Time Stamps: 00:00 *See the Board* 00:04 Welcome and Introduction: Compassionate Detours 00:30 Teaching Tip: Using the Notes app to create a shared "Note" 04:36 Reflections on the importance of studying the Gospels in the New Testament 07:25 Emily's story of her daughter's preparation for baptism 11:02 David's story of a "To Do" list 11:49 *Segment 1: Nicknames* 13:13 Jesus's nicknames for some of the Apostles 15:43 Reference to Elder Packer's book "Teach Ye Diligently" 19:04 *Segment 2: Reaching* 20:21 Background on Jairus + Mark 5 verses 22-23 23:14 Mark 5 verse 24 24:22 Mark 5 verses 25-27 26:04 Reference to the hymn "Where Can I Turn for Peace?" 26:31 Emily's story of visiting Magdala in Israel and the painting "The Encounter" by Daniel Cariola 30:14 Mark 5 verses 28-29 30:57 Mark 5 verse 30 + definition of "virtue" + reference to Elaine Dalton's talk on Virtue 33:41 Emily's story of her bishop's counsel on an unanswered prayer 34:12 Mark 5 verses 31-32 35:58 Mark 5 verses 33-34 39:11 Mark 5 verse 35 39:30 *Segment 3: Only Believe* 40:26 Mark 5 verse 36 42:33 Mark 5 verses 39-41 + references to "The Chosen" TV series 45:43 Mark 5 verses 42-43 48:40 *Segment 4: What is Your Name?* 50:08 Luke 8 verses 26 + Emily's story of searching for the Gadarenes in Israel 51:38 Luke 8 verses 27 + Mark 5 verses 1-5 54:54 Luke 8 verse 30 + Mark 5 verse 9 55:58 Definition of "Legion" 57:54 Luke 8 verse 32 + Mark 5 verse 13 59:31 Luke 8 verse 35 1:01:52 Luke 8 verses 38-40 1:03:15 Emily's story of a 12 Step meeting 1:04:57 Three Lessons from this story 1:05:27 *Segment 5: A Day in the Life of Jesus -- worksheet* 1:07:20 Using the Worksheet: List the Compassionate Detours 1:08:47 Quick overview of Matthew 9 1:10:39 Matthew 9 verses 35-36 1:12:00 *Word of the Week: Compassion* + Cross Reference Jude 1 verse 22 1:13:58 Matthew 9 verses 37-38 1:17:02 Emily's story of setting aside an hour a day 1:19:06 Conclusion: Scheduling a God-led Day with Eyes Wide Open
I love your comments about fitting "the mold." A little over 5 years ago, I was called to be the Relief Society president, despite any number of undoubtedly more capable women around me. I was on the phone with my parents, discussing the shock of it all, and one of them said, "Dyann, you have something the sisters in your ward need." I laughed and asked, "What--a healthy dose of sarcasm with a side of snark?" The other parent said immediately, "Yes." That perspective took me aback, and--looking back--I see that those sisters needed a leader who was imperfect, who made mistakes, who didn't have ducks or a row, but squirrels everywhere. And that it was okay. They needed a leader who didn't fit "the mold." They needed someone who could be a hot mess WITH them, because perfection doesn't come in this lifetime. I love that the mold is shaped like us.
I LOVE this reply! I just got called to be the Primary President of our ward and I’m feeling the same way- like what on earth can I bring to the room that isn’t already there? My sister told me the same thing that your sweet parents did, that my talents and abilities combined with my experiences are completely unique and individual to me. My teaching/leading/learning styles talents are just what that primary needs for this particular time. It surprised me, but I’m feeling a little more prepared and ready for the task. Thank you for sharing!
In my family we actually just used the free download picture of Jesus you gave out and each week as we gather for scriptures I would ask my kids what they learned about Jesus from that story. What trait or attribute did they discover about them. Then I had the kids write them down all over that picture of Jesus. So instead of telling them what the name of christ was for that week, they got to pick out the name or trait about christ that was meaningful to them. Huge success!! And I put it on my fridge so they constantly see it.
Thank you for the challenge of discovering Jesus’s nickname for me. I re-read my patriarchal blessing and I think God’s nickname for me is light bearer.
Thank you for the amazing lessons each week I felt the need to share a lesson taught to me by my mentor during a stressful time… clothes in these scriptures tell a deeper lesson. Clothes are a covering and the covering Christ offers is the Atonement. The woman touched Christ’s covering (the atonement). The wild man was clothed ( with the atonement) I hope that this can strengthen these scriptures in our lives as it has for me
Well - I personally listen to this podcast, the one with John Bytheway & Hanks Smith and some of Jared Halversen, so I feel David and Emily can give us their all no matter how long. Love it all. Need it all.
Thank you for that prompting to read my patriarchal blessing this morning. Not only did I find my nickname, Choice Vessel, but there were many sweet reminders that I needed to read that showed me answers to prayer and that God is directing some harder paths in my life right now. Thank you.
Loved the connection you made with addiction and Legion. I had never thought about that story like that. The clothes Jesus gave him were His love, His atoning sacrifice, mercy and forgiveness.
