• @gogyy_
    @gogyy_ 2 місяці тому +19

    personally I didn’t like AD at first but I’ve been running it ever since when the new patch came out last week, it’s so good and AP lowkey feels weak right now

    • @emranao
      @emranao Місяць тому +1

      Riot hates mages so much… then let’s build AD

  • @takitaco7994
    @takitaco7994 Місяць тому +2

    that deamn song was my favorite to hear in any montage. i've been watching your content for a few years now nyro, and i love seeing your kat plays. thanks bro

  • @SensorJunior
    @SensorJunior Місяць тому

    the nice little melodic dubstep drops are hitting pretty well in the teamfights

  • @nopa6226
    @nopa6226 2 місяці тому +4

    Where do you get your custom skins bro. they are insane!

  • @emranao
    @emranao Місяць тому

    Pls tell me how you use the modskin or whatever it is. Is it possible with Vanguard? If i try it with my non important acc will my important acc be safe?

  • @jamesmanrique4133
    @jamesmanrique4133 2 місяці тому

    Who do you usually ban?

  • @froztygaming4857
    @froztygaming4857 Місяць тому +1

    Runes @ 6:49

  • @deirio808
    @deirio808 Місяць тому

    so u have modskin with vanguard??

  • @Dramox.
    @Dramox. 2 місяці тому +9

    Wtf 50%wr in d2?
    Kat is confirmed D tier. Wtf happened

    • @Nyrolol
      @Nyrolol Місяць тому +2

      season reset, everyone is diamond & just testing every rune & build on that acc

    • @zealzeal5599
      @zealzeal5599 Місяць тому

      bro fell off

    • @LissyStar12
      @LissyStar12 Місяць тому

      that was 2 days after the new split start and he is playing against challengers

  • @neyer6269
    @neyer6269 2 місяці тому

    Im from stream

  • @drkvy6624
    @drkvy6624 2 місяці тому +1

    Ad has better ult and u can also hit some punches while cooldown

  • @voltywolf3240
    @voltywolf3240 2 місяці тому +1

    Is there are reason you‘re pinging Press The Attack all the time? Genuin question

    • @vrhovniumovi8265
      @vrhovniumovi8265 2 місяці тому +5

      Because pta is now helps Katarina to get kills early game easy

    • @Dramox.
      @Dramox. 2 місяці тому +5

      No hes pinging it to highlight the impact it had in the fight, meaning “conq couldnt do near the same dmg”. And that is why you should pick pta

    • @metanol6151
      @metanol6151 Місяць тому +2

      ​@@Dramox. Conq can do almost the same dmg as pta, and heals too, and can be activated with skills, not only autos, so for tf conq is better, pta is better for 1v1

    • @Dramox.
      @Dramox. Місяць тому

      @@metanol6151 pta has changed broski, read the latest patch

  • @unforgiven181
    @unforgiven181 2 місяці тому +1

    it is true.. AP Kat is garbage.. I went into Practice Tool and tested the new items at level 18 one item at a time. Kracken gives the most DPS. Also.. Kracken, Titanic Hydra and Tempest Do a lot of Auto Attack Damage. Like I beat the FUCK out of a Cho'gath with autos. He thought he could get me easy after my Combo. I just beat the shit out of him. Going AD with Titanic your More Tanky you do A LOT more damage with auto and your more helpful taking Towers and Dragon etc.

  • @Nyrolol
    @Nyrolol 2 місяці тому +1 NOW LIVE

  • @RadicaLxIce
    @RadicaLxIce Місяць тому

    tried ur PTA build and its dogshit just go conq

  • @nelaneunistivi1236
    @nelaneunistivi1236 2 місяці тому +1

    Idk why everyone forces AD on kat,
    it is not good.
    it will never be good.
    With ad u have to be in the fight constantly and auto attack which gives opponents window to CC u and kill u
    Ur daggers dont do dmg and u can jump in and die bcs u do no dmg until u start auto attacking which makes no sense for kat at all
    However with AP kat u can do shit tons of dmg just by jumping in and picking up 1 dagger
    And u finish them off once they start running in panick from the damage
    U can pump like 5k dmg in 2 seconds on AP kat, with 1 ability rotation.
    Dont play AD kat pls, it works maybe in low elo, but in high elo u will get fucked in the face.

    • @MidDetonados
      @MidDetonados 2 місяці тому +6

      lol ad kat is so strong what are u talking buddy

    • @jazzyjoker9084
      @jazzyjoker9084 2 місяці тому +6

      burst is less but literally every other part of the play-style is better. you probably play AD kat the exact why you play AP

    • @cloverezg4925
      @cloverezg4925 2 місяці тому +1

      this just shows how bad of a player you are lol

    • @chuvarir1046
      @chuvarir1046 2 місяці тому +1

      Unironically this comment screams that your high elo is emerald at best. In low elo, AP actually works better because opponents disrespect daggers more often, fights and picks are more likely to happen, which ap kat's aoe and cleanup is better suited for versus AD (before patch 14.10), and your damage is less relient on your movement weaving in and out of a fight and more-so a one-track mind of Jump In - Get Quick Reset - Jump Next - Quick Reset - Pray I Don't Get CC'd Before I 1 shot - Jump Next - Quick Reset. It's very straightforward to play and this playstyle is very difficult in ACTUAL high elo because it is so easily punished. A champion that can blink to only actual entities, not dash specific directions. No CC or slows in kit. Reliant on a circle aoe damage to one shot someone and if they don't hit that, they lose 1/2-2/3 of their damage? Easy as hell.
      Now if you try the same fights in low elo with bork > kraken > term/wits/titanic flex and any other possible options 5th/6th item (GA even is useful with this build, so imagine having time to get your cds back without getting a reset for it that is longer than zhonyas), you're going to have a little bit of trouble solely because you do have to consistently weave your auto attacks into every single part of your combos. AP kat doesn't require the skill mechanic for low-mid elo as much as it does in high elo, but AD kat requires this for all elos because it's integral to maximizing her DPS. So if you think you aren't doing damage on her, aren't STILL one shotting people after you get your 2nd item versus squishies, then you're actually getting skill diffed because AD one shots, it shreds, it helps you last longer in fights (bork lifesteal procs on ult, titanic, term, and wits all help you be more tanky while giving you more damage stats), and it's actually flexible as well as harder to counter per enemy champion abilities (think yasuo windwall, braum shield, samira w, etc). Play this build in high elo and moments where you are no longer useful in a fight (i.e. didn't get the reset because they avoided your dagger and cc'd your e engage and now you have to zhonyas (which in and of itself is a damage limiting item to build)), you can actually take 1-2 more instances of cc and still have weaved in enough damage OR lasted long enough to get a reset that let's you start healing back up while still shredding just as fast if not faster than the AP build would at this point. Not to mention the ad build is just... better early game in every aspect of the word better. Not a single portion of AP outdoes AD in laning phase.
      If this helped you, thank god. If it didn't, find god 💀

    • @gogyy_
      @gogyy_ 2 місяці тому +1

      when you go AD, you should be putting some points in your E before your Q, it will massively change your damage early game before level 6