It was Joe McMoneagle that remote viewed Mars. However he has stated in other interviews that he didn’t like doing those types of fantastical RV projects because you can’t acquire feedback on if the data is accurate or not.
The pyramids on Mars are verifiable. They can be seen clearly in orbital scans of the surface in the same area as the "face" along with many other structures, including something that resembles our Pentagon with a crater in the side of it. For the record, I'm on the fence about the "face" being something or nothing, but I'm convinced the pyramids are real as there are several other details about them that make them nearly impossible to be anything but artificial constructions.
@@medicmule yes and no. It’s true there are mountains on mars that look like pyramids, but we also have some funny looking mountains on earth that are completely natural formations. Joe claims he took the coordinates he RV’d to NASA and requested the pictures of that area and there was what looked like structures. But that still doesn’t rule out that the data he received in his mind was not just a bunch of theoretical fantasy about POSSIBILITIES that those mountains could be artificial. Remote Viewing is not an exact science and the data received can be entirely from the imagination. Joe would tell you that himself I think and that’s why he didn’t like to Remote View things like UFO’s.
What if it's true. Nothing from the govt disclosure says extraterrestrials. They are always referred to as non human intelligences or we believe these entities to be extra dimensional. What better way for the final deception and war for the human souls to happen. You know many will want to worship them. Believe they will solve all of our problems and may in fact appear too. Give anything to end our human "suffering and toil". It's amazing you can believe in aliens but yet still can't make that leap to believe in a God.
@@branwen8009 if you want to not only not believe in it but you want to participate in the abductory that you can just go out there and wave your hands three times and spin around and do a duck duck dance and then they a just come scoop you up in the blue and the blue and the blue light
Area fifty one is not the only strange air force base. We've heard a area forty nine fifteen miles down.The road from area fifty one is also one of those places and Wright Pat here on Ohio is of far greater interest.
At 2:17, the discussion of Project Stargate and remote viewing on Mars is fascinating and thought-provoking, blending historical intrigue with mystery.
Eighteen years ago I highlighted a Craigslist listing and was surprised to see several sentences appear out of nowhere, because they were hidden in plain sight by the OP who used white as the color for the message. If you didn’t know a message was there beforehand, you wouldn’t have ever noticed it unless by chance.
Yes, Katrina, I did with the 100 and I liked it alot. Have you ever seen the series called "Defiance"? I think that is where we are headed minus the war that destroyed everything. You should check it out. Thanks again for your excellent narration! Love and light.😮😊
Well, it's pretty obvious that they didn't do anything to benefit the American people. When was the last time they had the American people's interest at heart?
Really? When James Randi had a million dollars waiting for anyone who coulld prove that they had supernatural abilities and he died still having the money?
@@OscillationOverdrive(Edited to apologize for the length ....and rant.🥴) I did some reading because I hadn't heard about it either, and I thought that I would've definitely jumped at the opportunity if I had known! In the end, I found that I never qualified to apply....but most people didn't !🥴🙄 Apparently it was a well known offer that was written about & discussed in interviews and on talk shows, including multiple appearances on Larry King in the US, as well as on This Morning in Britain.(I couldn't determine if the show is Welsh or English and didn't want to dig anymore, so I settled on 'British'. If that is offensive to anyone, I apologize!) He 1st announced his challenge in 1964 as a method to discredit well known psychics of the time & offered $1,000 (around $10,000 now). In 1996, the prize was increased to $1 million. In '01, Sylvia Brown accepted his challenge 2 different times while they were guests on Larry King. At 1st, she just didn't follow through, but eventually changed her mind and refused with no reason given. Both the application process and the testing parameters are absolutely why the prize has never been claimed, according to many, including me. 😉 Initially, to submit an application, one had to be 'well known' 🤔, submit press clippings of a successful event, AND a letter from an academic institution(No info was given on what it was to include). Those rules made it impossible for the average person, like myself, to apply. Because of that sentiment, the requirements were 'relaxed' in '07. Applicants needed to have an existing high profile media account/presence AND backing from a reputable 'academic'. They were relaxed again in '11. Now only press clippings, academic backing, OR a public video demonstration showing success was needed to apply. Accepting videos definitely made applying accessible to even those without notoriety &/or academic connections, but it still made it impossible for psychics who speak to Spirits to apply.