Emily , bless you for having David explain a note, when I was taking some family history classes the instructor was explaining how to download photos into the memories but never did explain how he got the photos into his computer and it was so frustrating that I almost gave up the class because they just think you know that
I LOVE long lessons. The longer the better. I had the same thoughts about how the woman may have felt after the Savior said "Who touched me?" Shocked that He had noticed. Guilty that she had been caught. Apologetic in her own defense. How relieved she must have felt when He showed her love, compassion and healing rather than condemnation.
Another perspective for you to consider comes from the book, God Comes to Women. "For the woman with the issue of blood, quiet solitude with Jesus was impossible. Due to her prolonged feminine bleeding she was unable to enter holy places, like the temple or the synagogues, where Jesus often taught. The only possible way she could reach him was when he was out in public, and when he was in public he was always surrounded by a crowd. Since it was the only chance she had, she reached out to him on the street, surrounded by people. . . She found access to God, even in a noisy and very public place." I love the idea that Jesus brought attention to her touch not to condemn her, but rather publicly declare her clean.
Just a different opinion from this devoted listener and learner, I love the longer length and the breaking into sections. Who can get enough of David and Emily!?
This was the first week where I decided to break up the sections a day at a time instead of inhaling the whole thing. It has given me pause-which I need.
This is the first year that I have consistently done Come Follow Me. I love the journal because it helps me so much understand my thoughts on the the things I'm reading. Thank you SO MUCH for the suggestion to read my Patriarachal Blessing in this lesson with the thought of finding my "nickname." It was EXACTLY what I needed.
Emily and David talking about Patriarchal Blessings took me right to how I felt when my son was called compassionate in his blessing and I stopped what I was doing and texted him a message about how my heart was touched that day because I knew that is the perfect word for him. He really appreciated that I remember his blessing and we had a sweet little conversation about it. Thanks you two!
I have been struggling with some things for a while now. Being a wife and wanting to be a mom and it not happening has been extremely hard on my heart. I prayed for this episode basically last night. What y’all have taught today I feel like it was meant for me. I will never stop reaching. Thankyou for your divine, inspired words!🫶🏽
You are suffering in a very difficult way. I am so sorry for your trail at this time. I experienced the same during my child bearing years. I understand your pain and feeling of loss. I don't know why I could have two children with no problem than had a miscarriage and was unable to become pregnant for over a year after. I am pretty sure your time period is longer than mine was but I do understand and feel your pain. Lauryn I will pray for you and think about you every day. All I can say there is always a reason and finding that reason is sometimes impossible, and it hurts and tears at your heart. I too am so great-full for this pod cast it has brought a new dimension into my life, and it has brought you into my life. Sweet sister maybe someday we shall meet until than God be with you always. Helen
My husband and I went through 12 years of infertility. We received our miracle just when we had given up all hope of becoming parents in this life. I pray that you won't have to wait until the eternities to be a parent. Hang in there. Trust God. And yes, the wait is almost unbearable at times. For me, it got worse and worse with every passing year. Sending you lots of hugs. ❤️
Where do I begin… I loved this lesson. I love the idea of compassionate detours. So often I look at myself at the end of the day and wonder how it got so detailed… but really it was a day of compassionate detours. It brings sweetness to my soul. On another note… I loved David’s Notes with his class. I have a scripture group text thread with members of my family. We named it Scripture Buddies and it serves the same purpose. It’s not a dinner thread but all our thoughts on our scripture study. We listen to the same podcasts so it’s such a beautiful discussion on what our thoughts are. I love to go back and read. David and Emily thank you for all you give to the multitudes! ❤
I just loved this episode. All 3 of my favorite Jesus stories in one study! Thank you for teaching about the clothes, a much needed reminder that sometimes we all need to take baby steps.... Thank you for your dedication!! I love you both!
I just sobbed through that episode too. The conversation with Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood just made me feel all the good feels. I related to her exhaustion and I LOVED that the savior gets that.
Thank you so much for sharing about the process of recovery. You hear about the prodigal son returning but never quite hear about all that he needs to continue healing and progressing. I was on the streets for a few years, had totally mentally shut down and spiritually died, and to come back from all of that takes phases and phases of healing. I literally had no idea that I needed support to break free from that and only just started sharing my story this year on year six into spiritual rebirth. Luckily, even though I couldn't anticipate and didn't realize what I needed as I went along, Jesus always knew and prepares every struggle and every stepping stone for me to be able to recieve the life He offers, and to have the purposes He set before me in my experiences. These experiences speak to a part of who I am, and to my relationship with my Savior. That's easy to diminish if I'm scared of the world around me and scared to share my heart and mind. Ultimately, I came to Earth to do this, and Jesus came to Earth to save me. All for God's glory, thank goodness!
My husband was very careful about Covid because of other toxins he had with him. We had a family dinner where someone unknowingly had Covid and he soon succumbed to the virus. I had prayed for him to get well, but immediately had the feeling that it was his time to go and that the Lord would watch over me. It brought me great peace.
Fantastic idea about the notes from David and special thanks so much to Emily for explaining about the notes because I had no idea that I could do anything more with my notes than write notes for myself. I am going to get my children to explain this to me so I can use it in this way.
