[TAS] Wii Super Mario Galaxy "Fastest Crash" in

  • Опубліковано 30 бер 2020
  • Super Mario Galaxy is a classic, 2007 3D platformer in which Princess Peach is captured yet again and Mario is forced to go on a journey, collecting power stars, so he can travel to the centre of the universe and save his special one. In this TAS, Mario instead decides to terrify the local surfing instructor by breaking the game.
    TAS by Xander
    Time: 21:39.87 (77992 frames)
    Rerecords: 21723
    This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun. For more information, visit TASVideos.org/ and/or read by submission text: tasvideos.org/6697S.html
    I tried to use ffmpeg for a lossless encode... Didn't work out so well so I'll go back to my other method to get 1080p in my future videos. Subscribe for more, and come hang out in my SMG TASing server to discuss all things optimal about the SMG series / discord
    The video ends abruptly because on the next frame dolphin crashes (I've been made aware of how to potentially fix this tho)
  • Ігри


  • @MineCraftAuto5
    @MineCraftAuto5 4 роки тому +61

    Um, Mr. Epic Random Gaming Channel | Xander. I’m not sure if you noticed this, but this 120 star run doesn’t look complete. I know this is probably your first TAS (That’s short for Tools And Stuff used) and you must have been really eager to submit this run. That’s great, I love the enthusiasm! But it seems like it desynced part way through Loopdeloop (trust me, I’m an esteemed Super Mario Galaxy 2 TASer. I know these things). Anyway, I suggest that you redo this 120-star run because it has great potential! You’re gateway was decent, and your Honeyhive, though a little slow, was very flashy (that’s good in the TAS community!) I wouldn’t put it on the caliber of my own TASes, but this [incomplete] run was still OK for a first attempt. Anyway, I gotta get back to finishing my TAS (Time-Altering Slowdowns) of Boo Moon in 0x A presses (that’s the jump button in case you didn’t know, meaning boo Mario wouldn’t be able to float). Good luck on your future TASes (Trick Abusing Speedrun).

