I got matched against Tyler1 so I picked Xerath and destroyed him

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2022
  • I got matched against Tyler1 so I picked Xerath and destroyed him
    League of Legends season 12 Xerath Gameplay!
    Check out my website!: www.Zwag.gg
    Follow my stream!: / zwag
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    ► / @zwag
  • Ігри


  • @tenebrousdesires3258
    @tenebrousdesires3258 Рік тому +3025

    The one game Tyler1 gets that he's not getting professionally sniped in he runs into zwag, classic lmao

    • @mroof9244
      @mroof9244 Рік тому +66

      for real lmao

    • @cozyflannel1312
      @cozyflannel1312 Рік тому +10

      Camille support, normal high elo pick cx
      You sure there's no wintraders?

    • @DanielRBW
      @DanielRBW Рік тому +212

      @@cozyflannel1312 The Camille has played 101 Camille games this season, none of which were in the top lane. They are actually a support Camille player. They do admittedly have a 46% winrate, but I'm somewhat certain they aren't a wintrader.

    • @stephenp8232
      @stephenp8232 Рік тому +146

      All xerath does is snipe tho... so he is still getting sniped.

    • @miguelangelcalderon656
      @miguelangelcalderon656 Рік тому +56

      @@stephenp8232 I mean, you got a point

  • @clockssugars5074
    @clockssugars5074 Рік тому +1498

    21:46 zwag misses a cannon and doesnt say "my cannon!", im disappointed af and my day is ruined

    • @GoblinSlayerZach
      @GoblinSlayerZach Рік тому

      Just watch 53 mins of him saying it, to counter-balance your life m.ua-cam.com/video/Ow1da64Zioo/v-deo.html

    • @tenshi.1968
      @tenshi.1968 Рік тому +4

      Me too bro 😔

    • @vav5838
      @vav5838 Рік тому +25

      My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined

    • @MrCheeky1974
      @MrCheeky1974 Рік тому +2

      Too late to care

    • @EloPrez
      @EloPrez Рік тому

      My cannon😢

  • @blooper6801
    @blooper6801 Рік тому +738

    If any of y’all want Tyler’s POV, you can go to his vod from yesterday and the game starts at about the 8hr mark. The vod name was “BEND ! CIRCLE FAST RUN !!! oh getted dizzy .. NOT FALL !”

    • @Iguessthislldo
      @Iguessthislldo Рік тому +93

      Thanks, I've got them both up at the same time and synced and maaaaaaan the skill diff is huge (so is the difference in emotional reslience wow)

    • @2samiromer
      @2samiromer Рік тому

      can you please mark the time , this game in tyler's 10 hours ?

    • @TheSandurz20
      @TheSandurz20 Рік тому +66

      I felt like I was having a stroke reading that title

    • @skootermcgooter
      @skootermcgooter Рік тому +16

      @@2samiromer Around the 8 hour mark is the game. ua-cam.com/video/WUvojXQvrWk/v-deo.html

    • @lukefender94
      @lukefender94 Рік тому +19

      @@Iguessthislldo Yep, can't play too well if your main focus is on trying to find another Maokai's move so you can question mark ping him. Even if the Maokai plays bad, you won't help him get back in the game if you keep raging about him

  • @larsolsen9975
    @larsolsen9975 Рік тому +268

    I watch your videos every morning during breakfast, and every night before I fall asleep. I don’t know when you became my routine, but I just wanted to thank you for entertaining me for this past year. You do change lives.

  • @kyleberts
    @kyleberts Рік тому +821

    "Did Zwag Xerath get the first 6 CS?"
    Yes, he got all 6!
    Win Streak: 1

    • @kiwi4058
      @kiwi4058 Рік тому +16

      finally, after a lose streak of +20

    • @zelos5779
      @zelos5779 Рік тому +7

      no he did not

    • @kyleberts
      @kyleberts Рік тому +16

      @@kiwi4058 that big loss streak is on the other account lmao

    • @mroof9244
      @mroof9244 Рік тому +2

      @@kyleberts sad lol

    • @reixie
      @reixie Рік тому +4

      kyle man u got some commitment that i want ;-;

  • @Stevenonymous
    @Stevenonymous Рік тому +621

    For those wondering, Tyler voted to ff right after the kill at 14:08

    • @dauntlesstark9850
      @dauntlesstark9850 Рік тому +57

      is t1's vod of this still up?
      if so what date was it, id love to watch his side of the match

    • @deoxel2222
      @deoxel2222 Рік тому +65

      @@dauntlesstark9850 on Twitch 09/26/22 his stream for that day this clip is around 08:15:00

    • @NocturnalPyro
      @NocturnalPyro Рік тому +23

      @@deoxel2222 what month is number 26?

