Ulf Ekman exposed!

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @JBM101
    @JBM101 2 роки тому +3

    Isnt Mary dead? I am confused. Isnt Jesus alive. Why adore and speak to MAry she is dead ...

  • @SkyAvila983
    @SkyAvila983 9 років тому +3

    He worshiped a false Jesus long before he became a catholic - a true wolf!

    • @elisafuk
      @elisafuk 9 років тому

      +Sky Avila Its a shame God has already called most of the western nations out of the mother of all harlots (Rev 17 & 18 ) via the Protestant Reformation and other movements ( pentacostal born again ) . To go back to Catholicism is to crucify the Lord a second time and bring Him to an open shame. Swedens Reformation came with Gustav Vassa 1 i think. In england it was with Henry 8th

  • @atgred
    @atgred 6 років тому +4

    Before judging us Catholics of “honoring too much Mary that it takes away from the honor Jesus deserves “, judge then God who by the annunciation of the Angel Gabriel, God Himself saluted her FIRST by calling her KECHARITOMENE!!
    Ignoring this change of name is ignoring God’s will on who Mary is.
    You cannot understand Catholic devotion to Mary if you don’t understand God’s will.
    And in no way does honoring and venerating (not the same the worshiping) Mary takes away from Christ. Calling Mary THEOTOKOS is Christocentric. Not calling her “Mother of God” is saying Christ is not God.
    No Mary, No Jesus.
    Know Mary, Know Jesus.
    First Christian disciple? Mary
    First Protestant? Satan
    God bless!

  • @annettevincent7223
    @annettevincent7223 7 років тому +6

    Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the Life. No one else. He alone deserves the praise, honour and glory..

  • @ivesim2515
    @ivesim2515 12 років тому +1

    what is all about Ulf Ekman and his visit to Medugorje where "Mary" is worshiped??

  • @skogavideo
    @skogavideo  14 років тому

    It does say a lot at least if you are a evangelical christian. It is clearly an unhealhty relationship with Virgin Mary that Ekman has. And it get a lot worse when you put it in the context of all other actions done by Ekman.
    To check thoose things look at the link in the info box.

  • @rokin02
    @rokin02 9 років тому +4

    Idolatry leads you to eternal hell fire-Revelations 21:8.
    Catholic/Orthodox practice of intercession/veneration of saints does amount to idolatry.Idolatry is bowing down and praying to anything other than God.God's Word commands us to pray to God in the name of Jesus.Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross by shedding his sinless blood.Mary and saints are mere creations of God set right by Lord Jesus Christ.To attribute divinity in them and to pray and worship(venerate) to them is pure idolatry which will lead you to eternal hell fire-Revelation 21:8,9:20,1 Corinthians 10:14,Exodus 20:3-5 etc.

    • @JavierCardenasZurita
      @JavierCardenasZurita 9 років тому

      the Word of God cannot be understood the way you do, you need more than just the Bible, you need the oral tradition and the guidance of the Spirit which only the Catholic church has, and for the book of Revelation to be understood you need the liturgy because that book is ciphered in liturgy code

    • @safep111
      @safep111 4 місяці тому +1

      Vzpamatujte se, biblická nevěstka není to, co Kristova nevěsta. Ta je přesným opakem, to první je falešná církev, oděna purpurem a šarlatem (Vatikán - biskupové a kněží) a opitá pohárem (eucharistie) svého smilství, neboť oslavuje eucharistii, ale v strašlivých lžích, modlách, svodech, bludech, jediné, co tedy zapíjí je lhostejnost k těmto ďábelským kompromisům, které jsou zjevné a plné tmářství.

  • @ZeroFloat.
    @ZeroFloat. 8 років тому +1

    1Jn2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

  • @LarzGustafsson
    @LarzGustafsson 13 років тому

    Why doesn' t the Pope have the same concern regarding the trinity?

    • @safep111
      @safep111 4 місяці тому

      Protože ví, co dělá a co nechce. Slouží Kristu - říká to, ale je to lež. Prvně vznikl křest a tak i křesťanství. To pravé Křesťanství se nemísí s žádnu církví, ani jiným názvem, či náboženstvím. Křesťanství je ovšem dnes hluboce smíšeno s katolicismem, což je biblická nevěstka, nikoliv opak, což je též Kristova biblická nevěsta. Nevěsta!

