The first time I experienced depression at 20 years old and went to my Mom to explain to her that something was wrong with me(at that time I did not understand what it was but it scared me). She told me I was being hindered by God for not listening to her. So I know how harmful Christians in your own family can be.
That isn't Christianity, though. Her conclusion was not biblically supported. It is an example of how people can manipulate or misrepresent religions for their own gain/ reasons.
If God is for you, who can be against you? If God has plans to prosper you then how can you view God in anyway then that he died for you out of a love for you. This love is eternal and God is waiting on us to know that he did for us what we always pray for. Oh God help me with... his reply is to renew or MINDS with the truth. We are not to rely on feelings but truth first, fact, then faith, and then feelings will follow. Look backwards when feelings of strength came, it is based upon this idea.
Yes and Amen! I'm working through healing from church hurt! It's a process and Life is a journey of learning and unlearning! I do still believe that all things are still going to work together for my good! Sending hugs, love, and healing to all those who have been hurt by the church.
This needs to be said. Thank you so much. I had to learn that as a woman, I'm not "less than" in the eyes of God. I had to learn to love my creative/artistic talents despite going to a church that only valued singing in the choir. Every other artistic expression - acting, singing about life (not just Christian music), dancing, was "sinful". I now love the way God made me. I love being artistic. It's a reflection of God. He is the ultimate artist. I stayed in an AWFUL marriage and wasted a decade of my life because I was manipulated into staying by my former church. Somehow God got glory from my misery. 🙄 So many parts of myself I had to learn to appreciate despite hearing how unworthy those parts of myself are. I had to learn to advocate for myself and make the choices that are good and healthy for me.
You ARE Blessed! Religions are manipulated by people to accomplish what they desire. Sadly, the idea of questioning everything goes so so deep, literally everything.
I read this verse a few days ago & it really spoke to my heart - "We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; His perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what He might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what He might do to us, and shows that we are not fully convinced that He really loves us." -1 John 4:18 This verse is also very enlightening - "That Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust in Him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love; and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God's children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God Himself." -Ephesians 3:17-19 If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Messiah then He promises to put a new heart, new mind, & new spirit within us - the old has passed away & we are a new creation. If God's spirit now dwells within us, then we are no longer slaves of sin & unrighteousness, but are now being led into all truth & righteousness by The Holy Spirit at home in our heart & enlightening our mind. Because God is trustworthy & His Holy Spirit is alive in our heart, then we can have self-trust as well & confidence that His spirit is at work within us & will lead us into all truth & that we can hear His voice. *This self-trust is NOT trust in our former "self"/ "flesh" before we were called to righteousness, but rather a self-trust in the NEW self/ NEW spirit God has put within us following our redemption. Once we have accepted the Messiah, we are no longer counted as "sinners", but rather sons & daughters of Almighty God! We need to remember our NEW identity - we are no longer what/ who we used to be. We respond to a new name. We are free. I attended a domestic-violence prevention seminar earlier this year & the speaker explained the notion of "suffering for God" this way - If someone is being mistreated & they have no power or ability to escape the abuse, then they are suffering for God & will receive justice in God's timing & a blessing for what they endured. However, if there IS a way of escaping the abuse/ abusive situation/ abusive relationship, then it is our responsibility to help ourselves & get away! We do not need to suffer for sufferings sake! Self-love is NOT pride. Pride is actually rooted in insecurity. If we understand who we are, our personal limitations, & how God sees us, then there is no room left for unhealthy pride, only love & pride for God - Our Creator - and for the soul, spirit, & body He created us to be. We are called to love ourselves & others the SAME - not one above the other. I'm glad you chose to speak about this topic. I'm so sorry that lies from the church harmed your relationship with & view of God & yourself, but I am so glad that you are discovering God's love & truth & being brave & faithful to share what you have learned. ❤
I needed this. I have come to realize that I have been causing some of my own suffering, allowing people to mistreat me, and not speaking up because I'm Christian, and christians are supposed to be long-suffering or whatever. I'm tired of it. I see why I haven't been to church in 2 months. Something feels off. I don't feel close to God. There is no bible study at my church. I feel like I'm not learning. I try to read the word at home but I get distracted. I'll try to read elsewhere then I have questions and get frustrated. But anyway, thank you for this message.
I really agree with you on this. Sadly, many professed Christians have a defeatist mindset and even lack true faith in TMH GOD'S loving kindness words. Many live by fear instead of faith.
This one is gonna be a banger! The video isn’t her yet but I can already relate. I love God and I love fellowship with other Christians, but church culture as I’VE known it has always been toxic af. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say. I’m sure you have some healing words to share ❤️
I left after my congregation cheered at Trump winning the election back in 2016. It's still a horrific memory being surrounded by a bunch of white, evangelical Pro Trump "Christians" as a black woman. I felt like I was in hostile territory. And now look at how that whole situation turned out 🙄 I ain't going back!
I am so grateful to God that you and so many others are getting to know God for yourselves! The church is leading many people astray but God’s grace and love is opening our eyes in our homes and outside of the church. Your revelation is such a gift from God and true freedom. I hope the people who are listening really get that understanding! GET TO KNOW GOD FOR YOURSELF! Stay blessed and encouraged❤
We are all worthy because God says we are. He endows us with His worth whether we are believers or not, but then when we choose to follow Christ, everything changes and we inherit all the riches He has and they become ours. Riches include all the resources God himself has access to. It's an amazing gift! Christians have a special relationship with God and it's our job to nurture that bond so we remember who we are because it can be easy to forget. God wants us to think rightly about our relationship to Him, self and others. If we stay grounded in the Word, we have a much better chance of doing that than if we don’t.
People wont speak up because it would be out of fear of "people" and their opinion instead of GOD'S - which is still crazy. Our Heavenly Father is a joyful God he will never want us to think nothing of ourselves. That is why he say " love your neighbor as yourself." How can you do this is you do not love yourself.
