When I served as bishop and I had to deal with difficult situations, I would pray for guidance and the answer was almost always, “Help them feel My love”. People were surprised when we didn’t talk about the “issue”, but about who they were as a beloved child of God. Once the Spirit came and we felt God’s love, the hope of the Atonement provided direction and motivation. It was usually a one-step-at-a-time situation and not all or nothing. People were always amazed that they did not have to be “perfect” to feel God’s love, they just had to make efforts to move in the right direction.
“Instead of holding on to their hand once they’ve let go of the iron rod, we try to rip the iron rod away and start beating them with it.” Wow, what an insight. I wish I had the same spirit of love as he does when I hear people who walk away from the church as he does and I am working so hard to get there. Thank you Bro. Halverson, you truly are a treasure and the example of the spirit of Christ the prophet and apostles are begging us to be.
Oh how I wish more members had the views of Brother Halverson regarding the LGBTQ+. I have always felt broken, and ultimately left the church because I felt no one wanted to hear my story or understand how I felt or how long I had been struggling. His imagery of beating someone with the iron Rod was perfect for me; that is exactly how I felt when I started recognizing my feelings and coming out. Everyone was ready to fix me, beat me with the scriptures, not realizing that for years I had been doing that on my own with no success. I love the idea of those of us in this community having a place at the table and wanting to understand the struggles we experience that I’m sure many members don’t understand; sadly my experience has been that most members don’t want that. It’s all about fixing, with out understanding. I really feel like that’s where I, and I’m sure many in my community, struggle coming to Jesus; we are made to feel like we made a choice to be this way and have fallen short of this high standard. Jesus is out of reach for us because we are so wicked for loving someone and being attracted to someone of the same gender. I think if members of church could sit down with a group of former church members who are LGBTQ+ and listened to our stories without judgement I really feel like they would see a lot of common threads in our stores that most members don’t take the time to see. When they hear LGBTQ+ they immediately go to sex, but that is such a small part of the story, just like it is for a heterosexual persons story. We have a story to tell, we have faith that has been crushed at times, we want to join you at the table…We just need to be heard and loved.
🫂so many members now have family members that are part of the LGBTQ community so I think there is more understanding all the time. Love is the answer and I am sorry you have felt like you don’t belong. I don’t have many answers but let’s just love each other. I don’t believe anyone with a testimony would choose same gender attraction so that in itself shows it is not a choice. I hope you find more acceptance in the church than you have in the past.
Thanks for sharing. I also love the way Jared goes about it too. It was especially enlightening to me when he gave a commentary during his podcast for Isaiah 56:3-8 in the light of the “eunuchs” (metaphorically speaking) in Israel.
I'm so sorry you have suffered thus in your life ..... I think we are slowly becoming more enlightened to understand others perspectives and opinions. I truly hope you have found more peace now. Father in heaven doesnt want you to be miserable but happy in life. You must find someone who will listen and understand you xxxxxx
Thanks for sharing. I know there on people on both sides of membership that love you and want to hear your story. My heart breaks for you and I wish you the best!!!
I am from the south and grew up in Greenville, SC. Bob Jones university students loved to try and stump missionaries. I have since learned that Wake Forest students are also taught to argue against "Mormonism". These schools have classes that study our church history and the Book of Mormon. I am gladden to him acknowledge this happens, but also sadden they only study this to argue with believers of Christ.
Brother Halverson is amazing. Sisters Ashly and Lauren do so much to bless the lives of all those who are searching for help and answers. I left the church Nearly 60 years ago as a teenager. Heavenly Father left the ninety and nine and reclaimed me with a powerful Spiritual experience. I love the Savior and hope to live the remaining years I have helping others to find their path to the Savior so He can give them the gift of eternal life. Because of my experiences with the Savior I emphasize the importance of seeking answers through Spiritual experiences. Finding answers to questions about church history and doctrine by research is essential for some people but insufficient. The scriptures and the prophets plead with us to seek after Spiritual experiences.
I find his Creation-Fall-Atonement cycle so helpful. I've had a difficult "fall" the last few years. It's been a rough transition. It reminds me about when President Monson spoke about the Provo Tabernacle burning down. Every time I get too complacent in my own knowledge, my Tabernacle burns down. But if I let God rebuild it, He builds it back up a bit better every time.
Can we PLEEEEASE get a Part 2?! I definitely respect Bro Halvorsen’s time so if this isn’t possible, I understand but I’m asking because the answer will definitely be no if I don’t! 😂 I love every single one of his answers to EVERYTHING he said!!
I am one of those members who my wife and I got baptized together in January of 1994. Then came the family pressure, evangelical doctrine from all directions. all of that, eventually tore her and every one else that joined the church away except for me. So here we are almost 30 years later and I have watched her health go down so bad. She fell and broke her hip on July 24th and then had a stroke on August 3rd, and I look at her and feels such pity that she has gone through 30+ years of physical ailments. We are still together and she still does not believe. There is much more to say but I will leave it here. Please say prayers for us.
Great Podcast! I appreciate Brother Halverson's follow up comment at the end of this interview. It reminds me of a scene from "The Chosen" where one of the disciples asks Jesus why He hasn't healed him of his physical disability to walk. Jesus tells him that He trusts him. That his story of having faith in Christ even though he's not being healed is a unique story and one that should be told as well as those of people that are healed. He later reminds the man that he will be healed eventually or made whole. Y'all are doing a great work with these interviews! Keep it going!
I love this brother! His podcast has helped me so much w my faith! Even this session was so inspiring and has helped with my faith! Best episode! Luv the podcast! Thank u guys & God bless!
So SO glad you got one of the best teachers on your podcast! Thank you for making this happen! "I would take a 'flexible faith' over a 'brittle beliefs any day." Wow. I love that!
Brother Halverson, I love how you say we don't need degrees in Anti-religious rhetoric in order to reach out to our loved ones who are struggling with their faith. We just need love and an open mind. We need to open our hearts and embrace them! You are right, we are afraid deep inside of failing someone who is going through faith crisis. In the end, Christ-like love is the answer!
I started listening to this yesterday, but I'm picking up again this morning. While I'm listening to Jared, I am typing up my thoughts as to what is meant by Nephi's "skin of blackness" in Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 5:31. Imagine my almost deja vu pleasant surprise when, at about 33:30 into this episode, Jared switches topics and begins explaining about the "skin of blackness" exactly what I am about to submit as an explanation on my Facebook page. ;-) Jared is a wonderful scholar, and even better, he is a wonderful and caring human.
I love Jared's counsel to give validation and empathy wherever we can with those who are struggling. As was said on a previous version of Come Back, by a grieving mother, she learned in the temple that she is the parent and not the Savior of her daughter who has left the Church. Her job is to love her daughter, not save her. Our job is to love each other with as much charity or pure love of Christ that we can be given as we pray and ask for it, as we are told to do in Moroni Chapter 7. Thanks Jared, for your amazing insights and love.
Ashley/Lauren this is such a powerful episode. Jared has a wonderful way of describing what the Lord has placed into our hands to bless our lives. How special to learn. Love your work this channel is wonderful. Thank you and please keep these stories coming.
Great show! The substance of the Scriptures & Gospel of the Restoration SO eclipse the superficial questions that choke upon gnats, truly we will be answerable for Ether 12:23-41!!
