NWR Tales S13 Ep.10: Bill & Ben Meet Their Match

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @NWR1991
    @NWR1991  2 місяці тому +35

    Incident is loosely based on this: www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/17413017.shiplake-pensioner-confronted-great-western-railway-driver-speaks/

    • @racheljackson4428
      @racheljackson4428 2 місяці тому +2

      Great story.

    • @thebigbluesteamengine63
      @thebigbluesteamengine63 2 місяці тому +1

      Very nice friend I love how you got a inspiration from that incident into a episode very nice indeed

    • @williamsexton970
      @williamsexton970 2 місяці тому

      i thought it was going to be a video where someone will make the clay twins open their minds and the clay twins finally realizing what real consequences their actions have and how it will effect others than they could ever imagine

  • @thekaibacorpexpress4043
    @thekaibacorpexpress4043 2 місяці тому +17

    That was quite the tale. Mrs. Tibbs is lucky to even still be standing after her little "stunt".

  • @CraneProductions27
    @CraneProductions27 2 місяці тому +43

    I enjoyed that episode a lot. Bill and Ben having their own fun, and taking it too far when they try to follow regulations at a crossing. Mrs Tibbs reminded me of Murdoch. She didn't like the loud noise the twins were making. I cannot believe what she did at the level crossing. I noticed a reference from the story 'Trouble on the Line' from 'Thomas and the Great Railway Show' when Mrs Tibbs said "You noisy great engine." What a shocking incident that was when everyone was arguing about who was right and who was wrong. At least now everything is sorted and they can all finally get along.

  • @richieosborn2639
    @richieosborn2639 2 місяці тому +15

    This reminds me of my childhood where I used to live in a townhouse with railroad tracks behind a fence in the backyard. Freight trains often passed by and came tooting through.
    That’s how I got my interest in trains and Thomas.

  • @srajfnly2
    @srajfnly2 2 місяці тому +35

    Mrs Tibbs is lucky to be alive, in all reality

  • @cheukyinglau8011
    @cheukyinglau8011 2 місяці тому +35

    Bill and Ben vs. Karen

  • @thesodorsamurai2002
    @thesodorsamurai2002 2 місяці тому +53

    Bill and Ben Deal with a Karen & Other Stories
    But joking aside, this was another great episode. The plot did remind me a lot of 'Seen and Not Heard' from Jimmy the Jinty.

  • @Oviedo_Train_Trust
    @Oviedo_Train_Trust 2 місяці тому +28

    Silly Billy’s VS Crazy Woman

  • @thomaswiersema398
    @thomaswiersema398 2 місяці тому +9

    i really like this i like bill and ben tease a human instead of a engine over all very good ep

  • @noahcarlosthenumber12engin38
    @noahcarlosthenumber12engin38 2 місяці тому +7

    Geez this story was so entertaining!

  • @ShukakuTheCrazy1
    @ShukakuTheCrazy1 2 місяці тому +5

    My town has train tracks going right through it, and i like seeing the trains going under me as i cross a bridge or 2. Plus my trip to work follows the rails almost all the way there. Seeing CN diesels going to and fro at all times of the day and night, the metra cars parked at the metra station, i love it

  • @stuartbarclay7940
    @stuartbarclay7940 2 місяці тому +11

    This reminded me of the Jimmy the Jinty episode Seen and Not Heard.
    Jolly good work by the way!

  • @TankEngine97
    @TankEngine97 2 місяці тому +4

    I remember hearing about a similar incident where someone who nearby a railway tried plant fast growing trees (without planning permission) just to block out the noise.

  • @Alexman47
    @Alexman47 2 місяці тому +3

    Never thought of an angry Karen would make a good Thomas episode, good show.

  • @GabeSutton-ys8cy
    @GabeSutton-ys8cy 2 місяці тому +18

    What happens when bill and Ben meet a karen

  • @davidthomas1417
    @davidthomas1417 2 місяці тому +10

    Blimey, Mrs Tibbs sounded like a real Karen
    Surely she must know that Engines must whistle when passing a level crossing
    That stunt she did was very dangerous, she could have gotten herself killed

  • @TB76Returns
    @TB76Returns 2 місяці тому +12

    What a Karen....good thing she learned

  • @JintyandPugFan20
    @JintyandPugFan20 2 місяці тому +9

    Mrs. Tibbs is such a Karen

  • @chavopatyduckoliverfanstud4149
    @chavopatyduckoliverfanstud4149 2 місяці тому +1

    I loved the funny moment in the crossing scene

  • @SamFindley-zt7mt
    @SamFindley-zt7mt 2 місяці тому +24

    Honestly I hate when people complain about the “noise”, trains have horns for a reason and it’s to worn people when they coming, this is why I hate QUIET ZONES

    • @Studiosodor1
      @Studiosodor1 2 місяці тому +5

      Me too I love the loud horn and whistle of a train

    • @jonasbelon9379
      @jonasbelon9379 2 місяці тому +5

      The same that is said about the air horns of diesel ⛽ trains could also be said for the steam whistles of steam engines like me and Thomas 🚂!