  • @skogavideo
    @skogavideo  14 років тому +1

    I know it is hard to beleive, especially when you know Ulf Ekmans standings during 1980 and 1990. Some where a long the road he has totaly changed his mind. There are thoose in the chuch that do not like to see it an yet others that do and are really worried. Hope fully will he not go a long the path, only God knows whats going on in his heart. He is a frequent traveler to Rome. Time will tell.

  • @elisafuk
    @elisafuk 9 років тому +2

    Worshipping Mary is paganism, even Mary her self bowed down to her son. There is NO OTHER NAME under eternity under which a man can be saved. You cant pray to Mary only to Jesus, ..even when JEsus transfigured and the disciples saw the patriachs they wanted to worship and bown down to them ( make offerings ) the answer was NO NOT to do it. Its sad that Ulf Ekman who should have drawn Swedish Catholics out himself fell back in. So what Gustav Vassa and the other Rightous Swedish monarchs and Christians did was in Vain? I DONT THINK SO JESUS WILL FIND FAITH HERE ON EARTH WHEN HE RETURNS...
    We have over come by pleading the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimonies, .. YOu cant go back into Roman Catholicism as the bible calls her the mother of all harlots and NOT a Christian Church Rev 17 & 18, those that go back Crucify the Lord Jesus a second time and bring Him to an open shame. Also Dan of which the NOrdic /Scandanavian states are from MUST NOT as they are not listed in the 144,000 Sealing of the elders in Revelations because they are on probation some say denied salvation.

  • @dannywizz
    @dannywizz 12 років тому +1

    @xPowerShotx Livets Ord församling har blivit mer o mer katolskt. De har satt upp flera katolska symboler m.m. så det den här damen säger om Ulf stämmer nog.
    Några vänner till mig har distanserat sig från Livets Ord efter att de insett att det förändrats till mer katolisism.

  • @rokin02
    @rokin02 9 років тому +5

    Mary was the earthly mother of Jesus.She was given that position because she submitted to God's will.
    That does not mean Mary is the mother of eternal almighty living God.Mary is only a creation of God,while Lord Jesus Christ existed from eternal past and created all things along with his father-God-John 1:1-7,Micah 5:2.
    To attribute divinity to Mary and saints by praying and venerating to them is idolatry which leads to eternal hell fire -Revelation 21:8.
    Bible-God's word makes it clear that Mary had sons and daughters other than Jesus.Jesus had brothers and sisters-Mathew 13:55-56,Mark 6:3.
    So clearly Ulf Ekman is a liar ,promoting idolatry.God's word makes it clear all unbelievers, liars,cowards,idolaters,sexually immoral ,murderers,occult magicians will burn eternally in lake of fire and sulfur unless they repent of their sins and turn to living God -Jesus Christ and abstain from their sins.

    • @JavierCardenasZurita
      @JavierCardenasZurita 9 років тому +1

      You are lacking something on what you say, jesus existed since the very start and so did the plan of God to save us !! Mary was part of that plan so he already since the creation had thought of Mary as the Mother of Jesus our Lord, He picked Mary to be the Mother of Jesus and saved her from all sin so she could carry Jesus within her !!!

    • @rokin02
      @rokin02 9 років тому +1

      Yes,i said Jesus is God Lord-Yahweh of Old Testament Bible,who breather life into Adam and walked with Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden.He created all things along with his father-God-Elohim.
      If Mary was immaculate,why does Bible say Jesus had brothers and sisters-other children of Mary and Joseph?
      If Mary was sinless then according to your 'logic' her mother should also be sinless to cary her,likewise we will have to go on till her and all mankind's great great ....greatest grandmother-Eve-who sinned by eating the forbidden fruit and gave it to her husband Adam and through them all mankind is sinfull.That is exactly why we need sinsless-Lord Jesus Christ-Yahweh-Shuah -Yahshuah (Yahweh saves in English)the Messiah, for our sins and eternal salvation.
      Thus your catholic idolatrous teaching of immaculate conception ,intercession/veneration of saints (idolatry according to Exodus 20:3-5,Revelation 9:20 )purgatory (denies the need for salvation by trusting in Lord Jesus Christ and teach the lie that by doing idolatry of intercession /veneration of saints and promoting other lies you can go to heaven when in reality scriptures teach those who do idolatry and lies will go to eternal hell fire unless they repent-Revelation 21:8) are proved to be idolatrous unbiblical lies.
      So repent now and come out of your idolatry , lies etc. and really trust Lord Jesus Christ ,so that you may have eternal life and seeing your faith many will be led to eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ.
      God bless you.

