Watch his other videos! One video where he pretends to be spying on a woman in a gym without her knowledge. Another with him not wearing a shirt. This video does not even touch on anything.
This is considered "grooming of kids" per my nephew who works with kids. He said the teachers just had a training on this subject of boundaries with students.
Not necessarily, I did my teachers hair back in school. We played with him a lot as well. He was a good teacher and a kind man, kids loved him, and no nothing happened. Not every situation that looks like this is grooming.
@@geraldine6174This the stereotype they place on blk male teachers. I didn't see half this outrage when these whyte woman teachers were all over the news for sexing and having babies with 14yr olds. These palm teachers treat our children like dogs and the blk community shows absolutely no outrage.Yet they got all the outrage over hair. There's a teacher at my daughter school that keeps giving her gifts , clothes, shoes and stuff even after I said stop she doesn't need those things. Would that mean she's grooming my child with gifts? Guess what? The cream puff patty still got her job and ignore me asking her not to give my child gifts. You know what they said ? She's just being nice building relationships with the students,she means no harm. The blk community will forever fall a house divided cannot stand.
Whaaaat??? Ok parents, how much you gone allow him to teach yo daughters? Because if they are willing to be in his hair, he gone test what else he can get them to do, with your permission offcourse. Plez believe it. As a Father, No way in hell would i allow my underage daughters touching any part of a grown man, including his nappy hair. Where are their mothers? These young girls getting way comfortable and too attached to a grown man. And clearly have developed some kind of feelings towards this perv who is gaining their trust. If this fool finds them sexually attractive he will not have self control and its just a matter of time. This is flat out strange. Where is this si called teachers wife? I bet, he aint married. His wife would slap the stupidity out of him. This is a bad feel and look, asking for all kinds of trouble. Your hair is attached to your body by court of law. So why would schools allow juveniles or children touching adults (body parts)? And why is anyone approving of this behavior? Its Pre stages for the worst case scenario. Last, if it was a hot female teacher allowing yong juvenile boys to touch her hair, or unbraid her hair, this would totally red flag. Nope. Not happening because "Unwanted touching" anypart of the body or hair is grounds for sexual assault! Adults allowing children not belonging to them to touch their hair in this type of situation is flat out wrong. Especially at school? WTH??? This is why girls end up pregnant. Parenting is no longer protecting your childrens future. You allow them to be in adult mature situations. Why is this even being Questioned? 🤔
Exactly!!! I looked at his social media posts, and the majority of his videos are with kids and animals! No adults, girlfriends, or male buddies his age... just kids and animals. Things he can control, groom, feel important, and be in authority over!
It's not sexual, but it's intimate. This teacher has more influence on the kids than the parents, which can be dangerous. The "fun" teacher that everyone likes is the one that can get away with the most inappropriate things if they wanted to. No kid is gonna tell on the teacher that everyone likes. Even if he's not grooming them, the kids look up to him, and it would be easy for that to be taken advantage of. why aren't any boys taking his hair down, or why isn't he helping them? Even if it was a woman and boys doing her hair you don't want kids so close to the teacher that the lines are blurred, some students have crushes in teachers and read things the wrong way.
This teacher is young and naive. His actions were immature and unprofessional. His back story about not having enough time is irrelevant and people expressing their individual opinions about how they “feel” it’s ok is also irrelevant. Teachers are held to professional guidelines and he obviously wasn’t clear about these expectations. He needs to be trained and reprimanded; and after he understands his mistake and his professional expectations, he should be able to return to the classroom. This is an unfortunate situation for him. But it’s growing pains.
I AGREE!! It’s completely unprofessional and naive. These young girls are immature, and ALTHOUGH he MAY not look at them that way I’m sure more than one of them are. If it were a woman it would be inappropriate. There are beauty colleges they can go to to receive this preparatory work.
I think this is a great suggestion, too many here are quick to assume the teacher is predatory. He seems like a genuine man, i think he just needs to be trained on how to be more of a teacher than a big brother. If he stays professional, he can care for the kids as much as he wants.
And when you make kids feel that way, especially pre-teens that’s when they start acting out. He’s building a family dynamic in his classroom. I bet he had the most well behaved class in that school. Teachers like this are the ones that are helping to put an end to the school to prison pipeline.
