I can confirm this after years of my own study. When I am at work, time slows or stops completely. When I get home from work, I don't have time for even dinner...
That’s perception, like how time feels as if it speeds up as you get older, even though it doesn’t. But the percentage of your life that a day is measured against grows. When you are a week old, a day is 1/7 of your life. When you are 70 a day is 1/ 25550 of your life, assuming it’s your 70th bday.
I thought he got it the wrong way round. Time on earth would appear to zoom by to the man in the space ship. At half the speed of light to the space ship time on earth would appear to go 15% faster because time on the ship would have slowed down by 15%.
This video has taken a fairly complex subject and just made it 10x more complex. It's correct that time isn't constant, but not due to velocity, that's the perception of time, however gravity does affect time. The more gravity the slow time passes, that's why the first satellites clocks all had to be altered, as time passes faster for them.
It’s both … Gravity is a warping of space-time. Also velocity is a measurement of distance (space) over time …. Hence the term “relatively” everything is relative to something else in frame of reference.
Actually, velocity does indeed affect the rate at which time passes, more commonly referred to as time dilation. The faster one’s velocity, the slower time passes. And it’s nothing to do with perceptions, it is an objective fact and phenomenon. There doesn’t need to be a person on the rocket to experience time dilation, sub-atomic particles and mechanical objects, computers, EVERYTHING experiences time dilation. It’s for this very reason that the satellites which allow us all to use GPS all need their clocks adjusted daily because if they weren’t synchronised with earth clocks, for every day they aren’t in sync, people using GPS will find their location on the map is showing an error of around 10km/day. And that’s all because the satellites are orbiting at a decent speed, which makes their onboard clocks run slower than those at sea level.
Time dilation got a bit complex there. I think there is a easier way to understand. There are three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Since four dimensional shapes are hard if not impossible to visualize, we do two different charts - a three dimensional chart for space (x,y,z) and a dimensional chart for space-time (time on y axis and space on x axis). The second chart of space-time, on a fundamental level, shows that the more you travel through space the less you travel through time. It's like at light speed your position on space axis becomes "infinite" and there isn't a correspondence from the axis of space to the axis of time. The more you travel through time, the less you travel through space (stationary observer). It's trading space for time and vice-versa. At light speed you basically stop traveling through time to travel that much through space. I know this is very simple explanation but if you want to avoid special relativity equations and other relativistic terms like proper time, the easier explanation is that you trade space for time when you move. The faster you move through space, the less you move through time.
How about time only stops in the eye of those staying at home (the beholder)? The guy moving away from that frame of reference does not get any new information, but you in your own frame of reference see the other guys clock has stopped. Look at your watch, time is moving in your frame of reference quite normally… where do I go wrong?
When traveling at c you don't travel through time, but you also don't perceive space (all lengths are compressed to zero). Which is truly a singularity. You aren't going anywhere. Or, where ever you're going to -- you're there :).
@@gorgthesalty how about this trip: were in a spaceship accelerating away from earth in a steaight line (a geodesic) with 1G. When after escaping earth gravity, life, gravitywise returns to normal we see earth moving away from us circling the sun in a disk like fashion at ever increasing speed their clocks slowing down (everything slowing down). From our perspectine its earth moving away from us, sitting in our chairs experiencing normal gravity due to contineud 1G accelleration. We may approach light speed drom earths perspective and vice versa, but in reality we’ll never actually reach c because their exist not enough horsepower in our solar system to do that. Its physically impossible. So we reach a close but not at ligthspeed relative to earth, but our clocks are doing just fine. However in the rear mirror, everything on earth clocks included have come to all but a standstill. As they say, its in the eye of the beholder….
This is somewhat theorizing/proving that standing outside the railway of time, space is easy to observe and make changes to. Yet, people use science as a means to prove god does not exist. It is easily as plausible as: sitting in front of a text with an equation so big and wonderful that it is proving the non-existance of god. Entropy will not allow the fundamentals of the fabric of the universe to be understood by us, how can anyone be sure they understand enough to possibly know what is or is not? Either or, being judged by the Universe which you reside in, by choice or not, sounds like an oppurtunity to get a good hand, even though the cards were bad to begin with. Stop looking for a man in the image of god. It is naive at the very least. There is a father in heaven if there is a mother earth, but neither is beings we can understand. Nor is the alleged equation of space and time. It is a virtue to understand that oneself does not understand, but would like to know. Do not let the knowing stop the search, when the answers only gives you more questions. You do not know, and it is a hell of a chance to take. Feel its unfair? Play a better hand, jokers are valuable. Yes, I had to be this person. No, we do not have to agree. It is food for thought, if you like to eat such things. :D
A good analogy is having a ruler in time space. If space is compressed to singularity or stretched out the ruler is still a foot across one foot of space. The ruler only looks like less ore more than a foot for anyone observing it from space of a different density the ruler is in.
Very true. It is called depth of field. When you look at a ruler in different directions toward and away from light it will either stretch longer in appearance or look smaller. It also happens when walking away from the observer in a direct straight path. The one walking begins to shrink in size. The further the walker goes away, the smaller the walker will get.
Majesty:: Time. ??? Old watches time. 1800 Old watches 30minets =1900 New watches 60Minets .. if you have old watches time. Let it show you. Old watches work exactly 30minets = 60 minets new watches .Are we Ocupaited from Aliens 👽??? And we didn’t know!!😮 😂 !!
@@drbuckley1 Clocks on Earth are on an accelerating object. In physics, "acceleration" refers to any change in velocity. "Velocity" is not just speed, it is a vector combining speed and direction. So, a change in direction is considered acceleration, even if speed is kept constant. The Earth, like any object in an elliptical orbit, is constantly accelerating.
@@NondescriptMammal I was referring to each observer's inertial frame of reference. Anne's clock will be correct for her, and Bob's clock will be correct for him, even though the two clocks appear differently to a third observer.
The equation of e=mc^2 only exists with the primary factor of "Energy," because it is easier to write that way. Originally, the primary factor was "Mass." Also, I believe the term "The Speed of Light" is not necessarily the best term of expression. "The Speed of Light" essentially means, "The Speed of a Massless Object." The maximum speed in the universe is "The Speed of a Massless Object."
A massless object is the matter that dreams are made of. First of all, it’s impossible to square, or raise any velocity to any power! One hundred miles per hour squared, for example, has absolutely no meaning. Since squaring any velocity is nonsensical in physics. E=mc2, where according to Einstein c stands for speed of light, that according to Einstein as well, is an unsurpassable universal constant, meaning there is no velocity faster than 299.792.458 meters per second. What’s the point of squaring an unsurpassable universal constant! In addition to that, there is absolutely no meaning in physics multiplying, dividing, or raising Vector Greatnesses to any power. You see, 100 miles per hour raised to the second, third power, etc…is nonsense.
@@michael.forkert You "disagreed" with me, but at the same time (without realizing it) you explained the reason "why" only a "massless object" has the mathematical ability to travel at the constant "c" factor of "The Speed of Light" (i.e.. the maximum speed possible in the universe). I will explain further. A photon is not 100% "massless." A photon is "virtually" a massless object. A photon is as close to being "massless" as anything in the universe is going to get. When you try to make an object of matter containing mass move at the constant Speed of Light, the mathematics reveals that even if you converted every other piece of matter in the entire universe to energy, there would not be enough to do so in order to provide the energy needed when you multiply the Constant by the Mass gained from the Energy. This is why the only way way it is possible for an object to travel at the "Speed of Light" is if an object is essentially "Massless." The only way an object with "Mass" can travel at the Speed of Light or faster is if we look at the way the galaxies are travelling apart from each other at a rate faster than the Speed of Light. The way to do so is to not move at all - you must simple "Expand Space." A good example is to think of a piece of bubble gum. Chew the bubble gum, and then set it on a table. Take a pen and draw one dot on the left and one dot on the right. Then, push your finger down the middle of the bubble gum. The distance between the two dots increases, even though the dots themselves have not moved.. This is what is happening with the galaxies separating apart from each other faster than the Speed of Light. "Space" itself is being "stretched" - possibly because of the anti-gravity effect of Dark Energy that is caused by enormous lack of Mass between galaxies. The key for an object with "Mass" to travel at the Speed of Light or faster than the Speed of Light is to do what the galaxies do - use the stretching of space itself so they don't need to "move" by themselves at all. Unfortunately, the technology does not currently exist to "stretch" space in one direction while passing it through you in the other direction.
Anything that does not interact with the Higgs’ field is massless. It does not mean that we can brush them aside!😂. Also, any object that has a positive mass cannot travel at or more that the speed of light. There are, however, hypothetical particles called tachyons which travel faster than light and they are born that way only. Their speed cannot be reduced.
@@msgupta26 The definition of a "Tachyon" is "Anything that travels faster than the speed of light." Tachyons in theory have the potential to create distortion in the space-time continuum due to the fact that they travel faster than the speed of light. But, no tachyon has ever actually been observed and proven.
Special relativity's time dilation tells us that a spacecraft experiences zero time when traveling at c. Theoretically when a craft travels at c it can traverse the entire width of the visible universe in an instant. The spacecraft would disappear from the universe of space and matter and appear at the destination regardless of the distance traveled in an instant. The occupants of the spacecraft would not experience time while traveling at 186,000 mi/s. Both time and distance would be zero to the occupants in the spacecraft and to any outside observers. Einstein and Rosen referred to this as a wormhole through our space and time. This instant jump through our space and time cannot happen to matter. It can only happen to light information because it isn't something physical, it's only information. Therefore it can only happen to light, not matter. That's what sparked quantum entanglement between pairs of twin light particles. This instant action at any distance can only happen to light when it is travel at c because the potential particles are entangled in the same EM field, so they would always be entangled. The only portion of light that travels at c is the wavefront of the EM field. But the moment an object or observer becomes engulfed in the EM field then light information happens in an instant regardless of distance. This is why the JWST detects fully grown galaxies on the other side of the universe. We are observing the galaxies as they look today. Not how they looked in the past because the light information happens instantly regardless of the distance traveled because of quantum entanglement. The telescope sees every distant body as they each look in the now. there is no such thing as look-back time. In 2021 I published a series of books that explained the instant action of light information at any distance as I've done here. I accurately predicted the JWST would discover fully grown galaxies, some larger than the Milky Way galaxy but further than 14 billion light years away. I even said the massive distant galaxies would become the mother of all paradoxes, which in turn would halt astronomers in their tracts while they try and make sense of it. We cannot use a telescope to look into the past no more than we can use a microscope to look into the future. When the observer or telescope is contained inside the EM field they are measuring light information happens in a quantum instant regardless of distance. Thus the universe 20 billion light years away will look relatively the same there as it does here containing fully grown galaxies some larger than the Milky Way, some smaller. Einstein's general relativity was wrong about light information taking time to travel when the observer or telescope is contained inside the EM field being measured. That's why he called it spooky action at a distance because it happened instantly, it didn't take time to travel. The concept of time dilation with special relativity completely contradicts general relativity claiming we're able to see the distant body as it looked in the past. Light is a form of electromagnetism. @8:41 "we know this effect as electromagnetism. This force is not only behind the formation of elements and matter but is behind..." motion. This statement is absolutely true. The electromagnetic force is 1x10^25 to 36 times stronger than gravity. It is responsible for the motion of stars and galaxies pinned on dark matter and dark energy. Einstein and Newton never addressed the action of propulsion occurring to stars and galaxies. That's why their equations can't predict the motion of stars and galaxies. Matter experiences time because it decays through entropy. When the temperature of atoms are reduced to absolute zero, all vibrations cease and decay stops completely. Thus when decays stops completely so does time. Both velocity and temperature of mass is what makes time pass in a linear fashion. All the dimensions are measurements. Width, depth, height, time, temperature, distance are all measurements used to describe this universe. Light however when traveling at c doesn't exist in our reality until it comes to a rest. According to the Copenhagen Interpretation light is everywhere yet nowhere, stuck in a quantum like limbo outside of our space, distance, matter and time. Light doesn't travel any distance because it doesn't exist in our frame of reference we call the universe. Light only appears real when it is measured by an observer or bounces off something, which then exchanges information. EINSTEIN'S SPECIAL RELATIVITY BASICALLY PROVES GOD IS LIGHT. What good book thousands of years ago wrote the statement God is light? What good book claims God is Eternal, meaning existing outside our universe of space, matter and time? What good book wrote these things thousands of years before Einstein was born? How can the atheist now claim there is no scientific evidence God is real? The Bible says, God is light, God is eternal, God is omniscient, God is omnipotent and God is omnipresent. These are the attributes of light according to Einstein's special relativity. Einstein's special relativity confirmed light is eternal, without time, without space, is everywhere but nowhere and light is invisible, it can't be seen until it interacts with matter to then exchange information. Light made the universe.
Time does not stop at the speed of light, it simply does not exist. The speed of light to a photon is instantaneous, but to the observer it requires time to travel. This should be obvious considering the paradoxical nature of "C" wherein it remains constant whether measured with the Tx position traveling towards or away from Rx and vice versa. The only logical explanation is that "C" is a figment of the measuring entity. In other words "C" is bottlenecked by existential space wherein it is being observed.
Thats the answer am looking for ages. Simply we need light to observe. Without it we can't see. No wonder clocks, lightening or whatsoever source comes to a point to stand still of you go with the speed of light; simply light(deflected light on a clock)tries to catch you up.
We very much have not only an idea but actual, PHYSICAL proof of time dilation. It’s not one of those things where someone sees something in the equations and tries to say that it’s a physical phenomenon, this actually IS a physical phenomenon. The experiments have been conducted as nauseam and the same results have been seen in all cases, time dilation due to very high velocity is a REAL, PHYSICAL phenomenon which affects actual human beings, and inanimate objects just the same.
@@aaronperelmuter8433 Old comment, but I just want to thank you for your effort and optimism. The UA-cam geniuses think you're an idiot and will continue on their journey into infinity + 1 because we live in a physical world and not a mathematical one lol.
Only from a different point of reference…for the people traveling speed of light, time would continue as usual. Oddly enough for both observers the other would appear to be sitting still. This is why from an observer point you would never see someone else pass through an event horizon of a black hole. Same thing if someone flew past at the speed of light they would appear to be immobilize.
Would love to know how they know what the speed of light is. How did they measure it? If we can’t make anything as fast how can we make some that can detect it’s speed.
In 1676, the Danish astronomer Ole Roemer (1644-1710) became the first person to measure the speed of light. Roemer measured the speed of light by timing eclipses of Jupiter's moon Io.
Humanity technically does NOT know the true speed of Light. It can only be measured in ONE direction. There can be no claims otherwise. Humanity knows how long a ONE way trip for a photon, but has to assume a return trip would be identical. But that cannot ever be verified under the circumstances and physics mankind can observe. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨
In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau shined a light through the gaps between teeth on the edge of a rotating wheel. The light bounced off a mirror on a nearby hill, returned to the lab, and passed through another gap between the teeth, or got stopped by landing on a tooth, depending on how fast the wheel was spinning. The ratio of the speed of light to the speed of the edge of the wheel is equal to the ratio of the distance to the hill and back to the distance between a tooth an the adjacent gap.