    • @rokin02
      @rokin02 9 років тому +1

      Yes,i said Jesus is God Lord-Yahweh of Old Testament Bible,who breathed life into Adam and walked with Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden.He created all things along with his father-God-Elohim.
      If Mary was immaculate,why does Bible say Jesus had brothers and sisters-other children of Mary and Joseph?
      If Mary was sinless then according to your 'logic' her mother should also be sinless to cary her,likewise we will have to go on till her and all mankind's great great ....greatest grandmother-Eve-who sinned by eating the forbidden fruit and gave it to her husband Adam and through them all mankind is sinfull.That is exactly why we need the sinless-Lord Jesus Christ-Yahweh-Shuah -Yahshuah (Yahweh saves in English)the Messiah, for our sins and eternal salvation. Thus your catholic idolatrous teaching of immaculate conception ,intercession/veneration of saints (idolatry according to Exodus 20:3-5,Revelation 9:20 )purgatory (denies the need for salvation by trusting in Lord Jesus Christ and teach the lie that by doing idolatry of intercession /veneration of saints and promoting other lies you can go to heaven when in reality scriptures teach those who do idolatry and lies will go to eternal hell fire unless they repent-Revelation 21:8) are proved to be idolatrous unbiblical lies. So repent now and come out of your idolatry , lies etc. and really trust Lord Jesus Christ ,so that you may have eternal life and seeing your faith many will be led to eternal life in Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you.

    • @JavierCardenasZurita
      @JavierCardenasZurita 9 років тому

      +Lohim Janis it is of no purpose to discuss with you, the only thing I'll tell you is that you can't understand the word of God in your way so it matches what you've been taught by mistaken people, you need the oral tradition and the guidance of the Holly Spirit, and the Catholic church led by the Pope as Peter did is the only Church who holds the only truth because the Spirit leads us.
      that is why your interpretation that Mary had other children is false, and I know your Bible lacks some of the books that speak about the purgatory and the things you mention. the canon of the Bible you use is the one used also by the jews that never believe in Jesus as son of God.

  • @sjurdurkjv
    @sjurdurkjv 5 років тому +1

    Wolf Ekman

  • @dropkickmonk3y
    @dropkickmonk3y 8 років тому

    It's just another version of the chicken and the egg...

  • @jimlagerlof5029
    @jimlagerlof5029 5 років тому


  • @gustavochavez-dejesus4464
    @gustavochavez-dejesus4464 6 років тому

    mmmmm have all these protestants heard about Luke 1?

  • @Backdoormanboob
    @Backdoormanboob 9 років тому

    Ulf Ekman is the messiah. He is very rich and that is cus God loves him.

  • @havelah
    @havelah 11 років тому +1

    Can you present any kind of proof for this statement?

    • @safep111
      @safep111 4 місяці тому +1

      Nemají žádný, lžou, neboť už to, že Marie je na úrovni Ježíše je strašlivá modla a lež. To, že katolíci nejsou nevěstkou/falešná církev, je též úkladem ďábla. Oni nectí Desatero, BIBLI, KRISTA TAKOVÉHO, JAKÉHO VYŘVÁVAJÍ, JE TO VŽD LEŽ, V TOMTO PŘÍPADĚ DVAKRT TAKOVÁ.

  • @Genosukesan
    @Genosukesan 10 років тому +1

    It's blasphemy! The only person you are supposed to be all devoted to is Jesus for him ALONE Ge his life for you! And Him ALONE is God and deserves any kind of praise and prayers: 1 Timothy 2:5
    "For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and people. He is the man Christ Jesus." If anyone calls himself a christian, let him not listen to what man says or even popes, but what the inspired word of God (aka the Bible) says!!!

    • @vchucho
      @vchucho 10 років тому

      May I ask you something? This has nothing to do with you personally but it will go along to help you understand the Catholic view of Mary. Let's say your parents are faithful and walk upright with the Lord daily. Would it be blasphemous for me to go to them and ask them for their prayers? And please don't assume I wouldn't go to Jesus first for he is the only one who can truly answer them. You see in the Lord's design of Salvation he made it where we are to call on eachother. This is not something the Catholic Church made up its all over the bible. We rely on God for all and God wants us to be able to relay on each other. Look at Saul of tarus. Why didn't jesus just heal him then and there. Why did he have one of his faith lay his ands and baptize and minister to him. Your logic would say "Jesus don't let this other man help me only you can heal my blindness" And your statement would be correct however the Lord preferred choice is to send us. So when Catholics ask Mary or the Saints to pray the Glory goes to God first for he has moved in them to be holy for the sake of the kingdom. Please brother I ask this in all sincerity please pray for me? I will pray for you.

