[Quick Guide] What lies below

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Nick-hy4df
    @Nick-hy4df 3 роки тому +13

    For anyone doing this now:
    Make sure you don't click away from the chat once you defeat Roald and operate your beacon ring. Let them continue talking and let the cutscene play through(this is when op is mentioning where to find the bookcase with the dragon. If you are teleported to Zaff's Staff Shop instead of remaining in the library, you will need to defeat King Roald again by talking to Surok again.

  • @CribNib
    @CribNib 4 роки тому +6

    Always look to your guides for quests. Very lucky that you posted today. Just decided to do this one today to unlock Roald for Nightmare Zone. Thank you for all the quest points you've helped me earn.

  • @Badboys-hq6kx
    @Badboys-hq6kx 4 роки тому +57

    my last qeust :( kinda sad gonna miss questing, but im finaly there !

    • @humanearthman
      @humanearthman 4 роки тому +2


    • @Daswassuphomie
      @Daswassuphomie 4 роки тому +2

      Sins of the father is coming out stfu

    • @Remmeeee
      @Remmeeee 4 роки тому +15

      Youre gonna miss questing? Are you absolutely mad? The questing in this game is the bane of my existence, id be oh so happy if I could finally be rid of it!

    • @cloudysleep4732
      @cloudysleep4732 4 роки тому +2

      @@SoulPhoenixMC working on getting qpc on the alt now :) lol

    • @20pts
      @20pts 4 роки тому +1

      gz man!!

  • @OriginXxXComplexity
    @OriginXxXComplexity 2 роки тому +2

    Well that was the last quest I needed for the quest cape! Thanks a lot slayermusiq you made questing fun!

  • @alexanderobrien8272
    @alexanderobrien8272 Рік тому

    Mr. Music, questing is a massive pain in this game and without your content it would have been far worse. THANK YOU!

  • @jacobtridef48
    @jacobtridef48 4 роки тому +8

    perfect guide. i love that u did both methods of going to altar for everyone. awesome guide

  • @beloit9115
    @beloit9115 4 роки тому +1

    KUDOS for making this guide! (And KUDOS from it too)

  • @daniel69
    @daniel69 4 роки тому

    You are not going to believe this, but I was JUST logging in to do this quest. Thank you so much for the epic timing my boi. bai

  • @greghillmusic
    @greghillmusic 4 роки тому +1

    You dont explain the Abyss. What are you mining and why? Then you tele into the abyss again, and then into chaos area? what happened there,you gloss over it...

    • @Mr.Suicidal
      @Mr.Suicidal 8 днів тому

      Run around the abyss until you see the rock you can mine. Keep rapidly tapping it until you mind. This will put you in the inner abyss where in the inner walls all around are all the time alter entrances. Find the chaos one, click it then use staff on chaos alert then Tele out.

  • @ianS08
    @ianS08 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the guide Slayer! Keep doing you brudda

  • @LilyRuns
    @LilyRuns 4 роки тому +3

    On my final grind for quest cape and didn't realize this video was uploaded recently lol

  • @matthaios9143
    @matthaios9143 4 роки тому +3

    wow perfect timing, I'm just starting this quest.

  • @MrJunovas
    @MrJunovas 4 роки тому +1

    love your guides! its really amazing! i noticed some of your quests guides include some steps to finish diary tasks while questing, would love to see more of that!

  • @TheHDTitan
    @TheHDTitan 2 роки тому

    im pretty sure since new guardian of rift mingame is released you could optionally wait for chaos altar and go through there avoid the 2 options in video. but that's just a theory i haven't tested, but should work!

  • @Titans420_
    @Titans420_ 4 роки тому

    Sweet been needing this quest done by you. I only watch your vids for quests!!!

  • @FutureDreamZz
    @FutureDreamZz 4 роки тому +1

    wow just starting this quest thanks for remaking!

  • @stealthquil1sants870
    @stealthquil1sants870 2 роки тому

    OMG thank you for saying what XP we get BEFORE we get the xp, definitely didn't want the defense xp so i didn't complete

  • @michaelnoubani9069
    @michaelnoubani9069 4 роки тому

    Was literally about to do this quest. Thank you!

  • @ozzysgarage
    @ozzysgarage Рік тому +1

    5:17 on the left screen, I have no idea how you got to the altar. Seems like you skipped a few steps

    • @ozzysgarage
      @ozzysgarage Рік тому +2

      Figured it out. For anyone else: Find the "squeeze through" option towards the inner circle and find the chaos section within the inner circle (just outside where the dark mage is hovering). Should teleport you automatically to the chaos altar.

    • @Mr.Suicidal
      @Mr.Suicidal 8 днів тому

      Run around the abyss until you see the rock you can mine. Keep rapidly tapping it until you mind. This will put you in the inner abyss where in the inner walls all around are all the time alter entrances. Find the chaos one, click it then use staff on chaos alert then Tele out.

  • @Drover26
    @Drover26 4 роки тому +3

    The king was at barely any health and the guy still teleported me out...

  • @richard343s
    @richard343s 4 роки тому +3

    Reminder to drop the Diary and Instructions after the quest so they don't waste bank space.

