Спасибо большое за такой подробный совет! Сразу же приготовила две банки с настоем. Завтра полью. Надеюсь,сто через два месяца мои орхи порадуют меня новыми корнями и цветоносами! Позже напишу результат!
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@@НаталияКлименко-ъ6ътак можно на сочинять любой раствор. Хоть огуречным рассолом. Классно, когда работаешь в питомнике орхидейном, можно их выдавать за свои.
@@about_all_everything вот это видео я посмотрела только сейчас ,но видела видео с чесноком ,все сделала как советовал автор ,обрезала все корни помыла и почистила,хранила под пластиковым стаканчиком и что ,я спасла орхидею .Конечно требуется время ,но эффект положительный .Орхидея жива и радует глаз .Если даже человек работает в орхидейном магазине или ещё где-то ,почему вы думаете так негативно о способах которые показывает автор .Поделитесь своим методом ,как сохранить растение сильным и здоровым и не надо критиковать других .
Garlic really works, my orchid grew new shoot, and then 8 buds, opening one everyday till I had 8 opened, huge blooms lasted 3 months, so I know garlic water works, and garlic slivers tucked in the leaf crease, I an proof that garlic works because orchids love sulphur!
Years ago I had several phaelenopsis orchids, they blossomed from time to time since I gave them fertilizer and proper amount of water. But they gradually stopped blossoming, got "sick @ tired" and passed away. I think the onion, garlic, cinnamon and rice could be better care. This video has motivated me to buy some tiny orchid and care and support it to blossom as much as possible.
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Thank for sharing! Beautiful work i did this with my orchid that was reallybin bad shape ! Just stopped growing flowers i was so sad and there it is starting again with new leaves and growing new roots ! 🙏🏼🙏🏼grateful for this amazing video!🙏🏼
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Видео опубликовано 6 дней назад. Вы хотите сказать, что успели просмотреть видео и уже получили результат? Судя по манипуляциям в видео... результат должен быть не ранее, чем через пол года - год.
Thanks for the tips I’ll try your way,but I want to know why it create so many flys and why the leafs breaks in the middle and what can I do about it? Hop you can help me,I’ll appreciate it a lot! Thanks again ❤
this may work I don't know but I have over 20 orchids and I just don't have the time to do all this for them. I'm using a product now that seems to work very well and I have beautiful blooms. Thanks for sharing!
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Спасибо огромное, великалепно. Нашла бы Вас раньше, мои орхидеи не погибли бы. С Вами можно рискнуть заново выращивать. Я их обожаю. Успехов Вам , процветания, и побольше видео про них!!!
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Interesting! Must be the auxin in the rice and onion bulb. Great way to use natural plant hormones to bring about the desired flower (and root) growth!
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Yours is the first response that actually helped me to believe this video isn't just click bait. I love gardening and keeping indoor plants, but my orchids just don't do anything after the blooms fade that I bought the plant with. You gave me a jumping off point for researching why the technique in this video would actually work. Thanks you!
@@MichellesHandmadeCreations You're welcome! I don't know much about orchids, although I do keep Rootone powder around for rooting cuttings (which is basically auxin), and I know that seeds have a lot of auxin. After your comment, I looked online and found a 1949 article describing how onion juice enhances a plant's response to auxins. I don't know if orchids have a photoperiod requirement, like Christmas cacti do, but that might be worth a look as well.
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Танцы с бубнами.😏 Всё намного проще. После цветения отправляю орхидеи на пару месяцев на реабилитацию - поливаю почаще, кормлю, чтоб окрепли, а потом на месяц в прохладу и уменьшенный полив. Всё. Через месяц идут цветоносы. Соблюдаю обычный природный режим и получаю закономерный результат. И так каждый год: летом реабилитация, осенью месяц на балкон для перепада ночных и дневных температур, и далее занесение в дом и цветение всю зиму. Без мудреных растворов и ваток.
И у меня так же получилось. Но я не знала такого метода. Осенью вынесла на балкон и забыла о ней. Вспомнила, когда похолодало. Забрала с балкона , а через месяц она зацвела.
@@OLLI_SVET Я люблю, когда зимой цветут цветы в доме. Летом цветов и настроения и так хватает, а зимой с этим проблемы. Вот поэтому и выбрала для себя цветущее зимой и не требующее особых усилий в уходе растение - орхидею-фаленопсис.) Рекомендую вам карликовые формы фаленопсисов - вот тех самых очень простых и распространенных видов орхидей, коих полно во всех магазинах, но только маленькие. Другие виды орхидей (не фаленопсисы) не берите - проблематичные. А карликовые формы фаленопсисов имеют более мелкие листья и цветы, поэтому занимают меньше места, и их можно накупить побольше разных расцветок. А цветут они также обильно, как и крупные формы. Ну и ухаживайте за ними, как я и написала выше. И вы будете наслаждаться своим маленьким садиком всю зиму и часть весны, когда нам так не хватает ярких красок!🤗 Удачи вам и наслаждения!