In 2016 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I have always loved the story of the woman who touched Christ's robe. During some dark moments of constant pain, my mother reminded me of her story. Its one I constantly remind myself of now while I deal with the pain. I love that Christ gave her her identity back. She was no longer defined by this disease. During times of darkness I try to remember this. The chosen did such an amazing job portraying this story, I cried the whole time! Strength doesn't always come to us in ways we expect. But I know because I am still here that He has answered that prayer.
This week I was reading about the woman with blood issues and the man with legions. Each of us has our own challenges and need to remember that we are children of God. “Exercising faith in Christ means trusting not only in God’s will but also in His timing. For He knows exactly what we need and precisely when we need it. When we submit to the will of the Lord, we will ultimately receive substantially more than that which we had desired. . . . I testify that there is nothing in your life that is broken that is beyond the curative, redeeming, and enabling power of Jesus Christ” -Amy A. Wright
Thank you Emily and David for your animated passion for our beloved Saviour! Your lessons energise me immensely. I read somewhere that the reason the Saviour had to declare this miracle of the woman with the issue of blood to the public for how else would people who had marginalised her for 12 years know she is now whole! I love my Saviour for His keen sense of our social welfare!
You two!!! What an outstanding message!!!!! Your faces are so sincere and how you connect with each other in a balanced spiritual enthusiasm, my heart is racing with satisfaction. Love this day and grateful for your sincere love and testimonies of the scriptures and of God our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ and also the people spoken of in the scriptures.
Thank you for sandwiching the story of the Jairus and his daughter and the woman with the issue of blood. It reminded me that Jesus has time for each of us, even simultaneously needing Him. When you shared about virtue or strength leaving Jesus when his garment was touched, I was reminded of a man I know who when he administered priesthood blessings always felt the strength go out of him. Three blessings in a day, sapped him and he literally felt virtue leave his body and needed to rest and recover.
I loved this episode! Particularly the compassionate detour part. I now look forward to my compassionate detour each day. It is so fun to see the hand of God in my life and how I can be His hands and feet to those around me. I love telling my husband about it at the end of each day. Thank you for spreading god's light and love online. May God bless you and your family abundantly ❤
I feel as though this weeks lesson was just what I needed... yet again! I think I feel this each week... LOL. Life has been so incredibly hard for me lately. It seems that on every front I am hitting walls of imperfection, loneliness, and grief as life is not has not come together at all as I would have it. The current work has acquainted me with what it means to feel heavy laden. Yet, I have seen in the past months Jesus hands at work in my life teaching me that it is ok to rework the dream, to allow a detour in my plans, and to rest my heart on that which is most important to me. Jesus has shown His work to all who are looking to see it. He shows us that for Him, as David reminded, there is no such thing as heavy and that His power is real. I am so incredibly thankful for His love and for those who listen to His promptings. And, for the moments when He speaks promptings to my heart and I am able to be a tool in His hands for good.
Thanks so much Emily for sharing about your diabetic son. I have a 35 year old son that has had 2 kidney transplants.. Many many times I have been under the storms of rushing to check on him and his little children.. To make sure they all were ok. God has protected them!! He has reached my reaching on many occasions!!
Thank you for bringing the story of the woman who reached out to touch Jesus’ robe and the juxtaposition of Jairus’s daughter. I wept openly while listening to your descriptions. and looking at the pictures. I love my savior.
I love how you inspire me. I have never thought of "my names" I have been given in my patriarchal blessing. Thank you for showing me how much Jesus loves me!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your dedication and devotion.
Be sure to watch The Chosen Season 3 Episode 5. It is incredibly powerful telling the stories of the woman and Jairus. Thank you so much for taking the time to help us increase our knowledge and build our testimonies.
Thanks for bringing the light of Christ into our lives each week. I do a weekly FHE for my family and I always supplement my PowerPoint lessons with quite a few of your stories and thoughts.
This is by far my most favorite episode you guys have done!!! I watched twice and got so much out of it! Thank you so much for your time that you put into these videos I love them😊
Oh David, I had to pause and write this… you are definitely cheerful and have a Goldenheart. I love you Brother Butler, with all due respect. I want to be your auntie when ever He will have us meet.
Thinking about setting time aside for compassion and "doing", I think even for some of us we can pray for moments throughout our day when we are doing our "must do's", that we can ask Heavenly Father to put those situations right in our path and that our service will line up with what we have to do already. The Heavenly Father I know is able to follow those parameters if we are willing. Lift where you stand (and where you are walking)
I also just realized when Jesus tells Jairus to not be afraid and only believe, he is emphasizing how the woman with the issue of blood exercised her faith and belief and THAT was what Jesus said healed her!
I love your lessons and have grown so much in the time spent with you in the youtube videos. I didn't mean to be rude or ungreatful. I just can't stand it when I miss anything of your lessons here. I know you are doing Great things here and I will just have to get what I can. But the board does look so much brighter and clearer today! Thank you both for all your time and efforts to bring this into our homes. Kindest of regards! H
Just a thought, I can see your point of Jesus taking some time to just go for a walk and I love the idea of giving ourselves permission to do that. However, knowing my Savior and how He seeks “the one”, I think Jesus went to find the man in the Gadarenes. That was part of His purpose for that walk.