  • @Drover26
    @Drover26 4 роки тому

    Currently getting 42 Mining and 35 Runecrafting so I can start this. Yeahhhhh buddyyyy! Lightweight baby!

  • @bionikpulse
    @bionikpulse 4 роки тому

    One of my favorite quests!

  • @pomonoli
    @pomonoli 4 роки тому +2

    Little warning: infusing the wand doesn't work with chaos runes in your rune pouch. I had to run back :p

    • @justinwwjjwd9015
      @justinwwjjwd9015 2 роки тому

      The same ring happened last night. I thought I was top tired and missed a step

  • @hotelhero4193
    @hotelhero4193 4 роки тому +1

    Bit missing on the left screen.... Im now with a dark mage and no idea how to get to the alter

    • @Mr.Suicidal
      @Mr.Suicidal 8 днів тому

      Run around the abyss until you see the rock you can mine. Keep rapidly tapping it until you mind. This will put you in the inner abyss where in the inner walls all around are all the time alter entrances. Find the chaos one, click it then use staff on chaos alert then Tele out.

  • @runopologist
    @runopologist 3 роки тому

    Is it possible to do this quest on a 1 def pure up to the point where you get the beacon ring but not complete the quest so you can use the ring? Or do you have to complete the quest in order to use the ring afterwards?

    • @slayermusiq1
      @slayermusiq1  3 роки тому +1

      Yes you can. There will even be a confirmation at the end of the quest that you'll be gaining 2k def xp hut ghats after the fight with the king

    • @runopologist
      @runopologist 3 роки тому

      @@slayermusiq1 Oh that’s great, thanks so much for the reply!

  • @jonaswinters6489
    @jonaswinters6489 4 роки тому

    I want to unlock king Roald for NMZ but i don't want to get the def exp. Does saying no to complete the quest allow me to get King roald or do i have to get the exp?

  • @toanao1
    @toanao1 4 роки тому

    2nd uim quest tonight, tyvm

  • @pixel916
    @pixel916 4 роки тому +3

    So many easy quests I missed before getting barrows gloves :(

    • @Eurolaflare
      @Eurolaflare 3 роки тому

      That just means you got the hard bs quests out of the way early so still works out well lol

  • @danielc0d
    @danielc0d 4 роки тому

    yeeeew last quest for the cape !!

  • @JackettiBallognese
    @JackettiBallognese 3 роки тому

    spot on, cheers again dude

  • @adamj6847
    @adamj6847 4 роки тому +1

    when u do this quest as a pure for nmz but didnt realize till 9:44 that it gives 2k def exp
    rip 10 mins

    • @buckpuglise
      @buckpuglise 4 роки тому +1

      Omg thanks I was about to complete it on my pure lolol

    • @adamj6847
      @adamj6847 4 роки тому

      @@buckpuglise np prob lmao

    • @ryuhn8604
      @ryuhn8604 4 роки тому

      literally just did this. guess I'm making a zerker

  • @tiedjai9774
    @tiedjai9774 3 роки тому +1

    At 5:00 you cut the video to appear right into the chaos altar so now I’m trying to find out how to get in. Also didn’t mention you need to speak to the wizard in chaos temple before you can tele. Sad to say this is the best guide I can find

    • @tiedjai9774
      @tiedjai9774 3 роки тому

      If anyone else has to follow this guys guide and get stuck it’s on the left side of the centre of the abyss. Only
      Took me 30 mins to figure out. Cheers slayermusiq

    • @Huckle_Billy
      @Huckle_Billy 3 місяці тому

      Awww qq some more cry baby.

  • @AnimalScienceTV
    @AnimalScienceTV 3 роки тому

    wand? i didn't bring a wand... oh I have 1 yaiy somehow

  • @navid412
    @navid412 3 роки тому

    You are amazing bro❤️❤️

  • @holmanphotography594
    @holmanphotography594 4 роки тому

    you will need chaos runes if you go via the statue hole with mining

  • @babyflats26
    @babyflats26 4 роки тому

    I keep getting teleports out before I can get the book? I don’t get it

  • @adrianedqvist5136
    @adrianedqvist5136 4 роки тому +3

    you dont show how to get to the altar from the abyss wow....

    • @thedabman1605
      @thedabman1605 4 роки тому

      yup so shite

    • @greghillmusic
      @greghillmusic 4 роки тому

      exactly where i stopped the video.. now i have to find a better guide...

    • @Mr.Suicidal
      @Mr.Suicidal 8 днів тому

      Run around the abyss until you see the rock you can mine. Keep rapidly tapping it until you mind. This will put you in the inner abyss where in the inner walls all around are all the time alter entrances. Find the chaos one, click it then use staff on chaos alert then Tele out.

  • @FergZLoyaL
    @FergZLoyaL 4 роки тому

    Outlaw's arent dropping the papers?

  • @zzzlt
    @zzzlt 2 роки тому

    5:16 you just skip wtf what to do now? where to run? to go?

  • @mrhaths
    @mrhaths 2 роки тому

    can you chose no and not get the exp and complete this?