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Помогите мне, пожалуйста, Вашими советами. Моя одна орхидея будет скоро цвести. Сегодня 12 февраля. Рада очень! Но есть одна какая-то многоэтажная, а корней нет. Я не имею ввиду воздушных. Отрезала я гниющий корень, а дальше? Надо же как-то укоренить? Нигде не могу найти ответ.
Все правильно Вы сказали о температурном режиме, но условия у всех разные, влажность и склонность растений к бактериальным и грибковым заболеваниям. Поэтому примирение жизненно необходимая вещь в таких климатах.
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Those flower stems you are cutting off will have rebloomed if you left them intact. I don’t cut mine unless they are brown. You don’t have to cut them off, that’s a personal preference. The plant has to expend a lot more energy creating another stem again. Let it put its energy into flower production instead.
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Thank you for such an detailed informative video. Very very helpful. Will definitely try these tricks. I would love to see lots for flower stems on my orchids. Natural home made nutrients are very easy n economical friendly too.I enjoy watching all your videos on orchids. They have thought me a lot and have made me very confident in growing orchids as they are my favourite. I do love taking care of them but did not know much. Thank you once again 🙏🏻. Where do you get your orchid pots from
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Mulțumesc mult! 😊 Mă bucur foarte mult că îți plac orhideele. Dacă ai nevoie de mai multe informații sau ai întrebări, nu ezita să lași un comentariu! ❤️
Мои орхидеи цвели по 8-9 месяцев. Самое благодарное растение. Но вот отцаетшие ветки не срезаю. Иногда только макушку, если полсохла. Через 3 месяца снова появляются цветы на них.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life. On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
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Merci beaucoup ! 😊 Je suis ravi(e) de savoir que vous aimez le contenu de la chaîne. Si vous avez des questions sur l’entretien des orchidées, n’hésitez pas à les poser ! 🌸
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Just purchased a small orchid this time with 2 flowers and accidentally knocked off one today so hopefully I’ll have better luck with it re-blooming again during the winter months are over here in Ohio. Thanks for sharing I enjoyed the process you shared. ❤❤
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@@Happinessgarden666 I speak English so I always understand and read the subtitles when you share what needs to be done. I truly enjoy you sharing how to take care of orchids yours are so beautiful 🌸🌸.
Hi, I'm a long time phal orchid grower & I think that THIS guy just _might_ know what he's talking about when it comes to orchids? Big tip off for me is, that he cuts off the bloom spikes & didn't allow them to rebloom! Cutting them off completely, allows the plant to rest. That way, whenever she respikes the blooms will come back larger & larger each time. (I learned this tip from a local orchid competition winner in my area & this is how I know it's 100% true. Plus, I've done it but, without realizing at the time why. Look, I'm not the smartest tool in the shed. 😂 ) Orchids are a weird plant, air breathing roots, why, right? Might I strongly suggest, you pick up a bottle of "CALi MAGic" by the company General Hydroponics? It comes in a 1.2KG bottle & it _should_ last you... forever?🤞Plus, it's _really_ cost effective for you because, you said you lived within the US? (I don't it's _over_ $40 for me! So, worth it. Honestly I've since a huge difference in all of my plants since I've started & stuck with using it.) Ya use _very_ little of it each time but, you use it EVERY time you water your orchid or all of your plants. The calcium & magnesium work within the cell structure of your plant & do glorious wonders for its roots to its blooms. Think there's more science but I don't recall... look it just _really_ freakin' works, alright? 😂😂 Currently, I've got 6 orchids left because, I lost most of my beloved babies in a move 10 yrs ago. No, I'm _still_ not over it yet! You might find that watering your orchid ONLY once every 2 weeks & draining it really well _before_ returning to the pretty pot works best? Play around but, just don't leave her soaked or she'll root & you be upset.
@@Digitalhunny Thank You 🙏 so much for the suggestions will check for the product you talk about and the cost. She is doing well so far with new blooms I thought 4 but only one has a green covering over the bloom and the others just came out a light yellow making me think they would open lol 😂 but fell off just now, so the one bloom with the green covering will be the I’ll look forward to see open soon. Thanks for you information they are sooooo beautiful!!
