Pastor Visits A Catholic Church For The Very First Time!

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,9 тис.

  • @JonathanDavidDummar
    @JonathanDavidDummar 2 місяці тому +1785

    Keep asking the good questions and stay rooted in prayer. So refreshing to hear a Protestant speak with love towards Catholics. May the Spirit continue to lead you toward all truth brother.

    • @notaboutdavid
      @notaboutdavid  2 місяці тому +135

      God bless you brother. I appreciate your kind words.

    • @marymargarette4289
      @marymargarette4289 2 місяці тому +4

      ​But CHRIST does not build difference denominations.
      But now there are thousand of denominations build by men with their own authority, THEY HATE, REJECT AND PROTEST AGAINST CHRIST'S CHURCH.
      Mathew 10:22 - Jesus told to His 12 Apostles "and you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved".
      Mathew 12:30 - Jesus said "he who is not with Me is against Me and he who does not gather with Me scatters".
      Luke 9:1-2 - Jesus called His 12 Apostles together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and He sentvthem out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal.
      Luke 9:5 - Jesus told to His 12 Apostles "and wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them".
      Luke 10:16 - Jesus told to His 12 Apostles "he who hears you hears Me and he who rejects you rejects Me and he who rejects Me rejects HIM who sent Me".
      Luke 10:19 - Jesus said to His 12 Apostles "behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you".
      Luke 10:21- JESUS REJOICED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT and said "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will".
      Luke 22:31-32 - Jesus prayed for our Church which He build only one church through His Apostle Simon Peter "Simon, Simon, behold, satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail and when you have turned again strengthen you brethren".
      John 5:44 - Jesus said "how can you believe, who receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only GOD?".
      John 6:51 - Jesus said "I am the living bread which came down from heaven, if any one eats of this bread he will live forever and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is MY FLESH".
      John 7:18 - Jesus said "he who on his own authority seek his own glory, but he who seeks the glory of HIM who sent Him is true and in Him there is no falsehood".
      John 10:9-10-11 - Jesus said "I am the door, if any one enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good Shepherd. THE GOOD SHEPHERD LAYS DOWN HIS LIFE FOR THE SHEEP".
      John 10:25-26 - Jesus answered "I told you and you do not believe. The WORKS that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness to Me; but you do not believe because you do not belong to MY SHEEP".
      John 21:15 - Jesus said to Simon Peter "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Jesus "YES LORD, you know that I love you" Jesus said to him "FEED MY LAMBS".

    • @ilonkastille2993
      @ilonkastille2993 2 місяці тому +20

      Thank you .

    • @ilonkastille2993
      @ilonkastille2993 2 місяці тому +80

      The 3 transcendentals from God according to the Catholic Church: Beauty, Truth and Goodness.

    • @apostolicapologetics4829
      @apostolicapologetics4829 2 місяці тому +68

      @@notaboutdavid As a catholic I enjoyed your insight. I think it is important to reflect on John 17 and the importance of unity. I think our Lord calls all Christians to unity in Creed (What we believe), Liturgy (How we are to worship), and Church (What is the church and how is it to be governed). You are asking a lot of thought provoking questions. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you on your journey of faith. Are you familiar with catholic answers, called to communion, or the journey home?

  • @Jerome616
    @Jerome616 2 місяці тому +2361

    If you are emotional thinking about sitting at the feet of Jesus… Just wait till you understand the Eucharist.

    • @Jerome616
      @Jerome616 2 місяці тому +110

      I love your heart, and that you are actively building the kingdom by training pastors. As a Catholic, please don’t take our desire for unity the wrong way and think we look down on you. In some ways, you are closer to Christ than many Catholics I know, but one thing we must always despise is the division wrought by the Protestant reformation. We are still sore about it you might say. 😅

    • @juan-patriciahidalgo2812
      @juan-patriciahidalgo2812 2 місяці тому +133

      Yes! The Eucharist is the greatest gift Jesus left us…Himself!!

    • @rafaelposada2399
      @rafaelposada2399 2 місяці тому +90

      The Lamb's Supper, from Scott Hahn.

    • @glennherron9499
      @glennherron9499 2 місяці тому

      ​@Jerome616 The division of the Protestant reformation? Do you not know the history of the Catholic church? They either murdered or destroyed any Christians who rose up to challenge them over their teachings that had no scriptural support. When Luther was to split he knew this history and sought help from the princes of Germany to protect him from being killed by the Catholic Church. The number or people, men of God, that were slaughtered by the Catholic Church has no end.

    • @glennherron9499
      @glennherron9499 2 місяці тому +8

      ​@@rafaelposada2399Dr Hahn, in his attempt to explain away the siblings of Jesus said that since Mark didn't mention Joseph's name in 6:3 we can safely assume that these brothers were relatives. Dr Hahn didn't tell you that Mark never mentioned Joseph's name. He only mentioned Mary's name this one time. After the period of Jesus's birth and childhood Mary is only mentioned by name three times in the whole New Testament. Matthew 13, Mark 6, and Acts 1. In these three mentions we are told she had other children. Luke showed us he knew the difference between a relative and a sibling. He said Elizabeth was Mary's relative and the brothers of Jesus were His brothers.
      John, caretaker of Mary after the cross never saw anything special about her to write about, he never mentioned her name
      Paul wrote almost half of the New Testament and never mentioned her name
      Peter ignored her existence in his writings. He never said she remained a Virgin her whole life, was sinless, co-redeemer with Jesus. He never said she was the mother of God, Himself! Never said she was the new ark, the queen of heaven! He never said a single Hail Mary!

  • @papitoenza2675
    @papitoenza2675 2 місяці тому +426

    It is rare to see a protestant speaking good about us Catholics. Thanks Pastor. I am Father Papito, Nairobi Kenya

    • @hannahr77
      @hannahr77 2 місяці тому +7

      my stand is like this as long as we love and worship JESUS we are sisters and brothers in CHRIST

    • @anne-marielouiserey4244
      @anne-marielouiserey4244 2 місяці тому +9

      Hello Father
      Greetings to you😊

    • @papitoenza2675
      @papitoenza2675 2 місяці тому +7

      @@anne-marielouiserey4244 Hello, how are you? Thanks for saying: Hello, I appreciate it. May all of us be One as Jesus wished and prayed. John 17:21

    • @anne-marielouiserey4244
      @anne-marielouiserey4244 2 місяці тому +3

      @@papitoenza2675 you are welcome. I am well thank you.
      Amen to that.🙏

    • @lcsoto2012
      @lcsoto2012 2 місяці тому +2

      Hell, Father. Thank you for spreading Jesus. 🙏

  • @Damian-h7h
    @Damian-h7h 2 місяці тому +613

    Beloved pastor, I am a catholic priest and was truly moved by your comments. I am a missionary in Tanzania and grateful for the thirst there is for Jesus in this land. I would like to thank you for your courage in sharing your experience in the cathedral. It helps me appreciate the richness with which I am surrounded every day. May the Holy Spirit keep working the wonders He is accomplishing in you. I am truly grateful for your sincerity. May the Holy Cross be your consolation. With the power invested in me I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

  • @JohnBoyX570
    @JohnBoyX570 2 місяці тому +708

    I tried to be everything BUT Catholic. Attended Baptist, Calvinist, Methodist, Calvary (Evangelical), Vineyard.... Even tried getting into 7th day Adventist... Then one day I walked into a Catholic church and heard the childrens choir singing the Psalms and something opened up in me. Came home shortly after and my wife followed a couple years later.

  • @ShanniLovesJesusMaryJoseph
    @ShanniLovesJesusMaryJoseph 2 місяці тому +2492

    Last year, when I went to my Catholic Church to check it for myself, I left ANGRY. I knew I had been LIED to, fooled AND ROBBED. I came home to Holy Mother Church Easter Vigil 2024. Glory to God!

    • @patrickrico3418
      @patrickrico3418 2 місяці тому +87

      Glory to God!!!

    • @Anne-MarieDonaldson
      @Anne-MarieDonaldson 2 місяці тому +102

      @ShanniLovesJesusMaryJoseph God bless you. I'm a returned lamb as well. It's so true that He knows us by our names, and we know His voice.

    • @sharondavidson7412
      @sharondavidson7412 2 місяці тому +97

      This made me cry. Welcome home.

    • @catholicfair433
      @catholicfair433 2 місяці тому +68

      Welcome Home! The truth shall set you free.

    • @deborahsheldon9951
      @deborahsheldon9951 2 місяці тому +75

      God is calling his sheep home, your experience isn't unique. God Bless You.

  • @bennyv4444
    @bennyv4444 2 місяці тому +188

    I was raised Atheist, the Holy Spirit came for me and my wife at 23, prayer and study lead us quickly to the Catholic Church, and I am so happy to be here.

  • @petermolloy992
    @petermolloy992 2 місяці тому +819

    What is so beautiful about the Catholic Church is, you go anywhere in the world and attend Mass. you might not understand the language, but you understand every minute of the Mass.

    • @kathynix6552
      @kathynix6552 2 місяці тому +39

      Truly universal

    • @EB-dm9fw
      @EB-dm9fw 2 місяці тому +22

      Absolutely true. Universal

    • @rachelpie1621
      @rachelpie1621 2 місяці тому +36

      @petermolloy992 it's one of my favorite parts! I've been to mass in Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Canada, and the US. I may not have understood exactly what was said but it always feels like home. Catholic mass transcends time and space. It truly is universal and one in Christ.

    • @iskuter
      @iskuter 2 місяці тому +21

      I remember going to Poland, it was sunday and there was no english service, the family just attended the next one, it was in the local language but we could follow and somewhat understand because it was following the same way

    • @narminagasimova1952
      @narminagasimova1952 2 місяці тому +10

      You are right.

  • @jeannemoomaw-ez1xc
    @jeannemoomaw-ez1xc 2 місяці тому +1074

    As a lifelong Protestant, I was confirmed in the Catholic Church in 2018 and have never regretted it for a moment. As we enter the sanctuary several minutes before mass, there is a holy silence. No one is talking. Everyone is praying, meditating, and adoring the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @padraicbrown6718
      @padraicbrown6718 2 місяці тому +28

      Beautifully said! And welcome home!

