Secret Ways Of The Devil "CHANNELLING SPIRITS"

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @jordanlionofjudah3904
    @jordanlionofjudah3904 Рік тому +10

    The Bible says we to those who lead my children astray - great video HPR 🦁 and Great Owl 🦉 keep up the good work 👍

  • @jordanlionofjudah3904
    @jordanlionofjudah3904 Рік тому +2

    You guys are much number 1 refuge I just want to burn a big spliff and listen to the Great Owl and HPT all day 🦉🦁💭

  • @OneilGraham-gn7le
    @OneilGraham-gn7le Рік тому +3

    Hail fari perfect love I I message heaven said give thanks I high angels of the most high go on feed us these words are like the nicest food for the soul words of truth words of truth I I I we should all fixed our eyes only on the most high creations it is the solution to every problem on earth 🌎 this day am I right or wrong tetragrammaton did said it to the devil when he was trying to make him bow to him bow to wah dat bow to our creator alone 😂

  • @stacy-annsmall3503
    @stacy-annsmall3503 Рік тому +13

    Welcome Brother’s

  • @gracieboo6597
    @gracieboo6597 Рік тому +6

    This discussion is sooo interesting plzz forward part 2 very eye opening

  • @stacy-annsmall3503
    @stacy-annsmall3503 Рік тому +7


  • @ericataylor9794
    @ericataylor9794 Рік тому +8

    Great teaching gentleman's!

  • @shirlspark_stardust
    @shirlspark_stardust Рік тому +7

    Greetings brothers always enjoy listening to upright truth reasoning praise Yeshua Hamashiac perfect love 😊🙏🏾💚💛❤️

  • @twinpyramid5985
    @twinpyramid5985 Рік тому +5

    Blessings brothers Jerome and Ramon💯🔥🔥🔥Perfect ❤ Love

  • @Locksey
    @Locksey Рік тому +4

    Part 2 please! 😅 so much information

  • @relisbetrel
    @relisbetrel Рік тому +1

    So happy to listen to this breakdown. Thank you both for speaking on the deceptions of the enemy and the agenda that continues to be pushed. The song Demons is waking many unbelievers up because they can feel something is terribly wrong. This topic is huge and explains why things in this world are the way that they are. Perfect love my brothers 🙏

  • @abdonmanuelmartinezmartine7217

    It's crazy people claiming they know us when they don't...!

  • @jfinns13
    @jfinns13 Рік тому +1

    Faith. live it. The enemy will show its face if you krank it up. Glory. Krank it up.

