Zoo siab rau neb txoj kev hlub os yawm txiv thiab niam tais aw. 1,000 khuv niam txiv ces ntshe tsuas muaj 1 khub sib2 hlub li neb xwb. Thov kom neb nyob los tau nyob ua ke hos tuag mus lawm los tau tuag ua ke nawb mog.
Tus txiv hlob koj txoj kev hlub mas thiaj li khov li zeb ruaj li tsua tiag yog lwm tiam muaj tiag thov kom neb rov los sib hlub rau ntau tiam tom ntej nawb.
Love like this is rare because humans are very fickle. Appreciate stories like this because the world could use some hope right now. God bless this man and his family.
Such a beautiful love story to remind us that life is pretty simple if we all just remember to love. May you two continue your love for each other in this life and the next❤️❤️
Zaj no hais tau zoo kawg li koj yeej hlub tsim nyog lawm tiag tiag.kuv los kuv kuj tau ib tug txiv zoo zoo thiab hlub hlub kuv thiab mas ua lub neej kaj kaj siab kawg li . Twb nyob ua ke tau li 37 xyoo lawm los saib yam li twb tsis tau ntev kiag li
I appreciate my spouse but this story makes me appreciate him more. If y'all have a good significant other, please hold onto them and water your own grass, especially if they're willing to help you water the lawn with you, too.
I love this story so much! This is definitely true love. They both waited for each other and took care of each other. Nothing but nice words to each other. I only wish that my husband and I grow old to be like this ❤❤
My husband crossed the ocean to find me and then decided to stay instead of going back home for my sake. We are now in our 50s and 60s and I wish I could turn time back so we have more time together. I said to him that one lifetime isn't enough, I wish we find each other again if there's is lwm tiam. Listening to all those stories, good husbands are limited. I'm blessed that 30 years together and not even a knuckle.
Tus toj xeem ko mas siab zoo heev li os hlub kom tsim nyog qhov koj nco thiab tos nws os los cas neb yuav sib hlub ua luaj li os xav kom kuv tau ib tug txiv zoo li ko xwb os
Sister...I totally agree with you. I wished all men would be as kind and loving as this man. However, I believe the reason why we women now a days don’t get this treatment is because our husbands don’t have to fight this much for us??? That’s why they don’t know the feeling of losing someone they love..??? Just my opinion....😉😉 But I do wholeheartedly agree that if every men treats their wives like this...we wouldn’t have so much bitterness in our lives....
Grandpa, you are a great thoughtful husband. Too bad no other husband is like you. Glad that you two are together until now, that is truly love and marriage that we women would love to have and could only wish for. Love both of your life story. Bless you and her live long and healthy life, grandpa. Thank you for your story.
Koj Yog tus Neeg muaj hmoo tshaj vim koj muaj txiv toj xeem pab2 koj thiab koj thiaj li Tau Koj tus hluas Nkauj rov Los UA koj tus poj niam es Thov qhuas koj Yog tus txiv tsev Siab Zoo Heev li os mog ♥️💕
Yog ib tug txiv siab zoo zoo li no mas yeej tsim nyog qhov nws nrauj txiv rov qab los yuav kawg li. Yog yus tus txiv siab zoo li no ntshe tuag tsawg tiam los yuav rov qab los ntshiav dua
Peb mas tos ntsoov koj xwb os . Nyob hauv lub qab ntuj no yog tias peb txhua tus txhawj sib hlub li neb khub txij nkawm no xwb ntshe peb yuav tsis muaj kev nyuaj siab kiag li
Wow nrog neb zoo siab heev. Kuv hais rau koj tias ib txhia es ya nkauj nraug zoo2 los yog plan lawm ces plan mus ib sim lawm mog es koj muaj hmoo plan nws lawm tabsis kuj rov tau yam khoom uas yus twb xav tias ntshe zaum no ces ntshe yuav tsis muaj hnub tau tabsis ho rov tau yog li yuav tsum sib hlub kom tsim nyog qhov sib plan nawb mog.
Nobody is gonna take care of you except your spouse, who really loves u....if your spouse don't love you then he or she won't take care of you...respect and love for each other so u will want to take care of each other when u old.