My 9-year-old daughter has watched the episode of the Chosen about Jairus's daughter over and over, and I kind of wondered why she kept choosing that one. Thank you for bringing this story to life for me.
David... we are only a few months apart in age, and you just made me feel sooooo old! 😄 I love how you had no idea what Emily even meant in explaining the note sharing feature more. 😅 I had no idea what it was!!!
I read my Patriarchal Blessing tonight and The words I bless you my dear! Jump off the page to me. That is the my name he would call me and I love it. "My Dear" after reading further "My Dear" was repeated I knew for sure than!!!
I think NOTES is only an apple feature. We don't have that on Android. BUT an android user could open a google doc- and click the "share" feature and add the email addresses of class members, give them the ability to EDIT the doc and everyone could participate the same way.
@Maria Craig It is definitely an Iphone thing. You can use Google Keep which is Android's version of note taking. You can add people, but unlike the iPhone version you don't get notifications when people add things. You would have to go look.
I like to think of the woman trying to get to Christ but the crowd was so forceful that she wasn’t able to get close. Then she said, that’s not working, maybe if I can just touch him, I can be healed…. But the crowd was so rough that it knocked her down and she never gave up. She said in her heart, if I can just touch the hem of his robe maybe that will be enough. She never gave up, she was desperate to be healed. I love looking at it this way, because so many time we need healing and we are pushed by outside forces to keep us from getting close enough to Christ.
In the section about the man with the demons it made me think of a podcast I have found. Emily have you heard of the come back podcast? This podcast is EXACTLY what you are talking about with this man.
"Tame him" the use of the concept called 'othering' so dangerous to dismiss those we view not like ourselves. Othering is a dangerous tool in human history. Great analysis guys of that story.
I am 59 and knew about the Note and how to collaborate/share it. Maybe the cut off should be find someone 60 or younger 😂. Wonderful thoughts from these scriptures - thank you!
We have taken our patriarchal blessings and turned every statement we can into "I am" affirmations. "I am eternal", "I am loved", "I am faithful", etc... The story of Jairus.. fulfills prophecy that every knee shall bow, rulers included.
Can you suggest some books to read to help with prayer? Through therapy, I realized that I find it hard to pray because I didn't have a trusting, positive relationship with my dad and consequently with any man in my life. So I find I can't go to Him with my concerns. I know He's my Father and He loves me, but I can't understand the love that He must have for me and every child of His.
Time Stamps:
00:00 *See the Board*
00:04 Welcome and Introduction: Compassionate Detours
00:30 Teaching Tip: Using the Notes app to create a shared "Note"
04:36 Reflections on the importance of studying the Gospels in the New Testament
07:25 Emily's story of her daughter's preparation for baptism
11:02 David's story of a "To Do" list
11:49 *Segment 1: Nicknames*
13:13 Jesus's nicknames for some of the Apostles
15:43 Reference to Elder Packer's book "Teach Ye Diligently"
19:04 *Segment 2: Reaching*
20:21 Background on Jairus + Mark 5 verses 22-23
23:14 Mark 5 verse 24
24:22 Mark 5 verses 25-27
26:04 Reference to the hymn "Where Can I Turn for Peace?"
26:31 Emily's story of visiting Magdala in Israel and the painting "The Encounter" by Daniel Cariola
30:14 Mark 5 verses 28-29
30:57 Mark 5 verse 30 + definition of "virtue" + reference to Elaine Dalton's talk on Virtue
33:41 Emily's story of her bishop's counsel on an unanswered prayer
34:12 Mark 5 verses 31-32
35:58 Mark 5 verses 33-34
39:11 Mark 5 verse 35
39:30 *Segment 3: Only Believe*
40:26 Mark 5 verse 36
42:33 Mark 5 verses 39-41 + references to "The Chosen" TV series
45:43 Mark 5 verses 42-43
48:40 *Segment 4: What is Your Name?*
50:08 Luke 8 verses 26 + Emily's story of searching for the Gadarenes in Israel
51:38 Luke 8 verses 27 + Mark 5 verses 1-5
54:54 Luke 8 verse 30 + Mark 5 verse 9
55:58 Definition of "Legion"
57:54 Luke 8 verse 32 + Mark 5 verse 13
59:31 Luke 8 verse 35
1:01:52 Luke 8 verses 38-40
1:03:15 Emily's story of a 12 Step meeting
1:04:57 Three Lessons from this story
1:05:27 *Segment 5: A Day in the Life of Jesus -- worksheet*
1:07:20 Using the Worksheet: List the Compassionate Detours
1:08:47 Quick overview of Matthew 9
1:10:39 Matthew 9 verses 35-36
1:12:00 *Word of the Week: Compassion* + Cross Reference Jude 1 verse 22
1:13:58 Matthew 9 verses 37-38
1:17:02 Emily's story of setting aside an hour a day
1:19:06 Conclusion: Scheduling a God-led Day with Eyes Wide Open
So grateful for the time stamps❤
Thank you so much for the time stamps.
