My son passed away in 2019 due to a drug overdose because he was battling depression and anxiety. This film touched every part of my soul because like him there are many others young and adults battling in silence and in fear. Tomorrow would have been his 27th birthday and seeing this reminds me that I have a job to do to help others that are in suffering and I need to bring to them the message of freedom, peace, joy and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!!
A friend of mine Alisha White of Chosen Stones Ministry in West Chester Ohio has resources to help those going through this. She lost a beautiful 17 year old daughter to suicide. She is available for speaking engagements. She will talk to anyone in need of help.
The Lord is with u every day, precious mama. May the HS embrace you in every wave u are walking through. My deepest condolences. Keep the goal in front of you as the Lord uses you to reach others in such a crisis as this. ❤
You obviously have not been in the pits of hell- in true darkness. In my depth, the best thing I can do is NOT kill. And yes, people like me are very much alone.
I Love the message of the story. We all need God & Jesus in our lives. We all have struggles but help is there. Use your gifts to build God's kingdom. This film is well done. Thank you. Dxf
Thank you so much for this message. Sometimes those who have other people in their lives who struggle in this way have a hard time navigating. But we are all broken in some way and we need mercy and compassion and The Good Shepherd to guide us all........
Two struggling souls created by God brought together by His sovereignty for mutual healing and for His Glory and Honor. All Praise and Honor to pur Creator who is Life itself. Thank God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thank you for this wonderful short film. God Bless.
I know what it feels like to fell hopeless and wonder how God is going to come through…I was a drug addict and worst of all I was still going to church trying to live a double life keeping the drugs a secret from my wife and everyone…I used to drive home crying and begging God to let something happen and one day it did…my wife found out…it was a long hard road back to God…I even thought I would never feel the spirit of God again but one day I did…God fixed my marriage and called me to preach and God has been so good to me who ever is hurting or struggling please don’t give up God loves you and so do I…thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy
Wow this hit hard. I've been through exactly the same thing. And I begged god to change something in my life, because I was playing with life and death everyday. So I did 5 yrs in jail. That got me off drugs and clean. And closer to God. Still going through alot of struggles and wondering if this is the process I need to go through.
I've been alone all my life.... God I need you, God there are so many of us hurting, God we need you. God please send comfort. God thank you for all you've done for me. Linda.❤
I watched this last night. On the 4th anniversary of the burial of a beautiful 17 year old girl who had a smile & personality the lit the room when she walked in. No one ever thought Hope would take her own life. Her mom Alisha White founded Chosen Stones Ministry in West Chester, Ohio. She is fighting back for everyone of every age but especially young people to get the help they need. He has resources, a book and is available for speaking engagements. Hope was her daughter’s name & Hope is what she is determined to give to others.
Very well done and we can all relate! It’s beautiful to see all of the intricate details that bring us all together and how God uses each of us to help others out of the abyss we may also be in. I pray that people are impacted and encouraged after watching. God is there. Always close and always loving. Put on the whole armor of God each day! You are never unseen to God.
_It was the start of the __18:08__ mark when my world fell apart yet I knew most of the body felt the same, living in these last days while enduring the grief of longing for our Bridegroom. Maranatha_
That was a really, really good short film. Life truly is a gift from God. Though there’s pain and suffering, there also much to be thankful for. Thank you so much
Bravi mi avete incoraggiato a vivere e perdonare......... Anch io ero morto e sono resuscitato in seguito a grande fuga sono finito sotto un treno e dopo sono ritornato alla vita. C'èra tanta gente che mi amava...e il Signore mi ha fatto resuscitare. ........ grazie a Dio. E alle preghiere dei santi/e.........che ha esaudito.. .............bravi brave davvero bello
17 years ago I lost my 11-year-old boy who died in a for wheeler accident, this move brought back A lot of the memories of what I went through, The confusion, the anxiety of waking up every morning, and the first thing that you think about looking at my son’s face when he died in my arms, but my testimony is how the grace of God carried me through And the help of God people being there for me, just like the movie I was Also a pastor, The memories of being a man of God up in the platform to a man at the time sitting in the last pew of the church confused, I want to say I wanna thank the church who encourages and Stood by my side, I am now pastor a healthy church in Stockton California. God bless you and that is my testimony of the goodness of God.
Well done. Unique and creative writing for a very difficult topic. So many are suffering! Many feel alone or UNSEEN. Take time to let people know they matter and that you care.
The lord has a way of speaking to me at a time when I need to hear it the most. Thank you for this message. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9 NIV
So exceptionally well made and pierces to the heart. Great casting, great direction, great cinematography, great acting. This is quality! And it helps us all, ministers alike, realise that we are not alone in our struggle with the very real mental battles we face, which can be so intense sometimes. Just being able to share that with each other brings hope and strength. ❤
This is a beautiful message. We need Christ and the Body of Christ, as quoted by Pastor Tim. So thankful that the makers of this short film are concerned about those suffering with anxiety and depression and encouraging all to reach out. I wonder how many here are experiencing this. My experience is trying to get through every day. Anyone here battle weary, exhausted physically and mentally, and spiritually? My experience, where I live, is a place where no one in the Body of Christ have the time to reach out to the saints in this town. They do reach out to the unsaved, thank GOd, but the many christians outside of the church are slowly yielding to depression and hopelessness. The church I attended would 'lovebomb' at first and visit, but would ignore us when we couldn't attend. No excuses, no snowstorm, no flu or cold, no chronic pain, no nothing is excusable to the pastors where I live. Drag yourself through feet of sleet snow and floods, like a dying calf in a hailstorm LOL. I realize how busy they are, but it 'cuts the heart' when they delegate us to the special outreach to young upstarts who don't quite understand what the elderly and unseen go through. Legalism, and questionnable doctrines kept me and I'm sure many others at arm's length from having true fellowship in this church we attended for several years. These are the times we are living in. But I do know God has a reason for allowing this, and hopefully, a breakthrough will happen to the unseen here, in Jesus' Precious Name. Praise God for livestream from Times Square Church, because this is my church; I love these people I have never met. How many seniors, chronically ill, or those facing illness, worries, financial crisis, loneliness, fear of leaving home, fear of of being with people, panic attacks, living in a place where there is no family, feeling unqualified to speak or share a gift or talent because we're considered 'washed up'? And, it's so much worse for those in the world who don't know Christ. I believe depression is a bigger problem than a lot of my local pastors realize. I sometimes feel like I'm going through the valley of the shadow of death, or at least feel like being in the belly of the whale. Am sure some of you do too. I don't understand the why of all this and I do know so many others are going through this, and all we can do is pray for one another. All I can say to encourage is that we are running that race for that great prize and one day soon we all be together with the Lord Jesus Christ. Appreciate you all so much at TSC. I'm a country mouse saint being ministered to by a big city church. The faith walk is much easier when tuning in. God bless you all, and all you 'unseen' precious saints too.