    • @TSAMMariolover5554
      @TSAMMariolover5554 3 роки тому

      It means Tool Assisted Speedrun

    • @MineCraftAuto5
      @MineCraftAuto5 3 роки тому +17

      @@TSAMMariolover5554 Hi Mariolover5554, and much love from Croatia! Anyway, TAS (Timer And Splits) standing for Tool Assisted Speedrun is actually a pretty common misconception perpetured by certain subcommunities of the video game emulation community like Wikipedia, Ukikipedia, the TASvideos organization, etc. It's quite sad that certain communities are trying to spread misinformation about the true nature of TASes (plural of TAS (Time Attack, Segmented)), and tricking people into believing absolute nonsense. Bunch of treacherous scallywags is what they are. Anyway, as I mentioned about a year ago, I am World Record TASer and as such have an intricate and comprehensive knowledge of all things TAS (Trainably Attainable & Statiscally perfect run) and LOTADs (LOTtA D-pads inputs) and it is my civic duty, no, my destiny and wordly purpose to clarify what a TAS (Truly Awesome Showcase) is to less knowledgeable folk (no offense). I remember the last time this exact conversation came up in conversation. I was in conversation with Epic Random Gaming Channel himself on the Ides Of March of this year, 2021, Anno Domini, when the conversation converted to this:
      ERGC (Effervescent Repsectable Gaming Chap) | Xander - Hey TAS (Tool Assisted Spreedrun) means Tool Assisted Speedrun, right?
      Chaz H. - No.
      Thenceforth, we've been the greatest of companions, and I keep in touch by sending letters to him and his wife every fortnite. For even he, a maker of many a TAS (Turn-based Action Strategy), including a WIP (Woefully Incomplete Piece) SMG (Super Mario Golf) 120-star run that desynced in Loopdeswoop, was misinformed about the True Acronym's Significance. Is it crucial to understand the acronym to appreciate the hours and hours of work put into this video by | Xander?
      Yes. That's why I'm explaining it to you, and by extension, everybody in this comment section.
      Actually, an abridged history of TAS (Tools Activated? Sure) might be able to clarify why they exist and why it’s important to know what it actually means.
      In 1983, Nintendo released Super Mario Bros for the Nintendo Entertainment System (keep this in mind for later) to high acclaim and success. The sequel, Super Mario Bros. 2 was soon put in to definitely, matching the style and overall feel of the original. However, Nintendo Of Japan thought that this sequel to the original Super Mario Bros would be too difficult for Western Audiences, and instead opted to release the “real” Super Mario Bros. 2 in Japan, and reskinned an already existing title called Doki Doki Panic to have Mario characters (i.e. Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Blue Toad) dubbing it Super Mario Bros 2. Skin ahead a few years to Super Mario 64, a 3D adventure for the Nintendo 64 (I’m not sure what happened to the other 63 Nintendos). You can imagine a 3D games also 3 2D games played simultaneously, perpendicular to one another. As Mario moves forward on the first game, Super Mario Bros 1, he moves exclusively on the X axis of Super Mario 64. As Mario moves forward in the second game, Super Mario Bros 2 (or Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels in the West), he travels along the Y acis of Super Mario 64. By traveling various amount of forward and backwards on both axises, Mario can travel anywhere on SMB1/SMBLL XY-Plane. Pretty cool, right? Well, now imagine you’re also playing Doki Doki Panic (or Super Mario Bros 2 in the West), and Mario (or another character like Luigi, Princess Toadstool, or Blue Toad) travels forward, he is now moving on the Z-axis of the Super Mario 64. By playing all 3 Super Mario Games (not including Super Mario Bros 3 for simplicity), you can move anywhere in 3D Super Mario 64 space, thus creating Super Mario 64, the game.
      While this is fine and good, what does this have to do with the idea of a TAS (Tango Alpha Sierra)? Well, to create one of these for a game like Super Mario 64, one must be able to have full control of Mario in every direction. Thankfully, movement in 3D Mario titles is actually based on a simplified model of our 3 2D Mario; while we have full control over SMB1/SMBLL (XY-Plane), we have much more restricted movement along the Z-plane, and height can only being attained through certain criteria, like jumping. This works to the game’s benefit, as complete 3D freedom would enable Mario to fly over pits and obstacles, and fly right into stars, almost like Superman from Superman 64.
      Fun tangent about that game: Here’s a fun paradox. Let’s say that a hypothetical Superman can do anything and everything. There is nothing this omnipotent Superman can’t do. Now, since he can do anything, is it possible for him to throw a ring so far away that he can’t even fly to it and eventually through it? Surely he can, since he can do anything, but logically he can’t do both contradicting actions. Suppose he is able to throw it so far that he can’t fly to it; he logically then is unable to fly this distance, meaning he is not omnipotent, which he is by definition. Thus, he must not be able to throw a ring so far out that he can’t fly to it; but, alas, this means he is unable to throw an object such a distance, meaning he is not omnipotent, which he is by definition. This Paradox Of The Ring and its variations has been a popular paradox since at least the 12th century, Anno Domini, by the Greeks (often considered to be the first TASers)
      Now, since Mario can travel in each direction along the SMB1/SMBLL plane, people that wish to make a TAS (for a definition of this term, please continue reading) must be able to control Mario in all possible directions on this plane. If you are imagining a Cartesian coordinate plane, please stop, and picture SMB1/SMBLL plane as a polar one. This is now analogous to many emulators’ virtual control sticks. The vector (with it’s respective magnitude and angle) simulates a control stick and moves SMB1 Mario and SMBLL Mario to move SMBXY Mario in Super Mario 64. This is also the case in Super Mario Galaxy, except that Super Mario 64 is replaced by Super Mario Galaxy.
      Another way to think of Mario’s movement in 3D is to imagine him as a missile. Mario knows where he is at all times. Mario knows this because he knows where he isn't. By subtracting where he is from where he isn't, or where he isn't from where he is (whichever is faster for the TAS (Tantalum IV Sulfide)), Mario obtains a difference, or desync. The emulator movement subsystem uses desyncs to generate incorrect commands to drive Mario from a position where he is to a position where he shouldn’t be, and arriving at a position where he wasn't supposed to be, Mario now is. Consequently, the position where he is, is now the position that he wasn't, and he follows that the position that he was, is now the position that he isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the emulator has acquired a jank, the jank being the difference between where Mario is, and where he wasn't. If the jank is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be modified by the TASer. However, Mario must also know where it was. The Mario movement computer scenario works as follows. Because the jank has modified some of the information Mario has obtained, it is not sure just where he is. However, it is sure where he isn't, within reason, and it knows where he was. It now subtracts where he should be from where he wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where he shouldn't be, and where he was, it is able to obtain the desync and its jank, which is called Error in PlayWiimote: 23 !=4, byte 0.
      Anyway, because these movement precise movement options (and the savestates and frame advance tools built in to many emulators like Muppet64Plus or Delphium), you can create TAS (TAS).
      I gotta get back to working on writing my first-person erotic Mailtoad x Luigi fanfiction, but I hope that clears up what a TAS ((Trying Asking Somebody) is! I hope you found this helpful, coming from a World Famous Super Mario Galaxy Speedrunner and Super Mario Galaxy 2 TASer!
      Much love from Concord!

    • @EpicRandomGamingChannel
      @EpicRandomGamingChannel  3 роки тому +19

      This is the greatest shitpost of all time

    • @TSAMMariolover5554
      @TSAMMariolover5554 3 роки тому +1

      @@MineCraftAuto5 ok

  • @RareSun
    @RareSun 5 місяців тому +2

    The fact that it takes over 21 minutes to crash just shows how stable Galaxy really is.