Nyob hauv lub Neej txij nkawm ces ntshaw tus Neej hlub thiab siab ncaj xwb tiag hmoob....ntshe hauv lub qab ntuj Nov ntshe muaj koj tib leeg xwb thiaj li to taub txog txoj Kev hlub tseeb uas muaj nqis xwb lau yom
Thov qhuas koj os tus tij laug aw tsua muaj koj thiaj siab zoo xwb os thov koj tus poj niam nrog koj nyob ntev2 nrog koj os nws twb muaj hmoo los tau koj os
neb nkawm niam txiv zaj dab neeg zoo heev nrog neb zoo siab tias neb tau sib sau los ua niam txiv noj sib hlub haus sib pab lawm tiag tsis yog npau suav tiam no ces tuag los tsim nyog lawm neb muaj hmoo heev🤓🤓🤓🤓
Tus poj niam no nraug kev npam, vim nws tsis yuav nws tus. Tus txiv los raug them kev npam vim txeeb luag tug. Cov neeg sib hloov txiv hloov poj niam li no thaum kawg.mas yuav tshuav nqi.
Tus nus koj zaj no mas thiaj yog kev hlub tiag 2 li. Nyob hauv ntiaj teb no yeej muaj ib txhia neeg ntse, koj tau ntsib ib tug yawm txiv siab zoo thiab coj ncaj heev. Zoo siab rau neb txoj kev hlub tsim nyog kawg nkaus. Peb yog ib cod me nyuam uas niam txiv quav yeeb luag saib tsis taus tab sis cov neeg ntawv yog neeg ruam thiab siab phem txhob tu siab. Koj tus poj niam yeej yog nyiam koj heev nws thiaj khiav rov qab los. Kuv zoo siab tias neb txoj kev sib hlub ntawv yog ib yam tseem ceeb tshaj plaws. Los kua muag thiab zoo siab rau koj ua neeg nyob txhob xyeej leej twg xav kev hlub xwb zoo dua. Yog leej twg hnov es tseem luag thiab thuam koj ces yog neeg khib thiab ruam xwb. Koj yog ib tug txiv neej tod taub zoo hais txog ntawm txoj kev hlub nawd tus nus. Zaum no kuv hnov ib zag neej neeg hais txog ntawm niam txiv sib hlub ces ntshe yuav tsis muaj zoo tshaj qhov no. Qhov ntawm no thiaj yog kev hlub tiag 2,tsim nyog kawg li tus nus. Niam txiv sib hlub yog thaum laus li no es ib tug tu ib tug. Tus nus koj qhia rau sawv daws hnov kom yav laus no neeg thiaj txawj sib hlub es kom siab ntev sib pab. Thov kom neb txoj kev hlub nyob tsawg tiam los yeej meem rov qab los sib tau nawd.
I like this toj xeem! What a great leader he was and treated everyone fairly... very rare to hear one like him
Zoo tiag tiag li o tiam neej no cov txiv hlub tiag li no ma muaj tsawg heev li nawb
May, this is one of the best story you ever told. LOVE, love... this story. Many Hmong man please learn from this wonderful man.
Zoo siab rau neb txoj kev hlub os yawm txiv thiab niam tais aw. 1,000 khuv niam txiv ces ntshe tsuas muaj 1 khub sib2 hlub li neb xwb. Thov kom neb nyob los tau nyob ua ke hos tuag mus lawm los tau tuag ua ke nawb mog.
Wow!! What a story. Love to hear story like this one.
yes, this is one of the best ever atory to be told. Victory with a big battle. Love always prevail. more please.
May working from home stress me enough...please keep those loving stories coming.
Omg she was once of lucky hmong wmen in the world since they've founded each other again i give big wider heart yawm txiv 110%
That's a beautiful love story. This is what true love is about. Nothing else matters if your love for each other is forever.
Tus txiv hlob koj txoj kev hlub mas
thiaj li khov li zeb ruaj li tsua tiag yog lwm tiam muaj tiag thov kom neb rov los sib hlub rau ntau tiam tom ntej nawb.