  • @parishna4882
    @parishna4882 4 роки тому

    This doesn't look like the movie I just watched. Are these the directors cut scenes?

  • @cjdagoon6031
    @cjdagoon6031 4 роки тому

    The character on the left just disappeared into the alter... no explaination if what to click on i ended up at the death alter

    • @Mr.Suicidal
      @Mr.Suicidal 8 днів тому

      Run around the abyss until you see the rock you can mine. Keep rapidly tapping it until you mind. This will put you in the inner abyss where in the inner walls all around are all the time alter entrances. Find the chaos one, click it then use staff on chaos alert then Tele out.

  • @nathanfoglia6071
    @nathanfoglia6071 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the help

  • @MaxxaMFN
    @MaxxaMFN 4 роки тому

    gonna do this soon ty bro

  • @woohoobdo
    @woohoobdo 4 роки тому

    my dumbass operated the moment he said operate and zaff said hell naw we out

  • @Drover26
    @Drover26 4 роки тому

    Time to start

  • @konanskalnozols1430
    @konanskalnozols1430 Рік тому

    Thanks dude

  • @minecrafthappinessshorts5377
    @minecrafthappinessshorts5377 4 роки тому

    Your probably the most famous osrs player out there 🤷‍♂️😂

  • @rossetti1313
    @rossetti1313 4 роки тому

    smfh got all the way to the boss to learn you cant kill him with recoils....

  • @dovahmagypsy6875
    @dovahmagypsy6875 3 роки тому

    that's east.

  • @swred4468
    @swred4468 4 роки тому +1

    I need to do this

    • @slayermusiq1
      @slayermusiq1  4 роки тому +3

      You can do this!
      in 10 minutes even!

  • @-Holyyy
    @-Holyyy 4 роки тому +1

    I love you sir

  • @jaimyvdbroek3494
    @jaimyvdbroek3494 4 роки тому

    When I use my wand on the alter nothing happens lol? Did I miss something?

    • @rhystaylor1505
      @rhystaylor1505 4 роки тому

      did you do the same thing as myself? i went to the wrong altar, i went to cosmic instead of chaos. hope you got sorted bro

  • @HauntedOath
    @HauntedOath 4 роки тому

    Im so sick of this stupid fucking mage of zamorak.... i go to him in the wilderness and he says i cant talk meet me in varrok.. I go to talk to him in varrock and ask him if he can teleport me to the abyss. He says not here meet me in the wilderness and click the teleport option. I go back to the wilderness and he says I cant talk and to meet him in Varrok.. like wtf dude seriously? I did the Enter the Abyss miniquest so whats his problem

  • @seanhedgecock6327
    @seanhedgecock6327 4 роки тому

    Mmm bacon ring..

  • @rhysdog8600
    @rhysdog8600 2 роки тому

    the mining is now a requirement to start the quest, and is not boostable

  • @Jemis_Bond
    @Jemis_Bond 3 роки тому


  • @crackyyfd97
    @crackyyfd97 4 роки тому


  • @koek4539
    @koek4539 2 роки тому


  • @CyanideSprinkles
    @CyanideSprinkles 3 місяці тому

    the amount of stamina pots this guys recommends across all the quest guides amounts to 3.6 billion GP. just walk?

  • @aaroncapps6393
    @aaroncapps6393 9 місяців тому


  • @Proken123
    @Proken123 4 роки тому +7

    to me this was one of ur most confusing guides out there.

    • @yeezmusic
      @yeezmusic 4 роки тому


    • @slayermusiq1
      @slayermusiq1  4 роки тому +1


    • @VerianMusic
      @VerianMusic 4 роки тому +4

      @@slayermusiq1 when u enter the abyss u don't explain how u get to the chaos altar, i almost died running inside

    • @davidrocheleau4081
      @davidrocheleau4081 4 роки тому

      @@VerianMusic Looks like Im not the only one after all

    • @greghillmusic
      @greghillmusic 4 роки тому

      @@slayermusiq1 How bout a reply? You dont explain the abyss and others are saying so too.

  • @charlesinoferio9040
    @charlesinoferio9040 3 роки тому

    lol this one is a bit scuffed gg. Thanks though.

  • @Drover26
    @Drover26 4 роки тому

    The “stafe” shop 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @dev-nx1ug
    @dev-nx1ug 4 роки тому


  • @silvereyes9980
    @silvereyes9980 4 роки тому

    Only Bronze Pickaxe works...

  • @jaf1109
    @jaf1109 4 роки тому +1

    bro u didnt even show us the inventory or map for the abyss, didnt even mention we needed the runes wtf is this guide

    • @nickfolz1826
      @nickfolz1826 4 роки тому

      Yeah did, he said everything u would need

    • @jaf1109
      @jaf1109 4 роки тому

      Nick Folz no he didnt stop kissing his ass

  • @stephen6152
    @stephen6152 4 роки тому

    Not just in this guide, but in many others... this guy has no sense of direction:.. learn the difference between East and West.... it’s elementary.

  • @chucky908
    @chucky908 2 роки тому