Thank you for allowing me to skip 4 minutes talking about how to make a sharable note. (I'm 26) 😂
So, so thankful for the time stamps.
I love your comments about fitting "the mold." A little over 5 years ago, I was called to be the Relief Society president, despite any number of undoubtedly more capable women around me. I was on the phone with my parents, discussing the shock of it all, and one of them said, "Dyann, you have something the sisters in your ward need."
I laughed and asked, "What--a healthy dose of sarcasm with a side of snark?"
The other parent said immediately, "Yes."
That perspective took me aback, and--looking back--I see that those sisters needed a leader who was imperfect, who made mistakes, who didn't have ducks or a row, but squirrels everywhere.
And that it was okay. They needed a leader who didn't fit "the mold." They needed someone who could be a hot mess WITH them, because perfection doesn't come in this lifetime.
I love that the mold is shaped like us.
I LOVE this reply! I just got called to be the Primary President of our ward and I’m feeling the same way- like what on earth can I bring to the room that isn’t already there? My sister told me the same thing that your sweet parents did, that my talents and abilities combined with my experiences are completely unique and individual to me. My teaching/leading/learning styles talents are just what that primary needs for this particular time. It surprised me, but I’m feeling a little more prepared and ready for the task. Thank you for sharing!
Amen, I recently got called as a mid 70 year old EQ President and feel the same way.
Thank you for your insight. It was like you were talking to me.
In my family we actually just used the free download picture of Jesus you gave out and each week as we gather for scriptures I would ask my kids what they learned about Jesus from that story. What trait or attribute did they discover about them. Then I had the kids write them down all over that picture of Jesus. So instead of telling them what the name of christ was for that week, they got to pick out the name or trait about christ that was meaningful to them. Huge success!! And I put it on my fridge so they constantly see it.
I love that. Thank you for sharing!
You tube
I love this idea. Great application for your family and involving them to discover Jesus.
Thank you for the challenge of discovering Jesus’s nickname for me. I re-read my patriarchal blessing and I think God’s nickname for me is light bearer.
Thank you for the amazing lessons each week
I felt the need to share a lesson taught to me by my mentor during a stressful time… clothes in these scriptures tell a deeper lesson. Clothes are a covering and the covering Christ offers is the Atonement. The woman touched Christ’s covering (the atonement). The wild man was clothed ( with the atonement)
I hope that this can strengthen these scriptures in our lives as it has for me
Thank you for teaching me that lesson.
I also thought of clothed / "covered" by the atonement.💛
Aren’t scriptures amazing!
Thank you
Appreciate your comment!
Well - I personally listen to this podcast, the one with John Bytheway & Hanks Smith and some of Jared Halversen, so I feel David and Emily can give us their all no matter how long. Love it all. Need it all.
Thank you for that prompting to read my patriarchal blessing this morning. Not only did I find my nickname, Choice Vessel, but there were many sweet reminders that I needed to read that showed me answers to prayer and that God is directing some harder paths in my life right now. Thank you.
Loved the connection you made with addiction and Legion. I had never thought about that story like that. The clothes Jesus gave him were His love, His atoning sacrifice, mercy and forgiveness.
Emily , bless you for having David explain a note, when I was taking some family history classes the instructor was explaining how to download photos into the memories but never did explain how he got the photos into his computer and it was so frustrating that I almost gave up the class because they just think you know that
I LOVE long lessons. The longer the better. I had the same thoughts about how the woman may have felt after the Savior said "Who touched me?" Shocked that He had noticed. Guilty that she had been caught. Apologetic in her own defense. How relieved she must have felt when He showed her love, compassion and healing rather than condemnation.
Another perspective for you to consider comes from the book, God Comes to Women. "For the woman with the issue of blood, quiet solitude with Jesus was impossible. Due to her prolonged feminine bleeding she was unable to enter holy places, like the temple or the synagogues, where Jesus often taught. The only possible way she could reach him was when he was out in public, and when he was in public he was always surrounded by a crowd. Since it was the only chance she had, she reached out to him on the street, surrounded by people. . . She found access to God, even in a noisy and very public place." I love the idea that Jesus brought attention to her touch not to condemn her, but rather publicly declare her clean.
Thank you for your teachings and for the challenges you presented this week.
Just a different opinion from this devoted listener and learner, I love the longer length and the breaking into sections. Who can get enough of David and Emily!?
Agreed!!!! So good!!!
Yes!! Love the longer, more in-depth videos! Could listen to these guys all day ❤
This was the first week where I decided to break up the sections a day at a time instead of inhaling the whole thing. It has given me pause-which I need.
I am blessed everyday by what I learn from David and Emily. They broaden my knowledge of the scriptures. I can’t get enough of them !
Yes!!!!! ❤️
This is the first year that I have consistently done Come Follow Me. I love the journal because it helps me so much understand my thoughts on the the things I'm reading. Thank you SO MUCH for the suggestion to read my Patriarachal Blessing in this lesson with the thought of finding my "nickname." It was EXACTLY what I needed.
