You can subscribe to our channel and share this video with your loved ones so that we can reach more people :) 00:00 Intro 00:58 Who is John Fontain 01:22 What were you believing in? 02:57 What was the thing that made you question your belief? 04:22 When did you first hear about Islam? 05:15 What reason, did you feel the attraction towards Islam? 06:34 At that time, did becoming a Muslim cross your mind? 07:25 In Senegal, did you have any memory that you cannot forget? 08:29 When and how did you accept Islam? 09:16 So who invited you then? 10:39 And how did your family and your close circle react to your conversion to Islam? 11:24 What was the major challenge you faced after becoming a Muslim? 12:21 What impressed you the most about our Prophet (saw)? 13:52 What was your purpose in your life before Islam and what is it after Islam? 14:28 What projects are you doing right now? 14:57 If you had a chance to speak to all the non-Muslims in the world, what would you like to say to them? 16:04 What was it like to say in your final comments?
I have a similar story 🙃 when I converted to Islam. The person prayed for me and I was told that the person prayed to Allah to make me a Muslim. I was soo touched and make me think about Islam deeply. I am a muslin AlhamdulliLlah.
Alhamdulilah now continue your journey in Islam and seek the Ahlulbayt (as) ...... read Dr Muhammad Al Tajini Al Samawi book entitled : Then I Was Guided.
I’m Ukrainian born in evangelical Christian family, converted during this Ramadan. I learn Bible from childhood and I used to notice so many contradictions and gaps in Christianity. Alhamfululah every day I thank to Allah that he chose me to know the truth. I’m 24 y o now, the lack of information about Islam and misconceptions created by politicians really affect our way of understanding reality. As a Christian we see it from so wrong side, read and explore by yourself and pray to God to guide you
Plenty of time ago, I was in a relationship with an Ukrainian girl. I still don't know how we hooked up, but at one point she told me that she hates muslims. I tried to get across that because I really liked her, but I just couldn't, as I am muslim. So that was one oh the reasons that we split up. Salam from "Cernagoria"
Islam means equality, justice, love, mercy, humility and nobility. All the virtues in the world are in Islam. Previous monotheistic religions have completed their missions. The real religion is Islam. Greetings to our true Muslim Brothers who have newly converted to Islam. They are superior to us
It's not only about dua but also actions coming from within us. They both need to go hand in hand. May Allah ease your path of life in this dunya and the hereafter
Как трогательно! Мой путь тоже проходил от ненависти к любви. Я родилась в Москве, России. Здесь тоже случались теракты, которые пугали меня и взращивали во мне ненависть к Исламу. Но однажды, совершенно случайно, когда я готовила проект по обществознанию, мне нужно было прочитать несколько книг по моей тематике. И под руки попалась книга, написанная российскими политологами, которые писали о том, что терроризм и Ислам не связаны друг с другом. Я была шокирована и стала дальше изучать этот вопрос с политической стороны. Потом, так сложилось, что я с семьёй поехала в отпуск в Тунис, а затем в Марокко. И там я увидела настоящий Ислам, красоту людей, трепетно соблюдающих свою религию, их доброту, их отношение к старшим и самое главное - их Богобоязненность. Вернувшись в Москву (мне было 14 лет), я прочитала шахаду наедине с собой и с тех пор считаю себя мусульманкой альхамдулиЛлах.
Just a suggestion,i think it's better if u go to a mosque or masjeed to say your shahada again.and i believe people there will guide you more properly. But i believe you can feel a guide right through your heart. I pray for you sister,may His Love touch you more n more in the days to come,insha Allah 🙏🙏🙏
So so Muslims believe in the genealogy of Adam to Noah in the Torah? WoW!! 👇🏼 this is mind blowing!! New info to me! Genealogy of Genesis 5 Adam definition, = Man (is Seth definition. = Appointed Enosh definition = Mortal Kenan definition = Sorrow Mahalalel definition = The Blessed God Jared definition = Shall come down Enoch definition = Teaching Methuselah definition = his death shall bring Lamech definition. = The despairing Noah definition = comfort and rest Let’s Recap; Man (is)Appointed Mortal Sorrow; (but) The Blessed God Shall come down Teaching His death shall bring The Despairing Comfort, Rest. Their names are telling the gospel of Jesus Christ. From the very beginning. Don’t believe me? Go look at their name definitions yourselves 😊 God bless you! Jesus is God, foretold.
@@rompecabeza1509 I’m sorry I meant Torah, that’s also the Old Testament. Thank you for the correction. So what about those names? Adam to Noah leading to Jesus Christ? For-telling the gospel?
This was amazing to watch. I met John a long time ago when he visited Pakistan and came to give a talk at my school. One of the most humble people I've ever met.
Sep11 ended up being a major Favor to Muslims 👉 the world has been CONVERTING since Sep11 Allhamdollillah Ala ni'mat Al Islam WA Chokran liallah CHOKRAN jazeelan yata3ajabo Minho Ahl samawat wa aLARD 👉 YAMKOROUN WA ALlaho khayr Al makirin Allhamdollillah
Alhamdulillah i married to muslim i revert to last 20years back alhamdulillah i learn a daily to listen to lecture my favorite ustaad mufti menk and nouman ali khan may Allah swt blessed all off you too your great effort to teach us. Aameen pls pray for my family may also guide them to straight path ya Allah give hidayat to my family. Aameen
@Rabee Rajput before going to sleep, or better yet, at the time of tahajjud (last third of the night) make a sincere and genuine dua asking Allah to help you to stop whatever you are doing that is distracting you from your prayers and make it easy for you to go and pray on time every single day. If you’re genuine He will make it easy for you.