    • @northridge4x491
      @northridge4x491 Рік тому +81

      @@NocturnalPyro think about what you just said very slowly

    • @CJS-cw5ut
      @CJS-cw5ut Рік тому +17

      @@NocturnalPyro US uses Month Day Year format if I'm not wrong

  • @timol5671
    @timol5671 Рік тому +220

    Would love a high elo zwag series. Just to see him rising through the ranks

    • @tenebrousdesires3258
      @tenebrousdesires3258 Рік тому +16

      He'd probably end up getting sniped constantly by win traders like t1 does

    • @unoriginalcopy9844
      @unoriginalcopy9844 Рік тому +5

      he was already a challenger #1 xerath so now he just plays for fun

    • @jameslibero3363
      @jameslibero3363 Рік тому +4

      I think he is burnt out from rank and is just trying to focus more on content creation and having fun in league.

    • @DeezUp4Da3zz
      @DeezUp4Da3zz Рік тому +6

      @@jameslibero3363 im surprised streamers arent burnt out easier lol i feel like im losing my mind when i play ranked

    • @nahfam360
      @nahfam360 Рік тому +1

      @@DeezUp4Da3zz i mean you wouldn't burn out if you're making millions a year from playing a toxic game

  • @brandirenee9091
    @brandirenee9091 Рік тому +43

    Tyler’s POV is at around the 7:58 hour mark in yesterdays stream.

  • @P0werMaxi
    @P0werMaxi Рік тому +108

    Idk about other viewers, but i prefer this kind of content. You usually play against people that are really bad at the game, its too evident when you are facing a low elo in lane or the enemy jungler sucks and feeds you. Nice video bro.

    • @imreallynothappy
      @imreallynothappy Рік тому

      most of his "content" videos are on his alt account, which is at a silver ranking and he records a lot of norm games. It's still entertaining.

  • @mountainxxxdew
    @mountainxxxdew Рік тому +9

    I really like these high elo games from you, it's refreshing to see you having to to think about your moves during a game as apposed to a stomp

  • @anshumanpandey8547
    @anshumanpandey8547 Рік тому +29

    14:08 Tyler1 eating 7 skillshots in a row. 😀

  • @notanotherpyro
    @notanotherpyro Рік тому +77

    Reason why darius put the chains on you is that item is very cost effective if the enemy only has major source of damage of a damage type.
    Saves him 400 gold off of spirit visage gives him 200 more health and 10 more ability haste.

    • @shogun_3881
      @shogun_3881 Рік тому +8

      i honestly love anathema's against a team with 4-1 damage. if they only have 1 ad or 1 ap you can just build full defense against the 4 and throw anathema's on the 1

    • @obamagaming6642
      @obamagaming6642 Рік тому +5

      anathema is nuts in aram too

  • @captainmaratcium2369
    @captainmaratcium2369 Рік тому +171

    So no ones gonna mention the Camille support

    • @adhennakbar4516
      @adhennakbar4516 Рік тому +11

      Happychimenoises : interesting...

    • @vassal2758
      @vassal2758 Рік тому +1


    • @W.E.N.D.I.G.O
      @W.E.N.D.I.G.O Рік тому +16

      I've played against and with it before. Surprisingly strong, kind of like zac support.
      Then again it was a silver game so idk if it actually is supposed to work

    • @tuckersprano9711
      @tuckersprano9711 Рік тому +17

      @@W.E.N.D.I.G.O this is a Camille support one trick in pretty high elo so I think it works to an extent

    • @riro3892
      @riro3892 Рік тому +4

      @@tuckersprano9711 I mean, if you are one tricking something that has at least some viability it will work, but it probably means you have to put a lot more effort than you would on another pick, that's how most off meta work.