    • @riferoad
      @riferoad 2 місяці тому

      The IHM TREE of life project A visual history of the Catholic Church from creation to present in the shape of a church . Plus the relationship of protestant churches as Christian brother and sisters in Christ.

    • @carolynsanders3185
      @carolynsanders3185 2 місяці тому +16

      Your statement is beautiful and so true; that is what I love about the Catholic Church, you can feel the love of Jesus. It’s a very special feeling.

    • @alhilford2345
      @alhilford2345 2 місяці тому +24

      Why did God command that sculptures must adorn the Arc of the Covenant?

    • @inezrosario226
      @inezrosario226 2 місяці тому +32

      ​​​@@johnjeffreys6440 "Thou shalt not have false gods before me". False gods are any representation of idols not representing the true Judeo/Christian faith. Having a sculptural representation of God, Jesus, or his disciples (and canonized saints in catholicism) is not worshipping those statues, not any more than having a poster of your favorite celebrity on a wall, or a Statue of Liberty on a desk is considered devil worship. A statue of Christ is not a false God. It is a visual representation. Nothing more. Catholics don't worship statues. Never did. We use them as a pathway. Statues are not our destination.

  • @priscillacourville793
    @priscillacourville793 2 місяці тому +90

    Was raised going to all churches even though my mom was Catholic. My home landed at the Salvation Army Church. But the first time as a teenager I walked into and attended a Catholic Mass I struck by awe. I could feel the reverence for Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit Spirit. My step dad brought us every Sunday. I made the decision to become Catholic and never have looked back. We get much hate from other religions but our church welcomes others to come worship with us. Not once have I ever heard our church critize other religions.

    • @TT1972-b4r
      @TT1972-b4r Місяць тому +3

      They don't understand our faith, we don't waste our precious time in arguments. We pray for those who love us less. One day they'll understand

  • @mrsandmom5947
    @mrsandmom5947 2 місяці тому +1194

    I literally fell to my knees when I walked into this beautiful old Catholic Church. The Holy Spirit hit me and I cried like a baby. I am now catholic and could not be happier.

    • @felizamarro1508
      @felizamarro1508 2 місяці тому +60

      Something similar happened to me. I was full into the new age ideas and suddenly, after a particular dream, I just wanted to be at Church in the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Never thought about it before. Now I am going again, five sundays in a row. We need Him, and He is there. ❤

    • @maurarenouf3616
      @maurarenouf3616 2 місяці тому +18

      Yes, Jesus is there!!!!

    • @Berlinquilla
      @Berlinquilla 2 місяці тому +16

      Welcome home! 🙏

    • @gregchrysostom2193
      @gregchrysostom2193 2 місяці тому +7

      Welcome Rome! :)

    • @Tony-so1zl
      @Tony-so1zl 2 місяці тому +9

      Welcome home, friend

  • @kaylancor
    @kaylancor 2 місяці тому +452

    The word Catholic means universal. And the Mass is celebrated the same all over the world. Peace of Christ!

    • @WilliamMcAdams
      @WilliamMcAdams 2 місяці тому +4

      *yes, and no.
      There are different *rites* of Mass.
      Eastern Mass will look very different from Western Mass.
      *But* it is all Mass, if validly celebrated.
      Just a small distinction for truthseekers in the comments.
      Look into different Mass Rites. It's all Mass, but different Rites have different cultural heritage.

    • @JoeLandrigan
      @JoeLandrigan 2 місяці тому +2

      The word 'mass' actually comes from the 'dismissal' prayer.

    • @enderwiggen3638
      @enderwiggen3638 2 місяці тому +2

      @@WilliamMcAdamsthey are referring to the weekly liturgical readings and psalms with the Eucharist as the focal point

    • @WilliamMcAdams
      @WilliamMcAdams 2 місяці тому

      @@enderwiggen3638 Certainly, the continuity in this is beautiful.
      But, unlearned passersby have a tendency to think of "the Mass" in terms they understand; usually in terms related to their own religious practices.
      I think it's an important distinction that "the Mass is the same, everywhere, but the celebration of the Mass varies by rite."
      Without making this distinction, I've had Protestants try to argue with me that Catholicism is "denominational too!"

    • @albertaowusu3536
      @albertaowusu3536 Місяць тому +1

      Catholic in it's theology as well as it is the fullness faith❤ 💒

  • @DarkSydeSean1
    @DarkSydeSean1 2 місяці тому +60

    I converted to Catholicism a couple years ago and I'm so glad I did.

  • @wadestewart5504
    @wadestewart5504 2 місяці тому +583

    Jesus is right there in the Eucharist of the Mass. In every Catholic church the world over.

    • @pspears4741
      @pspears4741 2 місяці тому +6


    • @pspears4741
      @pspears4741 2 місяці тому +5

      @getrit3007 is ignorance bliss?

    • @pspears4741
      @pspears4741 2 місяці тому


    • @Michael-gx6mi
      @Michael-gx6mi 2 місяці тому +14

      ​@getrit3007Can you imagine plainly ignoring the words of Jesus, can you imagine clearly ignoring the old testament typology that foreshadowed the eucharist, can you imagine ingoring the weitht of christian history in as much that before the reformation all Christians held to the presence of Christ in the Eucharist

    • @wadestewart5504
      @wadestewart5504 2 місяці тому +11

      @getrit3007 He said so himself. And for 1990 years now it's been the Christian foundation. "This is my body, do this in memory of me." We Catholics are just doing what he said to do. Especially in the 40 days after his resurrection when over 500 people saw him. What do you think he just suntaned for 40 days? No he with his deciples built his church structure and liturgy.

  • @MikeyAGoGo101
    @MikeyAGoGo101 2 місяці тому +639

    Catholic here, we don't pray to the alter, we give it reverence if that's where the sacrifice is done. But every statue is just a reminder of our past and what Jesus did for us, we only worship the Eucharist because it is Jesus.

    • @EB-dm9fw
      @EB-dm9fw 2 місяці тому +29


    • @edolinaoconnor4365
      @edolinaoconnor4365 2 місяці тому +20

      He also asked that that be done in his memory at the last supper; as he took the bread blessed it and said this is my body and so on he did the same with the wine and blessed and said to drink it on his memory too , he said more but time sake.

    • @rocket5557
      @rocket5557 2 місяці тому +29

      Let’s see how long it takes for someone to chime in that we worship idols. 🙄

    • @MikeyAGoGo101
      @MikeyAGoGo101 2 місяці тому +4

      @@rocket5557 😂😂

    • @theresasmith1000
      @theresasmith1000 2 місяці тому +15

      Well said! Born again Catholic here!

  • @ryangoodwin4967
    @ryangoodwin4967 2 місяці тому +57

    I had been burdened by sin for awhile. I grew up Catholic but had stopped going to mass about 9 years ago. Finally last month I had enough of letting sin define who I was. I contacted my local parish priest and did a confession. I also had started reading God’s word earlier this year so it didn’t come out of nowhere. After doing the confession and talking about my life a bit with the priest I felt calmer and more content than I had ever felt before. He had of course invited me to come to Sunday mass the next day and I decided to after years away. After going I started crying, I truly felt like I was home and God had embraced me like a child of his who had come back after time away from him. I decided then that I wanted to get confirmed and will start RCIA next month. I’m so glad hearing your story as well, praise God for this journey, he is amazing and you will never regret giving yourself to him.

  • @berniekanowsky4759
    @berniekanowsky4759 2 місяці тому +745

    I was born and baptized Catholic, stopped practicing and attended different denominations and found each preached differently, focused on different things but had in common bible study, prayer and song but each preached a unique set of of these 3.
    I returned to my Catholic faith when I realized that every Catholic Church is built to worship and celebrate Christ's birth, death and resurrection in unity, the same readings and prayers in New York Sacramento and Denver. Each Catholic Church was built the live out the greatest miracle revealed in John chapter 6:35-68, the holy Eucharist. There we are transported through time to. The last Supper and Calvary and we receive Him entirely: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
    Please, we need all of you to come home!🙏🙏🙏

    • @attracta2122
      @attracta2122 2 місяці тому +26

      Absolutely. Totally agree..

    • @jeannefernando4937
      @jeannefernando4937 2 місяці тому +22

      You nailed it, brother.

    • @manub.3847
      @manub.3847 2 місяці тому +41

      Hey, not only in the American dioceses, but in every Catholic church worldwide, the same liturgical order is observed and even if you don't speak the language of a country, you can follow the Holy Mass and recite the appropriate prayers (even in your native language) and responses. :)

    • @ElizabethBattle
      @ElizabethBattle 2 місяці тому +43

      My family felt the call home. We were Lutheran, then attended a charismatic "nondenominational " church for several years (I put that in quotes because there really is no such thing). Now we are going to become Catholic. We start OCIA classes this fall. My husband and I find ourselves tearing up every Mass. And we haven't even joined yet!

    • @marciadurbin9036
      @marciadurbin9036 2 місяці тому +6


  • @michelleheltz6116
    @michelleheltz6116 2 місяці тому +628

    Grew up Catholic, was evangelical for a while. Now back Catholic and will never leave again! Being Catholic is beautiful! Also, in design class we learned that the cathedrals were specifically built to bring one closer to God. Beauty brings us closer to God.

    • @caryntalty4014
      @caryntalty4014 2 місяці тому +37

      Yes! Former Evangelical here, now Catholic- the architecture of Catholic Churches has theological meaning. I can’t remember all of it… Cathedrals are in shape of Cross. The Baptismal font was traditionally in the vestibule. The altar where the sacrifice is made is the Heart of Christ on the Cross (where his side was pierced). Every Altar contains the bones of a martyr because Mass in the first century was held on the graves of the saints. The Tabernacle holds the Body of Christ and it represents the Jewish Temple in miniature even down to the veil town in two. The Eucharist is veiled.
      The Mass is where heaven comes down to earth and angels and saints worship God with us at the crucifixion, mystically, because God is beyond space and time. Jesus offers his Body and Blood to feed us and absolve us of venial sin. We then go forth to proclaim the Gospel when we are blessed at the end of Mass. This is the way the Church worshipped according to the Didache. Thank you for your thoughtful and kind review. May God bless you abundantly! I too was Pentecostal for a time. God is good! God desires our hearts, and he knows what we need.

