Ma'am you are great ❤ you have almost covered many concepts of sociology ❤ 🎉 It helps us a lot ..Thank you so much , I'm so lucky to have you as a teacher ❣️ May God bless you 🙏
Ma'am as a student of sociology I found your videos absolutely helpful. Ma'am please kindly do upload more videos related to every topics of Indian sociology and theory of sociology.
Thanks di. Your video is very helpful for me. I'm now aware of all the topic given in my book .you explained us all the concept very well. Thanks again sister 💕✨
Hlo mam..... institution, political institutions, economic institutions, cultural institutions se related topics bhi update krdo..... Thankyou for your material...
Mam i need some topics from marriage ,family an kinship ,their importance and also changes in the institution of marriage and family . Please send these topics.
Nice Video Dear it's inform able video but kinship has two basic types consanguineal and Affinal you told us in this video primary,secondary, and tertiary kins but you can't explain difference between Consanguineal and Affinal can you tell us what's difference between primary,secondary,tertiary consanguineal and primary,secondary,tertiary Affinal kinship..! I'm awated your answer ☺
verry helpfull very nice .smpl to understand thanku maam
Boht boht achaa...mazah Aya ap k lacture sunh k
Mam thank so much Mika AAP ka lacture boot acha that samuj aata
Thanks mam u r so good in teaching and u r also beautiful
Mam aap bahut ache se padhate ho really boss salute to you..
you are easy going but explained well. keep making videos.
Ma'am you are great ❤ you have almost covered many concepts of sociology ❤ 🎉 It helps us a lot ..Thank you so much , I'm so lucky to have you as a teacher ❣️ May God bless you 🙏
Mam aap bahut acha padati hai thanks man
❤TQ ma'am for info 2maro i have exams but u made it simple n easy TQ
So helpful... Thankyou so much 🙏🙏
App bhut bhut acha padati ho💕🥰
Thank you so much di ❤ for such a great lecture....... Means alot di ❤❤❤..... 🥰🥀
Love you ma'am, really nice teaching Kudos to you
Thanks do like share and subscribe
@@BasicallyFelicia yes ma'am for sure
Apka padhaya hua ekdm smjh m aagya apka
Ma'am as a student of sociology I found your videos absolutely helpful. Ma'am please kindly do upload more videos related to every topics of Indian sociology and theory of sociology.
Very nice. Mam please make a video about Marriage system of India
Wonderful lectures
Thanks @Basically Felicia
Your Welcome
bht accha padhati h ap
Thanku dii this videos is more helpful for me. ❤😍☺
Ma'am u r the best 😍😍I understand everything very nicely whatever u r teaching us , thanku so much
very helpful I would say fascinating
Very thankful easy to understand
A/s alikum mum app very nice
Mam i am ur big fan mom sure
Ma'am u have describe this very simply...plz share more videos.....
Thanks do like share subscribe
Tq ma'am apke ess vedio k liye bohutt ache se samjhya main aya
Thankyou so much , plz like ,share and subscribe if you like my videos
Very helpful 👏
the kinship in India are very diversified madam please add more infro in details to improve kinship system....
nice explanation.
Nyc Mam 😍🥰❤️❤️
Mam app ke teach most he mam plz app kbhi live atehe boliye pz
Hmm yrr mai b yehe puchnai wali thi
you r best pleaase ba 1st year and 2nd year ke course ke video banaiye it helps me alot in exam. god bless you mam !!
Sure, crash course launch hoga jld
@@BasicallyFelicia yes ☺️
Mam plzz continue upsc anthropology syllabus.......ur explanation great..
@@BasicallyFelicia....yaa I m waiting for ur upsc anthropology lectures ...thanks
Thkuu mam .... interesting lecture
Very fantastic classes Mam
I am getting much benefits from your classes . Thanku so much for helping us ...
Thank you do like share and subscribe
Best explanation ever mam......
😘 😘
Thanks di. Your video is very helpful for me. I'm now aware of all the topic given in my book .you explained us all the concept very well. Thanks again sister 💕✨
Make more video of sociology
Thank u it helped me a lot
Nyc i Am from kashmir
Mam plz make a topic on functions of kinship
Thank u mam the way u teach us is brilliant
Welcome do like share subscribe
Thank u Ma'am 🙏
Good explanation,with good voice 😊
Thankyou do like share subscribe. If you like my videos
Hlo mam..... institution, political institutions, economic institutions, cultural institutions se related topics bhi update krdo..... Thankyou for your material...