Sorry bro, why do you have to bring Muslims down , you could' be said mashAllah about this brother and make duaa for our brothers, insha'Allah some Muslims learn and increase aquida like this brother or more . God knows better
You know what mate some people aren’t meant to be Muslim. My family are Muslim and I don’t believe in it , it’s not in my heart - so god has a plan for everyone , if you want to live Islam go for it .
Ma Shah Allah, my story is similar. I was brought up as a Roman Catholic but always struggled with some of the ideas associated with this faith. I then went through a period of non-belief. Along came 9/11 and aged 37 began looking at these "terrorist" Muslims whose holy book taught such evil. Boy was I shocked! Nothing I read in the Quran or Hadiths suggested any of this extreme behaviour. All I read was a religion of love, peace, acceptance of others and a worship of one. true God. I left studying Islam for a few years but something in the back of my mind kept niggling at me! For some unknown (at the time) reason I purchased a copy of the Quran and started reading it. This changed my life. About 5 years ago I accepted that Allah is the one true God and Mohammed (PBUH) is his messenger and began to live my life as a revert. I live my life as best I can and follow the teachings of the Prophet and read the Quran daily. I have just started reading a version that has English transliteration in an attempt to read it in Arabic! Even though I feel that I am not as good a Muslim as other reverts I see online, in that I cannot speak Arabic or repeat verses from the Quran I persevere in the hope that I will continue to receive guidance and blessings inshallah.
Assalamualaikum Paul Love your story. Do not lose hope. Trust Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala Who guides whom He wills. In Shaa Allah you'll be able to learn correctly and The Creator loves those who keep trying. With Love from Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.
Alhamdulilah now continue your journey in Islam and seek the Ahlulbayt (as) ...... read Dr Muhammad Al Tajini Al Samawi book entitled : Then I Was Guided.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I was also 23 years old when I accepted Islam ☪️ I also accepted Islam in Mesir / Egypt when I was travelling through there. Alhamdulillah 🤗
Great video. Beautiful story. Muslim from Africa - Cote d'Ivoire,🇨🇮. Thank to my brother from Senegal🇸🇳 . A great country and good people. You gave a lot to this man. May Allah bless us.
I have known John Fontain for 5 years now as one of the vibrant reverts preaching Islam. May Allah continue to increase you in knowledge and preserve your Imaan. Alhassan I love this Channel
This channel is blessing. ❤️ Best and all time favourite one. If i rank islamic channels, Towards Eternity is undoubtedly No. 1. I have saved this comment and am posting this to every video you guys upload because I can't agree more. 💯 Rise and shine! May Allah ﷻ shower His choicest blessings upon you and your loved ones. Aameen
no need to like some and dislike some, as long as we can benefit from thier topics they are sharing, in sha Allah every thing we do is to earn the pleasure of Allah.
Are muslims worshipping the true GOD? Is Allah a true GOD? Aren't Muslims committing the deadly sin of "Shirk" by worshiping the tribal god "Allah" of the polytheistic religion of the Arabs? Before Muhammad got revelations, he was a polythiest, who worshipped Allah (whom they worshipped as the father of Al Lat, Al Uzza and Manat) along with 359 other gods of Arabic pagan tribes. Hajarul Aswad aka The black stone aka the idol of Allah, was set intact into the Kaaba's wall by the prophet in 605 CE, five years before his first revelation. After receiving the revelations, he declared Allah as the sole God. Later he demolished 359 idols around Kaaba except the black stone. Now he lifted this Allah as the true and only God and asked people to worship only this God. Later he connected Allah to the one and only true God of Jews. Jews and Christians completely rejected his ideas, because Muhammad in his life time violated the "Ten Commandments" of YHWH which clearly says that Muhammad was a self made prophet and his god Allah is only the 6th century tribal Arabic pagan deity. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 1632 - Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle performed Tawaf (of the Ka`ba) ending a camel (at that time the Prophet had foot injury). Whenever he came to the Corner (having the Black Stone) he would point out towards it with a thing in his hand and say, “Allahu-Akbar”.) There it is. The real GOD of islam is pasted on the corner of Kabah - “Hajarul Azwad”, which can absorb the sins of the believers. 1.8 billion muslims are bowing to this black stone 5 times a day. If they face any other direction, their prayer becomes invalid. Muhammad also took 90% of the rituals of pagan religion for “Haj”(clear signs of paganism) . Muslims still don’t wear underwear during Haj(imagine 2 million people w/o undies) and do tawaf 7 times around Kaaba, stoning devils, killing innocent animals (about 1 million) etc. which was like the pagans did 1400 years ago. Even the concept of “jinn” comes from the folk tales of Arabia. Islam is just only a single idol (the Black stone) worshipping religion, a leftover of pagan religion (read Quran - 6:100, 38:5,7, 37:125, 41:9, 53:19-23, 37:158, 23:14, 37:149, 16:57, 43:16).