I have always heard that the astronaut moving close to the speed of light would experience slower time not faster-twice you say that the astronaughts time speeds up-I think that is wrong
Everything I've read on time dilation suggests time for the astronauts slows down and this has been shown experimentally by atomic clocks in a high altitude aircraft. It's a very confusing explanation of relativity
Interesting. I once saw a documetary about martial arts. It was "proven" that people who practice it at dayly basis experienced time different then people who never did. They were trained to see the world arround them "slower", because they had to act faster. Which is not the same thing, it can be explained in many different ways, but still interesting if you think about it. But i think its very simple. If A is faster then B, B is slower then A. Even i can see that, with my slow mind.
This has to do with how fast your brain can process neurological impulses from your eye. One of the effects of adrenoline is altering this speed, allowing people to process visual stimuli faster, and therefore react quicker. People who exercise often generally have elevated levels of adrenoline. Its not just "martial artists." Also, certain animals naturally have a higher rate of vision. Flies, for example, view the world about 20 times slower than humans, which is why they react so quickly. However, this also means that slow objects appear even slower to them. Test this out at home: if you want to catch a fly, don't move fast. Instead, move your hand very very slowly over them.
@@theeffete3396 Yup. But also a partial no. Martial artists are sometimes also trained to remain as calm as possible, while doing their thing. Thats also why they train: knowing what to do so you remain calmer. Some are very good at it, and the docu showed that. (I forgot the name of it.) So, i dunno. But your explaination is still a good one and is true in many situations.
I was always taught that the faster something goes, the slower time passes for the speeding object. If the moving object was a super fast space traveller, this would mean they age more slowly that a person remaining on a planet they came from. The video appears to be saying the reverse is true which does not make sense. Time dilation also seems to raise the question that if time ceases to pass for a photon, from the photons perspective, does it travel a billion year journey instantaneously, and is it in two places at the same time?
The difference in time (earth/spaceship) is backward. Time would slow down for the astronaut. Example: If the spaceship is traveling at 0.7 times the speed of light and the spaceship travels 5 years, then 7 years would have elapsed on earth.
It's actually correct. What he's saying is that from the perspective of the astronauts, time on Earth slows down. If they're looking at it. Which means time for the astronauts slows down. But in reality, time on Earth carried on as normal. So when they get back to Earth, they would have only seen or experienced a slowing of time, but arrive to see that life has moved on years ahead.
@@searlegovender8553 No it isn’t and neither are you! How could time on earth possibly slow or be dilated, for what reason, exactly? The reason time dilation occurs for the people on the rocket is because of their velocity. It is this and this alone which is the reason they age slower; the higher the velocity of the rocket, the slower the people on said rocket age. You said that time slows down on earth but ONLY if the rocket ppl are looking at earth. WTF?? How could something like time dilation or indeed time itself have ANY idea if someone is looking at a particular object or not?? And why would it even ‘care’? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. To say that time dilation only occurs if someone is looking in either a particular direction or at some specific object is ludicrous.
Is the spaceship moving at .7 times the speed of light? Or is Earth moving at .7 times the speed of light (in relation to the spaceship)? Which one will see a difference in the passage of time and in which way will it differ?
When you understand that the central datum of the universe not ZERO, but is c -THE SPEED OF LIGHT, everything eventually becomes much clearer. At c, the progression of time is equal to the progression of space i.e. 1/1. Where we live, it is approximately 1: 3 billion. That is, what the speed of light looks like from here. So, what does it look like from the other end - where time is 3 billion units to space 1 unit? Dewey B. Larson devoted a half-dozen books to exploring this topic in the mid-20th century.
This video is terrible, and absolutely incorrect. The man on Earth would age faster. The time slows down for the astronauts. If you traveled at the speed of light and returned to Earth you would be much younger as your time passed slower. This video got it backwards.
Actually time of the coffee drinker is slower to the astronaut AND time of the astronaut is slower to the coffee drinker. They are both in different frames of reference. Time only can be compared when both clocks are in the same reference frame. Time is a local phenomenon.
@@keplergelotte7207 Correct. Only if/when the astronauts returned to Earth would they find time had slowed down for them relative to their (perhaps) long dead friends. And this would be due to the acceleration the astronauts experienced - e.g. reversing course to come back towards Earth.
@@WestalSage It’s nothing whatsoever to do with acceleration. Time dilation is purely a velocity coupled phenomenon. Acceleration doesn’t cause it. Consider that if they accelerated stupendously fast, such that they got to their travelling speed in less than a second but were in the rocket for many years, they STILL experience time dilation. The only causal factor for non-gravitational time dilation is velocity. Tell me, if you think acceleration is the cause, please enlighten me and let me know how they’re correlated. There are very straightforward correlations between velocity and time dilation. As in, move at some % of C and you’ll experience time dilation to a set percentage. To put that into numbers, for example, if the rocket or jet is travelling at 0.9999C, what is 1 year for someone at rest, for me in the rocket it’ll be perhaps 10 or 100 years (cbf looking up the actual conversion/correlation factor). But there is no such correlation with regard to acceleration and time dilation. Remember, it doesn’t matter how long one takes to get up to speed, it’s just their speed that matters (which is to say that the rate of acceleration or even the fact that acceleration has taken place matters not).
@@WestalSage Forgot to mention, it’s nothing to do with anyone coming home to notice time dilation. If you had some stations along your journey, you could check with them and see that even WITHOUT turning around, just going in one direction, time dilation still occurs. Actually, that’s the precise reason why photons don’t experience the passage of time, nor does any massless particle experience time. Nothing whatsoever to do with acceleration. 😱
@@aaronperelmuter8433 But velocities are relative and symmetrical. Either twin could view himself the stationary and the other the moving, and therefore each would be younger than the other. This is paradoxical and might be best thought of as pseudo time dilation, as it is comparing clocks in diff frames of ref so it is apples to oranges - doesn't really mean much. Only when the twins come together once again in the same reference frame will real time dilation be observed (apples to apples), and it is resolved that only the one that experienced acceleration (which is absolute) is the one that is now younger.
This video has the normal misconception about time dilation and space contraction. What Lorentz's factor deals is with the scale at the reference frame, not the passage of time or the space occupancy that maintains the same for all reference frames. For example, when the muon decays over the earth's surface at a speed of 98% C, an observer's point of view on Earth is that the muon spends 11 µs to reach Earth and travels 10 km. Meanwhile, from the muon's perspective, it only travels 2 km and spends 2.2 µs... what? Yes, 2.2 µs is equal to 11 µs, and 2 km is also equal to 10 km; these values represent the same passage of time and the same space path, the muon begins and ends in the same place and time despite their frame of reference. No missing time or missing space product of these differences; they just are a comparison of values between two different scales. You can understand with an engineer's ruler normally has six different scales, so the difference between the values at the beginning and the end will show six different longitudes, meanwhile, the ruler has the same space occupancy. The only difference is in the values are dependent on the scale used, not the ruler space occupancy that is invariant. Now, in your video imaging a ruler going at C speed, the value will be constant all over its length, and the difference between the values at the extreme is zero, i.e., no change. The same happens to the passage of time, meanwhile, as time passes on, its proper clock will indicate the same value, so the time involved in this clock will be mathematically zero BUT time is always passing. In Amazon, next week will be a short book that deals with this type of misinterpretation as well solving weird interpretations in quantum mechanics... "Can relativity and quantum mechanics go together? hope you like it, regards
If my Friend use a Bike to travel 100km he can reach within 1 hour but by walking may be 50 hours.. But time is same.. Using more speed it only make ur distance faster
Their once was once a gold fish called Einstein who kept on telling me that the speed of light had a constant of 225 000 km per second. I didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise, as he was a very good gold fish who kept on going around and around in search of the answers to the universe.
Although there is a mathematical error in your posting about the speed of light, but let it be. The thing is Einstein's postulate (or rather as mathematicians say: axiom). Strangely enough, people who not so good understand how science works see the catch in this. But, in fact, this is very simple. Every natural science (I stress: every natural science - I don't know anything about so called Political Sciences or Managerial courses) has at its core some set of statements which are so simple that they are accepted _without any proofs_. You may say there are taken simply for granted. You simply can't build science theory _without_ such ser of simplest statements. And the real catch is how reasonably you define this set of simplest statements. In case of mechanics, Newton accepted that time is universal thing - "time over time over time" In other words Newton suggested that time flows absolutely the same here, on Alpha Centauri or in the Andromeda Galaxy. I repeat: this statement was the axiom, the postulate. But this axiom get in contradiction with constancy of the speed of light which was an experimental fact - one, and the speed of light was mathematically calculated in Maxwell theory - two. What did Einstein? He proposed to throw away Newtons axiom of time invariable and replace it with the axiom of invariable of the speed of light. In other words, he proposed to accept this fact without any proofs as the simplest statement. Without any theoretical proof. As simple as that. And now based on this simplest statement he build his relativity theory. All its conclusions are based on this simple statement. And these conclusions can be verified experimentally. And they are verified by experiment. Will this postulate last forever? Or be modified somehow? We don't know. But if you want to throw it away first you must find experimental evidences which will contradict Einstein's relativity. And only then you can suggest your own simplest statement which in its turn will also be accepted without proofs. Simply as granted.
Time is a construct of our mind to process current events in the here and now in relation to our memories of the past. It is not a 'thing' that stops or shifts, and has nothing to do with the speed of light. Your individual perception of it may shift, or even stop, relative to your position and movement toward or away from the observable event(s). For people at the site of the event it happens when it happens. Just because you are further away does not change the time the event occurred, merely your time of observation of the same event. Case and point: Thunder vs lightning. A blind man and a deaf man observing the same event from a mile away would report it at a different time. If they were standing at the site of the lightning strike, they would report it at the SAME time. It does not matter if the event is moving, you are moving, or the medium through which you observe the event (sound or light) is moving. The actual time the event occurred is constant. Only a narcissistic moron thinks the time of the event changes because they haven't seen it yet. (IE: Moving away from it at the speed of light, you would never receive the photons to your retina to observe it, because you are moving along with them. However, this does not stop, prevent or change the time that the event occurred in any way.)
Yea "time" as in one second, a minute, an hour, a day etc is what you are talking about. But the "time" Einstein talks about is a dimension. Nice story though
@@jewulo Let me put it this way: Life, or any other process does not require time. And, unlike say, gravity or magnetism, there is nothing that can interact with time. Spoiler alert: Clocks are not connected to time. Do you see what I mean?
and yet everything is time related; picture this the time we observe is not the same time that the our universe experiences and it does because immagine if universe doesn't experience time in that case we can cosider that time is 0 and if that is correct then the speed of light can't be other than 0 and also means that the energy is 0 which also means that the temperature is absolute 0 in conclusion if our universe does not experience or is not dependant on 'time' it can't exist now our so called time is not the same as the univers time and that time we only know that it can't be 0 cause if it was then our universe would't exist in the first place, so the time that we know has nothing to do with the time on wich our universe exists and maybe other universes aswell, so in the end everything in the universe is related to time not the one we use and measure from our observations but real time on which our universe exists and to prove that is, that everything in the universe is in motion
Universal time means that everything does not happen at once, but in a sequence of events caused by interactions of matter, clock time is a way for Humans to measure the passing of Universal time which is relatable to enable them to carry out their mundane tasks in life!?!
Time is commonly regarded as some special dimension different from space….but it is not. Time is orthogonal to space, but it is also just an expanding length..just not one you can move around in. This becomes clear when you realise tilting the time axis produces movement in space..it is how dilation creates a movement toward a mass, a bit of time shifted into a spatial direction reducing time rate but adding physical, spatial movement. Conversely, at speed a bit of length rotates into the time direction making the traveler ‘appear’ shortened. The traveler’s own frame of course has no adjustments and they feel no contraction nor notice a slowing of time. The key to conceptualising it is to stop thinking of time as something to do with clocks and instead see it as a length in an extra direction to our visible three. We ‘time travel’ along this length one planck unit at a time in a direction exploding outward from the origin…from past to future. Light is the Govenor of causality, the mechanism that stops the past catching up with the future…in a sense it is literally the bow wave of the big bang explosion still spreading out, and you sit right at its leading edge. Understanding this you realise what the universe is expanding into ….. Is literally tomorrow. Awesome!
There’s definitely something special about light and space they are the flip side of the other. But it does create some very interesting paradox’s……. Makes me wonder how much is our perceptions and how much is reality outside our perceptions….. some very mind bending theories being put out there. But I’m a nerd so…. Love it!❤
Like sound, if the speed of light is finite (limited) it could never reach it's destination unless photons ghosts are adding data from the future into the objects we see, re-converging geometry with motion, coordinates, speed, gamma, color and contrast. The human eye retains light and images for 15 milisecods limited to 30 frames per second, if the speed of light was not instantaneous in time images would be out of sync :-). Relativity and big bang debunked. If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s before the images reach their destination future data must be added into the objects we see, then re-converge geometry with motion, adjust coordinates, speed, gamma, color and contrast. It's illogical to say that light "travels" If light were reflected back in a mirror from opposite sides of the universe, according to Einstein's relativity (moving clocks run slow) the light from the mirror would move backwards in time. If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s light could never reach its destination as galaxies, stars and planets have moved from their coordinates, proving light is instantaneous in time, therefore have no speed limit in time. Relativity & big bang debunked. Light waves travels instantaneously in all directions, measuring it's speed inside a glass vacuum tube creates light shattering (interference) breaking its state of superposition. Light waves propagate through space in parallel rays behaving as the source at a given point, while measured light appears to have a limitation of speed yet its images appear instantaneous in time. If light and moving images were (limited) in speed for even a microsecond light waves would break its state of superposition, the sequence of video frames would immediately stop, like pulling the plug on your TV or video recorder. Einstein's relativity has the same similarity as religious and political cults, rejecting all evidence that disproves their ideology the psychological term is Mass Formation Psychosis, similar to cognitive dissonance only worse :-). The Earth is constantly moving-orbiting the sun revolving on its axis, if light and images weren't instantaneous in time celestial objects would be blurred out of focus as the human eye is limited to 30 frames per second. If the James Webb space telescope captured live video with unlimited power you would see planets orbiting their sun, looking closer you might see aliens walking on the streets where they live laughing at Albert Einstein's time dilation 🙂 Einstein removed the ether medium coordinates of objects in space, replacing real gravity with mathematical gravitational wave clocks that defy the laws of physics. Einstein's space-time relativity is a mathematical model of the universe having no physical realities, so of course mathematical gravitational waves can stretch time back-and-forth like a rubber band :-). Like the movie Rainman, autistics are great at math but lack emotional intelligence. If space was curved gravitational waves would throw planets out of orbit, altering time as galaxies and planets ascend and descend gravity waves, warp-curve, bend images in the James Webb space telescopes, the emptiness of space has near zero gravity duh. If gravity curved, warped empty space it would also curve-warp images in the James Webb space telescope. The center of the sun is not the gravitational center of solar systems, neither are the center of black holes or galaxies the gravitational center for stars. If gravity curved, warped empty space, planets could not orbit in a flat plane around their suns-stars. Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist. The Magnetron gravity model debunks Einstein's Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, space-time, Big Bang, black holes, and our current understanding of celestial mechanics illustrating how light travels instantaneously in all directions independent of time, space and gravity. If the universe is expanding from a Big Bang by 360°x360° at an increasingly faster rate then the earliest post big bang galaxies at the singularity 13.8 billions years in Earth's past are now in Earth's future passing the singularity yet the size of galaxies remain the same? If the universe is expanding at an increasingly faster rate (faster than light) explain how you can measure distance if the speed of light is constant :-). Since gravity bends-curves light and space-time, explain how time and distance can be measured if light and space are being bent-curved passing through billions of years of Einstein's gravitational waves. Doublethink is simultaneously accepting two conflicting beliefs as truth. Explain how light particles record moving images of past cosmological objects, add image content from the future then re-converge and play back the final moving image in what we perceive as real time. Galaxies coordinates change with movement, even if it were possible to view images from Earth's past we would also see (all prior past images from each coordinates change of the past. If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s light could never reach its destination as galaxies, stars and planets would have moved from their coordinates with time, proving light (and it's images) are instantaneous in time, therefore have no speed limit in time. If an Earth based observer and time traveler used synchronized mechanical watches their time would be the same throughout the universe, debunking Einstein's relativity, space-time and big bang using common sense. Time and space are independently of each other, not material bodies or fantasy unions that magically stretch time and space like a rubber band into space-time dimensions with (near zero gravity waves). If space was curved gravitational waves would throw planets out of orbit, altering time as galaxies and planets ascend and descend Einstein's hypothetical gravitational waves, stretch-warp images in the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes. A particle would need a series of particles to bend in superposition like a wave. Imagine your vehicle being a particle, its onboard computer would need to instruct all the vehicles in your lane to make a left turn, but according to relativity the street no longer exists. Since Einstein's projectile light particles are separated by distance in space-time their distance would increase by the same factor obviously violating the laws of conservation of energy. If space curved the path of light through space-time an increased velocity and light source energy would be required to travel the increased distances, again violating the laws of conservation of energy. If galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there (billions of years in Earth's past) than neither are Einstein's gravitational waves, space-time, dark energy, dark matter or the body of space/ether that contains these galaxies.