@@aprilcarter749 The problem she's having sounds like it's "bud blast"? This is the snippet from google, perhaps dig a little more into it? "When orchid flower buds turn yellow, they're typically also dried out and withered. This is usually a case of bud blast, when the buds shrivel and fall from their stalks before they blossom, advises Missouri Botanical Garden. A shock from a sudden change in environment is the leading cause of bud blast." Maybe, she's near a door, an open window, getting a cold chill or something else in the environment? They're a VERY persnickety plant! Like if she was a person, you'd lose their phone number, type plant! 😂
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Din nou,ma bucur foarte mult ca sant pe canalul tau,am vazut,invatat,lucruri cu totul deosebite,am retinut cat de usor obtii multi lujer pentru flori,ingrasaminte benefice,amabilitate maxima,FELICITARI si multe multumiri
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Don't throw them out. The stems will eventually die down but new stems will form. And there are different types of orchids... some bloom twice a year and some only once a year and others will bloom always it seems. 👍 happy indoor gardening 😊
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Спасибо огромное за советы! а ещё говорят надо царапнуть ствол под листочном и пойдет стрелка! а если ещё и с влажным тампоном, то точно начнет цвести и выпускать новые корни
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@@Happinessgarden666 Good video! But yes agree with the comment the stems are not spent. If the stem is still green then you will get another set of flowers from it. Only if the stem goes fully brown and dry then the stem is spent. Try it! Cut the stem upto the dried brown parts and leave the green part to flower again!
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Phalaenopsis Orchids produce one flower spike every 3 leaves. However, a single spike may branch and it may have several branches, but Orchids don't usually put out a flower spike under every leaf. That would be extremely unusual. Also, I doubt an onion will do anything but cause mold and cause the substraight to degrade faster.
@@solarwinds- Not a "phenomenon", but hard work and search for the right method to obtain the results you can see. Here in Brazil we have a city called HOLAMBRA, a dutch colony, where they cultivate all flowers you can imagine for the brazilian flower market and for export. Those persons also cultivate orquids for more than 50 years and know their job. Actually, all those hints came from the guys in HOLAMBRA. Then, people get the method and develop their own methods from different parts of the country, dependiing of the climate they live. Hard work, not phenomenon. Best, JAL
@JoseAugusto-ov3ku @solarwinds- The use of the hormone BA6 (benzyladenine-6) first two weeks after start of induction (cooling to 18-20 Celsius) will give multiple stems. All 2 and 3 stem phalaenopsis you can buy in flowershops and supermarkets, have been treated with BA6 hormone - This is no longer a big secret among professional growers.
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Thanks for the video! I was wondering why the onions and the rice needed to be in separate jars for a day? Could I just put them together in a jar from the beginning?
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I could imagine, that the rice should not put in the boiling/hot water. But she could have given the rice into the onionwater, when that was cooled down...I think.
look into "How to make Lactic Acid Bacteria LABS", one real secret weapon for healthy plant soils, not sure why he uses onions as it isn't advised for plants or soils
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Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life. On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life. On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
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Благодарю за своевременную подсказку! Буду проверять её действенность на практике, та как не убрала в своё время орхидеи с холодного балкона и они заболели, а сейчас надо спасать.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
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Hallo! Vielen Dank für das Teilen dieses interessanten Videos. Die Idee, dass nur eine dünne Scheibe pro Woche zu einer 500 %igen Steigerung der Blütenzweige bei Orchideen führen kann, klingt wirklich faszinierend und vielversprechend für alle Orchideenliebhaber. Ich bin gespannt, mehr über diese Methode zu erfahren und freue mich darauf, sie bei meinen eigenen Orchideen auszuprobieren. Tolle Tipps wie diese können wirklich einen Unterschied machen. 🌸🌱✨
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Я тоже не удаляю стебель после цветения. Он дает новые побеги и отлично цветет. 2 недели назад нечаянно сломала стебель с цветущими цветами. Вчера увидела, что появился росток с несколькими почками. Иногда без перерыва цветет. Сажаю в специальную покупную землю. Бывает просто земля для орхидей, специальный грунт с корой, щепками, еще бывает мох. И все это я слоями в горшок складываю вокруг корней при пересадке. Когда перерастает оохидея, и остаются сверху листья на стебле, а корни наружу вышли. Я вытаскиваю, обрезаю нижние старые и омертвевшие корни. Потом сажаю в новую землю. И цветет потом орхидея без перерыва. Еще горшок должен быть тесноват. Специально в воду не погружаю. И дренаж только на дне горшка. Иногда подкармливаю удобрением покупным. Удачи всем! ❤❤❤😂😂
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
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I wonder if you do this weekly for the two months, or just for a shorter period? It seems really labour intensive when you see how many orchids there are, but I suppose you only do it to supercharge the plant to get the multiple flower spikes…?