These comming back podcasts are inspired by God through our very pretty beautiful sister because it's in companionship of Jesus parable of the prodigal son and this podcast rejoices with Jesus and Heavenly father when every prodigal son come back to church thank you for your unconditional love
Wide receiver!! I never knew that. And look how widely received we all are through the atonement of Jesus Christ, bro. Halverson is a star player for us all
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have family members who are part of the LGBTQ community. None of them are still in the church. Our family has been accepting of them so,for the most part, none has left the family. ❤We do have some family members who won’t associate with the rest of us but they are not LGBTQ, so we obviously need to be more loving and respectful towards each other. I’m the Grandma and I need to be the best example to follow. Of course, that can’t happen 100% of the time. But I am very lucky…..my family is not at all shy about letting me know when I should do better. Thus we are a work in progress. Thank you for reminding me that the most important thing I have to offer is Love.❤️ God bless you in your journey through life.😊
This channel is definitely one of the most wonderful and helpful things that you could possibly do at this point in time in the church and in the world. I cannot tell you how much brother Halverson has helped me. Thank you so much for your time and efforts to bring this to anyone who will listen! All my LOVE!❤️
A channel I like better than Hello Saints is 52 Churches in 52 Weeks. Very sincere and fair. He keeps finding himself drawn back to ours and I especially love the episodes where he is recognizing something different now.
He's way better than Jeff. Way more sincere...No ulterior motives. Pastor Jeff is that passive aggressive friend whose meaning is different than what he's saying.
The whole need no physician. I’ve come to appreciate how many principles of the gospel and laws of Christ my “non-member” family and friends are practicing. I seem to be the one who needed the Physician. It took some time and humility to recognize this. I’m glad I have Jesus and his church. But I don’t need to convince anyone else. I have enough repenting of my own to do.
I love what you have to say about the need for more understanding and caring hearts, listening ears, and asking the question Lord is it I? This really is the answer, but it seems to be the exception more often than the rule. As we see so many people experiencing faith crisis, I believe the Lord is asking all of us to raise the bar for ourselves and learn to truly live the gospel as taught by Jesus Christ.
Thank you Brother Halverson! I got an answer to a prayer while listening to this. I want to help my friend through a faith crisis and walking through it with them is the answer I needed. I feel that I have more direction and confidence in how I can help.
Ibam watchingbthus almost a year after it was made but I feel that this has provided so many answers to my questions. This was the best hour I gave spent on UA-cam in a long time. I feel reassured and uplifted.
I love the epiphany that Bro. Halverson just helped edify us with... that the Bible believers (Christians) and the Book of Mormon believers (LDS, etc)... can be seen as the Stick (or group) of Judah believers and the Stick (or group) of Ephraim believers... eventually, in Ezekiel's prophesy, growing together and becoming "one." I am seeing this so much these days. Pastor Jeff doing his thing, a statue of Joseph Smith being unveiled in India, The Chosen... and the list keeps growing of bridges being built.
41:31 As someone who has recently left and loves so many people that believe, all I can say to his answer here is thank you! The one thing that has surprised and been hurtful to me the most has been the silence. Nobody wants to know why I left. With one exception, people have asked no follow up questions or listened. They love from a safe distance but people don’t want to get their hands dirty and ask me about why I left something that meant EVERYTHING to me for 45+ years. I know they feel awkward and don’t want to pry, but I’ve asked them if they want to know, and the answer (with one very kind exception) has been no. I can’t express how lonely it feels. So, you go where people will listen. These people have left and are sometimes angry, but they listen and are Christlike. They treat you like a truth seeker and not a deceived lost sheep.
It is an interesting perspective that you need people to know why you left versus respecting their right to not know... There are plenty of holes in LDS beliefs, and the lack of transparency to church history (Rock in the hat vs using the gold plates, polyandry, polygamy where the young women felt trapped and manipulated and on and on..). And many people are not ready to look at these issues for themselves... So if they inquire why you left, and you share some of these concerns, they may question their own faith... And they don't want to.... Because probably they're already happy with the way things are.
@@Elpatoloco2011 true. I’m sure they are happy as they are. I think Jared rightfully says the the best reaction people can have to someone who has lost their faith is to listen. That’s all I’m saying. I don’t demand it, but it’s sure kind when someone does it. To your point, I also have to realize they may not inquire for perfectly legitimate and understandable reasons. I suppose I try to respect those reasons and still desire a listening ear at the same time.
I'm one of those who has a foot on both sides of the fence. There's plenty of stuff that bothers me and makes me doubt the validity of it all, so I am just comfortable not having a temple recommend and not payng tithing but still go with the wife and kids Basically because it's not a bad way to live anyway... I'll probably go less as the kids exit the house for college and begin their own lives. I'm really at the point where I feel like the book of mormon is a. Great tool to make me think of Christ and our heavenly father. But I don't believe that it is archeologically correct, It doesn't mean it's a bad book because if it brings people closer to live like christ tat's not a bad thing.
@@Elpatoloco2011 thanks for sharing and that makes a ton of sense. I absolutely respect that how you strike that balance. That must not be easy and I’m rooting for you, man! It sounds like you love your family and are doing the best you can. I respect that so much!
I’m one who ask’s because I’m not afraid to have the conversation. Most people stay away from the conversation because they care about you and don’t want to cause you any more grief so they stay silent. But, if I ask and I listen, I expect the person who wants to talk to be willing to listen to my perspective of their experience and take time to ponder what I say too. If a person just desires confirmation then there’s plenty of people who band together for that purpose. I guess it all depends on what we’re looking for. God bless you on your journey just don’t leave Jesus Christ behind, He means everything to you.
I've suffered from mental illness all my life. The members haven't accepted me. I've always had a testimony of this Church, but the rejection of the members has made my sicknesses worse. Lately, I've suffered more because I don't feel my Lord's guidance and love even when I try to be the best I can. Why doesn't the Lord help or heal me? I've tried everything to help myself. This has caused me a broken heart. I wonder why the Lord doesn't seem to care. This is developing into a faith crisis because I've been ill since young. Now I'm almost 72. Why does the Lord help others but not me. 💔 This is only one of the many struggles I have.
Oh, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Sounds like you're dealing with a lot of heavy emotions! ❤. I would definitely recommend finding a good therapist.
This is such a great video and I would recommend everyone to watch it! I join the crowd in saying this is such a great channel and podcast and this is great work!
Thank you for mentioning the two different sticks in Bible of Northern and Southern kingdoms coming together. I’ve wondered for a long time why no other LDS Bible scholars (that I’m aware of) have addressed this. I’m okay with the multiple expressions for the Stick of Judah and the Stick of Ephraim/Joseph. ❤
I taught the Book of Abraham in Sunday school a couple of years ago. I learned things digging into that book I had never seen or comprehended before.n the links between the text and the facsimiles are there in full view but hid from those who don't try and comprehend it. Its truly a magnificent work that Joseph Smith could not have come up with on his own. Bro. Halverson is correct. If you just look at that book from an intellectual level, knowing only what you've heard that's negative, you won't get it. But I can testify after that time of digging deep, studying what others had written and praying to have my eyes open, never again will I open the Pearl of Great Price and not see it with different eyes. Its unfortunate so many rest their testimonies on things like how the Book of Abraham came to be. Joseph was a bright guy. But not that bright. Not without help from heaven. Read the book. Its its best evidence.
Smith lied about the translation, period He never thought anyone would discover his lies. Your faith used the racist passages to discriminate against black people for more than 100 years, and they still continue to do so today . Why hasn't your LDS god called a black apostle or prophet yet , but Joseph Fielding Smith called 2 of his sons as apostles?
@@jeremims9044, You Mormons are so quick to label people who question your faith as unhappy. We hope you find the real word of God and leave the cult you're in.
I love what Don Bradley says, when you have a faith crisis maybe it is God’s way of saying let go of what you false faith on and put your faith in the primary questions.
Very nice! I like the aproach he mentioned, that we need to let our dear loved ones make their own decisions and respect them. i th think fear has driven a lot of people apart and especially the fear of someone losing faith
Absolutely amazing. I loved the end where he talks about the man born blind. My dad had a sex change operation, and the Lord specifically told me that I needed to love my dad just the way he is, to continue to be a daughter, to give him the opportunity to be a blessing to his grandchildren, which he was. Oh, how my kids loved my dad! I was overcome at the time with how much the Lord loves His children, no matter what, and that changed me. I also have complex PTSD, and the Spirit confirmed the truth of this parable for me, as well, when Dr. Halverson was speaking. My brain was changed by trauma, I have some weaknesses that will probably always be there, and to know that the Lords works can be manifested with me, despite my weakness was truly marvelous in my eyes. Every time I am triggered by my deep weakness, the Lord helps me repent, and shows me how to do better the next time. And I do get better, because I'm not as easily triggered as I used to be. I don't know when those weaknesses will eventually become strengths, but I see them having less and less of an influence in my life as the years go by.