Emily and David talking about Patriarchal Blessings took me right to how I felt when my son was called compassionate in his blessing and I stopped what I was doing and texted him a message about how my heart was touched that day because I knew that is the perfect word for him. He really appreciated that I remember his blessing and we had a sweet little conversation about it. Thanks you two!
Cheerful & Double Faith are perfect for you guys!
I have been struggling with some things for a while now. Being a wife and wanting to be a mom and it not happening has been extremely hard on my heart. I prayed for this episode basically last night. What y’all have taught today I feel like it was meant for me. I will never stop reaching. Thankyou for your divine, inspired words!🫶🏽
You are loved.
You are suffering in a very difficult way. I am so sorry for your trail at this time. I experienced the same during my child bearing years. I understand your pain and feeling of loss. I don't know why I could have two children with no problem than had a miscarriage and was unable to become pregnant for over a year after. I am pretty sure your time period is longer than mine was but I do understand and feel your pain. Lauryn I will pray for you and think about you every day. All I can say there is always a reason and finding that reason is sometimes impossible, and it hurts and tears at your heart. I too am so great-full for this pod cast it has brought a new dimension into my life, and it has brought you into my life. Sweet sister maybe someday we shall meet until than God be with you always. Helen
My husband and I went through 12 years of infertility. We received our miracle just when we had given up all hope of becoming parents in this life. I pray that you won't have to wait until the eternities to be a parent. Hang in there. Trust God. And yes, the wait is almost unbearable at times. For me, it got worse and worse with every passing year. Sending you lots of hugs. ❤️
Where do I begin… I loved this lesson. I love the idea of compassionate detours. So often I look at myself at the end of the day and wonder how it got so detailed… but really it was a day of compassionate detours. It brings sweetness to my soul. On another note… I loved David’s Notes with his class. I have a scripture group text thread with members of my family. We named it Scripture Buddies and it serves the same purpose. It’s not a dinner thread but all our thoughts on our scripture study. We listen to the same podcasts so it’s such a beautiful discussion on what our thoughts are. I love to go back and read.
David and Emily thank you for all you give to the multitudes! ❤
I just loved this episode. All 3 of my favorite Jesus stories in one study! Thank you for teaching about the clothes, a much needed reminder that sometimes we all need to take baby steps.... Thank you for your dedication!! I love you both!
How wonderful!! Compassionate Detours! Eyes wide open! I just love this concept! Thank you and I am sharing!!
I just sobbed through that episode too. The conversation with Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood just made me feel all the good feels. I related to her exhaustion and I LOVED that the savior gets that.
Thank you so much for sharing about the process of recovery. You hear about the prodigal son returning but never quite hear about all that he needs to continue healing and progressing. I was on the streets for a few years, had totally mentally shut down and spiritually died, and to come back from all of that takes phases and phases of healing. I literally had no idea that I needed support to break free from that and only just started sharing my story this year on year six into spiritual rebirth. Luckily, even though I couldn't anticipate and didn't realize what I needed as I went along, Jesus always knew and prepares every struggle and every stepping stone for me to be able to recieve the life He offers, and to have the purposes He set before me in my experiences. These experiences speak to a part of who I am, and to my relationship with my Savior. That's easy to diminish if I'm scared of the world around me and scared to share my heart and mind. Ultimately, I came to Earth to do this, and Jesus came to Earth to save me. All for God's glory, thank goodness!
I use notes all the time but was unaware of this feature. Thanks for taking a moment to share that information …
My husband was very careful about Covid because of other toxins he had with him. We had a family dinner where someone unknowingly had Covid and he soon succumbed to the virus. I had prayed for him to get well, but immediately had the feeling that it was his time to go and that the Lord would watch over me. It brought me great peace.
Fantastic idea about the notes from David and special thanks so much to Emily for explaining about the notes because I had no idea that I could do anything more with my notes than write notes for myself. I am going to get my children to explain this to me so I can use it in this way.
In 2016 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I have always loved the story of the woman who touched Christ's robe. During some dark moments of constant pain, my mother reminded me of her story. Its one I constantly remind myself of now while I deal with the pain. I love that Christ gave her her identity back. She was no longer defined by this disease. During times of darkness I try to remember this. The chosen did such an amazing job portraying this story, I cried the whole time! Strength doesn't always come to us in ways we expect. But I know because I am still here that He has answered that prayer.
This week I was reading about the woman with blood issues and the man with legions. Each of us has our own challenges and need to remember that we are children of God.
“Exercising faith in Christ means trusting not only in God’s will but also in His timing. For He knows exactly what we need and precisely when we need it. When we submit to the will of the Lord, we will ultimately receive substantially more than that which we had desired. . . . I testify that there is nothing in your life that is broken that is beyond the curative, redeeming, and enabling power of Jesus Christ” -Amy A. Wright
I didn't know you could share Notes!! Mind blown 🤯 Thanks!
I'm excited to be back with you on this lesson. I forgot how much I love this
Thank you Emily and David for your animated passion for our beloved Saviour! Your lessons energise me immensely. I read somewhere that the reason the Saviour had to declare this miracle of the woman with the issue of blood to the public for how else would people who had marginalised her for 12 years know she is now whole! I love my Saviour for His keen sense of our social welfare!
