WoooHooo! Winner Winner Fluke Fish Dinner! My favorite video of yours thus far! There needs to be someone next to you ready with the net for these contests. Great suspense in this video. Congratulations on winning the jackpot! Plus second place. It's really nice to see the time you put into catching these fish really pay off here. You're a good friend to split the prize evenly.
Congrats, that was awesome. Would love to see more of this. The comrodity on the boat, the good natured spirit at the weigh in. Looks like everyone had a great time. Can't wait to see the next video
Lol john that might of been the biggest smile i ever seen on you when they told you the first place winner wasnt in the cal cutter 😂😂😂 awesome win john !!!!
Wow you finally won . Nice of you to help Rick out as an extra fishing rod. I'm sure the guys you fished with in the previous tournaments really appreciated you helping out a fellow angler. Nifty trick keeping the mouth closed on that winning fluke. It showed how aggressive those fish are, whole porgies and a small weakfish in it's stomache.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing I got a 18 inch long fluke in a river had a huge like horseshoe in its belly later at shore I cut it open 9 inch weakfish half it's total length and choked it down. Fluke are cool.
Wow been following this fellow for quite some time as one fisherman to another he has taught me so much through video god bless you Mr. Skinner it would be a dream come true to be half the fisherman you are
We had our 9th Annual Flounder Tournament here in Avalon Manor, NJ on Saturday and the 20-25+ mph winds out of the west made for a very tough day, especially once the tide started rolling back into the channels and sounds. We boated only 11 fish with just one of them making it to the weigh station. Great video, John!
@@JohnSkinnerFishingthat was cool. Missing how 2nd paid better..?.it’s probably right in front of my eyes but don’t see it in the video or description & didn’t hear the reason either. Either way good going. Great day. The kid was pumped about the $1600 ill bet..take care
@@marcopugliese5946 "go over it with the sonar" what does that even mean? There's a lot more that goes into it than just looking at the chart and looking at the bottom machine...I would like John's perspective as he's a really good teacher.
I'm trying to keep the boat on a part of the slope that often produces for me in this particular location. The contour lines on the plotter show the areas of interest, but only experience gives a clue on how to fish it. If in a new area fluking I'm looking for slopes, and this applies to many species.
Bay boat I fish for flounder half trips out of Margate has some huge stripers waiting for what’s left over too! Fun to watch! Also just got the dark matter and paired it with the accurist reel! Absolutely love it!
Nice video John. I'm in Maryland and taking the RV to Sag Harbor next week. Will be fishing with brothers and friends around buoy 16 and 17 (Jessups) but I will try to convince my shipmates to go further north to that fluke fishing area. Wish us luck.
That's my fault. I really needed to explain that. In many fishing (and other) contests, there are Calcuttas, which are kind of like side bet pools. You can enter the contest for a fairly reasonable fee and be in the running for the contest prizes. The real money is typically in the Calcuttas, but it usually costs more to participate in those than in the contest itself. In this particular contest I've never seen a first place winner not be in the Calcutta. It rarely, if ever, happens, which led to the confusion as they were handing out prizes. Luckily for us the 1st place contest fish did not enter the Calcutta. They probably won $1000, whereas we got the "big" money of $6700. Thanks for asking.
Hey that last picture you sent of Katy is magazine cover material! Congrats again all around to you guys. I updated my FaceBook post this morning to include South Shore Tackle. I initially didn't realize that a Poison Tail wasn't a unique name to Mike.
John what do you recommend for a teaser? Been using the tsunami teasers but I feel like the hook is to small for a 6” grub. I’ll hook with the smaller minnows but always losing fish on the teaser with the bigger grubs. Thanks.
The fluke fishing here from shore is tough in middle California. I need to save up for a boat but first I need a car that can pull a boat 😢 the jetties this year have been barren
John big thanks to you.. been fishin long time .. finally got my first 10 lb fluke .. believe it was ? 31-1/2” .. caught in the Jamaica Bay Area.. in my Hobie ..didn’t have my boga ..