I cannot tell you how timely this comment was for me. I have PTSD and have been going to trauma therapy for the last 2.5 years. What you are talking about has been heavy on my mind lately as I have been reading "The Body Keeps The Score" and going through my own healing journey. I truly believe that Christ's atonement can heal the imbalances that have been created in our brains, it may take time but I do believe we both will overcome our weaknesses with God's help and with the work we put into our health and spirit. Thank you for being so open about your story. Sending you love - Lauren Rose
I subscribed to this channel a while ago fantastic interview ladies. Keep telling those stories Thanks for sharing your spiritual gifts and Bro Jared spiritual gifts
I served in Puerto Rico too! 1996-1998. Too bad we didn't meet up there. Pres. Nieves gave me the green light to read Spencer and Palmer's _Religions of the World_ textbook and it was a turning point for me. That was also when I first encountered the work of Brian Stubbs, which at times I have regarded with skepticism, but all these years later after studying Linguistics I read Stubbs' _Changes in Languages from Nephi to Now_ and whatever the merits of Stubbs' reconstructions of Hebrew in Uto-Aztecan, his analyses and arguments about language change affecting the Book of Mormon's writing and compilation make sense. Thinking deeply into questions about language and translation in the Book of Mormon has been highly rewarding to me over the last couple of years. I scored a copy of Royal Skousen's edition of the original text, and it's my favorite way to read the Book of Mormon now. There was one commentator - I forget the name - a Mayan woman, I believe, who pointed out that "skin of blackness" in Mayan (I think) has a meaning more metaphorical or symbolic than simple obvious color. I've also long believed that it could simply be suntans from the Lamanite men's preference for nudity, emphasizing the Nephites' textile arts and sense of modesty.
Excellent interview. Brother Halverson is so loving and knowledgeable. Everyone should tune in! One difference i have, pastor Jeff totally turns me off. I've watched and listened and I get a creepy feeling from him. I believe his motives to be less than good. I bet I'm not alone in this opinion.
This is great I was able to give out 2 books of Mormon last year, and year before I gave 1 Holy Bible away to wide different people I just wish I could get a box of both types of Books and hand out whenever I find people who are wanting the desire to have one to read. Yes , I told Them about Missionaries and I would Talk to Them and there's a phone number for them I've heard from all of Them ❤️📖🙏
We put an inerrancy shield around the LDS church too! We teach it’s not inerrant but we live and speak as if it is. We don’t fully grasp the human part of the church and until we do, things seem off a little bit. We defend mistakes instead of admit them.
The Lord God has given us an intellect to use to reason and understand. And of course we use it. But the exercise of faith lets us trust that God's reasoning, knowledge and intelligence is far greater than ours. The things of God can only be really known by the power of the Holy Ghost who lets us know what truth is. Any sincere person who prayerfully reads the Book of Mormon can know of its truthfulness. That's the way the Lord has ordained it to be so in his wisdom. I have been blessed to experience the Holy Ghost . The light , love and warmth of the Saviour comes to me as l read the Book. Also the other, scriptures we have. The Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. Such a precious blessing to have in life. Praise the Lord 🙏❤️😊. Many thanks for your podcasts. God bless you all.
Thanks for this video. I left the church recently, I'm hoping to come back but still need to process some things to get to a point of belief. I have a couple questions that I'm hoping people can help answer: 1) Jared mentions that the 1828 definition of translation isn't necessarily an actual transformation from one language to another. While I think that's a fair point to consider, Joseph still claimed that the papyri contained the Book of Abraham, so presumably he believed it was a literal translation (of course a revelatory one and not scholarly since he didn't know Egyptian, but a literal translation nonetheless). One conclusion I'm starting to consider is that Joseph mistakenly believed he was doing a true translation, even though in reality God was working through him to bring about a revelation with important truths that was unrelated to the source text. 2. If we go with the premise that Joseph wasn't truly translating the source text when he claims he is, I'm interested in applying that to the Book of Mormon as well. There are many issues surrounding the Book of Mormon's historicity, to the point that it's very difficult for me to believe it's what Joseph thought it was. As odd as this may sound to a more traditional/Orthodox member, I'd be more likely to come back if the church allows for the opinion that the Book of Mormon isn't literally historical, but the plates provided an opportunity for Joseph to receive an amazing set of revelation independent of the source text, just like the Book of Abraham. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks again for the video :)
I think it's wonderful that you are giving the church another look. I haven't listened to the video yet, as I often start with the comments. But I believe sincerely that God loves us and will not let us be led astray if we are serious about following Him and seeking truth. There are many questions that will be answered at the right time and in the right place, in my opinion. I pray to never be deceived and have promised God I will follow Him wherever He leads me. I'm 76 years old and my testimony of the restoration has remained firm through all kinds of trials. God does love us unconditionally. I recommend listening to the Follow Him podcast this week with Hank Smith and John Bytheway. Adam Miller is the guest scholar and gives a wonderful treatise on how much God loves us and wants us back using this week's Come Follow Me lesson from Alma 49-42. Good luck brother and God bless.
Bro. Halverson, is there a chance, EVER, that you and Pastor Jeff might have a nice, long conversation about the Church, and share it? I'd LOVE to hear that!
Criticisms of words used in the BoM ffail to account for similiar issues in the Bible translation process, such as, the word "book" is used in the New Testament when Christ read from a scroll (Luke 4:17). Books didn't exist at that time.
Depends on the Christian you are talking to. Some, yes, overlook their bible’s own problems. However, many Christian scholars and sects recognize biblical problems. Especially in the Old Testament and adjust their theology and understanding of the literalism and historicity of the Bible accordingly.
Years ago I met a lady in a grocery store in Provo. She was a member but inactive. She told me while we were talking that though she wasn't active she knew Joseph Smith was a true prophet because a grandfather back on her family line was the one that drove the wagon containing the Egyptian artifacts in a wagon to Joseph. My memory is bad but I thought she said Egyptian mummy or mummies in the wagon.
My problem with engaging someone going through a faith crisis is that I'm pretty good at listening, and even acknowledging the validity of their concerns, etc. but it feels like their purpose in reality is to get me to agree with them . . .
Have a big question for Bro. Halverson if I could get in contact with him, or if the hosts have insights: Around 8:30, What did Jared mean when he read the Book of Mormon to understand its translator? The way I've read it, the Book of Mormon is a real historical record with many different authors, but translated into 19th century language to help connect English-speaking members who are familiar with the Bible. What does Joseph's character have to do with it? I've always seen Joseph's role as a translator separate from the actual text of the Book of Mormon itself. If there was a different translator, would we have a different Book of Mormon? I listened to this months ago and that point still confounds me. Thanks!
I love this and the work you are doing .To help so many! But can you tell me where we go to find answers for hard questions? Who was B. H. Roberts and how do faithful family members respond to all of the accusations out there? Where can I go to learn about Joseph Smith and what truly happened in the Sacred Grove or with plural marriages? Where do we turn to… to get answers on the true history? It feels like so much is dependent on others versions of the story… so where can we go for the truth on our church history?
I loved the discussion of the words that didn't exist at the time the Book of Mormon was written showing up in the translation. I love Pastor Jeff approach as well. I hope we can all follow that kind of example with interfaith dialog. As you were discussing this translation question, the thought popped into my head that we have tons of Bible translations. Why? Because vocabulary changes over time and people want to read and hear the Bible in language that makes sense to them. Why do many Christians not use the King James version of the Bible? Because it isn't translated in language that makes sense to them. I'm sure the NIV or any of the other newer Bible translations contain words that didn't exist at the time the actual words were written. That does make the NIV or other translations not true. In fact, it very well could be that translation and the newer words used that allow the reader to feel God's love and grace and accept Him as their Savior. So all that being said, it makes perfect sense to me that the Book of Mormon would contain words and phrases that didn't exist at the time of Nephi, Jacob, and others because God, in the revelatory process to Joseph, wanted the readers to have it make sense and connect with them and us for that matter. Thank you, Jared, for the insights shared on this.
