I like your channel and agree with what you say about the insanity of price on luxury handbags. Not bragging but I can easily afford the real deal but I chose not to. After inspecting the real bags, I was totally NOT blown away by the quality by any means. Im totally ok with having *jklux* . I'd rather with smart with my money than blowing it on luxury items. Thank you for bringing this to light.
I also bought for Black Friday IDYL Fine 1 🥕, earrings, I bought 2 round Solitaire, I thought the $2,680 was for a pair , nope I had to pay 2xs, Thank God I got the Sale price 😅😂
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
The Smile On My Face When I See That Maria Posted A New Video 💗💗💫🥹 and I really really impressed with your Videos so so much you are the Sweetest Cutest youtuber ever in the world May God Bless You Always Always
I was sure you were going to unbox the Gucci crystal shoes!
They might be next haha 💎💎💎
I like your channel and agree with what you say about the insanity of price on luxury handbags. Not bragging but I can easily afford the real deal but I chose not to. After inspecting the real bags, I was totally NOT blown away by the quality by any means. Im totally ok with having *jklux* . I'd rather with smart with my money than blowing it on luxury items. Thank you for bringing this to light.
And you enjoy every one of your finds...love those boots ❤ your channel
I think the little red thing is a cranberry or a holly berry which is called a drupe 😊.
The card holder is so cute 🥰
The Gucci boots of course. So my style, classic! ……….🤗🇨🇦
The passport cover and card holder are adorable. 💖
Love love love the passport holder and the credit card holder. You do not disappoint in style❤
Maria I think the red fruit on Louis Vuitton cute card holder might be cranberry? 😊
I also bought for Black Friday IDYL Fine 1 🥕, earrings, I bought 2 round Solitaire, I thought the $2,680 was for a pair , nope I had to pay 2xs, Thank God I got the Sale price 😅😂
Beautiful, love the Gucci boots❤😊
Love ❤️ both items Dear Maria = the black 🖤🖤🖤long vest coat 🧥 and the black Gucci boots 🥾 = perfection 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻!!!!
I wish these shoes came in solid leather ....great for rainy weather
Love the cute card holder😍 enjoy your new items🎉 can I please ask your opinion about the micro lady Dior, do you still recommend it?
Love the boots 🥾
Lovely 🌹 goodies🎉❤🎉
Thank you! 🤗
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Wow is that an engagement ring 💍 ?🎉🎉🎉 Congrats Maria!
I guess the red thing Rudolph’s red nose?😅
Love the Gucci boots 😍🤗
Beautiful blazer you're wearing
I love Joseph 💜
its a cherry without the stem
Gucci shoes ❤
The red thing….a jelly been?
The Smile On My Face When I See That Maria Posted A New Video 💗💗💫🥹 and I really really impressed with your Videos so so much you are the Sweetest Cutest youtuber ever in the world May God Bless You Always Always
The sweetest 💖
Wait! Wouldn't you want to wait for the Mirakami drop? Well if you don't know now you know. Stay tuned. ❤