What New Rule Did They Invented Because Of You?

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @StilltheAp0llyon
    @StilltheAp0llyon Рік тому +8

    Story 1
    I gotta say, asking if the kids have allergies and making sure they aren't sick is a good idea before taking charge of dozens of kids for an extended period of time.

  • @Redneck_Outdoors23
    @Redneck_Outdoors23 Рік тому +39

    Just want to say. All of these videos are great background noise. I work out in the woods. Keeps me sane. I work alone most the time.

  • @RenTheWren
    @RenTheWren Рік тому +6

    American school rules really are draconian. I went to school in the Netherlands, and the only time we were confined to the property was first break in primary (age 4 to 11). During second break, most of us went home for lunch, often alone or with friends on our bikes. In secondary, we were allowed to leave school property at literally any time unless we were supposed to be in class. We had to, actually, since the school was spread out over multiple buildings at multiple different streets. We also had no dresscode and there were even SMOKING AREAS FOR STUDENTS when tobacco was still legal for 16yo's. At school camps, sleeping halls were mixed. Teachers regularly let groups of students paint murals on classroom walls, to the point where some rooms were transformed into entire 360 landscapes relevant to the subject. We also threw potassium into the canals outside in chem class. My school was fucking rad. I loved learning there.

  • @SaraMarie41
    @SaraMarie41 Рік тому +12

    I have discussed this on Reddit, but it continues getting buried.
    While I wasn't the only one, I believe I pushed it during my sophomore year of high school. That was a popular joke whenever we had a substitute instructor and had to write our names on a sheet of paper. It was for the substitute to know who was who. Of course, this depended on the class, as some were attempting to prohibit this practice. Names like Biggus Dickus and Incontinentia Buttocks were common in the pranks. I took it to the next level on the Friday before Halloween in 2002. My band of misfits snuck one of the A*Teens' names into the birthday announcements. Yeah, it was inspired by Bart Simpson.
    When the school fell for the trap, my gang of misfits and I were fighting to hold back our laughing. They must have had some inkling that it was a joke. Apart from Lilo and Stitch and ABBA, just a few people had seen the A*Teens. It took the school the entire day to figure out the hoax, but it was the end of the day and a Friday. Plus, it was basically harmless.
    By the next semester, replacement teachers no longer needed to ask pupils for their names because they were frequently given to them by the staff. In addition, the names of both students and staff members had to be verified. They sought to crack down on ridiculous nicknames to curb bullying, but they were unable to do so because many names were widespread regardless of race.

  • @runtels
    @runtels Рік тому +3

    In my 7th grade science class we were building bridges out of toothpicks. We had a budget. Each toothpick costs us, every foot of string. Etc. Glue was different, it was unlimited on the days you bought it. I had the idea to last everything out and on one day buy glue and pour it over each section making an Elmer's glue bridge with toothpicks in it. We had the strongest bridge but were disqualified from the competition. The next year, they bought glue in portion cups.

  • @connorquig8607
    @connorquig8607 Рік тому +2

    Not because of me but practically anyone who had online classes in my school. So my school has it where you can be fully in person, half virtual and half in school, or fully virtual. Pretty sure about a third of the high school students has virtual classes. There wasn’t a really a rule on where you needed to be to do your virtual classes, so you could put it off for a day, get ahead, or other stuff like that so you could hang out with friends for an hour/period. Well they now made it a rule where in virtual classes you can not take them in any classroom in the school, and either have to take them at our CSI building, or at home. This rule I think came out the day I’m posting this, and I sort of see why they do this. I think it’s mainly because they don’t want students messing around in other classes. Although I got a good feeling this rule will go away soon because it makes it very inconvenient for many students schedules consisting with some being half online and half virtual. And if a teacher was ok with letting a virtual student stay around because a lot of the teachers are chill, they could get written up or something like that because they’re not in their class. I doubt this rule stays long.