Alhamdulillah, Islam is so beautiful and the way forward. Congratulations brother. This is truly From Darkness to Light: Sooner or later, the whole world will realise that only Islam is a true divine religion
How nice to hear the brother’s reverting story Subhan Allah. I came across this brother on Hamza’s channel. And there people were asking brother Hamza if he was his brother. Because his beard looks similar to Hamza’s. Jazak Allah khairan for sharing your story brother. May Allah SWT bless you.
We can’t generalize regarding what you said. الله أَعْلَم Aishah رضي الله عنها was born in a Muslim family and always is a Muslimah. She is better than a lot of people. الحَمدُ لله
Alhamdulilah now continue your journey in Islam and seek the Ahlulbayt (as) ...... read Dr Muhammad Al Tajini Al Samawi book entitled : Then I Was Guided.
This brother has such a beautiful way at conveying the message of Islam. Great story and great advice to Muslims and non Muslims. May Allah guide those with sincerity to the truth Ameen.
After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy
I'm from Sénégal. Just finished watching this beautiful interview MachAllah and I really like this brother. He's intelligent and very coherent. His advices at the end were really on point, very well said.
That points 1-when you took shahada 2-how you had tried to make sure you pray five daily prayers before you sleep are really interested Congratulations bro!
I think I have some understanding of how MUSLIMS feel when they share their faith. I am trying to learn about things like being a MUSLIM, ISLAM and the QURAN. I came across this podcast and began to ask questions. I was worried that because of my background I would be rejected when I asked questions about ISLAM. I have received several responses from MUSLIMS and all were kind and helpful. I have also had responses from non-MUSLIMS who were rude, arrogant and insulting. Things like “you need to read the Bible because you are going to hell “ and “are you out of your mind?”. However, those kind of comments just made me want to learn more. I’m more interested in pleasing the one true GOD than having to justify my reasons why I’m wanting to learn about ISLAM.
My brother in Islam my heart is touched and softened by the expression you made at the end of the video. May Allah bless protect and guide you through the Parth you are following. Jazak Allah Kairan.
Masah'allah. I'm so glad to see him. His advice to the Muslim and Non-muslim It's very important. May Allah (SWT) guide him And protect him from all kinds of evil. ❤️
7:29 wow beautiful heart warming story 🥲, May Allah swt grant that beautiful brother immense barakah and goodness in this life and next, his faith and love next to none ❤❤❤
Asalam aleikum good afternoon brother, may Allah strength your emann and those other convert's who has impressed Islam by the will of Allah .thanks a lot for such channels
Ma sha Allah, when Allah guides you He guides you sooooo well. Dead serious some of the people who discover Islam later in life are so well knowledgeable and so eloquent and well versed. Brother your words hit a lot harder than other reverts. Amazing stuff man.
Alhamdulliah! I was very emotional to hear this great man accepted Islam and shocked how beautifully he explained everything....he knows a lot... Mash Allah may Allah bless you...
Mashallah ! Beautiful series and very inspiring revert stories for all , motivating to do more for the ones who are already Muslims. Great work …….we need more of these .
Love respect and heartiest congratulations to all converts around the globe from Moazzem Uddin Santo of Dkaha, Bangladesh 💙💗💚💛💛💜💜💛💚💚💙💙💙💙💛💚💚💙💙💙💙💚🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
I liked it when he says even if you are "Muslim check it out if you're doing it correctly" especially in Salah. This man words make me do research about how to do it right and what is should i reciting when starting salah including fatiha. Even though I'm Muslim since i was born till now.
I want to be the best muslim but the test Allah given to me is so difficult to handle, I failed all the times because im alone and nobody help me. But I never quit, I never left Islam.. I want to go to heaven and meet my grandma and grandpa and also my parents
Allah never gives a burden you can't bear brother. Don't look at your test as overburden. And soon inshaAllah when you enter Jannah you'll look back and like wooow that was short and easy test. Some will wish "I wished I had harder test in life". Allah tests those he loves the most with the hardest test, like the prophets and the righteous.
Indeed we will enter jannah by the mercy of Allah......stay strong brother we are not alone Allah is always there with us we just need to call him sincerely from the heart ....may Allah increase your patience and strengthens u infront of ur difficulties and problems Inshallah
I love your prayer. ISA you’ll go to heaven just always remember Praying the five prayers is always the # one Thing to show obedience. So just don’t give up on praying.
And always remember Allah never does anything wrong to anyone,it’s just a test but for your own good. Alhmdulilah Allah is all merciful. The most merciful.
Revelation 5 9 You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain(Jesus), and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth. (I pray now dear brothers that the Lord Father will reveal his son who came to earth in the flesh as a division of the Father's spirit will reveal himself to you brethren , it is time that you know that Jesus made you priests through him on behalf of the Lord Father and that you can be baptized and saved cast out demons and do miracles and heal in his name.
hey John If you read this comment , You will remember me.Last Year In BURSA CITY I saw you and your wife on the bus and I wear jubbah and takkah maybe remember to me and I told you hey you are Hamza's friend right :D and you told me yes I am , and shortly we talked with you about dawah mission. and thanks alot of for this video to @TowardEternity. have a good day brother,
Alhamdulillah..I'd tears watching & listening to brother John story especially how determine he is in practicing Islam and raising his iman so as be able to meet Allah the almighty and meeting the prophets in Jannah...thanks for amazing story brother John, may we all be granted Jannah by Allah in the hereafter...inshaAllah...
