[ENG] 🍚 EP.14 투모로우바이투게더(TXT)! 팅글 작렬하는 크리스피 통오겹살에 10월 한정 자연산 송이버섯 쌈싸먹는 FLEX 먹방

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 10 тис.

  • @초코와바나나
    @초코와바나나 4 роки тому +7611

    아진짜 !!!! 여러분.모든사람들
    이:이렇게 맛난음식
    밥:밥상을 차려주는 프로그램은 정말 최고입니다
    스:스파게티처럼 후루룩빠지게하고
    타:타조처럼달려가서 맞이하고싶은케이밥스타에 오셔야해요
    꼭진심 대박꿀잼
    눈과입을 호강하게해주는 케이밥스타나라로 놀려오세요(😛😛😜😜)

    • @박강용-u7l
      @박강용-u7l 4 роки тому +308

      영어로 가득한 곳에 반가운 한국댓글 고정이라니....감사합니다 밥스타ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

      @GANGANGANGGG 4 роки тому +25


    • @Jjkkendjik
      @Jjkkendjik 4 роки тому +62

      와 한국댓글 고정해준 갓스타......💚💚

    • @퀸설탕
      @퀸설탕 4 роки тому +25

      한국 댓글 발견ㅠㅠㅠ

    • @김당근-v3b
      @김당근-v3b 4 роки тому +8


  • @단임스
    @단임스 4 роки тому +2205

    우리가 애끼는 애들한테 곤란하거나 과한거 시키는 예능보다, 이렇게 그냥 앉혀서 푸짐하게 먹이는 예능 최고다ㅠㅠ 애들 진짜 좋아하는거봐라...연준이야 원채 음식에 진심인 편이니까 잘먹어서 예쁘고, 태현이까지 저리 감탄하는거 보니까 찐반응ㅠㅠㅠ 모아들 대리만족ㅠㅠㅠ

    • @moa-wf5ts
      @moa-wf5ts 2 роки тому +54

      그니깐요ㅠ 다들 영상을 떠나 행복해보여서
      너무 좋은것같아요ㅠ

    • @Xlf라소
      @Xlf라소 2 роки тому +23

      ㄹㅇ맛있게 먹으니까 나까지 배부름ㅠㅠ

    • @Nahyun1202
      @Nahyun1202 Рік тому +7

      진짜 뭔가 부모의 마음이
      저절로 생기는 느낌?

    • @ouo_32
      @ouo_32 Рік тому +6

      행복그 자체😊😊😊

    • @툽-o3m
      @툽-o3m 10 місяців тому +4

      우리툽깅이들 복스럽게 먹는거 보러옴..너희들 맛있게 먹는것만봐도 미소가 저절로 나온다..💖

  • @chaewonkang3561
    @chaewonkang3561 4 роки тому +1133

    케이밥스타가 레전드인 이유
    1. 아이돌들 상대라 팬들이 그때그때 몰려와서 탄탄한 시청자층 확보
    2. 울애기들 밥먹이는 프로라니...애들은 진짜 일하는거 안같고 즐겁고 출연하고싶을듯
    3. 2번 때문에 당연히 팬들도 좋음 홍홍
    4. 음식이 주제라 할 수 있는게 많음. 특히 약간 한국풍 시골 느낌으로 많이 하는 거 같은데 이거때문에 한식 + 제철음식 + 국산식품 홍보 가능해서 국산재료 소비에도 좋을거같음.
    5. 시골풍에다가 영자언니 숙언니 데려온거는 신의 한 수 였음. 한국의 정이 프로그램에 잘 묻어남.
    6. 아이돌들 팬들 중 외국팬들도 진짜 많이 딸려오는데 4번 5번 그대로 적용되서 여러모로 한국 홍보 잘될듯
    결론: 모두가 행복한 프로그램이다 ^^ 영자언니 숙언니 꽃길만 걷자구요오

    • @San_Bbo
      @San_Bbo 4 роки тому +55

      어머 이걸 다 캐치해버리는 당신,, 제 사랑 받으세요

    • @Febfifthdepd
      @Febfifthdepd 4 роки тому +9

      @@San_Bbo 아 진짜 어딜가나 있으시네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @리을-c3g
      @리을-c3g 4 роки тому +7

      @@San_Bbo 저 이분 박지 채널에서도 본거 같아욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @sexy_sooobark
      @sexy_sooobark 4 роки тому +2


    • @cheda375
      @cheda375 4 роки тому +2

      @@San_Bbo 또 보네요
      알고리즘이 같나봐요 우리

  • @문레나-l9s
    @문레나-l9s 3 роки тому +3326

    이런 프로그램 너무 좋은 것 같음. 어린 나이부터 몸 관리하느라 제대로 먹지도 못하고 연습생 생활하는데, 데뷔하고 나서도 못 먹는게 마음이 아팠음. 일 핑계로 많이 먹고 다치지않게 열심히 활동하면 좋겠다. 진짜 진심으로!.

