The Time To Prioritize a Biblical Worldview is NOW!

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • The lens that we use to view today’s world matters. Every human being that is alive today has a set of lenses they are using to filter what they are seeing and define reality to the best of their knowledge. For those who profess to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is only one set of lenses that can be used, and that is the lens of Scripture.
    The culture as defined in America is overwhelmingly becoming more and more post-truth.
    POST-TRUTH - “relating to or existing in an environment in which facts are viewed as irrelevant, or less important than personal beliefs and opinions, and emotional appeals are used to influence public opinion.”
    This can be seen in all walks of life, even in the Christian faith and church culture. All the way from mass media to education systems, large corporations, social media networks, government and politics, church denominations, to your neighbor next door. There really is no escaping the ideologies and frameworks that have shaped a new humanism based on appeals to a godless moral standard that is only founded on feelings and public opinions.
    The powers that have the greatest influence in our culture today do have a target audience in mind for indoctrination of the most influential humanistic ideologies, and that is children. The next generation. It may have been more hidden in past years, but today it is blatantly obvious that young minds and hearts are the primary target for continuing the progression of a world without absolute truth or morality.
    The question now becomes, what are Christians supposed to do, or better yet, called to do? Christians who claim to have been saved by the way, the TRUTH, and the Life in Jesus Christ. Christians that claim to worship the TRUE and living God. Do we truly posses the light that Christ has said we are to have in a dark world, or are we simply finding ways to blend in, make little to no impact, and practice good religion?
    Every parent that professes to be a follower of Jesus Christ is called to be the primary educator of the children God has blessed them with, leading with their knowledge of God in every aspect of life on to their academic knowledge of the world (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Not answering that call or not prioritizing it is a willful surrendering our kids to the powers and principalities of this world that are instituted in the form of human ideologies and philosophies that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.
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  • @tishamartin2429
    @tishamartin2429 2 роки тому +1

    Viewing the world Biblically

  • @hhholmes714
    @hhholmes714 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks and God Bless you, brother...This truly blessed and CONVINCTS me!!! I've been walking around, allowing disappointment and worldly wants to distract me and cause me to just 'wear the jersey' as you so timely put it!☺️👏🏼🙌🏼

  • @mbfrommb3699
    @mbfrommb3699 2 роки тому

    Part 2/2
    God calls us out and He will complete the work He has begun in us which means that He will do what He has planned for us.
    The Bible is for His people, not for us to force those who aren't His to abide by our laws of morality.
    In fact while the Holy Spirit is rebuking us in 1 Timothy 4 speaking harsh words about us it says
    " heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience (C)seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry,..."
    We know the Holy Spirit isn't talking about the world forbidding to marry because the world doesn't care who anyone marries. Christians forbid people to marry. Unless you can think of another group the Holy Spirit is talking about.
    God gave us free will and yet Christians live out of fear and have forbid grown adults from marrying (which the Holy Spirit expressly says we'd do in the last days). Now I'm not here to advocate for same-sex marriage but I am not here to make it a biblical issue.
    Jesus is clear in John 3:36
    36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
    If you don't have the Son whether you're gay or straight or bi or trans you're condemned already. If you have the Son then that is something God will work out in your life. Christians are so fearful that they can't even see that a gay person might become a Christian and that God uses them to share the gospel with the LGBTQ community. That is unfathomable to many sadly.
    So while Christians have been social justice warriors for Jesus, tens of millions who have lived in fear that God's judgment would come on America because of the LGBTQ agenda, have defied God. And the Church has now brought the thing they feared on America, God's judgment.
    In Leviticus 25:1-2,23 God says
    And the Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When you come into the land which I give you, then the land shall keep a sabbath to the Lord...23 ‘The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me.
    God declares the Promised Land of Israel His land. The word "sojourn" means guest, visitor, one who has no claim of ownership. He says don't sell it permanently you have no authority to do so.
    In 2 Chronicles 6:5-6 5 ‘Since the day that I brought My people out of the land of Egypt, I have chosen no city from any tribe of Israel in which to build a house, that My name might be there, nor did I choose any man to be a ruler over My people Israel. 6 Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.’
    God declares Jerusalem His City with His name on it.
    Now this should prompt us to ask a few questions.
    When did God relinquish His claim of ownership over the land of Israel and the City of Jerusalem? Hint: NEVER.
    How might God respond if we unilaterally decided to sell or divide His land?
    Joel 3:1-2 tells us "“For behold, in those days and at that time, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land."
    If we divide His land His judgment will come.
    On January 28, 2020, President Trump released a Middle East peace plan that did just that.
    It divides Israel and Jerusalem for "peace". Well God promises war.
    Daniel 2:20-21 says
    20 Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. 21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding."
    Within 48 hours of this peace plan being released the WHO declared the virus a "global health emergency" and a month later the world was locked down. How many Christians said this is because Trump's trying to divide God's land and City. Let's use our influence to get him to drop the plan. Instead, they cheered it on.
    By November 2020, God removed Trump and replaced him with the Biden administration. Now if you can't see that God is upset by the fact He did this to America then I don't know what to say.
    2000 years ago God used the arrogance and ignorance of the Jewish leaders to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles, and 2000 years God will use the arrogance and ignorance of the Church to bring salvation back to the Jewish people.
    The Judgment that Christians have always feared has come as a result of their arrogance and ignorance which Paul in Romans 11:25-27 warns us about.
    In 2023 if the LORD tarries we will see the collapse of Western Civilization. The fullness of the Gentiles will come.
    God will allow humanity to bring an end to the Gentile nation's rule. Then ALL Israel will be saved.
    The UK is bankrupt, and Europe will freeze this winter. Food and famine will sweep the earth next year as many crops never came to fruition this harvest. And America will fall via internal corruption but will eventually be brought down in war.
    You want a Biblical worldview? God is angry at us and our uselessness. Yes we are saved, He loves us and He has prepared a place for us, however, we are His first fruits and we are the first to be judged before His throne. Not for salvation but for what we have done.
    Pray for the lost, share Jesus, wherever you're at in your walk humble yourself before Him and trust Him no matter what comes.
    His people are blind and they have so many anchors to this life so God is going to remove every one of them. He will take our jobs away, our retirement savings away, for some their homes away, this is not our home. He has prepared a place for us but He is getting us ready to be in a place where we want it, desire it desperately and want to be with Him.
    Greed, corruption, lies, arrogance, etc has broken the global financial system and the state of peace the world enjoyed and we need to know and be awake that it's coming. I hope this helps take care.