The unseen is the spiritual world all around us. Demonic entities, evil angels, and God's angels battle in the heavenlies, and on earth. We are their objective to destroy or protect. Pray for spiritual discernment. Purge demonic entities off yourself, and family in the Mighty Name of Jesus OUT LOUD. Speak THE WORD OUT LOUD. It is living.
I wish I could tell my story. In the last year the Lord has revealed to me His Word about deliverance, then one day on my way home, the Lord revealed what had happened to me spiritually- I was severely depressed as a child because of a sexual abuse incident that I kept secret. The Lord showed me how an open door to the spirit realm occurred on that day, but years later, through the Truth, I was set free, even to the point eventually, as if it had never happened. It is an amazing story, but I can tell you that I am living proof that you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!!! Jesus says- I Am the Truth, the Way and the Life. Oh, He is y’all!!!! I have been set free from depression for 30 years! Nothing’s impossible with God and His Word is truth! I pray for everyone battling with these demons, b/c Jesus is your living hope!🙏🙌🏻🔥
Matthew 9:27-30(Jesus 😊1st ❤ heals two blind men❤❤) "27 And as Jesus (😊1st ❤) passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, "Have mercy on us, Son of David." 28 When he(Jesus 😊1st ❤) entered the house, the blind men camd to him, and Jesus (😊1st ❤) said to them, " Do you believe that I can able to do this? " They said to him, " Yes Lord(Jesus 😊1st ❤)." 29 Then he(Jesus😊1st ❤) touch❤ their 😊❤😊❤😊 eyes(.❤.❤ .❤.❤), saying, " According to your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤) be it done to you." 30 And their eyes(.❤.❤ .❤.❤) were opened( (0 0)❤ (0 0)❤). And Jesus😊1st❤ sternly warned them, " See that no one knows about it. 31 But they went away And spread his(Jesus😊1st❤'s) through all that district. " ( Matthew 9:27-31 ESV Study Bible) Today you come to Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord (Jesus😊1st❤) and our savior(Jesus😊1st❤) by faith( " faith " to me is trust Jesus😊1st❤) ) with eyes❤❤ , minds❤❤ , and hearts❤ ❤ of faith like the two blind men with faith just like Jesus😊1st❤ said to them, " " According to your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤) be it done to you." "( Matthew 9:29b ESV Study Bible. Today, do you too also have faith( trust in Jesus😊1st ❤) in Jesus😊1st ❤? If you do then according to your faith by the Name of Jesus i pray for your healing by Jesus😊1st ❤. In Jesus'name, i pray( Jesus😊1st ❤) Amen. Matthew 9:29-30 "29 Then he(Jesus😊1st ❤) touch❤ their 😊❤😊❤😊 eyes(.❤.❤ .❤.❤), saying, " According to your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤) be it done to you." 30 And their eyes(.❤.❤ .❤.❤) were opened( (0 0)❤ (0 0)❤). And Jesus😊1st❤ sternly warned them, " See that no one knows about it. "( Matthew 9:29-30 ESV Study Bible)
Genesis 24:22-28❤ "24 When the camels had finished drinking, the man(the servant❤ of Abraham😊❤) took a gold ring weighing a half shekel, and two bracelets for her arms weighing ten gold shekels, 23 and said, " Please tell me whose daughter you are. Is there room in your father(Bethuel's)'s house for us to spend the night?" 24 She said to him, " I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah( Nahor and Milcah had 1/8 sons called Bethuel and Bethuel was father of Rebekah that what it means), who she( Milcah) bore to Nahor( Abraham's brother= Nahor)." 25 She( Rebekah) added, " We have plenty of both straw and fodder, and room to spend the night." 26 The man( the oldest of Abraham's house faithful servant to Abraham) bowed his head and worship the LORD( the Lord our God😊❤) 27 and said, " Blessed😊❤ be the LORD😊❤, the God of my master Abraham😊❤, who has not forsaken his steadfast😊❤ love❤😊 and his faithfulness❤😊 toward my master( Abraham❤😊 and Abraham's master is God😊100%❤ too in Christ). As for me, the LORD❤😊 has led me in the way( remembering of John 14:6😊❤ for in the New Testament Jesus is the Way to God our Father in heaven. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6❤😊). Amen.) to the house of my master's kinsmen."( ESV Study Bible.) Pause speaking Kinsmen under the Matthew 1:1-17(The Genealogy of Jesus Christ( Jesus😊1st❤)) i remember Boaz😊❤ is also one of the kindmens of Ruth too. Anyways, lead me to Matthew 1:5" 5 and Salmon the father of Boaz😊❤ by Rehab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth😊❤, and Obed the father of Jesse, 6 and Jesse the father of David😊❤ the king."( Matthew 1:5-6 ❤😊 and then jump in faith to Matthew 1:17-18 "17 So all the generation from Abraham😊❤ to David😊❤ were fourteen( 14 ) generation, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen( 14) generations,and from deportation to Babylon to the Christ(Jesus😊1st❤) fourteen(14) generation."( Matthew 1:17 ESV Study Bible) Now resume back to Genesis 24:28 "28 Then the young woman ran and told her mother( Milcah) 's household about these things."( Genesis 24:28 ESV Study Bible and above all in all meant to share❤😊 Genesis 24:22-28 ESV Study Bible ( it's long chapter hope you❤😊 understand in Christ. ) i also love God's word❤😊 in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen. John 14:6❤😊 " 6 Jesus answered, " I am the way ❤😊 and the truth ❤😊 and the life😊❤. No one comes to the Father( God, our Father in heaven ) except through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen to Jesus said.). Amen.