Wow! This was a video filled with some POTENT and HEAVY truth! As someone who began to decolonize their faith and began to have a spiritual awakening about 4 or 5 years ago now, I remember when God gave me this revelation during my process unfolding that Christianity, biblical doctrines and church culture taught me to hate myself subconsciously. And add on top of that being a same gender loving/ LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 individual it added in a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL of self hate for myself. I’m just glad that revelation is hitting the earth during this time and more and more people are having a TRUE revelation of God’s love and the TRUTH concerning who God is
Glad you found a way to reshape your belief system. I couldn't. Left the church and subsequently Christianity the 90s as a teen and have never looked back. To reaffirm my choice I take my mom to church sometimes. After every service I'm like YEP, still sucks. 😆
It's beautiful witnessing your unraveling of the ideas that keep so many Christians shackled. May the chains continue to break until we realize "God" is gender-less and jealous-less 🌟 Much love 💕
divine timing. this morning I talked to my sister about why I think I will be passed over for a position. my explanation had EVERYTHING to do with "wickedness." I have not honored a commitment and getting the position sparks ungodly emotions (centered around pride, arrogance). It boils down to me not feeling I "deserve" or am not "worthy" of that kind of blessing DESPITE the fact that I have been dragged up and down the street and worked HARD to get it. Not getting it (as I explained to her) is justified punishment for my "lack". This reminder checks me to my core. God is merciful and hears the silent groans, I can forever attest to that. God most certainly would not want to have me suffer bc - you are right - as my Father, he would want me to be at PEACE. Suffering for the sake of pain or anguish is NEVER the goal. How could I forget this? Bc im tired? Maybe. Feeling broken? Perhaps. But if I'm feeling that way, why havent I allowed time to REST so i can be centered? Thank you. I do need to sit with that message and REMEMBER. And I also need to ask myself and pause for an honest answer to see - who am i doing this for? that should always be the first question. this was an absolute gut check. It's so easy to fall into this self deprecating mode when you're not aligned. Thank you
This is SOOOOOO true... I been saying this for years .I have a sis who believes in "sacrifice" and when something goes wrong it's God punishment to her and I'm like if we are trully believers didn't Jesus do all that suffering for us ALREADY??? why do we keep nailing him to the cross ? That's my thinking .. I even knew as a child that GOD Is good therefore I AM GOOD! but after I became Christian @ the age of 17 it was all down hill the guilt the depression the high expectations that church culture tells you you ought to strive for knowing dam well the goal post will keep changing depending on denomination or preacher lol .im now 45 and leaving it all behind and returning back to my original childhood state of being "innocent" and pure the state of knowing I am loved beyond words by the creator of all good and wonderful things ! That's the state of consciousness I want to thrive in ! Not in a harsh punishment walking on eggshells shells servant! That's is not worthy .. I'm worthy I pray my big sis comes to this realization FULLY ! as God has blessed her financially abundantly I pray she knows that she is worthy enough to enjoy it as a blessing and not some test ...she always thinking God is testing her . Sis God is blessing you that's it that's ALL !
Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And we are made righteous through Christ Jesus! Soo important that we study and know the word of God for ourselves. Tfs
Thank you so much for this video. It feels right on time. I've thought about a lot of what you talked about for so long. I'm excited to hear more about this topic 💖
It’s almost Sunday morning.. I can’t stand the term “more of you less of me” It always bothered me a little as I sang the songs. I get the sentiment but he created me I would think that he would want me to be the fullest me possible!
Although I agree with you on the self esteem front. The part of being a Christian is to carry our cross. A Cross is a sign of death we are to share in Jesus's struggles daily. Its hard to see your point that we aren't supposed to suffer when that's a key feature in Christianity.
I hear you. Carrying your cross is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about being mishandled and harmed by folks, and those same folks using scripture to justify it... Or convince you that this abuse is good for you.
When I got out of prison with my faith in God and the work of believing in Christ who saved me and my worth to him, it was difficult but I went through it. I stood strong after a 2 years of daily affirmations but a decade plus I lost my footing and fell into religion after my ex-wife told me I was not a christian. God showed me that when I doubted my salvation, I was as good as dead. The enemy came at me and I wa not prepared and I fell like a ton of bricks. Believe in your worth or you to will fall into an abyss that only God can save you from if you are lucky.
Around 11:18 you say “I spent 30 years thinking I was the scum of the earth” - SAME! For me it was about 20 years, but still 😒 anything that happened to me in life, I figured it was because I was not a good Christian. I thought that if I changed, prayed harder, was more strict then things would not happen to me. I was wrong. I’m no longer a Christian, so I’m wayyyyyy past all of that, but I just think it’s so sad that so many young folk are indoctrinated into this way of thinking. I have 2 kids (my husband is atheist) we ran them to be good humans 🤷🏽♀️ if they decide to be religious, cool - but it’s a decision they need to make for themselves.
Wow, I was there right where you are. The Universe blasted my third eye open and I never looked back. All the best on your journey, it is ever winding and beautiful, hold on tight🥰✨
absolutely. imagine trying to reach the love of a being, who constantly keeps us in fear and hatred all our life. nearly go insane trying to please a perfect God who you barely know and you can’t even enjoy being around. only having a relationship with God to absolve my guilt after a while he was just there for me to run to when i sinned or made mistakes. so imagine having a relationship with someone and every time they approach you it’s negative or bad news.. like
That by Any NAME GOD/Creator/Most High Not a Bully❤ Thank you Beautiful reflection of truth. I AM Love re-mem-bering it's truth in the forgotten places of your souls truth. I AM all you need. I AM you💓
I have been thinking about this for years. Thank you so much for your content. I've had alot ALOT! of church hurt. What you are saying makes sense. You should look into the Age of Discovery doctrine. It will blow your mind and make you angry. I have also learned that you have to display all of this emotion just to say you are saved. Also I have learned that if the "church" , cant "heal" you then what can they do for you. Exp. You take the time to heal, to grow, then what else can they do. They can't even keep your cultivation going. I have fought for so long trying to fit in. Either in the church or world. Trying to prove myself. Now, I'm asking myself, who am I trying to prove myself too? I have so much anxiety going to church. I never understood why I have to kiss the pastor's rear, or be underneath their coat tails. The favoritism. I have watched people mistreat each other, just to get in the good graces of leadership. Why am I sitting for 2hrs so you can "preach" to me? I'm already saved I need to be taught. Ever question that I have asked the church, a book gave me the answer. The more I heal, the more I read, the more I learn, that I love God. I hate religion.
I agree with this. The Christian religion in my opinion has alot to do with what is wrong with us (especially the black community). Even the fact that we refer to God as "he", when we know a man does not give life. But Christianity teaches women that we are below men. These things have caused traumas in our community that i hope we all can get over and move forward from❤
Thanks so Much for This...Be That Voice! "Brain Washing" in the "Christian" , "Islam", "Hebrew", etc. is "Real"! Speak Your Truth!! This "Shiggity" is by "Design"!! You're Appreciated!!👍 Ps. I'm still dealing with this "Brainwashing 😒 " and I'm much "Older". I'm Going through a "New" an "Improved" "Brain Washing"!!🔥🔥👍.
Thank you, thank you thank you! I can’t express how grateful I am to hear you express these sentiments, this mindset. I am 53 years young and this message is healing for me. God bless you little lady❤️🩹❤️🥰
“ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me (in civilization) I once was lost, but now am found (thru colonization) Was blind, but now I see “ - my paraphrase of the words from Bishop Joshua Maponga
And my issue also is for those who may have been brought up as a Christian and although they are imperfect they have saved themselves for marriage etc some people judge them and say don’t act like you don’t have a story you’re so perfect the church expects everyone to be broken and busted in life and if you are actually confident wholesome doing well etc that’s a problem too it’s a lose lose situation in church i say everyone love God love yourselves and do the best that you can and that’s it as for me and my household we will serve the Lord and it won’t be in a church building !
@@AleciaRenece It was! I volunteered at the church for a whole decade before getting on staff. Then worked for 4 years and a lot of what you said resonated with me! I love God, but his people can be quite challenging especially the people with the titles. I’m unlearning a few things that could have possibly kept me single, i.e. everytime the doors are open, you need to be there, don’t date outside the church or you have to follow him if you marry and I was quite devoted to my church and didn’t want to leave even though there really wasn’t that many “single” men in the congregation. Especially with mutual affection… now I’m an empty nester wondering what’s next for me… Your channel provides some clarity especially in regards to the “American Dream”. I’ll keep in touch!