@deonbroomfield93 teacher with that kind of influence over kids are also able to manipulate them if they ever wanted to. And get away with it cause no one believes the likeable teacher would hurt a fly. As parents we never know who is who so it's best to keep the boundaries for everyone. Kids who think they are on the same level, who want to prove they are grown may try to act grown with a teacher like this and lines get crossed. How you think those teachers who get pregnant by students relationships start off? Student crush+teacher friend=??
I think if the principal walked in while this was going on the students and teacher would probably have stopped because deep down I think everyone would feel that it’s inappropriate
These comments are crazy. There is no way in west hell I would be okay with my young teenage daughter playing in a teacher’s hair. Grown man at that. She may think it’s okay, but his grown ass should know better. This is not a cousin or a brother. He was their teacher. I wouldn’t let kids in my classroom do that if I was a teacher. And the first rule of black hair, is to not let more than one person be in your head anyway. I thought we all knew this. I’m not defending this. Social media has messed up people’s brain. Seriously. There is a boundary between teachers and students. On top of that, his grown ass calling teenage girls his “besties”. You best keep your grown ass in your place around my kids. I’m 43 and my “besties are all grown. When I was 21, my “besties” were adults. Kids have a time and a place…and its not in my face.
I had a woman teacher who specifically asked students to massage her scalp and to play in her hair. She would have one girl who most of the boys had a crush on play in her hair. I thought that was strange as a teenager and I still do.
Yet nobody said nothing of the friendship between the old palm man and lil palm lilly being 4yrs old and a strange as old man calling her his best friend. They even had it on the news. All you saw was people saying how wonderful,nice , how sweet it was.Hugs, sitting on his lap. Yet they tell blk people taking hair down is grooming our kids and we should be outrage over hair. Didn't even see this outrage from the blk community when the cream teacher cut of the 5yr old blk girls hair because it was to curly. ATTENTION ALL BLK TEACHERS QUIT AND LEAVE THESE NINJAS CHILDREN TO THEM FOLKS.
I don't know his real intentions, but I personally can't trust a grown man who makes it seem like he's an equal with children ("besties"). Anyone who's been molested or at least watched To Catch a Predator knows that's how grooming can start. You're not fully qualified to teach if you don't understand the firm boundaries that exist between adults and children. That should be common sense 101.
I’ve had teachers numbers and still keep in contact with them to this day. My mom was aware it too. Now calling them “bestie” never happened but, I don’t think there is anything wrong with communicating with the students via text
Professional boundaries are there for a reason . His behaviour was not only unprofessional but also inappropriate. His justification also show lack insight and poor judgement
Yet those teachers that where on the clock hanging blk dolls tied to ropes on the clock still have a job working around the very students the disrespect and display racist behavior around.Where is the blk outrage for that. Where the outrage for the palm teacher who made the 5 yr old blk boy clean shyt out the toilet with his bare hands? She still on the job. So palm people get a pass on mistreating children but y'all in an uproar over hair. Didn't a whyte teacher marry and have 2 babies with a 14 yr old? No outrage. Wonder why?
I agree, but unfortunately, due to his gender, I believe that's why he is being demonized by the public right now. He can try to sue the district for gender discrimination because female teachers are more than likely able to get away with stuff like this, but I think even then his case would unfortunately fall through. It's not easy being a male teacher, yet alone a black male teacher at that.
Nah, it’s 2024, we went thru and continue to go thru the metoo and GROOMING OF YOUNG GIRLS!!!! Be smart and move vigilant. Eff that dude. Lover boy method.
@@wildboy700 Why would a woman let alone one who teaches, ask children/give children permission to do her hair? No woman would do that, and if she did she should also be fired. Just think about that. Then the way he went on social with it, spoke about it like it was a privilege for girls to do his hair. It’s about boundaries. This is exactly how kids get caught up. No one said he did anything but he was the authority and unfortunately that was an abuse of power. It’s ethics. Business acumen. Professionalism. No blurred lines.
To be honest this starts at home the young girls shouldn't be that comfortable taking down a grown man hair he just demonstrated how easy it is to groom these young women
Not necessarily, I did my teachers hair back in school. We played with him a lot as well. He was a good teacher and a kind man, kids loved him, and no nothing happened. Not every situation that looks like this is grooming.
@@geraldine6174 just because nothing happened does not mean that was an ok situation, or that men don't groom young women in situations similar. it is not something that should be encouraged in schools. and where would this be ok in the future? would i sit and do my male boss' hair? would i do this at university? NO NO NO because why? it is inappropriate. why it is ok here is sus.