According to Einstein's relativity, projectile particle photons transport moving images from galaxies past into the future, re-converging geometry, gamma, contrast and color with every microsecond change in coordinates. Sorry, there are no video recorders in space. The moon is above Earth's horizon for 12 hours, if the curvature of space bends-curves light space and time then measuring the moons distance from Earth as light travels in a curve at 2,288 miles per hour the moon is then 27.456 miles further from Earth during daylight hours. Since the light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach Earth according to Einstein using a telescope to magnify time with a 20 times magnification power you should still see the Sun even after it's below Earth's horizon. Please use a Sun filter before trying this experiment :-). If the images you see in the universe were really in Earth's past, you wouldn't be able to see them because the past no longer exists :-). Delusion is characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs that contradict reality. If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s before the images reach their destination future data from ghosts with knowlage of the future must be added into the objects we see, then re-converge geometry with motion, adjust coordinates, speed, gamma, color and contrast aka fantasy physics lol. If the galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope were really in Earth's past, the coordinates of everything in space would be in the past as well making it impossible to see them because the past no longer exists lol. Delusions are characterized as false beliefs that contradict reality. If the galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there (billions of years in Earth's past) than neither are Einstein's gravitational waves, space-time, dark energy, dark matter or the body of space/ether that contains these galaxies aka doublethink. If the galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope are in real time, not in Earths past lol. If the speed of light is (limited) in speed it's time is limited in time and can never reach its destination because it needs more time. Ha ha, Charlie Babbitt made a joke 🙂 As a television electronics tech-theoretical physicist I laugh at the stupidity of scientists
You can get beyond just 'half-the-speed-of-light' for the simple reason that when you're in the spaceship, a beam of light always passes you at light-speed. So "solar-sails", which rely on photons hitting them to push the craft forward, will *always* be hit at light-speed. Unlike a regular sail-boat that is pushed by wind, as it approaches wind-speed, its rate-of-acceleration slows, because at 10 mph in a 15 mph wind, it'll feel like it's only got a 5 mph tail-wind, which ain't much. But in the space-craft, it'll always have a tail-wind of light-speed.
We know that clocks on satellites systems tick slower than ones on earth. We have to account for that time difference, even though it’s small. If we didn’t account for the time dilation caused by the gravity near the earth surface our GPS systems would be mikes off!
Not even close. It's because of the fabric of space. Once we leave the grid of the earth at such speeds. We take a different path compared to those we are comparing to. Once we turn around and come back different amounts of time, have passed for the 2. Because of our path through space-time.
Its all subject to the effect of gravity in space time. In this simplification, the speed of light (SOL) can be 1 equal to time here, and a black hole (BL) zero (0) equal to space here. All in between 1 and 0 is relative. A person travelling through space faster than you uses less time over the same distance in space; so the relative effect of the faster person is to age slower when both are compared from any third reference point. when the reference point is at the slower person, then the faster person will age faster, although this measurement can never happen. send your clock out into space in a huge loop to come back at a future date. when it arrives, it will show a slower time had passed to your clock with you. atomic clocks in orbit round the earth compared to ones on the surface pass time more slowly due to their relative distance covered over the same time in space (speed) due to less gravity while they move. there are 3 correct answers to this idea, each depending on your superposition. one overall explanation. better to include the other 2 correct answers and the overall explanation.
If I had possessed the mathematical ability, I know exactly what I would have done with my life. This video was very interesting on several different levels, to me. Thanks!
What Einstein didn't know was that space moved faster than light. Where on the leading edge of the most distant light where light hasn't been before, time exists. Of course I'm not a physicist nor nearly as smart as many, it would seem obvious that due to the relative nature of time as a construct for measurement, there would be a moment or duration of pre-light and post-space. Indicating that the gap between light and space at the most extreme edge of expansion, time exists without light. Time moving faster than even the speed of light. Hopefully that made sense.
You end up dying in space. The earth has rotational and orbital speeds, the solar system has a speed, the galaxy has a speed. If you stopped moving they would all leave you behind.
_"what happens when you have zero speed?"_ It is not possible to have zero speed. We are sitting on a planet that the surface speed of us traveling around the center of this planet is about 1,100 mile an hour. This planet we are sitting on traveling on the surface of is also traveling around the center of the sun, which our sun is traveling around the center of our milky way, which is traveling around the center of a massive black hole. Which that massive black hole is moving around the center of something else who knows. So zero moving speed through space is not possible. If referring to an atom spinning at zero speed, having an absolute temperature of 0.0, then the energy that made that atom E=MC2 will turn back into that energy and travel at the speed of light off in some random direction.
So, Einstein's theory is time stops when you reach the speed of light. Say, Photon P1 leaves Alpha Centauri on January 1, 2024, and due to the distance, when it reaches our sun, it's sometime in March 2028. That's from the observer's point of view, that is, from our point of view. But, to Photon P1, if it looked at a clock, the time remains January 1, 2024?
@@robertsteen8685 you obviously have never heard that light does not propagate forever. It dims the further you get from it. It’s the laws of light propagation. If you go twice as far away from the light, it dims to 1/4 of its original brightness.
@@gizmoapangalook121 I want to agree with you because your sentiment is correct but unfortunately you are not. Light indeed DOES continue forever. What you’re referring to is not brightness, it’s correctly termed luminosity. The reason light appears to dim as it travels is because it’s moving in a spherical or conical manner, so the further it or you are from the origin, the fewer photons you’re able to see in your retina or detect with a photomultiplier tube. Barring being absorbed by something, each individual photon will keep on going forever, but it’ll be separated from all the other photons it started the journey alongside of. That’s what causes the dimming and inverse square law of which you spoke.
@@aaronperelmuter8433 light does not propagate forever. The light cast from an object gets four times dimmer for ever time you get two times further away.
At timestamp 2:27 "we would have to achieve an Acceleration of 186,000 miles per second" - No, that is Velocity - not Acceleration. Secondly - as others have noted - it is the passengers of a spaceship traveling at half the speed of light that will age more slowly than those on Earth. The argument being used here appears to be that that from the perspective those on Earth and those on the spaceship, each 'sees' the other moving at half the speed of light relative to themselves - but moving in opposite directions. But while 'perceptually' true, the results of time dilation cannot be applied to both 'as if' each actually reached that speed (were that the case then it would naturally lead to the contradictory conclusion that both age more slowly relative to 'each other'). In this thought experiment, It was the spaceship that was exposed to accelerating forces, not the planet (or the rest of the universe) to reach half the speed of light, that is, it was the Spaceship that left the inertial frame of reference in which the planet exists and would therefore experience time dilation relative to those that remained in the inertial frame. I am somewhat disappointed at the inaccuracies of this video - pretty though the presentation may be.
This just led me to realize that if we are able to travel faster than the speed of light, we would actually be traveling back in time (seeing light moving backwards) which seems to be a byproduct/consequence as that is the only way we would be able to exist in space/time at that moment.
The faster your velocity the slower time ticks, until you reach the speed of light where time stops. You can't travel faster than light because time can't tick any slower than not moving.
Time refers to the moment existence happens, which begins with the creation of an atom. As soon as atoms are forms, durations of space begun. The electrons, protons, neutrons, gluons, muons, boson, etc which make up an atom are creations too but not in the realms of time.
Slowing down light is amazing, when nerds say laser pistols wouldn't work like that now they have a working backup, well actually the pistols have a light slowing mechanism and that's why the beams are slow and visible.
IMO- Time is just one dimension falling into another. Consciousness (Movement with purpose) is created between the two... we call this the Now moment. The speed that light travels must stay behind the expansion, which is why it's speed is set, and the Universes expansion rate is not. As spacetime speeds up light hangs around turning into matter as foundation for it speeds ahead.
Maybe the universe is creating spacetime at the edge as it expands into nothingness and we are just caught in the flow. The expansion rate might not be the same in all directions right? Because the edge is not a sphere.
Light is the passenger and the train at once. The mass of the light is the passenger, the light itself is the train. As the train accelerates, it produces energy and that is conserved by the passenger. The passenger, as the train accelerates, every time it accelerates speed, the passenger feels pushed back until it is no longer accelerating. Eventually, if it were to make a large enough jump in speed, the passenger would be thrown to the back of the train and this would slow down the train's speed. Eventually, the acceleration needed to increase the train enough to offset the speed lost from the energy and therefore converted mass produced is greater than the total energy the light has. At some point, every time it accelerates it returns to its previous speed. In such a space, time can not be measured because no differences in inertial position can be seen. Because the train can no longer go any faster, it appears as a stand-still.
The thing that blows my mind is that gravity also travels at the speed of light. If you are travelling anywhere in space there may be a body light years away that has already exploded, yet your course would not be affected until its change in gravity reached you.
As a freelancer and UA-camr there's a theory: Dealing with times, days, weeks, months, and year base on the rotation of the earth as speed of light per early mornings, and a Calendar year in 365 days, but to accept the calendar year before and after leap year calendar makes a universal calendar year about = 1095 days in a universal calendar year (UCY). But what's the (UCY) in one AU distance? or AU miles per hour of a (UCY) human life spand? It's not a straight daily 24 hours in a (UCY) because of the unknown activity in the extra 5 days from having a complete 2000 days in a UCY are leap year days, or a ufo colony's mobility within.
All of our measurements of time are that of velocity. The two different types of clocks used are the pendulum ,which is based on gravity and the occilater which is based on an electromagnetic wave. In our measurements of time we haven’t separated time from space. Our measurements of force are based on gravity ie, ft lbs we don’t have a real definition of time. The arbitrary definition of time is that that separa 11:13 events 11:1311:1311:1311:13 the function of time is180degrees out of phase from mechanical 11:13 and electromagnetic waves
A photon is created and consummed simultaneously. All light that has ever existed was created and consummed at the same time. Only the reality of matter, of which we are made of, is bound by time.
Majesty:: Time. ??? Old watches time. 1800 Old watches 30minets =1900 New watches 60Minets .. if you have old watches time. Let it show you. Old watches work exactly 30minets = 60 minets new watches .Are we Ocupaited from Aliens 👽??? And we didn’t know!!😮 😂 !!
How exactly would you observe someone who's traveling at the light speed? And, as well, how would someone traveling at that speed see anything on the Earth?
Time stops for everything behind you per your frame of reference, but it speeds up greatly for everything in front of you. That means the galaxy in front of you, which once seemed motionless now, seems to move faster. Stars flying everywhere. So you don't ever go back in time.
Time is not a thing. It is the measurement of the rate at which causality proceeds. The faster you go, the slower cause and effect take place relative to an observer. If you were to observe a spaceship travelling at near the speed of light, you can say that time has slowed but you would not see people in the spaceship moving at the normal rate. That's why a person moving near the speed of light ages slower than the observer. The rate of causality is actually slower and we measure this using time measurement.
Hey, I enjoyed the video, but I would appreciate more pauses in-between paragraphs and sentences. Many science channels have a wall of dialogue and its pretty off-putting. Cheers!
so when people say it would take so many light years to travel a certain distance, isn't that analogy false because the observer's perspective of us is irrelevant. for example if i wanted to know the time it took to travel from one country to another, it's not the perspective of someone sitting at home that really matters, its the traveller's perspective. so the answer would therefore if you are travelling at light speed you could travel anywhere instantaneously. Or am i mistaken
It should be called, the direction of light. First you have the 4D environment named Space-Time. Everything within space-time moves with exactly the same magnitude of motion as do photons of light move. And so ones little spaceship is in motion just as much as are photons of light in motion. What direction you travel, determines how much of your motion is across space, and how much is across the dimension of time. The rest is mere details. The more you move across space, the slower you move across time, and the more your spaceship extends across time due to 4D rotation, and the less it extends across space, hence the appearance of length contraction, plus the more the clocks located at the front and rear of the spaceship are out of sync. Fun stuff.
Regarding Time Dilation - Isn't it the other way around? The people on the spaceship would "age" much slower than the ones on Earth. As they approach the speed of light, time outside their frame will seem to go by super fast. In one minute, they could witness the creation and demise of an entire solar system.
Time Dilation (Special Relativity Theory) It really is a mind experiment but just describes the relative rate of data reception from a laser beam as the observer approaches the speed of light. When he does reach c, he won't be receiving new data, only what is in the beam next to him, so the relative rate of new data reception is zero, so "time stands still." If the observer could go faster than c, then, going faster than the beam, he would scoop up the data in reverse sequence: "reverse time." What defines time is the changes that we observe of various objects. That's what the universal Now or Eternal Now is observing: The current state of the universe. Time does not move without all of the objects in the universe moving with relation to one another. The way we objectify time as "something else" that these continually changing position actually adds a redundency that is not necessary if we describe all the motions separately. "Time" just makes it more convenient to sort out all the myriads of motions in space. It's subtle, but the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation does solve the conundrum, where "time" cancels out. The dilation (of mass, length and time) effects of SRT (special relativity theory) come from observing the rates of information transfer as seen from observers traveling at different velocities relative to the velocity of the light that is carrying information, say, digitally coded into a light beam. As the observer approaches the velocity of light as they race to catch up with the beam, the rate at which information from the beam is received slows down. When the observer is going at the same speed as the beam, there is no new information received so "time" has stopped (with regard to the reception of new information from the beam), If the observer could go faster than the light beam, he would be essentially scooping up information from the beam in reverse sequence (to its coded data) so in essence, "time" is flowing in reverse.