This is the best love story ever I’ve listened to. Other love stories always preach and it’s annoying.
What a lovely story! And what a lovely hubby. This is the kind of stories we want to hear.
Niam txiv txij nkawm sib sib nyiam sib sib hlub ces yuav tsum zoo li zaj no. Cov khub niam txiv uas ib tug siab pheej tsis tuag rau ib tug ces txawm yuav ua zoo npaum cas los tus siab tsis tuag ntawd yeej yuav lob teeb meem tas li.
A match made in heaven. Worthy of golden globe award for best story. Hauv dej hiav txwv mus txog saum lub hli rov los tsis muaj leej twg zoo cuag koj.
Yog yus tus hlub lawm ces yeej yuav ua kom tau vim ib tiam muaj ib zaug xwb.
This such a beautiful neej neeg!!! Tus yawm txiv Nyob zaj neej neeg no- Thov vaj tswv foom koob hmoov rau kj thiaj kj tus me niam kom neb Nyob uake mus tiam twg loxij nawb! Kj yog ib tug txiv neej hmong zoo tiag22. Yog hmong cov txiv neej zoo li kj xwb ces ntseeg tau tias txhua2 tus poj hmong yuav tsi mus yuav lawm haiv neeg li.
What a loving husband. This is definitely the kind of husband every women wishes to have. Best wishes to this lovely couple.
Definitely agreed!
@@kabnpliasvaj1658 Akkadian
Smx. Mammkamaakaoakqaas
@@maiher438 m
Love like this is rare because humans are very fickle. Appreciate stories like this because the world could use some hope right now. God bless this man and his family.
Awe, you truly love her so much, she was meant to be yours, I’m glad you both loved and lived a beautiful life.
Thank goodness the toj xeem was very considerate and didn't allow hmong OG patriarchal rules pressure him to tear them apart a second time.
Real true love. I’m happy for you two. Beautiful story.
Beautiful story... this is the kind of stories we should all listen to. More of these kind of stories please!!!!
Such a beautiful love story. Thanks for sharing. The title itself is beautiful too.
I like this one another faith
Such a beautiful love story to remind us that life is pretty simple if we all just remember to love. May you two continue your love for each other in this life and the next❤️❤️
Thiaj li tsim nyog mog tu me txiv tsev zoo 👏👏🙏thov kom neb sib2 hlub mu tag tiam no
What a great love story. Worthy of sharing.
Nyiaj tseem tshuav 2 Tus no tseem sib hlub tisgy
Zaj no hais tau zoo kawg li koj yeej hlub tsim nyog lawm tiag tiag.kuv los kuv kuj tau ib tug txiv zoo zoo thiab hlub hlub kuv thiab mas ua lub neej kaj kaj siab kawg li . Twb nyob ua ke tau li 37 xyoo lawm los saib yam li twb tsis tau ntev kiag li
I appreciate my spouse but this story makes me appreciate him more. If y'all have a good significant other, please hold onto them and water your own grass, especially if they're willing to help you water the lawn with you, too.
Yes going on 29 years too. There are great men!
Agreed, fortunately I lost mine.
Love this story
Love this story! True love indeed!
I love this story so much! This is definitely true love. They both waited for each other and took care of each other. Nothing but nice words to each other. I only wish that my husband and I grow old to be like this ❤❤
Great story.... I'm glad they got to be together 🥰🥰🥰
Such a loving husband. True love. What a lovely story. May they live long! ❤️
I want to love my husband this much. And I want to be this loved by him. 20 years and counting. 💜💙💚💛🧡
Wow there is still men in this world thank god for the bless
What a great man you are. You one of a kind
Still the best love story and so fitting for Valentines Day!
Tsim nyog sib tos rau nrab neej kawg. Vim kev ua zoo thiab tsis xam khib xam txim!
Wow love this story wish us all man were like this
My husband crossed the ocean to find me and then decided to stay instead of going back home for my sake. We are now in our 50s and 60s and I wish I could turn time back so we have more time together. I said to him that one lifetime isn't enough, I wish we find each other again if there's is lwm tiam. Listening to all those stories, good husbands are limited. I'm blessed that 30 years together and not even a knuckle.