This Q&A was excellent. I'm sure if I listen to it in the next couple days i will find other answers and truth. Our brother Jared speaks with good sense and logic when it comes to talking about the gospel and deception with non-members and non-believers of The Book of Mormon. I have learned if you have five people looking at the same exact event and then have each one of them explain what they got to view, every person would tell the same activity differently five different ways. That's the only thing difference between people explanation and then you have the Lord helping you and telling you what to say or do, it cannot be translated wrong, one way or the other, like etched Stone. The people's words and views can always change if they are without the spirit and the spirit of Truth. One thing I have learned whenever one of your own decides to leave the church , all you can do is pray for them and hand it to the Lord, take of the Lord's yoke, I can say it is easy like He promised. After you do this stop worrying and wringing your hands like a dishcloth. Now it's time to listen to the spirit and listen closely.
The problem is that a "loose translation" of the BOM contradicts what the witness say the translation was. But the point about words is soild, but anachorstic coccepts are more problematic
While listening to this, I had a huge ahah about the issue with darkness of (skin). I don't think it was about color of skin but about the countenance! As Jared discussed translation it dawned on me that this may have just been an issue of finding the most understood word in the moment... But that it comes back to an observable difference when someone is living in light vs dark. We can see it in the eyes, the face, the light that shines though one who is living in accordance with truth, goodness, righteousness, and especially Christ! Remember that one of the admonitions were to understand that if there were mistakes, it is the mistakes of men... Not God. The writings come from men trying to interpret language and feelings of expression.
If one looks at books a newspaper articles written prior to the Civil War, "black" was used more to mean "dirty" or "wicked appearance" than to mean "African". Even Mark Twain called lazy dock workers "Blacks" that he latter identified has being Swedish not African. Joseph Smith's culture would not have automatically assumed "skin of blackness" was a racial designation.
The mental gymnastics is mind boogling.If you were black would you be okay with Brigham Young saying you were uncouth loathsome and of low character? Broad of nose and slaves you will remain. The conversation I had with a man of Muslim faith came to mind. The Quran says it's ok to beat your wife as long as you don't leave marks . The reasoning is mind boogling.
Minute 42:00 Regarding faith crisis. Faith is the religious word for Confidence. So, the question is "How should we help a friend through a confidence crisis"? Well, you cannot give your friend your confidence. One must earn his or her own confidence. A baseball coach cannot give his young players a supply of confidence from off the shelf. We can demonstrate our own confidence and offer support while our friend or son or wife developes his or her own confidence / faith. Positive experiences, like hitting a fast ball, are great for developing confidence.
Thank you. Just came across this. A thought that came to me was that Joseph didn't need plates or parchment to receive revelation (regarding Book of Abraham questions). For example D&C 7 which the heading says 'translated from parchment' but Joseph didn't have the actual parchment. He was able to translate/receive revelation to the contents of that parchment written by John through means of Urim and Thummim (gift and power of God).
36:30 I would say they are absolutely correct about scriptures of the northern kingdom and southern kingdom. And I'd point out they don't understand our perspective. Where did the brass plates come from that Lehi got a hold of? They were the writings passed down from Joseph of Egypt through Ephraim. Eventually ended up in the hands of Laban who ended up in Jerusalem when nephi took them from there. So how do our nephite prophets preach about Jesus the way they did? Because of the northern record. Our bible old testament comes from Judah southern kingdom. Aka the stick of Joseph and Judah shall be one in our hands. Even their interpretation fits with our interpretation.
41:35. responding to someone in a faith crisis. 42:20 "Are you sure it's not US that are breaking up our eternal family in the way we respond to them when they are struggling?"
I worry about my own brother. He grew up in the church, was saved by a miracle, but in the end committed suicide via police. I worry for his soul. At the same time, I pray Jesus has enough mercy for him, since his older brother (me) let him down too many times. I was pained he fell away, but I didn't help him back, I just thought you should know better. I hope God will have mercy on me, in his behalf. I miss my brother.
New to this podcast but I’ve listened to Jared Halverson on few different podcast. He is a supreme apologist for the church and well he should be. He’s worked for the church it appears his complete adult life. So for me he is not objective. He touts the company line and his commentary is so canned and rehearsed and simplistic. And as interviewers, you have no push back to anything he said. Read church canonized section 132 in its entirety. Tell me after reading you believe this was god talking through Joseph. Virgins, concubines, destroy Emma, really! No thank you! I have put that challenge out to many of I know and not one has come back and said yes that’s scripture from God.
I wish to offer a suggestion that you work really hard on not saying "You know..." so frequently, or at all. One of the signs of a great moderator is using precise language, eliminating, wherever possible, "you know" "um" "uh" and other verbal tics. I appreciate your efforts and wish you the best in reaching many people.
I liked the suggestion for people to go through the faith crisis with the loved one. Sadly, my Bishop, Stake President, family and Ward members DON’T want to talk about it. It is truly pathetic!
We have a family member that left the church a couple of years ago. He had an incident happen so bad that I can't blame him. He was so traumatized that it is going to take time for him to heal. I just had to tell him that I understood. To make matters worse diabetes struck him.
When I served as bishop and I had to deal with difficult situations, I would pray for guidance and the answer was almost always, “Help them feel My love”. People were surprised when we didn’t talk about the “issue”, but about who they were as a beloved child of God. Once the Spirit came and we felt God’s love, the hope of the Atonement provided direction and motivation. It was usually a one-step-at-a-time situation and not all or nothing. People were always amazed that they did not have to be “perfect” to feel God’s love, they just had to make efforts to move in the right direction.
Such superstitious nonsense. Intelligent people capable of critical thinking are laughing at you Mormons.
Well said and done/ thank you
Wow. Thank you.
Ignore the problems and questions? Feel gods love?
My thought exactly ; that's the typical Mormon way. Let's put your problems and focus on something else.
“Instead of holding on to their hand once they’ve let go of the iron rod, we try to rip the iron rod away and start beating them with it.” Wow, what an insight. I wish I had the same spirit of love as he does when I hear people who walk away from the church as he does and I am working so hard to get there. Thank you Bro. Halverson, you truly are a treasure and the example of the spirit of Christ the prophet and apostles are begging us to be.
Oh how I wish more members had the views of Brother Halverson regarding the LGBTQ+. I have always felt broken, and ultimately left the church because I felt no one wanted to hear my story or understand how I felt or how long I had been struggling. His imagery of beating someone with the iron Rod was perfect for me; that is exactly how I felt when I started recognizing my feelings and coming out. Everyone was ready to fix me, beat me with the scriptures, not realizing that for years I had been doing that on my own with no success. I love the idea of those of us in this community having a place at the table and wanting to understand the struggles we experience that I’m sure many members don’t understand; sadly my experience has been that most members don’t want that. It’s all about fixing, with out understanding. I really feel like that’s where I, and I’m sure many in my community, struggle coming to Jesus; we are made to feel like we made a choice to be this way and have fallen short of this high standard. Jesus is out of reach for us because we are so wicked for loving someone and being attracted to someone of the same gender. I think if members of church could sit down with a group of former church members who are LGBTQ+ and listened to our stories without judgement I really feel like they would see a lot of common threads in our stores that most members don’t take the time to see. When they hear LGBTQ+ they immediately go to sex, but that is such a small part of the story, just like it is for a heterosexual persons story. We have a story to tell, we have faith that has been crushed at times, we want to join you at the table…We just need to be heard and loved.