It's the other way around. The astronauts would age less than the man on earth. This is due to two effects taking place. The first is that because they are travelling so fast from the perspective of the man on earth time for the astronauts would slow down. So when 1 time unit has passed for the man on earth only 1/2 time unit will have passed for the astronauts. Hence the man on earth would age more than the astronauts. We can see this happening with particles when the get sped up. For instance a neutron has a half life of about 15 minutes. But when it gets sped up (in a particle accelerator) its half time, from the point of view from the observer, becomes bigger, i.e. 20 minutes. Of course the half life of a neutron still is 15 minutes but from our point of view 20 minutes will have passed. The second is because the astronauts are further away from the earth's gravitational field their clocks would run faster than the clocks here on earth because time slows down under the influence of gravity. We can see this happening in real life with for instance the satellites used for GPS. The clocks on those satellites run faster than the clocks here on earth and that's why every now and then the clocks on the satellites have to be synchronized with the clocks here on earth.
A Photon does have mass which is tenuated by time dilation due to velocity, which is why it displays the characteristics of a wave even though it is a particle of matter. The Wave Function Interference Pattern is a false positive due to this same phenomenon. Because of the related time dilation which occurs as matter and energy approach the speed of light the forces under which matter and energy operate are diminished allowing for the tenuation of mass. This gives rise to the Galactic Speed Limit i.e the speed of light, because if matter or energy were to travel any faster the forces under which matter and energy operate could no longer have enough of an effect, resulting in matter and energy literally coming apart at the seams, which is why nothing can exceed the speed of light. In short, if time stopped altogether then matter and energy could not function. So the speed of light must be under the speed at which time flows.
If you slow light down,,,, would light would be like roll of film ,and we pass thru one frame,in light not time, and can pass beckwards,or light as a wave/particle, willl fade out the past light and only stay in the frame we are in ,and move slowly forward ,time would still be time,a heartbeat is just a heartbeat, 😊😊😊😊
It's actually not the speed of light that is the constant - light can slow down depending on what it's traveling through. The reason Einstein used 'C' in 'E=MC2' is because it is the speed of causality - the speed at which a local change impacts the space around it.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. 9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? 10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it. 11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
I have watched many movies on this phenomenon, but they suggest that if an astronaut travelled at close to the speed of light for a year,life on earth would be experiencing 40 years more than the astronauts.
Nuclear fuel in a nuclear plant is sometimes placed under water. When the fuel emits electrons (Beta decay) traveling faster than the speed of light in water, a blue glow appears (Cherenkov radiation). Since the electron is traveling faster than light in water, will an at rest observer see time running backwards for the electron? That is, does that electron passing through a magnetic field curve the same direction as a positron would? If the answer is light speed in a vacuum only is the speed where an at rest observer sees time stop for a photon, and a photon is a vibration in a quantum field, how can anything vibrate without time passing? Is location an attribute of a photon? If an at rest observer sees time stop for a photon in a vacuum, how can its location change?
Your statement at 2:24 - 2:30 is _not correct._ Where you say, 'First, we would have to achieve an *_acceleration_* of 186,000 _miles per second'._ , is incorrectly stated, in terms of physics. The correct way to state your point would be more like this: First, we would need to *_accelerate_** to the **_velocity_** of light speed,* 186,000 _miles per second._ Or perhaps, _First we would need to achieve a _*_velocity_*_ of 186,000 miles per second._ Light speed/velocity is *_miles per second_* ; *acceleration* is *miles per second **_per second,_** or in other words, miles per second squared* , which is a different unit measurement. In your sentence, you were mixing the two quanities.
This idea that time stops at the speed of light has always struck me as absurd on its face. Speed is distance divided by time. If time stops at the speed of light than the denominator is zero or undefined ... in either case speed is undefined so there is no such thing as "speed" at the "speed" of light. And, if time stops for a photon, there is no movement either so there can be no such thing a travel for a photon ... it could not travel, e.g., from the sun to our eye over a time span of 8 minutes, or from the edge of the visible universe to our telescopes over a time span of billions of years.
SPACE and TIME: (copy and paste from my files): 'Space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. And for me, the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe. 'Space' is most probably energy itself in the form of gravitational fields, electrical fields and magnetic fields, varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. 'Time' is the flow of energy. 'Time' (flow of energy) cannot exist unless 'space' (energy itself) exists. And 'space' (energy itself) that does not flow (no flow of time / energy) is basically useless. An entity cannot even think a thought without a flow of energy. If all the energy in the universe stopped flowing, wouldn't we say that 'time stood still'? Time itself would still exist, it would just not be flowing, (basically 'time' stopped). But then also, how space and time are linked in what is called 'space time', (energy and it's flow). * And everything in existence currently appears to be eternally existent energy interacting with itself. There is truly only 1 single 'eternal day', the day of eternally existent ever flowing energy.
I thought that the astronauts on the ship would have aged slower, instead of the man on the ground. After returning to earth perhaps twenty years later from the perspective of the astronauts the man on earth would have probably died from old age.
It doesn't - the arrow of time simply points in another direction in a complex time plan, that is perpendicular to the time arrow of the observer at "rest".
... if time gets slower and stops as you approach the speed of light. does that mean vibrations slow down till you hit absolute zero... or is this stop in time and vibrations actually just relative to our point of time perspective and the vibrations are still occurring at their respective rates
This visual article is totally fascinating, thought provoking and "time" wasting at the same "time"!! But I am retired and have "time", relatively speaking ;) How about this theory for you: Time is a real concept not related to light or its speed for that matter at all. It is not affected by physical existence. The theoretical astronauts travelling in a theoretical speed of light space ship (or apparatus) will be aging relative to their own attached entity at "normal" "speed", therefore will be aging at the same time as other people and other creatures on earth. If we consider the three dimensional moving structure of the human body, there are circular movements and others which are vibrating or expanding and contracting. While moving at the speed of lights (theoretically) any particle or collection of particles that move forward in the inevitable unidirectional path of the movement will be moving faster or slower according to its three axial position !!!??? My question is, do runner athletes age slower or faster than desk bound operative? of course not, there are numerous physiological factors involved. Can't we accept that we have limits we can not actually pass with our "limited" thinking capacity. Not even if we manage to use our brains 100%. One can assume that they are a super-powerful "thing", but one will still have limits one can not go beyond. Let's use our capacity to improve the quality of life rather than the quantity and stop being belligerent about our wealth and intelligence. At the end who can explain how did existence happen unless it is beyond our "relatively" finite capabilities, no matter how advanced and intelligent we humans and other creatures all over the Universe can be. From no energy to a whole Universe is like 1=0 ...... Think of this also, at a fraction of a degree below 0 K, -273.15°C, or -459.67°F energy (including light) is 0 Joule!!!!! So if the universe started from 0 Joule by warming up, where did the warming energy come from!!!!? Our knowledge and thinking capacity will never go beyond certain point. Not even Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla or ever. Thank you for reading and I hope this was entertaining if not provoking :)
I think nothing is faster than the speed of light because maximum "calculation speed" of the universe is limited. Light causes interactions on quantum level. And particle interactions can be "computed" by the universe only at a limited "speed". That's in my opinion the true cause of time dilation: the universe cannot "compute" any faster. In my opinion this is also the true cause for the time dilation near huge masses: Too many particle interactions to be computed at the same "time". Things need to "slow" down because the "computational power" of the universe is huge, but finite. We call this "computational power" speed of light because light is moving at maximum "computational speed".
I think this speed of light barrier is just another thing we have to leap frog. When you look at the distances of the cosmos, the speed of light is really really slow. I'll place my bet on the fact that there is much more after that.
@Gen. Ripper This is the problem scientists act as if they have full complete knowledge all the while they admit they have virtually little knowledge about dark matter and dark energy. Seems to me they claim to the public they know all but willingly stand there with both hands tied behind their back. E=MC2 is only the end of the beginning. it's not the end.
Apparently you have not reviewed all the tests on the speed of light over the last several decades and accepted the constant recognized and taught by most universities, high schools around the world An array of tests by multiple sources have concluded the speed of light is slowing down, very small increments but measurable Knowing this your complete hypothesis should be re evaluated
Just because time mathematically stops as a massless entity (I.e. a photon) travels from point A to point B at ‘the speed of light’, doesn’t mean and should not imply that causality (the event continuum) stops. Think of a more massive example. If you throw a wine glass against a brick wall, the chances of it ever reconstructing to the perfect glass again are statistically close to zero.
I've just come to terms with the fact that I will never fully understand the concept of time being relative. It's a measuring tool we use to measure the progression of the universe's existence. No matter how many of these videos I watch, I will always be confused. I always thought a second is a second is a second. A second on Earth is a second on Jupiter is a second in the Andromeda. The whole aging thing too. Unless your metabolism slows down because it's somehow fully aware how fast you're traveling, I always thought people age the same no matter how fast you go or where you are in the universe. And I'm a huge science enthusiast. I would love to understand it but I just can't wrap my mind around it.
All I have observed is that everything in the universe is circular or close enough. Planets are spheres, they go around in circles , and galaxies go in circles. Electrons fly around in circles. Maybe time and space are also circular . And life.
Consider that all technical hurdles are overcome and humans eventually can travel at C physically.... then you either find out that the notion that "time stands still at C" is wrong OR time does not stand still at all since the ship still functions AND the passenger is still thinking, both of which require time to even exist and function OR there is no such thing as time at all fundamentally. There is no other possibility from the three I have listed above in regards to all current theories and understanding of spacetime. The only other possibilities that can be considered will be totally different from all current understanding and theories of the subject. Thought/thinking requires time and the operation of electronics and mechanicals on the ship require both time and space - so it would logically and physically be impossible to operate a ship and still experience thought if there were zero time.
Light speed may be fast for us but just as time is relative ,light speed is relative to us and higher beings in other dimensions. It still takes 8 minutes to reach us from the sun.
If speed slows down time and lightspeed stops time, what would happen at a compelte standstill? Would time speed up the slower we go and if we reach 0 would we just reach the end of time instantly?
I see videos like this with the hope that there will be some suggestion of how to understand facts that are hard to wrap the head around... The fact that there is no flow of time for photons is one of the most challenging facts in relativity and this video do not help... i was just browsing and I think it not only do not help with this aspect but it also hinders understanding more simpler aspects of relativity.
We are crippled by our senses. Our senses evolved for finding and eating food. And this 'bondage' is so complete we cannot imagine anything else by ourselves. Our computers enable an expansion of perception to a limited degree. As we progress we assume we know more and more. Eventually the approximation of 'reality' gets better but we may open doors we don't want to enter. But it is fun to speculate!
What would we see if we looked at the earth and moon in the sky at the same time and saw a long stick connected to a bell on the moon which is being pushed from the earth end, and a laser beam of light was racing toward the moon at the same time? Which would ring the bell first?
I do not understand why the generally accepted idea is that a spaceship can theoretically pass the event horizon of a black hole and therefore pass the threshold of Δt =0 but rejects the idea that the crew of a spaceship that again theoretically moves with c, experience still some kind of a super-time that would allow them to understand the events that are happening to them during their movement with c and even be able to understand in what order they happen.
I always thought that if time stops on the event horizon, then everything stops. I guess that's why they say the laws of physic break down after the event horizon.
I guess time could go backwards afte r the event horizon. That would not change the direction of entropy it would still go forward meaning thins could fall beyond the event horizon. The paradox is , if time actually stops, how can it ever start up again because there is no advance to a moment where time starts again?
Black hole is not just a hole. It's where physics as we know it breaks down. It's where information is lost. The black hole is resulted from matter crushing itself to the most extreme that it can nolonger stay intact in the form of matter (i.e. black hole). What makes you think the spaceship and people falling into the black hole can stay intact as matter? Some theorized that space and time flips inside the black hole, while others believe the black hole spits out new energy/matter in another universe (within the black hole).
That's because time does not stop at C. In every reference frame, "time" passes normally. It is space that changes. This is why some people are confused that the JWST seems to have found galaxies from "before the beginning of time", when really it detected galaxies from a time when space was simply warped differently. We're trying to measure the size of the observable universe based on the theory that C is (and always was) a constant, when it's likely always in flux except from our own limited reference frame on Earth/Sol system/Milky Way.
I believe it is the other way around…the man in the spaceship does age much slower than the man on earth.
That is correct, unfortunately this video was written by AI and has many grammatical and logical errors
You are very correct.
Yes, relative to the man on earth. But if your reference point is the man in the space ship, it would be the reverse.
That is correct. Also the time rate/aging for every object is function of it's speed. T local = F(c/C light)
I can confirm this after years of my own study. When I am at work, time slows or stops completely. When I get home from work, I don't have time for even dinner...
Since work is pretty much the same day as any other work day, when I punch in I tell everybody, let's do the time warp again!
That’s perception, like how time feels as if it speeds up as you get older, even though it doesn’t.
But the percentage of your life that a day is measured against grows.
When you are a week old, a day is 1/7 of your life. When you are 70 a day is 1/ 25550 of your life, assuming it’s your 70th bday.
you have money
Is it just me or are there more than a few contradictions in the explanation of the relativistic effects of time in this video?
I thought he got it the wrong way round. Time on earth would appear to zoom by to the man in the space ship. At half the speed of light to the space ship time on earth would appear to go 15% faster because time on the ship would have slowed down by 15%.
You're not wrong. This video is made by an amateur rather than someone with a pedigree in Physics.
Phew! I'm not the only one.
Thought I was going crazy 🤣
I didn't finish is because I wondered if it was AI talking...
Any f*cking idi*t can make a video nowadays. He probably used AI and didn't even care to fact-check.
This video has taken a fairly complex subject and just made it 10x more complex. It's correct that time isn't constant, but not due to velocity, that's the perception of time, however gravity does affect time. The more gravity the slow time passes, that's why the first satellites clocks all had to be altered, as time passes faster for them.
Actually, time is influenced both by gravity AND velocity....
Yeah jakke is right
It’s both … Gravity is a warping of space-time. Also velocity is a measurement of distance (space) over time …. Hence the term “relatively” everything is relative to something else in frame of reference.
@@mikevader1988 what about consciousness?
Actually, velocity does indeed affect the rate at which time passes, more commonly referred to as time dilation. The faster one’s velocity, the slower time passes. And it’s nothing to do with perceptions, it is an objective fact and phenomenon. There doesn’t need to be a person on the rocket to experience time dilation, sub-atomic particles and mechanical objects, computers, EVERYTHING experiences time dilation. It’s for this very reason that the satellites which allow us all to use GPS all need their clocks adjusted daily because if they weren’t synchronised with earth clocks, for every day they aren’t in sync, people using GPS will find their location on the map is showing an error of around 10km/day. And that’s all because the satellites are orbiting at a decent speed, which makes their onboard clocks run slower than those at sea level.
Time dilation got a bit complex there. I think there is a easier way to understand. There are three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Since four dimensional shapes are hard if not impossible to visualize, we do two different charts - a three dimensional chart for space (x,y,z) and a dimensional chart for space-time (time on y axis and space on x axis). The second chart of space-time, on a fundamental level, shows that the more you travel through space the less you travel through time. It's like at light speed your position on space axis becomes "infinite" and there isn't a correspondence from the axis of space to the axis of time. The more you travel through time, the less you travel through space (stationary observer). It's trading space for time and vice-versa. At light speed you basically stop traveling through time to travel that much through space.
