thanks! this was an inspiration on how to do the lvl 40 battleship aquatics with a tier 5 NX01 and only 10% base crit damage favour, meaning I can't rely on crits and actually its worse for me to hit a crit haha. I used SNW Kirk(capt), SNW Pike, Harrison and important to have Chapel below for isolytic multiplier. Reaching tier 6 NX01 will open up other crews but for now its suffice!
thanks! this was an inspiration on how to do the lvl 40 battleship aquatics with a tier 5 NX01 and only 10% base crit damage favour, meaning I can't rely on crits and actually its worse for me to hit a crit haha. I used SNW Kirk(capt), SNW Pike, Harrison and important to have Chapel below for isolytic multiplier. Reaching tier 6 NX01 will open up other crews but for now its suffice!
@makoceans Glad it helped.
I use my Cube to grind out my fkr dailies. Ops 49. I do the Dominion hostile level 50. Kill two 51s or three fifties. Then Omega beams for the 49.
@nutznchocolates56 That is a good strategy.
@user-theangryryno Thank you