    • @단깅
      @단깅 3 роки тому +237

      솔직히 빅히트 구내식당 보면 애들 살 찌우려는거 같던뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @문레나-l9s
      @문레나-l9s 3 роки тому +115

      @@단깅 진짜 잘 나오긴 하더라구요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @문레나-l9s
      @문레나-l9s 3 роки тому +121

      @@단깅 그러니까 대단하지. 그런거 먹으면서도, 관리할 땐 하니까. 저 같으면 절대로 못 할듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @sxga1651
      @sxga1651 3 роки тому +14

      @@단깅 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @kuri-manjuuu
      @kuri-manjuuu 3 роки тому +49

      요즘은 다 먹을대로는 먹고 운동을 많이 해요 중소소속사는 그래도 식단관리를 많이 하지만 빅히트 SM YG JYP 큐브 같은 대형소속사는 식단관리가 덜해요

  • @higher3070
    @higher3070 2 роки тому +1142

    얘네는 진짜 애기들 같네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 성격도 다들 착하고 순한가봐 분위기가 순둥순둥해 ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @배고파빌런
      @배고파빌런 Рік тому +18

      또 자기네들만 있을땐 멈출수 없는 딜교의 항연이져ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @툽-o3m
      @툽-o3m 10 місяців тому +12

      밖에선 좀 얌전히..순둥하게 놀고 집들어오면 음주오해를 부르는 광란의 파티가 되는게 너무 웃김ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀엽다 툽깅이들아..

  • @everyrosehasitsthorn.4523
    @everyrosehasitsthorn.4523 3 роки тому +2232

    Soobin once said, "Beomgyu is weirdly picky and Yeonjun is weirdly not picky with food".

  • @사랑-k4c5z
    @사랑-k4c5z 4 роки тому +6012

    Cooking is really tiring job and she cook for a big scale. Respect her so much. Thankyou for make txt happy.
    Yeonjun are so adorable

    • @fitrianayunitasari6315
      @fitrianayunitasari6315 4 роки тому +67

      are there more yeonjun ?

    • @ikramatika7729
      @ikramatika7729 4 роки тому +149

      @@fitrianayunitasari6315 aint complaining if there's more

    • @romizatunnisail137
      @romizatunnisail137 4 роки тому +35

      yes respect for her❤

    • @roselyntundag6520
      @roselyntundag6520 4 роки тому +36

      I want more Yeonjunnie so i can marry one of them

    • @사랑-k4c5z
      @사랑-k4c5z 4 роки тому +29

      Hi idk this gonna be received so many likes. Sorry for my bad english since english is not my first language . Hehe so i really doesn’t know when to use is/are/was/were. I dont even know if my spelling is correct or not 😆 i will study english harder but as long as you guys understand it then its ok right. We know yeonjun is only one . No one can be yeonjun 😆

  • @bokunoya
    @bokunoya 4 роки тому +17629


    • @user-yh1dg9gw2l
      @user-yh1dg9gw2l 4 роки тому +258

      And let's give them many wins so please str3am and vote hard moas

    • @jyubie
      @jyubie 4 роки тому +123

      "a blessing" yes 😭

    • @zohrayumna
      @zohrayumna 4 роки тому +36


    • @alebocilsilat
      @alebocilsilat 4 роки тому +14

      soobin 정말 높은!.

    • @jadeverkos
      @jadeverkos 4 роки тому +8

      promotions just started a day ago wdym haha

  • @bogyeong34
    @bogyeong34 Рік тому +417

    범규 한입은 아기가 이유식 먹는 느낌이고 연준이 한입은 완전 멋진 상남자네 ㅋㅋ 울 아가들 다 기엽고 사랑스럽고 이뿌다

  • @afrinsayed5902
    @afrinsayed5902 4 роки тому +14380

    I hope these women are paid huge bucks. That's a whole lot of work for female host and they're definitely the hardest working MCs rn.

    • @kangtae5343
      @kangtae5343 4 роки тому +700

      Yes and they are so sweet

    • @reemcont
      @reemcont 4 роки тому +156

      isnt this their channel?

    • @amnedits4898
      @amnedits4898 4 роки тому +518

      oh trust me these ladies are wealthy and very deserving of it 🙌🏽🙌🏽

    • @jillianong6086
      @jillianong6086 4 роки тому +356

      @@reemcont It is, but its another company claiming the rights and money for it, and paying the mcs at the end.

    • @stillthejbm8367
      @stillthejbm8367 4 роки тому +27


  • @nap_of_a_star264
    @nap_of_a_star264 3 роки тому +4164

    Beomgyu: exists*
    Editors:"insert baby noises"
    He's Literally a giant baby!
    Actually, all of them..

  • @달콤한윤기쨩
    @달콤한윤기쨩 4 роки тому +191

    연준이 너무 잘먹잖아ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    돈많으면 맨날 먹고싶은거 사주고싶은 누나마음이 샘솟는중이네ㅋㅋ
    근데 나보다 돈 많겠지....
    야 근데 부추는 무슨 트리같냐
    어디까지 쌓는거야ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @MJO1130
    @MJO1130 9 місяців тому +25

    ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 태현이가 저렇게까지 전투적으로 뭘 먹는걸 여기서 첨봄.. 애들 다 맛있게 먹고 힐링하는거 보니까 내가 다 행복하다,, 내 최애영상❤

  • @sharsing1285
    @sharsing1285 3 роки тому +3275

    That boy with eye patch is soooo cute just look how he is struggling and taking small bites

    • @mlc8484
      @mlc8484 3 роки тому +369


    • @verper5220
      @verper5220 3 роки тому +334

      It's his eating habit..He takes small bites whenever he eats..Maybe that's why he can't gain weight..😂

    • @rhianruthleonardo5764
      @rhianruthleonardo5764 3 роки тому +131

      @@verper5220 beomgyu said on vlive that he is eating well this days

    • @Victoria-cx9oh
      @Victoria-cx9oh 3 роки тому +31

      What happened to his eye?

    • @verper5220
      @verper5220 3 роки тому +96

      @@Victoria-cx9oh Most likely conjunctivitis..But it's not the first time txt had it..When they're still rookies..Few of the members caught it, which began with Soobin..