    • @SkyAvila983
      @SkyAvila983 9 років тому

      Amen! No talking pope or Mary is a mediator!

    • @ZeroFloat.
      @ZeroFloat. 8 років тому +1

      There is huge difference between asking someone for prayers AND praying towards someone who is dead (mediator). Christians ought not to pray towards any creature but God, especially when these creatures are ceased ones.

  • @skogavideo
    @skogavideo  14 років тому

    I do not agree with you. This so called ecumenical work has the target of uniting under authority of the pope, not in Jesus. If you belive other wise you let me know what catolic authority that would unite in any other way, it do not simply exist.

  • @rebeccasserwanga1767
    @rebeccasserwanga1767 10 років тому +1


    • @ConspicuouslyRelevant
      @ConspicuouslyRelevant 10 років тому

      Sister, you are absolutely right, it is confusion!
      3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
      4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2Ti 4:3-4)
      2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
      3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. (Heb 12:2-3)
      37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.
      38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
      39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. (Heb 10:37-39)

    • @rebeccasserwanga1767
      @rebeccasserwanga1767 10 років тому

      Thanks dia brother. kept them in prayers. Again God says that we shouldnt say notheing on His anointed ones. What do u say about that??

    • @ConspicuouslyRelevant
      @ConspicuouslyRelevant 10 років тому +1

      Hello and God bless you! It actually doesn't say in the Bible that we should say nothing on His anointed ones. What the Bible says is the Lord's anointed are not to be harmed or killed. I'm including the references below, for your convenience.
      10 Behold, this day thine eyes have seen how that the LORD had delivered thee to day into mine hand in the cave: and some bade me kill thee: but mine eye spared thee; and I said, I will not put forth mine hand against my lord; for he is the LORD'S anointed. (1Sa 24:10 KJV)
      11 The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD'S anointed: but, I pray thee, take thou now the spear that is at his bolster, and the cruse of water, and let us go. (1Sa 26:11 KJV)
      23 The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness: for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD'S anointed. (1Sa 26:23 KJV)
      22 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. (1Ch 16:22 KJV)
      15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. (Psa 105:15 KJV)
      On the other hand, we are to zealously contend for the faith and not to allow any man, "anointed" or not, stand in the way of the truth. Let me ask you this, sister, was Peter the Apostle the Lord's anointed? - I say yes! Yet, he was rebuked by Paul the Apostle for his hypocritical behavior.
      11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. (Gal 2:11 KJV)
      We have only one Anointed, who is Jesus Christ, the Righteous.
      3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
      4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar (Rom 3:3-4 KJV)
      Hear Him alone sister!
      Peace and blessings!

    • @Akira29H
      @Akira29H 10 років тому

      Hi Rebecca, fixed our eyes unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.
      in these days many people will be lead going back and "turned away" on their faith. if you see and hear, she is pointing to Mary..in Jesus time Mary is not important because Jesus focused more on people to that they may know him and accept him. not pointing to Mary.

    • @rebeccasserwanga1767
      @rebeccasserwanga1767 10 років тому

      Amen! thanx and God bless u for that. I will forcus my eye on Jesus as said!

  • @extraordinaryordinarycatho6756
    @extraordinaryordinarycatho6756 9 років тому +3

    MARY was more then just an earthly mother...do you remember the arc of the covenant that was so sacred because it held the commandments..there was even a man who was struck down dead because he saw the arc tilting and touched it as to hold it up to prevent it from falling.. And because he was unworthy he was struck down!.. Now think about the womb that was to hold GOD THE WORD MADE FLESH!.. Would it not have to be a more sacred place!.. Surely he was more then the commandments and his dwelling place must have been chosen carefully. Mary is the arc of the new covenant!!!!

  • @bobgoran
    @bobgoran 7 років тому

    "I am all yours Mary" sounds so kinky. You WILL go to hell if you say it out loud more than three times. Test it. Muhahaha!

  • @deborahmorrison3671
    @deborahmorrison3671 4 роки тому +1

    Heresy / doctrines of devils

  • @deretticelso23
    @deretticelso23 10 років тому +1

    Gn 3: 15.