Matthew 9:32-34 ( Jesus😊1st❤ heals ❤a man unable to speak) "32 As they were away, behold, a demon-oppressed man who was mute was brought to him(Jesus😊1st❤). 33 And when the demon had been cast out, the mute man spoke. And the crowds maveled, saying, " Never was anything like this seen in Israel." 34 But the Pharisees said, " He cast out demons by the prince of demons."( Matthew 9:32-34 ESV Study Bible.) Give us another angle in Christ to look at the same Scripture from Luke the Biblical doctor in Christ in Luke 11:14-23(Jesus😊1st❤ and Beelzehul( no good)) and Amen to Luke 11:20 😊❤ in Christ😊❤ and I trust the Prince of Peace( Isaiah 9:6b) in Christ. Luke 11:20 " 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you (😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible) Luke 11:14-20 "14 Now he was casting out a demon that was a mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled. 15 But some of them said, " He casts out demons by Beelzehul, the prince of demons, " 16 While others, to test him( Jesus😊1s5❤= Isaiah 53:5b= Prince of Peace😊❤), keep seeking from him( Jesus😊1st❤) a sign from heaven. 17 But he(Jesus😊1st❤), knowing their thoughts, said to them, " Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. 18 And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demon by Beelzehul( no good). 19 And If I cast out demons by Beelzehul( no good), by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you (😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible) 21 When a stronger man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his good are safe; 22 but when a stronger than he attacks him and overcome him, he take away his armor in which he trusted and divided his spoil. ( Jesus said.) 23 Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."( Luke 11:14-23 ESV Study Bible) Again i love ❤😊 what Jesus(😊1st❤= Prince of Peace( Isaiah 53:5, 5b) said in Luke 11:20 Luke 11:20 " 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you (😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
You are so vulnerable in your declaration. How might others respond? What can anyone say - how can anyone know what it's like to be you? While others can be a blessing to you this is also your private trial - you are being forced by circumstances to live in a place you would never have chosen to visit. And why? Why would God allow such a thing to happen to your brother and to you? If there was no godly purpose in it he would not allow it - so what then might be his purpose? The only thing that comes to mind is that your circumstances provide you the opportunity to discover that God and his presence is greater than any human thing. That all the goodness we experience in life is God himself. May you find him in this private place - in all his fullness.
@slopez1901 I lost my son too,24yo to Fentanyl a couple yrs .ago & after a Dv.unwanted lost most evrythg. But God, has been so faithful , loving & my Heavenly Husband always with me! I try to remember my Jesus went thru so much more- Hes well acquainted with our griefs. We must keep counting our blessings each day& know Hes coming soon!! Let us persevere on.... We must Draw nearer to God & He will draw near to you❤ Abba loves you so v. much dear friend,pour out your grief to Him,give Him your pain embrace His comforting arms-- He is with you no matter what loss,trial ,poverty or confusion we may go thru. I urge you to keep your faith ,trust & hope alive in Him. Reading the Psalms & praying-listening is very,very comforting . You are not alone. ***Let us think on ( eternal)thgs above.... just as Preachers mess.was on. Rom.8:18, Ps.16:11 :) Love & prayers.
This is what I'm going through myself especially when I have been trying to quit pain pills. Every time I try to get clean from pain pills,I go through the ugliest withdrawals that I would rather die than go through the withdrawal. I have quit drinking, smoking cigarettes and weed, I quit coke and crack cocaine but pain pills are a challenge for me. I'm so tired of taking pills, I want to quit so I can give God my all but every time I take a step forward then fall i go back 3 steps back. I always think if I'm ever going to be free from pills,I don't know. Jesus healed many, and most of them took away their pain. People who have had an addiction have been delivered and don't go on through withdrawals,I want that but it seems like I have to go through them. I'm starting to go back to thoughts of killing myself because of it, because I am a failure to God and my family. Why should I keep going on? I can't even stop those stupid pain pills.
@rosariogarza5237, according to your testimony, you’ve overcome much: DO NOT GIVE UP! Our Heavenly Father is with you and you will be free so KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
Rosario you are not failure.Jesus loves you exactly how you are.Don give up on Jesus.Keep going with faith that miracle will be happen in exact time and you will be witness for many other people struggling from this that God is faithful.Thrust in Him and start proclaim every moment that you are free from all pain and addictions in the name of Jesus.There is a power in the name of Jesus to set you free!God bless you! Be free from all struggles in Mighty Name of Jesus Christ from Nazareth! Amen!