Thank you ma'am very helpful
Tnq so much mam🙏💓
very helpful thanks...
Mam plz Descent in socilogy main koyi lecture do
Nice info
Ma'am 3rd year ka 3 papers complete krwa dijiye plezz
Nice ma'am
So nyce Mam
I think your viedos will help me alot for my preparing
Plzz continues this process.....
Yeah , sure Make sure you share this to all your social networking sites ,and like and subscribe , share with friends,classmates hard 👍👍👍
Thanku madam very useful
Thank u mam
Plz provide pdf
Plz make more videos on sociology
mam can u make video on English literature plzz......
sakshi mam u r d best .....
Thanks do like share subscribe
Lesson or awaz dono badhiya lagti h maam😊... Keep up d good work ✌
Thanks mam for clearing the concept of kinship system in india
Super mam
Mam plz increase the font size if possible. padne me dikkat hoti hai
Love u ma'am very helpful information 4 me n tq💖
Thanks do like share and subscribe for more
Thank you mam 😊😊
Di JNU MA sociology entrance exam ke liye video bna diye ..... Like book list or some topics
/// GREAT /////
Please make video for dravidian kinship
plz make lecture on recriprocity
The videos are superb mam...Can the notes be made available along with the videos ,If possible..
Madam make lecture on frances bacon his life carer and works
And mam on John athon swift thanks mam
Ma'am plz make video on Taylorism and fordism and privatization of public sector
Too good 👍👌
Thank you do like share and subscribe
Mam please on topic dramagatical approach and culture
Hello mam.. very well explained thank you mam....mam I want pdf of all ur lectures....plz share pdf 🙏
Mam sociology ka meaning or difinition ka video plzz send kigie🙏💓🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ma'am can you please explain the difference between unilineal or unilateral groups??
Boss jnu entrance ke liye video bnao na plz plz ma sociology
Janjatiyon ke bare me mains ki tarah video dijiye
It's there do check in playlist and do like share subscribe
Sohne bhut ho aap😍😍😍
most satisfying vid of sociology
Thankyou do like share and subscribe for more
Thank you for understanding in simple way 😊
Welcome do like share subscribe
Madam Rationality ke video sahiye
Ma'am I want the video of middle ages in Europe upto 30 year wars...plz provide me ASAP,🙏
Lot of thanks madam ji
Thankyou do like share and subscribe for more
Isme kinship ke characters me kya likhenge
Suprb... 👍👍❤️❤️
Thankyou , do subscribe and share for more such lessons.
You can ask doubts use #ask Sakshi and doubts gonna make videos every Saturday on it
thanks mam ,it's really helpful to me.
Welcome do like share and subscribe
Keep helping us by these videos
Mam i need some topics from marriage ,family an kinship ,their importance and also changes in the institution of marriage and family . Please send these topics.
It's already there do check in playlist
Mam how r u
Mam can u please tell us about the six main bassic patterns of kinship
Madam aap mujhe phratry explaine karage please
Mam many wants u to teach us bsoe 146 book of ignou
Civil society.. Next topic??
Thnq maam
So nyce mam ! Please lectureship 'Economic Sociology' thanku.
Yeah sure do like share and subscribe if you like my videos
@@BasicallyFelicia I have done.
Thxxx mam. Lakin mam rules ke acha sa samaj nhi ayee
Nice Video Dear
it's inform able video but kinship has two basic types consanguineal and Affinal you told us in this video primary,secondary, and tertiary kins but you can't explain difference between Consanguineal and Affinal can you tell us what's difference between primary,secondary,tertiary consanguineal and primary,secondary,tertiary Affinal kinship..!
I'm awated your answer
Sure do like share and subscribe for more
PAGES by Sakshi Patel yeah why not but this is not answer of my question
nice thak u
Welcome do like share and subscribe
You hv missed Kindred or bilateral kinship group. I am looking for that.
Gonna make it Soon