Revelation 5 9 You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain(Jesus), and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth. (I pray now dear brothers that the Lord Father will reveal his son who came to earth in the flesh as a division of the Father's spirit will reveal himself to you brethren , it is time that you know that Jesus made you priests through him on behalf of the Lord Father and that you can be baptized and saved, cast out demons and do miracles and heal in his name
Ma Shaa Allah Tabarakallah. Whomever Allah SWT guides, no one can mis guide. I truly enjoyed watching this video. I a muslimah sister from Senegal, living in Washington DC USA. Jazzakumu allahou khayran for the uplifting interview. May Allah Azzawajal make it easy for the Ummah of our beloved prophet Muhammad SALALAHOU ALEYHI WA, to do good deeds and abstain for evil ones. Allahouma amine
You can subscribe to our channel and share this video with your loved ones so that we can reach more people :)
00:00 Intro
00:58 Who is John Fontain
01:22 What were you believing in?
02:57 What was the thing that made you question your belief?
04:22 When did you first hear about Islam?
05:15 What reason, did you feel the attraction towards Islam?
06:34 At that time, did becoming a Muslim cross your mind?
07:25 In Senegal, did you have any memory that you cannot forget?
08:29 When and how did you accept Islam?
09:16 So who invited you then?
10:39 And how did your family and your close circle react to your conversion to Islam?
11:24 What was the major challenge you faced after becoming a Muslim?
12:21 What impressed you the most about our Prophet (saw)?
13:52 What was your purpose in your life before Islam and what is it after Islam?
14:28 What projects are you doing right now?
14:57 If you had a chance to speak to all the non-Muslims in the world, what would you like to say to them?
16:04 What was it like to say in your final comments?
*Young smirks is not young smoke
Please open the captions in this videos to be able to translate to other languages
The Word should be "reverted" ♥️❤️
Everyone born as Muslim! 🕋♥️
shared to my fb and @Blogging Theology group
@@blessindisguisee Well done & welcome to Islam.
I have a similar story 🙃 when I converted to Islam. The person prayed for me and I was told that the person prayed to Allah to make me a Muslim. I was soo touched and make me think about Islam deeply. I am a muslin AlhamdulliLlah.
Nice mashAllah
Thakbeer: ALLAHU Akbar = God is the Greatest
Mansha Allah congratulations to be slam
Alhamdulilah now continue your journey in Islam and seek the Ahlulbayt (as) ...... read Dr Muhammad Al Tajini Al Samawi book entitled : Then I Was Guided.
Ma Sha Allah.
I’m from Senegal
I’m glad that my country changes your mind about Islam
ma sha Allah
We love you Senegal stay strong
Rooting for Senegal during the world cup.
from dakar senegal too nakamou
@@orwellianyoutube8978 😂
I’m Ukrainian born in evangelical Christian family, converted during this Ramadan. I learn Bible from childhood and I used to notice so many contradictions and gaps in Christianity. Alhamfululah every day I thank to Allah that he chose me to know the truth. I’m 24 y o now, the lack of information about Islam and misconceptions created by politicians really affect our way of understanding reality. As a Christian we see it from so wrong side, read and explore by yourself and pray to God to guide you
Plenty of time ago, I was in a relationship with an Ukrainian girl. I still don't know how we hooked up, but at one point she told me that she hates muslims. I tried to get across that because I really liked her, but I just couldn't, as I am muslim. So that was one oh the reasons that we split up. Salam from "Cernagoria"
Islam means equality, justice, love, mercy, humility and nobility.
All the virtues in the world are in Islam.
Previous monotheistic religions have completed their missions.
The real religion is Islam.
Greetings to our true Muslim Brothers who have newly converted to Islam. They are superior to us
MaşaAllah SubhanAllah
I’m a Muslim since I was born and feel ashamed that I don’t pray religiously 5 times a day. Make a dua’ for me that I can be consistent in my salah.
Me too. I feel ashamed everyday
Come back to Allah sister. May Allah guide you to the righteous. I’ll pray for you sister insallah . Don’t let Iblish ( saitan ) take over you.
It's not only about dua but also actions coming from within us. They both need to go hand in hand. May Allah ease your path of life in this dunya and the hereafter
I'm a Muslim too and I didn't use to pray but I started recently cuz I felt something was missing in my life and I feel happier noe
If you dont pray, you just do it and everything will be okay.
Как трогательно!
Мой путь тоже проходил от ненависти к любви.
Я родилась в Москве, России. Здесь тоже случались теракты, которые пугали меня и взращивали во мне ненависть к Исламу.
Но однажды, совершенно случайно, когда я готовила проект по обществознанию, мне нужно было прочитать несколько книг по моей тематике. И под руки попалась книга, написанная российскими политологами, которые писали о том, что терроризм и Ислам не связаны друг с другом. Я была шокирована и стала дальше изучать этот вопрос с политической стороны.
Потом, так сложилось, что я с семьёй поехала в отпуск в Тунис, а затем в Марокко. И там я увидела настоящий Ислам, красоту людей, трепетно соблюдающих свою религию, их доброту, их отношение к старшим и самое главное - их Богобоязненность. Вернувшись в Москву (мне было 14 лет), я прочитала шахаду наедине с собой и с тех пор считаю себя мусульманкой альхамдулиЛлах.