Greeting 😊❤ in Christ. PtL and thank you for sharing too in Christ. Matthew 10:16-25( Persecution will come) "16 " Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17 Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synogogues, 18 and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witiness before them and the Gentiles. 19 When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you (😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤us) to speak 😊❤ or what you( "you" or today we 😊❤ in Christ) are to say, for what you are to say will be given😊❤ to you( you or us in Christ) in that hour. 20 For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit( the good Holy Spirit😊❤) of your Father( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven) speaking 😊❤ through 😊❤ you(😊❤😊❤😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤). 21 Brother will deliver brother over to death, and 22 and you( you or we) will be hated by all for my name( Jesus'😊1st❤)'s sake. But the one😊❤ who endures to the end will be saved😊❤. 23 When they( " they") persecute you( "you" or to us today) in one town, flee to next, for truly😊❤ I say to you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man( " Son of Man" = Jesus😊1st❤) comes. 24 " A disciple😊❤ is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master( Jesus😊1st❤). 25 It is enough for a disciple 😊❤ to be like😊❤ his teacher😊❤, and the servant 😊❤ like his master( Jesus😊1st❤ ). If they have called the master( "Master" = My master is Jesus😊1st❤) of the house Beelzebul( no good), how much more will they malign those of his(Jesus') household." ( Matthew 10:16- 25 ESV Study Bible , Do you remember of Luke 11:14-23(Jesus😊1st❤ and Beelzehul( no good)) and Amen to Luke 11:20 😊❤ ) in Jesus'name, i pray for you. Amen. Give us another angle in Christ to look at the same Scripture from Luke the Biblical doctor in Christ in Luke 11:14-23(Jesus😊1st❤ and Beelzehul( no good)) and Amen to Luke 11:20 😊❤ in Christ😊❤ and I trust the Prince of Peace( Isaiah 9:6b) in Christ. Luke 11:20 " 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you (😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible) Luke 11:14-20 "14 Now he was casting out a demon that was a mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled. 15 But some of them said, " He casts out demons by Beelzehul, the prince of demons, " 16 While others, to test him( Jesus😊1s5❤= Isaiah 53:5b= Prince of Peace😊❤), keep seeking from him( Jesus😊1st❤) a sign from heaven. 17 But he(Jesus😊1st❤), knowing their thoughts, said to them, " Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. 18 And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demon by Beelzehul( no good). 19 And If I cast out demons by Beelzehul( no good), by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you (😊❤ 😊❤😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊u)" ( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible) 21 When a stronger man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his good are safe; 22 but when a stronger than he attacks him and overcome him, he take away his armor in which he trusted and divided his spoil. ( Jesus said.) 23 Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."( Luke 11:14-23 ESV Study Bible) Again i love ❤😊 what Jesus(😊1st❤= Prince of Peace( Isaiah 53:5, 5b) said in Luke 11:20 Luke 11:20 " 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you (😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤😊 ❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
Jesus 😊1st❤loves ❤you😊❤ too( John 14:21😊❤ and John 14:23😊❤) Both God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven and Jesus😊1st❤ our savior in Christ will love those of us who follow His commandments and keep them in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:21😊❤; John 14:23😊❤ and Romans 8:28❤)Amen. This also can be used to tie to before Old Testament ending sharing also from John 14:21-23 "21Whoever( 😊❤ or anyone😊❤) has my commandments and keep them, he😊❤ it is who loves me. And he whos❤ me will be loved❤ by Father( God😊100%❤, our Father in heaven), and I will love❤ him😊❤ and manifest😊❤ myself ❤to him😊❤." 22 Judas( not Iscariot ) ( Judas 😊❤of son of James =Thaddaeus😊❤) said, to him( Jesus😊1st❤), " Lord( Jesus😊1st❤), how is it that you will manifest😊❤ yourself😊❤ to us(12), and not to the world? " 23 Jesus😊1st❤ answered ( answered Judas son of James( John 14:22❤) or Theddaues 😊❤), " If anyone( "anyone" means anyone😊❤) loves❤ me😊❤, he 😊❤ will keep my word❤😊, and my Father( God😊100%❤, our Father in heaven) will❤ love ❤ him😊❤, and we( " We" = God 😊100%❤,our Father in heaven, Jesus😊1st❤ our savior in Christ 😊❤ and the Holy Spirit😊❤ our helper in Christ= "we "too in Christ. God 😊100%❤and Jesus😊1st❤ of course "we" in Christ "we") will come 😊❤to him😊❤and make our home😊❤ with him😊❤."( John 14:21-23😊❤ ESV Study Bible. Amen to John 14:21-23😊❤, may our Lord, Jesus heal others by faith in Him( Jesus😊1st❤, John 14:6) in Jesus'name, i pray( James 5:14-15❤)) Amen.
My son passed away in 2019 due to a drug overdose because he was battling depression and anxiety. This film touched every part of my soul because like him there are many others young and adults battling in silence and in fear. Tomorrow would have been his 27th birthday and seeing this reminds me that I have a job to do to help others that are in suffering and I need to bring to them the message of freedom, peace, joy and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!!
🙏Lord let your loving grace strengthens Patty’s walk to bless others. Glory be to God in heaven!
A friend of mine Alisha White of Chosen Stones Ministry in West Chester Ohio has resources to help those going through this. She lost a beautiful 17 year old daughter to suicide. She is available for speaking engagements. She will talk to anyone in need of help.
I am so sorry I pray Jesus open more doors so we can reach those who need our testimony to glorify you lord
The Lord is with u every day, precious mama. May the HS embrace you in every wave u are walking through. My deepest condolences. Keep the goal in front of you as the Lord uses you to reach others in such a crisis as this. ❤
We are never alone in the depths of our struggles. Even in our brokenness, we can be a light for someone else ❤
You obviously have not been in the pits of hell- in true darkness. In my depth, the best thing I can do is NOT kill. And yes, people like me are very much alone.
