Lindsey Stirling - Eye Of The Untold Her (Official Music Video)

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 10 тис.

  • @DarthRioBarbossa
    @DarthRioBarbossa 9 місяців тому +6599

    (0:01) Voiceover and costume from her rejection at AGT
    (0:32) Lindsey has said she went back to the dressing room and cried, and said she'd never go on stage again
    (0:39) Artemis
    (0:53) Crystallize, which went viral and was a career-changer
    (0:59) Dancing With the Stars, her Week 10 costume
    (1:07) The Upside
    (1:41) Her first self-titled album cover
    (1:47) Shatter Me, a song and video about her personal struggles
    (2:06) The tomb stone is for her father Stephen, and best friend Gavi
    (2:11) Roundtable Rival
    (2:13) Lindsey has taken up aerial hoop, because yes she CAN go flying through the air while playing the violin
    (2:17) The Arena
    (2:30) Can't fill a theater? Watch her. This is the costume she wore to play at Lollapalooza in Paris 2023.
    (3:23) Babe, wake up, new Lindsey Stirling album cover just dropped.
    Anyway, watch out for onion ninjas. I'm not crying, you're crying.
    EDIT: Hey, also to everyone who is so insistent on me being wrong about The Upside vs Underground, 'The Upside' is the one that actually contains the costume she wears in this video. Also, all those videos are related like the Lindsey Cinematic Universe. So I'm leaving it. Go 'um actually' someone else.

    • @AllenHUS
      @AllenHUS 9 місяців тому +92

      Is "The Upside" correct? The triange, square, and circle at 1:23 is from Underground, and she has the same yellow violin as at 1:07. Granted, neither video has a yellow violin, so idk. But thanks for the list, I was missing a couple of references

    • @Lafalot54
      @Lafalot54 9 місяців тому +95

      Thanks for all of the references and time stamps!

    • @asraiSOA
      @asraiSOA 9 місяців тому +33

      The tomb stone was for both Gavi and her father.

    • @DarthRioBarbossa
      @DarthRioBarbossa 9 місяців тому +18

      ​@@asraiSOA AAH! Thank you, I edited the post.

    • @Jypsie415
      @Jypsie415 9 місяців тому +16

      Thanks for this post! 🥰🎻

  • @ribottostudio
    @ribottostudio 8 місяців тому +2504

    This woman is the epitome of "the best revenge is a life lived well." She proved them all wrong.

    • @plasticity1000
      @plasticity1000 8 місяців тому +10

      No, you are hopefully. You don't know yet.

    • @Otakush84PL
      @Otakush84PL 8 місяців тому +12

      Love what you wrote! !! Love her!!

    • @molwar4569
      @molwar4569 8 місяців тому +27

      Definitely, you have to have followed her career to fully understand how amazing this video/song is.

    • @plasticity1000
      @plasticity1000 8 місяців тому +2

      You never should have used the 'revenge' word! And in
      that, you and your meager following are proven wrong.

    • @Ash_Rein
      @Ash_Rein 7 місяців тому +6

      If you really wanna be about what doesn’t need to be used, the word should is the worst word we have. It’s a fantasy word. It keeps us from living in reality and actually doing something to make changes that end up being worthwhile

  • @lareselcorrobarrutia6773
    @lareselcorrobarrutia6773 9 місяців тому +4985

    This is a personal ode to her career and beginnings to the present day.
    And a punch in the face from Got Talent, it's literally a "Are you sure I can't?"

  • @johncoleman3933
    @johncoleman3933 5 місяців тому +900

    My girlfriend was buried today after a long fight against cancer. She was a HUGE fan of yours and she always proudly shown off pictures of her meet and greets at several of your concerts. Towards the end of the fight she said this song gave her courage to not be afraid of the unknown and embodied how she felt at the time. This was the first song of her casket being brought into the chapel for her funeral. She was a sound engineer at her local theater for 13 years at the Springer Opera House in Columbus, Ga and they have dedicated the sound booth to her in memory. I really hope you see this but if not I'm glad I was able to tell the world how much you meant to her and to me through her.
    Edit: Thank you to everyone for the kind words i do hope Lindsey sees this but if not then that's fine too

    • @favforsue
      @favforsue 5 місяців тому +29

      😢 ❤Thank you for sharing.

    • @Evilregall
      @Evilregall 5 місяців тому +40

      May she rest in peace 🕊️🤍

    • @yalya.4302
      @yalya.4302 5 місяців тому +29

      God bless you, this is something so special that you’ve decided to share and it’s beautiful. Please take care ❤

    • @teri6667
      @teri6667 5 місяців тому +21

      You made me cry again! I am deeply sorry for your loss and hope that Lindsey, through her music, can help bring you some peace. It is amazing what her music can do for those who love it. She is very special to all of us. Thank you for sharing your story.

    • @DanijelaPetrovic-qx7bg
      @DanijelaPetrovic-qx7bg 5 місяців тому +2

      Ispricacu ti neke stvari pa ces bolje da me razumes nisam smela da ti pisem onako na tik toku

  • @christianjones-7693
    @christianjones-7693 9 місяців тому +2541

    The fact she can tell us a whole story without saying a word speaks volumes of the power of music.

    • @fredflintstone5356
      @fredflintstone5356 9 місяців тому +28

      You watched a video… you also see the story, not just hear the music…

    • @ViCT0RiA6
      @ViCT0RiA6 9 місяців тому +51

      ​@@fredflintstone5356people like you are beyond annoying, intentionally missing the point to seem edgy

    • @fredflintstone5356
      @fredflintstone5356 9 місяців тому

      @@ViCT0RiA6 people like you get trggrd by facts. That is what’s annoying.

    • @JohnSmith-bw6pv
      @JohnSmith-bw6pv 9 місяців тому

      this corny af..@@ViCT0RiA6

    • @omnombrains
      @omnombrains 9 місяців тому +24

      @@fredflintstone5356Then LISTEN to her music. If you don't feel moved by the sounds alone, that's on you.

  • @ArtemiSeraphinaRose
    @ArtemiSeraphinaRose 9 місяців тому +1033

    In all honesty, this song feels more like she's playing to herself than to us, and I love it.

    • @kainplewinski5742
      @kainplewinski5742 9 місяців тому +22

      i would agree, the last line "Not good enough" ..."Yet"

    • @caomhanmacha9174
      @caomhanmacha9174 8 місяців тому +12

      She`s not playing. She`s praying. For the god of Arts, maybe

    • @buckosoft
      @buckosoft 8 місяців тому +9

      Sure, she's talking to herself, too. "Practice and this is what awaits."
      This video got me verklempt, and that's pretty rare for me.

    • @vladislava5237
      @vladislava5237 7 місяців тому +9

      I see it as mostly inspiring and motivational. Of course she is playing for us. This is like "Look how dreams can become true in this world. Never give up"
      Stunning beauty and pathos multiply this message
      She is not a person who would create this to just toot her own horn

    • @timothyfloogle
      @timothyfloogle 6 місяців тому +6

      You realize that she too is her audience ?

  • @chloefarrant3479
    @chloefarrant3479 9 місяців тому +1935

    "Not good enough YET" is the most powerful concept. Whilst Lindsey's skills were incredible even back in AGT days, there's no denying how she has just upped her game repeatedly for years. She wasn't born already playing a violin and dancing like an expert, but she worked HARD and made it her reality. We all have different dreams, but this story has been shared in such a relatable and empowering way. Best advice I ever heard: When you try something and you're not good at it, it doesn't mean you should stop doing it, it just means you're a beginner. Lindsey shows the bravery to try new things constantly.

    • @TheParez
      @TheParez 9 місяців тому +31

      One's passion to strive to do something, even if out of spite, is admirable at least personally. And I think we can all agree that Lindsey has beyond any doubts achieved that multiple times beyond the original point. Thank you, Lindsey, for showing beauty in music, especially in chord acoustics^^

    • @Germaximus
      @Germaximus 9 місяців тому +1

      lol bot

    • @chloefarrant3479
      @chloefarrant3479 9 місяців тому +2

      @@Germaximus bot??

    • @KurtLeeMusic
      @KurtLeeMusic 9 місяців тому +22

      @chloefarrant3479 "When you try something and you're not good at it, it doesn't mean you should stop doing it, it just means you're a beginner." Love that.

    • @Stephanie.Strings
      @Stephanie.Strings 9 місяців тому +1

      Yes this!

