I have so many things I want to do -- big and small -- and so many habits I want to create or break. Just recently I've started sitting down and picking just 2-3 to focus on for a two month period. That doesn't mean I ignore all the other things-- I just don't make them top of mind. For June and July it's decreasing alcohol to pretty much zero, doing daily mediation and being a better steward of my late afternoons, when I often go off into iPad games and dumb tv. I think it's helping me focus better and also be a little more forgiving of myself.
This is excellent material, Sharri . I wish more women would discover your channel. I know it would help a lot of people.
I love your comment. Picking 2-3 to focus on for two months…brilliant!!!
I have so many things I want to do -- big and small -- and so many habits I want to create or break. Just recently I've started sitting down and picking just 2-3 to focus on for a two month period. That doesn't mean I ignore all the other things-- I just don't make them top of mind. For June and July it's decreasing alcohol to pretty much zero, doing daily mediation and being a better steward of my late afternoons, when I often go off into iPad games and dumb tv. I think it's helping me focus better and also be a little more forgiving of myself.