Because of this video, I went back, found, and rescued the “little me” who was damaged by “Christian” religion. I’m now on a journey to give “little Timmy” all the love, validation, honor and respect that he constantly deflected or gave away because he was brainwashed and thought he was doing the right thing. #false humility. I’m now totally empowered to show him Massive love that he deserves. As an adult, I also owe him an apology for letting him go in the waters of baptism. I literally crucified and buried him. Trust!! He will be resurrected and Loved upon ❤
This is amazing sis! Thank you so much for being obedient and speaking on this. this is a game changer for real and broke a lot of the bondage I had in my mind. Thank you!!
I have noticed in my life sweetheart that, when I hated myself I went down hill. I ended up in prison and found God, when I was released I had a mind set of dealing with my worth, where that came from...God??? Anyways I had a lot of work in working on my mind and the result was fantastic but difficult because it was a daily affair. I had to start with I am ok! then don't think, just do but the right thing, look at people in the eye, let go let God, and it seems to me that is how he built me. It was one thought of truth at a time and living by that.
I really liked this conversation. My question is: Is your faith still Christianity? Was the Christian religion ever actually the way you describe it? Also, how do you explain all of the really gross and patriarchal parts of the Christian Bible? (I hope my questions do not come off as rude. I am genuinely interested in your opinions.)
Your questions didn't come off disrespectful at all. 💛 For the sake of the conversation, yes. I am a "Christian". I hesitate to call myself that because of what it usually represents here in the west (which is telling). I still wrestle with a lot of things said in thr Bible, if I'm being honest. I don't have all of the answers. But one thing I'm learning is to not look at the Bible through an American lens, but a cultural one. The reason why there is Patriarchy is because of culture. I also don't believe that Patriarchy (when done correctly) is inherently evil. I think when done right women are honored and protected, children are taken care of, The elderly and poor don't go without... Unfortunately, Patriarchy in the West means oppression. Culturally, everyone in that region followed a Patriarchy (some still exist today across the world). So, yeah. Do I agree with all the stuff in the Bible happening? No. I don't. I have a lot of questions. A lot. But my faith in God doesn't rely on the wayward and wicked people who claim to be followers of Him. I hope this makes sense. It's hard to share all of my thoughts in a comment. 💛💛💛 Thanks for asking, though. ☺️🌺
@@AleciaRenece Thank you for taking the time to reply. I feel like I share the same spirituality as you, but I do not consider myself a Christian anymore, so it is interesting to me. I really like your way of explaining things through culture. I think I will use that lens more. ❣️
@@AleciaRenece Problem came when we separated the faith from it’s Judaic roots. Yeshua H’Masiach ( Jesus Christ) is the promise Messiah. He never came to make a worldly kingdom. Sadly once under Constantine Christianity became a state religion. As time went on it was severed from it’s Judaic roots. The church took the place of God. People were not taught to seek God for themselves. The faith became untwined with worldly politics. As a result, the faith was perverted and use as a tool to conquer and oppress. As a person, my eyes are on Yeshua H’Masiach not people. We as Christian’s misrepresented him. He never misrepresented himself.
I think part of it is misunderstood. As Christians when we continue to know God, we see the wretchedness of our sin and how righteous He is. Yet this mighty God, who created us fearfully, show us mercy through Yeshua ( God in flesh). It’s not about making ourselves low to make God high. God is righteous and holy. No one can make him that. We bow, get low, to show gratitude for what he’s done and for who He is.
There is no where in the Bible where it states that God wants us to shine. We were created to glorify Him. We shine our light to point others to Him. God has standards. We don’t always like them. It’s tough because we live in a world that celebrates individualism and self. God is opposite. As a matter of fact God is countercultural in most instances. We don’t get to tell Him how His world should be. When we accept Christ we begin a journey of dying to self. True Christianity is hard and can only be lived out by the aid of the Holy Spirit.
@@beingmelisaann1728 I don't think true Christianity has to be that hard. Sure there are rules and boundaries (just like in any other loving relationship), but hard... We make it hard. All God requires is love and acceptance. It's accepting the love from God and yes, obeying His commands. Have you ever considered that you shining and being happy brings joy and glory to God? That your suffering actually grieves Him? That he gave you the feeling of joy in thr first place to actually enjoy your life...?
I think God is most pleased when we are honest with ourselves and the world about the ways in we fall short. In this reality, we come to know that we need Him desperately. It allows us to have grace and patience with our fellow man. The truth is we are, in our fleshly state, lowly and no greater than any other person. Yes you are a precious creation formed by God. His precious creation has a nature (flesh) that is not good. We chose that when we chose sin (the fall). Out nature is one that is self focused. That’s our natural inclination out of the womb. Knowing this gives us humility. We , in and of ourselves, are not that great and are actually highly incapable without God’s love grace and mercy that He extends to all of us even those of us who do not acknowledge or follow Him.
My experience has been the complete opposite. I hated myself. Like... I didn't want to live anymore. I think God is most pleased when we love Him, love ourselves and love others. When we eat good food, laugh with our friends, cry tears of joy. Love does not constantly need to tear down and remind ourselves of the past (which God throws into the sea of forgetfulness...). He wants good things for me. I think you can have both. Accountability and correction and SELF LOVE. Even constantly talking down on yourself to "earn" God's favor is prideful...
@@AleciaRenece I think the above post is not talking about self loathing but acknowledging our need for God’s love and mercy. Part of self acceptance is understanding our sinful nature. We see this in the book of Isaiah, when he saw a vision of God high and lifted up. He saw God’s holiness. His response was that he fell postage saying “woe is me, I’m undone by what I see. I’m a man unclean in thought and word… He was not hating himself. He understood his nature and know that he needed God to cleanse him because he can’t do it by himself. When David stated in psalm 51 against you I have done evil. I was shaped iniquity. ( remember this is the same David in other psalms that said he is fearfully and wonderfully made. He does not have self loathing issues). His acknowledgement of his sinful state led him to repentance and pursue after Adonai. I think the problem is the extreme views. Constantly beating ourselves up in self hatred thinking it will earn God’s approval. Or have and extreme form of self live where we are no longer grieve by our sin but only see the sin in others. Pride is the root of both extremes.
It's bondage even here in the global south. The problem isn't westernized Christianity, its Christianity as a whole. In large parts of Africa black people are still being taught in churches that it is somehow "Godly" to be poor and to suffer under these oppressive systems that brought Christianity to us in the first place. And majority of people believe that to a point where poverty is normalized and the church contributes to perpetuating poverty by taking advantage of congregants. There are whole financial dynasties built by the church off the backs of black people. I view Christianity as abusive in the way it functions, particularly because Christianity doesn't allow anyone, not even believers to question it. I'm too far down my healing path to associate with something so damaging to my wellbeing. Thank you for articulating spiritual abuse.