Being a grown man and being so entrenched with little kids doing tik tok challenges letting them physically touch you calling them besties is a bit strange
Utterly ridiculous! So unprofessional! These new young teachers are insane and so childish! How about cut that mess off and wear a low cut! He needs to grow up
Exactly why students don’t like there teachers don’t listen and fall behind some kids fall into depression easily so I don’t see anything wrong with trying to bond with them 🤦🏽♀️
The lack of self-reflection bugs me. And the fact he says that if a female teacher did it people wouldn't have found it creepy. That's such an incel thing to say...Why create a hypothetical situation with a female teacher when you're being reprimanded for something you did as a male teacher...
Why didn't he ask the male students to take it down? Because he and them would have been creeped out in all kinds of ways at the suggestion of that. Keep that same energy with the female students. This was inappropriate, unprofessional, and very unnecessary. With that said, he seems like a great guy. Just needs to learn boundaries in the workplace.
@ItsGoingDao so...if my wife gets her hir done...she's cheating? It is on such a "intimate level". When I get my and the barber gotta be doing something? Cutting my hair is already so intimate. Wrong. Just because you are getting your hair done does not make it an intimate act.
@@devonalston20 I see your point and respectfully disagree as that is a false equivalency. Barbers and hairstylists are being paid for those services. This is a grown man in a position of authority with young girls and it seems taking braids out takes a lot more time/touching than a razor to the scalp.
If I asked my male son to take down my hair he would be reluctant to do it and probably tell me no, whereas my daughter would jump at the chance. It’s not that it’s weird, it’s just not what boys do.
@higherrealms5309 boys who have hair do. This teacher has taken out his own braids before. Funny he had the students "helping" him, but he wasn't doing any taking down himself. I think he may have enjoyed being serviced a but too much, and he probably recorded it for his collection
We don’t know his heart or true intentions. He may be the nicest most genuine teacher in the world BUT how many parents have been shocked about a person they TRUSTED harming their children. Pastors, other family members and of course teachers and coaches. So to keep boundaries and his job he should not let impressionable young girls play in his hair at school. He is their teacher. It’s also unprofessional, imagine the superintendent walking in and seeing this. Or you at your job playing in your bosses hair… be so for real!
You are speaking facts💯I had a 5th grade female teacher that everybody loved because she was "a good teacher"but she was super creepy and made me so uncomfortable when no other adults were around.she would make me rub her neck and shoulders😶it felt so disgusting because she would literally get pissed off if I didn't want to do it..she would undo the buttons on the back of her dress and tell me to rub her neck and back until she says to stop😢her skin felt so nasty to my little hands because I was only 10 but I knew it was giving her some type of pleasure in a sick way because she would force me to do it when no other adults was around..she got away with it because who would expect a respected,good with the kids,older yt woman to be that type of weird??I'm 39 now and I'll never forget how Mrs. Montgomery made me feel😢
Did y’all miss the part where it was stated that he needed his hair took out and the students “offered” to help , 2 what’s wrong with him for letting children take out his hair? Y’all sexualizing the situation a lil too much he never even made eye contact with any of them
@@browngone1782they call each other “besties” you mean, y’all never had a cool teacher to where y’all would call them a nickname my god this generation🤦🏿♂️
He wanted attention...He got it. Where does he draw the line?! If a few of them want to be massage therapists, would he let them give him a massage? It's all inappropriate.
Unprofessional yes inappropriate if the lesson has been taught and it’s the end of the day the students have nothing to do plus am I the ONLY MF that heard the students “offered” to take his hair out he didn’t ask
@@jacorifloyd8815even if they offered, he is not a cosmetology teacher and in that case it would make a lil bit of sense 😂 If the lesson is done, that does not mean crowd around the teacher to chill and take his braids out. He could have done that on his own during the down time as they worked on something…
Bottom line is, he should’ve never put it online in the first place. He wanted to show how he was this cool teacher that all the kids love and it backfired on him. Now for one did not see anything wrong with what was going on. But some things just need to be kept off-line because it was blown out of proportion.
@@cuppidty6280there are many ways to relate to a child. If you were an adult you'd know that. And for him to be an adult, and lacked the forethought and basic common sense to make better decisions AS A MAN, is very concerning. One of the major roles in adulting, is keeping yo azz out of trouble. That's why it's called youthful indiscretions, when children f up!