    • @rokin02
      @rokin02 9 років тому +1

      Mary was the earthly mother of Jesus.She was given that position because she submitted to God's will.
      That does not mean Mary is the mother of eternal almighty living God.Mary is only a creation of God,while Lord Jesus Christ existed from eternal past and created all things along with his father-God-John 1:1-7,Micah 5:2.
      To attribute divinity to Mary and saints by praying and venerating to them is idolatry which leads to eternal hell fire -Revelation 21:8.
      Bible-God's word makes it clear that Mary had sons and daughters other than Jesus.Jesus had brothers and sisters-Mathew 13:55-56,Mark 6:3.
      So clearly Ulf Ekman is a liar ,promoting idolatry.God's word makes it clear all unbelievers, liars,cowards,idolaters,sexually immoral ,murderers,occult magicians will burn eternally in lake of fire and sulfur unless they repent of their sins and turn to living God -Jesus Christ and abstain from their sins.

  • @lamp-stand7
    @lamp-stand7 10 років тому +7

    This is idolatry according to Matthew 11:27-28. The veneration of Mary is one of the primary apostasies of catholicism.

    • @Win5ton67
      @Win5ton67 10 років тому

      We pray for Mary's intercession, as she is the Mother of God and a loving Mother to all of us. God has blessed Mary more than all humans combined ever could - that is why there is not even one inch of risk for any Catholic to adore anyone else but God.

    • @lamp-stand7
      @lamp-stand7 10 років тому

      Then you should pray to His grandmother as well. Jesus clearly rejected the exalting of his family (Matt. 12:48-50), and even repudiated the statement of a woman who attempted to venerate His mother (Luke 11:27-28). Your doctrine is contrary to the Scriptures, and you should hope that others are not lead astray by what you teach.

    • @Win5ton67
      @Win5ton67 10 років тому

      Daniel Irving "When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" From that hour the disciple took her into his own household." (Jn 19, 26-27). Christ's words are effective and eternal, as He is the Word of God. They were effective during the Last Supper as they were effective on the cross. Also, be wary of blasphemy when you write that I "should pray to His grandmother", we are talking about our Lord. I pray for Mary's intercession because Christ loved His mother as God and as her Son. She can intercede for us just as she did for all of the attendees of a wedding in Cana, before Christ's first miracle. Listen : " On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples. When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you”. " (John 2, 1-5) This wedding was then, as it is today, and as it will be, I pray, in the future when you and I will feast together with our Father, Christ and all His and our loved ones, in the Holy Spirit. Yes, I am free to pray to God with Mother Mary's intercession, and you wish to write here that I am praying to Mary as if I were praying to God, when the truth is I pray and I wrote that I pray to Mary as I pray to the Mother of God. I haven't lied to you nor have I changed the Scriptures. If your argument were true, I would have had to write that I adore Mary as I adore God ; which I didn't write, and which God knows I don't, and He alone knows the truth. I am no teacher, I am just falling in love with God. That is why I only hope for Him and have faith in His Church ! And that is why I hope and pray that His peace may forever be with you.

    • @lamp-stand7
      @lamp-stand7 10 років тому

      You relate that you do not venerate Mary, but only seek her power of intercession. But what I see in Catholicism, is clearly the elevating of Mary to a place she does not belong. This is idolatry. You contradict your own argument that you are merely requesting her intercession when you call her "the Mother of Heaven" and "the Mother of God." Where is that in Scripture? But, even supposing you ARE merely seeking the intercession of a godly saint, THAT would be grossly unscriptural as well We are not to seek the dead on behalf of the living (Is. 8:19) The Gospel of Jesus Christ is that we now have access directly to God through HIS name. (Heb. 4:16, Eph. 5:20, Col. 3:17) Peter, Paul, and John make no mention of Mary in their letters. Obviously she does not represent the key to intercession which Catholics make her to be. But these superstitious dogmas are not harmless. They lead the undiscerning into false notions of God, and constitute repudiations of the Gospel and apostasy for those who embrace them after once having known the truth.

