Definitely. It takes a lot of guts to apply for something that you know statistically you are unlikely to get (approx only 1 in 7 applicants are successful at Oxford and Cambridge although it varies hugely between subjects). My advice for anyone who is rejected but still really feels that it would have been ‘right’ for them: do what the Admissions Tutor on this clip did and smash your degree at wherever you go instead and then think about applying for a Masters to Oxbridge. It’s less competitive than undergraduate and you can apply to both Oxford and Cambridge in the same cycle which you can’t do as an undergraduate. There are a couple of You Tubers who have done this and vlogged about it and seem very happy how it all worked out for them
"Quite clever, but very lazy". As a private tutor of A-level maths, further math, chemistry and physics I can tell you that this is probably the number one reason for those who have a genuine chance not making it. Have a look at Thomas Povey's book. Then you will understand that AS WELL as acing your exams the profs interviewing you want to know that you have a burning passion for your subject. Unfortunately, today, most students aren't even prepared to do the easy part, which is simply putting in enough effort to enable them to cruise through their exams. And this seems to have got a lot worse since the PANICdemic.
Being rejected takes nothing away from you as a person. You are a very strong applicant for even thinking about applying.
WELL SAID 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Definitely. It takes a lot of guts to apply for something that you know statistically you are unlikely to get (approx only 1 in 7 applicants are successful at Oxford and Cambridge although it varies hugely between subjects). My advice for anyone who is rejected but still really feels that it would have been ‘right’ for them: do what the Admissions Tutor on this clip did and smash your degree at wherever you go instead and then think about applying for a Masters to Oxbridge. It’s less competitive than undergraduate and you can apply to both Oxford and Cambridge in the same cycle which you can’t do as an undergraduate. There are a couple of You Tubers who have done this and vlogged about it and seem very happy how it all worked out for them
"Quite clever, but very lazy".
As a private tutor of A-level maths, further math, chemistry and physics I can tell you that this is probably the number one reason for those who have a genuine chance not making it. Have a look at Thomas Povey's book. Then you will understand that AS WELL as acing your exams the profs interviewing you want to know that you have a burning passion for your subject. Unfortunately, today, most students aren't even prepared to do the easy part, which is simply putting in enough effort to enable them to cruise through their exams. And this seems to have got a lot worse since the PANICdemic.
Just go to Imperial instead