HIM-The Funeral Of Hearts Live at Open Air Lumnezia 2008

  • Опубліковано 21 січ 2025


  • @babzville303
    @babzville303 14 років тому +48

    tell me who could react in a cooler way than this?
    he says, " we had the disadvantage of not seeing you properly so, if you want to pick out a fight, that's fine, too.
    Skandinavians are a lot fucking taller and rougher than you are so...
    anyway, you should probably recycle the beer cans rather than throwing them at us." ... And he goes on to sing in an awesome way to the very end....I always like their live stuff better than the recordings.
    He is more handsome as he gets older...

    • @tinkaward6921
      @tinkaward6921 4 роки тому +7

      It was amazing how quickly he recovered from the fright. For a brief moment it looked like he was going to break off, but then the pro won

    • @HappyHippyHuddy
      @HappyHippyHuddy 3 роки тому +3

      Still listening in 2021 and you're so right. Cheers!

    • @adrianapicco5115
      @adrianapicco5115 2 роки тому +3

      Non avevo mai visto questo video prima, è la prima volta che vedo anche che uno spettatore ad un concerto si azzarda a lanciare una bottiglia addosso al cantante.. son rimasta davvero scioccata dalla scena, lui però è stato di una professionalità ineguagliabile e X quanto fosse arrabbiato per l'affronto subito, non posso Ke fargli i miei più sentiti ringraziamenti e auguri per la sua carriera anche dopo gli Him Ke all'epoca adoravo alla follia.. al tipo posso solo dirgli che gli è andata bene Ke non l'ha visto Ville, non oso immaginare cosa sarebbe successo altrimenti se scendeva dal palco più "sobrio" di quello che era.. Ke cavoli, pure da "ubriaco" ha una vocalità senza uguali, è un grande!!

    • @tiiaaurora8596
      @tiiaaurora8596 Рік тому +1

      We Finns are like this! Regards!

    • @michaelajurcova5690
      @michaelajurcova5690 2 місяці тому

      Čo ti poviem také niečo urobí iba debil padnutý na hlavu asi .nerozumiem keď niekto niekomu fyzicky ublíži bezvýznamne nerozumiem tomu ako to môže niekto urobiť ja mám rada Him❤❤❤❤ tvrdým jednu vec žiadna hudba nie je zlá len si počúvať ten správny človek❤❤❤❤ a pre nás je Him navždy ❤❤❤top❤❤VV

  • @mcblueyes
    @mcblueyes 14 років тому +22

    he was angry, but still he was polite, and at the same time sooo intimidating !
    ville's awesome!

  • @marie__d_17
    @marie__d_17 11 років тому +26

    I can't believe it ! They threw a bottle at his face --' Look at the scar (under his eye) after that !!

    • @michaelajurcova5690
      @michaelajurcova5690 2 місяці тому

      Nepochopím ľudí na čo chodia na jeho koncerty keď mu robia zle ja som vždy bola toho názoru ak niekoho nemáš rád tak ho obehni a nehaj ho tak❤❤❤❤ my máme radi Him ❤❤ a nikdy by som im fyzicky neublížila ani žiadnemu človeku prečo by som to mala robiť a čo by som z toho mala veď by som sa cítila ako úbožiek ono nie je žiadne umenie človeku urobiť zle umenie je skôr si myslím postaviť sa za človeka pomôcť mu a proti ostatným aj keď napríklad majú v niečom iný názor ako ty sám aj napriek tomu že sa s tebou nebudú rozprávať vždy hovorím a radšej mať pár priateľov normálnych ako veľa a takých čo ťa utopia v lyžičke vody❤❤❤❤❤ môžem povedať že Him.he skvelá skupina ❤❤❤ vždy ❤❤❤❤

  • @MrsHolliValo
    @MrsHolliValo 15 років тому +16

    OMG! I want to cry... and Ville is so professional... keeps the show going for everyone else..his comment rocked!

  • @Arcanua
    @Arcanua 13 років тому +13

    Wow I've never heard this song live before it sounds incredible. I'm mad at the one that threw the bottle since it threw things off a little but Ville handled it well instead of yelling and screaming at the one that did it.

  • @minilager
    @minilager 14 років тому +11

    Damn what a voice at 2:36 to 2:45 :O I know ville had a beautiful voice but DAMN he knows how to put some pressure in it :D

  • @snerddarplol
    @snerddarplol 13 років тому +15

    What a recovery! FUCKING LOVE THIS BAND!!!

  • @AriesBG
    @AriesBG 15 років тому +7

    Some things you can never forget. This is one of them.

  • @Love4Mcfly
    @Love4Mcfly 14 років тому +10

    i have so much respect for this dude :)

  • @dillonbgray
    @dillonbgray 2 роки тому +5

    He was so pissed he put out his cigarette. And still did wonderfully on the song.