  • @mbfrommb3699
    @mbfrommb3699 2 роки тому

    Part 1/2
    I appreciate the attempt at this topic but there are sadly a lot of internal contradictions in this video and a distorted biblical worldview.
    I always encourage the presentation of the Gospel. However, this video is meant to teach about life after salvation as well.
    There is a logical conflict in this video where this teacher says someone can be saved but not glorifying God and being active in their faith. Yet Philipians 1:3-6 says
    3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun (E)a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;"
    Our fellowship in the Gospel (Being saved) means God who has begun a good work in us at our salvation WILL complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. Either we accept this by faith or we don't. We are to encourage, prepare, teach, mentor others and have faith that whatever they do in their walk be it sit on the bench or become a Pastor God WILL complete whatever He has in store for them.
    Also, we must be aware that a newly planted tree cannot and won't bear fruit for many years. So we need to be wise and gracious and make sure we are disciplining New Believers
    Second, the claim is made that when we are saved all is made clear to us which is a contradiction to reality otherwise there wouldn't be hundreds of different denominations within the church.
    That is also not what the Bible teaches. 1 Timothy 4:1-5 is a prime example.
    Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
    Here it says in the last days Christians will be deceived and adopt doctrines of demons and by hypocrites, etc.
    In my 30 years as a Believer and conversing with a lot of Pastors and Christians and teachers I estimate that the average Western Christian today regardless of how conservative you are has adopted about 6 major doctrines of demons as a part of their theology.
    One is that Christianity is a partnership with Jesus. Some believe that sharing the Gospel (or not) or living a "Christian life" or not impacts the eternal destination of those who are lost. Some believe that Jesus saves us but if we don't live a life bearing fruit we could lose our salvation. Whatever the view is it shows that we're partners with Jesus.
    This is laughable. God doesn't need us for anything. God designed salvation, He provided all that was needed for it to exist, and He offers it freely. He simply allows us to be a part of the experience when someone comes to Him because there is great joy but God doesn't need us. He is the Potter and we are the clay.
    But there are much bigger issues in this video.
    Today, in 2022 this video doesn't deal with what the Bible says about us today.
    God in numerous places warns us and tells us how the Church today will be.
    You see when Jesus came 2000 years ago the world as a whole was pagan. The Jews believed in God but were fractured and they all had poor doctrine. It was about 1500 years since Moses and when Jesus came He showed them and us today that they didn't have any of their doctrines right. When Jesus came there was no one sharing the message of God biblically in the world.
    We are 2000 years from Jesus and yet every Christian believes they have the correct doctrine.
    Even though Jesus in Matthew 16:1-4 called the Jewish leaders hypocrites for not knowing the time of their visitation we don't think we need to know the time of the LORD's return today.
    The most common answer when I tell people the LORD is coming soon is "I hope not too soon I want, retire, watch my kids grow up, etc" Jesus I'm guessing by Mattew 14 would call these people hypocrites.
    Romans 11:25 warns us not to be arrogant in our ignorance about God's future plans.
    1 Timothy 4:1-5 calls Believers in the last days hypocrites, deceived, and that they adopt doctrines of demons.
    Revelation 3:14-22 the last church mentioned before the end times events begin calls them useless, that God wants to vomit them out of His mouth.
    So why is the Church in the Last Days so rebuked?
    Because there is very little of Christ in our churches.
    The Biblical worldview is that Yes God created all things but God is the God 1 nation and it's not America, Canada or China.
    God is the God of Israel.
    But many Christians don't believe that. They think God will save America, that if we just force non-believers to be governed by our laws God will save America. That we can prevent His judgment from coming if the nation is righteous.
    Of course, we need to hold biblical values of life and even marriage in our lives, but God NEVER calls us to take away people's freedom by enforcing our morality on others.
    Many quote Leviticus 18 as a passage against same-sex marriage. Yet they completely miss the context of the passage.
    We see the extensive list and we say to everyone Christian or not the Bible say to live by these laws.
    Yet this is the context, of the passage, the actual conversation God has with Moses.
    First according to the Bible Adam and Eve lived about 4000BC but here God is giving this list to Moses who lived about 1500BC. So why did God wait 2500 years to give these rules to Moses?
    Leviticus 18:15
    Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: (A)‘I am the Lord your God. 3 (B)According to [a]the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and (C)according to the doings of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their [b]ordinances. 4 (D)You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the Lord your God. 5 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the Lord.
    So the LORD speaks to Moses about 1500BC (2500 years after Adam and Eve). "Speak to the Children of Israel..."
    So we know exactly who this list is for. Its not for the whole world even though God acknowledges that there are other people and nations in the world. God even acknowledges that up until that moment the Children of Israel were also doing all these things.
    So why does God decide now to ONLY say this to the Children of Israel since we know Moses was never instructed to go back to Egypt and give them the same list and God never went to Egypt or other nations to tell them these things.
    God called the Children of Israel out from the nations to be His people and He would be their God.
    (continued in part 2.)