    • @michelleheltz6116
      @michelleheltz6116 2 місяці тому +10

      @@caryntalty4014 wow! Thank you! Love it!

    • @moonlightkharkamni7298
      @moonlightkharkamni7298 2 місяці тому +5

      Me to❤🙏🙏

    • @Noah_726
      @Noah_726 2 місяці тому +18

      There's a guy here on UA-cam by the name of Jimmy Akin that I think you should consider reaching out to. He's the senior apologist for the Catholic Answers organization and is one of the most knowledgeable guys out there regarding our faith and questions about it. You'd think he'd be too busy but I promise you, he'll always respond and might even be willing to do a colab!

    • @mercedesaschenbrenner9352
      @mercedesaschenbrenner9352 2 місяці тому +8

      @@caryntalty4014 welcome Home! You should put your amazing comment in the main section also. God bless you.

  • @norakettles4344
    @norakettles4344 2 місяці тому +28

    To me the best thing about the Catholic Church is that it puts you in your place. It’s never about *you* it’s always about God. Everything draws your attention to God everything from the kneeling, the quiet, the prayer, the choir and organ which are so beautiful… it’s not about preaching to us it’s about us humbling ourselves before God and remembering his majesty and Grace always. Every mass is a re-presentation of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and every mass reminds us of the glory of the world to come. Since Satans primary sin is pride, I love my church which offers me the opportunity every day to worship humbly on my knees and honor him with Joyful Loving Sacrifice.

    • @greenshp
      @greenshp 2 місяці тому +1

      Nora I love your comment! I was raised Protestant, converted to Catholic at 30. One huge difference between the two is the enormous emphasis that Catholicism places upon being humble before God, and in your daily actions. To me, it is one of the most beautfiul teachings of the Catholic faith, because as you state it is the opposite of pride - which is arguably the most destructive of human vices.

    • @Yeshuaismygod7
      @Yeshuaismygod7 Місяць тому

      Wow. That was beautiful. The Church Jesus founded on Peter and the Apostles is God-centered, not man-centered

  • @jacoblaan3707
    @jacoblaan3707 2 місяці тому +678

    As a Catholic, thank you for your comments!

    • @11antun
      @11antun 2 місяці тому +24

      It is so refreshing for us catholics to hear the experience of others when they see our Cathedrals❤. Thankful

    • @Catholiclady3
      @Catholiclady3 2 місяці тому +20

      @11antun So true! The world hates us just as predicted, but it does get exhausting. It's refreshing to have someone see us without all the animosity

    • @ericbettinger6597
      @ericbettinger6597 2 місяці тому +5

      You were in the sanctuary. That’s a fairly typical term for most churches. One thing that you need to realize is that it wasn’t a circle that you were in. The altar was at the center of the cross because that was the shape of the building. The building is the shape of a cross, and the altar was placed in the center where the two boards come together and that is where Christ’s head would’ve been on the cross.

    • @susanbishop6779
      @susanbishop6779 2 місяці тому +8

      I really appreciate how he treated Catholic Church with respect and openness.

    • @vaderladyl
      @vaderladyl 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Catholiclady3 try being from other alternative religions like Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. They get a lot of unjustified criticism as well.

  • @heliogomez8830
    @heliogomez8830 2 місяці тому +360

    Dear brother, I am a Catholic Deacon. and It gives me great joy to see and hear how much you were moved by the Holy Spirit through sacred art. You are more enthusiastic explaining these things than some Catholics. I pray that you will keep searching our Catholic faith. Great treasures you will find.
    I love you too brother!

    • @riferoad
      @riferoad 2 місяці тому

      The IHM TREE of life project A visual history of the Catholic Church from creation to present in the shape of a church . Plus the relationship of protestant churches as Christian brother and sisters in Christ.

  • @stephanieramos8401
    @stephanieramos8401 2 місяці тому +32

    I used to be a non-denomination christian. Prior to that I was pentecostal and a Jehovah Witness. I converted to Catholicism back in 2018 and it was the best decision I have ever made. The one true church is the Catholic Church!

  • @kathyb1181
    @kathyb1181 2 місяці тому +482

    I was raised and baptized in the Baptist Church, spent teenage years in Evangelical Churches, and then married a lapsed Catholic. We didn't go to church at all until we had our first child, and God gave us the desire to return to church and raise our son in a Christian home. We didn't know where to go, and we visited many different denominations but it wasn't until my first visit to a Catholic church that I actually wept during the Mass and felt 'home' for the first time. It spoke to my soul. When you know, you know, and I've never looked back and love the Catholic faith so very much and have a beautiful devotion to our Blessed Mother who always points us to her Son. God Bless and I hope you continue to keep your heart open to where God may guide you.

    • @theresamc4578
      @theresamc4578 2 місяці тому +23

      You experienced the adoration of God available in Catholic and Orthodox churches which is very different than the praise of God which is found in Protestant churches. It reaches a depth that is, possibly, only available with the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

    • @johnsposato5632
      @johnsposato5632 2 місяці тому +29

      I love reading the words of converts who speak their passion for the riches that cradle Catholics like myself grew up with and sometimes take for granted. We can be like the spoiled kids of rich families who just take and use the family wealth with little appreciation or gratitude. How much more serious a thing when we fail to recognize and appreciate the spiritual riches that we're passed on to us in our precious Catholic faith.
      Thank you for your beautiful words.

    • @pamelaroth3497
      @pamelaroth3497 2 місяці тому +10

      The Roman Catholic liturgy is based on the Book of Revelation The Wedding Feast of the Lamb

    • @bethdulin5382
      @bethdulin5382 2 місяці тому +5

      Beautiful comment! Blessings 😊

    • @johnjeffreys6440
      @johnjeffreys6440 2 місяці тому

      God was against sculptures of living beings. He felt mocked by these things. So, why do we think one of Jesus is okay?

  • @ungas024
    @ungas024 2 місяці тому +224

    Everytime this is spoken in a mass "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us", i can't contain myself. 😭😭

    • @JustDee7
      @JustDee7 Місяць тому +1

      Me tooo , I cry every time ❤

    • @margaritarios4338
      @margaritarios4338 Місяць тому +1

      😅 😭⛲💦🌊
      Me too
      His Most Sacred Heart and Expiation! How are we so worthy? Thank You, Jesus 🙏🏻

  • @Sonic2Chronicles
    @Sonic2Chronicles 2 місяці тому +15

    This was beautiful. I love seeing the excitement on your face as you explore a Catholic Church.
    It’s all love, we’re all Christians.

  • @Boyridge
    @Boyridge 2 місяці тому +229

    After 16 years since I answered an altar call at a non denominational church and being “saved” and trying to find a church home ever since, I came home to the true church of Jesus Christ I was baptized into. I was confirmed and received first communion at Easter Vigil after the RCIA process. Best decision of my life. Thank you Jesus, Mother Mary and all the saints through the ages that called me home. My soul is now complete and the searching is over. I found Christ all over again in the Catholic Church in a deeper and more confident way.

  • @petermyyry7407
    @petermyyry7407 Місяць тому +10

    I was raised Anglican. After studying the early Church, I realized that Protestantism or it's off shoots could never contain the fullness of the truth or the fullness of the faith. I spent the next ten years intensely studying The Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy. I was received into the Church about ten years later on Sept 26, 2020 on the Feast of the North American Martyrs. It's very refreshing to hear you speak with love for your Catholic and Orthodox brothers and sisters. God Bless you. I'll send up a Hail Mary for you.

  • @kalahandarablades2325
    @kalahandarablades2325 2 місяці тому +137

    I was brought up with the idea of catholics being next thing to idol worshipers .... started researching church history and am now proud to call myself a catholic now awaiting confirmation. The beauty of the liturgy is undeniable and the holy spirit will speak to those who are willing to listen. Bless you for taking the time to see and hear for yourself

    • @angelahagemeyer698
      @angelahagemeyer698 2 місяці тому +5

      Welcome home

    • @bluecomb5376
      @bluecomb5376 2 місяці тому +3

      Praise God for your journey!

    • @chasingthesky
      @chasingthesky 2 місяці тому +3

      Welcome home! Glory to God 🥰🙏

    • @brandispry576
      @brandispry576 2 місяці тому +3

      What an awesome story! Congratulations on your soon-to-be confirmation ✝️🙏🏻💜

    • @pagejames8754
      @pagejames8754 2 місяці тому +5

      Research into Church history leads so many Protestants to Christ's Catholic Church, praise God!

  • @stevegannaway1787
    @stevegannaway1787 2 місяці тому +252

    When the priest places his hands over the bread and wine, the Holy Spirit comes upon them, and they become the body and blood of Jesus. I'm still in awe after attending Mass every week for 65 years. God bless you.

    • @bonjesuholidays3082
      @bonjesuholidays3082 2 місяці тому +15

      You're so right Steve... I am from India and we had a Eucharistic miracle last Sunday at St Sabestian Church in Kerala where a 9 year old girl received the host and it turned into blood and flesh.

    • @bonjesuholidays3082
      @bonjesuholidays3082 2 місяці тому

    • @leondee918
      @leondee918 2 місяці тому

      ​@@bonjesuholidays3082where can we find this information, please

    • @vinniebasile9404
      @vinniebasile9404 2 місяці тому

      John 6:63 KJV
      “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”
      Christ Himself said he meant it symbolically...

    • @lyndavonkanel8603
      @lyndavonkanel8603 2 місяці тому +1

      @@vinniebasile9404 The verse from Scripture in which he said it is symbolic?

