Listening to the entire Cuphead OST got me like:

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SunsetVibes-us6re
    @SunsetVibes-us6re 9 місяців тому +152

    idk but when i was little everyone at school thought ost was a fancy word its just original soundtrack

  • @Mrsocky9511
    @Mrsocky9511 6 місяців тому +110

    12:28-12:59 the drummer is basically carrying the whole song, w guy

  • @1x32x
    @1x32x 4 місяці тому +69

    --- Timestamps ---
    0:00 = Don't Deal With the Devil
    0:41 = Don't Deal With the Devil (Instrumental)
    0:48 = Introduction
    1:06 = Elder Kettle
    1:23 = Elder Kettle (Piano)
    1:35 = Tutorial
    1:48 = Inkwell Isle 1
    2:05 = Inkwell Isle 1 (Piano)
    2:16 = Forest Follies
    2:33 = Treetop Trouble
    2:43 = Victory Tune
    2:51 = Ruse Of An Ooze
    3:06 = Botanic Panic
    3:21 = Clip Joint Calamity
    3:35 = Threatenin' Zeppelin
    3:51 = Floral Fury
    4:03 = The Mausoleum
    4:16 = Legendary Ghost
    4:34 = Porkrind's Shop
    4:51 = Die House
    5:09 = Inkwell Isle 2
    5:23 = Inkwell Isle 2 (Piano)
    5:31 = Funfair Fever
    5:59 = Funhouse Frazzle
    6:13 = Coin-Op Bop
    6:39 = High Score
    7:07 = A Quick Break
    7:22 = Carnival Kerfuffle
    7:33 = Pyramid Peril
    7:49 = Sugarland Shimmy
    8:03 = Aviary Action
    8:16 = Fiery Frolic
    8:35 = Inkwell Isle 3
    8:53 = Inkwell Isle 3 (Piano)
    9:05 = Rugged Ridge
    9:17 = Perilous Piers
    9:27 = Honeycomb Herald
    9:42 = Shootin n' Lootin
    9:57 = Murine Corps
    10:10 = High Sea Hi-Jinx
    10:23 = Dramatic Fanatic
    10:37 = Railroad Wrath
    10:53 = Junkyard Jive
    11:14 = The Airship
    11:30 = Hurry Up
    11:47 = Inkwell Hell
    12:11 = Inkwell Hell (Piano)
    12:20 = The King's Court
    12:59 = Ominous Interlude
    13:41 = Admission to Perdition
    14:16 = One Hell of a Time
    14:55 = The End
    15:20 = Winner Takes All
    15:47 = Closing Credits
    16:19 = The Delicious Last Course
    16:47 = A Far off Isle
    17:00 = Chef Saltbaker
    17:07 = Chef Saltbaker (Piano)
    17:12 = Recipe for Ms. Chalice
    17:28 = Inkwell Isle 4
    17:47 = Inkwell Isle 4 (Piano)
    18:00 = Porkrind's Provision
    18:14 = Prelude and Proclamation
    18:26 = King of Games' Castle
    18:35 = King of Games' Castle (Rococo)
    18:43 = Bourree on the Board
    18:58 = The Queen's Riguadon
    19:18 = Gnome Way Out
    19:36 = Snow Cult Scuffle
    19:50 = Bootlegger Boogie
    20:04 = High-Noon Hoopla
    20:21 = Doggone Dogfight
    20:49 = One Hell of a Dream
    21:50 = An Ominous Stroll
    22:12 = An Ominous Stroll (Piano)
    22:23 = Joyous Promenade
    22:40 = Joyous Promenade (Piano)
    22:51 = Caute Cave Mortem
    23:23 = The Finishing Touch
    24:08 = Baking the Wondertart
    26:14 = Triumphant Trio
    26:25 = A Chef's Coda
    26:54 = The Key Ingredients
    27:46 = Thanks For Watching

  • @VK_20-y6l
    @VK_20-y6l Рік тому +127

    Thanksgiving dinner is served

  • @kristamu06
    @kristamu06 Місяць тому +13

    4:59 “I’m Mr. King dice I’m the gayest in the land” 💀

  • @bubble7959
    @bubble7959 11 місяців тому +49

    16:20 this part my favourite

  • @claytonstacy4407
    @claytonstacy4407 4 місяці тому +27

    3:15 Mario Kart in a nutshell.