(Me😔😡)The challenger & his foundation claimed that the unique facts given by a Spirit and then verified by someone who knew that Spirit was not acceptable evidence. Why? They claimed that the person verifying the info obtained from Spirit could be lying. I do admit that can and does happen. It's not usually intentional lying though. It's either that the sitter wants so badly to receive info that they unconsciously 'make' the info fit, or it's because a fraudulent psychic is manipulating. I absolutely admit that there are people who are scammers and frauds, but that, sadly, also applies in other professions like used car salesmen, telemarketers, mechanics etc I won't even go into the convoluted requirements given for the actual testing of different types of skills like remote viewing, water dousing, and 'random dousing'. (Asking someone to pick a card is far different from being asked about internal organs. Medical intuition is a difficult, highly specialized process that just doesn't work that way.) After reading several sources, it was very clear to me that he never had any intention of allowing an applicant to pass his challenges or of awarding the money. Aside from the financial point, someone proving their psychic skills would've made him look like a fool for so vehemently and continuously attacking the existence of psychic ability and calling every psychic a fraud.
@@OscillationOverdrive I know he should of called me, he wouldn't of died with it, I seen myself from a different person's vision... outside my self, so if Astral Travel don't happen every time you sleep, you may not have a spirit
The remote viewers name is Ingo Swann and he had about a 70% success rate until they ask him to view Mars. He would only view places that can be verified so that way he would not look like an idiot.
That’s incorrect. It was Joe McMoneagle that remote viewed Mars. Swann is famous for having remote viewed Jupiter though sometime before that in the 70’s.
@@EricOgden-jm1wg yup Swann did also view the moon on his own and wrote a book about his findings. He claims there are alien bases on the moon and that they’re not friendly. But he is more famous for viewing Jupiter because the information he received ended up being verified later on by NASA spacecraft.
I'm guessing that you're unaware of the lineage of Turk,adopted son of Noah's son Japhet ? Alanza Khan being the 6th generation of Khans,divided his land between his 2 sons Mogul and Tatar who were the 1st Khans of Tartaria and Mongolia,1,000 years before our fabricated history told us Genghis gave rise to the might of the Mongolian Empire. Mogul was the 1st Khan 1,000 years before Genghis. Tartaria and Mongolia fought over difference of religious beliefs and it was Genghis who reunified them by allowing freedom to choose whom they worship.
@Linlethal that's from 3 different sources before the Rockefeller Foundation infiltrated the National Board of Education and fabricated our history. The older books containing research on our past are untainted. Research,it sets a mind free! You might try it sometime,especially before negatively coming at someone with more than something like nanny nanny boo boo style remarks
The most accurate psychic they use is actually a mathematician that has repeatedly made extremely accurate predictions that nobody believed initially. Maybe a psychic is just a good observer who only realize their observations at the subconscious level?
I _CAN_ tell you that the CIA is quick to deem something a dead-end & move on. They started using remote viewers in 1975 and they claim that they stopped using them in 1995. I'm sure they have not stopped using remote viewers. They wouldn't have beaten a dead horse for twenty years, man. They kept doing it because they got results & like I said, just because they said they stopped using them, doesn't mean shit. I'm sure they still are.
The Collins elite is a vile, christian cult that has infiltrated our government. Christians have no place in Government. They stifle r progress and who knows what other kinds of problems.
There was some very accurate successes in the program. One event involved a viewer seeing details that were overlooked by aerial reconnaissance but was verified via existing photography after the viewer's statement. That being said, I'm sure they had many complete failures as well. The study is not completely without merit.
I really don't understand why the government keep secrets about the tax the you American pay ...we are ready for the Thru about alian...we really are so what about the tell us the we know already ❤
The Templars asked for an alliance in a last ditch effort to keep from being forced out of the holy land. Tartaria ruled what is now modern day Syria at the time and turned them down.
