A somewhat related topic, is rushing to help a teammate being pushed. Snugs, I see you can judge well (and see it soon enough) when that situation is viable and when it's already hopeless. I find myself falling to the urge to go help a teammate when it's too late (mainly because I've noticed it too late). He goes down before I can be of use and I'm now the next one to be pushed. Lose, lose.
A somewhat related topic, is rushing to help a teammate being pushed. Snugs, I see you can judge well (and see it soon enough) when that situation is viable and when it's already hopeless. I find myself falling to the urge to go help a teammate when it's too late (mainly because I've noticed it too late). He goes down before I can be of use and I'm now the next one to be pushed. Lose, lose.
It’s nice when you get a teammate who will work with you taking out red tanks. It makes it so much more easier and fun.
Good list, but I think I can expand it a bit!🤣
Wheres that camo from? Grandkids would love it!
not sure if this helps, its called the Partysan camo. Its a Legendary camo . I think you just play one game and it might be a pop up offer? not sure
@@hicks2182 ty. Will play it and hope to get it