I am just starting my business. I think I made 1 mistake against anonymity. My management entity is a single member LLC in Wyoming. When I tried to get DUNS number, i had to provide my (member) name. Can this this mistake be fixed ? or do i have to open a new LLC ? [ i am not planning on managing properties directly, i wish to hire 3rd party property management company to handle my rental properties]
Can you set up a WY LLC taxed as a C corp then create a wholly owned LLC (by the WY LLC) that gets registered in each state where the properties are located? Assuming roughly 8 properties in 4 states. That way there is annoynmity and the income just flows up to the WY LLC?
Only if you are flipping would you consider setting up the WY LLC as a C-Corp for federal tax purposes. If you are holding investment properties then you should hold your interests in an LLC treated as a partnership.
@@ClintCoons I understand that for holding the title to the properties, I was speaking of the property management company which was the topic of the video
If you would like a FREE 30-minute consultation, you can request one here - aba.link/clintss or you can send me an email at ccoons@andersonadvisors.com, and I will have someone contact you.
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I am just starting my business. I think I made 1 mistake against anonymity. My management entity is a single member LLC in Wyoming. When I tried to get DUNS number, i had to provide my (member) name. Can this this mistake be fixed ? or do i have to open a new LLC ? [ i am not planning on managing properties directly, i wish to hire 3rd party property management company to handle my rental properties]
No that is the correct strategy for obtaining a DUNS for your WY LLC.
Can you set up a WY LLC taxed as a C corp then create a wholly owned LLC (by the WY LLC) that gets registered in each state where the properties are located? Assuming roughly 8 properties in 4 states. That way there is annoynmity and the income just flows up to the WY LLC?
Only if you are flipping would you consider setting up the WY LLC as a C-Corp for federal tax purposes. If you are holding investment properties then you should hold your interests in an LLC treated as a partnership.
@@ClintCoons I understand that for holding the title to the properties, I was speaking of the property management company which was the topic of the video
What would be a estimate to do this, with having your office set this up?
If you would like a FREE 30-minute consultation, you can request one here
- aba.link/clintss or you can send me an email at ccoons@andersonadvisors.com, and I will have someone contact you.