The Original Testament was stolen and retaught to us by beings >opposite< to us and sought for us to hate ourselves to death. If nothing else, such an oppositional filled being hoped that one day we would hate (turn away from) our Creator. Our Creator loves Functionality. When we became dysfunctional, that is where that love, rightfully, became disgust. Similarly, we are seeing the dysfunction of this system and are becoming disgusted by this system. Our Creator wants us to function in such a way that brings forth more life. It's very simple. Are we being of good function; to our Creator, to ourselves, to our earth. #imho
I’m a fan of your work n have watched several of your videos and it’s fair to assume that you are pro liberation however I can’t help but notice that you constantly use he/him pronoun to refer to “God”? And reference the Bible in your attempt to decolonize
I appreciate your love and support. And thanks so much for asking this question. Personally, I'm not offended by the idea of God being "Him". I did not have a good father, and God was/is that for me. The idea of having a loving Father is actually quite a comfort to me. Even in God was a mother, it wouldn't change my devotion to her... I think we tend to look at scripture from an American lens and not cultural. While gender can be a sensitive and complex thing, gendered language and personification was used back then. Wisdom, herself, is described as a woman. I don't have a problem with that. Women, men and Non-binary folks all reflect the image of God. So, I'm fine with it. It's humans that push their toxic Masculinity to oppress and harm. Not God. Also, at the end of the day, I follow Jesus and Jesus called God his "Father". So that kinda settles it for me. I am open to conversing and I understand that I am ever learning. But as for now, calling God Father (in which he refers to himself and his people and my Savior) I'm okay with. I hope that make sense. ☺️💛
@@AleciaRenece it does make sense however I won’t exclude the abolition of the Bible and everything in it which was written by men in a time when women weren’t allowed to have a voice and that means I won’t negate the role of patriarchy in how the idea of God is worded through the mouth of Jesus either.
The Bible literally says “slaves be obedient to your masters” , it literally says “women keep silence in the church “, it literally condones genocide against philistines & other indigenous people in so called promised lands, it also says to kill husbands & rape the daughters who are virgins …I agree with your message & love what you are spreading on this platform but it’s ok to let the Bible & yahweh go. You’re a good person even if you’re not a Christian. You are inherently good , no book or abusive sky daddy bestows that upon you.
God declared us worthy through faith in Jesus Christ. Legalism does destroy relationships. But, Christianity did not come from white/western culture. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jn 3:16
I agree. But this current version of Christianity is definitely co-opted by White Evangelicalism and White and Western culture. Half the stuff folks do in the West is not even "Christian".
If you truly believe in the God of the Bible, the One creator who comes in 3 forms as the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, than what you are teaching is biblically inaccurate. Please as a fellow sinner denounce this message that exalts self and belittles the Significance and Need of Jesus Christ who came for the sole purpose of saving us sinners. Jesus Christ, himself was, ostracized, tested directly by the devil, betrayed by those close to him, tortured, publicly murdered, and more all for the sake of You and me. Please listen to get a true understanding of your creator: Voddie Baucham Paul Washer
So you truly don't believe that God wants us to be joyful...? I'm not a sinner anymore, by the way. Jesus said "I now call you friend." So imma take Him at His word. Also, when did I belittle the significance of Jesus? I need Jesus every day, every moment... It's why we have the gift of Holy Spirit. Jesus is literally the reason why we're called "Christian"... So... Yeah. Also, Jesus experienced those things for us, yes. That we may have life more abundantly. He did what I can't do. Isn't that the whole point? I'm grateful. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for my creator and for Jesus and His sacrifice. There's also freedom in that the work of the cross is a FINISHED work. Why do we keep trying to put Him back on the cross... Or ourselves on the cross...? Be free. Truly free from the need to earn salvation through suffering unnecessarily. To be honest, that kind of suffering is rooted in pride and ego. I'm just going to accept the gift He gave and not question whether or not I'm worthy of it. That's the whole point of a GIFT. Paul Washer literally preaches the same thing. About living in joy with God... Finding contentment in God. I don't know why we, as Believers, are so addicted to suffering, but this ain't it. He set us free so we can live FREELY. I don't have to live in fear and sorrow... This is not what God intended... To be so down trodden and "woe is me". To be used and abused by the church and by others. It's always amazing to me that we always wanna correct the person, but not the institution that creates chaos and causes harm. I live boldly, shining light as Christ told us to do. Why are you trying to convince me to dim my light? To harm myself with negative thinking...? My mind is being transformed. God's thoughts about me are precious. Loving, caring, kind. They have to be or else He would not sacrifice His son for me. So, no thank you. I'm going to keep on living with joy with my creator. Also, yes. I do believe in the trinity.
@@AleciaRenece I pray for the salvation of your soul and that you find the Truth. Hell will be filled with millions who believe they're "no longer sinners". Paul Washer preaches that we are sinners and for that very purpose we need God all day every day. Jesus didn't come so that you wouldn't be a sinner. You're a sinner because of the fall of Adam and Eve and you'll never be sin free. Please you seem nice, I please urge you to keep seeking God and I pray he reveals his truth to you. I'm not saying you can't find joy because true Joy comes from God himself. Only thru him and him alone can you find true joy and peace for he is the creator of such things, apart from him everything is meaningless, yes even we as humans are nothing without our God and all of our joy will be fleeting. And also why should we expect to live better lives than Jesus did. He was not here to have a good time and feel good about himself. He was here to lay his life down for sinners and preach His good news that we may hear it. If we are no longer sinners, we minimize the need for God. For if we're all sin free we have No need for a God because we than become prefect like God.
So grateful to have come across your channel, and this & the feeling behind in your 20s video. Thank you for sharing such empathetic words and perspective. 🤍
The first time I experienced depression at 20 years old and went to my Mom to explain to her that something was wrong with me(at that time I did not understand what it was but it scared me). She told me I was being hindered by God for not listening to her. So I know how harmful Christians in your own family can be.
That isn't Christianity, though. Her conclusion was not biblically supported. It is an example of how people can manipulate or misrepresent religions for their own gain/ reasons.
If God is for you, who can be against you? If God has plans to prosper you then how can you view God in anyway then that he died for you out of a love for you. This love is eternal and God is waiting on us to know that he did for us what we always pray for. Oh God help me with... his reply is to renew or MINDS with the truth. We are not to rely on feelings but truth first, fact, then faith, and then feelings will follow. Look backwards when feelings of strength came, it is based upon this idea.
Yes and Amen! I'm working through healing from church hurt! It's a process and Life is a journey of learning and unlearning! I do still believe that all things are still going to work together for my good! Sending hugs, love, and healing to all those who have been hurt by the church.
This needs to be said. Thank you so much. I had to learn that as a woman, I'm not "less than" in the eyes of God.
I had to learn to love my creative/artistic talents despite going to a church that only valued singing in the choir. Every other artistic expression - acting, singing about life (not just Christian music), dancing, was "sinful". I now love the way God made me. I love being artistic. It's a reflection of God. He is the ultimate artist.
I stayed in an AWFUL marriage and wasted a decade of my life because I was manipulated into staying by my former church. Somehow God got glory from my misery. 🙄
So many parts of myself I had to learn to appreciate despite hearing how unworthy those parts of myself are. I had to learn to advocate for myself and make the choices that are good and healthy for me.
Be encouraged 💛
@@yunomimystiktish7566 Thank you!
Thank you for talking about this. I am still unlearning the years of unhealthy messages from the church.
You ARE Blessed! Religions are manipulated by people to accomplish what they desire. Sadly, the idea of questioning everything goes so so deep, literally everything.
I read this verse a few days ago & it really spoke to my heart - "We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; His perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what He might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what He might do to us, and shows that we are not fully convinced that He really loves us." -1 John 4:18
This verse is also very enlightening - "That Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust in Him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love; and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God's children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God Himself." -Ephesians 3:17-19
If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Messiah then He promises to put a new heart, new mind, & new spirit within us - the old has passed away & we are a new creation. If God's spirit now dwells within us, then we are no longer slaves of sin & unrighteousness, but are now being led into all truth & righteousness by The Holy Spirit at home in our heart & enlightening our mind. Because God is trustworthy & His Holy Spirit is alive in our heart, then we can have self-trust as well & confidence that His spirit is at work within us & will lead us into all truth & that we can hear His voice. *This self-trust is NOT trust in our former "self"/ "flesh" before we were called to righteousness, but rather a self-trust in the NEW self/ NEW spirit God has put within us following our redemption. Once we have accepted the Messiah, we are no longer counted as "sinners", but rather sons & daughters of Almighty God! We need to remember our NEW identity - we are no longer what/ who we used to be. We respond to a new name. We are free.