Depends on depth and current, but unless you're fishing very little current I don't see how you can go wrong with the 6-ounce 9-inch Tsunami spoons. Otherwise there are lots of 9-inch 4.5-ounce spoons that will be fine.
Very nice John. Nothing better than catching the big fish when it counts. Any way you can do a contest, so a subscriber could go on a trip with you on your boat?
I don't use bait anymore, but if I did, it's exactly what you said. Those white ribbon strips are excellent. I should actually use them more often to save on gulp. One of the issues in NY is that if you use those, you have to have the fish on board from which the strips were cut, and you can only use the white side. Great comment.
@John Skinner Fishing I didn't know you had to have the fish on board who's strips you were using. I don't usually fish from a boat, I mainly surf fish. I'm trying to look up it as I'm writing this, I'm not finding any info online about
Look up the NYSDEC Saltwater regs for summer flounder, notation #4: "...the white side fillet or white skin only of a legal size fluke may be removed to use as bait. The carcass of the fluke with dark side completely intact must be retained for inspection of size limit and counts against the possession limit." Weird rule about the dark side.
Congrats John!! What pound test were you using in the bay? I know you want to have your line straight down so thinner diameter the better from creating drag when drifting? Would you use this for fishing 80-100’ and maybe some structure? Thanks in advance.
We concluded recharging was vital a couple seasons ago because for awhile only one of us was doing it and that person was outperforming the others. When everyone started doing it the catches became more equal. Good question.
Nothing wrong done here. The fish ate well. If you want to eliminate legit stomach comments from a contest, then maybe they could only weigh fish after they were gutted, but I've never heard of anything like that.
So the Calcutta was an extra pot, that the team entered, but the 1st place team did not? John mentioned 500 to enter, I take it the 1st place team paid a lot less?
Hi John, one of your Florida fans here. I’m going on a road trip and I’ll be in the area next week. It would be great to stop for some surf casting for stripers and flounder with the kids. Any tips on beaches we could park and have some success?
Pardon my ignorance on the topic, but why did the 1st place catch not get counted? I was thinking we had another walleye weights in fish episode, but when i realized it was YOUR catch and was only stuffed from eating so much and not foul play, i was just confused. Thanks for clearing it up, and awesome job to you and the whole crew - looked like a blast!
The first place boat did not enter the Calcutta, which is a side bet commonly associated with tournaments, fishing and otherwise. That meant our 2nd place fish took the "big" money.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing Thanks man, straight forward and right to the point! I wasnt use to the Calcutta term and it was throwing me off, thanks for the info!
I guess I don't understand the consternation about whether to use the net or not. Why not just be ready with the net every hookup until/unless it becomes obviously unnecessary?
I just love the banter on a boat. Nothing like being out on the water with the boys. The disappointment, excitement, stories. It’s the best
I'm glad you get it! Some don't.
If they don't busy your balls do they really like you?
Best part of the video was watching all those Big Beautiful Stripers at the dock coming up to feed on the discarded scraps.
Quite good . Watching from Scotland .
WoooHooo! Winner Winner Fluke Fish Dinner!
My favorite video of yours thus far! There needs to be someone next to you ready with the net for these contests. Great suspense in this video. Congratulations on winning the jackpot! Plus second place. It's really nice to see the time you put into catching these fish really pay off here. You're a good friend to split the prize evenly.
calcutta is where the money is made! John Skinner Living legend!!!!!
One of the more exciting vids you’ve posted. Congratulations
Congrats, that was awesome. Would love to see more of this. The comrodity on the boat, the good natured spirit at the weigh in. Looks like everyone had a great time. Can't wait to see the next video
@@davidparker667 rite, that two.
Lol john that might of been the biggest smile i ever seen on you when they told you the first place winner wasnt in the cal cutter 😂😂😂 awesome win john !!!!