  • @Icalasari
    @Icalasari Рік тому

    Oh boy, my time to shine!
    Basically, I joined a roleplay group when really depressed, so I was being the silly derp member that kind of disrupts things in a non major to be amusing. This lead to a head when dealing with a mythic, sapient, nigh on deific bird of death. I went and licked it, which caused even the bird to go wtf. And proceed to fling me all around the area before obliterating me. Since then, we've had a rule known as Licking The Death Bird, where you do something so astonishingly stupid that it doesn't even deserve a save. Your character is just killed on the spot.

  • @Captain_Nightwing
    @Captain_Nightwing Рік тому +2

    My cousin was part of my high school's physics day. He was assigned to make the catapult. He was in carpentry, he built something so big that on the back of his truck, it almost hit traffic lights. The thing they launched so far they could not find it. The next year they had height limits on the catapult.

  • @TwattWaffleWhitney
    @TwattWaffleWhitney Рік тому +1

    I worked in a warehouse where we drove these machines that were like really big scooters. I was swinging the back end in to a pallet and I slammed my thumb between a support pole and the machine handle.
    They then reconfigured the whole warehouse so no one would be able to hit a support beam

  • @AeronHale
    @AeronHale Рік тому

    They banned my fricking coffee pot in Job Corps.
    I had one of the big percolator style ones that had a 50 cup capacity and it made some great coffee. The official reason was "it's unsafe because it gets hot and draws too much power." Which was total horse sh*t. The actual reason is that it I supplied coffee to the entire dorm and we had basically a communal coffee supply fund going that everyone pitched a few bucks into for coffee and such.
    This undermined the overpriced and really crappy vending machine coffee they wanted us to waste the all of 15 fricking bucks they gave us to get basic supplies to live off of and refused to provide.
    See we were technically considered employees and theoretically made "minimum wage" and theoretically worked like 6 hours 5 days a week but the thing is that they would steal all but about 15 bucks. And yes the term steal is meant literally here as it was for all intents & purposes stolen wages. The excuse they made was "this is supposed to be like how the real world is." or some such asinine nonsense.
    Nothing about Job Corps emulates a damn thing in how the rest of society works.
    So obviously we ain't gonna be spending like 5 fricking dollars on a 4oz cup of coffee that smells and presumably tastes like cat piss.
    All this while the cafeteria was "out of order" for over a year and we lived on literal rejected prison food.
    Me and my roommates also got a bunch of other assorted items and foods banned because we provided them in exchange for other goods or cash. It didn't really make us anything as most of the cash ended up going right back around to making sure we could provide said food and such. We basically fed the entire dorm under their noses for several months.
    Job Corps is awful and I do not recommend it unless you can live off "campus" and have an extremely high tolerance for bullsh*t.
    We actually had a mass walk out one day where more than 75% of us quit and like half the staff did because we got sick of their crap.
    But suffice to say me and my roommates were the cause of a lot of stupid rules and source of a lot willful disobedience of those rules.

  • @amdete8254
    @amdete8254 Рік тому +1

    No wearing sunglasses inside of class.
    It’s a really weird rule too, because it’s not annoying anyone. I just used them because my eyes hurt from light in the first few hours of my day.

  • @nerdygay8941
    @nerdygay8941 Рік тому +5

    I had an english class that the teacher would give you extra credit for writing extra essays on subjects you find interesting and the teacher said we could do as many as we want so I wrote like 50 over the course of the year so at the end of the year I had like a 107% the teacher thought it was funny but ended up setting a limit on how many you could do

    • @lazyryan3766
      @lazyryan3766 Рік тому

      So how much per essay? Half a point?