I attended a domestic-violence prevention seminar earlier this year & the speaker explained the notion of "suffering for God" this way - If someone is being mistreated & they have no power or ability to escape the abuse, then they are suffering for God & will receive justice in God's timing & a blessing for what they endured. However, if there IS a way of escaping the abuse/ abusive situation/ abusive relationship, then it is our responsibility to help ourselves & get away! We do not need to suffer for sufferings sake!
Self-love is NOT pride. Pride is actually rooted in insecurity. If we understand who we are, our personal limitations, & how God sees us, then there is no room left for unhealthy pride, only love & pride for God - Our Creator - and for the soul, spirit, & body He created us to be. We are called to love ourselves & others the SAME - not one above the other.
I'm glad you chose to speak about this topic. I'm so sorry that lies from the church harmed your relationship with & view of God & yourself, but I am so glad that you are discovering God's love & truth & being brave & faithful to share what you have learned. ❤
Especially when it comes to sexuality. I’m also so tired of seeing women from the church not put themselves together and dim their light. Shine bright
Can you elaborate?
I needed this. I have come to realize that I have been causing some of my own suffering, allowing people to mistreat me, and not speaking up because I'm Christian, and christians are supposed to be long-suffering or whatever. I'm tired of it. I see why I haven't been to church in 2 months. Something feels off. I don't feel close to God. There is no bible study at my church. I feel like I'm not learning. I try to read the word at home but I get distracted. I'll try to read elsewhere then I have questions and get frustrated. But anyway, thank you for this message.
Sorry to hear that Join my prayer group we pray at midnight on zoom
Take your time. Breathe. Listen. Holy Spirit will give you direction as to what your next step should be.
I really agree with you on this. Sadly, many professed Christians have a defeatist mindset and even lack true faith in TMH GOD'S loving kindness words. Many live by fear instead of faith.
Seriously this might be saving lives 😭😭
Honestly, that is my highest hope. 🥹💛🫂
This one is gonna be a banger! The video isn’t her yet but I can already relate. I love God and I love fellowship with other Christians, but church culture as I’VE known it has always been toxic af. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say. I’m sure you have some healing words to share ❤️
Omgsh ALL OF THIS!!! I just left my church a few months ago… and whew …
@@Lyfewithtoya me too
I left after my congregation cheered at Trump winning the election back in 2016. It's still a horrific memory being surrounded by a bunch of white, evangelical Pro Trump "Christians" as a black woman. I felt like I was in hostile territory. And now look at how that whole situation turned out 🙄 I ain't going back!
This needs to be on a billboard
💛💛💛 Honestly, that would be a great billboard. Instead of the ones yelling at folks to repent or they're going to hell... It's crazy.
@@AleciaRenece get your merch on babes. I’ll be a pin, maybe others will get a mug, tee or hat.
Thank you for being vulnerable and showing up as you are, not having it all figures out but living and being enough!!!
Still healing from this
Same here! We'll get there together 💛💛💛
I wish I could subscribe twice! My sister don’t do nothing, but speak the truth!
I'm sharing as I am growing and learning. 💛
This! I was like God is my father and he wants me to be happy and to love who I am.
Okay?! Exactly!!!
I am so grateful to God that you and so many others are getting to know God for yourselves! The church is leading many people astray but God’s grace and love is opening our eyes in our homes and outside of the church. Your revelation is such a gift from God and true freedom. I hope the people who are listening really get that understanding! GET TO KNOW GOD FOR YOURSELF! Stay blessed and encouraged❤
We are all worthy because God says we are. He endows us with His worth whether we are believers or not, but then when we choose to follow Christ, everything changes and we inherit all the riches He has and they become ours. Riches include all the resources God himself has access to. It's an amazing gift! Christians have a special relationship with God and it's our job to nurture that bond so we remember who we are because it can be easy to forget. God wants us to think rightly about our relationship to Him, self and others. If we stay grounded in the Word, we have a much better chance of doing that than if we don’t.
I love how ur comfortable in ur own skin and u want others to grow and be healthy in theirs
Grateful you're gonna speak on this, I came to this same conclusion. But most people will be afraid to say anything out of fear .
People wont speak up because it would be out of fear of "people" and their opinion instead of GOD'S - which is still crazy. Our Heavenly Father is a joyful God he will never want us to think nothing of ourselves. That is why he say " love your neighbor as yourself." How can you do this is you do not love yourself.
As soon as I saw the title I said oh snap this is about to be good!
I hope you enjoyed it! ☺️💛
Wow! This was a video filled with some POTENT and HEAVY truth! As someone who began to decolonize their faith and began to have a spiritual awakening about 4 or 5 years ago now, I remember when God gave me this revelation during my process unfolding that Christianity, biblical doctrines and church culture taught me to hate myself subconsciously. And add on top of that being a same gender loving/ LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 individual it added in a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL of self hate for myself. I’m just glad that revelation is hitting the earth during this time and more and more people are having a TRUE revelation of God’s love and the TRUTH concerning who God is
Glad you found a way to reshape your belief system. I couldn't. Left the church and subsequently Christianity the 90s as a teen and have never looked back. To reaffirm my choice I take my mom to church sometimes. After every service I'm like YEP, still sucks. 😆
Please understand that the institutional church doesnt have the right god. Dont leave actual God because of the evil of american churches
Thank you for sharing. Your videos are healing to so many of us.
It's beautiful witnessing your unraveling of the ideas that keep so many Christians shackled. May the chains continue to break until we realize "God" is gender-less and jealous-less 🌟 Much love 💕
Gurl, I'm so glad this is being talked about. Awesome video as always. .🥰
@ToriDOLL!!!!! 💛💛💛💛💛 Thank you so much! 🥹💛
Our God is AWESOME! He will send and use people like you to heal, encourage, uplift others ith words of love.
divine timing. this morning I talked to my sister about why I think I will be passed over for a position. my explanation had EVERYTHING to do with "wickedness." I have not honored a commitment and getting the position sparks ungodly emotions (centered around pride, arrogance). It boils down to me not feeling I "deserve" or am not "worthy" of that kind of blessing DESPITE the fact that I have been dragged up and down the street and worked HARD to get it. Not getting it (as I explained to her) is justified punishment for my "lack". This reminder checks me to my core. God is merciful and hears the silent groans, I can forever attest to that. God most certainly would not want to have me suffer bc - you are right - as my Father, he would want me to be at PEACE. Suffering for the sake of pain or anguish is NEVER the goal. How could I forget this? Bc im tired? Maybe. Feeling broken? Perhaps. But if I'm feeling that way, why havent I allowed time to REST so i can be centered? Thank you. I do need to sit with that message and REMEMBER. And I also need to ask myself and pause for an honest answer to see - who am i doing this for? that should always be the first question. this was an absolute gut check. It's so easy to fall into this self deprecating mode when you're not aligned. Thank you
Another GREAT TITLE!! 👍🏾 👌🏾 #FACTS
Thank you so much 💛💛💛 I hope this was helpful!