Wow Yawg aw... koj yog ib tus txiv siab zoo tiag2 li os sib2 hlub li ko thiaj tsim nyog txoj kev sib tau os mog🥰🥰
Tus toj xeem ko mas siab zoo heev li os hlub kom tsim nyog qhov koj nco thiab tos nws os los cas neb yuav sib hlub ua luaj li os xav kom kuv tau ib tug txiv zoo li ko xwb os
Thanks for this nice story...1 in a million for real!
All the men in this world should use this man as a role model cause he is such a understanding and loving husband that all women dream to have...
Sister...I totally agree with you.
I wished all men would be as kind and loving as this man. However, I believe the reason why we women now a days don’t get this treatment is because our husbands don’t have to fight this much for us??? That’s why they don’t know the feeling of losing someone they love..??? Just my opinion....😉😉
But I do wholeheartedly agree that if every men treats their wives like this...we wouldn’t have so much bitterness in our lives....
Grandpa, you are a great thoughtful husband. Too bad no other husband is like you. Glad that you two are together until now, that is truly love and marriage that we women would love to have and could only wish for. Love both of your life story. Bless you and her live long and healthy life, grandpa. Thank you for your story.
Best story I’ve heard so far. Pab qhuas tus txiv tsev hlub poj niam no. Thov kom lub ntuj foom koob hmoov rau neb nyob ntev2 laus nkoo.
What a breath of fresh air to hear such a beautiful love story. You don’t hear of Hmong love story like this often.
Tsim nyog tshaj plaws li lawm o
cov txiv neej hlub li koj cas yuav muaj txawg ua luaj
Wish all couples have same loves. Lacky 2 lady in the story. May, I cry in listen this love story. Wish all new couple have same love
Tus niam tsev no muaj hmoo tshaj plaws li. Thov qhua tus txiv tsev no.
Love and respect the fact that the Toj xeem fairly gave justice to her and him.
And accepted him as a son to marrying his wife
Thank you for sharing this love story 💘💘.
Thanks for listening
Wow ntiaj teb no peb hmoob tseem muaj tej tus ua yog txiv neej yawg thiab ua lub ntuj tsaug
Ntuj aw cas sib hlub ua luaj niam ntsuab teev aw kuv mas ntshaw dhau heev lawm lo
Tham cov sib hlub li no peb thiaj sib hlub os
Its nice to hear there is still such a thing called true love in the world today. Bless this man and his wife, we all need to learn from them 🙏
Koj Yog tus Neeg muaj hmoo tshaj vim koj muaj txiv toj xeem pab2 koj thiab koj thiaj li Tau Koj tus hluas Nkauj rov Los UA koj tus poj niam es Thov qhuas koj Yog tus txiv tsev Siab Zoo Heev li os mog ♥️💕
Yog ib tug txiv siab zoo zoo li no mas yeej tsim nyog qhov nws nrauj txiv rov qab los yuav kawg li. Yog yus tus txiv siab zoo li no ntshe tuag tsawg tiam los yuav rov qab los ntshiav dua
Yg lawm tab sis nkawd tsis nco qab ceev faj txog kev npam.
@@leng2569 tsis npam os rau qhov twb sib nrauj lawm mam yuav thiab nkawv twb them nqi tshoob rau tus txiv lawm nev.
Nrog neb zoo siab os.. txawm leej twg yuav hais tias neb tsis zoo los neb thiaj yog 2 tug uas muaj hmoo tshaj lawm os txoj kev hlub neb twb tau lawm es sib hlub os mog..
Koj zaj dab neeg no zoo heev li os p y aw muaj sib hawm ho tuaj pab kuv thiab os Ua tsaug os
Good true love story.
Such a beautiful story!!!
What a beautiful and loving story. I love this story.
Koj ma yog tus txiv tsev zoo tshaj li os
That's awesome man! Tuag tsim nyog lawm. Every woman 's dream man.
This is truly a true love story. Love it!