  • @villerafavalo
    @villerafavalo 15 років тому +7

    ville has a great voice!

  • @JEnkins91589
    @JEnkins91589 15 років тому +6

    this song will live forever ^-^

  • @MJbad88
    @MJbad88 13 років тому +5

    poor Ville =( .. but the songs or the background sounds so great when he started singing after his attack. ♥

  • @KatrinValo398
    @KatrinValo398 14 років тому +7

    I Just Love This Song !!!!!!!! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG OF HIM

  • @roots1501
    @roots1501 12 років тому +5

    You cant really see it cause the camera doesnt shows it, but before the bottle that missed him, there was another one that hit his face.

  • @Heartagrammet
    @Heartagrammet 11 років тому +7

    God damn that voice

  • @alexanderanton1564
    @alexanderanton1564 15 років тому +5

    ville said once about behaviours like that "why waste your money and go listen to sth you dont like just to boo it?buy an ice cream instead"not exactly with that examples I dont remember it perfectly....no matter what,thats my opinion too.(I love to see ville singing like he did 10 years and so ago :P)

  • @TheMsMsEllen
    @TheMsMsEllen 12 років тому +4

    HIM forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @er1945
    @er1945 10 років тому +15

    That vocal talent at 2:35 though

  • @Kennskogli
    @Kennskogli 14 років тому +4

    Love this performance! love HIM

  • @fissak8320
    @fissak8320 3 роки тому +3

    This man made of steel

  • @SuperValo666
    @SuperValo666 15 років тому +3

    wonderful voice Ville!

  • @Sporky86
    @Sporky86 14 років тому +8

    I can pretty much guarantee that the person who threw the bottle was some 15 year old kid who was having a hissy fit because his girlfriend was checking out Ville.
    And i can pretty much guarantee that Ville knew it. :p

  • @ysaack777
    @ysaack777 12 років тому +5

    Un Clasico!! como siempre Bueno Grande HIM

  • @BabaRiri
    @BabaRiri 13 років тому +3

    Villes word for "ouch" is: "heöyy" or something like this^^ but(!) well done Ville u handle it very cool like you allways bin...so thumbs up for Ville

  • @EiweissPlus
    @EiweissPlus 11 років тому +3

    So romantisch und Wunderschön ! Ein song der Unter die Haut geht

  • @MehmettPheega
    @MehmettPheega 13 років тому +2

    i miss Him.

  • @Tinamo07
    @Tinamo07 14 років тому +2

    great great performance!!!

  • @paolofalso1
    @paolofalso1 12 років тому +1

    forever more!

  • @dynayuyyen1089
    @dynayuyyen1089 11 років тому +3

    Love...im in love with you Ville Velo ;) from Malaysia

  • @michaelajurcova5690
    @michaelajurcova5690 2 місяці тому

    Ak niekto niekoho nemá rád a neobdivuje tak neviem prečo chodí na jeho koncerty nikdy som nechápala ľudí ktorí niekomu fyzicky ubližujú ja mám rada Him❤❤❤❤❤ netvrdím že mám rada každú hudbu a každého speváka teda nie že rada ale proste nie som fanúšik všetkeho ale to neznamená že prídem na niekoho koncert aby som ho hodila fľašu do tváre ľudia by mali byť k sebe uctivý nehovorím nehovorím že sa niekomu treba pchať do zadku ale určite nie hádzať niečo do tváre a robiť človeku zle ja som vždy bola toho názoru ak sa ti niečo nepáči tak to proste obehni a nechaj toho človeka na pokoji ja mám rada him dlhé roky❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ a verím že nie som jediná nemám rada ľudí ktorý robia niekomu fyzický zle alebo psychicky a cítia sa silný navždy hovorím jednu vec pokiaľ nemôžem človeku pomôcť tak mu aspoň nerobím zle❤❤❤❤❤ už aj keď nemám skúsenosť s niektorými trápeniami ľudí tak aspoň prejavím súcit a nesmiem sa im to nie je môj štýl

  • @AnaZulemiHernándezChauran
    @AnaZulemiHernándezChauran 7 місяців тому

    El momento que suena la guitarra junto al canto de Ville fue magnificoooooo

  • @SolitudeBandOfficial
    @SolitudeBandOfficial 13 років тому +3

    epic return

  • @93al3jandra
    @93al3jandra 13 років тому +5

    Ville said, I'm pretty sure "hey, we had the disadvantage of not seeing u properly, so if u want to pick a fight that's fine, we're scandinavians so we're a lot fucking taller and rougher than u r so yeah..." that's pretty much way he said

  • @kwwildchild1
    @kwwildchild1 15 років тому +1

    i had to add this to my favorites. can't wait to see them in philly! i hope i don't get crushed by the crowd...i am scared. never been to a concert except creed and it wasn't standing. can't wait!