I Love the message of the story. We all need God & Jesus in our lives. We all have struggles but help is there. Use your gifts to build God's kingdom. This film is well done. Thank you. Dxf
Thank you so much for this message. Sometimes those who have other people in their lives who struggle in this way have a hard time navigating. But we are all broken in some way and we need mercy and compassion and The Good Shepherd to guide us all........
Praying for all going through anything like this. I love you❤
Two struggling souls created by God brought together by His sovereignty for mutual healing and for His Glory and Honor. All Praise and Honor to pur Creator who is Life itself. Thank God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thank you for this wonderful short film. God Bless.
I know what it feels like to fell hopeless and wonder how God is going to come through…I was a drug addict and worst of all I was still going to church trying to live a double life keeping the drugs a secret from my wife and everyone…I used to drive home crying and begging God to let something happen and one day it did…my wife found out…it was a long hard road back to God…I even thought I would never feel the spirit of God again but one day I did…God fixed my marriage and called me to preach and God has been so good to me who ever is hurting or struggling please don’t give up God loves you and so do I…thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy
Wow this hit hard. I've been through exactly the same thing. And I begged god to change something in my life, because I was playing with life and death everyday. So I did 5 yrs in jail. That got me off drugs and clean. And closer to God. Still going through alot of struggles and wondering if this is the process I need to go through.
@@surgin-nk3rw Going with Jesus is for sure the right process my brother…I will be praying for you…God Bless You my brother…don’t give up
First, Thank you GOD almighty and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thank you for allowing me to write just this.
Amazing story. God bless you!
I've been alone all my life....
God I need you, God there are so many of us hurting, God we need you.
God please send comfort.
God thank you for all you've done for me.
I watched this last night. On the 4th anniversary of the burial of a beautiful 17 year old girl who had a smile & personality the lit the room when she walked in. No one ever thought Hope would take her own life. Her mom Alisha White founded Chosen Stones Ministry in West Chester, Ohio. She is fighting back for everyone of every age but especially young people to get the help they need. He has resources, a book and is available for speaking engagements. Hope was her daughter’s name & Hope is what she is determined to give to others.
Very well done and we can all relate!
It’s beautiful to see all of the intricate details that bring us all together and how God uses each of us to help others out of the abyss we may also be in.
I pray that people are impacted and encouraged after watching.
God is there. Always close and always loving.
Put on the whole armor of God each day!
You are never unseen to God.
Thank you,
Previously Unseen
Thank you so much!!!
❤❤❤❤❤ from a TSCNYC virtual member from Toronto. Thank you.
_It was the start of the __18:08__ mark when my world fell apart yet I knew most of the body felt the same, living in these last days while enduring the grief of longing for our Bridegroom. Maranatha_
What a powerful film!!!!!! Touched my heart very deeply!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤
Thank you for this short film. I can very much relate to this story cos its happening to me. To God be the glory.
so powerful it touches every soul in some way. May all who need to see this see it in Jesus holy name. Amen
I been there,
Eternity, Just A Breath Away
Thank you ❤
That was a really, really good short film. Life truly is a gift from God. Though there’s pain and suffering, there also much to be thankful for. Thank you so much
Why you gotta make me cry TSC 😭
This hits soooo powerful and deep😢😢😢❤
Bravi mi avete incoraggiato a vivere e perdonare......... Anch io ero morto e sono resuscitato in seguito a grande fuga sono finito sotto un treno e dopo sono ritornato alla vita.
C'èra tanta gente che mi amava...e il Signore mi ha fatto resuscitare.
........ grazie a Dio. E alle preghiere dei santi/e.........che ha esaudito..
.............bravi brave davvero bello
17 years ago I lost my 11-year-old boy who died in a for wheeler accident, this move brought back A lot of the memories of what I went through, The confusion, the anxiety of waking up every morning, and the first thing that you think about looking at my son’s face when he died in my arms, but my testimony is how the grace of God carried me through And the help of God people being there for me, just like the movie I was Also a pastor, The memories of being a man of God up in the platform to a man at the time sitting in the last pew of the church confused, I want to say I wanna thank the church who encourages and Stood by my side, I am now pastor a healthy church in Stockton California. God bless you and that is my testimony of the goodness of God.
Well done. Unique and creative writing for a very difficult topic. So many are suffering! Many feel alone or UNSEEN. Take time to let people know they matter and that you care.
The lord has a way of speaking to me at a time when I need to hear it the most. Thank you for this message.
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9 NIV
So exceptionally well made and pierces to the heart. Great casting, great direction, great cinematography, great acting. This is quality! And it helps us all, ministers alike, realise that we are not alone in our struggle with the very real mental battles we face, which can be so intense sometimes. Just being able to share that with each other brings hope and strength.
This is a beautiful message. We need Christ and the Body of Christ, as quoted by Pastor Tim. So thankful that the makers of this short film are concerned about those suffering with anxiety and depression and encouraging all to reach out. I wonder how many here are experiencing this. My experience is trying to get through every day. Anyone here battle weary, exhausted physically and mentally, and spiritually? My experience, where I live, is a place where no one in the Body of Christ have the time to reach out to the saints in this town. They do reach out to the unsaved, thank GOd, but the many christians outside of the church are slowly yielding to depression and hopelessness. The church I attended would 'lovebomb' at first and visit, but would ignore us when we couldn't attend. No excuses, no snowstorm, no flu or cold, no chronic pain, no nothing is excusable to the pastors where I live. Drag yourself through feet of sleet snow and floods, like a dying calf in a hailstorm LOL. I realize how busy they are, but it 'cuts the heart' when they delegate us to the special outreach to young upstarts who don't quite understand what the elderly and unseen go through. Legalism, and questionnable doctrines kept me and I'm sure many others at arm's length from having true fellowship in this church we attended for several years. These are the times we are living in. But I do know God has a reason for allowing this, and hopefully, a breakthrough will happen to the unseen here, in Jesus' Precious Name. Praise God for livestream from Times Square Church, because this is my church; I love these people I have never met.