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Спасибо большое за такой подробный совет! Сразу же приготовила две банки с настоем. Завтра полью. Надеюсь,сто через два месяца мои орхи порадуют меня новыми корнями и цветоносами! Позже напишу результат!
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Сколько времени может храниться такой раствор ?
@@НаталияКлименко-ъ6ътак можно на сочинять любой раствор. Хоть огуречным рассолом. Классно, когда работаешь в питомнике орхидейном, можно их выдавать за свои.
@@about_all_everything вот это видео я посмотрела только сейчас ,но видела видео с чесноком ,все сделала как советовал автор ,обрезала все корни помыла и почистила,хранила под пластиковым стаканчиком и что ,я спасла орхидею .Конечно требуется время ,но эффект положительный .Орхидея жива и радует глаз .Если даже человек работает в орхидейном магазине или ещё где-то ,почему вы думаете так негативно о способах которые показывает автор .Поделитесь своим методом ,как сохранить растение сильным и здоровым и не надо критиковать других .
Напишите, пожалуйста, какой получился результат?
Garlic really works, my orchid grew new shoot, and then 8 buds, opening one everyday till I had 8 opened, huge blooms lasted 3 months, so I know garlic water works, and garlic slivers tucked in the leaf crease, I an proof that garlic works because orchids love sulphur!
wow! Thank you for watching the video. I'm always praying for you! Wishing you success and happiness in life.
@@VirginiaSmoliak but he recommends onions & rice not garlic
@@kandan-st8yg it worked for me, just garlic, garlic water and they grew huge and beautiful!
Years ago I had several phaelenopsis orchids, they blossomed from time to time since I gave them fertilizer and proper amount of water. But they gradually stopped blossoming, got "sick @ tired" and passed away. I think the onion, garlic, cinnamon and rice could be better care. This video has motivated me to buy some tiny orchid and care and support it to blossom as much as possible.
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Thank for sharing! Beautiful work i did this with my orchid that was reallybin bad shape ! Just stopped growing flowers i was so sad and there it is starting again with new leaves and growing new roots ! 🙏🏼🙏🏼grateful for this amazing video!🙏🏼
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Видео опубликовано 6 дней назад. Вы хотите сказать, что успели просмотреть видео и уже получили результат? Судя по манипуляциям в видео... результат должен быть не ранее, чем через пол года - год.
Thanks for the tips I’ll try your way,but I want to know why it create so many flys and why the leafs breaks in the middle and what can I do about it? Hop you can help me,I’ll appreciate it a lot! Thanks again ❤
this may work I don't know but I have over 20 orchids and I just don't have the time to do all this for them. I'm using a product now that seems to work very well and I have beautiful blooms. Thanks for sharing!
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I am thinking of taking one phael and using this, the others i will do my normal care just to see if there really is a difference!
what is the product you use?
@@JS-gm4vj What is the product name?
Спасибо огромное, великалепно. Нашла бы Вас раньше, мои орхидеи не погибли бы. С Вами можно рискнуть заново выращивать. Я их обожаю. Успехов Вам , процветания, и побольше видео про них!!!
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Вы верите в эти сказки? На сочинять можно всё что угодно, работая в питомнике орхидейном.
Got it will try this method after may orchids finished blooming thank you 🙏
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Спасибо! У вас прекрасные цветы! Результат великолепный!!! Обязательно попробую.
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Что именно?
Спасибо за видео,очень красивые Орхидеи у вас.Украина.❤❤❤❤
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The cuteness overload in this video is beyond words!
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@@Happinessgarden666 would appreciate if you give each one the answer they want and not give a readymade same answer for everyone
Interesting! Must be the auxin in the rice and onion bulb. Great way to use natural plant hormones to bring about the desired flower (and root) growth!
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Yours is the first response that actually helped me to believe this video isn't just click bait. I love gardening and keeping indoor plants, but my orchids just don't do anything after the blooms fade that I bought the plant with. You gave me a jumping off point for researching why the technique in this video would actually work. Thanks you!
@@MichellesHandmadeCreations You're welcome! I don't know much about orchids, although I do keep Rootone powder around for rooting cuttings (which is basically auxin), and I know that seeds have a lot of auxin. After your comment, I looked online and found a 1949 article describing how onion juice enhances a plant's response to auxins. I don't know if orchids have a photoperiod requirement, like Christmas cacti do, but that might be worth a look as well.