  • @barnalibilai9220
    @barnalibilai9220 4 роки тому +3230

    Every mother has that smile in face when her kids thank her for delicious meal .when kai said we love you she imidietly said I love you with smile ,,,,, she is really like a mother to all K-pop idol.thank you so much to her. And I haven't seen taehyun eating like this wild haha and beomgyu is still slow eater but he is so cute like this OMG I love him so much .

    • @poppypayne6271
      @poppypayne6271 4 роки тому +98

      Yeonja and sook are literally so nice to all the idols on this show

    • @barnalibilai9220
      @barnalibilai9220 4 роки тому +15

      @@poppypayne6271 ohh is it their names?? I didn't know,,, this video was recommend

    • @mmjobs5692
      @mmjobs5692 4 роки тому +37

      soobin - blue hair (leader )
      Yeonjun-pink hair(eldest)
      Beomgyu -white tshirt
      Taehyun-blonde hair
      Hueningkai-brown t-shirt

    • @choiya
      @choiya 4 роки тому +25

      @@mmjobs5692 she's talking about the ladies that cooked them the food i think.

    • @mmjobs5692
      @mmjobs5692 4 роки тому +3

      @@choiya ohh sorry 😂

  • @kimmyseokjinnie1003
    @kimmyseokjinnie1003 4 роки тому +1445

    The difference between Yeonjun and Beomgyu's way of eating 😭

    • @cheesecake8288
      @cheesecake8288 4 роки тому +82

      Also between Yeonjun and Taehyun
      Yeonjun takes BIG bites and
      Taehyun seems to have a smaller mouth Uwu

    • @e.6335
      @e.6335 4 роки тому +13

      yeonjun is so cute

    • @bunbun9382
      @bunbun9382 4 роки тому +13

      yeonjun mukbang show :)

  • @user-mo8vu6jb1y
    @user-mo8vu6jb1y 2 роки тому +484

    범규 진짜 아가 같애.. 쪼그려 앉아서 고기 오물오물 먹는 것 봐ㅠㅠ 진짜 너무 사랑스럽다

  • @umnanasar8518
    @umnanasar8518 3 роки тому +3836

    The ladies can literally run a whole restuarant by themselves . Really impressive . Must be happy seeing the boys eat well.

    • @hyuni1779
      @hyuni1779 3 роки тому +112

      One of the MC is a professional chef and she also have a restaurant 😂😂😂

    • @pinkdonut5065
      @pinkdonut5065 3 роки тому +2

      @@hyuni1779 which one?

    • @fzml8629
      @fzml8629 3 роки тому +5

      @@pinkdonut5065 eyeglasses using one

    • @pinkdonut5065
      @pinkdonut5065 3 роки тому +1

      @@fzml8629 oh ok

    • @itsnika3309
      @itsnika3309 3 роки тому +11

      @@fzml8629 i dont think so, thats Young-Ja, she is a comedian and a TV Presenter, She really knows how to cook tho

  • @솔직한냥이
    @솔직한냥이 4 роки тому +437

    남자애들이 맛깔나게 먹는 모습이 이렇게 귀엽고 사랑스러운 일인가.. 다 입덕포인트다

  • @on-tz9qt
    @on-tz9qt 3 роки тому +408

    연준이..세상 입짧고급지게 생겼으면서
    와구와구 복스럽게 먹는거 킹받네....
    너의 매력은 어디까지니 애기야..

  • @khushbutalwar1982
    @khushbutalwar1982 Рік тому +396

    Bring this show back😭😭 I used to be so excited to see who the next guest will be I MISS THISSS

    • @sophis9453
      @sophis9453 Рік тому +20

      I want it back so bad too, It must be too expensive to produce or something 😢

  • @보고싶다가우디
    @보고싶다가우디 4 роки тому +212

    송이까지... 정말 맛있게 먹는 모습 보니 좋다. 얘들아, 컴백준비하느라 힘들었을텐데 보상이 되었으면 좋겠디.
    애기들 잘 먹게 해주신 케이밥스타 여러스텝 여러분 감사합니다.
    아이돌라이브로 봤는데 이영자, 김숙님 애기들한테 다정하게 대해주셔서 감사합니다.

  • @blu6906
    @blu6906 4 роки тому +1032

    This is probably the happiest I've seen Yeonjun on a show 😂

  • @tsukkigin
    @tsukkigin 4 роки тому +1058

    Yeonjun can be a mainstay on this show. Boy, HE CAN EAT.

    • @jam.medina
      @jam.medina 4 роки тому +70

      bighit should make a mukbang playlist for their artists 😆

    • @juxnicole2469
      @juxnicole2469 4 роки тому +41

      A Born mukbanger

    • @hi_lisl
      @hi_lisl 4 роки тому +3


    • @e.6335
      @e.6335 4 роки тому +2


    • @yeonbibi191
      @yeonbibi191 3 роки тому +2

      So truee

  • @prairiefae
    @prairiefae Місяць тому +7

    grown ups must have really loved yeonjun as a kid cause he’s not fussy. he will eat anything and with such enthusiasm too, it’s so cute.

  • @noone-rf6lf
    @noone-rf6lf 3 роки тому +2807

    Beomgyu struggling and munching his food is the most cutest thing i've ever seen
    He's a baby bear 😭

  • @김은빈-x7f
    @김은빈-x7f 4 роки тому +73

    애들 입안이 짝아서 한입 먹는것도 버거워보옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 애들 잘먹는거 보니까 행복하다 케이밥스타 최고

  • @colinwatanabe8995
    @colinwatanabe8995 4 роки тому +366

    Yeonjun iconic line
    2020 july:WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!
    2020 October :WA WA WA WA WA WA WA!

  • @seolas__2252
    @seolas__2252 Рік тому +59

    Petition to bring this kind of content back. We love seeing idols getting well-fed.