How many seniors, chronically ill, or those facing illness, worries, financial crisis, loneliness, fear of leaving home, fear of of being with people, panic attacks, living in a place where there is no family, feeling unqualified to speak or share a gift or talent because we're considered 'washed up'? And, it's so much worse for those in the world who don't know Christ. I believe depression is a bigger problem than a lot of my local pastors realize.
I sometimes feel like I'm going through the valley of the shadow of death, or at least feel like being in the belly of the whale. Am sure some of you do too. I don't understand the why of all this and I do know so many others are going through this, and all we can do is pray for one another. All I can say to encourage is that we are running that race for that great prize and one day soon we all be together with the Lord Jesus Christ. Appreciate you all so much at TSC. I'm a country mouse saint being ministered to by a big city church. The faith walk is much easier when tuning in. God bless you all, and all you 'unseen' precious saints too.
The unseen is the spiritual world all around us. Demonic entities, evil angels, and God's angels battle in the heavenlies, and on earth. We are their objective to destroy or protect. Pray for spiritual discernment. Purge demonic entities off yourself, and family in the Mighty Name of Jesus OUT LOUD. Speak THE WORD OUT LOUD. It is living.
Wow amazing I get it on point great job thank you Jesus this will glorify your kingdom
I wish I could tell my story. In the last year the Lord has revealed to me His Word about deliverance, then one day on my way home, the Lord revealed what had happened to me spiritually- I was severely depressed as a child because of a sexual abuse incident that I kept secret. The Lord showed me how an open door to the spirit realm occurred on that day, but years later, through the Truth, I was set free, even to the point eventually, as if it had never happened. It is an amazing story, but I can tell you that I am living proof that you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!!! Jesus says- I Am the Truth, the Way and the Life. Oh, He is y’all!!!! I have been set free from depression for 30 years! Nothing’s impossible with God and His Word is truth! I pray for everyone battling with these demons, b/c Jesus is your living hope!🙏🙌🏻🔥
Please make more short movies! I know how this is. It was a good representation
Marc 2:17
Ephesians 3:17-21
Matthew 9:27-30(Jesus 😊1st ❤
heals two blind men❤❤)
"27 And as Jesus (😊1st ❤) passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud,
"Have mercy on us, Son of David."
28 When he(Jesus 😊1st ❤)
entered the house,
the blind men camd to him,
and Jesus (😊1st ❤) said to them,
" Do you believe that I can able to do this? "
They said to him,
" Yes Lord(Jesus 😊1st ❤)."
29 Then he(Jesus😊1st ❤)
their 😊❤😊❤😊
" According to
your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤)
be it done to you."
30 And their eyes(.❤.❤
were opened(
(0 0)❤
(0 0)❤).
And Jesus😊1st❤ sternly warned them,
" See that no one knows about it.
31 But they
went away
And spread his(Jesus😊1st❤'s)
through all
district. "
( Matthew 9:27-31 ESV Study Bible)
Today you come to Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord (Jesus😊1st❤) and our savior(Jesus😊1st❤) by faith( " faith " to me is trust Jesus😊1st❤) ) with eyes❤❤
, minds❤❤
, and hearts❤
❤ of faith like the two blind men with faith just like Jesus😊1st❤ said to them,
" According to
your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤)
be it done to you." "( Matthew 9:29b ESV Study Bible. Today, do you too also have faith( trust in Jesus😊1st ❤) in Jesus😊1st ❤? If you do then according to your faith by the Name of Jesus i pray for your healing by Jesus😊1st ❤. In Jesus'name, i pray( Jesus😊1st ❤) Amen.
Matthew 9:29-30
"29 Then he(Jesus😊1st ❤)
their 😊❤😊❤😊
" According to
your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤)
be it done to you."
30 And their eyes(.❤.❤
were opened(
(0 0)❤
(0 0)❤).
And Jesus😊1st❤ sternly warned them,
" See that no one knows about it. "( Matthew 9:29-30 ESV Study Bible)
Genesis 24:22-28❤
"24 When the camels had finished drinking, the man(the servant❤ of Abraham😊❤) took a gold ring weighing a half shekel, and two bracelets for her arms weighing ten gold shekels,
23 and said,
" Please tell me whose daughter you are. Is there room in your father(Bethuel's)'s house for us to spend the night?"
24 She said to him, " I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah( Nahor and Milcah had 1/8 sons called Bethuel and Bethuel was father of Rebekah that what it means), who she( Milcah) bore to Nahor( Abraham's brother= Nahor)."
25 She( Rebekah) added, " We have plenty of both straw and fodder, and room to spend the night."
26 The man( the oldest of Abraham's house faithful servant to Abraham) bowed his head and worship the LORD( the Lord our God😊❤)
27 and said, " Blessed😊❤ be the LORD😊❤, the God of my master Abraham😊❤, who has not forsaken his steadfast😊❤ love❤😊 and his faithfulness❤😊 toward my master( Abraham❤😊 and Abraham's master is God😊100%❤ too in Christ).
As for me, the LORD❤😊 has led me in
the way( remembering of John 14:6😊❤ for in the New Testament Jesus is the Way to God our Father in heaven. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6❤😊). Amen.)
to the house of my master's kinsmen."( ESV Study Bible.)