Wow you finally won . Nice of you to help Rick out as an extra fishing rod. I'm sure the guys you fished with in the previous tournaments really appreciated you helping out a fellow angler. Nifty trick keeping the mouth closed on that winning fluke. It showed how aggressive those fish are, whole porgies and a small weakfish in it's stomache.
Yeah, all that in its stomach and it still wanted a 6-ounce bucktail with a 6-inch grub!
@@JohnSkinnerFishing I got a 18 inch long fluke in a river had a huge like horseshoe in its belly later at shore I cut it open 9 inch weakfish half it's total length and choked it down. Fluke are cool.
Thats awesome! These seem very in color to the california halibut. Im on west coast
Wow been following this fellow for quite some time as one fisherman to another he has taught me so much through video god bless you Mr. Skinner it would be a dream come true to be half the fisherman you are
Pure teamwork won this tournament . Congratulations .
Congratulations. Having fun and winning prize money it's always a good day in my book!! Well done Lads!!!
We had our 9th Annual Flounder Tournament here in Avalon Manor, NJ on Saturday and the 20-25+ mph winds out of the west made for a very tough day, especially once the tide started rolling back into the channels and sounds. We boated only 11 fish with just one of them making it to the weigh station. Great video, John!
Congrats on the win boys!!! What a great experience for the youngin too! Got a fisherman for life now
Congrats John and Team.. great video.
Congrats John !!!
Congratulations John 🏆
Congratulations. Great results considering the wind.
Well done! Nice bag AND fluke fillets. :)
@johnskinner...holy crap dude! Nice win...not to rain on the parade but the best oart is spending time on that boat with good friends.
SWEET! Great day for you.
Congratulations on winning the contest.
Awesome. Congratulations to all.
What a surprise!!! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations on the win!
Congrats John all your knowledge and experience is deserving of your win
Great work Mr Skinner
Can’t wait to move up to Jamesport in 2 weeks and get some fishing in. Very excited! Also congratulations on the win, great to watch
Congrats Mr.Skinner very well deserved...
Thanks. We caught some luck on that calcutta!
haha shots fired at 19:06 - congrats to you and the blu jay, looked like an exciting day
And no one coming to our defense lol
@Jigging Jerks You did an awesome job that day - of holding my camera while I collected the prize money!
@@JohnSkinnerFishing that’s cold Skinner lol
@@JohnSkinnerFishingthat was cool. Missing how 2nd paid better..?.it’s probably right in front of my eyes but don’t see it in the video or description & didn’t hear the reason either. Either way good going. Great day. The kid was pumped about the $1600 ill bet..take care
Awesome video guys, congrats!
You are the man John Skinner!
Great video, congratulations again!
Love watching you northern guys as a Florida boy . Man i want to catch some big stripers
Way to go John and fellas! That's damn exciting.
Good work around the boat mate. Nice video, cheers
I enjoyed watching you guys hook on to big Fluke.
If you did a video tutorial on how to look for ledges and what youre doing on the plotter to help setup your drift that'd be extremely helpful!
It’s pretty self explanatory. Tight depth edges on the chart then go over w the sonar
@@marcopugliese5946 "go over it with the sonar" what does that even mean? There's a lot more that goes into it than just looking at the chart and looking at the bottom machine...I would like John's perspective as he's a really good teacher.
I'm trying to keep the boat on a part of the slope that often produces for me in this particular location. The contour lines on the plotter show the areas of interest, but only experience gives a clue on how to fish it. If in a new area fluking I'm looking for slopes, and this applies to many species.
one of your most interesting fluking videos ever. luck was definitely with you, but luck is the residue of knowledge and hard work. well done!
Ben Hogan, one the golfing greats said the more I practice the luckier I get.
Calcutta for the WIN!!!!! Skinner for the Winner!!!
Way to go John!!
Awesome! Congrats!!
Awesome, nice work guys!
Great Fishing! Congratulations on the prize!
Well done, John and crew, from England. Good to see you getting the youngsters involved.
Q The sea is wide, the waves are small, allowing your team to catch a lot of fish.
Congrats, you guys deserved it!