  • @waniyajahanzeb7266
    @waniyajahanzeb7266 3 роки тому +2173

    People should really watch this show and give it lots of ratings. I mean look at the proportion of food and the quantity that they make for every episode. This is not cheap. They are working really hard and make sure that the idols have been fed well. Hats off to those two mcs and the whole team!

    • @deno3296
      @deno3296 3 роки тому +9


    • @Beesting202
      @Beesting202 3 роки тому +14

      Yes I know but then again these two women’s have been in a lot of shows before so they have hella money

    • @k-squad8717
      @k-squad8717 3 роки тому +3

      If this ain’t true then IDK WHAT IS. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @유규하-e1h
    @유규하-e1h 4 роки тому +184

    K-밥스타 보이그룹 걸그룹 할것없이 양이 미쳤다 아 좋다 우리들이 각자 응원하고
    덕질하는 그룹들이 행복하게 맛있게 만들어 주신 이영자님 고맙습니다
    그냥 많이 먹어 복불복 게임 누구 낙오 못먹어 없이 블랙홀로 빨려들어가는
    음식 고퀄 리티 엎드려 절해요

  • @AV-ks1gp
    @AV-ks1gp 4 роки тому +5659

    This is honestly one of the best 'idol variety' shows out there. It is so honest and giving and Big Mother and Ssuk are two unbelievably hard-working women who show our idols so much love and reprieve from their hectic daily lives, they give them an amazing home-cooked meal and good company which they must miss terribly. Thank you Jongga for sponsoring them so they can keep their program running!!

    • @zia2180
      @zia2180 4 роки тому +162

      Jonathan do you know how much work it takes to cook a meal that big? It’s a lot of work mixing, and standing directly above all that heat.

    • @abhaypatra7347
      @abhaypatra7347 4 роки тому +90

      @Jonathan your so rude . They work hard to cook

    • @AV-ks1gp
      @AV-ks1gp 4 роки тому +88

      @Jonathan yeah i know this but they needed someone to sponsor them so they could keep going since it was costing them too much out of pocket, and Jonngs is a huge culinary Korean company, we are talking millions, and it's amazing that their kimchi subsidiary isv sponsoring as it is hard to get a good sponsor on you tube.

    • @wildheartphprhyme8628
      @wildheartphprhyme8628 4 роки тому +40

      I wish BTS can enjoy this idol variety show with Big Mother.

    • @shahad-gc4xo
      @shahad-gc4xo 4 роки тому +38

      @@wildheartphprhyme8628 bts don’t join korean variety shows
      Well I ain’t blaming me then all these years of being mistreated and left out but bts do join shows they like like running man so

  • @케이트-d4i
    @케이트-d4i 2 роки тому +100

    gyu wrapping the kimchi around the meat and then being all proud of himself and smiling MELTED MY HEART

  • @zushirse4389
    @zushirse4389 4 роки тому +2530

    "Tomorrow x Together style?"
    "It's really long"
    Exactly 😭

  • @김민지-o9h5t
    @김민지-o9h5t 4 роки тому +398

    투바투가 한번 더 케이밥스타에 나오면..ㅎ
    모아로써 잘먹는 모습도 너무나 좋기도 하고
    솔직히 애들이 너무 맛있게 먹기도 하고
    리액션도 좋아서 진짜 좋은데 ..
    한번 더 출연하게 되면 좋겠네유..

    • @머쓱카드
      @머쓱카드 3 роки тому +6

      별안간에 엄마가 된 기분...ㅎ

    • @김민지-o9h5t
      @김민지-o9h5t 3 роки тому +2

      @@user-cj8ql5xx3y 아 그럴거라고는 생각을 못했는데

  • @애옹-v6q
    @애옹-v6q 4 роки тому +210

    귀한 자식들 일하느라 제대로 못 먹고 그럴텐데 이렇게 밥 맥여주니까 부모님들 얼마나 감사하실까 케이밥스타 진짜 좋은 채널이에요ㅠㅠ

  • @636kscol
    @636kscol 2 роки тому +203

    진짜 이 예능 최고다.. 우리가 아끼고 좋아하는 목숨같은 애기들 한테 막 운동시키고 힘들게 하고 그러는 예능말고 이렇게 가만히 앉혀놓고 밥해주는 예능이라니..🥺🥺 아 진짜 사랑합니다 케이밥스타💗

  • @bubbletea7972
    @bubbletea7972 3 роки тому +449

    9:44 yeonjun is so nice he gave the meat first to taehyun even though he was starving aww

  • @imandataya1615
    @imandataya1615 4 роки тому +2360

    but can we talk about how taehyun went to help the mc who washed the mushrooms at 8:28 and entertained her before he was called to eat by the members?? taehyun best boy uwu

    • @tatathfai
      @tatathfai 4 роки тому +30


    • @faridaharb9610
      @faridaharb9610 4 роки тому +16

      But can we just take a moment right now to appreciate your pfp

    • @imandataya1615
      @imandataya1615 4 роки тому +7

      @@faridaharb9610 YOOHOO!

    • @nightsky2674
      @nightsky2674 4 роки тому +12

      He looked extra tiny too hehe

    • @serenity8699
      @serenity8699 3 роки тому +1

      please teach me how to serve😃🙏

  • @beomgyuistinylittlefluffyh3337
    @beomgyuistinylittlefluffyh3337 4 роки тому +409

    Beomgyu is extra tiny here I just can’t EVERYTHING HE DO HE DO IT IN TINY

  • @yuzuhyun
    @yuzuhyun Рік тому +19

    진심.. 현실도피 마려울 때 보면 힐링 되는 영상 탑1… 고마워 투바투.. 존재만으로도 행복이야

  • @karlitatv
    @karlitatv 4 роки тому +1471

    Beomgyu: smells like money
    me: okay rich boy 😅

    • @momentofalwaysness8216
      @momentofalwaysness8216 4 роки тому +6

      Just want to ask. What's wrong with his eye?