Благодарю Вас за полезные советы по уходу за орхидеями!!!👍❤️🥰❤️🙏🙏🙏
Wonderful tips I just didn't know what kind of care before I am passing this on to my daughters
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난 꽃피울려면 영양제 계피가루 인가요?
А они полезные? Не думаю.
Танцы с бубнами.😏
Всё намного проще.
После цветения отправляю орхидеи на пару месяцев на реабилитацию - поливаю почаще, кормлю, чтоб окрепли, а потом на месяц в прохладу и уменьшенный полив. Всё. Через месяц идут цветоносы.
Соблюдаю обычный природный режим и получаю закономерный результат.
И так каждый год: летом реабилитация, осенью месяц на балкон для перепада ночных и дневных температур, и далее занесение в дом и цветение всю зиму. Без мудреных растворов и ваток.
И у меня так же получилось. Но я не знала такого метода. Осенью вынесла на балкон и забыла о ней. Вспомнила, когда похолодало. Забрала с балкона , а через месяц она зацвела.
Я люблю, когда зимой цветут цветы в доме. Летом цветов и настроения и так хватает, а зимой с этим проблемы. Вот поэтому и выбрала для себя цветущее зимой и не требующее особых усилий в уходе растение - орхидею-фаленопсис.)
Рекомендую вам карликовые формы фаленопсисов - вот тех самых очень простых и распространенных видов орхидей, коих полно во всех магазинах, но только маленькие. Другие виды орхидей (не фаленопсисы) не берите - проблематичные.
А карликовые формы фаленопсисов имеют более мелкие листья и цветы, поэтому занимают меньше места, и их можно накупить побольше разных расцветок. А цветут они также обильно, как и крупные формы. Ну и ухаживайте за ними, как я и написала выше. И вы будете наслаждаться своим маленьким садиком всю зиму и часть весны, когда нам так не хватает ярких красок!🤗
Удачи вам и наслаждения!
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Помогите мне, пожалуйста, Вашими советами. Моя одна орхидея будет скоро цвести. Сегодня 12 февраля. Рада очень! Но есть одна какая-то многоэтажная, а корней нет. Я не имею ввиду воздушных. Отрезала я гниющий корень, а дальше? Надо же как-то укоренить? Нигде не могу найти ответ.
Все правильно Вы сказали о температурном режиме, но условия у всех разные, влажность и склонность растений к бактериальным и грибковым заболеваниям. Поэтому примирение жизненно необходимая вещь в таких климатах.
Дуже цікаво
Дякую за Вашу працю та корисні поради
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Какие у Вас золотые руки Браво, очень красивые орхидеи ❤❤❤❤
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Thank you for the timely information!!! Your orchids are so beautiful!!! 😊
Огромное спасибо за ваши советы, обязательно попробую так сделать, а то мои 7 орхидей почему то очень долго отдыхают и не дают цветоносов.
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Добрый день, вы попробовали так сделать? Как получилось. Сегодня только наткнулась на это видео. У меня тоже мои не цветут
@@светакузнецова-е9р Доброго дня! мои зацвели через 6-7 месяцев после последнего цветения, как обычно, просто я хотела чтобы побыстрее.
Thank you for sharing, I will def. try this. I wish you a good day and many blessings to you. 💚
Вы попробовали как у вас получилось?
Those flower stems you are cutting off will have rebloomed if you left them intact. I don’t cut mine unless they are brown. You don’t have to cut them off, that’s a personal preference. The plant has to expend a lot more energy creating another stem again. Let it put its energy into flower production instead.
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А перевод, к сожалению английский не знаю
А нахренс эта орхидея, если столько заботы с нею. Она как монстр всю дкшу вятянет
И я не обрезаю
@@ЕленаЗахарова-я6с есть функция в субтитрах что-то типа "субтитры на русском языке "
Formidabile molte grazie per il consiglio
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All your orchids looks insane! So many healthy leaves and flowers. Beautiful! I will need to try this
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Cảm ơn vườn hp nhé giúp mọi người có được gốc lan đẹp
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Thank you for such an detailed informative video. Very very helpful. Will definitely try these tricks. I would love to see lots for flower stems on my orchids. Natural home made nutrients are very easy n economical friendly too.I enjoy watching all your videos on orchids. They have thought me a lot and have made me very confident in growing orchids as they are my favourite. I do love taking care of them but did not know much. Thank you once again 🙏🏻. Where do you get your orchid pots from
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Mulțumesc !Ce frumoase sunt !❤
Mulțumesc mult! 😊 Mă bucur foarte mult că îți plac orhideele. Dacă ai nevoie de mai multe informații sau ai întrebări, nu ezita să lași un comentariu! ❤️
Мои орхидеи цвели по 8-9 месяцев. Самое благодарное растение. Но вот отцаетшие ветки не срезаю. Иногда только макушку, если полсохла. Через 3 месяца снова появляются цветы на них.