A godly peace of mind is priceless ✨️. A great topic of choice today. 👏
Yes!!!! Amen- The mind of Christ is where our freedom lies ❤.
oooo chile … the table is shaking! Excited for this one.
From a person who is the light you add alot of light to the world sista...God bless you
Thank you so much for sharing. I’m healing from “Church culture” and reconnect with my faith.
Grateful for your testimony ❤
“ I am a good thing. You are a good thing.”
And don't you forget it! ☺️💛
This is SOOOOOO true... I been saying this for years .I have a sis who believes in "sacrifice" and when something goes wrong it's God punishment to her and I'm like if we are trully believers didn't Jesus do all that suffering for us ALREADY??? why do we keep nailing him to the cross ? That's my thinking .. I even knew as a child that GOD Is good therefore I AM GOOD! but after I became Christian @ the age of 17 it was all down hill the guilt the depression the high expectations that church culture tells you you ought to strive for knowing dam well the goal post will keep changing depending on denomination or preacher lol .im now 45 and leaving it all behind and returning back to my original childhood state of being "innocent" and pure the state of knowing I am loved beyond words by the creator of all good and wonderful things ! That's the state of consciousness I want to thrive in ! Not in a harsh punishment walking on eggshells shells servant! That's is not worthy .. I'm worthy I pray my big sis comes to this realization FULLY ! as God has blessed her financially abundantly I pray she knows that she is worthy enough to enjoy it as a blessing and not some test ...she always thinking God is testing her . Sis God is blessing you that's it that's ALL !
This message touched me🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
*BIG HUGS* 💛💛💛
Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And we are made righteous through Christ Jesus! Soo important that we study and know the word of God for ourselves. Tfs
Thank you so much for this video. It feels right on time. I've thought about a lot of what you talked about for so long. I'm excited to hear more about this topic 💖
It’s almost Sunday morning.. I can’t stand the term “more of you less of me” It always bothered me a little as I sang the songs. I get the sentiment but he created me I would think that he would want me to be the fullest me possible!
Although I agree with you on the self esteem front. The part of being a Christian is to carry our cross. A Cross is a sign of death we are to share in Jesus's struggles daily. Its hard to see your point that we aren't supposed to suffer when that's a key feature in Christianity.
I hear you. Carrying your cross is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about being mishandled and harmed by folks, and those same folks using scripture to justify it... Or convince you that this abuse is good for you.
When I got out of prison with my faith in God and the work of believing in Christ who saved me and my worth to him, it was difficult but I went through it. I stood strong after a 2 years of daily affirmations but a decade plus I lost my footing and fell into religion after my ex-wife told me I was not a christian. God showed me that when I doubted my salvation, I was as good as dead. The enemy came at me and I wa not prepared and I fell like a ton of bricks. Believe in your worth or you to will fall into an abyss that only God can save you from if you are lucky.
This got to be the best channel on your right now. I love what she is doing bravo 👏
Awwww! Wow! Thank you so much. That actually means a lot to me. What an honor to be thought of so kindly. I'm grateful. 💛💛💛
Around 11:18 you say “I spent 30 years thinking I was the scum of the earth” - SAME! For me it was about 20 years, but still 😒 anything that happened to me in life, I figured it was because I was not a good Christian. I thought that if I changed, prayed harder, was more strict then things would not happen to me. I was wrong.
I’m no longer a Christian, so I’m wayyyyyy past all of that, but I just think it’s so sad that so many young folk are indoctrinated into this way of thinking.
I have 2 kids (my husband is atheist) we ran them to be good humans 🤷🏽♀️ if they decide to be religious, cool - but it’s a decision they need to make for themselves.
Wow, I was there right where you are. The Universe blasted my third eye open and I never looked back. All the best on your journey, it is ever winding and beautiful, hold on tight🥰✨
absolutely. imagine trying to reach the love of a being, who constantly keeps us in fear and hatred all our life. nearly go insane trying to please a perfect God who you barely know and you can’t even enjoy being around. only having a relationship with God to absolve my guilt after a while he was just there for me to run to when i sinned or made mistakes. so imagine having a relationship with someone and every time they approach you it’s negative or bad news.. like
That's a beautiful sentiment. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! 💛😊
That by Any NAME GOD/Creator/Most High Not a Bully❤ Thank you Beautiful reflection of truth. I AM Love re-mem-bering it's truth in the forgotten places of your souls truth. I AM all you need. I AM you💓
I have been thinking about this for years. Thank you so much for your content. I've had alot ALOT! of church hurt. What you are saying makes sense. You should look into the Age of Discovery doctrine. It will blow your mind and make you angry.
I have also learned that you have to display all of this emotion just to say you are saved. Also I have learned that if the "church" , cant "heal" you then what can they do for you.
Exp. You take the time to heal, to grow, then what else can they do. They can't even keep your cultivation going.
I have fought for so long trying to fit in. Either in the church or world. Trying to prove myself. Now, I'm asking myself, who am I trying to prove myself too? I have so much anxiety going to church. I never understood why I have to kiss the pastor's rear, or be underneath their coat tails. The favoritism. I have watched people mistreat each other, just to get in the good graces of leadership. Why am I sitting for 2hrs so you can "preach" to me? I'm already saved I need to be taught.
Ever question that I have asked the church, a book gave me the answer. The more I heal, the more I read, the more I learn, that I love God. I hate religion.
Leaning in for this one! 👍🏽
I agree with this. The Christian religion in my opinion has alot to do with what is wrong with us (especially the black community). Even the fact that we refer to God as "he", when we know a man does not give life. But Christianity teaches women that we are below men. These things have caused traumas in our community that i hope we all can get over and move forward from❤
You are here to be a light to others ✨️ 💛
I started to question everything, and it led me away from all religion and closer to G_D, and I’m happy with that😊
Thanks so Much for This...Be That Voice! "Brain Washing" in the "Christian" , "Islam", "Hebrew", etc. is "Real"! Speak Your Truth!! This "Shiggity" is by "Design"!! You're Appreciated!!👍 Ps. I'm still dealing with this "Brainwashing 😒 " and I'm much "Older". I'm Going through a "New" an "Improved" "Brain Washing"!!🔥🔥👍.
Thank you, thank you thank you! I can’t express how grateful I am to hear you express these sentiments, this mindset. I am 53 years young and this message is healing for me. God bless you little lady❤️🩹❤️🥰
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me (in civilization)
I once was lost, but now am found (thru colonization)
Was blind, but now I see
- my paraphrase of the words from Bishop Joshua Maponga
•This was needed!•
Speak truth!!! Girl, thank you!❤
Beautifully said
Ohh this is going to be an interesting one. Can't wait to tune in
I really hope this was helpful! 💛💛💛
So much truth and realisations in this. Thank you ❤
And my issue also is for those who may have been brought up as a Christian and although they are imperfect they have saved themselves for marriage etc some people judge them and say don’t act like you don’t have a story you’re so perfect the church expects everyone to be broken and busted in life and if you are actually confident wholesome doing well etc that’s a problem too it’s a lose lose situation in church i say everyone love God love yourselves and do the best that you can and that’s it as for me and my household we will serve the Lord and it won’t be in a church building !