    • @bunnimee1864
      @bunnimee1864 4 роки тому +23

      @@momentofalwaysness8216 he probably has a stye from the hectic schedules and practice;-;

    • @momentofalwaysness8216
      @momentofalwaysness8216 4 роки тому +1

      @@bunnimee1864 ooooo maybeeeee?

    • @yunhooolovebug5697
      @yunhooolovebug5697 4 роки тому +39

      @@momentofalwaysness8216 eye infection. idols wear those eye patches so they don’t pass it around.

    • @momentofalwaysness8216
      @momentofalwaysness8216 4 роки тому +5

      @@yunhooolovebug5697 Got it!

  • @eliakhn_
    @eliakhn_ 3 роки тому +903

    The difference between the way beomgyu and yeonjun eating hahaha they're all so cute, especially the struggling beomgyu.

  • @yeonbibi191
    @yeonbibi191 3 роки тому +1511

    I feel so proud with Beomgyu finally being able to wrap the kimchin in the meat 😭

  • @Choibato_moa
    @Choibato_moa Рік тому +54

    연준이 너무 진심으로 먹어서 귀엽..ㅋㅋ 입짧은 범규는 쪼그만 사이즈로 먹네..ㅋ큐ㅠ 체밤규 넘 귀엽고 수빈이 반응 좋은거 너무 호감이고 강태현 진심 좋아하는거 보인다..ㅋㅋ 정휴닝 천사야..말랑콩떡.. 케이밥스타 흥해라!!🎉

  • @jwwgirlie
    @jwwgirlie 4 роки тому +416

    this show is a complete healing for any k-idol

  • @수정-b6w
    @수정-b6w 4 роки тому +106

    휴닝카이 위해 포도주스 준비해주는 케이밥스타??? 이건 찐이다...

  • @zanar2039
    @zanar2039 3 роки тому +691

    Beomgyu smiling at 15:11 just kills me

    • @resmagurung375
      @resmagurung375 3 роки тому +17

      He is always so adorable😍 ultimate bias.

    • @acaahamd
      @acaahamd 3 роки тому +4

      Same she is bias💜

    • @bethanya3103
      @bethanya3103 3 роки тому +8


  • @누가문을그렇게황-r1e
    @누가문을그렇게황-r1e 2 роки тому +39

    8:28 강텬 버섯 씻는 쑥총무님이랑 수다 떠는거 왤케 귀여워ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @김나연-s1j
    @김나연-s1j 4 роки тому +98

    이영자님이랑 연준이랑 먹방 한 번 해봤으면 좋겠다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 애들 맛있는거 먹여 보내주셔서 감사합니다!!! 맛있게 먹고 행복해 하는거 보니까 기분 좋아지네요❤❤ 우리 범규 원래 많이 안 먹는데 진짜 평소보다 몇 배는 많이 먹은것 같은데ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @rrinacoffeeshop9967
    @rrinacoffeeshop9967 4 роки тому +716

    this show is a healing for idols & healing for their fans bcs their idols being so happy

  • @DandyParrott
    @DandyParrott 4 роки тому +1115

    Choi Beomgyu: A delicate and thoughtful eater.
    Everyone else: Shoves as much food in mouth as possible.🐷

    • @peachyroseturla8893
      @peachyroseturla8893 4 роки тому

      Jc99w900@Valerie Grace

    • @peachyroseturla8893
      @peachyroseturla8893 4 роки тому


    • @oliviahye8762
      @oliviahye8762 4 роки тому +28

      nahhh his mouth is just too ˢᵐᵃˡˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗᶦⁿʸ

    • @bhandarkarbhan7381
      @bhandarkarbhan7381 4 роки тому +1

      Why does he have that eye patch though?

    • @oliviahye8762
      @oliviahye8762 4 роки тому +12

      @@bhandarkarbhan7381 its and eye infection,they usually wear an eyepatch to not make the infection spread around and not get more infection. But don't worry hes okay now😊

  • @Dxhyun_09
    @Dxhyun_09 2 роки тому +71

    여기서 김숙님께서 송이버섯을 씻으실때 애들 돌 씹을까봐 이 멘트가 진짜 멤버들을 아끼는 마음이 전해져서 모아로서 감동 받았어요😢

  • @hena_yom
    @hena_yom 4 роки тому +275

    아이돌들 스케줄로 최고겠다 진짜

  • @ОльгаСтепанова-я8и
    @ОльгаСтепанова-я8и 4 роки тому +1670

    This is THE BEST show for TXT! They are just eating and enjoying themselves. Exactly what they needed. Thank you so much to staff for making them so happy and comfortable💜💜💜

    • @yeonfused8235
      @yeonfused8235 4 роки тому +11


    • @kookiesncreammm
      @kookiesncreammm 4 роки тому

      What show is this?

    • @alemunnoz
      @alemunnoz 4 роки тому +25

      @@kookiesncreammm it's kbob star. All of the idols that go there seem to have a great time ✨

    • @riyabarua5279
      @riyabarua5279 4 роки тому

      Yeah ❤❤

    • @sen0440
      @sen0440 4 роки тому +8

      best show for every idol

  • @dcr9821
    @dcr9821 4 роки тому +367

    Yeonjun is the happiest when it comes to food. Such a foodie yeonjunniee

    • @e.6335
      @e.6335 4 роки тому +5

      Yesss yeonjuniee

    • @nightsky2674
      @nightsky2674 4 роки тому +4

      Ang cute nila😭

    • @jichuu225
      @jichuu225 3 роки тому +1

      Lmao they say you are a lil bit similar to your bias, I get it now. (I have a bias from stray kids the squirrel and my friends call me a squirrel bc of my cheeks 🐿) Are you similar to any kpop idols?