  • @OtherAxoltol
    @OtherAxoltol 6 місяців тому +80

    Beginning: "Hi there pal!"
    Isle I: *Wacky Hijinx ensues*
    Isle II:🎪🤡🎪
    Isle III: Hold my Cig
    Hell: It is in it's name
    Isle 4: *Wack Hijinx ensues* _but jazzy_

    • @kazmapper
      @kazmapper 4 місяці тому +2

      Isle II is just el circo and dragon

  • @YhouSB
    @YhouSB 22 дні тому +5

    19:18 "Run for ur life" ahh song

  • @Usagi1992
    @Usagi1992 Місяць тому +36

    1:37 - and we will *_NEVER_* let him FORGET THAT!!

  • @simonrey4706
    @simonrey4706 Місяць тому +5

    4:51 iv gotten so used to hearing this in emkay videos, i expected the lyrics to be "whats up sexy, im lexi"

  • @malikeththeblackblade7179
    @malikeththeblackblade7179 Місяць тому +8

    10:23 Sally Stageplay after getting married:

  • @charismaentertainer1657
    @charismaentertainer1657 9 місяців тому +51

    24:09- 26:13
    This entire section was the best part. Congrats

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  9 місяців тому +6

      Thanks. It was my favorite part.

    • @RuBik-c2t
      @RuBik-c2t 4 місяці тому +3

      @@fragmentedgalaxy1819Part After 26:13 is hilarious, because it supposed to be epic part and you cut it straight before it

  • @GoldScoutTDS
    @GoldScoutTDS Місяць тому +11


  • @OrangeLefty4
    @OrangeLefty4 6 місяців тому +57

    Adding the sound effects to Junkyard Jive made it even more nostalgic -and traumatic XP-

    • @mr3rr0r15
      @mr3rr0r15 6 місяців тому +5

      Same bro same, I actually stopped playing the game for a while because of that boss

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  5 місяців тому +6

      Yeah man, that fight is so iconic

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@mr3rr0r15I don't blame you lmao

    • @Carl_Plushie
      @Carl_Plushie 4 місяці тому +2

      im on the boss rn. please wish me luck

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  4 місяці тому +1

      @@Carl_Plushie good luck 👍

  • @loliemontes3457
    @loliemontes3457 8 місяців тому +31

    2:42 default finally managing to kill an overkill:

  • @wikitokarska460
    @wikitokarska460 3 місяці тому +7

    2:44 This is literally how you feel when you win against a Cuphead boss after three hours worth of trying.

  • @longhorse15
    @longhorse15 Місяць тому +14

    5:31 bro wtf💀💀💀

  • @rytheguy2148
    @rytheguy2148 6 місяців тому +22

    I love it how he synced the clips

  • @strangeraxolotl7779
    @strangeraxolotl7779 8 місяців тому +38

    10:59 real

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  8 місяців тому +2

      I'll never forget those compilations of youtubers reacting to the progress bar barely move lmao

    • @strangeraxolotl7779
      @strangeraxolotl7779 8 місяців тому +6

      @@fragmentedgalaxy1819 last phase is the definition of ptsd

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@strangeraxolotl7779facts, especially on expert

    • @strangeraxolotl7779
      @strangeraxolotl7779 8 місяців тому

      @@fragmentedgalaxy1819 fr

  • @YhouSB
    @YhouSB Місяць тому +5

    4:03 Mausoleum killed me 😂

  • @dormortop
    @dormortop 11 місяців тому +20

    Amazing video and most matched really well, but I'm gutted you cut out arguably the best part of Baking The Wondertart

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  11 місяців тому +4

      Thanks, and sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger lmao. I felt like that was the best way to have it transition to the next track, but I can't say I wasn't thinking of fully using Baking the Wondertart because it's that good.

  • @DoctorSmiles-x6w
    @DoctorSmiles-x6w Місяць тому +3

    9:38 my favourite part of honeycomb herald.

  • @OrigamiUSTASI-v4d
    @OrigamiUSTASI-v4d Місяць тому +7

    0:40 I randomly touch the screen and stopped on THIS

  • @TicTacToeCraft
    @TicTacToeCraft 3 місяці тому +9

    5:31 missed opportunity to show gameplay of Super Mario World

  • @pdizzle822
    @pdizzle822 8 місяців тому +24

    Is it just me or does inkwell hell sound like it took some cords from the James Bond theme

  • @pawtonsansders985
    @pawtonsansders985 4 місяці тому +13

    anyone know where “Hurry Up” was supposed to have played? My guess is that the Run n gun levels were originally timed, and Hurry Up would have played when you had like a minute left, like in the Mario games

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  4 місяці тому +5

      The beta version of Cuphead had a timer for the bosses, so it's likely that your guess is correct

    • @TicTacToeCraft
      @TicTacToeCraft 3 місяці тому +2

      I think it was supposed to play in Rugged Ridge, where the Cyclops chases you. "Hurry Up" shares elements with its theme.