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Боже, какие красивые ваши орхидеи!
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Вот человек не выпрашивает вначале лайк и уже приятно,спасибо вам 10лайков хочется поставить,супер!!!
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@@Happinessgarden666 b ok
Thanks for these new ideas I hope to try this soon the order looks very healthy continue to inspire us ❤
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life.
On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from.
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Hvala na predivnim.savjetima❤
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Спасибо вам за хороший совет, обязательно попробую тоже так сделать. 💐
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Дякую всього найкращого
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Your flowers are very beautiful🌺🌺🌺
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Я использую чесночную воду..очень помогает
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Подскажите пожалуйста,как готовите чесночную воду?
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תודה רבה
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Sviđa mi se , hvala vam puno na savetu... Veliki pozdrav... 👍😊❤️🙋♀️🌹
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Thank you. 🙏💗🌈🌸😇
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Chào bạn cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ video Cây Cảnh Đẹp Tuyệt Vời 🎉Subscribe kính Bạn 🎉Chúc bạn nhiều Sức Khỏe ❤❤❤❤❤
Perfect so much love love ❤❤❤❤❤
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This is work i been doing this and i have lots of new roots already and my orchids is getting healtier.
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C’est fascinant 😮
Merci beaucoup ! 😊 Je suis ravi(e) de savoir que vous aimez le contenu de la chaîne. Si vous avez des questions sur l’entretien des orchidées, n’hésitez pas à les poser ! 🌸
Me encanta esta enseñanza espero poder practicarla con mis plantas, mil gracias por compartir, bendiciones
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You are the best!!!❤️
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@@Happinessgarden666Good people don't need language my friend music and your magic hands explain EXCELLENT 👌❤
Thank you so much great video as always, so many tips and tricks too. Please stay safe and well too xxxx Mags ❤❤❤❤
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Thank you !
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Спасибо вам огромное за подсказки.
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Just purchased a small orchid this time with 2 flowers and accidentally knocked off one today so hopefully I’ll have better luck with it re-blooming again during the winter months are over here in Ohio. Thanks for sharing I enjoyed the process you shared. ❤❤
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@@Happinessgarden666 I speak English so I always understand and read the subtitles when you share what needs to be done. I truly enjoy you sharing how to take care of orchids yours are so beautiful 🌸🌸.
Hi, I'm a long time phal orchid grower & I think that THIS guy just _might_ know what he's talking about when it comes to orchids? Big tip off for me is, that he cuts off the bloom spikes & didn't allow them to rebloom! Cutting them off completely, allows the plant to rest. That way, whenever she respikes the blooms will come back larger & larger each time. (I learned this tip from a local orchid competition winner in my area & this is how I know it's 100% true. Plus, I've done it but, without realizing at the time why. Look, I'm not the smartest tool in the shed. 😂 )
Orchids are a weird plant, air breathing roots, why, right? Might I strongly suggest, you pick up a bottle of "CALi MAGic" by the company General Hydroponics? It comes in a 1.2KG bottle & it _should_ last you... forever?🤞Plus, it's _really_ cost effective for you because, you said you lived within the US? (I don't it's _over_ $40 for me! So, worth it. Honestly I've since a huge difference in all of my plants since I've started & stuck with using it.) Ya use _very_ little of it each time but, you use it EVERY time you water your orchid or all of your plants. The calcium & magnesium work within the cell structure of your plant & do glorious wonders for its roots to its blooms. Think there's more science but I don't recall... look it just _really_ freakin' works, alright? 😂😂
Currently, I've got 6 orchids left because, I lost most of my beloved babies in a move 10 yrs ago. No, I'm _still_ not over it yet! You might find that watering your orchid ONLY once every 2 weeks & draining it really well _before_ returning to the pretty pot works best? Play around but, just don't leave her soaked or she'll root & you be upset.
@@Digitalhunny Thank You 🙏 so much for the suggestions will check for the product you talk about and the cost. She is doing well so far with new blooms I thought 4 but only one has a green covering over the bloom and the others just came out a light yellow making me think they would open lol 😂 but fell off just now, so the one bloom with the green covering will be the I’ll look forward to see open soon. Thanks for you information they are sooooo beautiful!!
@@aprilcarter749 The problem she's having sounds like it's "bud blast"? This is the snippet from google, perhaps dig a little more into it?