    • @taestykookie9
      @taestykookie9 3 роки тому +1

      @@jichuu225 I have bunny teeth and Jungkook and Soobin are my bias, my friends tease me by calling me a bunny🐰

    • @dcr9821
      @dcr9821 3 роки тому +1

      @@jichuu225 why am I too opposite when Beomgyu's too loud and I'm too silent af TT

  • @똥짱이와빠댁이
    @똥짱이와빠댁이 2 роки тому +30

    14:05 연준이 진짜 복스럽게 잘 먹고..(근데 연준이는 이렇게 잘 먹는데 왜케 날씬한거?? ㅎㅎ)애들 다 행복해하는 것 보니까 내가 다 행복함^^

  • @ndndjii
    @ndndjii 3 роки тому +1712

    볼살 하나없는 잘생긴 애기들이 볼 빵빵 가득넣어 먹는게 왤케 귀엽냐..

    • @minasanarigato8837
      @minasanarigato8837 3 роки тому +29

      Hehe they are cute

    • @엘엠엠
      @엘엠엠 2 роки тому +81

      볼살... 수빈님은 쭈욱 늘어나던데요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @ndndjii
      @ndndjii 2 роки тому +118

      @@엘엠엠 가죽 아닐까요,,

    • @영욱김-e7s
      @영욱김-e7s 2 роки тому +8

      혹시 8:14에 휴닝이 목에 있는 점 같은건 뭔가요?

    • @Gosuki0725
      @Gosuki0725 2 роки тому +8

      @@영욱김-e7s 그림자

  • @이러고있네-x4d
    @이러고있네-x4d 4 роки тому +178

    와 대박이다 그냥 사이다랑 콜라 준비한게 아니라 태현이가 콜라 못 먹어서 사이다랑 휴닝카이가 포도주스 좋아해서 저렇게 준비한거야 ,, 진짜 감사해요 다음에 또 보러올게요!!!

    • @pecherin
      @pecherin 2 роки тому

      왜 콜라 못먹어요?

  • @jinkerbell4953
    @jinkerbell4953 4 роки тому +331

    8:29 social butterfly taehyun was helping the unnie and the members didn’t forget to collect taehyun before they start eating:( Babies are humble and adorable

  • @p_amethyst
    @p_amethyst 2 роки тому +50

    Spotlight to Hueningkai's attentiveness and care towards others! He spotted Tyunjun's empty grill as well as Soobin enjoying eating 🥰 these little moments of him seriously has an affect on my heart

  • @vivt1819
    @vivt1819 4 роки тому +213

    8:31 aw taehyun went to talk and give her some company when she was alone off to the side prepping for them

    • @fikaap
      @fikaap 4 роки тому +21

      My soft boy 🥺

    • @CR-mm2tq
      @CR-mm2tq 4 роки тому +8


    • @stressfreesugarfree7222
      @stressfreesugarfree7222 3 роки тому +3

      Hey moas, pls keep on str34ming and vote for TXT rn on SMA in main category and in Mubeat for best dance perf. category, fighting :))

  • @atikahibrahimNAA
    @atikahibrahimNAA 4 роки тому +2803

    The guy with an eye patch isso cute..look at the way he struggling himself to eat..so cute 🥺🥺🥺

    • @brittxin3694
      @brittxin3694 4 роки тому +387

      That’s Beomgyu 🥺 he’s so adorable

    • @JosephinAurelie
      @JosephinAurelie 4 роки тому +140

      his name is Beomgyu

    • @txtdeservesbetter7304
      @txtdeservesbetter7304 4 роки тому +144

      Beomgyu he is our babybear

    • @salima9340
      @salima9340 4 роки тому +56

      His name is beomgyu🥰🥰

    • @kimhour2583
      @kimhour2583 4 роки тому +47

      Learn their names The pink hair one is YEONJUN the oldest the blue head one is Soobin The Blonde head one is Taehyun the One with the eye patch is Beomgyu and the brown headed one is Heuningkai

  • @nisreenjikiri6226
    @nisreenjikiri6226 3 роки тому +375

    19:37 - stamping choi beomgyu's cute 'crispy crispy' 🥺

  • @모아-f8f
    @모아-f8f Рік тому +22

    11:30 수빈이 조금 찢어달라하니까 바로 찢어서 주는것봐ㅠㅠ너무 착하고 순한게 눈에 보인다ㅠㅠ우리 툽둥이들 맛있게 잘 먹는거 보니까 진짜 나도 행복해ㅜㅜ항상 사랑해❤❤

  • @sleepines
    @sleepines 4 роки тому +208

    noooo beomgyu struggling with his kimchi wrap was the cutest ;_;

  • @blueriverr
    @blueriverr 4 роки тому +762

    Yeonjun: WOAH
    Hueningkai: WOAH
    Taehyun: WOAH
    Soobin: WOAH
    Beomgyu: WOAH
    me in my room: WOOOAAAHHHH

    • @sunshinesunshine4737
      @sunshinesunshine4737 4 роки тому +9

      Same hahaha

    • @rsingh2001
      @rsingh2001 4 роки тому +15

      Lol ..😂 Crisaphhhhhyyyyyyyy (Crisy)

    • @AcnologiaX792
      @AcnologiaX792 4 роки тому +7

      same~!! I could almost SMELL the pork as they cooked it...🤤 aaaannd, now I'm hungry...😭