Pause speaking Kinsmen under the Matthew 1:1-17(The Genealogy of Jesus Christ( Jesus😊1st❤)) i remember Boaz😊❤ is also one of the kindmens of Ruth too. Anyways, lead me to Matthew 1:5" 5 and Salmon the father of Boaz😊❤
by Rehab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth😊❤, and Obed the father of Jesse,
6 and Jesse the father of David😊❤ the king."( Matthew 1:5-6 ❤😊 and then jump in faith to Matthew 1:17-18
"17 So all the generation from Abraham😊❤
to David😊❤ were fourteen( 14 ) generation, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen( 14) generations,and from deportation to Babylon to the Christ(Jesus😊1st❤) fourteen(14) generation."( Matthew 1:17 ESV Study Bible)
Now resume back to Genesis 24:28
"28 Then the young woman ran and told her mother( Milcah) 's household about these things."( Genesis 24:28 ESV Study Bible and above all in all meant to share❤😊 Genesis 24:22-28 ESV Study Bible ( it's long chapter hope you❤😊 understand in Christ. ) i also love God's word❤😊 in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen.
John 14:6❤😊
" 6 Jesus answered,
" I am
the way ❤😊
the truth ❤😊
the life😊❤.
No one
to the Father( God, our Father in heaven )
through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen to Jesus said.). Amen.
Glad there was a happy ending to this
I found it strange that the young man is riding around on his bike with earbuds and no helmet?
Matthew 9:32-34
( Jesus😊1st❤ heals ❤a man unable to speak)
"32 As they were away, behold, a demon-oppressed man who was mute was brought to him(Jesus😊1st❤).
33 And when the demon had been cast out, the mute man spoke. And the crowds maveled, saying,
" Never was anything like this seen in Israel."
34 But the Pharisees said, " He cast out demons by the prince of demons."( Matthew 9:32-34 ESV Study Bible.)
Give us another angle in Christ to look at the same Scripture from Luke the Biblical doctor in Christ in Luke 11:14-23(Jesus😊1st❤ and Beelzehul( no good)) and Amen to Luke 11:20 😊❤ in Christ😊❤ and I trust the Prince of Peace( Isaiah 9:6b) in Christ.
Luke 11:20
" 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you
❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
Luke 11:14-20
"14 Now he was casting out a demon that was a mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled.
15 But
some of them said, " He casts out demons by Beelzehul, the prince of demons, "
16 While others, to test him( Jesus😊1s5❤= Isaiah 53:5b= Prince of Peace😊❤), keep seeking from him( Jesus😊1st❤) a sign from heaven.
17 But he(Jesus😊1st❤), knowing their thoughts, said to them,
" Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.
18 And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?
For you
say that
I cast out demon by Beelzehul( no good).
19 And If I cast out demons by Beelzehul( no good), by whom do your sons cast them out?
Therefore they will be your judges.
20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you
❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
21 When a stronger man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his good are safe;
22 but when a stronger than he attacks him and overcome him, he take away his armor in which he trusted and divided his spoil.
( Jesus said.)
23 Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."( Luke 11:14-23 ESV Study Bible)
Again i love ❤😊
what Jesus(😊1st❤= Prince of Peace( Isaiah 53:5, 5b)
said in Luke 11:20
Luke 11:20
" 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you
❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
My brother killed himself 2 weeks ago😭😭💔💔
You are so vulnerable in your declaration. How might others respond? What can anyone say - how can anyone know what it's like to be you?
While others can be a blessing to you this is also your private trial - you are being forced by circumstances to live in a place you would never have chosen to visit.
And why? Why would God allow such a thing to happen to your brother and to you? If there was no godly purpose in it he would not allow it - so what then might be his purpose?
The only thing that comes to mind is that your circumstances provide you the opportunity to discover that God and his presence is greater than any human thing. That all the goodness we experience in life is God himself. May you find him in this private place - in all his fullness.
I lost my son too,24yo to Fentanyl a couple yrs .ago & after a Dv.unwanted lost most evrythg. But God, has been so faithful , loving & my Heavenly Husband always with me!
I try to remember my Jesus went thru so much more- Hes well acquainted with our griefs.
We must keep counting our blessings each day& know Hes coming soon!!
Let us persevere on....
We must Draw nearer to God & He will draw near to you❤
Abba loves you so v. much dear friend,pour out your grief to Him,give Him your pain embrace His comforting arms-- He is with you no matter what loss,trial ,poverty or confusion we may go thru.
I urge you to keep your faith ,trust & hope alive in Him.
Reading the Psalms & praying-listening is very,very comforting .
You are not alone.
***Let us think on ( eternal)thgs above.... just as Preachers mess.was on. Rom.8:18, Ps.16:11 :)
Love & prayers.
I think I missed something.
I don't understand the meaning behind it.
This is what I'm going through myself especially when I have been trying to quit pain pills. Every time I try to get clean from pain pills,I go through the ugliest withdrawals that I would rather die than go through the withdrawal. I have quit drinking, smoking cigarettes and weed, I quit coke and crack cocaine but pain pills are a challenge for me. I'm so tired of taking pills, I want to quit so I can give God my all but every time I take a step forward then fall i go back 3 steps back. I always think if I'm ever going to be free from pills,I don't know. Jesus healed many, and most of them took away their pain. People who have had an addiction have been delivered and don't go on through withdrawals,I want that but it seems like I have to go through them. I'm starting to go back to thoughts of killing myself because of it, because I am a failure to God and my family. Why should I keep going on? I can't even stop those stupid pain pills.
@rosariogarza5237, according to your testimony, you’ve overcome much: DO NOT GIVE UP! Our Heavenly Father is with you and you will be free so KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
I'm praying for you!
