The speaker seems to have "joking"ly exhibited his racism against India and Indians but the day he knows why Europeans and others move their base to India, he will have found a much greater purpose in his life. #Fun_Fact :- A compatriot of this Italian speaker married an Indian, settled down in India and became the most powerful political figure of the country from May 2004 to April 2014. Now her children are vying for a similar political stature in India against PM Modi.
Grandissimo Alfio!! Always the Best!! Sull'inglese però dobbiamo lavorarci su 😃💪
Thank u for sharing this, it gave me a lot of information about things I did not know. Keep sharing!
Grande Alfione
The speaker seems to have "joking"ly exhibited his racism against India and Indians but the day he knows why Europeans and others move their base to India, he will have found a much greater purpose in his life.
#Fun_Fact :- A compatriot of this Italian speaker married an Indian, settled down in India and became the most powerful political figure of the country from May 2004 to April 2014. Now her children are vying for a similar political stature in India against PM Modi.
Nothing new…