  • @LulaMae21
    @LulaMae21 5 місяців тому +355

    Suni Lee is using this on her floor routine in Paris at the Olympics!!!! What a comeback after battling kidney disease!

    • @rosalia2940
      @rosalia2940 Місяць тому

      True love = the love of God!
      *God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
      Philippians 2:5-8

  • @L0vely_b0nes96
    @L0vely_b0nes96 9 місяців тому +708

    I've always said her whole career was a punch to those judges guts. Especially the guy who said "I just can't see you playing the violin and flying." I'm so so so genuinely proud of this woman, and I'm so glad I've been able to follow her journey

    • @sirephil5302
      @sirephil5302 9 місяців тому +22

      She is a motivator and teached them a lesson. i love her spirit.

    • @russia_winner
      @russia_winner 8 місяців тому +6

      @JakeLayman-md4fwона большой молодец что сумела справиться и заниматься любимым делом. А судьи молодцы что раскритиковали, а не восторженно ликовали. Тогда бы мы возможно и не увидели подобных высот…

    • @rektiumstuff3245
      @rektiumstuff3245 8 місяців тому +18

      She took it in stride and grew. But honestly I think the best thing that could have happened was her not winning. IMO the music industry would have destroyed her, because she doesn't fit the mold of any "pop" star.

    • @alanmichael5619
      @alanmichael5619 8 місяців тому +13

      @JakeLayman-md4fw Not really. I mean the advice was "you need to be a part of a group - and need a singer", "need to git gud" and "it's too difficult to be playing the violin and be carried around on stage". Not exactly the most compelling advice.
      Whilst she does do performances with others and occasionally collaborates with singers - the violin absolutely drives her performance, and the visual effect that she goes for pushes it further.
      They literally said that she wouldn't be able to do what she's doing now.

    • @alanmichael5619
      @alanmichael5619 8 місяців тому +8

      @@rektiumstuff3245 100% - I think she went out of the competition at the right stage as well. Not only was the format not that great for her style (complex routines that have been well-rehearsed and prepared in advance, not set up in a week) but the "prize" would have likely tied her to a label that wouldn't have been compatible with her style.
      Her "youtube" era was a really fun time to watch her and her progression as an artist. She's really driven her career and is such an inspiration.

  • @saradelfini7781
    @saradelfini7781 9 місяців тому +1554

    We really need to thank Lindsey for reminding millions of people around the world that WE CHOOSE WHO WE WANT TO BE. The choice is ours alone.
    Thanks for everything.

    • @RadaxianaOracleTarot
      @RadaxianaOracleTarot 9 місяців тому +1

      Yes!!! Your words have so much power!! 😘🤗

    • @eviankpop1872
      @eviankpop1872 9 місяців тому +12

      within reason of course. for example, not a flying panda.

    • @sam-psonsmith9951
      @sam-psonsmith9951 9 місяців тому +6

      @@eviankpop1872 no one can tell me i can't be a panda.

    • @TheParez
      @TheParez 9 місяців тому

      This. Very much.

    • @thebalderthor4884
      @thebalderthor4884 9 місяців тому +2

      😂 We all know what you’re really talking about.

  • @rainestar82
    @rainestar82 8 місяців тому +491

    the moment Artemis showed up, I burst into tears and they didnt stop. I'm so proud to have been here since Electric Daisy Violin. Not because I "found her first" but because its been an honor to grow through my teens and 20s with her, to see her journey, to experience her art and emotions and vulnerabilities. Its an honor to be part of something so beautiful, to be inspired by it myself. The Arena and the Artemis album have helped me through my darkest times. To see Lindsey look back at her career...the AGT judges really didnt mean harm but she really couldve just dropped it all and walked away. But she kept going because she loved the art, because she knew she could be better, because she had a story to tell. The power and beauty she has and that shes allowed me and so many others to have through her work...I'll never be able to put into words what it all means.

    • @GyngerSnapz
      @GyngerSnapz 8 місяців тому +8

      We had the same reaction ❤

    • @VVfanXXLx3
      @VVfanXXLx3 8 місяців тому +10

      Absolute Same, i found her Spontanous me and Electric Daisy at once back then in abou 2012-13 or something.. a bit after that Crystalize was hitting and i love every single bit of it!
      She deserves all the success!

    • @GhofranAlaadinVEVO
      @GhofranAlaadinVEVO 8 місяців тому +5

      I feel the same, can't be more proud :')

    • @MadMaxFuture
      @MadMaxFuture 8 місяців тому +3

      Great Words ❤😊

    • @alanmichael5619
      @alanmichael5619 8 місяців тому +5

      @@VVfanXXLx3 i remember "discovering" her at the time of her zelda medley - and absolutely everything she's produced before and since has just been absolute golden. Such an inspiring artist.

  • @MsT_ThatsMe
    @MsT_ThatsMe 4 місяці тому +93

    Suni.Lee sent me here.

  • @jademartin8521
    @jademartin8521 9 місяців тому +841

    My 10 year old daughter just did an assessment in her Yr5 class talking about how her dream is to play like a pro violinist “just like Lindsey Stirling” and she spoke about how you were told you weren’t good enough and that you proved everyone wrong. I’ll be showing her this video later! ❤❤❤

    • @timgrant1219
      @timgrant1219 9 місяців тому +23

      Hello. Lindsey is an Excellent Professional. When people doubt Lindsey's ability, I always post this to them...
      Lindsey is a Professional. And her stats PROVE it...
      Lindsey always plays live. She has said that she tried "faking" it once and it just looked ridiculous. Because it is way too hard to sync the violin playing to the music. And it looks way too obvious. Lindsey has been playing the violin for *31* years and she added dancing *20.5* years ago. They say to be an expert at something, you need 10,000 hours. Lindsey has 30,000 hours. Every concert and show has been SOLD-OUT. *Would you buy a ticket ($100-$200) to a "fake or bad" show?* Lindsey has 14 million subs, 4.5 billion views, 132 music videos, hundreds of misc. videos, 6 full albums, 25+ violins, and has toured the world many times.
      She doesn't need to fake it. Lindsey Is A Professional.
      In fact, I like saying, "Almost anyone can stand around and play Bach. But how many can play AND dance to Michael Jackson?" I have collected some UA-cam videos of Lindsey that may help you...

    • 9 місяців тому +6

      Such a powerful and beautiful video! ❤❤❤

    • @timgrant1219
      @timgrant1219 9 місяців тому +16

      One more thing and then I'll leave you be...
      This is how Lindsey started...
      When Lindsey was about 5 years old, her father would take Her family (mom and 2 sisters) to free orchestral concerts in the city. Lindsey said that the first-chair violinist always tuned the orchestra and got the big solos. She saw that as being the Star of the show. Lindsey would beg her parents for violin and dance lessons. They could not afford both, so after going to one class each, she decided on the violin. Lindsey started with a rented violin because they couldn’t afford one. And since age 6 (1992), she has been violining to this day, (31 years). She was trained in Classical Violin for the first 12 years. Then one day in High School, she needed money for college, so she entered the Arizona Junior Miss Pageant. She noticed that around 6 other violinists were competing. She figured that it would just come down to who could play their Classical piece better. She wanted to win, so she added dance to her playing. She wanted to entertain and perform, not just impress everyone.
      Of course, she won.
      After that, she decided to play the music she liked. She started adding hip-hop, then EDM, then dubstep. She has always practiced her violining...half an hour to an hour a day, 6 days a week. After she would practice, she would reward herself by playing something she wanted. She has said the key is perseverance.
      Actually, she learned how to dance through UA-cam videos when she was 17 years old (2003). Growing up, Lindsey and her 2 sisters would dance to the Classical records their parents would play. Lindsey has always loved to dance. Lindsey was on Dancing With The Stars and Dance Showdown. And Lindsey has had about a week of Tap and a week of Ballet. Lindsey also learned a little from friends and choreographers. Lindsey was born to dance.

    • @dwightd.murphyjr.8483
      @dwightd.murphyjr.8483 9 місяців тому +8

      I remember when all of the "old money" was saying boo and jeering her for how she played and composed, on National Public Radio and I thought to myself, too bad they can't recognize natural God given talent.
      Now look at her! LOOK AT HER NOW!!!!
      I will support your daughter as I have Lindsey these many years hence, when she begins to sell out areans and stadiums, too.