    • @nerdygay8941
      @nerdygay8941 Рік тому

      @@lazyryan3766 it depended on how well it was written but anywhere from 1-5 points extra credit

    • @CakeofRage
      @CakeofRage Рік тому +1

      dang, ok alexander hamilton

  • @PyraJya-Luquay
    @PyraJya-Luquay Рік тому

    "No carpet scraps in the cardboard dumpster!" at work. Why was I throwing carpet scraps in the cardboard dumpstet at work? Because the guy I work for decided to get cheap and get a residential dumpster to replace the rollaway style one we had for construction waste earlier this year. The dinky dumpster is constantly full, so I just started using the cardboard one to make a point that this is what happens to when he decides to be cheap. Dude is afraid of me leaving because he can't get keep anybody else.

  • @tallonmetroids271
    @tallonmetroids271 Рік тому

    My grandma and I are the reason half of the local casino buffets in the area have a limit on how much crab any party of people can have during a session.
    We basically turned the surf 'n turf all-you-can-eat buffet into a "three servings of crab maximum" surf 'n turf buffet.

  • @EnDB
    @EnDB Рік тому

    The meow killed me

  • @OldManMontgomery
    @OldManMontgomery Рік тому

    I made holsters for sidearms. Nothing fit me right, so I started making my own. (I still make them but not as much.) Where I worked, I was armed and so were a majority of others. The agency for which I worked had no real restrictions on type or style of holsters. I had a good idea of what an unconcealed holster should and should not do, so I incorporated those ideas
    More than a few co-workers wanted my holsters. So I made them and sold them for essentially cost of materials.
    Several months later, the agency published rules that outlawed the use of anything but recognized manufacturers.

  • @alecfoor2665
    @alecfoor2665 Рік тому

    Hmm 🤔.
    - Personnel will not use lights and sirens to secure an open perimeter section. *That has host nation over watch*
    - Personnel will not drive “off-road” or “trail-blaze” with GOV to evaluate the perimeter. *Can leave built roads to pursue or secure suspects and/or assets.
    - Patrolman will not use personal devices (cellphones, beepers, game systems, ect.) to contact dispatch when radios fail. Personnel will return and exchange with armory for working radios.
    - Personnel are to refrain from staying at a host nation’s apartment and must maintain a 2 hour window to return and arm up. Seoul is off limits (even if it’s with-in the 2 hour zone).
    *demanding taxi drive to drive faster is illegal and doesn’t count towards the 2 hour limit*
    - Spicy food challenges are off limits when on duty.
    - Radios are for communicating important information and emergencies. Jokes, puns, and music are prohibited from coming across the on duty radios. *At Commander’s discretion, they can relay the above; however, falls emergencies are prohibited.*

  • @stargazerart
    @stargazerart Рік тому

    when i was a head server at a restaurant, I was training a guy and had some important closing out dutues to do for a couple of tables and cleaning up when i gave my trainee my money book and let him close out some other tabs i had. we were busy and i thought he was ready. he was not. he accepted $40 in two fake as hell $20 bills. It came out of my tip money and i lost nearly half of my profit that night. There was no punishment i pretty much just shouldered the responsibility but told management about the incident anyway. The customers were long gone and it wasnt really possible to press charges or anything. The next week we all had to carry the blacklight/bill markers that you use to check money was real as an official part of the uniform. Seriously though, it looked like monopoly money i dont know how that guy was so dense.

  • @Lebon19
    @Lebon19 Рік тому

    Story 2: I have a similar story to this pizza pocket in the microwave for 30min though, for me, it's unrelated to the video question. When my parents were still together, my little brother put a Magic Bag in the microwave. You may or may not know, it's a bag you put around your neck to relax. You must heat it up in the microwave for a short amount of time for the full effects. Back to my brother. He put the Magic Bag in the microwave, which was in our parents' bedroom (it was a large microwave), pressed 9999 and pressed "start". Nobody noticed the microwave until it started to smell REALLY FUCKING BAD and filled the whole first floor of the house with smoke. My dad stopped the microwave and had to literally throw out the whole thing out has the wheat inside the Magic Bag burnt. A tooon of clothes and other stuff had to be trashed because of the horrible smell. It smelled inside for WEEKS. Luckily, no firetrucks were called (as far as I remember, I was like... 6 and I'm 36. So literally 30 years ago). To this day, it was among the most horrible smells I have ever smelled in my life. Oh and, btw, some stuff that we kept anyway, continued to smell that garbage years and yeeeeears into the future. Yep. I can still smell it. GAAAAAAAAAAWD.