  • @AnnFox-mx3hk
    @AnnFox-mx3hk Місяць тому +4

    A very honest and genuine commentary. Thank you Pastor Narvaez. I am a life long Catholic and one day I was pondering the differences between the Catholic Mass and other Christian Services and in that moment I felt the Holy Spirit convey to me that "At a Christian Service Jesus is the Guest of Honor, but at the Catholic Mass Jesus is the Host." The Catholic Mass is where God meets His people and prepares them to receive Him - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - in the Holy Eucharist. The building, music and liturgy are all evocative of this Truth. God bless you on your faith journey.

  • @filiusvivam4315
    @filiusvivam4315 2 місяці тому +237

    Dude, you are more Catholic than many Catholics that I know. Thank you for your appreciation of a Catholic Church, liturgy and Tradition. I love your passion for Jesus Christ and your charity for other Christians. May God Bless you richly!

  • @HopeForABetterMarriage
    @HopeForABetterMarriage 2 місяці тому +127

    As Catholics we learn that Mass is about worshipping God not about being entertained. I will never forget that having the attitude about "what do I get out of Mass" is the wrong way to approach it. I used to be so critical about the music, homily, reverence etc but thankfully God humbled me. I'm glad you got to attend Mass at such an incredible Cathedral ❤

    • @Minime163
      @Minime163 2 місяці тому +4

      I've been catholic all my life and it's only reasently I learned that you get out of mass what you put in.

    • @CatholicCanadianConservative
      @CatholicCanadianConservative 2 місяці тому +2

      When I came back to the Catholic faith I attended the Latin mass, but I’ve since had to move and attend a Novus Ordo. I won’t lie the lack of reverence and the modern music are a huge distraction for me. Every week for our personal intentions I pray for reverence to come back into the church

    • @andrewnetzel6587
      @andrewnetzel6587 2 місяці тому +4

      I am too young to remember when the traditional Latin mass was everywhere. I grew up with the new mass, less reverence, man centered instead of God centered. I discovered my Catholic roots, began exclusively asisting at the Latin mass, livimg out my faith the same as my ancestors have done for over a thousand years. The troubles in the Catholic Church are due to abandoning thus rich and deeply spiritual heritage. ​@CatholicCanadianConservative

    • @macbride33
      @macbride33 Місяць тому

      Is the celebration of mass and eucharist for the forgiveness of sins? So like, a replacement of yom kippur? We no longer have to be Jewish and attend yom kippur with a Jewish high priest in Jerusalem temple and slaughter lambs for the forgiveness of sins. We get the best sacrifice/worship in any mass any place on the planet? It's now made available to every nation, tribe and tongue?
       If someone rejects the mass, are they not also rejecting the forgiveness that it provides? ‭Matthew 26:27-28 NRSV-CI‬ [27] Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; [28] for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."
      Drink from this cup of my blood for the forgiveness of sins!
      In the Old Covenant Jews would have to bring an animal for sacrifice to the temple priest to shed blood and cover sins. In the New Covenant Jesus is the priest and offering by combining his self as the pascal lamb and the bread and wine of the Melchizedechian order at the Christian altar. So how do we participate in that cup of the blood of the New Covenant ? How do we get it applied to us to cover sin? Just believe thinking about it in our minds? Or John 6 and Last Supper commands

  • @MollyNelson-d9j
    @MollyNelson-d9j Місяць тому +2

    I was scrolling through UA-cam and saw your video. I am a Catholic myself and seeing non-denominational Christians looking at or going to a Catholic mass always brings me joy. The center of the Cathedral is called the sanctuary. The Sanctuary in the part of the church where the altar is located, where the priest stands during Mass, and where the Word of God is proclaimed. My favorite part of the mass is the music, or when we do daily prayer we sing in Gregorian Chant. Love the video if you have any questions I can do my best to answer them. God Bless.

  • @quaintcatholiccottage183
    @quaintcatholiccottage183 2 місяці тому +206

    This is exactly what the church is meant to do. It speaks to all your senses, physical and spiritual. It's meant to draw your soul towards heaven. Everything in the Catholic Church has a purpose, every prayer, every kneel, every candle, the smell the sight the touch the music. It all draws you towards heaven.

    • @helenrabbitt8780
      @helenrabbitt8780 2 місяці тому +6

      I think The Holy Spirit is getting you ready to become a Catholic

    • @omysoulblessthelord4578
      @omysoulblessthelord4578 2 місяці тому +4

      @@helenrabbitt8780 While watching him explain these things, that's exactly what came to mind.

  • @kategualtieri3138
    @kategualtieri3138 2 місяці тому +90

    I love that every second of every day, there is a Catholic mass going on somewhere in the world and each mass is the EXACT same. It makes me feel so safe and comforted.

    • @rafaelposada2399
      @rafaelposada2399 2 місяці тому +6

      True.... Meant to show the holyness of the moment and not the charisma of the preacher...

    • @omysoulblessthelord4578
      @omysoulblessthelord4578 2 місяці тому +6

      That is the fulfillment of Prophet Malachi: See Malachi 1:11 From the rising of the sun to its setting,
      my name is great among the nations;
      Incense offerings are made to my name everywhere,
      and a pure offering;
      For my name is great among the nations,
      says the LORD of hosts.

    • @lisderoa
      @lisderoa Місяць тому +1

      To be true there is one day that there are no Masses. This is Holy Friday. Jesus is dead, the world is silent in mourn. You have a special comunion with consecrated bread from the Mass of Holy Thursday, the Last Supper main conmemoration in the whole year. In the world, probably there are places that are starting the Masses of Holy Saturday when other places are ending the Masses of Holy Thursday.

  • @PaulHill-g7i
    @PaulHill-g7i 2 місяці тому +9

    I'm a devout North Irish Catholic I absolutely love my faith .esp the eucharist ..I found Christ through the apparitions of our blessed lady of medjugorje...May God bless you .And thank you for choosing St Patrick's...our blessed lady we North Irish love honour respect..Christ we worship you till thee end...jon North Ireland

    • @omysoulblessthelord4578
      @omysoulblessthelord4578 2 місяці тому +1

      Many of the missionaries around the world have been Irish. God bless Ireland!

    • @jimreilly917
      @jimreilly917 Місяць тому +1

      My grandparents were all from Ireland. May peace come to the north and unity to all of Ireland. Erin go Bragh. God Bless the United States of America.🇺🇸🦅🇮🇪

  • @slavicsoup7762
    @slavicsoup7762 2 місяці тому +242

    Glad you enjoyed your time at St. Patrick's. As a Catholic, I am happy you are genuinely seeking the truth. I pray the Lord guides you to find the fullness of the truth.

    • @michellecassel1064
      @michellecassel1064 2 місяці тому

      Love this! Thank you for being brave to make this video. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. I am Catholic and go to weekly Mass. However, I enjoy going to other Christian churches when opportunity presents. I would never leave the Catholic church but it has always been a positive experience and will continue to visit on occassion. We have one God. One Savior and we are one body.

  • @brookside109
    @brookside109 2 місяці тому +165

    The feeling of reverence as us Catholics know is because Jesus is present in the Tabernacle. We show our respect and love and worship by trying to be silent in worshiping our Lord. We are taught to be silent in the church.

    • @omysoulblessthelord4578
      @omysoulblessthelord4578 2 місяці тому +1

      The King is at the Tabernacle! Yes, indeed! How could anyone be disrespectful at His house? Even at 64, this Truth always amazes me, and I cannot leave His House without genuflecting and glancing at Him at the Tabernacle. When I go out into the world, I knew that the last thing I saw is HE!

    • @Yeshuaismygod7
      @Yeshuaismygod7 Місяць тому

      The silence is for the Western Catholics. Eastern Catholics sing through the entire liturgy

  • @Kaely17
    @Kaely17 2 місяці тому +9

    Bishop Barron talks a lot about how beauty is often the first thing we encounter in our search for God. Catholic Churchs are a testament to that. As you said, we don't have to worship in a beautiful space, God doesn't need it. But we are physical beings, incarnate, we experience the world through our senses, and so with the architecture, the stained glass, the incredible statues and the artworks, it gives us just a tiny taste of what heaven is like. It's God's house, so we should make it as lovely as we can! I hope you get to see some of the incredible cathedrals in Europe one day! God is good! Praying for you.

  • @ChocolateDrop1960
    @ChocolateDrop1960 2 місяці тому +56

    It led me to tears to hear a Protestant say the words "If you are a Catholic, I love you" WOW!!! I've NEVER heard that from a protestant, NEVER!!! I, so believe, that we (all of us) are Children of God. That's all that matters at the end of the day. THANK YOU for your insights and perspectives. You are a BLESSING from our Heavenly Father to all of us. Dina from OKC..........A faithfilled, practicing Catholic who loves you too!!!!

    • @omysoulblessthelord4578
      @omysoulblessthelord4578 2 місяці тому

      Just learned from listening to Fr Mike Schmitz Catechism in a Year that only those baptized in the Trinitarian Formula (used by all Catholics and some mainline Protestant denominations) are actually the children of God. If anyone reading this wants to be a child of God, get yourself baptized (be born again) in a Church (preferably Catholic because the Catholic Church is founded by Christ Himself, not by Luther or Zwingli or Calvin, etc.)

  • @diannkelley3481
    @diannkelley3481 2 місяці тому +118

    The picture of Jesus reflects Jesus’s divine mercy. I was raised Catholic, left for Methodist then Baptist, and then realized I was not being fed, so I ran back to the Catholic Church. Every time I attend mass, which I am grateful can do daily, before mass begins I like the rest of the faithful kneel to pray. Nearly every time I thank God that He brought me back to the Catholic Church and to mass that day. Fortunately when the Holy Spirit convicts me and I cry, others cannot see the emotions as I wear a chapel veil. Go again to mass and listen to the Spirit’s prompting. God bless.

    • @gloriafjames4945
      @gloriafjames4945 2 місяці тому +5

      This pastor should acquaint himself with writings from people like John Henry Newman and Scott Hahn. Feel the feel and know the know.