🫂so many members now have family members that are part of the LGBTQ community so I think there is more understanding all the time. Love is the answer and I am sorry you have felt like you don’t belong. I don’t have many answers but let’s just love each other. I don’t believe anyone with a testimony would choose same gender attraction so that in itself shows it is not a choice. I hope you find more acceptance in the church than you have in the past.
Thanks for sharing.
I also love the way Jared goes about it too. It was especially enlightening to me when he gave a commentary during his podcast for Isaiah 56:3-8 in the light of the “eunuchs” (metaphorically speaking) in Israel.
I'm so sorry you have suffered thus in your life ..... I think we are slowly becoming more enlightened to understand others perspectives and opinions. I truly hope you have found more peace now. Father in heaven doesnt want you to be miserable but happy in life. You must find someone who will listen and understand you xxxxxx
Email Ashley and Lauren and share on the podcast! Your story could help so many ❤
Thanks for sharing. I know there on people on both sides of membership that love you and want to hear your story. My heart breaks for you and I wish you the best!!!
I am from the south and grew up in Greenville, SC. Bob Jones university students loved to try and stump missionaries. I have since learned that Wake Forest students are also taught to argue against "Mormonism". These schools have classes that study our church history and the Book of Mormon. I am gladden to him acknowledge this happens, but also sadden they only study this to argue with believers of Christ.
Brother Haverson, thank you for holding our hands while we hold the hands of our loved ones going through faith crisis!
Brother Halverson is amazing. Sisters Ashly and Lauren do so much to bless the lives of all those who are searching for help and answers.
I left the church Nearly 60 years ago as a teenager. Heavenly Father left the ninety and nine and reclaimed me with a powerful Spiritual experience. I love the Savior and hope to live the remaining years I have helping others to find their path to the Savior so He can give them the gift of eternal life.
Because of my experiences with the Savior I emphasize the importance of seeking answers through Spiritual experiences. Finding answers to questions about church history and doctrine by research is essential for some people but insufficient. The scriptures and the prophets plead with us to seek after Spiritual experiences.
We would love to hear your story if you are willing to share!
Yes please!
Really? 32:02
I find his Creation-Fall-Atonement cycle so helpful. I've had a difficult "fall" the last few years. It's been a rough transition. It reminds me about when President Monson spoke about the Provo Tabernacle burning down. Every time I get too complacent in my own knowledge, my Tabernacle burns down. But if I let God rebuild it, He builds it back up a bit better every time.
Can we PLEEEEASE get a Part 2?! I definitely respect Bro Halvorsen’s time so if this isn’t possible, I understand but I’m asking because the answer will definitely be no if I don’t! 😂 I love every single one of his answers to EVERYTHING he said!!
Yes and would love to hear your take about the va that's got a lot of people leaving
@tracyandreasen201 what's the VA?
I am one of those members who my wife and I got baptized together in January of 1994. Then came the family pressure, evangelical doctrine from all directions. all of that, eventually tore her and every one else that joined the church away except for me.
So here we are almost 30 years later and I have watched her health go down so bad.
She fell and broke her hip on July 24th and then had a stroke on August 3rd, and I look at her and feels such pity that she has gone through 30+ years of physical ailments.
We are still together and she still does not believe.
There is much more to say but I will leave it here.
Please say prayers for us.
Sending love and prayers to your family
Great Podcast! I appreciate Brother Halverson's follow up comment at the end of this interview. It reminds me of a scene from "The Chosen" where one of the disciples asks Jesus why He hasn't healed him of his physical disability to walk. Jesus tells him that He trusts him. That his story of having faith in Christ even though he's not being healed is a unique story and one that should be told as well as those of people that are healed. He later reminds the man that he will be healed eventually or made whole. Y'all are doing a great work with these interviews! Keep it going!
I love this brother! His podcast has helped me so much w my faith! Even this session was so inspiring and has helped with my faith! Best episode! Luv the podcast! Thank u guys & God bless!
So SO glad you got one of the best teachers on your podcast! Thank you for making this happen!
"I would take a 'flexible faith' over a 'brittle beliefs any day." Wow. I love that!
Brother Halverson, I love how you say we don't need degrees in Anti-religious rhetoric in order to reach out to our loved ones who are struggling with their faith. We just need love and an open mind. We need to open our hearts and embrace them! You are right, we are afraid deep inside of failing someone who is going through faith crisis. In the end, Christ-like love is the answer!
I started listening to this yesterday, but I'm picking up again this morning. While I'm listening to Jared, I am typing up my thoughts as to what is meant by Nephi's "skin of blackness" in Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 5:31. Imagine my almost deja vu pleasant surprise when, at about 33:30 into this episode, Jared switches topics and begins explaining about the "skin of blackness" exactly what I am about to submit as an explanation on my Facebook page. ;-) Jared is a wonderful scholar, and even better, he is a wonderful and caring human.
LOVE brother Halverson , thank you girls for all you do!!
I love Jared's counsel to give validation and empathy wherever we can with those who are struggling. As was said on a previous version of Come Back, by a grieving mother, she learned in the temple that she is the parent and not the Savior of her daughter who has left the Church. Her job is to love her daughter, not save her. Our job is to love each other with as much charity or pure love of Christ that we can be given as we pray and ask for it, as we are told to do in Moroni Chapter 7. Thanks Jared, for your amazing insights and love.
Ashley/Lauren this is such a powerful episode. Jared has a wonderful way of describing what the Lord has placed into our hands to bless our lives. How special to learn. Love your work this channel is wonderful. Thank you and please keep these stories coming.
Great show! The substance of the Scriptures & Gospel of the Restoration SO eclipse the superficial questions that choke upon gnats, truly we will be answerable for Ether 12:23-41!!
These comming back podcasts are inspired by God through our very pretty beautiful sister because it's in companionship of Jesus parable of the prodigal son and this podcast rejoices with Jesus and Heavenly father when every prodigal son come back to church thank you for your unconditional love
Great topic
Wide receiver!! I never knew that. And look how widely received we all are through the atonement of Jesus Christ, bro. Halverson is a star player for us all
Jared Halverson is amazing! I learn so much from him every time I hear him speak.
WOW! I'll have to listen to this again and again! There is so much to learn from this!
THANK YOU! I ❤ your podcast!!!
I might have to listen again, and this time with a notebook ready. There was at least a half dozen "aha"moments for me. Thank you thank you
Love that
Brilliant. The language of the Holy Ghost.
Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to eternal life and few there be that find it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have family members who are part of the LGBTQ community. None of them are still in the church. Our family has been accepting of them so,for the most part, none has left the family. ❤We do have some family members who won’t associate with the rest of us but they are not LGBTQ, so we obviously need to be more loving and respectful towards each other. I’m the Grandma and I need to be the best example to follow. Of course, that can’t happen 100% of the time. But I am very lucky…..my family is not at all shy about letting me know when I should do better. Thus we are a work in progress. Thank you for reminding me that the most important thing I have to offer is Love.❤️ God bless you in your journey through life.😊
This channel is definitely one of the most wonderful and helpful things that you could possibly do at this point in time in the church and in the world. I cannot tell you how much brother Halverson has helped me. Thank you so much for your time and efforts to bring this to anyone who will listen! All my LOVE!❤️
thank you so much!
This was amazing! Thank you! Thanks brother Halverson! ❤🙌😍
A channel I like better than Hello Saints is 52 Churches in 52 Weeks. Very sincere and fair. He keeps finding himself drawn back to ours and I especially love the episodes where he is recognizing something different now.
I have seen that one pop up and have been meaning to watch it! I will for sure thanks for the suggestion! - Lauren
He's way better than Jeff. Way more sincere...No ulterior motives. Pastor Jeff is that passive aggressive friend whose meaning is different than what he's saying.
He converted very recently
Meaning the 52 churches in 52 weeks a true honest seeker 😊@@PaulaRoberts-q6j
I agree 100 percent. Pastor Jeff creeps me out. I no longer listen / watch him. The 52 churches podcast has such a true and uplifting spirit.