  • @Goldenone1111
    @Goldenone1111 Рік тому +3

    Real talk 👍🏼

  • @ramthianthomson601
    @ramthianthomson601 Рік тому +1


  • @rtee4086
    @rtee4086 Рік тому +1

    If a person were to accept the traditional characterisation of the Christian God as omnipotent,
    Then, The obvious question cannot be ignored, Why would an all powerful God need to create
    Satan ? and if God made Satan, How did Satan and other angels become bad ? were they tempted
    and deceived like Adam and Eve ? if they were tempted, by whom ? Why didn't God anticipated
    Satan's disloyalty if he were omniscient ? ( knowing everything ), Christians believe it is possible
    for a being to possess free will and still be completely good, After all they believe this to be true
    of their God ( Jesus Christ ), he could have created Satan with a nature more like his own, it's
    either he chose to make Satan as he did or he made a mistake.
    These problem arises because as with the doctrine of original sin, first invented by Paul, Christianity is trying to overlay or forced it's newer beliefs onto a pre-existing scripture, The Jewish
    Bible/Old Testament does not teach that any angel including Satan oppose Their God, The Few
    Times Satan appears in the Old Testament, He is working under God's instructions, and he's
    described as one of God's Sons, for example, in ( Job1:6--12, & 2:1--12 ), Satan requests permission
    To test Job, and God agrees but gives Satan strict limitations, Which Satan observes, Those Jews
    practising Judaism does not Consider Satan an opponent competing with their one God,
    Christianity worship three gods, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, Judaism sees that as
    idolatry, Deuteronomy 6:4, The Lord our God, The Lord is one, Numbers 23:19, God is not a man,
    Nor a Son of Man, Isaiah 45:5, There is no God besides me, Isaiah 45:21, There is no other God
    besides Me, Hosea 11:9, Again, For I am God, and not man.
    Christianity claim That God's revelation to the Jewish people and to others, did not end with the Canonisation of the Jewish scripture, called the Tanakh, in approximately 450 B.C.E. They maintain
    That the Christian scriptures, The New Testament, which was written between the years 75 AD/CE
    To approximately the year 150 AD/CE, They claimed that these Christian scriptures was also revealed by God, and that they contain important messages for The Jewish people and others, If
    you should read the Jewish Bible which Christians called '' The Old Testament '' you will see That
    it ended with the book of Malachi, and it did not end by saying, To be continued, That is important
    To understand, But what the Church did, was to pull a fast one, ( Trickery ), by simply gluing Their
    Christian N.T. Bible on to the back of the Jewish Bible, That was a master stroke, Instead of having
    Their Christian Bible As a separate book, They attached Their Bible on to the back of the Jewish
    Bible, And claiming it is one Bible.
    It was a conjuring trick that created a visual-illusion, A perception that is not reality, Now when we
    hold up A Bible, it is one book, and it created the impression or idea, That The Bible is everything
    From Genesis to Revelation, The Jews do not accept the New Testament , and The Christians
    Claims That Their N.T. Bible, should be part of the Jewish Bible, When a person like Paul claims
    That God spoke to him, The question is, How do you know ? How do we know if someone is
    really a true prophet, How do we know ? We know it doesn't happen simply because They make the claim. especially when That person admitted that he is a Liar.

    • @relisbetrel
      @relisbetrel Рік тому +3

      The Holy spirit can answer all of your questions but some answers may not come until after we've left this earth. We must seek God in spirit without using human logic as human logic can often hinder receiving God's revelations. Our all-powerful God cannot be understood in His entirety for His wisdom goes far beyond our finite minds; He is infinite. Ask the Most High to reveal Himself to you. ❤🙏

    • @rtee4086
      @rtee4086 Рік тому

      @@relisbetrel Speaking as someone who was born into Christianity, and who
      previously believed that it was the truth, Now after years of reading the Bible
      From Genesis to Revelation, I also did deep studies into religions, and How they
      began, especially Christianity, I'm now convinced that all religions are false, along
      with the belief in God, Satan, Angels, Demons, or Spirits, I don't see any evidence
      For any of these supernatural beings in reality,
      As we discover more and more about the Laws of Nature ( Through science ) we,
      Humankind are able to explain how everything in the universe came to be in it's
      current state through purely physical means, Where does that leave God ?
      according to most religions, God is necessary, to explain what cannot otherwise
      be explained, he is the Human-made supernatural force that becomes the default
      explanation for anything we don't yet understand, ( God, if it exists, has not explained
      Anything about how the universe and nature works, But science does ),
      Every aspects of modern human life is impacted by scientific knowledge, in Health
      care, to soaps, to chemical disinfectant that destroys bacteria, to the harvesting,
      processing, storage and distribution of our foods, Transportation and Communication,
      Science contributes to ensuring a longer and healthier life, can you name one single
      Technological advancement that This God of your developed and gave to humankind ?
      Life was a lot simpler back when we didn't understand anything, and it was easy to
      Just say '' God did it '' God ( or gods )was the explanation for everything back then,
      Why did the Sun rise each morning ? God did it, Why didn't it not rain today ? God did
      it, How did we get here ? God did it, Why is there so much pain and suffering in the
      World ? God did it, let's just change the subject, God did it, explains absolutely nothing,
      Bur science tells us how and why these things happens.
      We may laugh at ancient cultures who invented gods to explain natural phenomena
      That we fully understand today, And still, some of us still cling to the God explanation
      for the few things that we currently don't have good explanations for, ( or things that
      They personally don't understand ), As our knowledge of the universe has expanded,
      we've pushed back the necessity for God as an explanation into a smaller and smaller
      Box, until he's limited to having started the whole thing in motion in the first place, But
      he hasn't really done much since, science has done a wonderful job of explaining just
      about every aspect of creation to the point that '' God '' is no longer a necessary
      explanation for anything,
      Yes, scientific theories come and go ( or get refined over time ), and some things that
      we think we can fully explain today may turn out to have a different explanation later on,
      But ( and this is probably the most important point of all ) even if every single scientific
      Theory ever advanced to explain the universe was completely wrong, There still wouldn't
      be a single bit of good evidence to believe in the God of the Bible ( Or any of the many many other gods that have been written about over the past thousands of years ). So,
      If this God of yours exists, and he wants something from me, he would tell me himself,
      I can't persuade myself to ask an entity who I do not believe exists to come into my
      life, That would be the very method of self-delusion.