    • @andybraid4263
      @andybraid4263 9 місяців тому +1

  • @Corwin10291978
    @Corwin10291978 9 місяців тому +842

    45yrs old, divorce lawyer, power lifter... over here with tears streaming down my face. This is emotionally overpowering. Phenomenal. This is absolutely one of the best "I did it, and I did it my way, no matter what people told me" renderings ever created. Been... aware? of your music since AGT and was so happy to accidentally stumble on to Crystalized on UA-cam after it'd been out for a year or so. Loved it immediately. Shatter Me introduced me to Lzzy Hale which I'm thankful for, and that song still remains my favorite of yours. I too was trapped for years by my own issues until I chose to break free and the first time I heard that song, it took me right back to that struggle. Followed your journey through all of the stages in this video, been to your live shows which are amazing. Played your music at my wedding. Wife and I took my step-daughter to her first concert- one of your winter shows. My 6 year old dances and does her gymnastics to your songs in our house. Your strength in the face of all the opposition you've faced and heartbreak you've endured is an inspiration I want my girls to learn from. Good enough? No, good enough doesn't do you any justice: you're better than likely even you could have ever possibly dreamed. Thank you. Thank you for never quitting.

    • @Nanerbeet
      @Nanerbeet 9 місяців тому +21

      Her videos has inspired my 8 yo daughter to start playing the violin while dancing around with the same flare and energy. It's incredibly powerful and just so adorable at the same time. So thankful for this and yes I'm over here with watery eyes, too 😭

    • @tedashii4822
      @tedashii4822 9 місяців тому +13

      First video of youtube I watched after work today. wasnt ready.

    • @BlackCat-aka-Jewels
      @BlackCat-aka-Jewels 9 місяців тому +5


    • @KalistaMoonwolf
      @KalistaMoonwolf 9 місяців тому +9

      Hey, just wanted to say I love how comfortable and accepting you are of yourself and your emotions. On the surface, you sound like the epitome of some alpha, manly dude, and I really love that you're so in touch with yourself. Best wishes!

    • @GammataElsa
      @GammataElsa 9 місяців тому +5

      I have been following Lindsey since her first video on you tube, which I republished ( She has always been a reference for me with her optimism and energy... This video, fills me with joy and gratitude, and should be an example to all those who every day, fight for what they believe in! Thank you Lindsey ❤

  • @wulfs
    @wulfs 9 місяців тому +405

    Disabled combat vet here, discovered her when she just started and been listening to her ever since, her and her music has pulled me out of some dark times over the years. Thank you Lindsey for your music and bringing me along your journey.

    • @suzanhodges415
      @suzanhodges415 9 місяців тому +17

      Thank you for your service. We value you combat vets more than you will ever understand!

    • @sirephil5302
      @sirephil5302 9 місяців тому +3

      keep it up bro! you are not alone! greetings from germany!

    • @joshmcdonald5520
      @joshmcdonald5520 8 місяців тому +5

      Well met Brother. Much of the same over here. Just wanted to say hey, and glad you're still here.

    • @ricardorodriguez5688
      @ricardorodriguez5688 8 місяців тому +3

      Same here....can't believe we share a similar story. My wife plays the Violin and she had 3:54 started listening to Ms Sterling when she had started her UA-cam channel. I play the Cello, but was drawn to this young lady ever since. Well she's coming to San Antonio, Texas and we already have our tickets. Hooah!!!

    • @PlayActiv
      @PlayActiv 8 місяців тому +2

      Do you know Karolina Protsenko? Lindsey inspired her to play violin. You can find her on youtube too.🎻🙏😊

  • @xanithdegroot5407
    @xanithdegroot5407 4 місяці тому +25

    Wow, what an absolute honor it must be to be the musician of choice for an Olympic gold metalist. You should feel proud of what you have made yourself, and all the hard work it took to get you here. Never let anyone deny your potential ever again.

  • @thyrandewhisperwind684
    @thyrandewhisperwind684 9 місяців тому +1233

    Jesus, I cried. I was inspired by you, and 5 years ago I've started to play violin to thrive trough my depression. I still play violin, and I appreciate every moment I've passed through with it. Now I enjoy my life and I want to help others to become stronger version of themselves. Thank you, Lindsey. Thanks for everything. You've changed my life, you've changed your life, you've changed everyone.

    • @lilyb9315
      @lilyb9315 9 місяців тому +25

      I cried too!!! Never to any music have I cried to, and I cried hard. This song is amazing and Lindsey is amazing. She is such a Goddess. ❤

    • @h.s.3883
      @h.s.3883 9 місяців тому +12

      She’s helped me over the years too-never give up.

    • @GammataElsa
      @GammataElsa 9 місяців тому +23

      I am crying even now !!! For those who know the story, recognize the videos,the costumes, the dances... I think it is the most beautifully human reaction one can expect ! Because not all tears are of sadness ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥

    • @SteveZobro-hq8in
      @SteveZobro-hq8in 9 місяців тому +6

      ❤ the perservance! Very inspiring! Enjoyed the eye blink, and last word! 🎉

    • @matthewwhite876
      @matthewwhite876 9 місяців тому +4


  • @riakun
    @riakun 9 місяців тому +406

    The perfect example of the phrase “show don’t tell”, and it literally brought me to tears because it’s such a universal message.
    “I’m not good enough… yet” is simple but amazing.
    Thanks for making this video. I loved watching it ❤️

    • @mchlle94
      @mchlle94 9 місяців тому +2

      I mean, no offense, but with the jury's voices in it it's pretty on the nose 🙈

  • @kiarariley1607
    @kiarariley1607 9 місяців тому +94

    "Not good enough....yet."
    This sent shivers down my spine. The message really hits home

  • @valerielinares2068
    @valerielinares2068 4 місяці тому +17

    After hearing the song Suni Lee used for her floor routine, I had to come find it. Now, after hearing the song, and knowing some of the things she had to get through to get to the Paris 2024 Olympics, I totally understand why she chose this song and it makes me choke up. I'm so proud of her, how far she's come, what she overcame, and what she's achieved. If someone were to make a movie based off her life (an accurate depiction of her life), I'd definitely watch it.

  • @spyroluver0951
    @spyroluver0951 9 місяців тому +578

    Lindsey has not lost her power and style after all these years since her crystallize debut. Her music is a "fantasy dream" that makes you look out the window and imagine another world entirely.

    • @ashaman81
      @ashaman81 9 місяців тому +8

      !00%, not only has she not lost it she has gotten better every time.

    • @AmenUrSetNibiru
      @AmenUrSetNibiru 8 місяців тому +2

      The first video I watched was "Spontaneous Me".
      But then I found "Electric Daisy Violin" and "Shadows".

    • @DrFatDabs
      @DrFatDabs 4 місяці тому

      Very well said. We are all still in love!

  • @xxkrystlee
    @xxkrystlee 9 місяців тому +260

    This made me cry. The story behind this. The fact they really tried to tell you you weren't good enough. And you just said, "watch me" and now we're here ❤

    • @flornahealingempath
      @flornahealingempath 9 місяців тому +6

      This made me cry too. It reminds me of the times when people told me that I cold not do things or if they thought certain things were too hard for me to do.

  • @erichoerauf1069
    @erichoerauf1069 9 місяців тому +256

    Ahhhh I love it!! All the throwbacks to the very beginning with the costumes and scenery! It's like rewarching your favorite movie or rereading your favorite story book character 🤩

  • @lavendercream1764
    @lavendercream1764 Місяць тому +4

    This is the song for the life of someone like me, like us. The life of the one who faces challenges and struggles in a world that brings them down at every freaking turn. The one who is exhausted and insecure by the criticism and labels people around put on them daily. They feel like they want to give up. But that's the moment when their soul thrives. They find art, which opens wonderful stories, and they're the main characters in that story. They can be a fairy, a brave knight, a pretty ballerina, an all-and-mighty God. They control their own world, and they can be whatever they want to be. They find a light in the dark, a passionate dream that never ends. The hope and passion in their heart are more than enough for them to overcome every challenge and every difficulty in life. They know they will show this world what it thought of them was wrong, they know they will show this world what they really are.
    *Not good enough...yet.*
    Thank you, Lindsey Stirling. You save my soul every time I break down. You're not only an inspiration, you're a legend. I'll try my best to be someone like you. We will try our best.

