Great testimony we are save by grace its the gift of god and when we accept him the holy spirit lives inside of us and the works of the law are fulfil in us and we walk in obedience to his commandments including his 7th day sabbath because sunday as the sabbath is not in the bible it came from roman pagan in 321 ad under constantine.
Simply admit that you are a sinner and need God’s merciful forgiveness. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins because of Jesus’ Payment for sin. Live for God’s will from now own by God’s Power. Jesus said he will come to you and guide you showing you how to live. Congratulations and Welcome home!
Great testimony we are save by grace its the gift of god and when we accept him the holy spirit lives inside of us and the works of the law are fulfil in us and we walk in obedience to his commandments including his 7th day sabbath because sunday as the sabbath is not in the bible it came from roman pagan in 321 ad under constantine.
when we get born again, God gives us new desires and the old ones for the sinful things dissappear
Can Hindu accept Jesus Christ as a Savior
Jay Dhurwe Yes. Anyone from any religion can.
Simply admit that you are a sinner and need God’s merciful forgiveness. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins because of Jesus’ Payment for sin. Live for God’s will from now own by God’s Power. Jesus said he will come to you and guide you showing you how to live. Congratulations and Welcome home!
Absolutely! Just say the word.