  • @JV-pu8kx
    @JV-pu8kx Рік тому

    Had to design a board game. Teacher offered to print the board graphic on the in-room printer. Up to forty-eight inches square (roll fed, tiled). I was the only one to take up the offer. The material cost for the pieces was equally great. To save on time, I had the "board" laminated for fifty dollars. From what I've seen, the rules for the assignment have been tighten up.

  • @Hawe.252
    @Hawe.252 Рік тому

    I smashed my longboard into my classroom's wall ... no more longboards inside classroom, all to pricipal's office during school

  • @Superman37891
    @Superman37891 Рік тому

    I didn’t break any rules, but during a Clash of Clans AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit by the community manager, I asked why clan castle troop levels were not limited by town hall levels (because maxed troops at lower town hall levels would be too OP). The community manager originally said that was intentional but shortly after, they announced that clan castle troop levels would be limited based on laboratory levels. Another redditor even acknowledged my post and said they must’ve went back on their word because of me, and that post had around 30 upvotes.
    TL;DR I’m probably the reason you don’t see maxed clan castle troops at very low town hall levels in Clash of Clans (like level 10 Balloons at town hall 6)

  • @althealee9375
    @althealee9375 Рік тому

    Story 2: my freshman year dorm had a common area with two levels and an oven was in the lower area. Students were allowed to use it but one night the alarm went off at 1:30 AM and one of the RAs eventually came running out saying “yo!! Someone left the oven fucking baking!!” Turned out a group of students had ordered a pizza, put it in the oven STILL IN THE BOX, turned the oven on and walked away. No one was allowed to use the oven for a long while after that

  • @screamoneo
    @screamoneo Рік тому

    i’m the sole reason that we have a rule, in 2023, that “no wheeled shoes are allowed on the work floor.”
    i recently found out that Heelys are still being sold on the website, so i bought some in my adult size and rolled into work. scared the absolute frick out of a supervisor, she elbowed another employee in the chest and now i’m not allowed to Heely around the building.
    note: I’M not the one that got hurt. I’M not the one who hurt somebody, but somehow it became MY fault that my coworker elbowed the boss’s daughter (who wasn’t supposed to be on shift that day) in the face.

  • @missliz3043
    @missliz3043 Рік тому

    Seems like Sleepaway camps, needed the screening process.
    Kids are highly susceptible to sickness, it just takes one kid to spread something around like wildfire, couple that with close quarters, shared communal areas and large groups of kids running into each other and you've got an outbreak scenario.

  • @jacekatalakis8316
    @jacekatalakis8316 Рік тому

    Story 4:
    Scunthorpe Problem...
    Also that work safety one. Look up either the original Shake Hands with Danger, or the Rifftrax one of it. It's basically what Mr. Facts describes. I'm just cringing at a kingpin lock to the head. Trench foot I can understand, lifting a heavy object, I can understand, but how the hell do you drop a kingpin lock on your head. From what I know that's supposed to be impressively hard to manage

  • @diamonddead8162
    @diamonddead8162 Рік тому +1

    I helped change the school rules around body piercing and hair, there was a bunch of us who pretty much got kicked out for just that, couple years later there was more then they just stopped fussing over silly things like hair and piercings

  • @virtechgames7671
    @virtechgames7671 11 місяців тому

    My favorite are the broad ones, not just the specific stories

  • @itsthatonechickagaincallth7843
    @itsthatonechickagaincallth7843 11 місяців тому

    As a mom myself, I don't think the first story has anyone in the wrong. Getting so sick you need a HOSPITAL? Hell no. I'd be pissed too. They should be making sure all kids are healthy.