  • @michelbenet8200
    @michelbenet8200 11 років тому +5


  • @assholeroundeye
    @assholeroundeye 12 років тому +4

    hes pretty badass

  • @Maltushka
    @Maltushka 15 років тому +8

    What an idiot ! I mean the person who threw the bottle at Ville. He's probably just jealous cuz he don't have a life or something. And i loved the way Ville handled it, the recycling part was excellent : intelligent and funny !

  • @MrLoveville
    @MrLoveville 11 років тому +2

    Ville love

  • @DrPhillan
    @DrPhillan 15 років тому +4

    Let that man that threw the bottle perish in the depths of hell. xD

  • @DudeLovinU
    @DudeLovinU 13 років тому +3

    yesterday i made my tatoo of a heartagram!! im so fucking happy!! HIM for life!!

  • @jose69h
    @jose69h 14 років тому +1


  • @Pochacox
    @Pochacox 15 років тому

    the best song...

  • @BumbuliicC13
    @BumbuliicC13 13 років тому +3

    he is talking to a guy, who threw bottle on the stage

  • @danielhatter
    @danielhatter 3 роки тому +3


  • @Mezmer666
    @Mezmer666 13 років тому +4

    Fucking hell. Very well handled considering there was a fucking BEER CAN thrown at his face!

  • @xochiltparamo4632
    @xochiltparamo4632 11 років тому +1

    Love you

  • @thekimi
    @thekimi 14 років тому +3

    2:36 to 2:45 = greatest thing ever

  • @Cynthiiiaaaa
    @Cynthiiiaaaa 14 років тому

    Ville got hit by a bottle on his face, than he walked away and saw that another bottle got thrown on stage.
    Than he did the hand sign that the guys should stop playing, than he said some thing to the personm who threw the bottle(s). Hope you understad now :P

  • @Aijaleena
    @Aijaleena 11 років тому +11

    Axl Rose would have jumped after the guy and yelled "i'll take him god damn it"

    • @teresa27909
      @teresa27909 5 років тому +13

      as he said it was dark he could not see them, plus Ville has way more class than Axl

  • @allxwrong
    @allxwrong 14 років тому +2

    really good performance! he handled that so well =]
    and whoever threw that bottle has the shittest aim, if ville hadn't moved it wouldnt have even been close to him!

  • @Bathoryculto
    @Bathoryculto 14 років тому

    ville love you ;(

  • @mrmikef10
    @mrmikef10 14 років тому +6

    HAha damn .. So pro.. The way they just started the song again.. And Ville kept so cool.. Just like omg you sad and i ain't .. So you have a problem and i don't.. FU XD

  • @Collybird8
    @Collybird8 11 років тому +6

    Because Finland is part of Scandinavia...

  • @ISSParade
    @ISSParade 14 років тому +3

    This is sooo disrespectful, in my opinion if you don't like a band you must be tolerant with it, they are just doing their job and that's agression. The stupid who threw the bottle hurt ville and left a little injury near his eye.
    I see no point of doing things like that it could have been worse

  • @lizalfaro448
    @lizalfaro448 12 років тому +4

    Ville is gonna kick some ass. 1:23 I don't care how long ago this happend, but it pisses me off. How dare anyone! ANYONE! Throw garbage at Ville fucking Valo!

  • @irwan86
    @irwan86 15 років тому

    that is really2 cool!!!

  • @poisongurl1983
    @poisongurl1983 13 років тому +2

    trying to figure out why he was digging at his face although i love him so much im so glad he got clean and sober cause these clips where he is tweeked out dont do him justice

    • @teresa27909
      @teresa27909 5 років тому

      someone threw a bottle at him

    • @shadowunicorn4997
      @shadowunicorn4997 Рік тому

      It looked like he was itching at it. He's probably sweating and got itchy

  • @jose69h
    @jose69h 14 років тому

  • @djikiii
    @djikiii 14 років тому

    does anyone have setlist for this concert... i cant find it anywhere...-.-

  • @SuperValo666
    @SuperValo666 15 років тому

    best live ever 233 to 245!

  • @gabaniox
    @gabaniox 15 років тому

    2:08 i like that words and singing

  • @SuperSallyjackson
    @SuperSallyjackson 11 років тому

    i definitely agree with you babe...

  • @93al3jandra
    @93al3jandra 13 років тому +3

    I bet ville would kick that guys ass! XD

  • @joelp4
    @joelp4 14 років тому +4

    ...and then he has 'Mercy' on his T-Shirt...the irony...