Bay boat I fish for flounder half trips out of Margate has some huge stripers waiting for what’s left over too! Fun to watch! Also just got the dark matter and paired it with the accurist reel! Absolutely love it!
Enjoy that rod and thanks for your support!
No surprises here the goat takes it home!!
Awesome video. Congratulations
Nice video John. I'm in Maryland and taking the RV to Sag Harbor next week. Will be fishing with brothers and friends around buoy 16 and 17 (Jessups) but I will try to convince my shipmates to go further north to that fluke fishing area. Wish us luck.
Good luck! Some nice weakfish around there.
John- Love the videos. Could you tell me what brand of boat that Center Console is? Don't see too many aluminum boats around where I am.
Metal Shark
Great video
Congrats from East Northport
Looks like You need to make some strip baits out of fluke skins for stripers!
That fish already had a big baitfish in its gut and was still feeding great.
What was the calcutta all about? Side bets please explain. thanks
That's my fault. I really needed to explain that. In many fishing (and other) contests, there are Calcuttas, which are kind of like side bet pools. You can enter the contest for a fairly reasonable fee and be in the running for the contest prizes. The real money is typically in the Calcuttas, but it usually costs more to participate in those than in the contest itself. In this particular contest I've never seen a first place winner not be in the Calcutta. It rarely, if ever, happens, which led to the confusion as they were handing out prizes. Luckily for us the 1st place contest fish did not enter the Calcutta. They probably won $1000, whereas we got the "big" money of $6700. Thanks for asking.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing how much $ to join the Calcutta ?
Dinnah's on Skinnah!
Awesome comment.
Thats evidence of the food chain right there lol😂😂😂
May I asks what dock is this? I am in Brooklyn and I am not familiar with this dock. Beautiful fish and congrats on the prize.
Nice work John, always on your A game.
Hey that last picture you sent of Katy is magazine cover material! Congrats again all around to you guys. I updated my FaceBook post this morning to include South Shore Tackle. I initially didn't realize that a Poison Tail wasn't a unique name to Mike.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing thanks again John. 👍
John what do you recommend for a teaser? Been using the tsunami teasers but I feel like the hook is to small for a 6” grub. I’ll hook with the smaller minnows but always losing fish on the teaser with the bigger grubs. Thanks.
Nice slabs
Great job
congratss thats awesomeee
Nice gulp promo.if I was Rick I would have left you at the dock.lol.all good.congrats.
John, the fish you pulled out looked like a pinfish we use for bait here in Florida. What was it?
The fluke fishing here from shore is tough in middle California. I need to save up for a boat but first I need a car that can pull a boat 😢 the jetties this year have been barren
Right where the dec can keep an eye on you ,
Hey John.....what ocean fluke reel are you using these days...I'm still using the quantum accurist.
Me too.
John big thanks to you.. been fishin long time .. finally got my first 10 lb fluke .. believe it was ? 31-1/2” .. caught in the Jamaica Bay Area.. in my Hobie ..didn’t have my boga ..
Congrats on that!! 31.5 inches is well over 10#!
John what size / weight flutter spoon you suggest I use in Hobie ? Thanks
Depends on depth and current, but unless you're fishing very little current I don't see how you can go wrong with the 6-ounce 9-inch Tsunami spoons. Otherwise there are lots of 9-inch 4.5-ounce spoons that will be fine.
Very nice John. Nothing better than catching the big fish when it counts.
Any way you can do a contest, so a subscriber could go on a trip with you on your boat?
Kudos to you and the guys! Nice way to end a great day of fishing!
Skinner great fishing ,nice payday. We use the white strips from flounder to catch flounder. Have you tried using it ??
I don't use bait anymore, but if I did, it's exactly what you said. Those white ribbon strips are excellent. I should actually use them more often to save on gulp. One of the issues in NY is that if you use those, you have to have the fish on board from which the strips were cut, and you can only use the white side. Great comment.