    • @rtee4086
      @rtee4086 Рік тому

      Unexplained Contradictions in The Bible, and Speculations, This is guessing possible
      Answers to a question, Does Christianity encourage critical inquiry ? The N.T. never
      encourage people to check and seek proof and to verify facts, To say yes, to this
      question would be blatantly false, The only evidence we can adduce for saying yes
      has nothing to do with facts, and actually implies the opposite, ( But how did these
      Religious doctrines get communicated to us ? ), it is through words spoken by fallible
      Pastors, preachers, Christ-Mongers and Cult leaders, and by what's written in several
      Holy Books by humans, Which has many many Contradictions and Error, proving that
      A real omnipotent-omniscient God could not have inspired all of these errors in his
      Holy book, The Christian Theists, who will say yes to the question begins their case
      with ( 1st Thessalonians 5:21, which says ( in the context of 1st Thessalonians 5:19-22 ),
      '' Do not quench the spirit, Do not despise prophecies, Test all things, do what is good,
      And reject every kind of evil.
      Is Paul talking here about checking the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus ? is he
      Talking about an empirical claim ? No, he is talking about testing ongoing prophecies
      in the Church, because, back then, ordinary converts would be required to prophesy
      As a standard way of initiation in the Church, and the test he refers to is not empirical,
      but moral, in other words, he believes any prophecy that is morally good, and to avoid
      any prophecy that's morally bad, This test is the same described or alluded to by other
      New Testament writers, see for example ( 1st John 4:1--5, & 13, and 2nd Peter1:19, &
      2:22 ), No other test for distinquishing Truth of Falsehood, is ever mentioned anywhere
      in the New Testament, The Gospel of Matthew 7:15--20, has Jesus himself describe
      and promote this '' Moral '' test for prophecy, No mention is made of doing any empirical
      Research, Or doing any logical analysis or anything like that.
      To The contrary, Christians are told that false prophets will come bringing all the same
      Evidence of True prophets, just look at ( Matthew 24:23--29 ), Therefore, only a moral
      Test will tell them apart, The assumption is that false prophecy produces lawlessness
      ( Just look at our country, we have the most Churches per-square-miles, yet we have
      The world's highest amount of slaughter per every hundred thousand people ), and
      Abandonment of love see ( Matthew 24:11--12 ), This reflects the irrational group-think
      assumption that a well behaved person cannot tell a Lie, and a morally successful
      Group must have the approval of God, The only exception in the N.T. is when a false
      prophets is exposed the same way Moses proved the greatness of his God, in a contest
      of miracles see ( Acts 13:6--12 ), So it comes down to a contest of miracles, and not by
      Doing any researching or Logically Analysing what he claims, But simply by seeing
      Whose miracles work,
      No other evidence or investigation ever comes up, Nor is any evidence required to
      Convert anyone, in the most explicit instruction, John uses the same vocabulary
      As Paul when he tells Christians to test prophetic spirits by seeing whether they
      promote or stifle love, As a matter of fact, John's test is absurdly begging the question.
      '' Every Spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, And
      every spirit that does not confess Jesus, is not of God, but is the spirit of the Anti-
      Christ, '' see ( 1st John 4:1--3 ), As standards of inquiry go, This is an all-time low, The
      Only further test subsequently offered is the criterion of whether the spirit promotes
      Love or worldly desires ( 1st John 4:4--5 :13 ), Since only the former comes from God,
      Today it would not be possible to accept any of these tests as evidence, Whether
      Someone in a prophetic Trance confesses Christ and advocates love has no bearing
