢
Ca sera mieux si tu fais la cuisine pas les gosse et et arête de gronde et crier comme une folle 😡😡😡😡 parce que ont entend que ca et l'opérateur qui dépasse tout avec son souffle ont dirait que ils es au toilette 🤮😡😡😡
C horrible cette respiration je baisse le son perso🤮
@@soniayt5858 ça oui
20:48 Holy moly, that's 😳 a lot of food mother is serving. 21:15 😮 Burma plate. 23:00 Not much food on Bessome's plate. 23:48 Greedy Bruno helped himself from Bessome plate when he had the most food on his plate. 24:33 25:14 Burma stuffing her mouth while food is dropping out of her mouth eww 🤮 25:28 Mother is so freaken tight with Bessome serving 25:53 That Burma eats as much as her mother. 26:12 Mother serving Bruno and herself more foods 30:27 Burma still EATING 😮 32:24 The lil munchkin asking for more food. This kid can EAT TOO!!!
They eat loads 😮😮😮😮🤢🤮🤮
Pure gluttony I would say especially the mom.
The boy so greedy, 🤮
Бисиме одежда даже чище чем других детей.
Bissome es cuidadosa y apesar de estar descuidad,su mugre no es tan gruesa como sus hermanos asu edad ella trabaja como puede y la integran 😢
Bessomi tries for such a young age she's not as filthy she even eats more calmly than the others .
Бисим от слова бесит😂
الأسف هذه ليست أنا ولا تستحق أن تكون أين رحمتها بصغارها وتنظيفها لهم وتنظيف البيت كبف تستطيع ان تعيش وتعيش صغارها في هذه القذارة والأب عديم الفائدة للأسف😢
집안 대청소좀 했으면좋겠네요 구석구석 넘 지저분해요 ㅠ...
Al sve je to mama kriva sto su ovako prljavi svi ona samo misli kad ce rize jesti .
Mom thinking of eating for herself and shouting and breast feeding she enjoy to be touch other boobs
Their diet is becoming more diversified.
Не ори, мать, на детей!
Ona je njih rodila Al hi nevoli nimalo
Yes 😢✊🏻
Посмотрите на их кожу, бедные дети, их бы сейчас в парилку
Испорченное из картошки не убирают как это можно есть😂 можно отравится
Bissona nao comeu quase que nada. Será que foi castigada por este monstro?
Murma, Selfish, and Aet like pig,
Боже какие они грязные
Неужели нельзя памыть детей , воды полно, боже что за мать
애들좀 빠득빠득 씻기고 소리질러라
내가 보는 영상중에 젤로 더럽다
Бирма большая девочка ,что сопли нельзя высмаркать,фу тошнит смотреть их
Know I see Burma eating alot by himself bissome little not good
What’s mummy doing? Is she busy playing with the camera man? 😡😡😡😡
Bruno is a growing teenager and he works and he burns what little calories that food has. Haven't you ever fed teenagers they can eat 🇺🇲
What is boiling cornmeal. What kind of seeds in oil to cook please tell so I cook it
Ye log jaan bujh k gareeb dikhate h.. UA-cam se paise milte hi honge
Essa mulher é pior capeta porque ela não deu comida pra 3 filha deu u m pouquinho enquanto que pro pequeno ela enchia o prato
Во второй половине ролика дети сидят с отмытыми руками! Чудо свершилось!!!🎉
Втората част на видеото е от лятото,чудовището е с летен тоалет
O lord see how dirty the boy hands are and he is washing the rice please help the family to be neat and clean
This little girl is treated badly like a slave . Her so-called mother never gives her a kiss or cuddle, and the child is always looking at her mother for acceptance. Its so 😔
Why does she stick her tongue out like that while eating? None if the others do that so why does she
Боже какие руки грязные,как можно потом кушать такую еду,ведь дети уже взрослые, должны сами догадываться,что руки нужно мыть и умываться,
**Cuihua idiot loses her patience and shows unnecessary wrath**
12:45 Not nearly as rough and hateful as when she pushed Bizzome before.
16:20 Monster is raising her voice at her favorite son. She is crazy 😝 as usual.
Uşaqlarin dəriləri kirdən tutulub😢😢😢
It is ha4d know to wash until the skin dry it is nt good look at buno until finger cut no wash hand and bath
여자아이는 일을많이 해서 손이 할머니 손
같네요 게으른 여자는 큰소리만 질려고
10:39 Mother making stir-fried fish 🐟, cabbages 🥬, cauliflower, and potatoes 🥔 what a combination eww. The children need to eat what their mother serves.
Why r the hands black?