When I first saw these videos, I found it strange that the host's voice irritated me terribly. However, when I saw what she looked like, the irritation went away. Of course, the voice fits the speaker's image perfectly.
I don't know if estimations are correct anymore tbh, that is speculative upon what is and has been generally assumed after all and within the confines of our supposed human perception... Whether correct or not, we are still and always have been and of the present at the mercy of what has been told?!?!... Let's face it that somethings are never as black and white until truly founded to be so of rewritten. And who has the greater knowledge. The CIA even with their secret scientists?!....
The human race us not the first civilization to live on Earth. There have been others in between Genesis v.1 and v.2. when Lucifer was kucked out of Heaven, he ruined the earth and all who were on it, and God had to destroy all that were on it. Thays the darkness that was on the earth in v.1. God started over
That's hilarious, as I have photographic proof and so do millions of others that every single shot from Mars is right here on Earth. It's video graphic and photographic proof. But I know we need to see the C.I.Aliens
You often say "government". Which government entity are you referring to? Is it local, county, state, or federal governments? If it is the federal government which agency?
I be deported from the USA and they call me alien...and they don't have a coruge from name some facts the really are alien 😂😂😂😂the really unreal and Miss disinformation I think....❤❤
Bet you stayed for the entire video, huh? What is the purpose of your hateful comment? It's demeaning and completely unnecessary. You get kicks out of trying to bring others down to your level? Make you feel better about your pathetic existence? Where is natural selection when it's needed the most?
It was Joe McMoneagle that remote viewed Mars. However he has stated in other interviews that he didn’t like doing those types of fantastical RV projects because you can’t acquire feedback on if the data is accurate or not.
Also, he got coordinates but I don’t think they told him it was Mars. There’s videos/interviews of him talking about all of this.
The pyramids on Mars are verifiable. They can be seen clearly in orbital scans of the surface in the same area as the "face" along with many other structures, including something that resembles our Pentagon with a crater in the side of it. For the record, I'm on the fence about the "face" being something or nothing, but I'm convinced the pyramids are real as there are several other details about them that make them nearly impossible to be anything but artificial constructions.
@@medicmule yes and no. It’s true there are mountains on mars that look like pyramids, but we also have some funny looking mountains on earth that are completely natural formations. Joe claims he took the coordinates he RV’d to NASA and requested the pictures of that area and there was what looked like structures. But that still doesn’t rule out that the data he received in his mind was not just a bunch of theoretical fantasy about POSSIBILITIES that those mountains could be artificial. Remote Viewing is not an exact science and the data received can be entirely from the imagination. Joe would tell you that himself I think and that’s why he didn’t like to Remote View things like UFO’s.
Reminds me of the church I attended as a child. When my sister told the pastor about the UFOs, he started ranting about demons!
Sooo many people who are firmly entrenched in organized religion believe this.
They are demons masquerading as aliens.
What if it's true. Nothing from the govt disclosure says extraterrestrials. They are always referred to as non human intelligences or we believe these entities to be extra dimensional. What better way for the final deception and war for the human souls to happen. You know many will want to worship them. Believe they will solve all of our problems and may in fact appear too. Give anything to end our human "suffering and toil".
It's amazing you can believe in aliens but yet still can't make that leap to believe in a God.
They believe the most illogical things
I believe in UFO 's and aliens. I've seen the and I've been abducted
@@branwen8009 if you want to not only not believe in it but you want to participate in the abductory that you can just go out there and wave your hands three times and spin around and do a duck duck dance and then they a just come scoop you up in the blue and the blue and the blue light
Appreciate the hard work you and your team put into these videos. They are amazing.
Love your videos!
If aliens are watching us, they must be laughing and have bets that focus on how long we survive.
Being a veteran paramedic, I have seen a lot of stupidity. I often wonder how our species survived the last ice age.🤣
Area fifty one is not the only strange air force base. We've heard a area forty nine fifteen miles down.The road from area fifty one is also one of those places and Wright Pat here on Ohio is of far greater interest.
The Roswell crash, whatever it was, is supposedly held at Wright Patterson. Living in Indiana, it is in my backyard. The museum is nice as well.