The whole need no physician. I’ve come to appreciate how many principles of the gospel and laws of Christ my “non-member” family and friends are practicing. I seem to be the one who needed the Physician. It took some time and humility to recognize this. I’m glad I have Jesus and his church. But I don’t need to convince anyone else. I have enough repenting of my own to do.
"The answer is always "Be like Jesus". " What a great statement
I love what you have to say about the need for more understanding and caring hearts, listening ears, and asking the question Lord is it I? This really is the answer, but it seems to be the exception more often than the rule.
As we see so many people experiencing faith crisis, I believe the Lord is asking all of us to raise the bar for ourselves and learn to truly live the gospel as taught by Jesus Christ.
Amazing Episode!
Grateful to hear Jared Halverson’s perspectives, insights, and counsel.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you Brother Halverson! I got an answer to a prayer while listening to this. I want to help my friend through a faith crisis and walking through it with them is the answer I needed. I feel that I have more direction and confidence in how I can help.
Ibam watchingbthus almost a year after it was made but I feel that this has provided so many answers to my questions. This was the best hour I gave spent on UA-cam in a long time. I feel reassured and uplifted.
Thank you, love hearing that
I love the epiphany that Bro. Halverson just helped edify us with... that the Bible believers (Christians) and the Book of Mormon believers (LDS, etc)... can be seen as the Stick (or group) of Judah believers and the Stick (or group) of Ephraim believers... eventually, in Ezekiel's prophesy, growing together and becoming "one." I am seeing this so much these days. Pastor Jeff doing his thing, a statue of Joseph Smith being unveiled in India, The Chosen... and the list keeps growing of bridges being built.
This conversation was so beautiful. Thank you.
Having Brother Halverson sitting there, he looks the part of President Holland. Both are knowledgeable, loving, and very inviting.
Love them
41:31 As someone who has recently left and loves so many people that believe, all I can say to his answer here is thank you!
The one thing that has surprised and been hurtful to me the most has been the silence. Nobody wants to know why I left. With one exception, people have asked no follow up questions or listened. They love from a safe distance but people don’t want to get their hands dirty and ask me about why I left something that meant EVERYTHING to me for 45+ years.
I know they feel awkward and don’t want to pry, but I’ve asked them if they want to know, and the answer (with one very kind exception) has been no.
I can’t express how lonely it feels.
So, you go where people will listen. These people have left and are sometimes angry, but they listen and are Christlike. They treat you like a truth seeker and not a deceived lost sheep.
It is an interesting perspective that you need people to know why you left versus respecting their right to not know... There are plenty of holes in LDS beliefs, and the lack of transparency to church history (Rock in the hat vs using the gold plates, polyandry, polygamy where the young women felt trapped and manipulated and on and on..). And many people are not ready to look at these issues for themselves... So if they inquire why you left, and you share some of these concerns, they may question their own faith... And they don't want to.... Because probably they're already happy with the way things are.
@@Elpatoloco2011 true. I’m sure they are happy as they are. I think Jared rightfully says the the best reaction people can have to someone who has lost their faith is to listen. That’s all I’m saying. I don’t demand it, but it’s sure kind when someone does it.
To your point, I also have to realize they may not inquire for perfectly legitimate and understandable reasons. I suppose I try to respect those reasons and still desire a listening ear at the same time.
I'm one of those who has a foot on both sides of the fence. There's plenty of stuff that bothers me and makes me doubt the validity of it all, so I am just comfortable not having a temple recommend and not payng tithing but still go with the wife and kids Basically because it's not a bad way to live anyway... I'll probably go less as the kids exit the house for college and begin their own lives. I'm really at the point where I feel like the book of mormon is a. Great tool to make me think of Christ and our heavenly father. But I don't believe that it is archeologically correct, It doesn't mean it's a bad book because if it brings people closer to live like christ tat's not a bad thing.
@@Elpatoloco2011 thanks for sharing and that makes a ton of sense. I absolutely respect that how you strike that balance. That must not be easy and I’m rooting for you, man! It sounds like you love your family and are doing the best you can. I respect that so much!
I’m one who ask’s because I’m not afraid to have the conversation. Most people stay away from the conversation because they care about you and don’t want to cause you any more grief so they stay silent. But, if I ask and I listen, I expect the person who wants to talk to be willing to listen to my perspective of their experience and take time to ponder what I say too. If a person just desires confirmation then there’s plenty of people who band together for that purpose. I guess it all depends on what we’re looking for. God bless you on your journey just don’t leave Jesus Christ behind, He means everything to you.
Thank you for all you do. Thank you for having Bro. Halvorson in the pod cast.
I've suffered from mental illness all my life. The members haven't accepted me. I've always had a testimony of this Church, but the rejection of the members has made my sicknesses worse. Lately, I've suffered more because I don't feel my Lord's guidance and love even when I try to be the best I can. Why doesn't the Lord help or heal me? I've tried everything to help myself. This has caused me a broken heart. I wonder why the Lord doesn't seem to care. This is developing into a faith crisis because I've been ill since young. Now I'm almost 72. Why does the Lord help others but not me. 💔 This is only one of the many struggles I have.
Oh, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Sounds like you're dealing with a lot of heavy emotions! ❤.
I would definitely recommend finding a good therapist.
This is such a great video and I would recommend everyone to watch it! I join the crowd in saying this is such a great channel and podcast and this is great work!
What a wonderful man! The goodness just radiates from him! Love it!❤
That Podcast was so good 🤗 Thank you!
Thank you for mentioning the two different sticks in Bible of Northern and Southern kingdoms coming together. I’ve wondered for a long time why no other LDS Bible scholars (that I’m aware of) have addressed this. I’m okay with the multiple expressions for the Stick of Judah and the Stick of Ephraim/Joseph.
This was beautiful! I absolutely love this podcast. Thank you thank you ❤
This was so, so good. I loved the questions and the answers. It was a bunch of WOW moments. ❤
I taught the Book of Abraham in Sunday school a couple of years ago. I learned things digging into that book I had never seen or comprehended before.n the links between the text and the facsimiles are there in full view but hid from those who don't try and comprehend it. Its truly a magnificent work that Joseph Smith could not have come up with on his own. Bro. Halverson is correct. If you just look at that book from an intellectual level, knowing only what you've heard that's negative, you won't get it. But I can testify after that time of digging deep, studying what others had written and praying to have my eyes open, never again will I open the Pearl of Great Price and not see it with different eyes. Its unfortunate so many rest their testimonies on things like how the Book of Abraham came to be. Joseph was a bright guy. But not that bright. Not without help from heaven. Read the book. Its its best evidence.
If you believe that, you are lost. Read the real word of God
@christinefrank8160 I hope you find some peace
Smith lied about the translation, period
He never thought anyone would discover his lies.
Your faith used the racist passages to discriminate against black people for more than 100 years, and they still continue to do so today . Why hasn't your LDS god called a black apostle or prophet yet , but Joseph Fielding Smith called 2 of his sons as apostles?
You Mormons are so quick to label people who question your faith as unhappy. We hope you find the real word of God and leave the cult you're in.
I love what Don Bradley says, when you have a faith crisis maybe it is God’s way of saying let go of what you false faith on and put your faith in the primary questions.
More precisely in Jesus Christ, the rock as our foundation because he is the only perfect exemplar
Randomly came across this video. Great content. What a wonderful and insightful guest. Thank you for those putting this together.
Very nice! I like the aproach he mentioned, that we need to let our dear loved ones make their own decisions and respect them. i th think fear has driven a lot of people apart and especially the fear of someone losing faith
Pastor Jeff is awesome..... thank you ladies for all you do and for bringing Bro Halverson on the show.
Thank you for this podcast. I learned a lot and I will use these in serving in my Church calling.