  • @ailanibram7668
    @ailanibram7668 Рік тому +3

    I watched you for 9 months and cuz of you yesterday I started playing Xerath and I love the champ, thanks for videos, I'll try to be one of the good Xeraths my team could get

  • @jasonwolf7278
    @jasonwolf7278 Рік тому

    Yooooo, I dig the Metroid Prime 2: Torvus Bog remix going on in the background at 13:20, that's sick!

  • @Higaminare
    @Higaminare Рік тому +5

    Nice and solid game, that's super educative, seeing how you position in high elo games is very helpful for mages players in this meta.

  • @zacharywong483
    @zacharywong483 Рік тому +2

    For an unplanned ranked tuber with commentary and against a counter matchup, that was a pretty awesome result Zwag!

  • @Zeequals
    @Zeequals Рік тому +7

    Managed to sync this up perfectly with tylers perspective from stream vod, he's mostly quiet and just calling that they're losing and complaining about the riot employee first timing mao'kai support, but still cool to see both perspectives

    • @LemurG
      @LemurG Рік тому +1

      I noticed the riot employee playing support and I thought that for sure they would get flamed lol

    • @sankaplays3098
      @sankaplays3098 Рік тому +1

      @@LemurG RIOT employees are notoriously bad at the game, it got to a point where if you ever see a RIOT handle in front of someone's name you auto lose lol.

  • @InsidiousCrow
    @InsidiousCrow Рік тому +119

    Zwag is love, Zwag is life

    • @viorelholbura580
      @viorelholbura580 Рік тому

      yes he is

    • @llg_deathstar8674
      @llg_deathstar8674 Рік тому +3


    • @viorelholbura580
      @viorelholbura580 Рік тому

      @@zmoney412 everyone has an opinion brah. You made yours very clear. Let us have ours.

    • @InsidiousCrow
      @InsidiousCrow Рік тому

      @@zmoney412 yeeeaaah, maybe i was thinking about shrek when i wrote this, or maybe not... you can look for yourself on youtube

    • @lubomirvazz8892
      @lubomirvazz8892 Рік тому


  • @maciekmitus6229
    @maciekmitus6229 Рік тому +15

    You are getting close to grandmaster, today you're just 73 lp behind, so with some luck you could potentially get there in 4 games. Keep it up, great game!

  • @shupichii9647
    @shupichii9647 Рік тому

    I apreciate uploads like this zwag. Your comedy games is good fun but I also like to see you tryhard sometimes and learn somethin.

  • @Harryandrews22
    @Harryandrews22 Рік тому +18

    I have an idea, you should do 1 high elo video every week/ other week. It’s good content

  • @Shadowdeosminecraft
    @Shadowdeosminecraft Рік тому +2

    I can hear the smug smile at 6:30 😂

  • @wyattrichardson5683
    @wyattrichardson5683 Рік тому +1

    Love the high elo vids

  • @lukavidakovic2385
    @lukavidakovic2385 Рік тому +15

    SUP SUP, Big tonkanator is back at it again, just like my dad who is back at giving me the beltdown. He saw me wearing my Top Gap tank top and said noone is gonna wear that crap of shirt in his house. Now im beatean up and disowned by my family. I guess thats just a family diff i have to overcome! Thank you Big T for helping me become built different, just like you!

    • @spino1101
      @spino1101 Рік тому +1

      fkn legend
      takin' it like a champ

  • @lewlew4132
    @lewlew4132 Рік тому

    love the oldschool runescape music in the background absolute legend

  • @--hydra
    @--hydra Рік тому +1

    16:57 word play
    23:37 this recall with xerath and camille looks mesmerizing

  • @Vaixr
    @Vaixr Рік тому

    big fan of the high elo games myself. I know its not a stomp fest, but its actually in a way even more impressive. There's only so many times you can watch low elo players run face first into things before it stops being impressive, but this? This was showmanship, great macro and micro, and great decision making that was very well vocalized. I would love to see more of this.

  • @mitchellechard2865
    @mitchellechard2865 Рік тому +1

    Karasmai was enemy Kayn too.... Double Whammy for Zwag!

