Reaction To 5 Things I Hate About The US After Moving to Sweden

  • Опубліковано 3 лип 2024
  • Reaction To 5 Things I Hate About The US After Moving to Sweden
    This is my reaction to 5 Things I Hate About The US After Moving to Sweden
    In this video I react to an American expat's things he doesn't like about American after living in Sweden
    #sweden #culture #reaction
    Original Video - • 5 Things I Hate About ...


  • @ArgaAnders
    @ArgaAnders 7 місяців тому +33

    As for national media (SVT) it´s funded by the country and therefore funded by the taxpayers, and therefore SVT is by law not allowed to push a specific political agenda! Sure, journalists and producers might have their own political leanings and philosophies, but all SVT productions has to be politically neutral! No political propaganda allowed so to say!

    • @novineux1246
      @novineux1246 7 місяців тому

      lol yeah cuz they stick to that don't they, there's no agenda at all in svt's news coverage...

    • @lovisalindstrom7920
      @lovisalindstrom7920 6 місяців тому +3

      yeah there is a state owned institute that overlook the SVT mission. They have to represent the entire society such as minorities and people with handicaps. Every year there is a repport about how the SVT have represented the different political views in Sweden.

    • @danielkarlsson8898
      @danielkarlsson8898 6 місяців тому +6

      It should be neutral but it really isnt. Like 80% of all the journalists on svt are left so there is alot left out in the dark.

    • @andremattsson
      @andremattsson 6 місяців тому

      @@danielkarlsson8898 Yet studies show that SVT is right wing and that the news is not leaning left or right. Google it.

    • @darnedghost2008
      @darnedghost2008 5 місяців тому

      it cant ever be 100% neutral it´s impossible but if you compaire with US we are lightyears ahead and defo less corruptions.@@danielkarlsson8898Can you even call US system democratic, they make it harder and harder to vote and the candidate that gets most votes aren´t even sure to win.

  • @matshjalmarsson3008
    @matshjalmarsson3008 7 місяців тому +14

    Guns: First you need a license, it's about as hard as getting a drivers license. Then you need a permit for the gun.
    And there is a limit on how many guns you may own.
    And they must be stored in a safe cabinet

    • @MaxTheLegend_YT
      @MaxTheLegend_YT 6 місяців тому +2

      But these gangs be getting them illegally

    • @matshjalmarsson3008
      @matshjalmarsson3008 6 місяців тому +7

      @@MaxTheLegend_YT Of course. As everywhere.
      But if you're not allowed to have a legal gun in your car or on the wall, there is less of a chance of someone breaking in and getting hold of it.
      Criminals typically get their weapons from abroad, which makes it at least a tiny bit more difficult for them.

  • @ingegerdandersson6963
    @ingegerdandersson6963 8 днів тому +1

    Isn’t the probleme that both UK and US have ”the winner take all”. That way you can win by 1 vote in each district and still get 100% representation. For us the probleme is that if the party we voted for didn’t get majotity on its own then we don’t know what they will be able to get done.