You two!!! What an outstanding message!!!!! Your faces are so sincere and how you connect with each other in a balanced spiritual enthusiasm, my heart is racing with satisfaction.
Love this day and grateful for your sincere love and testimonies of the scriptures and of God our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ and also the people spoken of in the scriptures.
Thank you for sandwiching the story of the Jairus and his daughter and the woman with the issue of blood. It reminded me that Jesus has time for each of us, even simultaneously needing Him.
When you shared about virtue or strength leaving Jesus when his garment was touched, I was reminded of a man I know who when he administered priesthood blessings always felt the strength go out of him. Three blessings in a day, sapped him and he literally felt virtue leave his body and needed to rest and recover.
They are thought provoking and help me to journal each lesson. I love names of Jesus, Jesus Is. ❤. Love listening to them
I loved this episode! Particularly the compassionate detour part. I now look forward to my compassionate detour each day. It is so fun to see the hand of God in my life and how I can be His hands and feet to those around me. I love telling my husband about it at the end of each day. Thank you for spreading god's light and love online. May God bless you and your family abundantly ❤
Thanks for all you do. ❤
I especially loved this one. Thanks guys. Looking out for compassionate detours today. 😌
I feel as though this weeks lesson was just what I needed... yet again! I think I feel this each week... LOL. Life has been so incredibly hard for me lately. It seems that on every front I am hitting walls of imperfection, loneliness, and grief as life is not has not come together at all as I would have it. The current work has acquainted me with what it means to feel heavy laden. Yet, I have seen in the past months Jesus hands at work in my life teaching me that it is ok to rework the dream, to allow a detour in my plans, and to rest my heart on that which is most important to me. Jesus has shown His work to all who are looking to see it. He shows us that for Him, as David reminded, there is no such thing as heavy and that His power is real. I am so incredibly thankful for His love and for those who listen to His promptings. And, for the moments when He speaks promptings to my heart and I am able to be a tool in His hands for good.
Thanks so much Emily for sharing about your diabetic son. I have a 35 year old son that has had 2 kidney transplants.. Many many times I have been under the storms of rushing to check on him and his little children.. To make sure they all were ok. God has protected them!! He has reached my reaching on many occasions!!
Thank you for bringing the story of the woman who reached out to touch Jesus’ robe and the juxtaposition of Jairus’s daughter. I wept openly while listening to your descriptions.
and looking at the pictures. I love my savior.
You two are a blight, shiney spot in a world that can sometimes be very dark.
Thank you!
Oh my heck! I sobbed, too! When Jesus almost has the air sucked from his lungs in how this is depicted in The Chosen.
Thank you Double Faith and Joyful 🥰🥰
I love how you inspire me. I have never thought of "my names" I have been given in my patriarchal blessing. Thank you for showing me how much Jesus loves me!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your dedication and devotion.
This was a wonderful time to spend in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Loved the lesson!! Thank you once again. ❤️
Thanks for the note clarification for us old people.
Be sure to watch The Chosen Season 3 Episode 5. It is incredibly powerful telling the stories of the woman and Jairus.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help us increase our knowledge and build our testimonies.
Thanks for bringing the light of Christ into our lives each week. I do a weekly FHE for my family and I always supplement my PowerPoint lessons with quite a few of your stories and thoughts.
Honestly it’s a testament of the man’s strength to be dealing with that and he’s STILL ALIVE. That’s … incomprehensible ❤
So grateful for you guys and for all of your efforts in helping the scriptures come alive!!! Beautiful lessons. Thank you!!!!
I didn’t know we could add people to notes feature thank you for explaining that :)
Yes. But I still don't understand how to do it. Emily is right. Step by step instructions 😆
@@mishelleshealingtouch5106 yes! I have no idea how to use notes at all
I just love the actors that have been selected on the Chosen for the Apostles
This is by far my most favorite episode you guys have done!!! I watched twice and got so much out of it! Thank you so much for your time that you put into these videos I love them😊
I watched it twice too!!
I am 44 and didn’t know you can share notes😅 How cool!
Is notes an iphone thing? Or is it the notes section in the gospel library app?
I've been thinking of that song ever since I saw this section title! I've been dealing with a lot of grief and that song soothes my heart
Oh David, I had to pause and write this… you are definitely cheerful and have a Goldenheart. I love you Brother Butler, with all due respect. I want to be your auntie when ever He will have us meet.
Thinking about setting time aside for compassion and "doing", I think even for some of us we can pray for moments throughout our day when we are doing our "must do's", that we can ask Heavenly Father to put those situations right in our path and that our service will line up with what we have to do already. The Heavenly Father I know is able to follow those parameters if we are willing. Lift where you stand (and where you are walking)
I love Jarius' story. Parents can relate and can see themselves in this same position.
Thank you for sharing the notes feature - I am one of those over 40 ;)
Thanks for ALL you do to help me learn:) I can't say enough how much this means to me🥰SO Special...love you both!