    • @shafii2639
      @shafii2639 4 роки тому +2

      Can someone please tell me who the one with the eye patch is so I can simp in peace😭😭😭

    • @rsingh2001
      @rsingh2001 4 роки тому +6

      @@shafii2639 it's Beomgyu (Choi Beomgyu)

  • @user_tlqkf-yourlife
    @user_tlqkf-yourlife 4 роки тому +214

    여기 나오는애들 거의다 초면인데 매주 챙겨보는중임
    잘먹으니까 기분 좋다... 우리 할머니도 내가 배터지게 먹고 숨못쉬고있으면 좋아하던데 ...이런 기분이셨을까

  • @beatrixchan6159
    @beatrixchan6159 Рік тому +144

    15:13 Why beomgyu being so adorable when he is struggling with the meat and giving a smile after struggling 😂❤ just like a cute little baby

    • @beomiesworld
      @beomiesworld 10 місяців тому

      He's so cute, istg🥺😭

  • @peachyyaira7530
    @peachyyaira7530 4 роки тому +260

    The way yeonjun just chomping it all down meanwhile there's our smol beomgyu carefuly wrapping and dipping his food IM SOFT

  • @walnutsss
    @walnutsss 4 роки тому +355

    I love how Yeonja kept saying “CRISEUPY CRISEUPY”

  • @yumejung3842
    @yumejung3842 4 роки тому +304

    Yeonjun is proving his tittle as "yeon-tto-meok" he keeps eating and eating I'm actually amazed.

  • @320babyrabbit
    @320babyrabbit 2 роки тому +70

    우리 애기들 맛있는거 마니마니 먹여주셔서 너모 감사해용 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 우리 애기들 맛있게 먹는거 행복감 오진다ㄹ,, 여기분들도 너무 친절하시구 보는내내 저도 입맛 다셨어용 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 최고!!

  • @blue_cake
    @blue_cake 3 роки тому +110

    15:03 모아는 아니지만 범규랑 동갑인데 왜 더 동생같지.. 챙겨주고싶게ㅠㅠ 귀엽네 범규ㅠㅠ

  • @나의바다
    @나의바다 4 роки тому +92

    범규 먹는거 뭔가 시선 집중된다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 천천히 야무지게 먹는데 너무 귀여움ㅠㅠ 먹는 자세도 귀엽게 웅크리고 먹어서 옆에 저돌적인 자세의 연준이랑 비교됨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 둘다 귀여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @뎅먼
    @뎅먼 3 роки тому +336

    몇번을 봐도 잘먹어서 보기 좋다 수빈이랑 연준이가 워낙 잘먹는거 알았는데 연준이 돋보적이네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @sea_of_love
    @sea_of_love 2 роки тому +36

    the roar sfx when yeonjun is eating is so cute, he's like a baby lion

  • @pocco8388
    @pocco8388 4 роки тому +106

    누가 이렇게 좀 팔아주세요 투바투 보러 왔다가 영자언니표 오겹살에 진심되어서 눈 뻘개진다

  • @사랑해툽깅아가들
    @사랑해툽깅아가들 4 роки тому +62

    아이고 ㅠㅠㅠ 우리 아가들 위해서 이렇게 맛있는 고기도 해주시고ㅠㅠㅠ 정말 복 받으세요 흨흨... 저희 아가들이 너무 행복하면서 웃는거 보니 모아까지 덩달아 기분이 해피합니당 ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠ정말 너무 잘 챙겨줘서 고맙습니다ㅠㅠㅠ 컴백기간이라 잘 못먹었을텐데 ㅠㅠ 이렇게 잘 먹여주고ㅠㅠㅠ 흐엉 체고다 정말

  • @mysonjwoo6295
    @mysonjwoo6295 3 роки тому +2104

    the pink haired guy issa mood lol 🤣

  • @teddy-tiger
    @teddy-tiger Рік тому +24

    투바투가 순둥인게 몬엑보다가 투바투꺼보니까 진짴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 몬엑은 야수들이 막 먹는 거 같고 투바투는 야수는 야순데 아가야수들이 먹는거 같닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @daydream304
    @daydream304 4 роки тому +711

    They look so happy 😭,
    look at them screaming with excitement while she was cooking...😂

    • @proudmoa7575
      @proudmoa7575 4 роки тому +8

      Cuties 😂

    • @eonnijang2588
      @eonnijang2588 4 роки тому

      Please don't use emot because viewers can freez

    • @chickenmcnuggets9669
      @chickenmcnuggets9669 4 роки тому +9

      @@eonnijang2588 yes we need to give kbob star as many views as possible to repay them for treating our favs right

    • @kebonybanks4483
      @kebonybanks4483 4 роки тому

      Right 😭

    • @stressfreesugarfree7222
      @stressfreesugarfree7222 3 роки тому

      Hello moas, pls keep on str34ming Blue hour and vote for TXT rn on SMA in main category and in Mubeat app for best dance perf. category, fighting =)

  • @jcdg_tbz
    @jcdg_tbz 3 роки тому +296

    우리 아이들 맛있고 배부르게 먹여주셔서 감사합니다…….진짜 좋은 프로그램인듯

  • @toothlesshasnoteeth1257
    @toothlesshasnoteeth1257 4 роки тому +597

    Boemgyu: Smell like money
    Staff: (Dame right he is lol)
    Hahahahaha they are so funny

  • @yuzuhyun
    @yuzuhyun Рік тому +15

    힘들 때 생각나는 영상… 애기들아… 너무 귀엽다 진짜 행복해 보이는 게 제일 좋아… 평생 행복하길 바라 🥰

  • @yura7208
    @yura7208 4 роки тому +222


  • @glne512
    @glne512 4 роки тому +333

    Beomgyu is such a baby someone guide him..this giant babies i can't..
    they're too cute

    • @ayupuspita5660
      @ayupuspita5660 4 роки тому +15

      Ikr! Especially when he struggle to wrap kimchi around the meat (≧▽≦) It was super cute!