I know this is very simple explanation but if you want to avoid special relativity equations and other relativistic terms like proper time, the easier explanation is that you trade space for time when you move. The faster you move through space, the less you move through time.
How about time only stops in the eye of those staying at home (the beholder)? The guy moving away from that frame of reference does not get any new information, but you in your own frame of reference see the other guys clock has stopped. Look at your watch, time is moving in your frame of reference quite normally… where do I go wrong?
When traveling at c you don't travel through time, but you also don't perceive space (all lengths are compressed to zero). Which is truly a singularity. You aren't going anywhere. Or, where ever you're going to -- you're there :).
@@gorgthesalty how about this trip: were in a spaceship accelerating away from earth in a steaight line (a geodesic) with 1G. When after escaping earth gravity, life, gravitywise returns to normal we see earth moving away from us circling the sun in a disk like fashion at ever increasing speed their clocks slowing down (everything slowing down). From our perspectine its earth moving away from us, sitting in our chairs experiencing normal gravity due to contineud 1G accelleration. We may approach light speed drom earths perspective and vice versa, but in reality we’ll never actually reach c because their exist not enough horsepower in our solar system to do that. Its physically impossible. So we reach a close but not at ligthspeed relative to earth, but our clocks are doing just fine. However in the rear mirror, everything on earth clocks included have come to all but a standstill. As they say, its in the eye of the beholder….
This is somewhat theorizing/proving that standing outside the railway of time, space is easy to observe and make changes to.
Yet, people use science as a means to prove god does not exist. It is easily as plausible as: sitting in front of a text with an equation so big and wonderful that it is proving the non-existance of god.
Entropy will not allow the fundamentals of the fabric of the universe to be understood by us, how can anyone be sure they understand enough to possibly know what is or is not? Either or, being judged by the Universe which you reside in, by choice or not, sounds like an oppurtunity to get a good hand, even though the cards were bad to begin with.
Stop looking for a man in the image of god. It is naive at the very least. There is a father in heaven if there is a mother earth, but neither is beings we can understand. Nor is the alleged equation of space and time.
It is a virtue to understand that oneself does not understand, but would like to know. Do not let the knowing stop the search, when the answers only gives you more questions.
You do not know, and it is a hell of a chance to take. Feel its unfair? Play a better hand, jokers are valuable.
Yes, I had to be this person.
No, we do not have to agree.
It is food for thought, if you like to eat such things.
its not complex he did a terrible job explaining it
A good analogy is having a ruler in time space. If space is compressed to singularity or stretched out the ruler is still a foot across one foot of space. The ruler only looks like less ore more than a foot for anyone observing it from space of a different density the ruler is in.
Very true. It is called depth of field. When you look at a ruler in different directions toward and away from light it will either stretch longer in appearance or look smaller. It also happens when walking away from the observer in a direct straight path. The one walking begins to shrink in size. The further the walker goes away, the smaller the walker will get.
Whats the betting my old clock will still work at the speed of light.. someone prove me wrong! LOL🤣
Majesty:: Time. ??? Old watches time. 1800 Old watches 30minets =1900 New watches 60Minets .. if you have old watches time. Let it show you. Old watches work exactly 30minets = 60 minets new watches .Are we Ocupaited from Aliens 👽??? And we didn’t know!!😮 😂 !!
Acceleration is measured in [distance / (time ^2)] - not [distance / time] as the video states.
This video is not made by someone with physics study, most of what it says its incorrect even the fact that time stops for light
@@huepjr5606 Clocks on Earth do not move more slowly than those on an accelerating object.
@@drbuckley1 Clocks on Earth are on an accelerating object. In physics, "acceleration" refers to any change in velocity. "Velocity" is not just speed, it is a vector combining speed and direction. So, a change in direction is considered acceleration, even if speed is kept constant. The Earth, like any object in an elliptical orbit, is constantly accelerating.
@@NondescriptMammal I was referring to each observer's inertial frame of reference. Anne's clock will be correct for her, and Bob's clock will be correct for him, even though the two clocks appear differently to a third observer.
2:24 "we would have to achieve an ACCELERATION of 186 thousand miles per second"
I stopped there.
The equation of e=mc^2 only exists with the primary factor of "Energy," because it is easier to write that way. Originally, the primary factor was "Mass." Also, I believe the term "The Speed of Light" is not necessarily the best term of expression. "The Speed of Light" essentially means, "The Speed of a Massless Object." The maximum speed in the universe is "The Speed of a Massless Object."
A massless object is the matter that dreams are made of. First of all, it’s impossible to square, or raise any velocity to any power!
One hundred miles per hour squared, for example, has absolutely no meaning. Since squaring any velocity is nonsensical in physics.
E=mc2, where according to Einstein c stands for speed of light, that according to Einstein as well, is an unsurpassable universal constant, meaning there is no velocity faster than 299.792.458 meters per second. What’s the point of squaring an unsurpassable universal constant! In addition to that, there is absolutely no meaning in physics multiplying, dividing, or raising Vector Greatnesses to any power. You see, 100 miles per hour raised to the second, third power, etc…is nonsense.
@@michael.forkert You "disagreed" with me, but at the same time (without realizing it) you explained the reason "why" only a "massless object" has the mathematical ability to travel at the constant "c" factor of "The Speed of Light" (i.e.. the maximum speed possible in the universe). I will explain further.
A photon is not 100% "massless." A photon is "virtually" a massless object. A photon is as close to being "massless" as anything in the universe is going to get.
When you try to make an object of matter containing mass move at the constant Speed of Light, the mathematics reveals that even if you converted every other piece of matter in the entire universe to energy, there would not be enough to do so in order to provide the energy needed when you multiply the Constant by the Mass gained from the Energy.
This is why the only way way it is possible for an object to travel at the "Speed of Light" is if an object is essentially "Massless."
The only way an object with "Mass" can travel at the Speed of Light or faster is if we look at the way the galaxies are travelling apart from each other at a rate faster than the Speed of Light. The way to do so is to not move at all - you must simple "Expand Space."
A good example is to think of a piece of bubble gum. Chew the bubble gum, and then set it on a table. Take a pen and draw one dot on the left and one dot on the right. Then, push your finger down the middle of the bubble gum. The distance between the two dots increases, even though the dots themselves have not moved.. This is what is happening with the galaxies separating apart from each other faster than the Speed of Light. "Space" itself is being "stretched" - possibly because of the anti-gravity effect of Dark Energy that is caused by enormous lack of Mass between galaxies.
The key for an object with "Mass" to travel at the Speed of Light or faster than the Speed of Light is to do what the galaxies do - use the stretching of space itself so they don't need to "move" by themselves at all.
Unfortunately, the technology does not currently exist to "stretch" space in one direction while passing it through you in the other direction.
Anything that does not interact with the Higgs’ field is massless. It does not mean that we can brush them aside!😂. Also, any object that has a positive mass cannot travel at or more that the speed of light. There are, however, hypothetical particles called tachyons which travel faster than light and they are born that way only. Their speed cannot be reduced.
@@msgupta26 The definition of a "Tachyon" is "Anything that travels faster than the speed of light." Tachyons in theory have the potential to create distortion in the space-time continuum due to the fact that they travel faster than the speed of light. But, no tachyon has ever actually been observed and proven.
@@michaelzoran yes. As I said they are hypothetical particles. Some scientists say that time flows in the reverse direction for tachyons!
Special relativity's time dilation tells us that a spacecraft experiences zero time when traveling at c. Theoretically when a craft travels at c it can traverse the entire width of the visible universe in an instant. The spacecraft would disappear from the universe of space and matter and appear at the destination regardless of the distance traveled in an instant. The occupants of the spacecraft would not experience time while traveling at 186,000 mi/s. Both time and distance would be zero to the occupants in the spacecraft and to any outside observers. Einstein and Rosen referred to this as a wormhole through our space and time.
This instant jump through our space and time cannot happen to matter. It can only happen to light information because it isn't something physical, it's only information. Therefore it can only happen to light, not matter. That's what sparked quantum entanglement between pairs of twin light particles. This instant action at any distance can only happen to light when it is travel at c because the potential particles are entangled in the same EM field, so they would always be entangled.
The only portion of light that travels at c is the wavefront of the EM field. But the moment an object or observer becomes engulfed in the EM field then light information happens in an instant regardless of distance. This is why the JWST detects fully grown galaxies on the other side of the universe. We are observing the galaxies as they look today. Not how they looked in the past because the light information happens instantly regardless of the distance traveled because of quantum entanglement. The telescope sees every distant body as they each look in the now. there is no such thing as look-back time.
In 2021 I published a series of books that explained the instant action of light information at any distance as I've done here. I accurately predicted the JWST would discover fully grown galaxies, some larger than the Milky Way galaxy but further than 14 billion light years away. I even said the massive distant galaxies would become the mother of all paradoxes, which in turn would halt astronomers in their tracts while they try and make sense of it.
We cannot use a telescope to look into the past no more than we can use a microscope to look into the future. When the observer or telescope is contained inside the EM field they are measuring light information happens in a quantum instant regardless of distance. Thus the universe 20 billion light years away will look relatively the same there as it does here containing fully grown galaxies some larger than the Milky Way, some smaller. Einstein's general relativity was wrong about light information taking time to travel when the observer or telescope is contained inside the EM field being measured. That's why he called it spooky action at a distance because it happened instantly, it didn't take time to travel. The concept of time dilation with special relativity completely contradicts general relativity claiming we're able to see the distant body as it looked in the past.
Light is a form of electromagnetism. @8:41 "we know this effect as electromagnetism. This force is not only behind the formation of elements and matter but is behind..." motion. This statement is absolutely true.
The electromagnetic force is 1x10^25 to 36 times stronger than gravity. It is responsible for the motion of stars and galaxies pinned on dark matter and dark energy. Einstein and Newton never addressed the action of propulsion occurring to stars and galaxies. That's why their equations can't predict the motion of stars and galaxies.
Matter experiences time because it decays through entropy. When the temperature of atoms are reduced to absolute zero, all vibrations cease and decay stops completely. Thus when decays stops completely so does time. Both velocity and temperature of mass is what makes time pass in a linear fashion.
All the dimensions are measurements. Width, depth, height, time, temperature, distance are all measurements used to describe this universe. Light however when traveling at c doesn't exist in our reality until it comes to a rest. According to the Copenhagen Interpretation light is everywhere yet nowhere, stuck in a quantum like limbo outside of our space, distance, matter and time. Light doesn't travel any distance because it doesn't exist in our frame of reference we call the universe. Light only appears real when it is measured by an observer or bounces off something, which then exchanges information.
EINSTEIN'S SPECIAL RELATIVITY BASICALLY PROVES GOD IS LIGHT. What good book thousands of years ago wrote the statement God is light? What good book claims God is Eternal, meaning existing outside our universe of space, matter and time? What good book wrote these things thousands of years before Einstein was born?
How can the atheist now claim there is no scientific evidence God is real? The Bible says, God is light, God is eternal, God is omniscient, God is omnipotent and God is omnipresent. These are the attributes of light according to Einstein's special relativity. Einstein's special relativity confirmed light is eternal, without time, without space, is everywhere but nowhere and light is invisible, it can't be seen until it interacts with matter to then exchange information. Light made the universe.
Time does not stop at the speed of light, it simply does not exist. The speed of light to a photon is instantaneous, but to the observer it requires time to travel. This should be obvious considering the paradoxical nature of "C" wherein it remains constant whether measured with the Tx position traveling towards or away from Rx and vice versa. The only logical explanation is that "C" is a figment of the measuring entity. In other words "C" is bottlenecked by existential space wherein it is being observed.
This has to be the most inaccurate video on time dilation. No wonder people get confused when such rubbish is published without some form of review.
Mathematically time stops, physically we have no idea.
Thats the answer am looking for ages. Simply we need light to observe. Without it we can't see. No wonder clocks, lightening or whatsoever source comes to a point to stand still of you go with the speed of light; simply light(deflected light on a clock)tries to catch you up.
Time is not exist physically
We very much have not only an idea but actual, PHYSICAL proof of time dilation. It’s not one of those things where someone sees something in the equations and tries to say that it’s a physical phenomenon, this actually IS a physical phenomenon. The experiments have been conducted as nauseam and the same results have been seen in all cases, time dilation due to very high velocity is a REAL, PHYSICAL phenomenon which affects actual human beings, and inanimate objects just the same.
@@aaronperelmuter8433 Old comment, but I just want to thank you for your effort and optimism. The UA-cam geniuses think you're an idiot and will continue on their journey into infinity + 1 because we live in a physical world and not a mathematical one lol.
Only from a different point of reference…for the people traveling speed of light, time would continue as usual. Oddly enough for both observers the other would appear to be sitting still. This is why from an observer point you would never see someone else pass through an event horizon of a black hole. Same thing if someone flew past at the speed of light they would appear to be immobilize.
Would love to know how they know what the speed of light is. How did they measure it? If we can’t make anything as fast how can we make some that can detect it’s speed.
In 1676, the Danish astronomer Ole Roemer (1644-1710) became the first person to measure the speed of light. Roemer measured the speed of light by timing eclipses of Jupiter's moon Io.
Humanity technically does NOT know the true speed of Light. It can only be measured in ONE direction. There can be no claims otherwise. Humanity knows how long a ONE way trip for a photon, but has to assume a return trip would be identical. But that cannot ever be verified under the circumstances and physics mankind can observe.
In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau shined a light through the gaps between teeth on the edge of a rotating wheel. The light bounced off a mirror on a nearby hill, returned to the lab, and passed through another gap between the teeth, or got stopped by landing on a tooth, depending on how fast the wheel was spinning. The ratio of the speed of light to the speed of the edge of the wheel is equal to the ratio of the distance to the hill and back to the distance between a tooth an the adjacent gap.
why don't you f*ckin google it then.
@@Raging.Geekazoid that's the story I'm familiar with.
I have always heard that the astronaut moving close to the speed of light would experience slower time not faster-twice you say that the astronaughts time speeds up-I think that is wrong
And you would be correct.
Everything I've read on time dilation suggests time for the astronauts slows down and this has been shown experimentally by atomic clocks in a high altitude aircraft. It's a very confusing explanation of relativity
Interesting. I once saw a documetary about martial arts. It was "proven" that people who practice it at dayly basis experienced time different then people who never did. They were trained to see the world arround them "slower", because they had to act faster. Which is not the same thing, it can be explained in many different ways, but still interesting if you think about it. But i think its very simple. If A is faster then B, B is slower then A. Even i can see that, with my slow mind.
This has to do with how fast your brain can process neurological impulses from your eye. One of the effects of adrenoline is altering this speed, allowing people to process visual stimuli faster, and therefore react quicker. People who exercise often generally have elevated levels of adrenoline. Its not just "martial artists."
Also, certain animals naturally have a higher rate of vision. Flies, for example, view the world about 20 times slower than humans, which is why they react so quickly. However, this also means that slow objects appear even slower to them. Test this out at home: if you want to catch a fly, don't move fast. Instead, move your hand very very slowly over them.