    • @kurokyoto6221
      @kurokyoto6221 Місяць тому +1

      bosses had 180 second timers. hurry up was the last 30 seconds.

  • @teedoes
    @teedoes 7 місяців тому +6

    3:21 Reference to Cuphead's bizarre adventure (by KabaGonnaPlay)?

  • @Borderlinepenguin
    @Borderlinepenguin 7 місяців тому +8

    The despicable forces reference is wild

  • @JustArmarosContent4807
    @JustArmarosContent4807 4 місяці тому +2

    19:18 It looks like some kind of Backrooms level, it's similar to "Run for your life" or something.

  • @claytonstacy4407
    @claytonstacy4407 4 місяці тому +5

    13:13 Who is the superstar!?!? The Superstar is… (Probably Mario. Poor Shy guy. But perfect clip to use).
    Edit: Called it.

  • @Mamaluigi13
    @Mamaluigi13 Місяць тому

    Its so weird hearing these soundtracks without the constant “THANK YOU EUUUUUGH” or boss noises or static

  • @FlightlessFellow
    @FlightlessFellow Місяць тому +2

    How the hell did you get so many perfect references 😭

  • @SueNorman-ww9mx
    @SueNorman-ww9mx 2 місяці тому +2

    Don’t Deal With The Devil
    Don’t Deal With The Devil (Instrumental)
    Elder Kettle
    Elder Kettle (Piano)
    Inkwell Isle 1
    Inkwell Isle 1 (Piano)
    Forest Follies
    Treetop Trouble
    Victory Tune
    Ruse Of An Ooze
    Botanic Panic
    Clip-Joint Calamity
    Threatenin’ Zeppelin
    Floral Fury
    The Mausoleum
    Legendary Ghost
    Porkrind’s Shop
    Die House
    Inkwell Isle 2
    Inkwell Isle 2 (Piano)
    Funfair Fever
    Funhouse Frazzle
    Coin-Op Bop
    High Score
    A Quick Break
    Carnival Kerfuffle
    Pyramid Peril
    Sugarland Shimmy
    Aviary Action
    Fiery Frolic
    Inkwell Isle 3
    Inkwell Isle 3 (Piano)
    Rugged Ridge
    Perilous Piers
    Honeycomb Herald
    Shootin n’ Lootin
    Murine Corps
    High Sea Hijinx
    Dramatic Fanatic
    Railroad Wrath
    Junkyard Jive
    The Airship
    Hurry Up
    Inkwell Hell
    Inkwell Hell (Piano)
    The King’s Court
    Ominous Interlude
    Admission To Perdition
    One Hell Of A Time
    The End
    Winner Takes All
    Closing Credits
    The DLC
    A Far Off Isle
    Chef Saltbaker
    Recipe For Ms. Challice
    Inkwell Isle 4
    Inkwell Isle 4 (Piano)
    Porkrind’s Provision
    Prelude & Proclamation
    King Of Games’ Castle
    King Of Games’ Castle (Rococo)
    Bourree On The Board
    The Queen’s Rigaudon
    Glumstone The Giant
    Snow Cult Scuffle
    Bootlegger Boogie
    High-Noon Hoopla
    Doggone Dogfight
    One Hell Of A Dream
    An Ominous Stroll
    An Ominous Stroll (Piano)
    Joyous Promenade
    Joyous Promenade (Piano)
    Caute Cave Mortem
    The Finishing Touch
    Baking The Wondertart
    Truimphant Trio
    A Chef’s Coda
    The Key Ingredients

  • @kurokyoto6221
    @kurokyoto6221 Місяць тому +3

    first time? 😏

  • @Toast_Tv661
    @Toast_Tv661 Місяць тому +2

    Fr funfair fever was making me laugh so hard 5:27

  • @LincolnTheLucky
    @LincolnTheLucky Місяць тому +3

    9:05 Caught me off gaurd 😂

  • @Cal_AnimatesLOL
    @Cal_AnimatesLOL 4 місяці тому

    Missed opportunity to play the original intro for the key ingredients

    @KADOTHORNE24 Місяць тому +3

    24:10 accurate asf

  • @voch123
    @voch123 4 місяці тому +1

    My favorites

  • @BRXIG
    @BRXIG 4 місяці тому +4

    someone likes starwars (same)

  • @johantapia70
    @johantapia70 7 місяців тому +2

    All the scenes fit very well with the music well done, I just have one question
    what the hell is what appears in the minute 5:31