    • @veronicafarias5991
      @veronicafarias5991 2 місяці тому +2

      Welcome back sister ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊

    • @veronicafarias5991
      @veronicafarias5991 2 місяці тому +2

      God bless you ❤️ 🙏

    • @laurieschultes9922
      @laurieschultes9922 2 місяці тому +4

      Thank you for your posting. I am the past you. Raised Catholic, then Methodist, and on to non-denominational. I miss the eucharist. The feeling of reverence. I pray I will stop "researching" and just do what I feel called to do.

    • @diannkelley3481
      @diannkelley3481 2 місяці тому +1

      @@laurieschultes9922 You will likely feel at home and at peace when you do. I often thank God when I kneel before mass for getting me there. Best wishes!

  • @ursulalonngiayala9522
    @ursulalonngiayala9522 Місяць тому +2

    I would like to thank you for this refreshing view on our differences, may we walk humbly in mutual respect and love.

  • @lacadapanina
    @lacadapanina 2 місяці тому +74

    It was no coincidence that you were lead to the Catholic Church. I started tearing up when you said you ended up at St. Patrick's. I love how respectful you were during this and explaining everything you saw. Keep looking into the Catholic Church. I get overwhelmed with what God has given us here on earth through Catholicism. May God Bless you always.

  • @marykellerzacks9110
    @marykellerzacks9110 2 місяці тому +47

    Candle was lit by picture of Divine Mercy. “For the sake of His sorrowful passion; have mercy on us and on the whole world “ Praise Jesus now and forever. 💕🙏

  • @paddyjoe68
    @paddyjoe68 Місяць тому +5

    Brother David, I'm a Catholic and I believe it's coming the time when all Christians, whatever the denomination will need to join together and fight together against our common enemy ....May the Lord guide you and save you

  • @michellecooper5753
    @michellecooper5753 2 місяці тому +48

    What a honest, humble, open minded and generous video. I was a Protestant who converted to Catholicism in 2022. Now on our Parish RCIA team and will be working in an Anglican Nursing Home as an pastoral assistant to those elderly residents who are Catholic. Our God does work in mysterious and interesting ways. Becoming Catholic has opened my mind, heart and soul to some amazing experiences, from the sacraments to service. I am so pleased that your visit to St Patrick’s has given you such inspiration, as my local church St Martin de Porres gave me when I first walked into a service there.

  • @rachelpie1621
    @rachelpie1621 2 місяці тому +44

    The reason the congrigation at a Catholic Mass is so diverse is that you can go anywhere in the world and still participate in the same Mass. It may not be in the same language or one you understand but you do. It's one of my favorite parts of being Catholic.

  • @LuisGomez-gd7pp
    @LuisGomez-gd7pp 2 місяці тому +7

    Thank you for attending one of our churches and celebrating the mass.

  • @matthewweston643
    @matthewweston643 2 місяці тому +59

    Raised Mainline Protestant. Found and Saved by Jesus as an adult in a Catholic setting.
    Joy of my life.
    I've come to study and believe all that the Holy Catholic Church teaches.
    Love my Evangelical brothers.
    Et Unum Sint (May they all be One-John 17).

  • @maureendonlevy9913
    @maureendonlevy9913 2 місяці тому +139

    Thank you for your reverence for the Church. As a Catholic, I recommend you look up the Stations of the Cross which are presented during the Easter season. I feel that this is universal to all Christians and is something we need to reflect on, especially during Easter. I appreciated your comments especially at the end. We are all Christians first.

    • @Alexander-fr1kk
      @Alexander-fr1kk 2 місяці тому +23

      I introduced a Southern Baptist pastor friend to the Stations of the Cross and he now does them at Easter.

    • @southbug27
      @southbug27 2 місяці тому +21

      I’m Protestant with a family member who converted to Catholicism. Learning about all these things like Stations of the Cross has made me angry but mostly heartbroken 💔 over all the great traditions that are completely lost to millions of Protestant Christians.

    • @sarahdale9968
      @sarahdale9968 2 місяці тому +16

      ​@@southbug27The Stations of the Cross are one of my favorite traditions. We get to follow Christ through His Passion in the darkest time of the year. Many find it a hard moment and avoid it, but I see it in another light. Because even through all this horrible experience, Christ conquered death itself for us all. Makes me tear up each time

    • @michele-kt
      @michele-kt 2 місяці тому +11

      The Stations of the Cross are in every Catholic Church and can be prayed any time. 🙏❤️

    • @JP2GiannaT
      @JP2GiannaT 2 місяці тому +6

      ​​@@southbug27 reclaim them!! They belong to you too. (Catholic here).

  • @KyleSmith-ru5hq
    @KyleSmith-ru5hq 2 місяці тому +9

    Catholic here, at 14:55 it is referred to as the Altar, typically in most Catholic churches search for the red candle hanging, this is where the tabernacle is and where Christ is present. Many blessings to you and your family!

  • @PetraSant-fb5nf
    @PetraSant-fb5nf 2 місяці тому +65

    Agnostic, doubting Thomas for fifty years, then it all changed when I challenged God to reveal himself. Our Lord revealed himself to me in the most beautiful way. At fifty I was Baptised and Confirmed in the Catholic Church. I also have many friends in the Pentecostal, Baptist Churches and learned so much from these wonderful Christians. Seventy seven years old now and still so grateful for everything that Jesus revealed to me. Greetings to all Christian brothers and sisters from Wales. IESU BENDIGEDIG! (Wonderful Jesus)

  • @Catechuman23
    @Catechuman23 2 місяці тому +38

    November 18, 2022. My young family went to early morning Mass(TLM). First Mass for any of us. As I was buckling in my oldest (3 at the time), she said "that felt familiar". Glory to Jesus Christ! I was confirmed this Easter, all our children have been baptized. Praying for my wife's conversion to be completed.

  • @gleeberger8966
    @gleeberger8966 Місяць тому +2

    God is calling you to the Catholic church. You are feeling the Holiness that is undeniable!

  • @nikolakrcic1021
    @nikolakrcic1021 2 місяці тому +120

    The mass is where heaven and earth meet. It is amazing, i love being catholic. The fullness of the faith is so rich and never-ending in prayer, knowledge, and wisdom.
    Cant wait till you try reconciliation, its very humbling and mysterious.
    P.s. get ready for the haters to come thru in comment section, and say how it is the whore of babylon, and the pope is the antichrist, etc etc etc.

    • @notaboutdavid
      @notaboutdavid  2 місяці тому +49

      @@nikolakrcic1021 I’ve enjoyed my time researching different Christian traditions but I have never done much research on the Catholic tradition besides on certain theological views. Looking forward to learning more in my walk with Jesus.

    • @nikolakrcic1021
      @nikolakrcic1021 2 місяці тому +17

      @notaboutdavid Jesus gave you a special grace to be in tears for your first mass, that was a mystical experience you will never forget. Godbless you brother.
      P.s. you will also run into the cultic Catholics such as sedavacantism, rad trads, etc. Don't fall for none of that garbage, they just hate pope francis and want you to hate him too. I think they forgot as true Christians, we are not allowed to hate anyone.

    • @vanessa.jasmine
      @vanessa.jasmine 2 місяці тому +14

      ​@notaboutdavid if you haven't already, I recommend viewing videos and reading the books of Brant Pitre.

    • @Annabanana727
      @Annabanana727 2 місяці тому +14

      @@nikolakrcic1021 I don't know where you live, but I've been a traditional Catholic all my life, and attend the Mass of the Ages. I question many things Pope Francis has said and some of the people he surrounds himself with. But, we are all sinners and can get confused--even the pope. All Catholics I know love and pray for him, even when we don't agree.
      "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." 2 Thessalonians 2:15

    • @palabraviva5840
      @palabraviva5840 2 місяці тому

      @@notaboutdavidmake sure you do truthful research brother. Just don’t listen to one side. A good honest guy to listen to is Gavin Ortlund.

  • @patriciasutton8655
    @patriciasutton8655 2 місяці тому +67

    Catholic here. Briefly went to Presbyterian until, during Covid, the church had a service on Facebook live and said ‘everyone grab some bread and juice, we’re gonna have Communion.’
    No prayer over the gifts, nothing. Talk about shocked!
    A friend who was part of Session later told me it was okay because it’s just a symbol, not really Jesus.
    Huh? The Bread of Life discourse from John 6 came back to my husband and I. I returned to my cradle faith and he formally joined at Easter Vigil ‘22.
    First time I received the Eucharist after being away so long, left me in tears. I never want to be separated from His Love.

    • @drangeldeguzman68
      @drangeldeguzman68 2 місяці тому +4

      I hope you are going to confession regularly too

    • @patriciasutton8655
      @patriciasutton8655 2 місяці тому +2

      @@drangeldeguzman68oh gosh, absolutely! The healing experience is beyond explanation. How would YOU explain it?

    • @catliath5384
      @catliath5384 Місяць тому +1

      John 6

    • @lyndavonkanel8603
      @lyndavonkanel8603 Місяць тому +1

      I'm shocked just reading your comment! It was so hard going without the Eucharist during Covid. At some point, at our parish, plexi glass was set up in the parking lot so we could receive our Lord through a slot in the bottom. I could just barely contain my tears at being able to, after weeks of waiting, receive Him again.

  • @kreationsbykimber
    @kreationsbykimber 2 місяці тому +23

    I am amazed at the number of people who do not think the catholic church is Christian. I am catholic, which is Latin for universal, who has attended many differert denominations of churches. I prefer the Catholic church, specifically the traditional services aka Traditional Latin Mass. It is the most reverent and soul inspiring service I have ever attended.