Mashallah congratulations, your story is very touching, God bless you Allah keep you and all of us on the right path insha'Allah
Mashallah. May you always be on the path and may Allah always guide you. Aamiin
Just a suggestion,i think it's better if u go to a mosque or masjeed to say your shahada again.and i believe people there will guide you more properly.
But i believe you can feel a guide right through your heart.
I pray for you sister,may His Love touch you more n more in the days to come,insha Allah 🙏🙏🙏
I like how you call them "Reverts" rather than "converts", because everyone is born a Muslim. Thanks for this incredible videos.
Convert that change of Religious Faith and Revert that stands for ancestral type.
Everyone is NOT born as a Muslim. There is no theological or rational evidence to state this.
So so Muslims believe in the genealogy of Adam to Noah in the Torah? WoW!! 👇🏼 this is mind blowing!! New info to me!
Genealogy of Genesis 5
Adam definition, = Man (is
Seth definition. = Appointed
Enosh definition = Mortal
Kenan definition = Sorrow
Mahalalel definition = The Blessed God
Jared definition = Shall come down
Enoch definition = Teaching
Methuselah definition = his death shall bring
Lamech definition. = The despairing
Noah definition = comfort and rest
Let’s Recap; Man (is)Appointed Mortal Sorrow; (but) The Blessed God Shall come down Teaching His death shall bring The Despairing Comfort, Rest.
Their names are telling the gospel of Jesus Christ. From the very beginning. Don’t believe me? Go look at their name definitions yourselves 😊 God bless you! Jesus is God, foretold.
@@rompecabeza1509 I’m sorry I meant Torah, that’s also the Old Testament. Thank you for the correction.
So what about those names? Adam to Noah leading to Jesus Christ? For-telling the gospel?
@@rompecabeza1509 Not really, it only works if you change the definition of "Muslim"
his final comments were very inspirational alhamdullah
Definitely.. dropped some tears
@@Bouncer2030 yes yes
This was amazing to watch. I met John a long time ago when he visited Pakistan and came to give a talk at my school. One of the most humble people I've ever met.
really ma sha Allah, he apply what is in the Sunnah n Qur'an.
Sep11 ended up being a major Favor to Muslims 👉 the world has been CONVERTING since Sep11 Allhamdollillah Ala ni'mat Al Islam WA Chokran liallah CHOKRAN jazeelan yata3ajabo Minho Ahl samawat wa aLARD 👉 YAMKOROUN WA ALlaho khayr Al makirin Allhamdollillah
Has he been everywhere
Alhamdulillah i married to muslim i revert to last 20years back alhamdulillah i learn a daily to listen to lecture my favorite ustaad mufti menk and nouman ali khan may Allah swt blessed all off you too your great effort to teach us. Aameen pls pray for my family may also guide them to straight path ya Allah give hidayat to my family. Aameen
Amin ya Hayyu ya Qayyum
Ameen ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum 🤲
This is inspiration for all Muslims who use Islam just by name and religion, should Learn about the Islam with open heart and mind. should value it.
Ma Shaa Allah.
The Noor on brother's face is so divine.
May Allah guide me to pray 5 times a day.
Ameen on time ya Allah, may Allah give us strength to do our obligation as a Muslim
@Rabee Rajput before going to sleep, or better yet, at the time of tahajjud (last third of the night) make a sincere and genuine dua asking Allah to help you to stop whatever you are doing that is distracting you from your prayers and make it easy for you to go and pray on time every single day. If you’re genuine He will make it easy for you.
@@user-yt2mo8ze7y thanks alot.
I will do this cause Im struggling with my salah. May Allah bless u and ur whole family.
@@rabeerajput1343 Aameen and yours too.
This brother knows his aqeeda more than a lot of people who were born muslims
Sorry bro, why do you have to bring Muslims down , you could' be said mashAllah about this brother and make duaa for our brothers, insha'Allah some Muslims learn and increase aquida like this brother or more . God knows better
Good sharing.’…lets we change together and back to our fitrah! Subhanallah
Mashaa Allah
You know what mate some people aren’t meant to be Muslim. My family are Muslim and I don’t believe in it , it’s not in my heart - so god has a plan for everyone , if you want to live Islam go for it .
When I'm listening, i fell so peace,
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
His final message was very inspirational.. ❤️❤️❤️ love from Bangladesh..
Ma Shah Allah, my story is similar. I was brought up as a Roman Catholic but always struggled with some of the ideas associated with this faith. I then went through a period of non-belief. Along came 9/11 and aged 37 began looking at these "terrorist" Muslims whose holy book taught such evil. Boy was I shocked! Nothing I read in the Quran or Hadiths suggested any of this extreme behaviour. All I read was a religion of love, peace, acceptance of others and a worship of one. true God. I left studying Islam for a few years but something in the back of my mind kept niggling at me! For some unknown (at the time) reason I purchased a copy of the Quran and started reading it. This changed my life. About 5 years ago I accepted that Allah is the one true God and Mohammed (PBUH) is his messenger and began to live my life as a revert. I live my life as best I can and follow the teachings of the Prophet and read the Quran daily. I have just started reading a version that has English transliteration in an attempt to read it in Arabic! Even though I feel that I am not as good a Muslim as other reverts I see online, in that I cannot speak Arabic or repeat verses from the Quran I persevere in the hope that I will continue to receive guidance and blessings inshallah.