At 2:17, the discussion of Project Stargate and remote viewing on Mars is fascinating and thought-provoking, blending historical intrigue with mystery.
Eighteen years ago I highlighted a Craigslist listing and was surprised to see several sentences appear out of nowhere, because they were hidden in plain sight by the OP who used white as the color for the message. If you didn’t know a message was there beforehand, you wouldn’t have ever noticed it unless by chance.
Dude I came across several post on craigslist that seem like non sense back in the day. Like a code
@@DanDoyoyeah, those are people selling non-legal products or worse...
Yes, Katrina, I did with the 100 and I liked it alot. Have you ever seen the series called "Defiance"? I think that is where we are headed minus the war that destroyed everything. You should check it out. Thanks again for your excellent narration! Love and light.😮😊
What the hell did CIA do on Mars?
They were having Diddy parties on Mars !! Shhhhhh!
Yes party with satan
Well, it's pretty obvious that they didn't do anything to benefit the American people. When was the last time they had the American people's interest at heart?
This wasn’t just released. It’s old.
You ever see that George Michael video where he's having a roller disco party in a public restroom with a bunch of cops? That. 😆
Really? When James Randi had a million dollars waiting for anyone who coulld prove that they had supernatural abilities and he died still having the money?
Who the heck is that? Sounds like he didn’t advertise.
@@OscillationOverdrive(Edited to apologize for the length ....and rant.🥴)
I did some reading because I hadn't heard about it either, and I thought that I would've definitely jumped at the opportunity if I had known! In the end, I found that I never qualified to apply....but most people didn't !🥴🙄
Apparently it was a well known offer that was written about & discussed in interviews and on talk shows, including multiple appearances on Larry King in the US, as well as on This Morning in Britain.(I couldn't determine if the show is Welsh or English and didn't want to dig anymore, so I settled on 'British'. If that is offensive to anyone, I apologize!)
He 1st announced his challenge in 1964 as a method to discredit well known psychics of the time & offered $1,000 (around $10,000 now). In 1996, the prize was increased to $1 million. In '01, Sylvia Brown accepted his challenge 2 different times while they were guests on Larry King. At 1st, she just didn't follow through, but eventually changed her mind and refused with no reason given.
Both the application process and the testing parameters are absolutely why the prize has never been claimed, according to many, including me. 😉 Initially, to submit an application, one had to be 'well known' 🤔, submit press clippings of a successful event, AND a letter from an academic institution(No info was given on what it was to include). Those rules made it impossible for the average person, like myself, to apply. Because of that sentiment, the requirements were 'relaxed' in '07. Applicants needed to have an existing high profile media account/presence AND backing from a reputable 'academic'. They were relaxed again in '11. Now only press clippings, academic backing, OR a public video demonstration showing success was needed to apply.
Accepting videos definitely made applying accessible to even those without notoriety &/or academic connections, but it still made it impossible for psychics who speak to Spirits to apply.(Me😔😡)The challenger & his foundation claimed that the unique facts given by a Spirit and then verified by someone who knew that Spirit was not acceptable evidence. Why? They claimed that the person verifying the info obtained from Spirit could be lying. I do admit that can and does happen. It's not usually intentional lying though. It's either that the sitter wants so badly to receive info that they unconsciously 'make' the info fit, or it's because a fraudulent psychic is manipulating. I absolutely admit that there are people who are scammers and frauds, but that, sadly, also applies in other professions like used car salesmen, telemarketers, mechanics etc
I won't even go into the convoluted requirements given for the actual testing of different types of skills like remote viewing, water dousing, and 'random dousing'. (Asking someone to pick a card is far different from being asked about internal organs. Medical intuition is a difficult, highly specialized process that just doesn't work that way.)
After reading several sources, it was very clear to me that he never had any intention of allowing an applicant to pass his challenges or of awarding the money. Aside from the financial point, someone proving their psychic skills would've made him look like a fool for so vehemently and continuously attacking the existence of psychic ability and calling every psychic a fraud.