Absolutely amazing. I loved the end where he talks about the man born blind. My dad had a sex change operation, and the Lord specifically told me that I needed to love my dad just the way he is, to continue to be a daughter, to give him the opportunity to be a blessing to his grandchildren, which he was. Oh, how my kids loved my dad! I was overcome at the time with how much the Lord loves His children, no matter what, and that changed me. I also have complex PTSD, and the Spirit confirmed the truth of this parable for me, as well, when Dr. Halverson was speaking. My brain was changed by trauma, I have some weaknesses that will probably always be there, and to know that the Lords works can be manifested with me, despite my weakness was truly marvelous in my eyes. Every time I am triggered by my deep weakness, the Lord helps me repent, and shows me how to do better the next time. And I do get better, because I'm not as easily triggered as I used to be. I don't know when those weaknesses will eventually become strengths, but I see them having less and less of an influence in my life as the years go by.
I cannot tell you how timely this comment was for me. I have PTSD and have been going to trauma therapy for the last 2.5 years. What you are talking about has been heavy on my mind lately as I have been reading "The Body Keeps The Score" and going through my own healing journey. I truly believe that Christ's atonement can heal the imbalances that have been created in our brains, it may take time but I do believe we both will overcome our weaknesses with God's help and with the work we put into our health and spirit. Thank you for being so open about your story. Sending you love - Lauren Rose
I subscribed to this channel a while ago fantastic interview ladies. Keep telling those stories
Thanks for sharing your spiritual gifts and
Bro Jared spiritual gifts
I served in Puerto Rico too! 1996-1998. Too bad we didn't meet up there. Pres. Nieves gave me the green light to read Spencer and Palmer's _Religions of the World_ textbook and it was a turning point for me. That was also when I first encountered the work of Brian Stubbs, which at times I have regarded with skepticism, but all these years later after studying Linguistics I read Stubbs' _Changes in Languages from Nephi to Now_ and whatever the merits of Stubbs' reconstructions of Hebrew in Uto-Aztecan, his analyses and arguments about language change affecting the Book of Mormon's writing and compilation make sense.
Thinking deeply into questions about language and translation in the Book of Mormon has been highly rewarding to me over the last couple of years. I scored a copy of Royal Skousen's edition of the original text, and it's my favorite way to read the Book of Mormon now.
There was one commentator - I forget the name - a Mayan woman, I believe, who pointed out that "skin of blackness" in Mayan (I think) has a meaning more metaphorical or symbolic than simple obvious color. I've also long believed that it could simply be suntans from the Lamanite men's preference for nudity, emphasizing the Nephites' textile arts and sense of modesty.
So interesting, thank you!
I'm glad I listened. Thank you for making this happen. 💜
Thank you so much, Brother Halverson for your wisdom, insight, testimony, and advice.
Excellent interview. Brother Halverson is so loving and knowledgeable. Everyone should tune in! One difference i have, pastor Jeff totally turns me off. I've watched and listened and I get a creepy feeling from him. I believe his motives to be less than good. I bet I'm not alone in this opinion.
I agree with you, I don't watch him anymore. He isn't being open to receiving more truth and light. - Lauren
Only 10 minutes in and this is so insightful! Love this!
This is great
I was able to give out 2 books of Mormon last year, and year before I gave 1 Holy Bible away to wide different people
I just wish I could get a box of both types of Books and hand out whenever I find people who are wanting the desire to have one to read.
Yes , I told Them about Missionaries and I would Talk to Them and there's a phone number for them
I've heard from all of Them ❤️📖🙏
Take your time to watch this video and think twice
I love listening to Jarad and also this comming back podcasts thankyou
Lovely and informative podcast and video.
Always enjoy hearing Jared Halverson,watch his Unshaken each week and other things he does.
We put an inerrancy shield around the LDS church too!
We teach it’s not inerrant but we live and speak as if it is.
We don’t fully grasp the human part of the church and until we do, things seem off a little bit.
We defend mistakes instead of admit them.
The Lord God has given us an intellect to use to reason and understand. And of course we use it. But the exercise of faith lets us trust that God's reasoning, knowledge and intelligence is far greater than ours. The things of God can only be really known by the power of the Holy Ghost who lets us know what truth is. Any sincere person who prayerfully reads the Book of Mormon can know of its truthfulness. That's the way the Lord has ordained it to be so in his wisdom.
I have been blessed to experience the Holy Ghost . The light , love and warmth of the Saviour comes to me as l read the Book. Also the other, scriptures we have. The Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. Such a precious blessing to have in life. Praise the Lord 🙏❤️😊.
Many thanks for your podcasts. God bless you all.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone!
No it’s not. Some of us actually don’t want to go to heaven but party in hell. 😂😂
Still the gospel
This is awesome! 🙂 You guys are awesome! 🙂
Thanks for this video. I left the church recently, I'm hoping to come back but still need to process some things to get to a point of belief. I have a couple questions that I'm hoping people can help answer:
1) Jared mentions that the 1828 definition of translation isn't necessarily an actual transformation from one language to another. While I think that's a fair point to consider, Joseph still claimed that the papyri contained the Book of Abraham, so presumably he believed it was a literal translation (of course a revelatory one and not scholarly since he didn't know Egyptian, but a literal translation nonetheless). One conclusion I'm starting to consider is that Joseph mistakenly believed he was doing a true translation, even though in reality God was working through him to bring about a revelation with important truths that was unrelated to the source text.
2. If we go with the premise that Joseph wasn't truly translating the source text when he claims he is, I'm interested in applying that to the Book of Mormon as well. There are many issues surrounding the Book of Mormon's historicity, to the point that it's very difficult for me to believe it's what Joseph thought it was. As odd as this may sound to a more traditional/Orthodox member, I'd be more likely to come back if the church allows for the opinion that the Book of Mormon isn't literally historical, but the plates provided an opportunity for Joseph to receive an amazing set of revelation independent of the source text, just like the Book of Abraham.
What are your thoughts on this? Thanks again for the video :)
I think it's wonderful that you are giving the church another look. I haven't listened to the video yet, as I often start with the comments. But I believe sincerely that God loves us and will not let us be led astray if we are serious about following Him and seeking truth. There are many questions that will be answered at the right time and in the right place, in my opinion. I pray to never be deceived and have promised God I will follow Him wherever He leads me. I'm 76 years old and my testimony of the restoration has remained firm through all kinds of trials.
God does love us unconditionally. I recommend listening to the Follow Him podcast this week with Hank Smith and John Bytheway. Adam Miller is the guest scholar and gives a wonderful treatise on how much God loves us and wants us back using this week's Come Follow Me lesson from Alma 49-42. Good luck brother and God bless.
Oops... Alma 39-42.
Wow’. SO GOOD! Thank you 🙏
Loved the first answer in particular. Great conversation, thank you:)
Bro. Halverson, is there a chance, EVER, that you and Pastor Jeff might have a nice, long conversation about the Church, and share it? I'd LOVE to hear that!
Jared is a good guy. Glad to have taken his institute class, as it was important in my journey.
Criticisms of words used in the BoM ffail to account for similiar issues in the Bible translation process, such as, the word "book" is used in the New Testament when Christ read from a scroll (Luke 4:17). Books didn't exist at that time.
Thanks for pointing that out.
'book' is in the book of revelation though.
Depends on the Christian you are talking to. Some, yes, overlook their bible’s own problems. However, many Christian scholars and sects recognize biblical problems. Especially in the Old Testament and adjust their theology and understanding of the literalism and historicity of the Bible accordingly.
Would you open for a debate regarding these so called "overblown flaws"?
I'm definitely the older brother in the prodigal son story. I just didn't fully realize it until today.
Years ago I met a lady in a grocery store in Provo. She was a member but inactive. She told me while we were talking that though she wasn't active she knew Joseph Smith was a true prophet because a grandfather back on her family line was the one that drove the wagon containing the Egyptian artifacts in a wagon to Joseph. My memory is bad but I thought she said Egyptian mummy or mummies in the wagon.
My problem with engaging someone going through a faith crisis is that I'm pretty good at listening, and even acknowledging the validity of their concerns, etc. but it feels like their purpose in reality is to get me to agree with them . . .