    • @Win5ton67
      @Win5ton67 10 років тому +1

      Daniel Irving Catholicism did not elevate Mary, only God in His Holy Spirit did. She was elevated and assumed in Heaven by God. Indeed, I agree with you, she is not the mother of Heaven, and I assure you that Catholics don't say that :) But she is the Blessed Queen of Heaven, and of Earth. She is also the "Immaculate Conception", preserved from sin, as she revealed it to St Bernadette, in Lourdes, in 1858. She gave birth to Christ, fully man and fully God. That is why I believe and attest that she is the Mother of Christ and of God. That is also why she is able to intercede for both us at this very moment. She prays for us to Christ, as we pray to Christ, indeed the sole mediator to the Father. If she is a saint, and the first of all the saints, it is because God is the only Saint - there are no shortcuts or ways around it. That is the only reason why a man or a woman can be declared a saint ; in the same way that one can live, love or do good only because God is Life, Love and the only who is Good.
      I apologize if I'll digress a little here, but I can't let leave without defending the Church I love. The Catholic Church is for every nation, for everyone, for you and me. She serves and envelops the best and the worst of us, because Her only Vicar is Christ, who loved all of humanity and gave himself freely to all of us. What you call "superstitious dogmas" are in fact eternal truths safe-guarded and shared by Christ's 2000 year old Church, that were gradually and freely revealed by the Holy Spirit. Besides, my faith is in God, not in Scripture, "for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life". Scripture is not our salvation, as I think you would agree ; it is only in Christ that we find salvation. What I know to be true however, is that the fullness of Christ is found only in His Church, His mystical Body, Who envelops all of humanity and takes on its sins. I say this because water and blood spilled from His side when He was speared on the cross - and that is why His Universal Church is the only who shares both Baptism and the Eucharist, Her two pillars.
      You see, I discerned, and found inconsistency in every single religion and christian denomination or church except in the Catholic one. And my only fear is that you may be running the continuous risk of being your only authority whilst reading Scripture. And in that case, you end up following all of those who protest ; just as Adam protested by disobeying to God's authority. And it is clear to me that Lutheranism and other Protestant denominations are just the continuation of that. However, there is a valid baptism in those denominations. It's a miracle and the true mark of a free Holy Spirit. But how sorrowful is it that no one in those denominations is ever able to give the miracle of the Eucharist. Truly, that miracle has happened every single day for almost 2000 years.
      At any rate, I trust God in all his love and mystery. He will go on to show you the way, just as I trust He shows me the way. And say a little prayer for me if you have the time ! I'll be praying for you too :) Peace

  • @skogavideo
    @skogavideo  14 років тому

    Nej det är helt obegripligt och galet.

  • @xPowerShotx
    @xPowerShotx 12 років тому

    @elinmariakan, it's not an sin to educate your self by reading books about vrong teaching. Do any of you sin because you read literature og ateism or about new age to win people. Eve Paul goes into this temple in act; I see you are an people of great religuose standing. I see you worship all this gods. It's to bad with all this people that misled people with lie, and produce and twist word to make some asumptions.

  • @jenniferzimmer1803
    @jenniferzimmer1803 10 років тому


  • @dannywizz
    @dannywizz 13 років тому

    Ulf Ekman är utbildad teolog också så det är nog varför han har alla dessa böcker om Maria. Tycker nog att Ulf kunde besvara den här videon eller har han redan gjort det?

  • @waraywaraytv8837
    @waraywaraytv8837 5 років тому +1


  • @xPowerShotx
    @xPowerShotx 12 років тому

    @missionoc Ulf forkynner ikke JDS læren, og ikke hører jeg noen om den. Selv sitter jeg med hans blogg hvor han tar dette opp. Den ble skrevet 2008, hvor han forklarer at han ikke tror på JDS læren. Hvorfor ta noe som ble sagt for 20 år siden å bruke det mot noen i dag. Greit å oppdatere seg litt før man sprer feilaktige rykter. Synd det og vet du.

  • @EtLtItA
    @EtLtItA 10 років тому +4

    To say ''I am all yours Mary'' is blasphemy!

    • @vchucho
      @vchucho 10 років тому

      Better never get married then. That would be blasphemous.

    • @EtLtItA
      @EtLtItA 10 років тому

      David Marquez
      Write all that you have to say my friend, not something as incomplete as that.
      God bless you!

    • @vchucho
      @vchucho 10 років тому


    • @EtLtItA
      @EtLtItA 10 років тому

      David Marquez
      Yes, u wrote: ''Better never get married then. That would be blasphemous.''
      That is a statement without reasoning.

    • @vchucho
      @vchucho 10 років тому

      Just because you call something blasphemous doesn't mean it is. God tell us we must honor our parents. Would you consider the statement of a proud parent "that's my boy" blasphemous? Or even of a child glowing with pride over their parent? Your logic would say "how can he be his boy if he is a son of God?" Or "son don't you know that only God is your father." Sir I am only using your own logic to show the flaw in your original statement.

  • @us04adda
    @us04adda 14 років тому

    inte riktigt klokt!!

  • @killerhussein1791
    @killerhussein1791 11 років тому

    Can you find anywhere in the bible saying mary is to be worship as a god ??? Or god almighty handling his power over to mary ????

  • @hypnoslavedk
    @hypnoslavedk 10 років тому