    • @EpicRandomGamingChannel
      @EpicRandomGamingChannel  5 місяців тому +3

      well... there's a softlock within the first 5min of gameplay

    • @RareSun
      @RareSun 5 місяців тому +1

      @@EpicRandomGamingChannel Still good though

  • @PurpleSunTAS
    @PurpleSunTAS 4 роки тому +9

    so you crash on a level with waves. crash. waves. nice.

  • @makooo52
    @makooo52 4 роки тому +3

    this is actually pretty sick

  • @brainbomb.
    @brainbomb. 2 роки тому +2

    21:31 It's like a cat coming up to the camera! 🤣

  • @Tomatobird8
    @Tomatobird8 4 роки тому +8

    Oh man i wish you could skip cutscenes in this game lmao

    • @EpicRandomGamingChannel
      @EpicRandomGamingChannel  4 роки тому +3

      I think there was talk of someone trying to make a romhack that does that. I definitely appreciate that Nintendo fixed this in Odyssey

  • @denischen8196
    @denischen8196 3 роки тому +1

    17:50: Making music in Honeyhive.

  • @Bretaigne
    @Bretaigne 4 роки тому +1

    Epic! Shame about the cutscenes though like TB said lol

  • @ReadySteadyYeti
    @ReadySteadyYeti 3 роки тому

    Imagine if this glitch wasn't discovered, and the crash glitch you found was only possible in the Grand Finale Galaxy... O:

  • @SwareJonge
    @SwareJonge 4 роки тому +1

    Where is the beep sound the Wii makes when it crashes

    • @toogsx6980
      @toogsx6980 4 роки тому

      SwareJonge I believe the entire emulator crashes at that point. I could be totally wrong, though

    • @SwareJonge
      @SwareJonge 4 роки тому

      @@toogsx6980 I believe the game just drops to 0 FPS and then dolphin stops dumping frames

    • @EpicRandomGamingChannel
      @EpicRandomGamingChannel  4 роки тому

      The emulator closes on the last frame of input - it doesnt drop to 0 fps. I edited the description tho: there might be a way but I havent messed around with it yet

    • @ReadySteadyYeti
      @ReadySteadyYeti 3 роки тому

      @@EpicRandomGamingChannel Perhaps you could edit in a recording from outside the emulator of the crash happening? If you wanted to.

  • @Alexs23743
    @Alexs23743 2 роки тому

    Nuuuuuuuuuu...I wanted to hear the Wii Crash Sound™! D:

  • @toogsx6980
    @toogsx6980 4 роки тому

    Bro. What is this shit run. I came here for QUALITY CONTENT. (Obviously a joke, this was pretty fuckin epic)

  • @warmCabin
    @warmCabin 4 роки тому

    Can you mash B to feed the hungry lumas?

    • @EpicRandomGamingChannel
      @EpicRandomGamingChannel  4 роки тому

      The autofire when holding it is a LOT faster and you can only use P1 to feed them.

    • @warmCabin
      @warmCabin 4 роки тому

      Ah, it's not every other frame? Because by my quick maffs, that would be a little over 3 seconds

    • @EpicRandomGamingChannel
      @EpicRandomGamingChannel  4 роки тому

      Just double checked and yeah, when feeding hungry lumas it makes you hold B for whatever reason. If we alternate every frame, normally, we would run out of starbits a lot faster

  • @jeremyie
    @jeremyie 4 роки тому +1

    tried to do this on my wii u
    it started burning, so i deepfried some calamari on it
    also the power hasnt been back on since, so im using an extension cord all the way from the supermarket to power all of my electrical items
    hope nobody trips on the cord and unplugs it, that would put me in quite the predicament
    all of that because i used the wii u instead of the wii, shame on nintendo for making bad backwards compatibility
    anyway your run sucks lol

  • @marcountold
    @marcountold 4 роки тому +9

    Great run, one thing however: could you please stop saying "RNG"? As in: "Bad RNG luck there" and such.There is no "random number generator" in any games. It's all PSEUDO-random number generator. In fact, the "luck" factor in games is purely mathematical and based on known and well-studied models and formulas, NOT true randomness. So, therefore, you should use the term "PNG" or "PRNG" and not RNG. I am a mathematician, this is important to me, thank you. Using incorrect terms makes you look unprofessional and amateurish and makes you lose credibility.

    • @drag0vien289
      @drag0vien289 4 роки тому +1

      this is a troll right?
      nvm I saw the other comment...

    • @Shadow64
      @Shadow64 4 роки тому +1

      Take him seriously guys

    • @drag0vien289
      @drag0vien289 4 роки тому

      @Regian autism is a thing

    • @EpicRandomGamingChannel
      @EpicRandomGamingChannel  4 роки тому +6

      I'm so sorry Lyric 😔 I don't know how I could've made such a trivial mistake. Maybe it's because this wasn't labelled as a theorem, so it didn't come up in my notes. I'll go make this addendum to ensure that it doesn't happen again. So very sorry 😔😔😔