  • @bardinblue9830
    @bardinblue9830 9 місяців тому +207

    From America's Got Talent, to Crystallize, Artemis, Underground, The Arena, Shatter Me, and so much more! So many wonderful pieces of music you've written and shared with the world, so many stories, and of course music videos. When I saw the Mission Impossible video that you did with The Piano Guys, and later your Carol of the Bells video, I had forgotten that I had seen you before, on America's Got Talent. However, I do remember seeing you on that show when you made your debut, and seeing an undeniable spark of something amazing. How the judges didn't see it back then, I don't know - but that spark was always there. It was powerful, and it still is to this day. You are indeed a creative force to behold, Lindsey Stirling. Thank you for sharing the beauty that resides in your soul. Much love to who you have become, and to the girl that you were.

    • @johnbagwell3981
      @johnbagwell3981 9 місяців тому

      Agreed while I didn't know about her when she first started making music my introduction was shatter me with Lzzy Hale even then I knew she had incredible talent but what proved it was her violin cover of my immortal by Evanescence. For a cover without lyrics it is just as good as the original and I remember that song when it was new.

  • @walkofftheearth
    @walkofftheearth 9 місяців тому +158

    Good god this is so powerful! 👏 👏 👏 👏

    @BBWREM 9 місяців тому +677

    You can tell a story completely with music, you don't always need lyrics. That's why I love Lindsey's music and a lot of other so called Epic Music (for example Movie and Trailer Music).

    • @EfnanCECEN-tx6sp
      @EfnanCECEN-tx6sp 9 місяців тому +5

      I agree.Her music is always great

    • @reddragonartwork
      @reddragonartwork 9 місяців тому +4

      Yes, I’m with you totally.

    • @jamesshroogle6331
      @jamesshroogle6331 9 місяців тому +6

      I feel like the video tells most of the story, if I just heard just the music I could just say "sounds nice" but I wont be able to understand a story.

    • @crealibro
      @crealibro 9 місяців тому +3

      Somos seres sensibles las Imágenes y la música nos despiertan más que las teorías que nos encierran como esas opiniones no eres... 🐋

    • @Ukaran
      @Ukaran 9 місяців тому +1

      To be fair, she is telling a story with images, not music.

  • @MsJackle99
    @MsJackle99 4 місяці тому +57

    I just watched Sunisa Lee perform a stunning floor routine in the individual all-around to this song. A truly fitting song for a fabulous athlete. She nailed it for bronze. Congratulation to the entire US gymnastic team and thank you Lindsey Sterling for the almost two decades of unique musical presentations merged with beautiful dance choreography.

  • @TheFatRat
    @TheFatRat 9 місяців тому +116

    What an amazing video! Both uplifting and nostalgic. Reminded me of when I first discovered Crystallize. What a ride it has been.

    • @PaisleyWaisleyUwU2
      @PaisleyWaisleyUwU2 9 місяців тому +5

      Hiii :)
      I discovered this amazing woman through you. Thank you

    • @Igrium
      @Igrium 9 місяців тому +3

      You should really do more collabs!

  • @alfredarias573
    @alfredarias573 9 місяців тому +156

    Someone once told her she did not have enough talent to perform in a show in Las Vegas. Not even Nostradamus failed so bad to predict the future. You could perform in the Olympus Mount and tickets would be sold out. An inspiration for all of us. Congratulations!

  • @KKstray
    @KKstray 9 місяців тому +254

    I’ve watched this countless times already and every single time it gets me crying. I’ve been around since 2012 watching and growing up with you and attending concerts and meet and greets when I can. I lost my grandpa to cancer in 2014 and shatter me and brave enough got me through it. And not to forget guardian/lose you now, which I played at my wedding for my grandfather. His 10 years is coming up from being gone from us and this just released in time. And upside I didn’t even know you were dropping an album and my husband showed me Upside the day it got released. I was so busy with school and work and the fact that he remembered I loved your music was the sweetest thing. I know upside is not a wedding song but we played it as our first dance song and brought our family and friends to dance as well. All your albums I’ve related too and seeing the genius of the video and your growth reminds me of the growth I went through and every single emotion each album brought me. Thank you Lindsey for still kicking it and rocking at it.

  • @stewartjackson2206
    @stewartjackson2206 9 місяців тому +107

    I was lucky enough to know Lindsey way back in high school. We did cross country and track together. I remember one time when we did a meet out of state a bunch of the teams got together and started dancing and being goofy to some music. Then all of a sudden Lindsey started busting out complicated and epic dance moves. I’ll never forget the look on my coaches face like “she’s gonna be a star one day”.
    This song is absolutely amazing. The message behind it is even better. Even better than that is the person playing the violin. She’s been an angel of a person her whole life

    • @johnbagwell3981
      @johnbagwell3981 9 місяців тому +2

      I didn't discover her until the song shatter me showed up on here or facebook one day I can't remember which one it was now. My first thought was wow that is incredible work and she has since gotten even better. I don't often say this but her cover of my immortal is even better than the original. So glad she ignored the judges and kept going. She's earned the right to be called a superstar musician.

  • @ivyannen2357
    @ivyannen2357 9 місяців тому +189

    I'm speechless. I've been a long-time fan, automatically turn to Lindsey's music if I'm not sure what to listen to, and even walked down the aisle to her cover of My Immortal at my wedding (as well as having several other songs of hers in my wedding playlist). Never before has a song and video hit me so incredibly hard. I was crying almost immediately, and it was absolutely breathtaking. The way I gasped when the violin was picked up after AGT Lindsey put it down and walked away. I have been going through a lot of stuff lately, and this song could not have come at a better time. Lindsey, I'm sure you'll never see this, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the huge inspiration you have been to me. Thank you for changing my life ❤️

    • @Hokieho420
      @Hokieho420 9 місяців тому +4

      well said!

    • @veeg8688
      @veeg8688 9 місяців тому +7

      I feel the same way
      This video just made my day. I feel confident again to hold my head high. It reminds me to be proud of myself and not give up to the upcoming challenges
      Thank you ❤

    • @brittanystarr1022
      @brittanystarr1022 9 місяців тому +2

      Relate so strongly! ❤

  • @klceltic
    @klceltic 9 місяців тому +92

    This gave me chills. When I saw AGT Lindsey put the violin down and then Artemis Lindsey pick it up the tears just started to flow. 'Transcendence', 'Shatter Me', "The Arena", this, how do you release just the right song when I need it the most? Thank you. To me at least you truly are an angel.

  • @JaniceSchwartz-v8z
    @JaniceSchwartz-v8z 4 місяці тому +10

    When watching Suni's floor routine, I literally said out loud she had the best music that matched the feeling and power of her performance. Shouldn't have been surprised to discover it was Lindsey Stirling, who I saw in concert in Provo, Utah! The spectacular music matched Suni's spectacular performance.

  • @noeliafernandez9177
    @noeliafernandez9177 9 місяців тому +150

    I LOVED it!!! The negative comments from the show at the beginning, the hint of all your songs, shows, videos... all you've conquered so far.... MASTERPIECE.
    not sure if I am the only fan older enough to catch all that but I am glad I did. Love you

  • @ACLyoko
    @ACLyoko 9 місяців тому +147

    The way I started to cry as soon the shatter me, the grave and the other versions started to show and heal, and the stadium... I feel so proud and inspired by Lindsey, I am honored to be alive and watch this journey and her growth... Continue being this gold talent you're!

  • @pinkdryad
    @pinkdryad 9 місяців тому +172

    I'm not crying, there's just onion ninjas around here somewhere.
    Seriously, this is such a beautiful way to tell your story and encourage others to stick with their passions and keep working toward their goals. Well done, Lindsey. Simply breathtaking.

  • @elenaelmepka
    @elenaelmepka 15 днів тому +2

    What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, this girl proved that she can and became the best. Therefore, some traumatic situations or very humiliating ones can make us stronger.

  • @FireFirst_
    @FireFirst_ 9 місяців тому +329

    I have been listening to you Lindsey for years, all the way back to Crystallized, Transendence, Shadows, and just watching this video and knowing the events your showing, from being told you couldn't fill a theatre, seeing Shatter me, Roundtable Rival, The Arena. I shed a few tears seeing your Brave Enough outfit in front of the grave, knowing exactly who that was for. I remember going to your concert during the Brave Enough tour with my younger sister, excited to see you and Gavi, only to hear about his passing tore us both up. Everyone is proud of you Lindsey, you deserve to be where you are. I LOVE YOU LINDSEY! KEEP WORKING HARD AND PROVING THEM WRONG!