    • @kathleenfederl5121
      @kathleenfederl5121 2 місяці тому +2

      That’s always amused me as well.x

    • @Yeshuaismygod7
      @Yeshuaismygod7 Місяць тому

      Let us remember that the mass we attend is not about our preferences, the mass that we attend should only be a mass that was made by Christ to his Apostles

  • @chinitapink8074
    @chinitapink8074 2 місяці тому +98

    Mr. Pastor thank you for inviting us to your church. But as a Cradle Catholic i will decline this invitation because in Catholic Church we are full, we are not hungry and thirsty spiritually, we have different beautiful prayers that is rooted to Christian Tradition. We have many miracles left and right that only God can do. We have the Blessed Mother, we have all the Saints praying for us, and most importantly we have the Body and Blood of Christ present at every Tabernacles of the world.
    Instead i pray for you and many protestant brothers and sisters to open your hearts to our Mother Church, and be a Catholic that your longing will be complete..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

    • @EB-dm9fw
      @EB-dm9fw 2 місяці тому +4

      Amen 🙏🏽

    • @terencelau2808
      @terencelau2808 2 місяці тому +2

      🙏 Amen ❤

    • @themodernperennialist1835
      @themodernperennialist1835 2 місяці тому +2

      I understand the statement but suggest you still attend. Go to Mass of course, but it will give you the experience to better understand them if you have never been.😊

    • @chinitapink8074
      @chinitapink8074 2 місяці тому +3

      @@themodernperennialist1835 If Jesus isn't there why would i? Catholic Church has Masses everyday. :)

    • @themodernperennialist1835
      @themodernperennialist1835 2 місяці тому

      @@chinitapink8074 for the same reason you should do many non-religious things. It’s a large part of culture, especially if you live in America. I have gone to several Non-dom services even though I didn’t worship there. It was an interesting and worthwhile opportunity to learn about an important part of Christianity

  • @lloydbraun6026
    @lloydbraun6026 2 місяці тому +32

    Going to a Latin Mass is the next level. It’s a REAL religious experience. You feel transported

  • @lindad6223
    @lindad6223 Місяць тому +1

    I was reminded this morning that we had the Mass for 350 years before we had the canon of the bible, from the Last Supper. The next mention is when the disciples leaving Jerusalem for Emmaus - they recognized HIM, in the breaking of the bread.
    Your post has been a great preparation as I head for mass soon - and I have to invite you to come back and study, and bask in the glory of the Eucharist.

  • @creatingwithlove
    @creatingwithlove 2 місяці тому +98

    That's exactly what you're doing when you step into a Catholic Mass - you're stepping into the throne room of God, preparing to enter into the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. You're either there as a witness, there to renew your vows, or there to make your vows to Him.

    • @_ready__
      @_ready__ 2 місяці тому

      How do you attain salvation?

    • @cncr2962
      @cncr2962 2 місяці тому +3

      @@_ready__ By living a Christ like life and receiving the sacraments with honor and reverence to Our Lord 🤲🏻♥️
      I feel too many people overcomplicate this. As humans in a fallen world..
      We ALL fall short of the Glory of GOD!
      We repent and give our lives over to him on the daily…

    • @_ready__
      @_ready__ 2 місяці тому

      @@cncr2962 So it’s by works and sacraments? Is that all?

    • @nicolepelletier3515
      @nicolepelletier3515 2 місяці тому +2

      You don’t understand

    • @evangelion1962
      @evangelion1962 2 місяці тому +3

      ​@@_ready__ salvation is by the grace of God. One who believes does as Christ commands in the bible. He is born again through baptism, he repents of sin, he eats the body and blood of Christ. He treats his neighbor as if he were christ and strives to pick up his cross for the glory of God. Faith without works is dead, and no one can work his way to salvation which is palagian heresy.

  • @hannahdavia8791
    @hannahdavia8791 2 місяці тому +86

    When you talked about sitting at the feet of Jesus i thought you were making Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Churches are beautiful exactly because we are in fact sitting at the feet of Jesus. Wonderful video. Thank you brother 🙏

  • @margueritejones4020
    @margueritejones4020 Місяць тому +2

    You attended Mass which is the highest form of prayer. I use to be a non-denominational believer and it was communion that brought me to my Catholic roots.

  • @EB-dm9fw
    @EB-dm9fw 2 місяці тому +76

    One day I was kneeling under a crucifix and praying and I ask Jesus if he loves me as I love him? And he answered me with his crucifix , “ I died for You” Oh boy, I cried out loud. We all need a crucifix in our house to remind us that God loves us and gave his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ ❤

    • @ColdWarPrepper
      @ColdWarPrepper 2 місяці тому +6

      Just back from Mass - 19th Sunday in ordinary time Gospel reading was John 6:41-51 and the homily was - we have a crucifix because it reminds us of love - John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

    • @EB-dm9fw
      @EB-dm9fw 2 місяці тому +2

      @@ColdWarPrepper Yes! Indeed. A reminder of Love.

    • @azultortuga78
      @azultortuga78 Місяць тому


    • @annaclaire2577
      @annaclaire2577 Місяць тому +1

      Yes! I keep one in my home over my front door. I am convinced demons flee from the powerful image of Christ sacrificing himself for His children!

    • @Inkwellvintage
      @Inkwellvintage Місяць тому

      this comment made me tear up, this is absolutely beautiful. He loves you so very much. God bless you!

  • @HardingDVM
    @HardingDVM 2 місяці тому +46

    I am Catholic and I love listening and singing to contemporary Christian artists when I’m not at Mass. However, nothing beats the seriousness, solemn reverence, and tradition of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

  • @marjoriebowen786
    @marjoriebowen786 Місяць тому +7

    I saw this a few days ago and couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was raised Catholic. in my early 20’s I craved a deeper knowledge of God. In my quest I stepped out of the church into the Protestant’s world. For years I enjoyed experiencing the Bible coming alive but felt sad whenever I heard unfair criticism of the Catholic Church. I was also horrified that there was so much reverence given to the pastor’s wife but Mary, the mother of Jesus and the valuable role she plays, was blatantly ignored and almost scandalized. I also missed the peace I felt in the Catholic Church so after long consideration and heartfelt prayers, On my 50th birthday I returned to the Catholic Church. It was the best decision. I must say however my journey was not in vain. I grew a lot spiritually and was truly able to appreciate my Catholic faith. Thanks for your honesty. 18:27

  • @leigh65
    @leigh65 2 місяці тому +69

    Feeling small when looking and the grandness and beauty is very intentional. It is to remind of our smallness compared to God. Yet we are welcome to be in his presence.

    • @notaboutdavid
      @notaboutdavid  2 місяці тому +18

      Amen to that! Great word.

    • @suzannelangdon
      @suzannelangdon 2 місяці тому +6

      It helps us remember that we are called to be like small children before Our Lord 🙏

    • @jwilsonhandmadeknives2760
      @jwilsonhandmadeknives2760 2 місяці тому +2

      @@notaboutdavid Feeling small by comparison is very intentional. It is intrinsic to Catholic faith. Protestantism tends to make it all about "you" and God. It's all about YOUR forgiveness. YOUR relationship to God. YOUR salvation. YOU going to Heaven. And all of that is true, but it's just the beginning. It's so much more than that. The purpose of all of that is so that YOU will then take up the cross and become Christ's voice, his hands, his message to others- to bring His kingdom to others so that His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It's everything that you already believe, but the focus on being small is to remind you that it's not all about YOU. It is God's glory and only through His grace can we be invited to participate in it. That's the Catholic message.
      Praise God and thank you for such a wonderful video.

  • @rosee5841
    @rosee5841 2 місяці тому +34

    Can you now imagine attending a Catholic Mass and actually participating in it ( and not just as a spectator) and be able to take the Holy Eucharist!? 🤯 no words can describe the LOVE, peace and joy that is felt....his presence in and around you....its heaven on earth....its the precious Gem that is found and you wish all can get to know and experience... this is what I hope for all people to come home to Jesus and part take in the Eucharist in one church united. 🙏❤️

  • @okayfine62
    @okayfine62 Місяць тому +1

    Thanks for sharing your experience, St. Patrick’s Cathedral is really beautiful and there’s so much Catholic churches all over the world and you’ll be amazed by the architecture. I’m Catholic and I love visiting different churches and yes it’s not the building but the tradition and people in the church that you share the same faith with is such a wonderful feeling to have. God is good and visiting Him through prayers in His house of worship is a great feeling. God bless you and may the holy spirit be always with you.

  • @adastra123
    @adastra123 2 місяці тому +60

    I am Catholic , and we so love you.
    Your reverence is beautiful.
    You would love the eucharist if you were Catholic.
    But you are a gem to the world as you are.

  • @kisstune
    @kisstune 2 місяці тому +65

    FYI next time that first altar behind the main altar was the Tabernacle. It is where the Eucharist (Consecrated hosts, The body of Christ) is stored. So yes we get to kneel before Christ physically present and just spend time with Him or pray.

  • @Momo-vo3pb
    @Momo-vo3pb 2 місяці тому +6

    The image you felt comfortable with, is the image of Divine Mercy ❤ thank you for your openness to visit your christian brothers. ❤ We love you too, love and union in Christ. Amen!

  • @amaldonado8641
    @amaldonado8641 2 місяці тому +62

    I grew up Catholic, abandone it to be a protestant, and i can tell you i came back because the world suck you on mundane matters. I am completly believe the true church is Catholic faith. As Luisa Picarretta was told by Jesus. All humanity will become Catholic.
    Many people do not understand and are ignorant on Catholicism.
    I have been doing Eucharistic Adoration for 3 years and that has change me. I can feel God is closer to me.
    I can feel his love in everything i do.