Assalamualaikum Paul
Love your story.
Do not lose hope.
Trust Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala Who guides whom He wills.
In Shaa Allah you'll be able to learn correctly and The Creator loves those who keep trying.
With Love from Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.
The purposes gave me tears.. I too have those purposes from now on brother. Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulilah now continue your journey in Islam and seek the Ahlulbayt (as) ...... read Dr Muhammad Al Tajini Al Samawi book entitled : Then I Was Guided.
@@ihs51 your advising (seeking ahlulbayt) has never been a purpose of life...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I was also 23 years old when I accepted Islam ☪️ I also accepted Islam in Mesir / Egypt when I was travelling through there.
Alhamdulillah 🤗
i love you mashaAllah
Great video. Beautiful story.
Muslim from Africa - Cote d'Ivoire,🇨🇮.
Thank to my brother from Senegal🇸🇳 . A great country and good people. You gave a lot to this man.
May Allah bless us.
Maa Shaa Allah Alhamdulillah ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm from SÉNÉGAL 🇸🇳🇸🇳🇸🇳
"Iman comes through knowledge". Great words
Each story is amazing, Allah is the one who guides, may Allah guide all his dear ones and all sincere seekers of truth!
Alhamdulillah for Islam
الْحَمْدُ للَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَـلَمِينَ
MashaAllah may Allah bless you brother I’m Muslim from Somalia
Why in Somalia, Muslims are fighting between themselves bro? You know, Islam is peace...but still it happens...
Yetnez. You need to be a good sunnet. The al-Sabbab orgutu founded by the Salafists and Wahhabis is cruel. Oblivion.
I have known John Fontain for 5 years now as one of the vibrant reverts preaching Islam. May Allah continue to increase you in knowledge and preserve your Imaan. Alhassan
I love this Channel
SubhanaAllah I really appreciate ur work Alhamdulilah m muslim but these videos encourage me to become better Muslim
yes they are really giving inspiration to other Muslim like us, may Allah guide us muslimeen around the globe.
From Senegal here, living in America. I glad my home country helped u find the true path. Be well brother in Islam
He looks like someone who found inner peace masha allah what a beautiful human being ❤ may allah guide us all
This channel is blessing. ❤️ Best and all time favourite one. If i rank islamic channels, Towards Eternity is undoubtedly No. 1. I have saved this comment and am posting this to every video you guys upload because I can't agree more. 💯
Rise and shine!
May Allah ﷻ shower His choicest blessings upon you and your loved ones. Aameen
Where you from?
no need to like some and dislike some, as long as we can benefit from thier topics they are sharing, in sha Allah every thing we do is to earn the pleasure of Allah.
@@riddikulus1432 Kashmir
@@beatrizpaculan3925 who disliked what?
Are muslims worshipping the true GOD? Is Allah a true GOD? Aren't Muslims committing the deadly sin of "Shirk" by worshiping the tribal god "Allah" of the polytheistic religion of the Arabs? Before Muhammad got revelations, he was a polythiest, who worshipped Allah (whom they worshipped as the father of Al Lat, Al Uzza and Manat) along with 359 other gods of Arabic pagan tribes. Hajarul Aswad aka The black stone aka the idol of Allah, was set intact into the Kaaba's wall by the prophet in 605 CE, five years before his first revelation.
After receiving the revelations, he declared Allah as the sole God. Later he demolished 359 idols around Kaaba except the black stone. Now he lifted this Allah as the true and only God and asked people to worship only this God. Later he connected Allah to the one and only true God of Jews. Jews and Christians completely rejected his ideas, because Muhammad in his life time violated the "Ten Commandments" of YHWH which clearly says that Muhammad was a self made prophet and his god Allah is only the 6th century tribal Arabic pagan deity.
(Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 1632 - Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle performed Tawaf (of the Ka`ba) ending a camel (at that time the Prophet had foot injury). Whenever he came to the Corner (having the Black Stone) he would point out towards it with a thing in his hand and say, “Allahu-Akbar”.) There it is.
The real GOD of islam is pasted on the corner of Kabah - “Hajarul Azwad”, which can absorb the sins of the believers. 1.8 billion muslims are bowing to this black stone 5 times a day. If they face any other direction, their prayer becomes invalid.
Muhammad also took 90% of the rituals of pagan religion for “Haj”(clear signs of paganism) . Muslims still don’t wear underwear during Haj(imagine 2 million people w/o undies) and do tawaf 7 times around Kaaba, stoning devils, killing innocent animals (about 1 million) etc. which was like the pagans did 1400 years ago. Even the concept of “jinn” comes from the folk tales of Arabia. Islam is just only a single idol (the Black stone) worshipping religion, a leftover of pagan religion (read Quran - 6:100, 38:5,7, 37:125, 41:9, 53:19-23, 37:158, 23:14, 37:149, 16:57, 43:16).
Alhamdulillah, Islam is so beautiful and the way forward. Congratulations brother. This is truly From Darkness to Light: Sooner or later, the whole world will realise that only Islam is a true divine religion
I'm verry glad that's your experience in my beloved Senegal helps you to be Muslim....Mashalah
How nice to hear the brother’s reverting story Subhan Allah. I came across this brother on Hamza’s channel. And there people were asking brother Hamza if he was his brother. Because his beard looks similar to Hamza’s.