  • @natsuya81
    @natsuya81 Рік тому

    seriously helped thank you!!

  • @mkfmgaming3019
    @mkfmgaming3019 Рік тому +3

    My two favorite streamers head to head no way

  • @justinroylance4941
    @justinroylance4941 Рік тому

    Thanks for the great Xerath vid!

  • @AimLessRayne
    @AimLessRayne Рік тому

    Honestly I know nothing about league nor do I play it but I still watch ur vids from time to time. Great games

  • @mukamuka0
    @mukamuka0 Рік тому +6

    10:34 Remember a few patch ago? that it took Xerath full dmg build to one shot caster minion...lol

  • @mouseshadow5828
    @mouseshadow5828 Рік тому +1

    "I came here to do 2 things: workout and win video games; and I'm all outta workouts." -T1

  • @netblu
    @netblu Рік тому +10

    Hey Zwag! Looking forward to watching the video :D
    I know you've somewhat played it before, but I've been playing MF with an Eclipse, Collector, Axiom, ghostblade, and situational items. It's been super fun ulting people and watching their health disappear. It would be cool to see you give it a shot again! Edit: I know it is slightly weird, but I actually use TP on her in bot, it allows me to get right back into lane after a bad fight or something.
    Much love from South Africa :) back to the video...

    • @TheShizoidMan
      @TheShizoidMan Рік тому +1


    • @netblu
      @netblu Рік тому +1

      @@TheShizoidMan I dont actually play it with manamune, I don't struggle too much with mana on her. I only use Q in laning phase, and use E later on in the game. Other than that, I just reset.

  • @itsmunkeyboi
    @itsmunkeyboi Рік тому

    I always come back to zwags videos because of the commentary.

  • @silencevayne
    @silencevayne Рік тому

    DUDE thats really funny at around 14:20 he does the CAT emoji or whatever it is and starts laughing, i have the same emote and thats EXACTLY what I sound like when i kill people and emote with that in comp and in competitions LMAO

  • @fkoda4194
    @fkoda4194 Рік тому +4

    Bro Tyler such a humble guy, giving clout to everyone, what a lad

  • @VRanger100
    @VRanger100 Рік тому +8

    Try a 6 Active Items build on a tank like Rammus, Singed, Volibear, Maokai, or Sion.
    Predator Boots, Turbo Chemtank, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Randuin's Omen, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Redemption.
    Bring Ingenious Hunter too for CD on the item actives.

    • @netblu
      @netblu Рік тому

      This actually sounds pretty interesting.....

    • @martydom666
      @martydom666 Рік тому

      Use rage blade to double the effects?

  • @Zamun
    @Zamun Рік тому

    Thanks for the content.

  • @cfrka114
    @cfrka114 Рік тому

    love seeing some xerath play

  • @trevor_r
    @trevor_r Рік тому

    T1, probably: "Uuuh My cannon my cannon *flexes* look at MY CANNONS BRO! BUILT. DIFFERENT."

  • @JioVega
    @JioVega Рік тому +1

    14:08 - Hi Tyler
    14:15 - Bye Tyler

    @GLIZZYREVEAL69 Рік тому

    Would love to see more high elo games

  • @TheRealMawks
    @TheRealMawks Рік тому

    Not commenting a lot on this channel, but i gotta say how much more interesting it is to see you actually tryhard at a decent elo than own some noobs with a clown build at giga low elo.
    I believe both contents do have their viewership, but still it needed to be stated

  • @Envehfy
    @Envehfy Рік тому +1

    I must say, I always prefer your high elo videos of xerath than your daily videos, unpopular opinion

  • @evertaj2438
    @evertaj2438 Рік тому

    You know you are the GOAT when people see beating you as an achievement

  • @maxgranger3349
    @maxgranger3349 Рік тому +16

    Would’ve loved to see some Tyler pov!

    • @benkrueger4787
      @benkrueger4787 Рік тому

      But best part was at the end the Yone thought they could still win

    • @phoenix4991
      @phoenix4991 Рік тому

      @@benkrueger4787 umm do you have a link to the vod?