I was so ready to push play!!! I’ll wait though… 😂
Awwwww! I'm hope this was helpful. 💛☺️
@@AleciaRenece It was! I volunteered at the church for a whole decade before getting on staff. Then worked for 4 years and a lot of what you said resonated with me! I love God, but his people can be quite challenging especially the people with the titles. I’m unlearning a few things that could have possibly kept me single, i.e. everytime the doors are open, you need to be there, don’t date outside the church or you have to follow him if you marry and I was quite devoted to my church and didn’t want to leave even though there really wasn’t that many “single” men in the congregation. Especially with mutual affection… now I’m an empty nester wondering what’s next for me… Your channel provides some clarity especially in regards to the “American Dream”. I’ll keep in touch!
@@Lyfewithtoya this is BEAUTIFUL! Yes please keep me updated. 💛💛💛💛💛
Spot on baby, spot on!
Because of this video, I went back, found, and rescued the “little me” who was damaged by “Christian” religion. I’m now on a journey to give “little Timmy” all the love, validation, honor and respect that he constantly deflected or gave away because he was brainwashed and thought he was doing the right thing. #false humility. I’m now totally empowered to show him Massive love that he deserves. As an adult, I also owe him an apology for letting him go in the waters of baptism. I literally crucified and buried him. Trust!! He will be resurrected and Loved upon ❤
This is amazing sis! Thank you so much for being obedient and speaking on this. this is a game changer for real and broke a lot of the bondage I had in my mind. Thank you!!
Thank You.
This is so real and I feel your passion. I can identify as I have just become 'unchurched' as I identify what is next in my God-relationship.
Preach it sis!!!!❤💕
I have noticed in my life sweetheart that, when I hated myself I went down hill. I ended up in prison and found God, when I was released I had a mind set of dealing with my worth, where that came from...God??? Anyways I had a lot of work in working on my mind and the result was fantastic but difficult because it was a daily affair. I had to start with I am ok! then don't think, just do but the right thing, look at people in the eye, let go let God, and it seems to me that is how he built me. It was one thought of truth at a time and living by that.
Yesss I just want to say. That I love your content 🤎🤎👍🏾.
Hiiiiiiiii! Awwww! You're really kind. Thank you so much! 💛💛💛
Thank you Alecia.
Thanks so much for speaking on this.💜
Come on Alecia!!
Any books you can please recommend on this topic? Thank you
I really liked this conversation. My question is: Is your faith still Christianity? Was the Christian religion ever actually the way you describe it? Also, how do you explain all of the really gross and patriarchal parts of the Christian Bible? (I hope my questions do not come off as rude. I am genuinely interested in your opinions.)
Your questions didn't come off disrespectful at all. 💛 For the sake of the conversation, yes. I am a "Christian". I hesitate to call myself that because of what it usually represents here in the west (which is telling).
I still wrestle with a lot of things said in thr Bible, if I'm being honest. I don't have all of the answers. But one thing I'm learning is to not look at the Bible through an American lens, but a cultural one. The reason why there is Patriarchy is because of culture. I also don't believe that Patriarchy (when done correctly) is inherently evil. I think when done right women are honored and protected, children are taken care of, The elderly and poor don't go without... Unfortunately, Patriarchy in the West means oppression.
Culturally, everyone in that region followed a Patriarchy (some still exist today across the world). So, yeah.
Do I agree with all the stuff in the Bible happening? No. I don't. I have a lot of questions. A lot. But my faith in God doesn't rely on the wayward and wicked people who claim to be followers of Him.
I hope this makes sense. It's hard to share all of my thoughts in a comment. 💛💛💛
Thanks for asking, though. ☺️🌺
@@AleciaRenece Thank you for taking the time to reply. I feel like I share the same spirituality as you, but I do not consider myself a Christian anymore, so it is interesting to me. I really like your way of explaining things through culture. I think I will use that lens more. ❣️
@@AleciaRenece Problem came when we separated the faith from it’s Judaic roots. Yeshua H’Masiach ( Jesus Christ) is the promise Messiah. He never came to make a worldly kingdom. Sadly once under Constantine Christianity became a state religion. As time went on it was severed from it’s Judaic roots. The church took the place of God. People were not taught to seek God for themselves. The faith became untwined with worldly politics. As a result, the faith was perverted and use as a tool to conquer and oppress.
As a person, my eyes are on Yeshua H’Masiach not people. We as Christian’s misrepresented him. He never misrepresented himself.
I think part of it is misunderstood. As Christians when we continue to know God, we see the wretchedness of our sin and how righteous He is. Yet this mighty God, who created us fearfully, show us mercy through Yeshua ( God in flesh). It’s not about making ourselves low to make God high. God is righteous and holy. No one can make him that. We bow, get low, to show gratitude for what he’s done and for who He is.
Your words are always on point.
Tell it girl!
I think the church is responsible for many women having low self esteem. You have to be meek, quiet, submissive, and sex is wrong. Chile. Smh
There is no where in the Bible where it states that God wants us to shine. We were created to glorify Him. We shine our light to point others to Him. God has standards. We don’t always like them. It’s tough because we live in a world that celebrates individualism and self. God is opposite. As a matter of fact God is countercultural in most instances. We don’t get to tell Him how His world should be. When we accept Christ we begin a journey of dying to self. True Christianity is hard and can only be lived out by the aid of the Holy Spirit.
@Bria Barrows I completely agree with you.
@@beingmelisaann1728 I don't think true Christianity has to be that hard. Sure there are rules and boundaries (just like in any other loving relationship), but hard... We make it hard.
All God requires is love and acceptance. It's accepting the love from God and yes, obeying His commands.
Have you ever considered that you shining and being happy brings joy and glory to God? That your suffering actually grieves Him? That he gave you the feeling of joy in thr first place to actually enjoy your life...?
Nothing but facts! And I hate what it does to women. God wants us to shine and that’s on on period
I think God is most pleased when we are honest with ourselves and the world about the ways in we fall short. In this reality, we come to know that we need Him desperately. It allows us to have grace and patience with our fellow man. The truth is we are, in our fleshly state, lowly and no greater than any other person. Yes you are a precious creation formed by God. His precious creation has a nature (flesh) that is not good. We chose that when we chose sin (the fall). Out nature is one that is self focused. That’s our natural inclination out of the womb. Knowing this gives us humility. We , in and of ourselves, are not that great and are actually highly incapable without God’s love grace and mercy that He extends to all of us even those of us who do not acknowledge or follow Him.
My experience has been the complete opposite. I hated myself. Like... I didn't want to live anymore. I think God is most pleased when we love Him, love ourselves and love others. When we eat good food, laugh with our friends, cry tears of joy. Love does not constantly need to tear down and remind ourselves of the past (which God throws into the sea of forgetfulness...). He wants good things for me. I think you can have both. Accountability and correction and SELF LOVE. Even constantly talking down on yourself to "earn" God's favor is prideful...
@@AleciaRenece I think the above post is not talking about self loathing but acknowledging our need for God’s love and mercy. Part of self acceptance is understanding our sinful nature. We see this in the book of Isaiah, when he saw a vision of God high and lifted up. He saw God’s holiness. His response was that he fell postage saying “woe is me, I’m undone by what I see. I’m a man unclean in thought and word…
He was not hating himself. He understood his nature and know that he needed God to cleanse him because he can’t do it by himself.