  • @WaCrex
    @WaCrex 7 місяців тому +6

    In regards to the politics in Sweden:
    I think one of the big differences when it comes to Political Parties in US and Sweden, is that in US you are either voting on the same party or you aren't, this creates a camp mentality which in-turn breeds hostility. While the multiple parties in Sweden however makes things much more open, as two people voting on different parties becomes as common as two people having different tastes in candy at the candy store, as there's no camp mentality it promotes more open exchanges of thoughts and views.
    When we vote, we vote on 3 different things: Which person or party gets to control your municipality, Which person or party gets to control your region, and which person or party you want to see in the Riksdag. For example, you might vote for one party for the Riksdag election, however you might feel that their politics might not fit the small town where you live or you might feel that the local politicians in the party you voted for are too passive, so you might for example vote for an entirely different party for the Municipality election. You can essentially vote on 3 different parties (or specific people in said parties) at the exact same time. Which is also exactly what I did during the last election, as I voted on one party for the Riksdag while voting on an entirely different party for my municipality as I felt that they had done a really good job reinvigorating my dying rural town for the past few years.
    There's however two issues with our voting in Sweden:
    * Issue one, the political parties in the government tends to make decisions that only work on paper if you actually live in a large city. As a result, people living in rural places might find things in life a little more difficult. (This is kind of why we have 3 different types of elections in one).
    * Issue two, the alliance system. A lot of issues started when an political party alliance system (which basically copies the two party system of the US) was adopted. Things like parties banding together and acting like one to prevent an another party that they have disagreement with with from getting any seats, or things like parties switching sides as if switching socks when they don't get what they want. As a result a WHOLE lot of issues arose and some people have started to to see their disputes as "sandbox wars in the kindergarden" as a result^^
    If we looks past the alliance system however, things becomes much simpler as in lay man terms: The amount of votes your party get determines the amount of seats/votes your party get in the Riksdag (which is where all the voting on decisions is done):. The stadsminister (which is basically the governments face to the people if taken in simpler terms) becomes someone from the party with the most votes. It's simple but it works really well and results in a diversity of views and thoughts in the government mirroring that of the views and thoughts of the people.
    In regards to owning a firearm in Sweden:
    First of all let me get this out of the way: I'm no expert nor am learned in the area either as I have never had an interest in guns, so I might be incorrect on several points. With that said now let's continue. I grew up with a father who was a former sniper & active member in Hemvärnet, my brother also got a permit for shooting competitions but later got tired of it. So this is my VERY rough and limited understanding of how owning a firearm in Sweden works:
    * There's a limit to which types of firearms one can legally own as well as a limit for how many you can legally own. But regardless of the weapon, you need a license and also a permit to own that specific weapon.
    * To get a permit you also need to have a valid reason as to why you should be allowed to own the firearm, the reason which most Americans give (for ones self defence) simply wont cut it here as that's what the Police exists for. You need a reason like such as being a hunter & needing a hunting rifle for it, or getting a personal gun or rifle for shooting competitions.
    * However, if you have a permit for a hunting rifle but aren't actively using it during hunting season, or if you have a permit for a handgun or rifle but aren't actively using it in shooting competitions, then it's byebye permit.
    * You also aren't allowed to carry the firearm outside of those specified occasions (+the firing range). So the "Open carry" & "Concealed carry" which you might have seen in the US is actually illegal here in Sweden.
    * If you think that you can just get a permit for a firearm and attend a shooting competition every few years, then let me brake it for you. You need to attend a certain amount of competitions each year to keep the permit. So unless you are willing to invest a lot of your time on shooting competitions and training for said competitions, I would not recommend it ^^
    * When the weapon isn't in use, it's to be safely locked and stored away out of reach of others in a special made fire proof and burglary proof gun safe which is directly bolted to the wall. This is to ensure that it doesn't fall into the hands of someone else, like a child for example.
    * If things aren't followed properly: It's either byebye permit, byebye license, byebye both at the same time, or worse :)

    • @lovisalindstrom7920
      @lovisalindstrom7920 6 місяців тому

      Well Our current statsminister is not the one that got most votes so..... Which party can gather most seats/mandate behind them so that their representative can become the new statsminister.

  • @anders632
    @anders632 6 місяців тому +1

    Har nu, under några dagar, sett dina reflektioner på andras videoklipp och hur du relaterar dessa till Sverige. - I like very much 👍

  • @andersmalmgren6528
    @andersmalmgren6528 5 місяців тому +1

    Guns are for sport and hunting. Thats the big difference between sweden and the US. They keep guns for self defense. You cant get a permit for that reason., Only 4 reasons are valid, hunting, sport, collection and gun smithing, and the last 2 are rare

  • @skaervan
    @skaervan 6 місяців тому +1

    State TV is by law neutral politically in Sweden but we have the same issues where politicians get more involved in internal arguments with other politicians. Only U.K. example I seen is how the politicians argued and argued until Brexit couldn't be avoided.

  • @Karl-Benny
    @Karl-Benny 7 місяців тому +2

    the Party has to negotiate like in Australia where we have the Greens and independents to get a better outcome and avoid terrible ones

  • @mr.sts.p
    @mr.sts.p 6 місяців тому +2

    I agre with Andrew aboute America today.

  • @menosproblemos6993
    @menosproblemos6993 3 місяці тому

    I forgot from which country, but the poorest president once said "If I'd have more money than the public, how would I relate to them?"

  • @RobinAsp77
    @RobinAsp77 6 місяців тому +14

    We have a raise in nationalism and rasism in swedish politics just like the rest of europe. Its a scary progress especially since sweden have been known for its work and voice in human rights. Now we are going the opposite direction towards less democracy, more police control, bigger gaps regarding wealth and poverty, less life quality for those who are disabled and less help for children with special needs. Humanity as a whole is decreasing. It sad really.
    The lack of compassion exists here to and has also gotten a lot worse. People in sweden will try and blame immigrants for this but that is not only ignorant but also a way of trying to switch blame.