@@OscillationOverdrive I know he should of called me, he wouldn't of died with it, I seen myself from a different person's vision... outside my self, so if Astral Travel don't happen every time you sleep, you may not have a spirit
The remote viewers name is Ingo Swann and he had about a 70% success rate until they ask him to view Mars. He would only view places that can be verified so that way he would not look like an idiot.
That’s incorrect. It was Joe McMoneagle that remote viewed Mars. Swann is famous for having remote viewed Jupiter though sometime before that in the 70’s.
Actually swann viewed the moon@Sickentist
Actually swan viewed the moon
@@EricOgden-jm1wg yup Swann did also view the moon on his own and wrote a book about his findings. He claims there are alien bases on the moon and that they’re not friendly. But he is more famous for viewing Jupiter because the information he received ended up being verified later on by NASA spacecraft.
It was joe McGonagall Swann saw aliens on the moon
❤ Thx Katrina 🎉
I'm guessing that you're unaware of the lineage of Turk,adopted son of Noah's son Japhet ? Alanza Khan being the 6th generation of Khans,divided his land between his 2 sons Mogul and Tatar who were the 1st Khans of Tartaria and Mongolia,1,000 years before our fabricated history told us Genghis gave rise to the might of the Mongolian Empire. Mogul was the 1st Khan 1,000 years before Genghis. Tartaria and Mongolia fought over difference of religious beliefs and it was Genghis who reunified them by allowing freedom to choose whom they worship.
Were you there? No? Exactly.
@Linlethal that's from 3 different sources before the Rockefeller Foundation infiltrated the National Board of Education and fabricated our history. The older books containing research on our past are untainted. Research,it sets a mind free! You might try it sometime,especially before negatively coming at someone with more than something like nanny nanny boo boo style remarks
@@Linlethal and the khans ran what country til 78?
I trust Alezando like I trust Hawass
Hi Kat . A new VIDEO clip ,man ur boss is working u to ur Bones 9:56 😂😂❤❤❤
They still use remote viewers to this day.
The safest method to view unknown Dangerous sites! 🔴🔵
The most accurate psychic they use is actually a mathematician that has repeatedly made extremely accurate predictions that nobody believed initially. Maybe a psychic is just a good observer who only realize their observations at the subconscious level?
Hi Katrina, love the new video!! It’s part of my nightly routine 😊❤ thanks for your hard work, we enjoy it so much!! 🫶🏼
Nice Katrina this sounds cool ✌️❤️
Hi Katrina have a great day and love your explaining 😍
CIA guy wakes up in the 80's "I wonder what I'm going to ask the viewer today? hmmm"
Your facial expressions killed me. 😂😂😂🤣🤣
Remote viewing.! Now it makes sense, i could not figure out how the CIA knew I had the other piece of pie last night. !
I _CAN_ tell you that the CIA is quick to deem something a dead-end & move on. They started using remote viewers in 1975 and they claim that they stopped using them in 1995. I'm sure they have not stopped using remote viewers. They wouldn't have beaten a dead horse for twenty years, man. They kept doing it because they got results & like I said, just because they said they stopped using them, doesn't mean shit. I'm sure they still are.
The Collins elite is a vile, christian cult that has infiltrated our government. Christians have no place in Government. They stifle r progress and who knows what other kinds of problems.
Thanks Catrina for finally week up for the realty af the fact ❤❤❤❤
I ❤ Origins Explained !!!
You have a beautifully amazing voice ❤
And couldn't the remote viewer just have been messing with the program. You can't believe any of this
There was some very accurate successes in the program. One event involved a viewer seeing details that were overlooked by aerial reconnaissance but was verified via existing photography after the viewer's statement. That being said, I'm sure they had many complete failures as well. The study is not completely without merit.
I always love a good fictional story
You mean like the Bible??
The Admiral Byrd story sounds suspiciously like Roald Dahl's THE BFG... Just saying.
Love your videos. I comment on every dozen or so like this and hopefully it gets shouted out someday 😅
I really don't understand why the government keep secrets about the tax the you American pay ...we are ready for the Thru about alian...we really are so what about the tell us the we know already ❤
We are not ready is just an excuse they wanna feel special by having knowledge we dont plus there also paranoïd as hell
We really aren't ready. Look how many religious people there still are. Tons of people would wig out like it's the apocalypse. 🙄
How do you look up one of these events that you talked about. One of them is of interest to me and id like to delve deeper into it
I feel the universe is like the game Star Control. You cant see whats happening out there from here; it is hubris to think we are alone.