"When orchid flower buds turn yellow, they're typically also dried out and withered. This is usually a case of bud blast, when the buds shrivel and fall from their stalks before they blossom, advises Missouri Botanical Garden. A shock from a sudden change in environment is the leading cause of bud blast."
Maybe, she's near a door, an open window, getting a cold chill or something else in the environment? They're a VERY persnickety plant! Like if she was a person, you'd lose their phone number, type plant! 😂
Thank you so much, I feel my orchid likes onion water so much as well. Eyyyy!
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Its a great vedio. Thank you for sharing ❤
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Спасибо🙏💕 за совет, как ухаживать за орхидеей
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This is Great 👍🏻
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Din nou,ma bucur foarte mult ca sant pe canalul tau,am vazut,invatat,lucruri cu totul deosebite,am retinut cat de usor obtii multi lujer pentru flori,ingrasaminte benefice,amabilitate maxima,FELICITARI si multe multumiri
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Спасибо большое ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Eu fiz essa experiência e Deu super certo minha orquídea vai flori mais uma vez caule novo
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Will give it try and get back to you, Thanks for sharing .
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Спасибо за прекрасный совет❤❤❤
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Maravilhoso ensinamento.
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Огромное спасибо🙏💕. Мира, здоровья, счастья ,удачи!🥰🤗🍀
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Thank you . Now I know how to care for the orchids but I have only three pot three colors.
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I've 10 pots ...just recently bought...I always bought new orchids when those orchids I had...dried & die...😥😊😊
Don't throw them out. The stems will eventually die down but new stems will form. And there are different types of orchids... some bloom twice a year and some only once a year and others will bloom always it seems. 👍 happy indoor gardening 😊
@@tobeamiss1 Tqvm for the info...🥰🥰🥰
Beautiful 😮
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Excelente video 🌸
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Спасибо огромное за советы! а ещё говорят надо царапнуть ствол под листочном и пойдет стрелка! а если ещё и с влажным тампоном, то точно начнет цвести и выпускать новые корни
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Дуже велика робота,це біля одної орхідеї треба днями стояти ,не відходячи😂
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В ы что черепаха?
Muy hermosa forma de hacer cultivar me encanta
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Ce frumoase sunt!
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Amei 💟 todos os CUIDADOS COM A ORQUÍDEA "é lindo😍 parece que a ORQUÍDEA ESTÁ ENTENDENDO TUDO ! 👏👏👏👏👏🇧🇷
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@@Happinessgarden666 Good video! But yes agree with the comment the stems are not spent. If the stem is still green then you will get another set of flowers from it. Only if the stem goes fully brown and dry then the stem is spent. Try it! Cut the stem upto the dried brown parts and leave the green part to flower again!
Thank you
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Muita fácil de fazer e muito compensador!
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Phalaenopsis Orchids produce one flower spike every 3 leaves. However, a single spike may branch and it may have several branches, but Orchids don't usually put out a flower spike under every leaf. That would be extremely unusual. Also, I doubt an onion will do anything but cause mold and cause the substraight to degrade faster.
Than how this happened? I am confused...
It's a phenomenon! @@TheDragonA64
@@solarwinds- Not a "phenomenon", but hard work and search for the right method to obtain the results you can see. Here in Brazil we have a city called HOLAMBRA, a dutch colony, where they cultivate all flowers you can imagine for the brazilian flower market and for export. Those persons also cultivate orquids for more than 50 years and know their job. Actually, all those hints came from the guys in HOLAMBRA. Then, people get the method and develop their own methods from different parts of the country, dependiing of the climate they live. Hard work, not phenomenon. Best, JAL
The use of the hormone BA6 (benzyladenine-6) first two weeks after start of induction (cooling to 18-20 Celsius) will give multiple stems. All 2 and 3 stem phalaenopsis you can buy in flowershops and supermarkets, have been treated with BA6 hormone - This is no longer a big secret among professional growers.
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Thanks for the video! I was wondering why the onions and the rice needed to be in separate jars for a day? Could I just put them together in a jar from the beginning?
Для разнообразия! У него все видео одинаковые, только меняются рис, лук, морковь, чеснок и т д....
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I could imagine, that the rice should not put in the boiling/hot water. But she could have given the rice into the onionwater, when that was cooled down...I think.
look into "How to make Lactic Acid Bacteria LABS", one real secret weapon for healthy plant soils, not sure why he uses onions as it isn't advised for plants or soils
From what I understand, the rice water and onion water will breed different probiotic bacterias. That is why they have to be put in different jars.