    • @michaelrosa700
      @michaelrosa700 9 місяців тому +4

      His death is absolutely heartbreaking. Don’t get me started on Gavi’s Song

    • @katieflaherty7881
      @katieflaherty7881 9 місяців тому +3

      Same here! I have been following her before she released her first music video. The loss of Gavi was devastating to hear. She is amazing and a true inspiration ❤

    • @FireFirst_
      @FireFirst_ 9 місяців тому +6

      @@michaelrosa700 I still tear up when I hear that song

    • @brimstonemarcussternklev7407
      @brimstonemarcussternklev7407 9 місяців тому +1

      Crystallized is what got me into her since i love dubstep and i love violins 🤣 and its been an awesome journey. And oh what a masterpiece this was

    • @FireFirst_
      @FireFirst_ 9 місяців тому +6

      @@brimstonemarcussternklev7407 The Violin mixed with Dubstep was amazing sounding to me. The roughness of the beats mixed with smooth, fast playing violin? As a middle schooler at the time hearing that for the first time, I was mesmerized

  • @fredcomstock1100
    @fredcomstock1100 9 місяців тому +96

    This draw some tears. To see you go through your journey from "not being good enough" on AGT through your struggles with your disorder, your inspiration helping me quit smoking after more than 30 years, meeting in person and seeing you continue to succeed. Well done. Thank you for being you.

  • @brentongalbraith4163
    @brentongalbraith4163 9 місяців тому +173

    Your dad would be so proud of how far you've come ❤

    • @Kyver
      @Kyver 9 місяців тому +40

      And Gavi

    • @arwensdorf8311
      @arwensdorf8311 9 місяців тому +13

      😭❤️ dont make me cry worse! ❤️

  • @Giopio13
    @Giopio13 10 днів тому +2

    Don't let anyone stop you from tryiing to achieve your dreams. Take it from this woman.

  • @MeandmyTea
    @MeandmyTea 9 місяців тому +714


  • @anthonystevens8683
    @anthonystevens8683 9 місяців тому +70

    Lindsey you have a way of sending a message in such a way that we cannot ignore. I love the 'what if you don't give up' message along with the 'this is possible'. A truly stunning message that brought some tears to my eyes. Thank god you continue to play and inspire many others to do the same.

  • @KalinaKakki
    @KalinaKakki 9 місяців тому +79

    I was born disabled (cerebral palsy). doctors wrote me off at the beginning of my life. Despite this, I learned to walk and talk while proving how much potential there is in a small, weak body. When I was 14, I struggled with depression. More than ten years later, I had to say goodbye to my sister, who died of cancer.
    I am glad that Lindsey's songs accompany me in difficult and important moments of my life. As my dad says, Lindsey's story has an amazing moral and motivation for all of us ♥️
    PS. Lindsey, your father is sure proud of you ❤️
    I hope live to see you in the duo with other great violinists in the future
    Greetings from Poland 🇵🇱 ❤️💪

  • @melissahardy7173
    @melissahardy7173 4 місяці тому +4

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Lindsey! Speaking as someone who doubted, second-guessed, and sold herself short for most of her life, this video is very inspiring. I realized you were showing your younger self all the things that you accomplished, showing her that she is not limited by the comments of those judges. (I'm so sorry about that: I remember watching and noticing that you looked like you were going to cry. I felt for you: no one wants to hear/believe/be told they aren't good enough. I struggled to be good enough since childhood.) It inspired me to show/tell younger me the things that I've accomplished. It started with adult me asking if child me wanted to hear a story and ended with child me telling adult me: "I like that story." Thank you again, Lindsey! Thank you for sharing your journey, growth, talent, and music with us! You really are an amazing person and I hope you know that in your conscious and subconscious mind and heart.

  • @Laryskun
    @Laryskun 9 місяців тому +90

    Gee, Lindsey ! I 'm crying ! I can't believe it's been 14 years since your first album. You've had such an amazing journey ! It's a beautiful lesson in believing in yourself, and a beautiful revenge against those who put you down. We're proud of you ! ❤❤❤❤

  • @thebalderthor4884
    @thebalderthor4884 9 місяців тому +67

    This truly was your master work. It felt just as much an homage to fans as her career. Only long time fans would catch all the throw backs.

    • @rileyjoyly3950
      @rileyjoyly3950 9 місяців тому +2

      Or fans who are still more recent but got obsessed and watched everything... Yep that's me! I've been here since 2020

  • @WBCHelpSaint
    @WBCHelpSaint 9 місяців тому +51

    Yup just sitting here crying because of the beauty of this. Really lost it though with the grave scene, so much love for Papa Stirling and Gavi!

  • @scarpfish
    @scarpfish 4 місяці тому +10

    I was already here, but Suni Lee's floor routine brought me back.

  • @JTLaser1
    @JTLaser1 8 місяців тому +53

    Beautiful playing. My Beloved Mom played violin but gave it up because she had to work in a steam laundry, pressing uniforms so she could raise three children, alone. I didn’t even know she played, never heard her. RIP Mom, I love and miss you.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful gift.❤️

  • @pjshepherd2563
    @pjshepherd2563 9 місяців тому +77

    Words cannot describe the feeling I'm feeling right now. I have watched from start to now and bringing that all together is some kind of special round up. You didn't give up you pushed and pushed and look...Proud. Proud. Proud. Thank you for not giving up. Look at the beauty you have brought to the world.

  • @Musicmix1108
    @Musicmix1108 8 місяців тому +41

    To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life

  • @roxannefeldman3154
    @roxannefeldman3154 2 дні тому +2

    Sometimes music tell us a song of its own

  • @AnjiKaizen
    @AnjiKaizen 9 місяців тому +37

    Lindsey - this is absolutely STUNNING. Your video, your journey, your courage and your strength to overcome these seemingly insurmountable obstacles to continue to be such a beautiful light in this world have absolutely brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing your art with all of us. Even the ones who may not have appreciated it in the moment.
    I've been strugglign with long covid and wondering if I will ever make music again the way I've always wanted. Thank you for sharing this video. It is so powerful to see your struggles and what challenges you've faced. It gives me hope. That there is a better future. That I can heal, and grow and get better too. My dream is to one day be a featured vocalist on one of your songs, because you are an artist who creates with your whole heart that I've adored ever since I first saw your "Crystallized" video. Keep being you. You're not just good. You are PHENOMENAL.

  • @aquariangay27
    @aquariangay27 9 місяців тому +47

    so many tears. as a violin player, to see you start your journey against so many odds has always inspired me and now to see how far you’ve come, there’s a feeling of so much pride. as your fan i adore you and am so very proud of you. happy international women’s day 💜

  • @Marthisdil
    @Marthisdil 9 місяців тому +119

    Her dance with Derek Hough was the best she's ever done to this day.

    • @lynnyb.8303
      @lynnyb.8303 9 місяців тому +2

      Its Mark Ballas!

    • @bjorneriksson2404
      @bjorneriksson2404 9 місяців тому +4

      @@lynnyb.8303 In the music video for The Arena, she was dancing with Derek, which is also referenced in this video.

  • @DrFatDabs
    @DrFatDabs 4 місяці тому +4

    Crying tears of joy for you Lindsey what a strong and incredible video. Seeing all of your elegant, beautiful scenes over the years and letting yourself be vulnerable enough to show us your growth, and speak about not feeling good enough only to persevere and become one of the earths biggest and brightest stars. This is truly one of the better thought out songs and videos I've ever seen an artist make.
    You helped save my life years ago Lindsey and I will never forget it! Seeing you in Houston a few weeks ago was truly a bucket list item for me ❤

  • @Leojedas
    @Leojedas 9 місяців тому +31

    I don't cry much but the line"not good enough....yet" got me. Very well done and if the girl that was unnecessarily embarrassed could see you now she wouldn't have been crying out of pain but utter joy of the future ahead of her. Don't think you have reached the top keep going....Philippians 4:13 Lindsey

  • @Tini_Ballerini
    @Tini_Ballerini 9 місяців тому +113

    I very much attribute your music as being one of, if not THE, primary savior of my relationship with my dad. I introduced him to your music almost twelve years ago, when I was in my last year of high school, back during a time when we were not on the best of terms due to political disagreements. We would have potentially stopped talking altogether. But I shared the Shadows music video with him, and then Transcendence, and then Crystalize, and we started talking again. Slowly at first. But we always managed to come together to mutually enjoy your music.
    I might not have been there on the entire journey with you, but your music and your journey has changed so many lives for the better. My dad passed away this past May, and this music sent me right back to that first hesitant time, pulling up your music on youtube to show him. I can only hope he's listening to you in spirit, because this song feels exactly like what it means to reclaim something precious that you may never get back.
    Thank you for everything, Lindsey. Thank you for giving me twelve more years with him to remember than I might have had.