Some conversations are just not worth having is what I have learned. You can discern which ones should be approached.
Can we get there after we have stopped the heart from bleeding? I absolutely love that question.
Very powerful and insightful
This was so good! Keep it up!!
"Question the sources". So true. I love Jared's insights.
Have a big question for Bro. Halverson if I could get in contact with him, or if the hosts have insights:
Around 8:30, What did Jared mean when he read the Book of Mormon to understand its translator? The way I've read it, the Book of Mormon is a real historical record with many different authors, but translated into 19th century language to help connect English-speaking members who are familiar with the Bible. What does Joseph's character have to do with it? I've always seen Joseph's role as a translator separate from the actual text of the Book of Mormon itself. If there was a different translator, would we have a different Book of Mormon?
I listened to this months ago and that point still confounds me.
I love this and the work you are doing .To help so many! But can you tell me where we go to find answers for hard questions? Who was B. H. Roberts and how do faithful family members respond to all of the accusations out there? Where can I go to learn about Joseph Smith and what truly happened in the Sacred Grove or with plural marriages? Where do we turn to… to get answers on the true history? It feels like so much is dependent on others versions of the story… so where can we go for the truth on our church history?
We also have links on our page to FAIR that is a great resource and Scripture Central. I believe the church website also provides resources
Two of my very favorite podcasters come together!!
I loved the discussion of the words that didn't exist at the time the Book of Mormon was written showing up in the translation. I love Pastor Jeff approach as well. I hope we can all follow that kind of example with interfaith dialog.
As you were discussing this translation question, the thought popped into my head that we have tons of Bible translations. Why? Because vocabulary changes over time and people want to read and hear the Bible in language that makes sense to them. Why do many Christians not use the King James version of the Bible? Because it isn't translated in language that makes sense to them.
I'm sure the NIV or any of the other newer Bible translations contain words that didn't exist at the time the actual words were written. That does make the NIV or other translations not true. In fact, it very well could be that translation and the newer words used that allow the reader to feel God's love and grace and accept Him as their Savior.
So all that being said, it makes perfect sense to me that the Book of Mormon would contain words and phrases that didn't exist at the time of Nephi, Jacob, and others because God, in the revelatory process to Joseph, wanted the readers to have it make sense and connect with them and us for that matter. Thank you, Jared, for the insights shared on this.
Love it! Beautifully done and said!!
On another note (funny I hope) was brother Halverson wearing a blue shirt? 🫶
This Q&A was excellent. I'm sure if I listen to it in the next couple days i will find other answers and truth. Our brother Jared speaks with good sense and logic when it comes to talking about the gospel and deception with non-members and non-believers of The Book of Mormon. I have learned if you have five people looking at the same exact event and then have each one of them explain what they got to view, every person would tell the same activity differently five different ways. That's the only thing difference between people explanation and then you have the Lord helping you and telling you what to say or do, it cannot be translated wrong, one way or the other, like etched Stone. The people's words and views can always change if they are without the spirit and the spirit of Truth. One thing I have learned whenever one of your own decides to leave the church , all you can do is pray for them and hand it to the Lord, take of the Lord's yoke, I can say it is easy like He promised. After you do this stop worrying and wringing your hands like a dishcloth. Now it's time to listen to the spirit and listen closely.
The problem is that a "loose translation" of the BOM contradicts what the witness say the translation was. But the point about words is soild, but anachorstic coccepts are more problematic
For me, I have gained much spiritual strength, even despite many of those types of things. I think Brother Halverson has great material on that.
Great insights
While listening to this, I had a huge ahah about the issue with darkness of (skin). I don't think it was about color of skin but about the countenance! As Jared discussed translation it dawned on me that this may have just been an issue of finding the most understood word in the moment... But that it comes back to an observable difference when someone is living in light vs dark. We can see it in the eyes, the face, the light that shines though one who is living in accordance with truth, goodness, righteousness, and especially Christ! Remember that one of the admonitions were to understand that if there were mistakes, it is the mistakes of men... Not God. The writings come from men trying to interpret language and feelings of expression.
If one looks at books a newspaper articles written prior to the Civil War, "black" was used more to mean "dirty" or "wicked appearance" than to mean "African". Even Mark Twain called lazy dock workers "Blacks" that he latter identified has being Swedish not African. Joseph Smith's culture would not have automatically assumed "skin of blackness" was a racial designation.
The mental gymnastics is mind boogling.If you were black would you be okay with Brigham Young saying you were uncouth loathsome and of low character? Broad of nose and slaves you will remain. The conversation I had with a man of Muslim faith came to mind. The Quran says it's ok to beat your wife as long as you don't leave marks . The reasoning is mind boogling.
Minute 42:00 Regarding faith crisis. Faith is the religious word for Confidence. So, the question is "How should we help a friend through a confidence crisis"? Well, you cannot give your friend your confidence. One must earn his or her own confidence. A baseball coach cannot give his young players a supply of confidence from off the shelf.
We can demonstrate our own confidence and offer support while our friend or son or wife developes his or her own confidence / faith. Positive experiences, like hitting a fast ball, are great for developing confidence.
Thank you. Just came across this. A thought that came to me was that Joseph didn't need plates or parchment to receive revelation (regarding Book of Abraham questions). For example D&C 7 which the heading says 'translated from parchment' but Joseph didn't have the actual parchment. He was able to translate/receive revelation to the contents of that parchment written by John through means of Urim and Thummim (gift and power of God).
You mean a rock in a hat?
36:30 I would say they are absolutely correct about scriptures of the northern kingdom and southern kingdom. And I'd point out they don't understand our perspective. Where did the brass plates come from that Lehi got a hold of? They were the writings passed down from Joseph of Egypt through Ephraim. Eventually ended up in the hands of Laban who ended up in Jerusalem when nephi took them from there. So how do our nephite prophets preach about Jesus the way they did? Because of the northern record. Our bible old testament comes from Judah southern kingdom. Aka the stick of Joseph and Judah shall be one in our hands. Even their interpretation fits with our interpretation.
41:35. responding to someone in a faith crisis.
42:20 "Are you sure it's not US that are breaking up our eternal family in the way we respond to them when they are struggling?"
I worry about my own brother. He grew up in the church, was saved by a miracle, but in the end committed suicide via police. I worry for his soul. At the same time, I pray Jesus has enough mercy for him, since his older brother (me) let him down too many times. I was pained he fell away, but I didn't help him back, I just thought you should know better. I hope God will have mercy on me, in his behalf. I miss my brother.
I am so sorry, I know God loves you both
New to this podcast but I’ve listened to Jared Halverson on few different podcast. He is a supreme apologist for the church and well he should be. He’s worked for the church it appears his complete adult life. So for me he is not objective. He touts the company line and his commentary is so canned and rehearsed and simplistic.
And as interviewers, you have no push back to anything he said. Read church canonized section 132 in its entirety. Tell me after reading you believe this was god talking through Joseph. Virgins, concubines, destroy Emma, really! No thank you! I have put that challenge out to many of I know and not one has come back and said yes that’s scripture from God.
I wish to offer a suggestion that you work really hard on not saying "You know..." so frequently, or at all. One of the signs of a great moderator is using precise language, eliminating, wherever possible, "you know" "um" "uh" and other verbal tics. I appreciate your efforts and wish you the best in reaching many people.
Great job!
How does he talk for 6 hours without going to the bathroom? That’s a question I’ve had for a while. Love your show Ashly, and Jared.
I liked the suggestion for people to go through the faith crisis with the loved one. Sadly, my Bishop, Stake President, family and Ward members DON’T want to talk about it. It is truly pathetic!
We have a family member that left the church a couple of years ago. He had an incident happen so bad that I can't blame him. He was so traumatized that it is going to take time for him to heal. I just had to tell him that I understood. To make matters worse diabetes struck him.
That is so hard I am so sorry for the both of you. I know God is mindful of their situation
I am sorry. Help him find a better church.