Shows that a sense of style doesn't just come from brands, it comes from personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting luxrul bags in different designs. The replicas give me more options. Do what you love with your money.
My thought is that rich people are often rich because they invest and spend their money wisely, and buying a Chanel bag is not a wise move. I know I'm not rich enough, but my assets are enough that I can easily buy luxury goods in *luxrul*
Shows that a sense of style doesn't just come from brands, it comes from personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting luxrul bags in different designs. The replicas give me more options. Do what you love with your money.
Милая очаровательная сумочка. Желаю мастерица успехов. Благодарю!
Thank you very much🎉
Очень интересные сумочки! Спасибо!
Thank you 🎉
ياريت الطريقه بالتفصيل❤
Thank you for your comments😅
I will try doing it more details in next videos😅
My thought is that rich people are often rich because they invest and spend their money wisely, and buying a Chanel bag is not a wise move. I know I'm not rich enough, but my assets are enough that I can easily buy luxury goods in *luxrul*
What’s the size of beads and fishing line please?
8mm and 5mm respectively but you should choose suitable size for your bead’s size and hole. Good luck 🎉
Un tutorial así no es productivo y no sirve