    • @peaceandlove544
      @peaceandlove544 2 місяці тому +3

      You are soo blessed

    • @peterj2226
      @peterj2226 2 місяці тому

      Not necessarily supporting the writings of Luisa Picarretta but on this point I agree. The church will go through the final trial of the Great Tribulation, the only Christians who will get through this period are Catholics so Protestants will need to convert sooner or later to Catholicism if they are to resist the delusions of this terrible end time. Then after the Great Tribulation and the return of Christ everybody in heaven and earth will be Catholic Christians. Some Catholic mystics and their students prophesy an Era of Peace where the whole world becomes Catholic prior to the GT but personally I believe that this Era of Peace occurs after the return of Christ and is the 1000 years of peace described in the Book of Revelation. Either way it is Catholic. As the church was Catholic in the beginning and always has been Catholic for 2000 years and always will be Catholic for ever triumphant in heaven. This is because the Catholic church is unchanging obviously as God is unchanging and the church is his church. Whereas Protestantism today bears no resemblance to the Protestantism of the first "reformers" or even of those Protestants 100 years ago. They were scattered during the reformation and even Martin Luther decried how impossible they were to control. They were inventing their novel doctrines even in his day, much to his frustration.
      When Rome was sacked in the 1500's the German Protestants were engaged in the overthrow of Rome by Charles V. Their commanders lost control of them and they raped and pillaged Rome without a pause eventually culminating in the 30 Years War. Since these illustrious beginnings they have continued to divide, schism and scatter on their own accord. Mix an antiChrist in with this rabble and they will scatter even more-so that they no longer have a name on the earth and so they will need to find a flock to join for their own safety, and the only flock barely hanging on will be Catholic flocks. Not wishing ill will upon anyone but urging for one shepherd and one flock, one baptism and one bread. This is the only way to save our souls in the times which are ahead. The Catholic church is like Noah's Ark. They will only be saved who are in the Ark of the Catholic Church. And if this seems harsh then why cannot my protestant friends speak this way of their fellowships? Surely only a true member of a true Church can talk this way about the Church they belong to. If you belong to a fellowship in which you cannot speak in such forthright ways then this in itself should set of an alarm bell, because without this kind of theology, there is no way that you will be able to resist the anti-Christ.

    • @eleanor9004
      @eleanor9004 2 місяці тому +1

      Luisa Piccarreta ❤ Fiat

    • @Yeshuaismygod7
      @Yeshuaismygod7 Місяць тому +1

      Yes please! I would encourage you to find any Eucharistic Adoration chapel and just sit there and quiet silence with the Lord Jesus reading your Bible or journaling or doing homework or whatever. It is enough just to sit in the silence of God's Holy Presence to be transformed by His Love

  • @mariafalcon5397
    @mariafalcon5397 2 місяці тому +31

    When you hear the Gregorian Chants, it’s like hearing the Angels sing in the presence of the throne of God! Absolutely Beautiful!!!🙏🏻 thank you brother for your sharing!

    • @laurawilliams2790
      @laurawilliams2790 2 місяці тому +6

      It is said that satan hates Gregorian chants and that demons flee at the sound of them!

    • @mariafalcon5397
      @mariafalcon5397 2 місяці тому +4

      @@laurawilliams2790 thank you, it’s good to know, even the more reason to listen to the music of the angels! 🙏🏻

    • @omysoulblessthelord4578
      @omysoulblessthelord4578 2 місяці тому +1

      @@laurawilliams2790 Because they are ancient prayers, taken from the Scriptures. The WORD of God is a sharp sword against the demons.

  • @ady14045
    @ady14045 Місяць тому +1

    You seem like a very humble and genuine man. May the LORD bless and grow your channel.

  • @Annabanana727
    @Annabanana727 2 місяці тому +176

    Protestants would be surprised to discover how much of the biblical WORD is read and preached in Catholic pulpits and throughout the Mass

    • @michele-kt
      @michele-kt 2 місяці тому +48

      The entire Mass is biblical from start to finish 🙏

    • @natnat8199
      @natnat8199 2 місяці тому +28

      If you listen during mass every Sunday for 3 years straight, you’ll have heard most of the entire Bible read aloud.

    • @achakhakan4189
      @achakhakan4189 2 місяці тому +11

      @@natnat8199 That's if you attend daily mass, not just Sunday Mass. The bible is quite a large book and you should read through it on your own, in addition to the church readings.

    • @julessamuels4588
      @julessamuels4588 2 місяці тому +2

      @@natnat8199No you won’t, even with the current lectionary you get less than 70%.

    • @notcrazy6288
      @notcrazy6288 2 місяці тому +4

      @@julessamuels4588 That's still 'most'.

  • @MrMcousineau1
    @MrMcousineau1 2 місяці тому +33

    Beautiful! Catholic here. It's interesting that you mentioned that it felt like heaven because that is literally what Catholics believe, that mass is "heaven on earth!" Also, the space up front, which is usually raised and holds the altar, lectern and tabernacle is called the "sanctuary." A great book that describes what is happening at mass is "A Biblical Walk Through The Mass" by Edward Sri. It's a great "why we do what we do." Also, everyone is invited to come to mass at a Catholic Church. You can just sit and be. You can join in with the prayers you know and sing! Please don't receive the Eucharist if you don’t truly believe that it's the body and blood of Jesus, but you are invited to approach the altar and receive a blessing from the priest. God bless you all!

    • @LauraBeeDannon
      @LauraBeeDannon 2 місяці тому +2

      I have that book also.

    • @anetakn6601
      @anetakn6601 2 місяці тому +2

      And confess before receiving Eucharist.

    • @MariaRamirez-h9i
      @MariaRamirez-h9i 2 місяці тому

      Holy communion and all other sacraments are a must😊❤

    • @stellajenkins8423
      @stellajenkins8423 2 місяці тому

      The catholic church is the one and only church institution by Christ.God bless you

    • @AlexejSvirid
      @AlexejSvirid 2 місяці тому

      "So, you're stating that you ain't prostitute, but the faithful wife of anonymous trinity of the Husband? I'm so sorry about that unfortunate misunderstanding, ma'am..."
      The God sees everything then there will be the Judgment.
      Here is Christ's question,
      Mathew 15: 3: "But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?"
      Malachi 2: 1-4: "And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith Jehovah of hosts, then will I send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings; yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Behold, I will rebuke your seed, and will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your feasts; and ye shall be taken away with it. And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant may be with Levi, saith Jehovah of hosts." (ASV)
      A women say "the Husband has no name". Another ones say "the Husband has many names". Some of women "love the Husband in all his manifestations" like: neighbour, taxi driver, coworker, and so forth. Some women in a Husband-fearing way call him "H-D"...
      But, all of those prostitutes say "the Husband is the only". Their prostitution has created another women saying "there is no Husband at all".
      Then they even talk about "trinity of the Husband" and they are not against "the Son taking the Husband's place".
      In the same way religious prostitutes try to hide their disgusting fornication with different gods.
      Furthermore, a correct pronunciation of the Name is unknown now. This is the “loyalty” of traitors!
      Here is the God's word spoken through Moses,
      Deuteronomy 11: 16-17: "Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; And then the LORD's wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that there be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off the good land which the LORD giveth you."
      So, the God says there are other gods, but blind leaders of blind lead people into trap.
      Names of an idols/false gods are well known: Zeus, Rempha/Chiun, Aurora, Baal, Moloch and many others.
      "Jesus" means "Jehovah is salvation". This is the name of Christ real christians are hated for.
      "HalleluJah" means "Praze Jah" (Jehovah).
      Psalm 83: 18: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." (KJV)
      The problem is Devil runs the world. He is liar and murderer. This is the reason why liars feel so good while righteous people are persecuted.
      That's why we've got the Gospel about the God's kingdom. Jehovah would put everything in order. He has anointed the king, Jesus Christ. The dead will be resurected and we'll meet our beloved ones again! :-)

  • @celticwolf80
    @celticwolf80 2 місяці тому +6

    I would love to sit down and have a real discussion with you. I am a born and raised CATHOLIC. I am so tired of always hearing the hateful and/or ignorant opinions a lot of protestants/evangelicals have of Catholicism. It is nice to hear someone like you for once. And if I saw what you was asking about at the front side of the church correctly that was actually the alter. The prayer candles were not an alter but they were there as what you could call prayer requests. Each lit candle is a loved one to be remembered in prayers.

  • @annetteurbanik3001
    @annetteurbanik3001 2 місяці тому +22

    I’m a lifelong Catholic who loves my Catholic tradition but also turns on Protestant TV preachers and listen and pray with them because it’s all about Jesus in the end and what all Christians have in common and we have to build unity on Him. The devil has been successful in tearing us apart but the Holy Spirit is working mightily now to open our eyes and seeking the truth because Jesus is coming back for His church very soon! The fullness of faith is and always has been in the Catholic Church as we can trace its roots back to Jesus and His appointment of Peter as the Rock on whom Jesus built His Church. It’s in the Bible.

  • @ChristRisenLord
    @ChristRisenLord 2 місяці тому +21

    Amazing video!! I am a recent reconvert to the Catholic Church and watching this made my day. Less division, more unity! God bless you!!

    • @rmuller366
      @rmuller366 2 місяці тому


  • @gabigelhausen7877
    @gabigelhausen7877 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for your respect towards the catholic denomination! I‘m a catholic charismatic Christ and love worshiping and modern music. And still learn from other denominations and services! AND I love and truely believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. And I‘m German. We have here the cathedral in Cologne, build in 600(!!!) years and really beautiful finished in 1880! He, he, I‘m proud of it even if I didn‘t have nothing done for it … 🙂

  • @MargaretCutt-um8iq
    @MargaretCutt-um8iq 2 місяці тому +40

    I think something that people don't realize is that when we say the Sanctus, the angels come from heaven and are saying it with us... heaven and earth are one. Amazing.

    • @alisterrebelo9013
      @alisterrebelo9013 2 місяці тому +7

      Holy Holy Holy Lord, God of hosts,
      Heaven and Earth are full of your glory,
      Hosanna in the Highest,
      Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,
      Hosanna in the Highest.
      Isaiah 6:3
      Revelation 4:8
      Matthew 21:9

    • @kathynix6552
      @kathynix6552 2 місяці тому +3

      As portrayed in the short video on UA-cam called The Veil Removed

    • @rebekahgutierrez2554
      @rebekahgutierrez2554 2 місяці тому +2

      Also all of our loved ones in Heaven are present!