    • @sharoncheng9442
      @sharoncheng9442 4 роки тому +4

      wat happened to his eye? i thought it was their concept but now im wondering if its pink eye?

    • @X3MiniDoraemon
      @X3MiniDoraemon 4 роки тому +4

      @@sharoncheng9442 It's probably pink eye or other kind of infections/discomfort.

    • @sharoncheng9442
      @sharoncheng9442 4 роки тому

      @@X3MiniDoraemon ah ok thank u

  • @monzi4379
    @monzi4379 4 роки тому +1619

    I have never seen Taehyun eat that much, because as the member said he doesn't eat much but seeing him eating so well... I am so happy as if I see my Lil bro eat .. thank you k-bob star team, Lee Youngja-nim (Big Mother) and Kim Sook-nim (Ssuk)

    • @seungwonoh2997
      @seungwonoh2997 4 роки тому +87

      he has been working out a lot so he needs to eat a lot too

    • @Bianca-cy5so
      @Bianca-cy5so 4 роки тому +75

      and he with yeonjun looked so animated and hungry. I hope they always eat well. My five little (not so much) boys 💖😭

    • @dia72620
      @dia72620 4 роки тому +11

      aww they liked your comment!

    • @evelinramosmiranda619
      @evelinramosmiranda619 4 роки тому +14

      @@dia72620 but she edited the comment so she lost the like lmao

    • @monzi4379
      @monzi4379 4 роки тому +6

      @@evelinramosmiranda619 yes i do because i got typo and get embarrassed

  • @MOA-ging
    @MOA-ging 2 роки тому +20

    아니 애들 볼빵빵해진거 진심 존귀다ㅜㅠㅠ 머글때 마다 리액션하는것도 너무 웃김ㅎㅎㅎㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ

  • @joelollosa451
    @joelollosa451 4 роки тому +259

    Beomgyu's "Oh my god" at 2:51 just added 10 years to my life, lol

  • @kimtaetae1515
    @kimtaetae1515 4 роки тому +194

    yeonjun is the happiest when he's eating! it's so cute

  • @priestjun9062
    @priestjun9062 4 роки тому +140

    Beomgyu is so cute even though he's so quiet

    • @diamondwright5563
      @diamondwright5563 4 роки тому +5

      What’s with the eye patch? Did he get injured😟😟

    • @tammyb5607
      @tammyb5607 4 роки тому +6

      @@diamondwright5563 he fell asleep with his contacts on and he got an infection

    • @alvinavlogs389
      @alvinavlogs389 4 роки тому +2

      @@tammyb5607 really? OMG I didn't know about this....

    • @diamondwright5563
      @diamondwright5563 4 роки тому +3

      @@tammyb5607 omg really? Poor beomgyu. It’s a relief that he’s all good now.

  • @숩-d8k
    @숩-d8k 2 роки тому +20

    와 우리 애들 행복한거 진짜 눈에 너무 잘 보인다..

  • @예쁜내새끼
    @예쁜내새끼 3 роки тому +94

    진짜 이 프로그램 잘만든듯 울 툽깅이들 배부르게 먹이네

  • @branddransnothing
    @branddransnothing 4 роки тому +210

    I've never seen Taehyun eat so hungrily before like dang, new Moa's would think he eats a lot😂
    Yeonjun is like on a whole new level of heaven.
    Beomgyu is like mama's boy and quietly follows her movements! So cute!
    Soobin really out there eating the raw mushrooms like the true bunny he is.
    And Heuningning with his puffy cheeks full of food! add's the cuteness to the group!
    They all looked so excited just seeing the meat being cooked, and they all just gradually go more excited when more food kept coming😂😂😂 By far the best and real reaction they've had so far!

  • @essencemoua
    @essencemoua 3 роки тому +1496

    beomgyu is adorable. when he smiled cus he was proud he figured out how to wrap the kimchi :))))

    • @beomgyusthighsofsteel6651
      @beomgyusthighsofsteel6651 2 роки тому +6

      I eat just like Gyu, a slow eater who likes to savor each tiny bite. We're sophisticated like dat, yo..

  • @dara_eonni
    @dara_eonni 2 роки тому +22

    I just knew it when Beomgyu hardly has screen time when they were eating was because he was somehow had a "moment" with the food itself 😂 small bite indeed ☺️ so cute

  • @lalala6839
    @lalala6839 3 роки тому +435

    휴닝카이 진짜 착하다 .. 갈수록 호감도 상승이네

    • @raise1663
      @raise1663 2 роки тому +1

      닝프 화녕🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @bunbun9382
    @bunbun9382 3 роки тому +1781

    txt being a group with average height of 181.3cm get shook by mushroom, leaves, wig. LMAO so cute. really Global Shooky. soobin was not wrong XD

    • @a.a.g.7671
      @a.a.g.7671 3 роки тому +6


    • @shinramyeon._
      @shinramyeon._ 3 роки тому +1

      what does being tall has to do with them being shocked?

    • @himaririku5289
      @himaririku5289 3 роки тому

      @@shinramyeon._ i guess that's one of the stereotypes of being tall

  • @시원-k8f
    @시원-k8f 2 роки тому +120

    투바투 실물짤 보면.. 너무 말랐다는 건 항상 있어서 걱정 했는데 맛있게 먹는 거 보니까 너무 보기 좋다,,