Jazak Allah khairan for sharing your story brother. May Allah SWT bless you.
Reverts r better than most Muslims SUBHANALLAH brother ur video was really inspirational😊
We can’t generalize regarding what you said.
الله أَعْلَم
Aishah رضي الله عنها was born in a Muslim family and always is a Muslimah. She is better than a lot of people.
الحَمدُ لله
I understand what your saying ....
may Allah SWT guide us all
Masha Allah he is extremely handsome man but light of Islam has made him extraordinarily handsome like an angel may Allah bless him the best
the way how he speaks❤ so calm
Alhamdulilah now continue your journey in Islam and seek the Ahlulbayt (as) ...... read Dr Muhammad Al Tajini Al Samawi book entitled : Then I Was Guided.
Mashaa ALLAH
@@ihs51 it has never been a purpose of life...
Wow. This man speaks so fluently and smoothly and in a way that i love listening to him for hours and hours.
Great video! Thanks
This brother has such a beautiful way at conveying the message of Islam. Great story and great advice to Muslims and non Muslims. May Allah guide those with sincerity to the truth Ameen.
After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy
Amazing story. I started crying. Subaxana allah. He is honest this man says he didn't like muslim first.
I'm from Sénégal.
Just finished watching this beautiful interview MachAllah and I really like this brother. He's intelligent and very coherent. His advices at the end were really on point, very well said.
MashaAllah brother, may Allah bless you and guide, give you all the happiness and peace that you deserve 🤲💜
Keep inspiring us ❤️
His last few words with advises / encouragements increased my imaan.
Brother come to Malaysia Muslim Country, you can stay here and live happily. So many foreigners retired here.
That points
1-when you took shahada
2-how you had tried to make sure you pray five daily prayers before you sleep are really interested
Congratulations bro!
MashaAllah Salam from Kelantan Malaysia 🇲🇾 May Allah swt bless and guides us all together to Jannahtul Firdaus Amin2
Amazing last comment he gave, may Allah help us all reach that level of iman and trust in Allah!
I think I have some understanding of how MUSLIMS feel when they share their faith. I am trying to learn about things like being a MUSLIM, ISLAM and the QURAN. I came across this podcast and began to ask questions. I was worried that because of my background I would be rejected when I asked questions about ISLAM. I have received several responses from MUSLIMS and all were kind and helpful. I have also had responses from non-MUSLIMS
who were rude, arrogant and insulting. Things like “you need to read the Bible because you are going to hell “ and “are you out of your mind?”. However, those kind of comments just made me want to learn more. I’m more interested in pleasing the one true GOD than having to justify my reasons why I’m wanting to learn about ISLAM.
May Allah guide you and me to the path of a righteous one's and forgive our sins.
May the Almighty lead you to your true path. If you want to learn about Islam then you should get a Quran and start reading it.
May you find peace and eternal contentment on the path to Allah. Ameen
La'ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.
You have spoke a lot may Allah bless you man 🙏🙏🙏🙏
My brother in Islam my heart is touched and softened by the expression you made at the end of the video. May Allah bless protect and guide you through the Parth you are following. Jazak Allah Kairan.
Respect from Senegal 🇸🇳
Thank you for sharing such an inspirational video. May Allah keep us all happy and well Ameen
MashaAllah Thank You Brother John For the Reminder. God Bless you Brother.
Listening to this make me happy and touched me emotionally. May Allah bliss him
Alhamdulilah.... , John.. with all the love from Borneo Island.
I'm so glad to see him. His advice to the Muslim and Non-muslim It's very important. May Allah (SWT) guide him And protect him from all kinds of evil. ❤️
Thank you for sharing your story. May Allah bless you and your family
Oh I’m from senegal 🇸🇳 machallah brother
7:29 wow beautiful heart warming story 🥲, May Allah swt grant that beautiful brother immense barakah and goodness in this life and next, his faith and love next to none ❤❤❤
Maaachaaaalaaah !!! May Allah guide all of us.
Subhaan’Allah! Beautiful video
May Allah (swt) bless him with Jannah tul Firdaus 🤲🏻
Asalam aleikum good afternoon brother, may Allah strength your emann and those other convert's who has impressed Islam by the will of Allah .thanks a lot for such channels
Such a strong Iman that I’ve ashamed of myself
I believe that you'r channel is one of the best channels on UA-cam 👍👌👏
Best channel ❤️ inshaAllah it will help a lots of people to get to know more about our beautiful religion Islam ❤️🥰
Brave and truthful heart from childhood
ماشاء الله ۔ الله پاک آپ کو ہمیشہ اپنی رحمتوں کے سائے میں شامل فرمائے آمین ۔ خوش آمدید ۔ والسلام❤
Wow very impressive journey. Subhan Allah
Ma sha Allah, when Allah guides you He guides you sooooo well. Dead serious some of the people who discover Islam later in life are so well knowledgeable and so eloquent and well versed. Brother your words hit a lot harder than other reverts. Amazing stuff man.
Masha Allah! May Allah taala guide you and keep you in the pathway of Hidayah throughout the lifespan of this world. Aamin.
Alhamdulliah! I was very emotional to hear this great man accepted Islam and shocked how beautifully he explained everything....he knows a lot... Mash Allah may Allah bless you...