    • @Antics253
      @Antics253 9 місяців тому +8

      /virtual internet hug/
      I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing, but I'm glad that you got to reconnect and push those issues aside for the moments of shared happiness. Speaking as a father myself, I can promise you those were some of the best moments of his life.

    • @ZainR
      @ZainR 9 місяців тому +1

      Amazing how music can do that. I'm sorry for your loss

    • @JadeOpsis
      @JadeOpsis 9 місяців тому +1

      Ok. Now I’m crying. ❤

  • @williamj515
    @williamj515 9 місяців тому +141

    Superior example of not giving up after failing. Just keep trying.
    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
    - Thomas Edison

    • @n5iln
      @n5iln 9 місяців тому +8

      '"I have not failed. I've simply found ten thousand ways that won't work." ~ (attributed to) Thomas Edison

  • @danakling2001
    @danakling2001 4 місяці тому +10

    Suni did you proud! :)

  • @secretarts
    @secretarts 9 місяців тому +268

    One of the BEST examples of proving the "experts" wrong. How many sold out venues to date? Just think if you want to do something the only one you need to believe is yourself!

    • @DavidSalcer
      @DavidSalcer 9 місяців тому +4

      Sometimes it is also the push someones might need. The rejection which opens the enexpected power in you

    • @stoneheart_raven
      @stoneheart_raven 9 місяців тому +1

      I went to one of her concerts and I got to say she was amazing. Place was sold out. Sometimes experts get it wrong. They sure did with her.

    • @mariusg8824
      @mariusg8824 8 місяців тому

      I think the judges were right. She was not ready yet. It takes 10.000 hours to become a master in anything, and she needed these years. Now she is undoubtedly the master.

    • @andrealewis2501
      @andrealewis2501 8 місяців тому

      But it sounds like they never said the word yet. ​@@mariusg8824

  • @creamygoodness2310
    @creamygoodness2310 4 місяці тому +2

    Been hearing this song for a few months now after it played on my workout list randomly while listening to a a pandora station. I’ve been in love with her for some time, and this song has sealed the deal for sure. One of those songs that sends an electric pulse over my whole body. As a musician myself, not certainly not as good as her, I can feel this song, literally. She poured a lot into it and it’s nothing short of magic. I’ve always said that there is one last bit of actual magic left in this world, and it’s music. In a second it can make you feel anything against your will or with it. Sad. Happy. Heroic. Loved. Hated. Peaceful. It can make you move your body in ways you never even imagined or wanted to. And this is the epitome of that magic. She is simply wonderful and I’d marry her in a second cause something like this doesn’t come from anything other than pure of heart and soul.

  • @stephaniewest5509
    @stephaniewest5509 8 місяців тому +75

    This the song that spoke to me for my son. Born 8 weeks premature, 41 days in the NICU, congenital heart defect that would have to be fixed, but should be fine until he was a late teen. Ended up having open heart surgery just after he turned 2. He's in the less than 1st percentile in height and weight, his little brother has passed him up already. But he's such a a fighter, even when he's not feeling well, he's got to be doing something. He'll be 5 in August, and I'm so proud of him.

    • @Antics253
      @Antics253 8 місяців тому +2

      My best wishes to your family in the future. As a father myself, I couldn't imagine the stress you must have been and continue to feel; all the power to you and yours.
      Coming from a stranger on the internet it might not mean much, but when August comes around, let him know that this random stranger wishes him a good, strong, healthy, and happy life. 💙

    • @stephaniewest5509
      @stephaniewest5509 8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you, it means more than you know!

    • @juliekovich-recordingartist
      @juliekovich-recordingartist 8 місяців тому +2

      I pray your son continues to thrive! He sounds amazing and you sound like an incredible mom caring for him through all of the trials.

  • @merandagee154
    @merandagee154 8 місяців тому +30

    I love how this whole song is one big "oh you think I can't? Watch me!" She is so amazing!

  • @davidgpeterson
    @davidgpeterson 4 місяці тому +4

    Watched Suni Lee perform her floor exercise to this song tonight. I’d never heard it before. Changed me. Awestruck at Suni’s performance and at this insanely compelling piece.

  • @karydaen
    @karydaen 9 місяців тому +36

    She told us her whole story without any words, yet, we felt and understood every emotion and situation that she represented with her music. I love her so much 😭💖

  • @adamarmstrong2883
    @adamarmstrong2883 9 місяців тому +57

    Lindsey has more talent in her little finger than those so-called music judges do in their combined bodies. Shame on you Sharon Osborn for not seeing how much talent that Lindsey has. She has certainly proven herself. Lindsey, Sharon owes you big time.

  • @richardnigh1085
    @richardnigh1085 9 місяців тому +39

    I have seen so many people attempt to rip her down. She just uses them to soar ever higher. I have enjoyed so much of her work. I wish her so much joy. She IS good enough

  • @froggynzack
    @froggynzack 4 місяці тому +8

    Suni lee just used this at the 2024 olympics and it moved me so much. I absolutely love her

  • @silvanaminella8368
    @silvanaminella8368 9 місяців тому +21

    Lindsey, I can hardly write this through the tears. If you ever have any doubts about your immense talent and impact, just read these comments. You are loved, respected, and admired by so many of us. This video is a testament to who you are and what you've accomplished. America's Got Talent didn't deserve you! You're a star beyond measure, and you make my world - this world - a better place. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  • @bettyoswald1144
    @bettyoswald1144 9 місяців тому +63

    hi lindsey. I want to say quite sincerely that this music video left me in tears. I don't remember being this impressed by any of your music videos before. Aside from reflecting your journey and story, it also became a mirror for me. I remembered the things that I thought I could not achieve 5 years ago and that people said were impossible. Even though I haven't achieved these completely now, I'm doing so much better than before and I continue to improve myself. I'm sure I will do much more better 5 years from now. Also, I have been an amateur violinist for 3 years and sometimes I criticize myself for not being good enough. When I watched this video, I learned how to respond to that harsh voice in my head. You can be positive that I will watch this video whenever I feel like i'm not good enough. Thank you for sharing your story with us and for inspiring ours. I will keep saying "I'm not good enough *yet* " when I fall, and one of my motivations for saying that will be your story and art. Lots of love 🤍

  • @JessicaPotel
    @JessicaPotel 9 місяців тому +87

    I have tears in my eyes. It is the journey of a fighter, a woman who refused what she was told was true and who had faith in her own essence, her own star.
    I only put here the comment of the judges who did not believe it.
    “You're not without talent, but you're not talented enough to get away with twirling in the air and trying to play the violin at the same time.” Piers Morgan told him, during his last quarter-final performance.
    Time had finally shown him to be wrong, today he himself admits it publicly. And that's the biggest driver, the biggest message that needs to be conveyed. Never let anyone, whoever they may be, question the value of what you are, on the contrary. Prove to the whole world that they were wrong to underestimate you.
    Never stop sharing this confidence Lindsey, we love you with all our hearts. The emotions and what you transmit through your videos give courage and faith in ourselves.
    You teach us very important things, such as seeing others, fighting for what we believe to be true, embodying who we really are and refusing to give up in the face of pain. To fully experience our emotions, both good and painful, and to be authentic.
    Your message is transmitted throughout the world, without you needing to speak. Just stop and feel.
    Your music and your art accompany people on a daily basis and give them hope, with every note. So thank you for the last 14 years, as far as I'm concerned.
    You accompanied me for a long time, I rebuilt myself with your art, without you even knowing it. What you give to the world is the most precious gift. When I lacked the courage to cope, I listened to your music and remembered what it conveyed. I found incredible strength there that I probably wouldn't have had otherwise. So thank you, I can't say it any other way.
    You teach us that we can succeed, we just have to choose it. To act, to learn and to face, trusting in life.
    Today's headline is one of the most obvious examples. That the path is not simple, but that it is worth living. For all those we have been, for those we will be, for those who accompanied us and who left.
    That we must continue, we owe it to all those who supported us, who believed in us and to prove to them that they were right to help us. To offer the world part of what we are, in order to help them do so in turn.
    So thanks. From the bottom of my heart, for everything you have done for me, without even knowing it. And probably for millions of other people around the world! 💞💓❤😘🥰

    • @TheParez
      @TheParez 9 місяців тому +1

      We can agree or disagree that Pierce Morgan knows nothing what he says, so...