  • @Karl-Benny
    @Karl-Benny 7 місяців тому +2

    Maybe Politicians should only have come from poverty so they have a better understanding of the problems

  • @Karl-Benny
    @Karl-Benny 7 місяців тому +1

    well said a centre party would be great

  • @menosproblemos6993
    @menosproblemos6993 3 місяці тому

    I wish Sweden would have England's gun control (from what I know) - Police only having guns when needed. They are strangers, and a badge doesn't change what person you are.
    At least only few people (whom have a license) have guns. My mother had a gun at home bc of some military reason. She wasn't allowed to have ammunition though. Cover to think of it it's strange that she had a gun in the first place.

  • @GunnarCreutz
    @GunnarCreutz 7 місяців тому +42

    Well, nowadays we have the Kristersson Cabinet here in Sweden, so there is nothing to be proud of.

    • @novineux1246
      @novineux1246 7 місяців тому +8

      yeah you're right. Åkesson should've been in government instead.

    • @annikamyren3026
      @annikamyren3026 7 місяців тому +18

      ​@@novineux1246😵‍💫🙄 nä tack, det är tillräckligt med fån där!

    • @novineux1246
      @novineux1246 7 місяців тому +2

      @@annikamyren3026 nä fånen finns exklusivt inom vänstern

    • @_Wolfsbane_
      @_Wolfsbane_ 7 місяців тому +13

      @@novineux1246 Det tillräckligt med nyssnazister i regeringskansliet som det är- tack ändå. Men nej tack.

    • @mr.sts.p
      @mr.sts.p 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@novineux1246Du är alltså en av dom 👎😠💩

  • @Sixtra
    @Sixtra 6 місяців тому

    Even if we have more than two political parties to vote for, we still kinda have “two sides”. Which (kinda)still manages to be as polarizing as only two parties.
    At the moment as with many other countries in the west it seems as the more conservative and a little bit “nationalistic”(Trumpist-vibe parties).

  • @menosproblemos6993
    @menosproblemos6993 3 місяці тому

    I'd like more public voted individual things.
    I know of two Swedish public voting things; right side driving and the euro. Both of which where decided against what the people actually voted for, by like 3-4% difference in yes/no.
    I've never seen such Swedish corruption 🤣 what ever imo 💁‍♂️
    I think that the more voting opportunities would lessen hype, so there'd be less pier pressure voting and more that only those whom are invested would vote.
    I've voted for parties twice, and not really knowing much about it - And that's a dumb way of voting I think. Dumb voting system for people like me. I care about some things, but can't vote for them without putting my vote on lots of other stuff as well, some which goes against my own ideals, JUST to get one of my ideals through.

  • @Aqua-hi7xt
    @Aqua-hi7xt 7 місяців тому +6

    For the most part people's views haven't changed much in regards to compassion and dehumanization. It's only really been a big trend since the rise of TikTok, today's teens are picking up the same kind of views and ideals as Andrew said were ruining the United States. There's a nation-wide increase in racism and other rather harmful views that can be seen in politics and news, higher crime rates, more gang violence and a drastic increase in acts of terrorism and shootings. With all of that being said, I still personally believe Sweden is better off than the United States in most things/criteria.
    If it wasn't made obvious, I'm swedish and live there. Sorry about any errors in spelling or grammar that I might've made (English is my second language after all), and I hope this cleared up some of your thoughts.

    • @novineux1246
      @novineux1246 7 місяців тому +2

      yeah cuz tiktok is the problem...

  • @skaervan
    @skaervan 6 місяців тому

    I looked into U.S. political parties. There once was a third, U.S. citizens voted it away.

  • @Servant_of_Christ
    @Servant_of_Christ 6 місяців тому

    Warning hellbound people about hell is very loving and compassionate, that dude is so off target it's scary.

  • @DIProgan
    @DIProgan 6 місяців тому +3

    Unfortunately Swedish politics is becoming increasingly polarized. In the next election 2026 at least 3 of the 8 parties in the riksdag is at risk of falling out.

  • @drew4021
    @drew4021 7 місяців тому +1

    There are no perfect countries in the world. Many countries, especially the European ones, had/have the option of sending the worse of their societies to the US. They have also had many more hundreds of years to hash out their problems and not to mention their citizens can more readily choose an entirely different country to live in. Certainly countries like Sweden are trying to achieve perfection while places like the US will be easy to pick on but I think this is much more a reflection of the human condition than anything.

  • @erikagervald3851
    @erikagervald3851 6 місяців тому

    Every new outlet is left leaning but if you know that it’s good. It’s better than us tho.

  • @Jarptchow85
    @Jarptchow85 5 місяців тому

    come on... don't react to react to react.... too much inception :p