  • @RhiFoxx
    @RhiFoxx Рік тому +1

    12:23 so an English teacher won't let people learn the truth that goes along with nonfiction? Weird

  • @kodomoshawn6729
    @kodomoshawn6729 Рік тому

    I briefly forgot about computer mice and was confused

  • @jamesbraun9842
    @jamesbraun9842 Рік тому

    Not just me but the entire boy scout troop i was in is the reason The water trampoline has a two person limit. The reason was one morning there were four of us on the trampoline just running around. A scout master (both of his sons were on there so he wanted to jump so his sons would fall off so he took a big jump and instead fell back and penetrated himself on the ladder. (Everyone else was escorted away to their sites well he was extracted from the ladder).

  • @BetaJackMaxis
    @BetaJackMaxis Рік тому +1

    Anyone else rhought the mouse trap car story was gonna end with picking up and throwing the car down the hall?

  • @Fayanora
    @Fayanora Рік тому

    About the rule banning kids from leaving the campus of the school: It being the US, I can see a good reason for that rule. Two good reasons, in fact: kidnappings, and school shootings.

  • @darklightmagus1222
    @darklightmagus1222 Рік тому

    Story 6:
    My elementary school has really changed up their equipment. Gone are the steel cage and steel z-wall crawl. The slide is much shorter and made of a different material. The sandbox area has been changed to a different material. The metal slide never got hot because there was this really tall chestnut tree in the middle of the deep sandbox that was right next to the slide. A few other trees were I'm sure were placed by design so that the entire sandbox area that had the seesaws, monkey bars and other metal equipment in shade. The equipment has been changed since then.
    My highschool had been open for 10 years when I graduated. Now they have extended and developed the empty fields. They now have a pool, baseball field, the shot put and disc throw field has an actual professional fence and markings instead of the one the track coach made from scratch. Like oh that's great. Future students get to enjoy all these new developments while the only options when I was in school were cross country, track and field, football, soccer, and tennis. Golf was added in my last year. I would have liked to have joined swimming class. 😢

    • @darklightmagus1222
      @darklightmagus1222 Рік тому

      I'm the reason they modified a rule. Playing cards were banned at my school prior to me attending. I asked to get the rule modified so that betting or ante was banned instead. The school geeks got to play Yugioh and Magic the Gathering during the lunch period because my request was accepted. Poker and similar games associated with gambling are still banned. But you can use the standard playing cards to play Go Fish, Egyptian Rat Screw or other games so long as they don't involve gambling.

  • @harrisonmissell1716
    @harrisonmissell1716 Рік тому +1

    I think you should add some kind of epilepsy warning or something because the flickering gameplay footage in the is hurting my eyes

  • @MildredCady
    @MildredCady Рік тому

    I was going to a big camping event. I mean really big. It’s a yearly event where at its height it was at 30,000 people camping for two weeks. (If you know of the SCA and have heard of Pennsic… you know)
    I went to pick up my tent from my parents’ house, and my brother had left it on the porch… and it had been stolen. So I scrambledt o borrow a new tent… to find out when I got on site that the tent was a different size dimension than the one that I previously owned. In fact… it was bigger.
    Now, when you have an event with this many people in camping in tents, you have to be very careful with your space. Most of the people camp in various groups and they have to fit the tents in carefully like a puzzle to make sure that there’s enough room for things like water run off, minimizing tripping hazards, and following fire safety rules.
    Now the person who was running the camp I was in was able to make it work, but after that there was a rule that if you had to bring a different tent than what you had originally planned, it had to be the same size or smaller.

    • @adiuntesserande6893
      @adiuntesserande6893 Рік тому

      So *you’re* the reason for the 150 square feet per person rule!