Rosario you are not failure.Jesus loves you exactly how you are.Don give up on Jesus.Keep going with faith that miracle will be happen in exact time and you will be witness for many other people struggling from this that God is faithful.Thrust in Him and start proclaim every moment that you are free from all pain and addictions in the name of Jesus.There is a power in the name of Jesus to set you free!God bless you! Be free from all struggles in Mighty Name of Jesus Christ from Nazareth!
Greeting 😊❤ in Christ. PtL and thank you for sharing too in Christ.
Matthew 10:16-25( Persecution will come)
"16 " Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
17 Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synogogues,
18 and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witiness before them and the Gentiles.
19 When they deliver you over,
do not
be anxious how you
to speak 😊❤ or what you( "you" or today we 😊❤ in Christ)
are to say, for what you are to say will be given😊❤ to you( you or us in Christ) in that hour.
20 For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit( the good Holy Spirit😊❤) of your Father( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven) speaking 😊❤ through 😊❤ you(😊❤😊❤😊❤
21 Brother will deliver brother over to death, and
22 and
you( you or we) will be hated by all for my name( Jesus'😊1st❤)'s sake.
But the one😊❤ who endures to the end will be saved😊❤.
23 When
they( " they")
persecute you( "you" or to us today) in one town,
flee to next, for truly😊❤ I say to you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man( " Son of Man" = Jesus😊1st❤) comes.
24 " A disciple😊❤
is not above his teacher,
nor a servant above his master( Jesus😊1st❤).
25 It is enough for a disciple 😊❤
to be like😊❤ his teacher😊❤, and the servant 😊❤
like his master( Jesus😊1st❤
If they have called the master( "Master" = My master is Jesus😊1st❤) of the house Beelzebul( no good), how much more will they malign those of his(Jesus') household." ( Matthew 10:16- 25 ESV Study Bible , Do you remember of Luke 11:14-23(Jesus😊1st❤ and Beelzehul( no good)) and Amen to Luke 11:20 😊❤
) in Jesus'name, i pray for you. Amen.
Give us another angle in Christ to look at the same Scripture from Luke the Biblical doctor in Christ in Luke 11:14-23(Jesus😊1st❤ and Beelzehul( no good)) and Amen to Luke 11:20 😊❤ in Christ😊❤ and I trust the Prince of Peace( Isaiah 9:6b) in Christ.
Luke 11:20
" 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you
❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
Luke 11:14-20
"14 Now he was casting out a demon that was a mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled.
15 But
some of them said, " He casts out demons by Beelzehul, the prince of demons, "
16 While others, to test him( Jesus😊1s5❤= Isaiah 53:5b= Prince of Peace😊❤), keep seeking from him( Jesus😊1st❤) a sign from heaven.
17 But he(Jesus😊1st❤), knowing their thoughts, said to them,
" Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.
18 And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?
For you
say that
I cast out demon by Beelzehul( no good).
19 And If I cast out demons by Beelzehul( no good), by whom do your sons cast them out?
Therefore they will be your judges.
20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you
( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
21 When a stronger man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his good are safe;
22 but when a stronger than he attacks him and overcome him, he take away his armor in which he trusted and divided his spoil.
( Jesus said.)
23 Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."( Luke 11:14-23 ESV Study Bible)
Again i love ❤😊
what Jesus(😊1st❤= Prince of Peace( Isaiah 53:5, 5b)
said in Luke 11:20
Luke 11:20
" 20But if it is the finger of God(😊100%❤) that I cast out demons, then the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ or God's kingdom😊❤) has come upon you
❤u)"( Luke 10:20 ESV Study Bible)
Jesus 😊1st❤loves ❤you😊❤ too( John 14:21😊❤ and John 14:23😊❤) Both God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven and Jesus😊1st❤ our savior in Christ will love those of us who follow His commandments and keep them in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:21😊❤; John 14:23😊❤ and Romans 8:28❤)Amen.
This also can be used to tie to before Old Testament ending sharing also from John 14:21-23
"21Whoever( 😊❤ or anyone😊❤) has my commandments and keep them, he😊❤ it is who loves me. And he whos❤ me will be loved❤ by Father( God😊100%❤, our Father in heaven), and I will love❤ him😊❤ and manifest😊❤ myself ❤to him😊❤."
22 Judas( not Iscariot ) ( Judas 😊❤of son of James =Thaddaeus😊❤) said, to him( Jesus😊1st❤), " Lord( Jesus😊1st❤), how is it that you will manifest😊❤ yourself😊❤ to us(12), and not to the world? "
23 Jesus😊1st❤ answered ( answered Judas son of James( John 14:22❤) or Theddaues 😊❤), " If anyone( "anyone" means anyone😊❤) loves❤ me😊❤, he 😊❤ will keep my word❤😊, and my Father( God😊100%❤, our Father in heaven) will❤ love ❤ him😊❤, and we( " We" = God 😊100%❤,our Father in heaven, Jesus😊1st❤ our savior in Christ 😊❤ and the Holy Spirit😊❤ our helper in Christ= "we "too in Christ. God 😊100%❤and Jesus😊1st❤ of course "we" in Christ "we")
will come 😊❤to him😊❤and make our home😊❤ with him😊❤."( John 14:21-23😊❤ ESV Study Bible. Amen to John 14:21-23😊❤, may our Lord, Jesus heal others by faith in Him( Jesus😊1st❤, John 14:6) in Jesus'name, i pray( James 5:14-15❤)) Amen.
People are hurting. I too was once hurting; I can relate. Christ saved me and gave me life. 21 years and 1 day.
Glory to God 🔥🔥@@Mr.MarkGuerrero