    • @benkrueger4787
      @benkrueger4787 Рік тому

      @@phoenix4991 unfortunately not I watched it live

    • @tuckersprano9711
      @tuckersprano9711 Рік тому +3

      @@phoenix4991 it is Tyler's vod from yesterday at the 8 hour mark

    • @phoenix4991
      @phoenix4991 Рік тому +1

      @@tuckersprano9711 ya I found it earlier thanks

  • @Mr-Seltzer-Water
    @Mr-Seltzer-Water Рік тому +5

    Are you the reason why he went big mad and started feeding in that one game? 🤣

  • @tiagosilva856
    @tiagosilva856 Рік тому +1

    Portuguese boy is here as always 🇵🇹 Last time u played Jax, Covid wasn't a thing.

  • @CornRaked
    @CornRaked Рік тому

    Zwag trying to justify the run it down karthus is pretty funny

  • @Tsukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    @Tsukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5 місяців тому

    I don’t even know how to play league but man’s really op and so entertaining with his coms I love it

  • @vlucas9
    @vlucas9 Рік тому

    please more high elo content, havent watched u in years but this i clicked on

  • @kennethboozer6148
    @kennethboozer6148 Рік тому

    I’m loving the torvus bog theme

  • @arnelis0240
    @arnelis0240 Рік тому

    respect zwag :DD

  • @rightwingsafetysquad9872
    @rightwingsafetysquad9872 Рік тому +6

    BRB. Going to check how much T1 raged at his bot lane.

  • @anshumanpandey8547
    @anshumanpandey8547 Рік тому +10

    Here before Kyle Berts. Zwag did get the entire first wave.

  • @MutateMe
    @MutateMe Рік тому

    Would love to see a xerath only climb series from low elo to high elo, I love playing xerath but a lot of times the enemies pick champs that are too tanky for me to kill and we get run down because u can't count on low elo teams :(

    • @klpihl
      @klpihl Рік тому

      Thats where you build liandrys
      My rule of thumb is 3 or more tanky enemy champs i go liandrys

  • @ff21m4life
    @ff21m4life Рік тому +1

    its so funny to me how teammates just dont understand that some matchups as xerath, you literally just have to stay in lane and hope to outscale and get picks in the jng.

  • @victordrew1181
    @victordrew1181 Рік тому

    Finally a xerath video 😍😍😍

  • @aLittleBitFurther
    @aLittleBitFurther Рік тому

    Zwag can't keep getting away with this.

  • @themanhimself436
    @themanhimself436 Рік тому +29

    Alternate title: I help wintraders make tylers life even more of a living hell (ingame)

    • @videogamecoverss
      @videogamecoverss Рік тому +3

      True, I have win traders all the time. Anytime I lose a game it's because of win traders

  • @juandedomenico4306
    @juandedomenico4306 Рік тому

    Banger video

  • @pewpewcachoo3730
    @pewpewcachoo3730 Рік тому

    Came to enjoy my daily zwag fix. Now I'm trying to figure out who tf hurt Rocket Money

  • @georgeund7533
    @georgeund7533 Рік тому

    Tyler was actually getting trolled by the maokai 🤣

  • @yeiltrasreality1627
    @yeiltrasreality1627 Рік тому +26

    I'd love to see Tyler1's POV on this one

    • @RIPMMC
      @RIPMMC Рік тому +2

      It's on a vod called "BEND! CIRCLE RUN FAST oh getted dizzy..." Around the 7:58 Hour mark

    • @itsloltime2664
      @itsloltime2664 Рік тому

      @@RIPMMC thx i found it

  • @Les4717
    @Les4717 Рік тому

    Play rammu with Lethal tempo and Last Stand with TM, deaths dance and rift maker in that order. Maybe top lane with secondary runes for more gold

  • @Heatingspeed
    @Heatingspeed Рік тому

    Finally a high elo game, good job.

  • @watchtheisolation8514
    @watchtheisolation8514 Рік тому

    This is legendary

  • @tinyhero2019
    @tinyhero2019 Рік тому

    Hey zwag, I think u would renekton I'm urf really fun. Eclips and botrk is so strong on him. Go mid and farm if u get behind, he scales better cuz of recent changes and is generally really fun.

