You can make healing medication from the leaves you have in your chests. That way you can heal when fighting the bigger monsters. There is a poison needle you get from the large data pillar by pastor al cabin but by the ocean. It takes down enemies instantly when it hits just right. Great to have. Also giant crab you beat and get tortoise shell armor to make. Enjoyed watching you play this again. That is strange about the cooking. Is your kitchen inside the town boundaries on the back side. You have to find the pumpkins seeds and tomatoes as you progress the story.
You have to start the quest for the orc to have you help with the tomatoes. Hugs ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks Kelly! Will keep that in mind!
You can make healing medication from the leaves you have in your chests. That way you can heal when fighting the bigger monsters. There is a poison needle you get from the large data pillar by pastor al cabin but by the ocean. It takes down enemies instantly when it hits just right. Great to have. Also giant crab you beat and get tortoise shell armor to make. Enjoyed watching you play this again. That is strange about the cooking. Is your kitchen inside the town boundaries on the back side. You have to find the pumpkins seeds and tomatoes as you progress the story.
Thanks Kelly! I kept meaning to make the healing meds :(