    • @SamFindley-zt7mt
      @SamFindley-zt7mt 2 місяці тому +4

      @@jonasbelon9379 thanks for the support

    • @jimmyhook4852
      @jimmyhook4852 2 місяці тому +3

      Same here, quiet zones make no sense whatsoever. :/

    • @SamFindley-zt7mt
      @SamFindley-zt7mt 2 місяці тому +2

      @@jimmyhook4852 I’m glad you agree with me

  • @zacharyspinks6207
    @zacharyspinks6207 2 місяці тому +2

    That was an Interesting Story, I enjoyed this.

  • @Studiosodor1
    @Studiosodor1 2 місяці тому +8

    What did she expect if she wanted quiet she should leave Sodor

  • @daleparker3186
    @daleparker3186 2 місяці тому +3

    Love the content and love ypur videos keep up the great work

  • @amitysluzara2022
    @amitysluzara2022 2 місяці тому +5

    Lovely work as always

  • @todddavis2041
    @todddavis2041 2 місяці тому +4

    Some people never grow up.

  • @alexcanine4948
    @alexcanine4948 2 місяці тому +5

    Nice one

  • @PennsyPappas
    @PennsyPappas 2 місяці тому +6

    So some fun facts if this happened in the U.S. her trespassing and boarding the locomotive would've been considered a Federal Offense and she would've been tried in court as such.
    As for noise at crossings some crossings are considered quiet zones in which the whistle/horn can't be used. Of course that comes from ignorant people who knowingly bought a house by the railroad tracks and thought it was going to be quiet all the time.
    I am curious though in the U.K. what is the standard whistle that is used at crossings. In the U.S. it's 2 longs a short and a long blast on the horn. What is the U.K. equivalent or do they have one.

    • @Shipwright1918
      @Shipwright1918 2 місяці тому +3

      Usually in the UK there are no prescribed whistle signals for use at the level crossings or a W or SW board, you just give it a blast long enough to ensure you're heard and give sufficient warning before you go over.
      Back in the day if you tooted the whistle excessively you were known as a "Hornblower" or a "Bugler" and it was considered bad form.
      Most whistle signals that are in the books are for communicating with the guard or with the signalman, as well as certain locales having their own special signals.

    • @PennsyPappas
      @PennsyPappas 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Shipwright1918 Interesting I always wondered but never got an answer. I would've thought there would've been. A Standard whistle at crossings given the British are known for standardizing when and where they could. Given there's no standard I bet the engineer can get pretty creative with their whistles.

    • @Shipwright1918
      @Shipwright1918 2 місяці тому +2

      Only real standardization I know of is for multiple units and diesels equipped with two-tone horns, you're supposed to blow both tones to avoid being confused for a car.
      The lads being the lads, they quickly figured out how to play little tunes by jiggling the horn levers between the high and low tones. One I know of likes to play the notes of Beethoven's famous symphony on his (high-high-high-low, high-high-high-low).
      In the steam days, the old wags used to taunt each other with the whistle, used to pull a quaver-warble that sounded like someone shouting out rude words (I shan't be mentioning which). They really chewed out the signalmen with the tooter for holding them up or missing a token exchange.

    • @PennsyPappas
      @PennsyPappas 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Shipwright1918 Ah now that's the U.K. we know and love. I can only imagine based on this the shenanigans that went on and how management was just shaking their head the whole time.

  • @DreSkii305
    @DreSkii305 2 місяці тому +6

    I liked this episode but I don’t like how Bill and Ben are also being reprimanded by the mangeress on one hand they did nothing wrong Ms.Tibbs just took it upon herself to take drastic action to obtain her sense of peace and quiet it is railway regulations in the UK and the USA for locomotives to whistle or honk their horns when approaching railroad crossings and I’m pretty sure Ms.Tibbs broke numerous laws to try to get her point across by standing on a railway line entering bill’s cab without consent from railway workers and obstructing traffic so I don’t really see the mangeress’s point in reprimanding Bill and Ben they did their job by stating it’s regulations for them to whistle when approaching crossings some people just don’t like to follow the rules but either way a good episode

  • @Vidoosh____
    @Vidoosh____ 2 місяці тому +4

    I bet you had a fun time recording the mocking that Bill and Ben did

  • @robrice7246
    @robrice7246 2 місяці тому +6

    Now is it me or are the buffers on the Lynton and Barnstaple wagons a bit more leveled to the engines & brake vans compared to previous Trainz renders?

  • @thomasfan37
    @thomasfan37 18 днів тому

    This is a fun episode! Honestly I kinda feel bad for Bill and Ben for a change. Ms. Tibbs is kind of a jerk and honestly she deserved to be intentionally annoyed seeing as she was trying to cause violation of railway rules, and later did by stoping on the crossing.

  • @jimmyhook4852
    @jimmyhook4852 2 місяці тому +3

    Excellent :D

  • @loganbloom6191
    @loganbloom6191 2 місяці тому +8

    hehehe finally those two get a taste of their own medicine from a Karen no less!