      At all on whether Jesus really rose from the dead,
      The fact that these Christian tests were more than sufficient for Christian Converts,
      proves exactly the opposite that they were satisfied with far, far less evidence than
      Anything we would call irrefutable evidence, So as long as people claimed to have had
      Visions of Christ telling them to love each other, and give up worldly lusts, was that
      enough to prove Christ lived ? Did they have a missionary perform some miracle
      before they were truly convinced ? No, The Christians Themselves admitted that even
      False prophets could perform the same tricks as real prophets, According to Acts 17:11,
      Christians accepted the messages '' readily '' with all willingness, They are not Sceptical,
      This shows that the only test they conducted, The only research They engaged, and
      The only fact-checking they carried out was closely examining The Scriptures on a
      Daily basis, As to Whether These things were so, And from that alone, many of these
      messages are believed, see ( Acts 17:12 ), That's it, They Check the scripture, And That
      was enough to persuade them to convert, On the spot,
      Not a single bit of any actual research was required, Nor was any engaged, No letters
      were sent, No inquires made, No empirical evidence demanded, There wasn't even an
      interrogation of the Apostles as witnesses, To the contrary, Their stories were eagerly
      believed, and as soon as what they said matched what the scriptures said, That was
      sufficient to convert everyone who did convert, And this is what the Christian writers
      praise as most noble, This is not sceptical inquiry as we understand it. Never once is
      Anyone encouraged to check, seek proof, or verify facts at all, No empirical method or
      Standard of critical inquiry gains any praise, To the contrary, Those who are brave
      enough to advocate such methods ( and the principles of reasoned doubt and investigation ) are said to be from the Devil, On the receiving end of Condemnation,
      Christianity, after all, Targeted for conversion Those who scorned the Wisdom of the
      Wise, see ( 1st Corinthians 1:17--31 ),
      Not those who cherished the forensic inquiry and standards of the super-educated
      ( Those of us who will ask questions, Those of us who demand proof, ), and This is
      born out in evident practice, As Paul could demonstrate any point he wanted by simply
      articulating a clever proof from scripture, if that fails, all he had to do was claim a
      Revelation from God, No other evidence really mattered, if he needed some further
      corroboration, he could appeal to the fact that he suffers for the faith, Therefore, he
      must be Telling the truth, and he can also perform miracles, ( Just read the book of
      Acts, it records at least 20 miracles performed by Peter and Paul ), Therefore, God
      must approve what he says, Try as hard as you want, search every verse, and not
      once will you find any other kind of evidence offered for any claim made by any
      Christian writer.

    • @relisbetrel
      @relisbetrel 11 місяців тому +1

      @@rtee4086 My love, the God I know wants a relationship with all of His creations. He doesn't want us to follow a set of rules; there's no love in that. You've studied and researched religions but a true relationship with God goes far beyond just reading. It is very intimate. Saying you can't persuade yourself to ask this "God" to show you He's real, is actually a good thing. It means there's still room for Him to show you, still time, and that your heart is still open to the possibility that God is real. We are the most intelligent species. Surely, there must be one kind we've come from and that this God would want to guide our lives. Take the Big Bang Theory for example. How can something come from nothing? Something has to have caused the Big Bang.. The God that I serve is a Spirit. Have you tried seeking any entities spiritually or have you only read books, blogs, etc.?