Yes please niam ntsuab teem. I love these stories too.. 💗💗💗💗💗
I driving and crying... Gotta stop to get some air whooohh
Txiv neeg hmoob zoo li no tsuas yog muaj ib ob tias zoo xwb cov phem ces 1000 leej xwb.
Tsim nyog nws nrauj txiv rov los yuav koj kawg li os
Love this story!
Peb mas tos ntsoov koj xwb os . Nyob hauv lub qab ntuj no yog tias peb txhua tus txhawj sib hlub li neb khub txij nkawm no xwb ntshe peb yuav tsis muaj kev nyuaj siab kiag li
This is a great love story:)
Zoo tshaj plaw
I love it!
Wow nrog neb zoo siab heev. Kuv hais rau koj tias ib txhia es ya nkauj nraug zoo2 los yog plan lawm ces plan mus ib sim lawm mog es koj muaj hmoo plan nws lawm tabsis kuj rov tau yam khoom uas yus twb xav tias ntshe zaum no ces ntshe yuav tsis muaj hnub tau tabsis ho rov tau yog li yuav tsum sib hlub kom tsim nyog qhov sib plan nawb mog.
That’s a real love story worth telling ❤️
Nobody is gonna take care of you except your spouse, who really loves u....if your spouse don't love you then he or she won't take care of you...respect and love for each other so u will want to take care of each other when u old.
Ua neej laus li no es nyuam qhuav hnov khub niam txiv no xwb es ntshe tsis tos ntxiv lawm lau...
Kav tsij tu thiaj li tsim nyog qhov koi ntsaw2 thiab nrauj txiv los yuav koj
Nyob hauv lub Neej txij nkawm ces ntshaw tus Neej hlub thiab siab ncaj xwb tiag hmoob....ntshe hauv lub qab ntuj Nov ntshe muaj koj tib leeg xwb thiaj li to taub txog txoj Kev hlub tseeb uas muaj nqis xwb lau yom
Koj mas thiaj yog tus txiv neej hlub tiag o yom
zaj no zoo tshaj plaws li os
Neb txoj kev hlub loj tshaj plaws. Thov qhuas neb
Thov qhuas koj os tus tij laug aw tsua muaj koj thiaj siab zoo xwb os thov koj tus poj niam nrog koj nyob ntev2 nrog koj os nws twb muaj hmoo los tau koj os
Zoo siab tias tseem muaj tej tus Txiv zoo2 li nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb no
Wow peb ua neeg nyb ces ntxhaw ib tug txiv siab zoo li tus txiv neej no xwb os lawv aw
Thiaj tsim nyog qhov rov los yuav koj..cov zoo li koj ntshe muaj ib lab ces muaj ib tug yog lucky...
Thov kom lwm tiam ne rov lo sib os mo
Cov neej neeg uas zoo ib nrab xwb los tsis pov khawv....Cov phem ib nrab xwb los tsis muaj ceem. Cov zoo, zoo kom txaus...Cov phem, phem kom txaus thiab zoo ua kev kawm thiab mloog qhuav siab qhawv...
Thov qhuas tus txiv tsev siab zoo heev li os
neb nkawm niam txiv zaj dab neeg zoo heev nrog neb zoo siab tias neb tau sib sau los ua niam txiv noj sib hlub haus sib pab lawm tiag tsis yog npau suav tiam no ces tuag los tsim nyog lawm neb muaj hmoo heev🤓🤓🤓🤓
Eb luag twb tsis hlub yus es thaum laus leej twg từ yus
Niam ntsuab teev kuv mloog koj.lub suab dam neeg.Nrog rau.Suab luag ma cas zoo li.koj ntxim hlub ua luaj yog.koj.nyob ze ma.xav tuaj ua koj 4-5 Teg thiaj tsim nyog hnov.koj lub suab qab zib
Muaj coob Tus Neeg xav nrog koj pw ib zaug
Tus poj niam no nraug kev npam, vim nws tsis yuav nws tus. Tus txiv los raug them kev npam vim txeeb luag tug. Cov neeg sib hloov txiv hloov poj niam li no thaum kawg.mas yuav tshuav nqi.