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  5 місяців тому

      Just Muscle Man getting his peanut butter milkshake with Pops lmao

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому +1

    Evil Officer? Of chief. CEO. lol

  • @Frangamer0205
    @Frangamer0205 25 днів тому +1


  • @simmilimmi5383
    @simmilimmi5383 2 місяці тому

    When i hear Honeycomb Herald i think about honey being made

  • @Chomperc1aws
    @Chomperc1aws 10 місяців тому +3

    I was gonna make one like this, but ya beat me to it. Anyways, please excuse me as I will Bob my head up and down as I listen to this 😂

  • @ahmadwalirizqnadjmi3311
    @ahmadwalirizqnadjmi3311 2 місяці тому +2

    6:07 🎉

  • @jiren_gamer5890
    @jiren_gamer5890 4 місяці тому +1

    Cuphead could've been an awesome Disney stuff lol

  • @Kewl_ZombycatYT
    @Kewl_ZombycatYT 18 днів тому

    forest follies is just plants vs zombies

  • @KimberSpores
    @KimberSpores Місяць тому

    We all know aviary action is the best in isle two and isle one is botanic panic and isle three is Hurry up and well inkwell he'll is inkwell hell

  • @xmangamer8432
    @xmangamer8432 Місяць тому

    Treetop trouble
    Floral Fury
    Aviary Action
    Perilous Piers
    Railroad Wrath
    King of games' castle
    High-noon Hooppla
    Musics I like

  • @SuperJGGaming
    @SuperJGGaming 29 днів тому

    Not the peanits pie 💀

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    High sea. High seas

  • @marhola100
    @marhola100 Місяць тому

    4:16 what is this video? I need it.

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  Місяць тому +1

      Despicable forces

    • @marhola100
      @marhola100 Місяць тому

      @fragmentedgalaxy1819 Thank you random person. Thank you so much. I made a search but didn't find anything. Words can't express how much I really desired this response. I'm serious. I hope you have a fantastic day.
      Edit: You're the creator of the video, and that's making me even happier!
      Edit 2: I- the thrusts fitting perfectly with the music, Nefario cowering from Vector and asking for help- it's perfect. Well chosen.

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  Місяць тому +1

      ​@@marhola100No worries, I found the clip. It starts at 8:51 on this video:

    • @marhola100
      @marhola100 5 днів тому

      @fragmentedgalaxy1819 UA-cam didn't notify me, I'm one month late but- oh thank you very much!!!!

  • @DamianAlvarez-zp7zb
    @DamianAlvarez-zp7zb 5 місяців тому +3

    14:17 - 14:55 its hit

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Ello. Oh yeah. Chef’s soda

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    The End

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Shootin n’,lootin

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Hurry up?

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @Henryisclowningaround
    @Henryisclowningaround 6 місяців тому +2

    No one could make me hate you, Dr. Kahl

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @EthanGamerDudealt
    @EthanGamerDudealt Місяць тому

    You forgot MUSDontDealWithTheDevilVocal666

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Dog. Droughdnot

  • @Billy-d8j
    @Billy-d8j Місяць тому

    Threatenin zeppelin lol

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Inkwell Isla 4

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @haydenbush8518
    @haydenbush8518 4 місяці тому

    When does 13:41 play?

    • @fragmentedgalaxy1819
      @fragmentedgalaxy1819  3 місяці тому

      It plays when you fight the Devil

    • @TicTacToeCraft
      @TicTacToeCraft 3 місяці тому

      It plays during the first phase of the Devil fight. From the second phase onwards, "One Hell of a Time" is played.

    • @SueNorman-ww9mx
      @SueNorman-ww9mx 3 місяці тому

      That’s My Favourite Song!

    • @SueNorman-ww9mx
      @SueNorman-ww9mx 3 місяці тому

      It Literally Has Every Other Boss Theme Except DLC Ones In It

  • @arz9910
    @arz9910 4 місяці тому

    7:34 context?

    • @sonicelerizo8027
      @sonicelerizo8027 2 місяці тому

      He is a boss who is a genie of the lamp which is in the desert

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @Antic_productions2012
    @Antic_productions2012 Місяць тому

    I like this but this have to much Star wars references

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    He’ll of a time

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Rail road

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    High noon

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Snow cult

  • @EricDavidovich
    @EricDavidovich 3 місяці тому

    I also like star wars

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому

    Rococo. Recoco

  • @ahmadwalirizqnadjmi3311
    @ahmadwalirizqnadjmi3311 2 місяці тому

    5:59 6:00

  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому


  • @JasonLucio-g2h
    @JasonLucio-g2h Місяць тому
