Qasida al Burda Chapters 1-3 with English & Persian Translation

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
  • The Qasida Al-Burda (The Poem of the Mantle) قصيدة البردة known as The Burda, is a poem in praise of The Prophet ﷺ. It was composed by Al Busiri in the 7th century Hijri and is one of the most widely recited and memorised poems in the world. The actual title of the poem is The Celestial Lights in Praise of the Best of Creation (الكواكب الدرية في مدح خير البرية).
    It is most widely known by the refrain, often sung between verses:
    مَولَاىَ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ دَائِمًا أَبَدًا
    ِعَلَى حَبِيبِكَ خَيرِ الْخَلْقِ كُلِّهِم
    The Burda consists of ten chapters. Al Busiri starts by expressing his own love for The Prophet ﷺ and then mentions his regret for past errors. The middle chapters celebrate the life of The Prophet ﷺ - his birth, his miracles, the Qur'an, his night journey and martial struggles. The final chapters of the Burda are Al Busiri's plea for The Prophet's ﷺ intercession and Allah's mercy.
    Chapter 1: Nostalgic Rhapsody and Love Complaint
    Chapter 2: Warnings about the Caprices of the Ego
    Chapter 3: Praise of the Prophet ﷺ
    Chapter 4: On The Prophet's Birth
    Chapter 5: The Prophet's Miracles
    Chapter 6: The Nobility of the Quran and its Merit
    Chapter 7: The Prophet’s miraculous night Journey and celestial ascension
    Chapter 8: The Prophet’s wars
    Chapter 9: Seeking Intercession through the Prophet ﷺ
    Chapter 10: Intimate Discourse and the Petition of Needs
    The Burda's Story
    Al Busiri was affected by a debilitating sickness. He decided to write the Burda as a means of seeking Allah's forgiveness and The Prophet's ﷺ intercession. After composing Burda he saw a dream, where The Prophet ﷺ covered the Al Busiri with his ﷺ mantle (burda). He was cured as from his illness when he woke up.


  • @Mind-Wanderer01
    @Mind-Wanderer01 Рік тому +1

    Allahumma Baarik
    I can't get enough of this video and the other 2 in the playlist ❤❤
    Jazakallahu khayr
    اَللّٰھمَّ صَلِ ّعَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ کُلَّمَا ذَکَرَہُ الذَّاکِرُوْنَ وَکُلَّمَا غَفَلَ عَنْ ذِکِرْہِ الْغَافِلُوْنَ
    Allahuma salli ala muhammad kullama dhakarahuz dhaakirun wa kullama ghafala an dhikrihil ghafilun
    "O Allah! Shower blessings on Muhammad whenever he is remembered by those who remember him, and shower blessings on him whenever he is not remembered by the negligent.

  • @mohammad-sedighrahmani663
    @mohammad-sedighrahmani663 Рік тому +2

    السلام علیکم و رحمةالله و برکاته
    ماشآءالله تبارك‌الله
    الله يجزيك الخير
    أسأل الله تعالىٰ أن يرزقني و إياكم شفاعته في دار البقاء و زيارته في الجنة الفردوس الأعلىٰ
    اللهم صل و سلم عليه

    • @skyofwisdom
      @skyofwisdom  Рік тому +1

      وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، جزاك الله خيراً. آمين لدعائك، وأسأل الله أن يتقبل منا جميعاً ويجمعنا في الفردوس الأعلى بقربه ورضوانه. اللهم آمين.

  • @Maryamk121
    @Maryamk121 Рік тому +3

    ممنون آقا سینا! ترجمه فارسی این قصیده رو تا الان جایی نخونده بودم.

    • @skyofwisdom
      @skyofwisdom  Рік тому

      خواهش می‌کنم، مریم عزیز 🙏🏻🌷

  • @guarizelawerfalli2224
    @guarizelawerfalli2224 11 місяців тому +1

    البوصيري ليس مصريا بل هو صنهاجي من امازيغ المغرب الأقصى.