  • @ОльгаСимакова-и3л
    @ОльгаСимакова-и3л 10 місяців тому

    2:08 🥰👍 💜🖤💜🖤💜

  • @MrSuperJEB
    @MrSuperJEB 12 років тому

    Does any body know where to watch or download the full version of this.?? Please im really dying

  • @RichieKoala
    @RichieKoala 15 років тому +2

    if i was Ville Valo, id kick that guys ball to his throte!

  • @venusdoom79
    @venusdoom79 4 роки тому


  • @galaper
    @galaper 14 років тому +1

    did he get in the face? coz he's rubbing it after the first one got thrown at - when he stopped

  • @DudeLovinU
    @DudeLovinU 13 років тому +3

    i would throw things to ville too, i would thow him my cell phone, the keys of my house, ohh and why not a pack of cigarretes...

  • @Doorheadant
    @Doorheadant 12 років тому +4

    his face got scar 4:45

  • @xochiltparamo4632
    @xochiltparamo4632 11 років тому

    What Did he say when they threw the bottle at him

  • @shadowunicorn4997
    @shadowunicorn4997 Рік тому

    Did something hit him in the face? It looked like he turned away like something hit him

  • @noraMaiden
    @noraMaiden 14 років тому +4

    Metallica & HIM rulez !!

  • @FalseInspiration
    @FalseInspiration 14 років тому


  • @jaghatarhiphop
    @jaghatarhiphop 15 років тому

    heey wft happand 1:28 ?

  • @VilleJonne
    @VilleJonne 15 років тому

    Amazing!I love Ville

  • @Milo__243
    @Milo__243 14 років тому

    @agus167154 he stop singin because he saw the bottle flying at 1:28
    and you cans see when he is telling to the oter guys stop playing with the hand

  • @DrPhillan
    @DrPhillan 14 років тому

    What does Ville say? I can't hear all

  • @MrBarty55
    @MrBarty55 13 років тому

    What he said? 1:22

  • @double8a
    @double8a 15 років тому

    he says u shld probably recycle what?

  • @sigliumdiaboli
    @sigliumdiaboli 14 років тому

    @gammagamma08 he probaly was implus he was mad

  • @Zukurah
    @Zukurah 15 років тому

    hehe hes definately a badass

  • @Sporky86
    @Sporky86 15 років тому

    Angry Finnish Wang Tatt Man = Love.

  • @BC1364
    @BC1364 13 років тому +1

    god. Ville valo. I'd check him out with my gf :P

  • @LeeCKettles
    @LeeCKettles 13 років тому

    @2:37 BOSS.

  • @eternity828
    @eternity828 11 років тому

    he is finnish , why he said scandinavians

  • @Volodymir85
    @Volodymir85 11 років тому

    SCANDINAVIA - Sweden, Finland, Norway. So stupid question...next time try google pls.

  • @vmvv7678
    @vmvv7678 14 років тому

    @violetvalo1221 hahahahahahahahhahaaa, SO TRUE!!!!

  • @specialness16
    @specialness16 15 років тому

    Ha, whoever threw that is heavily a coward, and Ville would destroy him seeing as his borther Jesse is a gold medal winning Muay Thai boxer

  • @Herty666
    @Herty666 15 років тому +2

    Hey. We have the disadvantage of not seeing you properly so if you want to pick out a fight that's fine too. We're Scandanavians so we are a lot fucking taller and rougher than you are... so...yeah...alright. And anyway, you should uh probably recycle the uh beer cans rather than throw them at us ^^

  • @therealmoshmonkey
    @therealmoshmonkey 15 років тому

    Oh you'll be suprised what kind of people turn up just to cause trouble

  • @samu651
    @samu651 14 років тому +3

    if you like a band dont throw anything to them damn ass !!! :(

  • @rausibine7427
    @rausibine7427 7 років тому +1


  • @luismorales91
    @luismorales91 14 років тому

    1:27 not truth

  • @JoeLasCola
    @JoeLasCola 13 років тому +1

    justin bieber threw the bottle.

  • @naztava5888
    @naztava5888 5 років тому +1

    As odd as this sounds, smoking cigarettes while you sing opens up your throat and vocals. Done it

    • @teresa27909
      @teresa27909 5 років тому +2

      It's not a good look for him. I heard he has quit I hope that is correct.

    • @shadowunicorn4997
      @shadowunicorn4997 Рік тому

      ​@teresa27909 Yeah, he stopped drinking as much or at all as well

    • @naztava5888
      @naztava5888 Рік тому

      @@shadowunicorn4997 Niice!! Good for him. So did I. I was talking about the teenage me.

  • @SuperValo666
    @SuperValo666 15 років тому

    stupid who ever did it. but check out the vocals from 235 to 245. BEST!

  • @Susila100
    @Susila100 15 років тому

    he is drinking water