@@theeffete3396 Yup. But also a partial no. Martial artists are sometimes also trained to remain as calm as possible, while doing their thing. Thats also why they train: knowing what to do so you remain calmer. Some are very good at it, and the docu showed that. (I forgot the name of it.) So, i dunno. But your explaination is still a good one and is true in many situations.
I was always taught that the faster something goes, the slower time passes for the speeding object. If the moving object was a super fast space traveller, this would mean they age more slowly that a person remaining on a planet they came from. The video appears to be saying the reverse is true which does not make sense. Time dilation also seems to raise the question that if time ceases to pass for a photon, from the photons perspective, does it travel a billion year journey instantaneously, and is it in two places at the same time?
This video got the facts backwards! Shameful.
The difference in time (earth/spaceship) is backward. Time would slow down for the astronaut. Example: If the spaceship is traveling at 0.7 times the speed of light and the spaceship travels 5 years, then 7 years would have elapsed on earth.
It's actually correct. What he's saying is that from the perspective of the astronauts, time on Earth slows down. If they're looking at it. Which means time for the astronauts slows down. But in reality, time on Earth carried on as normal. So when they get back to Earth, they would have only seen or experienced a slowing of time, but arrive to see that life has moved on years ahead.
@@searlegovender8553 No it isn’t and neither are you! How could time on earth possibly slow or be dilated, for what reason, exactly? The reason time dilation occurs for the people on the rocket is because of their velocity. It is this and this alone which is the reason they age slower; the higher the velocity of the rocket, the slower the people on said rocket age.
You said that time slows down on earth but ONLY if the rocket ppl are looking at earth. WTF?? How could something like time dilation or indeed time itself have ANY idea if someone is looking at a particular object or not?? And why would it even ‘care’? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. To say that time dilation only occurs if someone is looking in either a particular direction or at some specific object is ludicrous.
Is the spaceship moving at .7 times the speed of light? Or is Earth moving at .7 times the speed of light (in relation to the spaceship)? Which one will see a difference in the passage of time and in which way will it differ?
@@threynolds2 Huh?
This is an example of the twin paradox. each observer sees the other going slower. The slowing of the accelerated twin is a separate issue.
When you understand that the central datum of the universe not ZERO, but is c -THE SPEED OF LIGHT, everything eventually becomes much clearer. At c, the progression of time is equal to the progression of space i.e. 1/1. Where we live, it is approximately 1: 3 billion. That is, what the speed of light looks like from here. So, what does it look like from the other end - where time is 3 billion units to space 1 unit? Dewey B. Larson devoted a half-dozen books to exploring this topic in the mid-20th century.
This video is terrible, and absolutely incorrect. The man on Earth would age faster. The time slows down for the astronauts. If you traveled at the speed of light and returned to Earth you would be much younger as your time passed slower. This video got it backwards.
Actually time of the coffee drinker is slower to the astronaut AND time of the astronaut is slower to the coffee drinker. They are both in different frames of reference. Time only can be compared when both clocks are in the same reference frame. Time is a local phenomenon.
@@keplergelotte7207 Correct. Only if/when the astronauts returned to Earth would they find time had slowed down for them relative to their (perhaps) long dead friends. And this would be due to the acceleration the astronauts experienced - e.g. reversing course to come back towards Earth.
@@WestalSage It’s nothing whatsoever to do with acceleration. Time dilation is purely a velocity coupled phenomenon. Acceleration doesn’t cause it. Consider that if they accelerated stupendously fast, such that they got to their travelling speed in less than a second but were in the rocket for many years, they STILL experience time dilation.
The only causal factor for non-gravitational time dilation is velocity. Tell me, if you think acceleration is the cause, please enlighten me and let me know how they’re correlated. There are very straightforward correlations between velocity and time dilation. As in, move at some % of C and you’ll experience time dilation to a set percentage. To put that into numbers, for example, if the rocket or jet is travelling at 0.9999C, what is 1 year for someone at rest, for me in the rocket it’ll be perhaps 10 or 100 years (cbf looking up the actual conversion/correlation factor). But there is no such correlation with regard to acceleration and time dilation. Remember, it doesn’t matter how long one takes to get up to speed, it’s just their speed that matters (which is to say that the rate of acceleration or even the fact that acceleration has taken place matters not).
@@WestalSage Forgot to mention, it’s nothing to do with anyone coming home to notice time dilation. If you had some stations along your journey, you could check with them and see that even WITHOUT turning around, just going in one direction, time dilation still occurs.
Actually, that’s the precise reason why photons don’t experience the passage of time, nor does any massless particle experience time. Nothing whatsoever to do with acceleration. 😱
@@aaronperelmuter8433 But velocities are relative and symmetrical. Either twin could view himself the stationary and the other the moving, and therefore each would be younger than the other. This is paradoxical and might be best thought of as pseudo time dilation, as it is comparing clocks in diff frames of ref so it is apples to oranges - doesn't really mean much. Only when the twins come together once again in the same reference frame will real time dilation be observed (apples to apples), and it is resolved that only the one that experienced acceleration (which is absolute) is the one that is now younger.
This video has the normal misconception about time dilation and space contraction. What Lorentz's factor deals is with the scale at the reference frame, not the passage of time or the space occupancy that maintains the same for all reference frames. For example, when the muon decays over the earth's surface at a speed of 98% C, an observer's point of view on Earth is that the muon spends 11 µs to reach Earth and travels 10 km. Meanwhile, from the muon's perspective, it only travels 2 km and spends 2.2 µs... what? Yes, 2.2 µs is equal to 11 µs, and 2 km is also equal to 10 km; these values represent the same passage of time and the same space path, the muon begins and ends in the same place and time despite their frame of reference. No missing time or missing space product of these differences; they just are a comparison of values between two different scales. You can understand with an engineer's ruler normally has six different scales, so the difference between the values at the beginning and the end will show six different longitudes, meanwhile, the ruler has the same space occupancy. The only difference is in the values are dependent on the scale used, not the ruler space occupancy that is invariant. Now, in your video imaging a ruler going at C speed, the value will be constant all over its length, and the difference between the values at the extreme is zero, i.e., no change. The same happens to the passage of time, meanwhile, as time passes on, its proper clock will indicate the same value, so the time involved in this clock will be mathematically zero BUT time is always passing. In Amazon, next week will be a short book that deals with this type of misinterpretation as well solving weird interpretations in quantum mechanics... "Can relativity and quantum mechanics go together? hope you like it, regards
If my Friend use a Bike to travel 100km he can reach within 1 hour but by walking may be 50 hours.. But time is same.. Using more speed it only make ur distance faster
But he needed less time for same space.
Their once was once a gold fish called Einstein who kept on telling me that the speed of light had a constant of 225 000 km per second.
I didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise, as he was a very good gold fish who kept on going around and around in search of the answers to the universe.
Huh ! Where you did read that 225000 ?
Although there is a mathematical error in your posting about the speed of light, but let it be. The thing is Einstein's postulate (or rather as mathematicians say: axiom). Strangely enough, people who not so good understand how science works see the catch in this. But, in fact, this is very simple. Every natural science (I stress: every natural science - I don't know anything about so called Political Sciences or Managerial courses) has at its core some set of statements which are so simple that they are accepted _without any proofs_. You may say there are taken simply for granted. You simply can't build science theory _without_ such ser of simplest statements. And the real catch is how reasonably you define this set of simplest statements. In case of mechanics, Newton accepted that time is universal thing - "time over time over time" In other words Newton suggested that time flows absolutely the same here, on Alpha Centauri or in the Andromeda Galaxy. I repeat: this statement was the axiom, the postulate. But this axiom get in contradiction with constancy of the speed of light which was an experimental fact - one, and the speed of light was mathematically calculated in Maxwell theory - two. What did Einstein? He proposed to throw away Newtons axiom of time invariable and replace it with the axiom of invariable of the speed of light. In other words, he proposed to accept this fact without any proofs as the simplest statement. Without any theoretical proof. As simple as that. And now based on this simplest statement he build his relativity theory. All its conclusions are based on this simple statement. And these conclusions can be verified experimentally. And they are verified by experiment. Will this postulate last forever? Or be modified somehow? We don't know. But if you want to throw it away first you must find experimental evidences which will contradict Einstein's relativity. And only then you can suggest your own simplest statement which in its turn will also be accepted without proofs. Simply as granted.
2:29 - he gives a speed, but calls it an acceleration. if he gets this wrong, can we trust him on anything else that he says?
I caught that too…
Time is a construct of our mind to process current events in the here and now in relation to our memories of the past. It is not a 'thing' that stops or shifts, and has nothing to do with the speed of light.
Your individual perception of it may shift, or even stop, relative to your position and movement toward or away from the observable event(s). For people at the site of the event it happens when it happens. Just because you are further away does not change the time the event occurred, merely your time of observation of the same event.
Case and point: Thunder vs lightning. A blind man and a deaf man observing the same event from a mile away would report it at a different time. If they were standing at the site of the lightning strike, they would report it at the SAME time.
It does not matter if the event is moving, you are moving, or the medium through which you observe the event (sound or light) is moving. The actual time the event occurred is constant. Only a narcissistic moron thinks the time of the event changes because they haven't seen it yet. (IE: Moving away from it at the speed of light, you would never receive the photons to your retina to observe it, because you are moving along with them. However, this does not stop, prevent or change the time that the event occurred in any way.)
Yea "time" as in one second, a minute, an hour, a day etc is what you are talking about. But the "time" Einstein talks about is a dimension. Nice story though
It is especially amazing when you consider the fact that, nothing in the universe requires or interacts with time!
What do you mean by "nothing in the universe requires or interacts with time!"? What does that actually mean?
@@jewulo Let me put it this way: Life, or any other process does not require time. And, unlike say, gravity or magnetism, there is nothing that can interact with time. Spoiler alert: Clocks are not connected to time. Do you see what I mean?
and yet everything is time related; picture this the time we observe is not the same time that the our universe experiences and it does because immagine if universe doesn't experience time in that case we can cosider that time is 0 and if that is correct then the speed of light can't be other than 0 and also means that the energy is 0 which also means that the temperature is absolute 0 in conclusion if our universe does not experience or is not dependant on 'time' it can't exist now our so called time is not the same as the univers time and that time we only know that it can't be 0 cause if it was then our universe would't exist in the first place, so the time that we know has nothing to do with the time on wich our universe exists and maybe other universes aswell, so in the end everything in the universe is related to time not the one we use and measure from our observations but real time on which our universe exists and to prove that is, that everything in the universe is in motion
Universal time means that everything does not happen at once, but in a sequence of events caused by interactions of matter, clock time is a way for Humans to measure the passing of Universal time which is relatable to enable them to carry out their mundane tasks in life!?!
@Stelian Stoica There is something there in your words but the absence of punctuation ruins the ability to ingest & understand them.
Time is commonly regarded as some special dimension different from space….but it is not. Time is orthogonal to space, but it is also just an expanding length..just not one you can move around in. This becomes clear when you realise tilting the time axis produces movement in space..it is how dilation creates a movement toward a mass, a bit of time shifted into a spatial direction reducing time rate but adding physical, spatial movement. Conversely, at speed a bit of length rotates into the time direction making the traveler ‘appear’ shortened. The traveler’s own frame of course has no adjustments and they feel no contraction nor notice a slowing of time. The key to conceptualising it is to stop thinking of time as something to do with clocks and instead see it as a length in an extra direction to our visible three. We ‘time travel’ along this length one planck unit at a time in a direction exploding outward from the origin…from past to future. Light is the Govenor of causality, the mechanism that stops the past catching up with the future…in a sense it is literally the bow wave of the big bang explosion still spreading out, and you sit right at its leading edge. Understanding this you realise what the universe is expanding into ….. Is literally tomorrow. Awesome!
There’s definitely something special about light and space they are the flip side of the other. But it does create some very interesting paradox’s……. Makes me wonder how much is our perceptions and how much is reality outside our perceptions….. some very mind bending theories being put out there. But I’m a nerd so…. Love it!❤
very nice please check: Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong - lots of laughs and fascinating
Like sound, if the speed of light is finite (limited) it could never reach it's destination unless photons ghosts are adding data from the future into the objects we see, re-converging geometry with motion, coordinates, speed, gamma, color and contrast. The human eye retains light and images for 15 milisecods limited to 30 frames per second, if the speed of light was not instantaneous in time images would be out of sync :-). Relativity and big bang debunked. If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s before the images reach their destination future data must be added into the objects we see, then re-converge geometry with motion, adjust coordinates, speed, gamma, color and contrast. It's illogical to say that light "travels" If light were reflected back in a mirror from opposite sides of the universe, according to Einstein's relativity (moving clocks run slow) the light from the mirror would move backwards in time. If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s light could never reach its destination as galaxies, stars and planets have moved from their coordinates, proving light is instantaneous in time, therefore have no speed limit in time. Relativity & big bang debunked. Light waves travels instantaneously in all directions, measuring it's speed inside a glass vacuum tube creates light shattering (interference) breaking its state of superposition. Light waves propagate through space in parallel rays behaving as the source at a given point, while measured light appears to have a limitation of speed yet its images appear instantaneous in time.
If light and moving images were (limited) in speed for even a microsecond light waves would break its state of superposition, the sequence of video frames would immediately stop, like pulling the plug on your TV or video recorder. Einstein's relativity has the same similarity as religious and political cults, rejecting all evidence that disproves their ideology the psychological term is Mass Formation Psychosis, similar to cognitive dissonance only worse :-). The Earth is constantly moving-orbiting the sun revolving on its axis, if light and images weren't instantaneous in time celestial objects would be blurred out of focus as the human eye is limited to 30 frames per second. If the James Webb space telescope captured live video with unlimited power you would see planets orbiting their sun, looking closer you might see aliens walking on the streets where they live laughing at Albert Einstein's time dilation 🙂
Einstein removed the ether medium coordinates of objects in space, replacing real gravity with mathematical gravitational wave clocks that defy the laws of physics. Einstein's space-time relativity is a mathematical model of the universe having no physical realities, so of course mathematical gravitational waves can stretch time back-and-forth like a rubber band :-). Like the movie Rainman, autistics are great at math but lack emotional intelligence. If space was curved gravitational waves would throw planets out of orbit, altering time as galaxies and planets ascend and descend gravity waves, warp-curve, bend images in the James Webb space telescopes, the emptiness of space has near zero gravity duh. If gravity curved, warped empty space it would also curve-warp images in the James Webb space telescope. The center of the sun is not the gravitational center of solar systems, neither are the center of black holes or galaxies the gravitational center for stars. If gravity curved, warped empty space, planets could not orbit in a flat plane around their suns-stars. Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist. The Magnetron gravity model debunks Einstein's Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, space-time, Big Bang, black holes, and our current understanding of celestial mechanics illustrating how light travels instantaneously in all directions independent of time, space and gravity.