  • @richardgesegnet5481
    @richardgesegnet5481 Рік тому

    Cant wait til t1lost drops this video from tylers side

  • @alepouna
    @alepouna Рік тому

    the rioter first timing maokai lmao

  • @Arsenov92
    @Arsenov92 Рік тому +1

    Ping 6. Zwag confirmed to bribe Riot.

  • @modijavi4852
    @modijavi4852 Рік тому

    I was playing osrs while watching this, and the music really confused me for a sec xD

  • @marioamaya1772
    @marioamaya1772 Рік тому

    any can tell me how to get his playlist list, i hear some Kingdom Hearts in there and im in my feels now >_>

  • @Danny-sf6xc
    @Danny-sf6xc Рік тому

    i remember when u picked singed against him it was epic

  • @Goosetavula
    @Goosetavula Рік тому +1

    I want to have someone who hypes me and supports me as much as zwag does himself

  • @joegarcia3203
    @joegarcia3203 Рік тому +1

    kingdom hearts music

  • @alessandrovalle2438
    @alessandrovalle2438 Рік тому

    When do you chose horizon focus on xerath?

  • @folonrng
    @folonrng Рік тому

    pretty good man

  • @sk8ernater19
    @sk8ernater19 Рік тому

    That Kaisa was cracked

  • @doomass4207
    @doomass4207 Рік тому

    can we just take a moment and check out the effectiveness of that herald , took out 2 towers almost and an inhibitor i was like

  • @shaunbrown3435
    @shaunbrown3435 Рік тому +1

    I'm pretty sure I'd get wrecked, but I'd love to lane mid against Zwag sometime. Just to see how I measure up.

  • @nyxregime
    @nyxregime Рік тому +2

    me seeing all my mistakes when i play mid xd

  • @timursimanko7174
    @timursimanko7174 Рік тому

    He's gonna herald mid and I'm gonna lose a lot of my turret which is very smart of him-
    Kayn: Me no smart

  • @Equitine
    @Equitine Рік тому +1

    I know it's not your style but it would've been dope to have clips of Tyler loosing his mental.

  • @baitzadustoimsad7852
    @baitzadustoimsad7852 Рік тому

    what is the music that plays at the beginning?

  • @leviathan2137
    @leviathan2137 Рік тому

    im in the middle of the video and nice jungler so far
    edit: and adc ofc xd

  • @fifis677
    @fifis677 Рік тому

    He must've been so angry lmao

  • @shogun_3881
    @shogun_3881 Рік тому

    wouldn't Liandry's be better for a game with this many beefy champs? or is the value from oneshotting the 2 non tanks more valuable?

  • @SvR_Walrus
    @SvR_Walrus Рік тому +3

    Karasmai Kayn is also on the enemy team😂

  • @_diagoras.gfs_5332
    @_diagoras.gfs_5332 Рік тому


  • @DukeAstoreth
    @DukeAstoreth Рік тому

    I like your high elo games, but i think I like it more to see you lot less stressed about the game not worrying to play high elo for content.

  • @yazidsafri848
    @yazidsafri848 11 місяців тому

    That Kai’s a was epic

  • @BastiCool
    @BastiCool Рік тому

    14:08 lmao that`s so tyler

  • @iderno
    @iderno Рік тому

    Lol at 9minute why did he not e before r, special if its a tower dive ult ? I havent seen tylers escapades these days but im guessing he does not play yone much?

  • @Fnino42069
    @Fnino42069 Рік тому +2

    Skin of the day: Arcana Xerath (no chroma).

  • @jmountain6691
    @jmountain6691 Рік тому +3

    when did you fight tyler1? i wanna watch the vod and watch is pov

    • @jmountain6691
      @jmountain6691 Рік тому

      www.twitch.tv/videos/1602177548?filter=archives&sort=time i found the vod if anyone is interested :) head to 6:30:00 for about game start

    • @NUKR-jp1xp
      @NUKR-jp1xp Рік тому

      Me too!

    • @juandedomenico4306
      @juandedomenico4306 Рік тому +1

      Right there bro tyler is the karthus

  • @shramuel
    @shramuel Рік тому +1

    I can't believe no one noticed- the kayn is Karasmai