Thanks David for adviting someone under 40. your right because I am 72
I also just realized when Jesus tells Jairus to not be afraid and only believe, he is emphasizing how the woman with the issue of blood exercised her faith and belief and THAT was what Jesus said healed her!
Thanks Emily, I had no clue you could 'share' notes through your phone!
Thanks for introducing us new people :)
Love this so much...and the juice box comment made me laugh out loud!
Another fantastic lesson thank you!
I love your lessons and have grown so much in the time spent with you in the youtube videos. I didn't mean to be rude or ungreatful. I just can't stand it when I miss anything of your lessons here. I know you are doing Great things here and I will just have to get what I can. But the board does look so much brighter and clearer today! Thank you both for all your time and efforts to bring this into our homes. Kindest of regards! H
Just a thought, I can see your point of Jesus taking some time to just go for a walk and I love the idea of giving ourselves permission to do that. However, knowing my Savior and how He seeks “the one”, I think Jesus went to find the man in the Gadarenes. That was part of His purpose for that walk.
My 9-year-old daughter has watched the episode of the Chosen about Jairus's daughter over and over, and I kind of wondered why she kept choosing that one. Thank you for bringing this story to life for me.
Thank you
thank you for explaining, because I wasn't understanding. I love your class.
Also that love God love people song is amazing !
You are right I didn’t know about note sharing . Thank you
Thank you very much. 😍👏
Love the board, it makes your message much clearer & I see the fun yoose 2 are having with it.
Yes in that moment she was immediately healed…but it was a 12 year long journey for her…🤗
Well done!
David... we are only a few months apart in age, and you just made me feel sooooo old! 😄 I love how you had no idea what Emily even meant in explaining the note sharing feature more. 😅 I had no idea what it was!!!
Thankyou for explaining about how to invite to notes. Did not know about!
The 4 Gospels and the 5th, 3 Nephi : )
“Explain that to people!” “Yeah, well… I was about to.” 😂🥰
I read my Patriarchal Blessing tonight and The words I bless you my dear! Jump off the page to me. That is the my name he would call me and I love it. "My Dear" after reading further "My Dear" was repeated I knew for sure than!!!
I think NOTES is only an apple feature. We don't have that on Android. BUT an android user could open a google doc- and click the "share" feature and add the email addresses of class members, give them the ability to EDIT the doc and everyone could participate the same way.
@Maria Craig It is definitely an Iphone thing. You can use Google Keep which is Android's version of note taking. You can add people, but unlike the iPhone version you don't get notifications when people add things. You would have to go look.
Android phones have Notes. They look different depending on the type of phone you have but they do have the app.
I like to think of the woman trying to get to Christ but the crowd was so forceful that she wasn’t able to get close. Then she said, that’s not working, maybe if I can just touch him, I can be healed…. But the crowd was so rough that it knocked her down and she never gave up. She said in her heart, if I can just touch the hem of his robe maybe that will be enough.
She never gave up, she was desperate to be healed.
I love looking at it this way, because so many time we need healing and we are pushed by outside forces to keep us from getting close enough to Christ.
I want to know how to invite on notes
In the section about the man with the demons it made me think of a podcast I have found. Emily have you heard of the come back podcast? This podcast is EXACTLY what you are talking about with this man.
Favorite part ...David singing "Foot noose" 🤣 31:45
I share my grocery list with my husband. 😂 Someday he will look at it before he leaves the store.
Something to think about is her issue of blood made her ceremonially unclean, but she still had access to our Savior’s power. Numbers 5:2
"Tame him" the use of the concept called 'othering' so dangerous to dismiss those we view not like ourselves. Othering is a dangerous tool in human history. Great analysis guys of that story.
I am 59 and knew about the Note and how to collaborate/share it. Maybe the cut off should be find someone 60 or younger 😂. Wonderful thoughts from these scriptures - thank you!
Next problem with notes is how to share between Android and iPhone
I’m 44 and never even heard of notes. No clue what they are talking about.
Totally understand about being able to get to the hospital, multiple times 😢
We have taken our patriarchal blessings and turned every statement we can into "I am" affirmations. "I am eternal", "I am loved", "I am faithful", etc...
The story of Jairus.. fulfills prophecy that every knee shall bow, rulers included.
I know about notes, but did not know that it can be a group note text! 🤯
Can you suggest some books to read to help with prayer? Through therapy, I realized that I find it hard to pray because I didn't have a trusting, positive relationship with my dad and consequently with any man in my life. So I find I can't go to Him with my concerns. I know He's my Father and He loves me, but I can't understand the love that He must have for me and every child of His.
Please tell me the painter’s name there are many versions out there. Love you both. ❤I needed this so much. Going through depression
"The Encounter" by Daniel Cariola
Thank you so very much ❤
Sorry. Hugs to you
I am over 70 so like Emily says how do you use notes?
I would choose “blessed”
Love this but when is the app that I paid for actually going to be updated?
Have you tried refreshing? I have found that helps too. You can also reach out to support. They have been super helpful for me.
We used to live in a country where NO ONE pulled over for ambulances and it was so stinking frustrating!
Can I be added to the notes group?