If the universe is expanding from a Big Bang by 360°x360° at an increasingly faster rate then the earliest post big bang galaxies at the singularity 13.8 billions years in Earth's past are now in Earth's future passing the singularity yet the size of galaxies remain the same? If the universe is expanding at an increasingly faster rate (faster than light) explain how you can measure distance if the speed of light is constant :-). Since gravity bends-curves light and space-time, explain how time and distance can be measured if light and space are being bent-curved passing through billions of years of Einstein's gravitational waves. Doublethink is simultaneously accepting two conflicting beliefs as truth. Explain how light particles record moving images of past cosmological objects, add image content from the future then re-converge and play back the final moving image in what we perceive as real time. Galaxies coordinates change with movement, even if it were possible to view images from Earth's past we would also see (all prior past images from each coordinates change of the past.
If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s light could never reach its destination as galaxies, stars and planets would have moved from their coordinates with time, proving light (and it's images) are instantaneous in time, therefore have no speed limit in time. If an Earth based observer and time traveler used synchronized mechanical watches their time would be the same throughout the universe, debunking Einstein's relativity, space-time and big bang using common sense. Time and space are independently of each other, not material bodies or fantasy unions that magically stretch time and space like a rubber band into space-time dimensions with (near zero gravity waves). If space was curved gravitational waves would throw planets out of orbit, altering time as galaxies and planets ascend and descend Einstein's hypothetical gravitational waves, stretch-warp images in the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes.
A particle would need a series of particles to bend in superposition like a wave. Imagine your vehicle being a particle, its onboard computer would need to instruct all the vehicles in your lane to make a left turn, but according to relativity the street no longer exists. Since Einstein's projectile light particles are separated by distance in space-time their distance would increase by the same factor obviously violating the laws of conservation of energy. If space curved the path of light through space-time an increased velocity and light source energy would be required to travel the increased distances, again violating the laws of conservation of energy. If galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there (billions of years in Earth's past) than neither are Einstein's gravitational waves, space-time, dark energy, dark matter or the body of space/ether that contains these galaxies.
According to Einstein's relativity, projectile particle photons transport moving images from galaxies past into the future, re-converging geometry, gamma, contrast and color with every microsecond change in coordinates. Sorry, there are no video recorders in space. The moon is above Earth's horizon for 12 hours, if the curvature of space bends-curves light space and time then measuring the moons distance from Earth as light travels in a curve at 2,288 miles per hour the moon is then 27.456 miles further from Earth during daylight hours. Since the light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach Earth according to Einstein using a telescope to magnify time with a 20 times magnification power you should still see the Sun even after it's below Earth's horizon. Please use a Sun filter before trying this experiment :-). If the images you see in the universe were really in Earth's past, you wouldn't be able to see them because the past no longer exists :-). Delusion is characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs that contradict reality. If the speed of light is finite (limited) to 186,000 mi./s before the images reach their destination future data from ghosts with knowlage of the future must be added into the objects we see, then re-converge geometry with motion, adjust coordinates, speed, gamma, color and contrast aka fantasy physics lol. If the galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope were really in Earth's past, the coordinates of everything in space would be in the past as well making it impossible to see them because the past no longer exists lol. Delusions are characterized as false beliefs that contradict reality.
If the galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there (billions of years in Earth's past) than neither are Einstein's gravitational waves, space-time, dark energy, dark matter or the body of space/ether that contains these galaxies aka doublethink. If the galaxies (viewed) with the James Webb space telescope are in real time, not in Earths past lol. If the speed of light is (limited) in speed it's time is limited in time and can never reach its destination because it needs more time. Ha ha, Charlie Babbitt made a joke 🙂 As a television electronics tech-theoretical physicist I laugh at the stupidity of scientists
@Michael Bariso Jesus Michael.....could you post a video and have the UA-cam comments section review it?
Long ago I had read one sentence about light which really fascinated me. It said: Light travels on a null plane where space and time do not exist.
You can get beyond just 'half-the-speed-of-light' for the simple reason that when you're in the spaceship, a beam of light always passes you at light-speed. So "solar-sails", which rely on photons hitting them to push the craft forward, will *always* be hit at light-speed. Unlike a regular sail-boat that is pushed by wind, as it approaches wind-speed, its rate-of-acceleration slows, because at 10 mph in a 15 mph wind, it'll feel like it's only got a 5 mph tail-wind, which ain't much. But in the space-craft, it'll always have a tail-wind of light-speed.
Ans still, we use the Colonial messurement in the 22th century, in only 3 of all the countries on Earth. Wake up, or ise the metric system beside it.
Please forgive me space cadets 👽. But what supports the THEORY that Albert Einstein knew what he was talking about ?
its been tested several times....2 atomic clocks, 1 in the iss station 1 on earth
We know that clocks on satellites systems tick slower than ones on earth. We have to account for that time difference, even though it’s small. If we didn’t account for the time dilation caused by the gravity near the earth surface our GPS systems would be mikes off!
Also, just look up the precession of mercury in Google.
einstein was a big intellectual THIEF anyway, NONE of "his" papers were "his" he stole them from other , better scientists!! FUN FACTS
if traveling at the speed of light, time stops, does time go backwards when traveling faster than the speed of light?
I think going backwards in time is impossible
Since you're going so fast, time has to stop so you have time to look at everything going by.
Not even close. It's because of the fabric of space. Once we leave the grid of the earth at such speeds. We take a different path compared to those we are comparing to. Once we turn around and come back different amounts of time, have passed for the 2. Because of our path through space-time.
Photons have nothing to do with it
Its all subject to the effect of gravity in space time. In this simplification, the speed of light (SOL) can be 1 equal to time here, and a black hole (BL) zero (0) equal to space here. All in between 1 and 0 is relative. A person travelling through space faster than you uses less time over the same distance in space; so the relative effect of the faster person is to age slower when both are compared from any third reference point. when the reference point is at the slower person, then the faster person will age faster, although this measurement can never happen. send your clock out into space in a huge loop to come back at a future date. when it arrives, it will show a slower time had passed to your clock with you. atomic clocks in orbit round the earth compared to ones on the surface pass time more slowly due to their relative distance covered over the same time in space (speed) due to less gravity while they move. there are 3 correct answers to this idea, each depending on your superposition. one overall explanation. better to include the other 2 correct answers and the overall explanation.
If I had possessed the mathematical ability, I know exactly what I would have done with my life. This video was very interesting on several different levels, to me. Thanks!
No excuses. You’re doing exactly what you would’ve done under any other origin.
What Einstein didn't know was that space moved faster than light. Where on the leading edge of the most distant light where light hasn't been before, time exists. Of course I'm not a physicist nor nearly as smart as many, it would seem obvious that due to the relative nature of time as a construct for measurement, there would be a moment or duration of pre-light and post-space. Indicating that the gap between light and space at the most extreme edge of expansion, time exists without light. Time moving faster than even the speed of light.
Hopefully that made sense.
What we need to ask/figure out is, what happens when you have zero speed?
You end up dying in space. The earth has rotational and orbital speeds, the solar system has a speed, the galaxy has a speed. If you stopped moving they would all leave you behind.
Or, is it possible to go slower than stop?
@@enigmagenesis7341 back in time? One thing at a time
_"what happens when you have zero speed?"_ It is not possible to have zero speed. We are sitting on a planet that the surface speed of us traveling around the center of this planet is about 1,100 mile an hour. This planet we are sitting on traveling on the surface of is also traveling around the center of the sun, which our sun is traveling around the center of our milky way, which is traveling around the center of a massive black hole. Which that massive black hole is moving around the center of something else who knows. So zero moving speed through space is not possible.
If referring to an atom spinning at zero speed, having an absolute temperature of 0.0, then the energy that made that atom E=MC2 will turn back into that energy and travel at the speed of light off in some random direction.
@@nathanwoodruff9422 yeah, I know the difficulty. But your last chapter is what I needed.
Makes absolute sense to me. As you travel in an Air Plane at about 560 miles per hour everything looks to be moving very slowly.
It's a very interesting idea but I think it's too complicated for a layman to understand. Wish you had made it a bit more fool friendly. 😂
So, Einstein's theory is time stops when you reach the speed of light.
Say, Photon P1 leaves Alpha Centauri on January 1, 2024, and due to the distance, when it reaches our sun, it's sometime in March 2028. That's from the observer's point of view, that is, from our point of view. But, to Photon P1, if it looked at a clock, the time remains January 1, 2024?
Time does not stop, only your perception of time stop.
Light does not stop, it is either absorbed or reflected, black will absorb light and convert to heat, white will reflect and provide light indirectly
@@robertsteen8685 you obviously have never heard that light does not propagate forever. It dims the further you get from it. It’s the laws of light propagation. If you go twice as far away from the light, it dims to 1/4 of its original brightness.
@@gizmoapangalook121 I want to agree with you because your sentiment is correct but unfortunately you are not. Light indeed DOES continue forever. What you’re referring to is not brightness, it’s correctly termed luminosity. The reason light appears to dim as it travels is because it’s moving in a spherical or conical manner, so the further it or you are from the origin, the fewer photons you’re able to see in your retina or detect with a photomultiplier tube. Barring being absorbed by something, each individual photon will keep on going forever, but it’ll be separated from all the other photons it started the journey alongside of. That’s what causes the dimming and inverse square law of which you spoke.
@@aaronperelmuter8433 light does not propagate forever. The light cast from an object gets four times dimmer for ever time you get two times further away.
@@aaronperelmuter8433 which means light does not travel forever. It has been observed and repeated.
"On the level of light there is no time at all" well in that case when referring to lightspeed; how does speed exist without time?
This was by far the best explanation of time dilatation I've ever seen. It really brought it home to me
At timestamp 2:27 "we would have to achieve an Acceleration of 186,000 miles per second" - No, that is Velocity - not Acceleration.
Secondly - as others have noted - it is the passengers of a spaceship traveling at half the speed of light that will age more slowly than those on Earth. The argument being used here appears to be that that from the perspective those on Earth and those on the spaceship, each 'sees' the other moving at half the speed of light relative to themselves - but moving in opposite directions. But while 'perceptually' true, the results of time dilation cannot be applied to both 'as if' each actually reached that speed (were that the case then it would naturally lead to the contradictory conclusion that both age more slowly relative to 'each other'). In this thought experiment, It was the spaceship that was exposed to accelerating forces, not the planet (or the rest of the universe) to reach half the speed of light, that is, it was the Spaceship that left the inertial frame of reference in which the planet exists and would therefore experience time dilation relative to those that remained in the inertial frame. I am somewhat disappointed at the inaccuracies of this video - pretty though the presentation may be.
Time doesn't stop, it's the observability of time that changes.
This just led me to realize that if we are able to travel faster than the speed of light, we would actually be traveling back in time (seeing light moving backwards) which seems to be a byproduct/consequence as that is the only way we would be able to exist in space/time at that moment.
The faster your velocity the slower time ticks, until you reach the speed of light where time stops. You can't travel faster than light because time can't tick any slower than not moving.
Time refers to the moment existence happens, which begins with the creation of an atom. As soon as atoms are forms, durations of space begun.
The electrons, protons, neutrons, gluons, muons, boson, etc which make up an atom are creations too but not in the realms of time.
Slowing down light is amazing, when nerds say laser pistols wouldn't work like that now they have a working backup, well actually the pistols have a light slowing mechanism and that's why the beams are slow and visible.
IMO- Time is just one dimension falling into another. Consciousness (Movement with purpose) is created between the two... we call this the Now moment. The speed that light travels must stay behind the expansion, which is why it's speed is set, and the Universes expansion rate is not. As spacetime speeds up light hangs around turning into matter as foundation for it speeds ahead.
Maybe the universe is creating spacetime at the edge as it expands into nothingness and we are just caught in the flow. The expansion rate might not be the same in all directions right? Because the edge is not a sphere.
Light is the passenger and the train at once. The mass of the light is the passenger, the light itself is the train. As the train accelerates, it produces energy and that is conserved by the passenger. The passenger, as the train accelerates, every time it accelerates speed, the passenger feels pushed back until it is no longer accelerating. Eventually, if it were to make a large enough jump in speed, the passenger would be thrown to the back of the train and this would slow down the train's speed. Eventually, the acceleration needed to increase the train enough to offset the speed lost from the energy and therefore converted mass produced is greater than the total energy the light has. At some point, every time it accelerates it returns to its previous speed. In such a space, time can not be measured because no differences in inertial position can be seen. Because the train can no longer go any faster, it appears as a stand-still.
The thing that blows my mind is that gravity also travels at the speed of light. If you are travelling anywhere in space there may be a body light years away that has already exploded, yet your course would not be affected until its change in gravity reached you.
As a freelancer and UA-camr there's a theory: Dealing with times, days, weeks, months, and year base on the rotation of the earth as speed of light per early mornings, and a Calendar year in 365 days, but to accept the calendar year before and after leap year calendar makes a universal calendar year about = 1095 days in a universal calendar year (UCY).
But what's the (UCY) in one AU distance? or AU miles per hour of a (UCY) human life spand?
It's not a straight daily 24 hours in a (UCY) because of the unknown activity in the extra 5 days from having a complete 2000 days in a UCY are leap year days, or a ufo colony's mobility within.
All of our measurements of time are that of velocity. The two different types of clocks used are the pendulum ,which is based on gravity and the occilater which is based on an electromagnetic wave. In our measurements of time we haven’t separated time from space. Our measurements of force are based on gravity ie, ft lbs we don’t have a real definition of time. The arbitrary definition of time is that that separa 11:13 events 11:13 11:13 11:13 11:13 the function of time is180degrees out of phase from mechanical 11:13 and electromagnetic waves
A photon is created and consummed simultaneously. All light that has ever existed was created and consummed at the same time. Only the reality of matter, of which we are made of, is bound by time.
That is wrong, common misconception
@@huepjr5606 Thanks for the super great explanation, dummkopf.
Majesty:: Time. ??? Old watches time. 1800 Old watches 30minets =1900 New watches 60Minets .. if you have old watches time. Let it show you. Old watches work exactly 30minets = 60 minets new watches .Are we Ocupaited from Aliens 👽??? And we didn’t know!!😮 😂 !!
you used to word time to prove there is no time. Which is wrong
How exactly would you observe someone who's traveling at the light speed? And, as well, how would someone traveling at that speed see anything on the Earth?
Time stops for everything behind you per your frame of reference, but it speeds up greatly for everything in front of you. That means the galaxy in front of you, which once seemed motionless now, seems to move faster. Stars flying everywhere. So you don't ever go back in time.
Time is not a thing. It is the measurement of the rate at which causality proceeds. The faster you go, the slower cause and effect take place relative to an observer. If you were to observe a spaceship travelling at near the speed of light, you can say that time has slowed but you would not see people in the spaceship moving at the normal rate. That's why a person moving near the speed of light ages slower than the observer. The rate of causality is actually slower and we measure this using time measurement.
10:26 This is slightly misleading. It was the speed at which light passed through the medium. The speed of light did not change.
Hey, I enjoyed the video, but I would appreciate more pauses in-between paragraphs and sentences. Many science channels have a wall of dialogue and its pretty off-putting. Cheers!
so when people say it would take so many light years to travel a certain distance, isn't that analogy false because the observer's perspective of us is irrelevant. for example if i wanted to know the time it took to travel from one country to another, it's not the perspective of someone sitting at home that really matters, its the traveller's perspective. so the answer would therefore if you are travelling at light speed you could travel anywhere instantaneously. Or am i mistaken
I'm still in the dark.