I'm really appreciate the new stuff about UFO and secret American cover up ...❤
The Templars asked for an alliance in a last ditch effort to keep from being forced out of the holy land. Tartaria ruled what is now modern day Syria at the time and turned them down.
Graham (Graeme) Hancock please
Just imagine how much we could achieve as a species if religion stopped getting in the way of our progress.
When I first saw these videos, I found it strange that the host's voice irritated me terribly. However, when I saw what she looked like, the irritation went away. Of course, the voice fits the speaker's image perfectly.
For mars u have go back 400 million years
I don't know if estimations are correct anymore tbh, that is speculative upon what is and has been generally assumed after all and within the confines of our supposed human perception... Whether correct or not, we are still and always have been and of the present at the mercy of what has been told?!?!... Let's face it that somethings are never as black and white until truly founded to be so of rewritten. And who has the greater knowledge. The CIA even with their secret scientists?!....
The human race us not the first civilization to live on Earth. There have been others in between Genesis v.1 and v.2. when Lucifer was kucked out of Heaven, he ruined the earth and all who were on it, and God had to destroy all that were on it. Thays the darkness that was on the earth in v.1. God started over
According to scientists, the Earth's magnetic polls reverse every so often, so that idea has merit.
That's hilarious, as I have photographic proof and so do millions of others that every single shot from Mars is right here on Earth. It's video graphic and photographic proof. But I know we need to see the C.I.Aliens
Love ❤❤❤❤❤the show beautiful gorgeous fetching Katrina...... thanks 4 all the truths ........ 🙏 🙌 ❤️ 😘 💕 💖 🙏 🙌 ❤️
I know they had a phychic look at the moon didn’t know about mars
I bet tyler could do this!
Remote view
I luv 100! Wish they made new episodes
Tar tar cities
Some person used their imagination 😂 that’s it.
Very talented ,but life is more shocking than fiction!
Remote view is real technique not imagination! 🔵🔴
Hi Katrina. Nice to see you finally. You are good looking. Nice smile (and teeth also).
No shout out to Bob Monroe or the The Gateway Project?
As if the CIA ever new anything about anything.
You often say "government". Which government entity are you referring to? Is it local, county, state, or federal governments? If it is the federal government which agency?
So we actually don't know how old these are? ANUNNAKI!!!
I'll "un-redact" the viewer for you, his name is Joe McMoneagle.
Where did giant get giant sword??
I'm wondering what the CIA is hiding in your schnoz.
It’s Pat Price
It's not mythical! It WAS a real place
Do you want to see a extraerectional being Catrina ?
Ya the oldest american lie in the playbook "its for nationale security" got nothing to do with super narcisist controlling personality at all huh
I be deported from the USA and they call me alien...and they don't have a coruge from name some facts the really are alien 😂😂😂😂the really unreal and Miss disinformation I think....❤❤
Engage operation Octopus deploy…..
Do we let me answer that with one word balloon
A million years ago Mars was just as it is now.
Umm...don't think so.
first story is nonsense.. he can see mars, and through time? If the CIA gave me thousands of dollars, I could see that too
The White House is not an ancient structure. I'm out.
Why are your eyebrows so far apart?
What bs
;-) 👍
I swear all these content creators run the same old stories LOL. Literally nothing new
If I may say that you are very beautiful
your facial expressions are so over the top and fake. chill out
I would love to hear about this from anybody else, you sound like you are reading a fairy tale to 4 yr old children, so annoying.
Bet you stayed for the entire video, huh? What is the purpose of your hateful comment? It's demeaning and completely unnecessary. You get kicks out of trying to bring others down to your level? Make you feel better about your pathetic existence? Where is natural selection when it's needed the most?
This channel a so much better when it was just her voice.. definitely a face made for radio
His name was swan and they unalived him afterwards as they always do