@John Skinner Fishing I didn't know you had to have the fish on board who's strips you were using. I don't usually fish from a boat, I mainly surf fish. I'm trying to look up it as I'm writing this, I'm not finding any info online about
Look up the NYSDEC Saltwater regs for summer flounder, notation #4: "...the white side fillet or white skin only of a legal size fluke may be removed to use as bait. The carcass of the fluke with dark side completely intact must be retained for inspection of size limit and counts against the possession limit." Weird rule about the dark side.
Three nice fish in one drift is not bad you could say it was a fluke 🤣
John, what do you think of swing hook bucktails ?
Greatly preferred for this kind of fishing for any bucktail heavier than 2 ounces.
Congrats John!! What pound test were you using in the bay? I know you want to have your line straight down so thinner diameter the better from creating drag when drifting? Would you use this for fishing 80-100’ and maybe some structure? Thanks in advance.
This is the same rig I use in the ocean deep - 15# line.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing15lb moon? Wow interesting is 20lb ok for only conventional reel?
So cool u won......😎✌️👍.....
Why did you load the larger fish head up I’m curious
Keep it from potentially barfing stomach contents.
Don't you think by just putting gulp liquid on a bait it washes off almost instantly? I think the scent being cooked into the gulp is the key.
We concluded recharging was vital a couple seasons ago because for awhile only one of us was doing it and that person was outperforming the others. When everyone started doing it the catches became more equal. Good question.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing Good to know.
This video is officially filed in my Skinner archives as John Skinner’s best video.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing I forgot to mention this is Giovanni from Western Long Island sound.
@@gm1937 I thought you were possibly reserving the location only for my videos :)
What drifting speed are you looking for MPH?
Thanks John!
Any reason why these tournaments don’t judge based on length and width to ensure accuracy so a stuffed fish full of baitfish are not winners?
Nothing wrong done here. The fish ate well. If you want to eliminate legit stomach comments from a contest, then maybe they could only weigh fish after they were gutted, but I've never heard of anything like that.
So the Calcutta was an extra pot, that the team entered, but the 1st place team did not? John mentioned 500 to enter, I take it the 1st place team paid a lot less?
Perfect description. My fault for not clarifying in the narration.
Wow I'm subscribed and I haven't had one of your videos come across in over 2 years
Interesting and frustrating.
Hi John, one of your Florida fans here. I’m going on a road trip and I’ll be in the area next week. It would be great to stop for some surf casting for stripers and flounder with the kids. Any tips on beaches we could park and have some success?
Uggh, the parking can be the issue. What town?
What vest is the kid wearing?
Pardon my ignorance on the topic, but why did the 1st place catch not get counted? I was thinking we had another walleye weights in fish episode, but when i realized it was YOUR catch and was only stuffed from eating so much and not foul play, i was just confused. Thanks for clearing it up, and awesome job to you and the whole crew - looked like a blast!
The first place boat did not enter the Calcutta, which is a side bet commonly associated with tournaments, fishing and otherwise. That meant our 2nd place fish took the "big" money.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing Thanks man, straight forward and right to the point! I wasnt use to the Calcutta term and it was throwing me off, thanks for the info!
Who makes that boat? Very nice!
Metal Shark. Awesome boat.
Title is misleading. I thought there was some shananigans afoot. Something akin to those Walleye cheaters. The reality is much better.
Hopefully a good lesson about handling contender fish in a contest as well as the risks of not participating in a tournament's calcutta.
@@JohnSkinnerFishing ive never understood fishing a tournament and not getting in all the side bets, it makes no sense. Happy you won it all John.
Thanks for understanding. I hate the whole thumbnail/title emphasis on YT.
Money does strange things to people. John is too much of a stand-up guy to do something stupid like that.
Click bait is a helluva drug
I guess I don't understand the consternation about whether to use the net or not. Why not just be ready with the net every hookup until/unless it becomes obviously unnecessary?
Good question. Two reasons - 1) Sometimes the rig tangles in the net, costing time. 2) It interrupts the fishing of the person netting.