It should be called, the direction of light. First you have the 4D environment named Space-Time. Everything within space-time moves with exactly the same magnitude of motion as do photons of light move. And so ones little spaceship is in motion just as much as are photons of light in motion. What direction you travel, determines how much of your motion is across space, and how much is across the dimension of time. The rest is mere details. The more you move across space, the slower you move across time, and the more your spaceship extends across time due to 4D rotation, and the less it extends across space, hence the appearance of length contraction, plus the more the clocks located at the front and rear of the spaceship are out of sync. Fun stuff.
Regarding Time Dilation - Isn't it the other way around? The people on the spaceship would "age" much slower than the ones on Earth. As they approach the speed of light, time outside their frame will seem to go by super fast. In one minute, they could witness the creation and demise of an entire solar system.
Time Dilation
(Special Relativity Theory)
It really is a mind experiment but just describes the relative rate of data reception from a laser beam as the observer approaches the speed of light. When he does reach c, he won't be receiving new data, only what is in the beam next to him, so the relative rate of new data reception is zero, so "time stands still." If the observer could go faster than c, then, going faster than the beam, he would scoop up the data in reverse sequence: "reverse time."
What defines time is the changes that we observe of various objects. That's what the universal Now or Eternal Now is observing: The current state of the universe. Time does not move without all of the objects in the universe moving with relation to one another. The way we objectify time as "something else" that these continually changing position actually adds a redundency
that is not necessary if we describe all the motions separately. "Time" just makes it more
convenient to sort out all the myriads of motions in space. It's subtle, but the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation does solve the conundrum, where "time" cancels out.
The dilation (of mass, length and time) effects of SRT (special relativity theory) come from observing the rates of information transfer as seen from observers traveling at different velocities relative to the velocity of the light that is carrying information, say, digitally coded into a light beam. As the observer approaches the velocity of light as they race to catch up with the beam, the rate at which information from the beam is received slows down. When the observer is going at the same speed as the beam, there is no new information received so "time" has stopped (with regard to the reception of new information from the beam), If the observer could go faster than the light beam, he would be essentially scooping up information from the beam in reverse sequence (to its coded data) so in essence, "time" is flowing in reverse.
It's the other way around. The astronauts would age less than the man on earth. This is due to two effects taking place.
The first is that because they are travelling so fast from the perspective of the man on earth time for the astronauts would slow down. So when 1 time unit has passed for the man on earth only 1/2 time unit will have passed for the astronauts. Hence the man on earth would age more than the astronauts. We can see this happening with particles when the get sped up. For instance a neutron has a half life of about 15 minutes. But when it gets sped up (in a particle accelerator) its half time, from the point of view from the observer, becomes bigger, i.e. 20 minutes. Of course the half life of a neutron still is 15 minutes but from our point of view 20 minutes will have passed.
The second is because the astronauts are further away from the earth's gravitational field their clocks would run faster than the clocks here on earth because time slows down under the influence of gravity. We can see this happening in real life with for instance the satellites used for GPS. The clocks on those satellites run faster than the clocks here on earth and that's why every now and then the clocks on the satellites have to be synchronized with the clocks here on earth.
Because at the speed of light, nothing exists. Everything, including time, collapses back into zero.
A Photon does have mass which is tenuated by time dilation due to velocity, which is why it displays the characteristics of a wave even though it is a particle of matter.
The Wave Function Interference Pattern is a false positive due to this same phenomenon.
Because of the related time dilation which occurs as matter and energy approach the speed of light the forces under which matter and energy operate are diminished allowing for the tenuation of mass.
This gives rise to the Galactic Speed Limit i.e the speed of light, because if matter or energy were to travel any faster the forces under which matter and energy operate could no longer have enough of an effect, resulting in matter and energy literally coming apart at the seams, which is why nothing can exceed the speed of light. In short, if time stopped altogether then matter and energy could not function. So the speed of light must be under the speed at which time flows.
If you slow light down,,,, would light would be like roll of film ,and we pass thru one frame,in light not time, and can pass beckwards,or light as a wave/particle, willl fade out the past light and only stay in the frame we are in ,and move slowly forward ,time would still be time,a heartbeat is just a heartbeat, 😊😊😊😊
It's actually not the speed of light that is the constant - light can slow down depending on what it's traveling through. The reason Einstein used 'C' in 'E=MC2' is because it is the speed of causality - the speed at which a local change impacts the space around it.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?
10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
I have watched many movies on this phenomenon, but they suggest that if an astronaut travelled at close to the speed of light for a year,life on earth would be experiencing 40 years more than the astronauts.
Nuclear fuel in a nuclear plant is sometimes placed under water. When the fuel emits electrons (Beta decay) traveling faster than the speed of light in water, a blue glow appears (Cherenkov radiation).
Since the electron is traveling faster than light in water, will an at rest observer see time running backwards for the electron? That is, does that electron passing through a magnetic field curve the same direction as a positron would?
If the answer is light speed in a vacuum only is the speed where an at rest observer sees time stop for a photon, and a photon is a vibration in a quantum field, how can anything vibrate without time passing?
Is location an attribute of a photon? If an at rest observer sees time stop for a photon in a vacuum, how can its location change?
Your statement at 2:24 - 2:30 is _not correct._
Where you say, 'First, we would have to achieve an *_acceleration_* of 186,000 _miles per second'._ , is incorrectly stated, in terms of physics.
The correct way to state your point would be more like this: First, we would need to *_accelerate_** to the **_velocity_** of light speed,* 186,000 _miles per second._
Or perhaps, _First we would need to achieve a _*_velocity_*_ of 186,000 miles per second._
Light speed/velocity is *_miles per second_* ; *acceleration* is *miles per second **_per second,_** or in other words, miles per second squared* , which is a different unit measurement.
In your sentence, you were mixing the two quanities.
This idea that time stops at the speed of light has always struck me as absurd on its face. Speed is distance divided by time. If time stops at the speed of light than the denominator is zero or undefined ... in either case speed is undefined so there is no such thing as "speed" at the "speed" of light. And, if time stops for a photon, there is no movement either so there can be no such thing a travel for a photon ... it could not travel, e.g., from the sun to our eye over a time span of 8 minutes, or from the edge of the visible universe to our telescopes over a time span of billions of years.
The most astonishing thing about it is that time already exist in all is lenght and both the past and the future are equally real
SPACE and TIME: (copy and paste from my files):
'Space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. And for me, the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe. 'Space' is most probably energy itself in the form of gravitational fields, electrical fields and magnetic fields, varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency.
'Time' is the flow of energy.
'Time' (flow of energy) cannot exist unless 'space' (energy itself) exists. And 'space' (energy itself) that does not flow (no flow of time / energy) is basically useless. An entity cannot even think a thought without a flow of energy. If all the energy in the universe stopped flowing, wouldn't we say that 'time stood still'? Time itself would still exist, it would just not be flowing, (basically 'time' stopped).
But then also, how space and time are linked in what is called 'space time', (energy and it's flow).
* And everything in existence currently appears to be eternally existent energy interacting with itself. There is truly only 1 single 'eternal day', the day of eternally existent ever flowing energy.
I thought that the astronauts on the ship would have aged slower, instead of the man on the ground. After returning to earth perhaps twenty years later from the perspective of the astronauts the man on earth would have probably died from old age.
yes. this vid is butttt
It doesn't - the arrow of time simply points in another direction in a complex time plan, that is perpendicular to the time arrow of the observer at "rest".
... if time gets slower and stops as you approach the speed of light. does that mean vibrations slow down till you hit absolute zero... or is this stop in time and vibrations actually just relative to our point of time perspective and the vibrations are still occurring at their respective rates
This visual article is totally fascinating, thought provoking and "time" wasting at the same "time"!!
But I am retired and have "time", relatively speaking ;)
How about this theory for you:
Time is a real concept not related to light or its speed for that matter at all. It is not affected by physical existence. The theoretical astronauts travelling in a theoretical speed of light space ship (or apparatus) will be aging relative to their own attached entity at "normal" "speed", therefore will be aging at the same time as other people and other creatures on earth.
If we consider the three dimensional moving structure of the human body, there are circular movements and others which are vibrating or expanding and contracting. While moving at the speed of lights (theoretically) any particle or collection of particles that move forward in the inevitable unidirectional path of the movement will be moving faster or slower according to its three axial position !!!???
My question is, do runner athletes age slower or faster than desk bound operative? of course not, there are numerous physiological factors involved.
Can't we accept that we have limits we can not actually pass with our "limited" thinking capacity. Not even if we manage to use our brains 100%. One can assume that they are a super-powerful "thing", but one will still have limits one can not go beyond. Let's use our capacity to improve the quality of life rather than the quantity and stop being belligerent about our wealth and intelligence. At the end who can explain how did existence happen unless it is beyond our "relatively" finite capabilities, no matter how advanced and intelligent we humans and other creatures all over the Universe can be. From no energy to a whole Universe is like 1=0 ......
Think of this also, at a fraction of a degree below 0 K, -273.15°C, or -459.67°F energy (including light) is 0 Joule!!!!! So if the universe started from 0 Joule by warming up, where did the warming energy come from!!!!?
Our knowledge and thinking capacity will never go beyond certain point. Not even Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla or ever.
Thank you for reading and I hope this was entertaining if not provoking :)
I think nothing is faster than the speed of light because maximum "calculation speed" of the universe is limited. Light causes interactions on quantum level. And particle interactions can be "computed" by the universe only at a limited "speed". That's in my opinion the true cause of time dilation: the universe cannot "compute" any faster. In my opinion this is also the true cause for the time dilation near huge masses: Too many particle interactions to be computed at the same "time". Things need to "slow" down because the "computational power" of the universe is huge, but finite. We call this "computational power" speed of light because light is moving at maximum "computational speed".
I think this speed of light barrier is just another thing we have to leap frog. When you look at the distances of the cosmos, the speed of light is really really slow. I'll place my bet on the fact that there is much more after that.
yep. they said the same thing about the sound barrier. i think the whole e=mc2 thing is a crock.
Even if you could accelerate to the speed of light, you couldn't accelerate beyond the speed of light.
@Gen. Ripper This is the problem scientists act as if they have full complete knowledge all the while they admit they have virtually little knowledge about dark matter and dark energy. Seems to me they claim to the public they know all but willingly stand there with both hands tied behind their back. E=MC2 is only the end of the beginning. it's not the end.
Apparently you have not reviewed all the tests on the speed of light over the last several decades and accepted the constant recognized and taught by most universities, high schools around the world
An array of tests by multiple sources have concluded the speed of light is slowing down, very small increments but measurable
Knowing this your complete hypothesis should be re evaluated
Just because time mathematically stops as a massless entity (I.e. a photon) travels from point A to point B at ‘the speed of light’, doesn’t mean and should not imply that causality (the event continuum) stops.
Think of a more massive example. If you throw a wine glass against a brick wall, the chances of it ever reconstructing to the perfect glass again are statistically close to zero.
I've just come to terms with the fact that I will never fully understand the concept of time being relative. It's a measuring tool we use to measure the progression of the universe's existence.
No matter how many of these videos I watch, I will always be confused. I always thought a second is a second is a second. A second on Earth is a second on Jupiter is a second in the Andromeda.
The whole aging thing too. Unless your metabolism slows down because it's somehow fully aware how fast you're traveling, I always thought people age the same no matter how fast you go or where you are in the universe.
And I'm a huge science enthusiast. I would love to understand it but I just can't wrap my mind around it.
All I have observed is that everything in the universe is circular or close enough.
Planets are spheres, they go around in circles , and galaxies go in circles. Electrons fly around in circles. Maybe time and space are also circular .
And life.
time is relative therefore it doesn't stop everywhere if it stops somewhere far like in a blackhole for exemple
Consider that all technical hurdles are overcome and humans eventually can travel at C physically.... then you either find out that the notion that "time stands still at C" is wrong OR time does not stand still at all since the ship still functions AND the passenger is still thinking, both of which require time to even exist and function OR there is no such thing as time at all fundamentally.
There is no other possibility from the three I have listed above in regards to all current theories and understanding of spacetime. The only other possibilities that can be considered will be totally different from all current understanding and theories of the subject.
Thought/thinking requires time and the operation of electronics and mechanicals on the ship require both time and space - so it would logically and physically be impossible to operate a ship and still experience thought if there were zero time.
Time is a purely subjective notion based on a sense of biological of duration between events.
Is time given by a clock or by the sun and moon motion ? Does travelling at the light speed affect the sun and moon motion ?
Light speed may be fast for us but just as time is relative ,light speed is relative to us and higher beings in other dimensions. It still takes 8 minutes to reach us from the sun.
If speed slows down time and lightspeed stops time, what would happen at a compelte standstill? Would time speed up the slower we go and if we reach 0 would we just reach the end of time instantly?
I see videos like this with the hope that there will be some suggestion of how to understand facts that are hard to wrap the head around...
The fact that there is no flow of time for photons is one of the most challenging facts in relativity and this video do not help... i was just browsing and I think it not only do not help with this aspect but it also hinders understanding more simpler aspects of relativity.
We are crippled by our senses. Our senses evolved for finding and eating food. And this 'bondage' is so complete we cannot imagine anything else by ourselves. Our computers enable an expansion of perception to a limited degree. As we progress we assume we know more and more. Eventually the approximation of 'reality' gets better but we may open doors we don't want to enter.
But it is fun to speculate!
Very good point.
So if it is not observed, why do elementary particles still decay? Or radioactive material decay? Surely these are a measure of time?
1 year passed since this video was posted.
Im beggining to understant, mind blowing
What would we see if we looked at the earth and moon in the sky at the same time and saw a long stick connected to a bell on the moon which is being pushed from the earth end, and a laser beam of light was racing toward the moon at the same time? Which would ring the bell first?
I do not understand why the generally accepted idea is that a spaceship can theoretically pass the event horizon of a black hole and therefore pass the threshold of Δt =0 but rejects the idea that the crew of a spaceship that again theoretically moves with c, experience still some kind of a super-time that would allow them to understand the events that are happening to them during their movement with c and even be able to understand in what order they happen.
I always thought that if time stops on the event horizon, then everything stops. I guess that's why they say the laws of physic break down after the event horizon.
I guess time could go backwards afte r the event horizon. That would not change the direction of entropy it would still go forward meaning thins could fall beyond the event horizon. The paradox is , if time actually stops, how can it ever start up again because there is no advance to a moment where time starts again?
I think that you cannot pass the event horizon because there is no spacetime,unless you create your own space time bubble
Black hole is not just a hole. It's where physics as we know it breaks down. It's where information is lost. The black hole is resulted from matter crushing itself to the most extreme that it can nolonger stay intact in the form of matter (i.e. black hole). What makes you think the spaceship and people falling into the black hole can stay intact as matter? Some theorized that space and time flips inside the black hole, while others believe the black hole spits out new energy/matter in another universe (within the black hole).
That's because time does not stop at C. In every reference frame, "time" passes normally. It is space that changes.
This is why some people are confused that the JWST seems to have found galaxies from "before the beginning of time", when really it detected galaxies from a time when space was simply warped differently. We're trying to measure the size of the observable universe based on the theory that C is (and always was) a constant, when it's likely always in flux except from our own limited reference frame on Earth/Sol system/Milky Way.