    • @alhilford2345
      @alhilford2345 2 місяці тому +2

      The Communion of Saints.
      The Church Militant.
      The Church Suffering.
      The Church Triumphant.
      All there in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass@

  • @michaeloakland4665
    @michaeloakland4665 2 місяці тому +142

    I am a Byzantine Catholic convert... I still love and appreciate contemporary Christian music, but sacred liturgical music is in a category of its own. Worship is about Jesus present in the Eucharist... a real-time participation in the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ. It's not primarily an emotional experience.

    • @maxellton
      @maxellton 2 місяці тому +18

      Often, our Protestant friends conflate worship, prayer, and praise. So when we pray to or praise Mary, they think we are worshipping her. We are not. Worship, prayer, and praise are not the same thing. To pray is to ask, and to praise is to express admiration. You can do that to a person or to God. Only worship is due to God, and worship always involves offering, most of the time, in the form of sacrifice. So that is why the Eucharist is the summit of the mass. Because during this time, we offer the Father the one and eternal sacrifice of His son.

    • @michaeloakland4665
      @michaeloakland4665 2 місяці тому +7

      @@maxellton Well said. You explained with concise and direct words what I was thinking. #GraciousBow

    • @michaeloakland4665
      @michaeloakland4665 2 місяці тому +3

      @lingmingching1 Byzantine Catholic is the best of both. The beauty, reverence, and culture of the Eastern rites but without the sin of schism and Protestant-like anti-papalism. Consider one of the many Eastern Catholic rites. No reason to leave Peter and Jesus because of Judas.

    • @lovelettknight9344
      @lovelettknight9344 2 місяці тому +2

      "...?sacred liturgical music is in a category of its own..."
      I am a convert from the Pentecostal church.
      The liturgical music is true "worship" and true "praise".

    • @meusisto
      @meusisto 2 місяці тому +2

      @@lingmingching1 I'm a Byzantine Catholic too. I wouldn't try to dissuade you from becoming Orthodox, as long as you continue to long and pray for the unity of the churches.
      But I would just like to tell you that these things, like the pride masses, although they cause scandal, are rare. In every Roman Church I enter, the people are always only longing for spirituality. And all former Protestants help to keep it strong, because all converts know the need for doctrine.

  • @michaelrayson2656
    @michaelrayson2656 Місяць тому +1

    You are such a good man , God bless you my brother and hope and and pray that you will come home one day.

  • @carinacorneiro1301
    @carinacorneiro1301 2 місяці тому +55

    With all respect, it is not service, it is Holly Mass!!! Blessings!!

  • @BibleBuddy3K
    @BibleBuddy3K 2 місяці тому +42

    That picture of Jesus in the prayer area where you felt comfortable is called Divine Mercy. The history behind it is 🤯 (in a good way).

    • @539Solomino
      @539Solomino 2 місяці тому +20

      That picture was designed by Christ himself which represents His abundant Mercy. Yes, mind blowing.

    • @omysoulblessthelord4578
      @omysoulblessthelord4578 2 місяці тому +1

      Once he becomes Catholic, he will realize that no one can plumb the depths of the richness of the Catholic Faith. We can all long for eternity to understand and appreciate everything. Thank God there's eternity.

  • @Marebear20321
    @Marebear20321 2 місяці тому +8

    I am catholic ND haven't been to church in 3 years and I miss going ,they closed our church and I felt angry inside , but I truly believe God is calling me back , I'm praying 🙏 I'll be going back very soon ❤keep me and my family in prayers ❤to go back

  • @MartyMcK
    @MartyMcK 2 місяці тому +90

    I’m from Scotland and can say without a doubt that Saint Patrick’s in one of the most famous Cathedrals on the planet. When that was being built millions of Irish Catholics were being ethnically cleansed by the British and Saint Patrick’s is in no small part a totem of their survival and flourishing against genocide.

    • @Annabanana727
      @Annabanana727 2 місяці тому +5

      It is so amazing--obviously not even possible without Divine Assistance--that such a place could be built, at such a time, by impoverished people.

    • @marymoloney5784
      @marymoloney5784 2 місяці тому +5

      Well said. God can bring good from evil and use Irish exiles to save souls even after they had survived genocide

    • @peterj2226
      @peterj2226 2 місяці тому

      @@Annabanana727 Or it could have been built centuries ago by a prosperous and technologically advanced civilisation. Refer to Stew Peters Old World Order documentary.

    • @LauraBeeDannon
      @LauraBeeDannon 2 місяці тому

      ​@@peterj2226people used to study and build things before the internet.

    • @drangeldeguzman68
      @drangeldeguzman68 2 місяці тому

      Whoa I never knew

  • @CarolineOwens-s1h
    @CarolineOwens-s1h 2 місяці тому +23

    I’m Catholic and just visited st Patrick’s and I felt the exact same way. It was breathe taking ! ❤

  • @Espiel78
    @Espiel78 Місяць тому +1

    Amen. Thank you, Dear Brother David from this Catholic. Blessings to all!

  • @albertaowusu3536
    @albertaowusu3536 2 місяці тому +16

    God bless all protestants who are prepared to swallow their pride and admit the truth in God's Holy Church. I am so in awe of you.💒✝️🙏

    • @helenbond8893
      @helenbond8893 2 місяці тому +1

      I became a Catholic but not because the Protestants do not have the truth, or because the Catholics have exclusive access to the truth. No decient Rc priest would condone a person claiming such a thing

  • @IsabellaKathryn
    @IsabellaKathryn 2 місяці тому +42

    It’s funny you talk about the Mass being so traditional because the Mass they said at this cathedral is considered our “modern” mass, the SUPER traditional mass is the traditional Latin mass. They are both valid, just different expressions! I’m glad you had such a great experience, may the Lord bless you! Also I’m a fourteen year old Catholic convert (atheist parents). Could you please pray for them to find the love of Christ.

    • @pop6997
      @pop6997 2 місяці тому +4

      I'll pray for them and for you ❤🙏 I'll have Mass said here in Ireland for you too. God Bless.

    • @laurawilliams2790
      @laurawilliams2790 2 місяці тому +5

      Some things are wrong about the Novus Ordo (the New Order). For example, the Priest faces the congregation. It's not right. In Biblical tradition, the sacrifice is given to G_d in reparation for our sins so the Priest is supposed to face the altar and the tabernacle, not the people. Traditional Catholics want to return to the TLM (Traditional Latin Mass).

    • @peachy_tea33
      @peachy_tea33 2 місяці тому +2

      14-year-old cradle Catholic here and in full agreement. I’ll keep your parents in my prayers.
      If you’re comfortable with sharing, how did you come to Christ? 😊

    • @IsabellaKathryn
      @IsabellaKathryn 2 місяці тому +4

      @@peachy_tea33 I started my conversion at 12 since I had catholic friends 😂. I knew nothing about the church before then. I then started falling in love with studying the church and now I’m a devout Catholic lol

    • @IsabellaKathryn
      @IsabellaKathryn 2 місяці тому +4

      @@laurawilliams2790 I agree. But it’s still valid whether we like it or not 😂. Personally, I prefer the traditional Latin mass.

  • @dennisdolan7250
    @dennisdolan7250 Місяць тому +2

    Good for you, Pastor.
    I’m 72. Gone to Mass in many places every week-sometimes daily Mass and I can tell you one thing:
    I’ve never heard an unkind word from a Catholic pulpit about other Christian’s .
    (Go to Mass at St Paul the Apostle, West 59 th street😎)

  • @HellenicPapist
    @HellenicPapist 2 місяці тому +37

    Your welcome to come into any of our churches as many times as you’d like, brother ✝️

    • @notaboutdavid
      @notaboutdavid  2 місяці тому +12

      @@HellenicPapist Thank you for the warm welcome 🙏

  • @george40nelson4
    @george40nelson4 2 місяці тому +140

    On his death bed, Martin Luther asked for a Catholic priest . That must mean something.

    • @Tony-so1zl
      @Tony-so1zl 2 місяці тому +5


    • @ElizabethBattle
      @ElizabethBattle 2 місяці тому +17

      Yes. People forget that Luther was Catholic! He had no intention of starting a new denomination. He wished to reform the Catholic Church. Not getting in to whether that was a good idea or

    • @magdalenelah8231
      @magdalenelah8231 2 місяці тому +3

      👍🏼fully agree🙏

    • @bondjamesbondsandiego0075
      @bondjamesbondsandiego0075 2 місяці тому +5

      Is that true?

    • @johndaniel6103
      @johndaniel6103 2 місяці тому


  • @chicomacdonald7843
    @chicomacdonald7843 Місяць тому +1

    I am a Catholic. We have such wonders to share. I go to evangelical churches. We have so much ro share.

  • @janicediaz7921
    @janicediaz7921 2 місяці тому +11

    I love our Catholic Church. ♥️ I go every Sunday and every time I go inside I say to myself “ This Church is beautiful “. What I love the most is The Holy Communion. I feel blessed and grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ!!

  • @patricktinley6545
    @patricktinley6545 2 місяці тому +18

    You want to see something awe inspiring? Look up videos of the National Eucharistic Congress and see and hear Catholics worship in a professional football stadium with 50k-60k people. I especially encourage you to watch the Eucharistic Adoration when, in between the music, you could hear a pin drop among the 50k-60k people in Lucas Oil Field in Indianapolis as they adored Christ in the Eucharist and many were brought to tears.

    • @bammsterina
      @bammsterina 2 місяці тому +1

      I was there. Each night at the Adoration it was amazing the reverence of everyone on their knees and yes, the silence of the crowd took my breath away.

  • @marinatex1
    @marinatex1 Місяць тому +1

    I can tell you that you're on your way to Catholicism. I know because your experience was mine, exactly. The first thing I noticed was the reverence. And then I noticed the beauty, and then I started to learn a bit here and there...a couple years later, I am now part of the Catholic Church. The first step you already gave: be open to it. It may take a couple years, but God will bring you home.

  • @ChristinaGallardo-od2gm
    @ChristinaGallardo-od2gm 2 місяці тому +17

    I'm a Catholic. Thank you for sharing your experiences.