    • @MildredCady
      @MildredCady Рік тому

      @@adiuntesserande6893 Not exactly. That was established already. However because of the Tetris that the late Baroness Lucia of Concordia did to get everyone to fit in camp, my borrowed larger tent threw off the established tent map for the camp.

  • @recoveryguru
    @recoveryguru Рік тому

    I miss making BLT McMuffins for myself

  • @kalebs6201
    @kalebs6201 Рік тому

    Fried Okra is so good i went to a place called Woodfire i think in Tennessee that was a massive buffet and it was awesome only time ive had it

  • @LizHellsing
    @LizHellsing Рік тому

    I had one of those off brand metal beyblades lol. They were super heavy. Can really do some damage.

  • @666Vampirefromhell
    @666Vampirefromhell Рік тому

    Here's something based on that Neopets story.
    I learned the word "Spook" is considered a racial slur because I went to use it in the name of avghost themed character on Dragonball Xenoverse 2 and the game wouldn't allow the name, only allowing it once that word was removed.
    That one never made sense to me. In the context of why it was ever used in that context. But, there it is. Stupid really.

  • @Handsome_Black
    @Handsome_Black Рік тому

    Pretty sure gamestop quit allowing people to return new games for a full refund within 7 days because people like me and my friend would always beat a game in less than a week and return it 😊

  • @RedneckWarlock
    @RedneckWarlock Рік тому

    Oh nooooo my neopets are so long dead. They must be dusty skeletons by now haha.

  • @Dav-hz8mm
    @Dav-hz8mm Рік тому

    I'm the reason in my high-school they ask for your school ID for the Daily newspaper in the study hall. Everyday I'd read the paper during studyhall and deface the ads and pics with what I thought were witty captions or viagra ads with smiling old men with drawings of huge dongs. Never got caught. I was Jonah Hills character in superbad before he was.

  • @janrebie
    @janrebie Рік тому

    Story 23
    I forgot they were talking about computer mice and I thought they were talking about the animal, look up sitting on his laurels, that’s the visual I had

  • @mizu_the_floatzel
    @mizu_the_floatzel Рік тому

    I guess i was the cause of a rule to be made at my special ed school xD
    When i was in the high school wing of my school ( it was a school divided into 2 wings ) we had a playground time let it was raining that day so we had to go to the gym . So when we get to the gym i would start game of dodgeball with the soft foam balls the school had with my classmates. This gine on for months i think 4 months till one day they took the foam balls out of the free space gym due to someone starting a game of dodgeball without the gym teacher consent and on top of that someone open there big mouth to a teacher that it was me who started it landing me in detention for at least 3 hrs . Ya looking back it i guess i wanted to do something new then just the plan old boring rain day stuff lol

  • @danielgoodrich264
    @danielgoodrich264 Рік тому

    Story 30: I HATE fried Okra

  • @mark-andrewdineen7570
    @mark-andrewdineen7570 8 місяців тому

    I was playing red light green light and because it was inside I grabbed a chair and sat down in it for 10 minutes so they instigated a new rule that we couldn't wait for longer then 10 seconds before turning around to change the light colour

  • @TheOutlawGeneralBacon
    @TheOutlawGeneralBacon Рік тому

    The title of this video hurts my brain 😶‍🌫️

  • @Foxfire-xq5ij
    @Foxfire-xq5ij Рік тому

    Merry go rounds, should be mandatory a playgrounds

  • @JohnSmith-zw8vp
    @JohnSmith-zw8vp Рік тому

    25:29 -- Let me guess, the librarian or one of her staff came by, saw the bare boobies on the screen and fainted on the spot? :D Hope the school nurse had some smelling salts handy! :D

  • @Kafj302
    @Kafj302 Рік тому

    I am like number 134

  • @nekospaw
    @nekospaw Рік тому

    oh jesus, PSO filtering takes me back! snigger, shoes, spoon also got censored - plenty more but those are the ones that always stuck with me

  • @kittehfoodz
    @kittehfoodz Рік тому
