Punishment for not giving Zakaat - Dr Zakir Naik

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • Punishment for not giving Zakaat - Dr Zakir Naik
    Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir can you also as a point of reference, what is the punishment for a person who forgoes the obligation of Zakaat?
    Dr. Zakir: The punishment for those people who refuse to pay Zakaat or are neglectful in paying Zakaat and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said, its mentioned in the Hadith of Tabrani that that
    “The person who does not pay Zakaat his wealth will be destroyed”
    and the Prophet said further in a Sahih Hadith of
    Sahih Al Targheeb Vol. no. 1 (Book of Charity) Hadith no. 758 that
    “Those who are neglectful in paying of Zakaat there will be a calamity bought to them.”
    May like famine etc. further our beloved Prophet said in
    Ibn Majaah and Al Haakim that
    “Those who are neglectful, those who refrain from paying Zakaat, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will not send rain on them. if it wouldn’t have been for the animals and cattles that they have, rain wouldn’t have been send on them.”
    And Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Taubah ch. no. 9 verse no. 34 and 35 that
    “Those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) that means do not give Zakaat, announce to them a grievous penalty, the wealth which they hoarded will be put into the fire of hell and with it they’ll be branded on their forehead, on their flank and on their back. And it will be told to them taste the wealth which you hoarded.”
    And our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said its mentioned in a Hadith
    Sahih Bukhari Book of Zakaat Vol. no. 2 Hadith no. 1403 that
    “Those people who do not pay Zakaat on the day of Judgment their wealth which they have hoarded on which they have not paid Zakaat would be made into a snake which is a baldheaded snake, baldheaded male poisonous snake which has marks above the 2 eyes and will be wound on their neck and it would sting at the cheeks and would say that I am your wealth, I am your wealth which you treasured”
    And the Prophet says and repeats the verse of the Qur’an which Allah has reveled in
    Surah Ale Imran ch 3 verse no. 108 that
    “Those who covet the wealth which Allah has given and thinking that it would be good to them and not spend in the way of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), the wealth will be wound around their neck and it will not benefit them.”
    So this is the punishment for a person who does not give Zakaat. Further our beloved Prophet said, it’s mentioned in
    Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 2 in the Book of Zakaat Hadith no. 2161, the beloved Prophet said that
    “Those people who do not give Zakaat on the cattle, these cattle their horns would be broken or would be twisted or will not be with thorns and with their horns they would to their master and some of the cattle would trample beneath the feet and this will continue happening till the full day and one day will be equal to 50,000 years i.e. the Day of Resurrection and then it will be decided whether these people will go hell or heaven.”...
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