When David stated in psalm 51 against you I have done evil. I was shaped iniquity. ( remember this is the same David in other psalms that said he is fearfully and wonderfully made. He does not have self loathing issues). His acknowledgement of his sinful state led him to repentance and pursue after Adonai.
I think the problem is the extreme views. Constantly beating ourselves up in self hatred thinking it will earn God’s approval. Or have and extreme form of self live where we are no longer grieve by our sin but only see the sin in others. Pride is the root of both extremes.
Peace GODISIS AND GOD victor here;, you are a fabulous GOD is body is blood is spirit manifestation in you. creators
Oop. Tell the truth!
It's bondage even here in the global south. The problem isn't westernized Christianity, its Christianity as a whole. In large parts of Africa black people are still being taught in churches that it is somehow "Godly" to be poor and to suffer under these oppressive systems that brought Christianity to us in the first place. And majority of people believe that to a point where poverty is normalized and the church contributes to perpetuating poverty by taking advantage of congregants. There are whole financial dynasties built by the church off the backs of black people. I view Christianity as abusive in the way it functions, particularly because Christianity doesn't allow anyone, not even believers to question it. I'm too far down my healing path to associate with something so damaging to my wellbeing. Thank you for articulating spiritual abuse.
The Original Testament was stolen and retaught to us by beings >opposite< to us and sought for us to hate ourselves to death. If nothing else, such an oppositional filled being hoped that one day we would hate (turn away from) our Creator.
Our Creator loves Functionality. When we became dysfunctional, that is where that love, rightfully, became disgust. Similarly, we are seeing the dysfunction of this system and are becoming disgusted by this system.
Our Creator wants us to function in such a way that brings forth more life. It's very simple. Are we being of good function; to our Creator, to ourselves, to our earth.
This is why I have a women based bible and I suggest other women read bibles based on building women up
I LOVE this so much! Please feel free to share recommendations ☺️💛🌺
If you don't know how God truly sees you it makes you easy for people to control you. That's why they teach that rhetoric.
I want to say this properly. God is not just Christianity. Christianity is what you and I feel strongly against.
I’m a fan of your work n have watched several of your videos and it’s fair to assume that you are pro liberation however I can’t help but notice that you constantly use he/him pronoun to refer to “God”? And reference the Bible in your attempt to decolonize
I appreciate your love and support. And thanks so much for asking this question.
Personally, I'm not offended by the idea of God being "Him". I did not have a good father, and God was/is that for me. The idea of having a loving Father is actually quite a comfort to me. Even in God was a mother, it wouldn't change my devotion to her...
I think we tend to look at scripture from an American lens and not cultural. While gender can be a sensitive and complex thing, gendered language and personification was used back then. Wisdom, herself, is described as a woman. I don't have a problem with that.
Women, men and Non-binary folks all reflect the image of God. So, I'm fine with it. It's humans that push their toxic Masculinity to oppress and harm. Not God.
Also, at the end of the day, I follow Jesus and Jesus called God his "Father". So that kinda settles it for me.
I am open to conversing and I understand that I am ever learning. But as for now, calling God Father (in which he refers to himself and his people and my Savior) I'm okay with.
I hope that make sense. ☺️💛
@@AleciaRenece it does make sense however I won’t exclude the abolition of the Bible and everything in it which was written by men in a time when women weren’t allowed to have a voice and that means I won’t negate the role of patriarchy in how the idea of God is worded through the mouth of Jesus either.
The Bible literally says “slaves be obedient to your masters” , it literally says “women keep silence in the church “, it literally condones genocide against philistines & other indigenous people in so called promised lands, it also says to kill husbands & rape the daughters who are virgins …I agree with your message & love what you are spreading on this platform but it’s ok to let the Bible & yahweh go. You’re a good person even if you’re not a Christian. You are inherently good , no book or abusive sky daddy bestows that upon you.
God declared us worthy through faith in Jesus Christ. Legalism does destroy relationships. But, Christianity did not come from white/western culture.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jn 3:16
I agree. But this current version of Christianity is definitely co-opted by White Evangelicalism and White and Western culture. Half the stuff folks do in the West is not even "Christian".
If you truly believe in the God of the Bible, the One creator who comes in 3 forms as the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, than what you are teaching is biblically inaccurate. Please as a fellow sinner denounce this message that exalts self and belittles the Significance and Need of Jesus Christ who came for the sole purpose of saving us sinners. Jesus Christ, himself was, ostracized, tested directly by the devil, betrayed by those close to him, tortured, publicly murdered, and more all for the sake of You and me.
Please listen to get a true understanding of your creator:
Voddie Baucham
Paul Washer
So you truly don't believe that God wants us to be joyful...?
I'm not a sinner anymore, by the way. Jesus said "I now call you friend." So imma take Him at His word.
Also, when did I belittle the significance of Jesus? I need Jesus every day, every moment... It's why we have the gift of Holy Spirit. Jesus is literally the reason why we're called "Christian"... So... Yeah.
Also, Jesus experienced those things for us, yes. That we may have life more abundantly. He did what I can't do. Isn't that the whole point?
I'm grateful. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for my creator and for Jesus and His sacrifice. There's also freedom in that the work of the cross is a FINISHED work. Why do we keep trying to put Him back on the cross... Or ourselves on the cross...? Be free. Truly free from the need to earn salvation through suffering unnecessarily. To be honest, that kind of suffering is rooted in pride and ego.
I'm just going to accept the gift He gave and not question whether or not I'm worthy of it. That's the whole point of a GIFT.
Paul Washer literally preaches the same thing. About living in joy with God... Finding contentment in God. I don't know why we, as Believers, are so addicted to suffering, but this ain't it. He set us free so we can live FREELY. I don't have to live in fear and sorrow...
This is not what God intended... To be so down trodden and "woe is me". To be used and abused by the church and by others. It's always amazing to me that we always wanna correct the person, but not the institution that creates chaos and causes harm.
I live boldly, shining light as Christ told us to do. Why are you trying to convince me to dim my light? To harm myself with negative thinking...? My mind is being transformed.
God's thoughts about me are precious. Loving, caring, kind. They have to be or else He would not sacrifice His son for me.
So, no thank you. I'm going to keep on living with joy with my creator. Also, yes. I do believe in the trinity.
@@AleciaRenece I pray for the salvation of your soul and that you find the Truth. Hell will be filled with millions who believe they're "no longer sinners". Paul Washer preaches that we are sinners and for that very purpose we need God all day every day. Jesus didn't come so that you wouldn't be a sinner. You're a sinner because of the fall of Adam and Eve and you'll never be sin free. Please you seem nice, I please urge you to keep seeking God and I pray he reveals his truth to you.
I'm not saying you can't find joy because true Joy comes from God himself. Only thru him and him alone can you find true joy and peace for he is the creator of such things, apart from him everything is meaningless, yes even we as humans are nothing without our God and all of our joy will be fleeting.
And also why should we expect to live better lives than Jesus did. He was not here to have a good time and feel good about himself. He was here to lay his life down for sinners and preach His good news that we may hear it.
If we are no longer sinners, we minimize the need for God. For if we're all sin free we have No need for a God because we than become prefect like God.
The Bible is a book of spells made by black women from ancient Africa. It was never called the Bible.
That's an interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing. ☺️💛
So grateful to have come across your channel, and this & the feeling behind in your 20s video. Thank you for sharing such empathetic words and perspective. 🤍