    • @catwhowalksbyhimself
      @catwhowalksbyhimself 9 місяців тому +1

      I found it hilarious when she was invited back to the show for a performance of past winners. Well she didn't win as you all know, but she was there anyway and in her intro they very carefully did not mention that she was bounded off before even reaching finals. They danced around that quite a bit!

    • @JessicaPotel
      @JessicaPotel 9 місяців тому

      @@catwhowalksbyhimself You're right. From memory, she went back twice, I think. Anyway, at the same time, I tell myself that it’s a beautiful gift she received. She had the strength to see him like that. Because if she had won, for 5 years, part of the profits from her work would have returned to the organization (if it works the same way as in Canada). She deserves 100% of her work and it's good for their faces! She is even more inspiring! 😀

  • @StevenWDix
    @StevenWDix 5 місяців тому +1

    ❤ My favorite way of watching her videos is twice, first with my eyes closed, I imagine we begin this sonic journey standing there and your favorite comic book hero looks at you with a grin on her face and says 'hope your shoe laces are tied!"!
    She grabs you by the waist, then lifts you to the musical stratosphere with an incremental crescendo, when you reach cruising altitude, holding you with one arm her other stretched out in front of her, she turms to you and smiles!
    The melody then progresses to a cheerful romp, and about 7/8 of the way through the video you hear a unique chord change and scale pitch guaranteed to make this song unique enough to again and again!
    What a testament to her drive to be the best, just watching her not only makes you feel the warmth of life but inspires us to be like her!
    Thank you for your wonderful video! I imagine the audience will enjoy the video even more than I did, if such a thing is possible!

  • @robertb6889
    @robertb6889 9 місяців тому +127

    Starting off with those Piers Morgan critiques is a total power move! Also, loved the rainbow suspenders!

    • @OddlyIncredible
      @OddlyIncredible 9 місяців тому +28

      That was the outfit she wore when she was on AGT, if memory serves. I love the cut between AGT Lindsey and on stage in a stadium full of people Lindsey. Great things often have humble beginnings.

    • @robertb6889
      @robertb6889 9 місяців тому +3

      @@OddlyIncredible - thanks - I hadn't recognized it because I never watched those kinds of shows. The music video makes so much more sense now.

    • @OddlyIncredible
      @OddlyIncredible 9 місяців тому +26

      @@robertb6889Yep, this whole video was about Lindsey being told on AGT that her act didn't have headline potential, but not giving up in response. So, 14 years, 14 million YT subs and 3.7 billion views, and hundreds of sold-out concerts later, we all know how accurate that call was...

    • @tuxedobob2
      @tuxedobob2 9 місяців тому +9

      @@OddlyIncredible Are you sure it was inaccurate? Or did she take it as constructive criticism and work to get better?

    • @calebahill7
      @calebahill7 9 місяців тому +19

      @@tuxedobob2the comment about performance was accurate but the judgement of her potential was not.

  • @TakeBackWhatsDreamt
    @TakeBackWhatsDreamt 9 місяців тому +16

    "Not good enough YET" made me cry. Absolutely beautiful.

  • @1amazeme
    @1amazeme 9 місяців тому +48

    Be your own inspiration and NEVER listen to anyone who says you can’t to it.
    Make your own path and blow up the mountains that stand in your way.
    I love watching you do it your way.

  • @teodoratimofte4034
    @teodoratimofte4034 4 місяці тому +2

    3:37 : "not good enough ,yet" a great line

  • @movienaut
    @movienaut 9 місяців тому +68

    12 years ago, I was going through a life-crisis. Infact, my thoughts were so dark I was going to end my life.
    But hearing Crystallize was so life-changing. The sound and passion for the song made me rethink and once I listened to your other works and your background story, it inspired me to keep fighting and keep living.
    Every year I live, is another year I wait for a new tune from you. Everytime I feel once again depressed, I listen to Crystallize. I saw you twice here in Sweden and would love to see you again.
    Anyway, thank you for giving me happiness and I'm happy you never stopped!

  • @nside411
    @nside411 8 місяців тому +19

    Never before have I been more emotionally touched by a woman that I've never met or that doesn't know I exist!!! WOW. Amazing talent and beauty! So glad you never gave up on your talent and now you shine for the world to see. ❤

  • @mardisworld6683
    @mardisworld6683 7 місяців тому +45

    Lindsey Stirling is hands down one of the BEST, PHENOMENAL and CAPTURING artists I personally ever heard/seen. I have been watching her music videos and listening to her music for years. She literally creates my imagination as I write my novels and stories. I don't think any other artist has truly moved me, inspired me and gave me strength/courage to bring to life my own dreams the way she does. Her music has soul, it has power, it has everything epic you seek, but they all tell its own story and I think that's one of the many incredible things about her and her passion. I have listened to so many of her songs on repeat. I love her personality, who she is and what she represents and brings to life. Lindsey, if you are reading it, thank you for being you. Thank you for bringing a new light to music and inspiring so many with you creativity, passion and resilience. You are brilliant. You are incredible, and no one can take your power away from you. Someday when I finish my next novel, I surely would love to thank you in person. I haven't listened to anyone or been this inspired by anyone before - not the way you move me. Thank you, stay your beautiful awesome self, never ever give up. Lots of love your way!

  • @maigretus1
    @maigretus1 5 місяців тому +6

    And Suni Lee is still spreading the Lindsey Love! Doing her floor routines in Paris to this song!

  • @rienjen
    @rienjen 9 місяців тому +23

    It never fails--I listen to the song once and go, "that's pretty good.." Then again, wow, that's really good. Then I listen to it nonstop for a week. I like the video highlighting the feeling of self-doubt without going, "hahaha, look at me now! You were SO WRONG!." It' doesn't do that--instead, it ends with acknowledging that maybe the full potential hadn't been reached yet, but that we have to put those self-doubts and harsh critics to rest to focus on reaching that potential. Girl, you reached that potential, and then some. Your violin music is the best I've ever heard. I showed your "Angels we Have Heard on High" to my 70-something uncle, and he said it was the best rendition he'd ever heard.
    And you're fun to watch perform on stage and in your videos, too. So glad you showed up your critics but did so with grace.

  • @kellyffiestas
    @kellyffiestas 8 місяців тому +18

    This gave me goose bumps. Well done, Lindsey for showing strength, for overcoming criticism and shining bright above it all. I'm so grateful that you didn't give up. You're a wonderful inspiration to everyone who's fighting for their dreams. Thank you.

  • @aiwemor
    @aiwemor 9 місяців тому +24

    Thank you so much for the love you put into all your music, Lindsey. And I am so happy you were able to make such a beautiful music video showing just how amazing you are and how hard you have worked! I have been such a big fan of yours since Spontaneous Me and the LotR cover, and I the first time I saw you perform was at a local church in San Diego (what feels like eons ago). But your music has truly been a part of my life journey, and somehow always providing the expression and healing that I need. From battling severe depression, losing my Dad, being in an abusive relationship, and other hardships - everything has been such an uphill battle and I have wanted to give up on myself so many times. But I didn't, and your music was one of the reasons I didn't. Watching this video really made me cry (in a good way) and has made me see how far I have grown and fought to be where I am today as well. I literally started my dream job last week at an oceanography institution (which I thought was impossible), I love myself more than I ever have, and am still not giving up on trying to be the best version of myself I can be. I am so grateful to you and your beautiful music being in my life.

  • @7L13D
    @7L13D 5 місяців тому +1087

    Anyone else here after hearing the song on the Olympics? 😂

    • @Cowboysfan40
      @Cowboysfan40 4 місяці тому +27

      Oh heck yes

    • @ghughghugh
      @ghughghugh 4 місяці тому +54

      Yes! The song stuck out to me watching the events leading up to the Olympics. I'm a big metal fan, but this song just grabs me. For once, the announcers didn't blab over the breakdown. Also, congrats, Suni and USA!