Hay orquídeas que en esa rama mientras no esté seca vuelve a florecer mi madre tiene unas asi
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Hay quá. Mình trồng cây lan to lớn lá nhiều lắm mà kg biết kích hoa như vậy. Giờ nhờ có trương trình này mới biêt
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On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from.
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so great my friend
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On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from.
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Это фантастика! Благодаю!
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Splendide orchidee, Grazie per i suggerimenti! 👏👏🌷🌷
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Благодарю за своевременную подсказку! Буду проверять её действенность на практике, та как не убрала в своё время орхидеи с холодного балкона и они заболели, а сейчас надо спасать.
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Подскажите, а как часто готовить такие растворы? Раз в неделю?
your job is great
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У моей соседи есть много архидей, пожилая бабушка,кроме поливы ничего не делает а цветы растут очень красиво,столько времени не надо тратить.
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Very nice gardening work
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Terima kasih sharingnya, anggreknya cantik2 8:25
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👍👍👍👍👍Thank you🙏
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I'm going to try this. Hope it works.... thank you
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What did you cut up in glass jar?
Köszönöm ,az értékes tanácsot ,,Magyarországról 🇭🇺Nézem .❤️👍
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@@Happinessgarden666 Nagyon szépen köszönöm ,Boldog Karácsonyt kivánok .!❄️❤️🇭🇺🎄❄️
Nagyon szépen köszönöm ,,Boldog karácsonyt kivánok ! ❤️❄️🎄🇮🇹❄️
넘잘배워봅니다 감사합니다 ~👍🤩🥰❤️❤️❤️
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Hallo! Vielen Dank für das Teilen dieses interessanten Videos. Die Idee, dass nur eine dünne Scheibe pro Woche zu einer 500 %igen Steigerung der Blütenzweige bei Orchideen führen kann, klingt wirklich faszinierend und vielversprechend für alle Orchideenliebhaber. Ich bin gespannt, mehr über diese Methode zu erfahren und freue mich darauf, sie bei meinen eigenen Orchideen auszuprobieren. Tolle Tipps wie diese können wirklich einen Unterschied machen. 🌸🌱✨
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@@bestesprucheundzitate Привет,вы пишите об одном тонком срезе,что вы имеете ввиду,что нужно срезать,подскажите пожалуйста.Заранее спасибо.
Buenos días q buen video muchas gracias por compartir 🙏👏
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Trimakasih totorial nya bang, sangat bagus sekali 👍👍👍
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Terimakasih banget ka sudah sering ilmu anggrek yang sangat bermampa.at salam sukses
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Я тоже не удаляю стебель после цветения. Он дает новые побеги и отлично цветет. 2 недели назад нечаянно сломала стебель с цветущими цветами. Вчера увидела, что появился росток с несколькими почками. Иногда без перерыва цветет. Сажаю в специальную покупную землю. Бывает просто земля для орхидей, специальный грунт с корой, щепками, еще бывает мох. И все это я слоями в горшок складываю вокруг корней при пересадке. Когда перерастает оохидея, и остаются сверху листья на стебле, а корни наружу вышли. Я вытаскиваю, обрезаю нижние старые и омертвевшие корни. Потом сажаю в новую землю. И цветет потом орхидея без перерыва. Еще горшок должен быть тесноват. Специально в воду не погружаю. И дренаж только на дне горшка. Иногда подкармливаю удобрением покупным. Удачи всем! ❤❤❤😂😂
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@@Happinessgarden666спасибо за видио и субтитры.❤
Lo voy a hacer, gracias
¡Muchas gracias! Me alegra saber que el video te fue útil. ¡Te deseo mucho éxito cuidando tus orquídeas! Si necesitas más información o tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en preguntar. 😊
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@Happinessgarden666 gracias a ti por compartir lo que sabes
Большое спасибо за очень полезную информацию!🌷🌼🌺👏👏
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❤ thank u for ur share. Good 💡 🎉🎉🎉
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Thank you very much, sir! Your video helps me a lot to understand the treatment ways gor these beautiful plants❣️🫂
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@@Happinessgarden666 yeah, im so happy to find my native russian(english is not my native 😀), thanks³😀
Those who have followed this method pls put your comments
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Tips yang super istimewa kak. Saya menyukai video ini. Menontonnya sampai selesai. Salam hormat atas karya mu kak
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Vaši savjeti će mi pino pomoći u uzdajanju orhideja. Hval Vam❤
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Very helpful tips.
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Eu fiz essa experiência com alho super certo ❤
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I wonder if you do this weekly for the two months, or just for a shorter period? It seems really labour intensive when you see how many orchids there are, but I suppose you only do it to supercharge the plant to get the multiple flower spikes…?
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