Masha Allah and jazak Allah khair dear 🙏 ❤️
Mashallah ! Beautiful series and very inspiring revert stories for all , motivating to do more for the ones who are already Muslims. Great work …….we need more of these .
Beautiful interview. May Allah Almighty reward you immensely.
Love respect and heartiest congratulations to all converts around the globe from Moazzem Uddin Santo of Dkaha, Bangladesh 💙💗💚💛💛💜💜💛💚💚💙💙💙💙💛💚💚💙💙💙💙💚🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
I'm loving this channel. You guys are doing a great job. May Allah taala reward you.
Assalamualaikum dear Muslims; new subscriber here. Greetings from the U.S. Jazakh'AllahKhair for sharing this with us!🙂❤️☝🏽🤲🏽
Wa'alaikumsalam Omar. Greetings from the east, from Malaysia. Such a wonderful and inspirational talk by dear John indeed! 💕
May Allah give brother John peace, happiness, wealth & love eternally!
Just beautiful talk. Mashaa Allah. May God accept him for paradise.
Masha Allah Alhamdulillah, his revert story was very touching. Love from Indonesia
🍁@ John Fontain you are a blessed person, you've gone through different experiences and you found what you were looking for.🍁
Thank you, this is the most beautiful advise i'd ever received as Moslem.
MashAllah heartily pleasure to know and to listen ....
every single one of your convert's interviews made me cry, Allah guides whoever He wants, el hamdulilah 'ala ni'matu al islam 🥰
Alhamdulillah for every thing specially for emaan.😊
I liked it when he says even if you are "Muslim check it out if you're doing it correctly" especially in Salah. This man words make me do research about how to do it right and what is should i reciting when starting salah including fatiha. Even though I'm Muslim since i was born till now.
I want to be the best muslim but the test Allah given to me is so difficult to handle, I failed all the times because im alone and nobody help me.
But I never quit, I never left Islam.. I want to go to heaven and meet my grandma and grandpa and also my parents
Allah never gives a burden you can't bear brother. Don't look at your test as overburden. And soon inshaAllah when you enter Jannah you'll look back and like wooow that was short and easy test. Some will wish "I wished I had harder test in life". Allah tests those he loves the most with the hardest test, like the prophets and the righteous.
Indeed we will enter jannah by the mercy of Allah......stay strong brother we are not alone Allah is always there with us we just need to call him sincerely from the heart ....may Allah increase your patience and strengthens u infront of ur difficulties and problems Inshallah
I love your prayer.
ISA you’ll go to heaven just always remember
Praying the five prayers is always the # one
Thing to show obedience. So just don’t give up on praying.
And always remember Allah never does anything wrong to anyone,it’s just a test but for your own good.
Alhmdulilah Allah is all merciful.
The most merciful.
Revelation 5 9 You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain(Jesus),
and with your blood you purchased for God
persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth.
(I pray now dear brothers that the Lord Father will reveal his son who came to earth in the flesh as a division of the Father's spirit will reveal himself to you brethren , it is time that you know that Jesus made you priests through him on behalf of the Lord Father and that you can be baptized and saved cast out demons and do miracles and heal in his name.
I loved this man's passion and his voice makes you feel what's he is talking about, may Allah bless you and forgive your sins
hey John If you read this comment , You will remember me.Last Year In BURSA CITY I saw you and your wife on the bus and I wear jubbah and takkah maybe remember to me and I told you hey you are Hamza's friend right :D and you told me yes I am , and shortly we talked with you about dawah mission.
and thanks alot of for this video to @TowardEternity.
have a good day brother,
Alhamdulillah..I'd tears watching & listening to brother John story especially how determine he is in practicing Islam and raising his iman so as be able to meet Allah the almighty and meeting the prophets in Jannah...thanks for amazing story brother John, may we all be granted Jannah by Allah in the hereafter...inshaAllah...
Alhamdulillah Proud to be Muslim..Proud to be the soldier of Allah ☝🏻
Are you single?
what soldier ?
Believe me when I say I am in the Father and the Father is in me. (Jesus)
@Easton Kelly Just truth not trolling
Revelation 5 9 You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain(Jesus),
and with your blood you purchased for God
persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth.
(I pray now dear brothers that the Lord Father will reveal his son who came to earth in the flesh as a division of the Father's spirit will reveal himself to you brethren , it is time that you know that Jesus made you priests through him on behalf of the Lord Father and that you can be baptized and saved, cast out demons and do miracles and heal in his name
Ma Shaa Allah Tabarakallah. Whomever Allah SWT guides, no one can mis guide. I truly enjoyed watching this video. I a muslimah sister from Senegal, living in Washington DC USA. Jazzakumu allahou khayran for the uplifting interview.
May Allah Azzawajal make it easy for the Ummah of our beloved prophet Muhammad SALALAHOU ALEYHI WA, to do good deeds and abstain for evil ones.
Allahouma amine
May Allah help him and reward him for all the project and efforts made for the sake of Allah!
We need Allah s.w but doesn't need us that is the correct statement
Subhan Allah! I loveeeee his advise for the Muslims at the end! Truly good advice!
May Allah bless you Bro)
thank you brother in islam... makes me tears my eyes alhamsulillah
Subha'an Allah Islam is a true and beautiful religion