    • @noelmenendez4281
      @noelmenendez4281 4 місяці тому +29

      Yes that’s why I’m listening
      Congrats Suni Li

    • @elizabethlee5557
      @elizabethlee5557 4 місяці тому +4


    • @angelahosack2366
      @angelahosack2366 4 місяці тому +20

      Absolutely. I fell in love with it immediately after hearing it a few weeks ago when she did it the night she made the team. I love it. Cool video. It's going on my playlist. And probably a few more!

  • @bobdrifter2402
    @bobdrifter2402 9 місяців тому +66

    I couldn't decide what your GREATEST talent is. Is it Creativity? Violin? Dance? Then I realize that just one wouldn't stand by itself and really be what you are! I hope you are happy, having fun and realize how much you are respected!

    • @kwidmayer
      @kwidmayer 9 місяців тому +4

      Her greatest talent is telling a story with music.

    • @thebalderthor4884
      @thebalderthor4884 9 місяців тому +5

      I would say her greatest talent is creating songs that feel like they are constantly building. Even during the most impactful moments of the song you still feel a sense of anticipation. Her song Guardian made me realize that’s what I love about her music, the constant emotion of the rising music.

    • @thebalderthor4884
      @thebalderthor4884 9 місяців тому +4

      Oh, and creative UA-cam video ideas. That’s definitely one of her greatest talents.

    • @shamanik12
      @shamanik12 9 місяців тому +2

      Her greatest talent is just being her and all her creativity, shown in diferent ways (playing, dancing, making music videos, etc.).❤

    • @johnpjones182
      @johnpjones182 9 місяців тому +2

      She's inspiring a _lot_ of kids, especially girls, to take up the violin. It'll be interesting to see if any of them try to dance while playing. It can't be easy.

  • @riuphane
    @riuphane 9 місяців тому +33

    Kind of crazy to see how much you've changed and think back to the electric daisy days...I remember following you way back then, how monumental your first album felt, and now you're doing so much more. You were good enough, but you've also improved so very much. Even the difference in your concerts from you elements tour to now is a huge difference

  • @McCullogh
    @McCullogh 9 місяців тому +35

    Such a fantastic song. That little pause at 2:29 the smile from Lindsey as the arena lights up was just amazing and my favourite moment. Have had this song on repeat since friday when it was released.

    • @doopliss6648
      @doopliss6648 9 місяців тому +4

      3:07 most epic part

    • @ryanmartinGG
      @ryanmartinGG 9 місяців тому +5

      I thought the exact same thing! It just hits right as she raises her bow up, right in the feels. epic moment

  • @CryptoGrady
    @CryptoGrady 5 місяців тому +6

    Suni Lee using this song on the floor is epic!! 🔥🔥 This is the best!!

  • @SaberStudio4
    @SaberStudio4 9 місяців тому +25

    You never cease to amaze, Miss Sterling. The way you proved them wrong, and now you’re one of the greatest legends I’ve ever had the joy of hearing. They tried to knock you down with words, but you knocked them down louder with none.
    ❤️Thank you for inspiring me with your powerful passion. ❤️

  • @AuthorAmandaSavage
    @AuthorAmandaSavage 9 місяців тому +23

    I've been a massive fan since the Crystalize days and when I say I sobbed... I legit SOBBED watching this! It has been an absolute honor to be a fan of yours and see this journey you've been on! Thank you for sharing the parts of you that you have with us and I cannot wait to hear the rest of this album!!! ❤

  • @ceridwenevans6426
    @ceridwenevans6426 9 місяців тому +34

    I’m physically disabled and listening to your music, watching your videos as taught me to keep pushing through and breaking the boundaries no matter what anyone says about me because at the end of the day, I’m improving myself every single day and I will never be perfect!

    • @vincenttrigg4521
      @vincenttrigg4521 9 місяців тому +3

      Im also physically disabled but in more so terms of pain because of spine conditions
      I've been fighting myself daily thinking I haven't been trying my best to be who I can be because some days the pain is just too much. Also been holding myself back from doing things I can do because I'm scared of it not leading anywhere. I also feel like some days I shouldn't consider myself disabled because I can walk with a cane although I'm in pain daily no matter what I do and even though I'm considered legally handicapped.
      Not sure where I was going with this but keep on fighting on :)

    • @ceridwenevans6426
      @ceridwenevans6426 9 місяців тому

      @@vincenttrigg4521 Thanks for sharing with me. I was born with Cerebral Palsy, and because of tthat, I've had several problems and setbacks, including hip replacement, depression and mental issues, plus, recently, epilepsy. I'm trying to open my own business called Unique Fabric Art that will push bounderies of several industies. I always said don't diss my ability if you don't me! Keep going!

  • @soul_fraktion0458
    @soul_fraktion0458 2 місяці тому +8

    This is like seeing a daughter grew up

  • @nemo4life525
    @nemo4life525 9 місяців тому +10

    I was born with one hand, and felt throughout my life that I wasn't good enough. I've connected greatly through this song...thanks for making me cry. P.S. because of you, I started violin a few years ago. Thank you for being such an inspiration! God bless you, Lindsey!

  • @stradivae
    @stradivae 9 місяців тому +42

    I wasn't the only one who cried... a few years ago it seemed impossible to be able to play one of your songs, today I can play them all, but I always feel the emotion of the very first time. Thank you Lindsay 🫶

  • @phoebepriscilla20
    @phoebepriscilla20 9 місяців тому +55

    DAANGG, LINDSEY!!!😭😭😭😭
    You make me cryyyyyy😭😭😭😭😭😭
    I'm in the position like you did when you put yourself out there in AGT..
    I was an English & kindergarten teacher..
    Who have been in love music & singing since I was a child..
    My original plan was only to use my teaching skills to teach english, while I was sharpening my skills in vocals..
    But then I become too consumed by my jobs and forgot my real 1st passion in music..
    Last year I finally brave myself to quit my english/kindergarten job..
    To pursue my real dream, music..
    To touch people's heart with my light in music..
    But then I got scared..
    Don't know why..
    Then people around me say that it's a waste & useless to achieve this dream by this age I'm now...
    Plus I have to kinda start it from the bottom..
    While I actually had already settle with my old job & work field coz I have years of experience in it..
    So yeaah..
    The fears, the depression..
    They come in these kind of days..
    Then I saw your clip of your new song on IG..
    I knew that immediately what does the story behind it means..
    So I came here to UA-cam...
    Watching all of this...😭😭😭
    And realize that if I stop because my fear..
    I might won't see myself in future shinning my light, with my music...
    Soo.. Yeah..
    I'll try to do it..
    Get back it again although it's hard..
    Thank youuu Lindseeeeyyy for sharing your experirnce and journey through this song...😭😭😭🤗🤗🤗
    Thank for never quit..
    Thank you for using your light by touching people's heart & inspiring people with your music...✨✨💕
    Plus I've seen 1111, 222, 333, 444 for more than a week and wondering what does the universe is trying to tell me..
    Then I saw your MV..
    It's 4:44 in total duration..
    And when I had done watch this vid, puring out my tears..
    I saw 3:33 on the clock...
    Alright Universe..🌌
    I got your message through Lindsey..🙏
    And a video (@bwb.positivity) on IG that also had the same message like Lindsey's MV..✨✨

    • @kathlinamacleod4794
      @kathlinamacleod4794 9 місяців тому

      Go and live 💯YOUR DREAMS NOW!!! 💯That is what you came here for. Much Love ✨💛💕💛💕✨

    • @vincenttrigg4521
      @vincenttrigg4521 9 місяців тому

      You. Got. This.

    • @haeven1622
      @haeven1622 9 місяців тому

      You could sing, play music and teach kindergarten students fun songs. And outside of your job, you could create more music and songs. You can be both a teacher and composer.

    • @artisthusnatalal3099
      @artisthusnatalal3099 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@haeven1622I'm a former Teacher too and I'm thinking to do songs with Children singing Intermediate songs. I really Love to sing😅

    • @haeven1622
      @haeven1622 9 місяців тому

      @@artisthusnatalal3099 Singing requires skill and detail. And I imagine it would be fun to teach, because of the breadth.
      Go for it! Teach kids and sing with them! Choir or another format! ^^

  • @youjanitube
    @youjanitube 5 місяців тому +2

    Today it is easy to forget she didn't become famous because she had an easy start. She became famous despite the fact that she didn't have an easy start. She was always amazing and stayed true to her goals. Well done Lindsey. Always very inspiring.