I understand, if I send my child to school nowadays I DON'T want my child touching their teacher in any kind of way unless its a "high-five" PERIOD ...He's a great young man but he has a job to do, professionally!
And who said he was not professional? I'm willing to bet that all those girls that was on his hair that day will be going straight to cosmetology school. You never know how this would have played out. This man just lost his job because of parents like you. And it's sad! I would rather my kid learn with love than learn from a teacher who is only there for a check.
@@naturalbrwngirlProfessionals don't post videos of underage children online without the school and parents' consent. Professionals don't allow children to perform personal hygiene tasks for them and their body--whether on the clock or not, but especially not on the clock. (Helping a child with grooming is completely different. _You're helping the child._) Professional teachers understand optics and know this isn't a good look and could easily be misinterpreted (and you're saying it is being misinterpreted). That's why you avoid certain behaviors, and Professionals know this. That he lacked this knowledge is the very basic meaning of lacking professionalism.
"He doesn't want kids of his own" but all of his " students are his best friends and his children "? He knows what he was doing and guarantee he's been eye balling those young girls. Definitely grooming. Ought to be ashamed of himself. Now since he was called out this time he'll be more careful but will definitely continue. SMH
I have fond memories of many of my teachers. Mr. White will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on his students, just as my teachers did on me. His ability to connect with his students was truly admirable, and I believe they will carry those memories with them for years to come.
Bestie? No grown man need to be calling kids his besties , and no child should be calling a grown man Bestie , I have a 21 and 13 year old ! I’m speaking as a parent
And you're the reason why he lost his job. Parents like you. You took this way out of context. And if bestie is teaching and my kids grades are showing it... because in the long run, that's the only thing that's carrying over, we don't see the issue. Now they're about to get a new teacher that will probably only be there to collect a check. They actually had a teacher that REALLY CARED. And I'm speaking as a woman with a master's degree that actually turned down teaching as a career because of the pay.
I understand you, mam. But however to the pure all things are pure. Your outlook on life may be due to things, experiences, or situations you know. However, not everyone has negative intentions. I appreciate your point of view. But it seems a bit askew.
@@naturalbrwngirlPeople with the mindset that he grooming are probably feeling they own pedo tendencies. This one them times when all blk teacher's should quit and leave these ninja kids to them palm wolves.
He actually remind me of my high school science teacher. My teacher allowed us to be ourselves and come to her classroom all the time and we felt very safe with her. She would pay to get less fortunate students hair done, purchased food and even take down hair (the irony is she’s a female teacher) their were many students who she let play in her hair (males included). I don’t see anything wrong with this. You never know what the students are going through and if they find this gentleman to be their safe space why try to tear him down?
Did you not see the other videos he had before you posted this. Please, the comments are delusional. If they want to be cosmetologists then buy them a mannequin head, simple. He referred to one girl as "the homie". A grown man has no bisiness being a bestie with a child. A teacher has no business texting his students.
My tax dollars do not pay him to ask students to take down a GROWN MAN'S HAIR DOWN... Come to work prepared for work.. not to allow students to touch you and do your hair...
As a substitute teacher, I find this to be highly inappropriate and unprofessional. If he sees nothing wrong with this, I hope that misconduct allegations are not in his future.
@geraldine6174 I said that *I* am a substitute teacher! I guess you misunderstood my comment. I am speaking from the POV of a substitute teacher, and there are certain lines that you should not cross.
Agreed. Where is this heat for Sexyy Red when yall daughters at school twerking?? Or your kids disrespecting everyone around them?? This was not the time or place for hairbraiding but it was not as serious as it’s being made out to be.
I doubt it. And if it was, I’m pretty sure there was no father present in the home because no man is going to allow his young daughter to play in a grown man head.
Who said that's a "fact". Have you seen the waivers? I find it hard to believe that the social media waiver they signed was for his personal TikTok as opposed for the district.
@@jacorifloyd8815 They probably offered because he told them his personal business about what was going on with his hair. They wouldn't have said that without being prompted.
@@marissar.359 that could be true also but the person you responded to didn’t hear that they offered. He said himself that he asked them and they agreed.
Unacceptable period!! These kids are not your children. These kids are not your besties. These kids are there to learn, and those teachers are there to teach. We have to do better ❤
I will say this. Is it apart of the cirrirulum NO. But I’m so many instances I’ve seen teachers step up and help children who’s hygiene isn’t up to par, I’ve seen YT teachers allowing their kiddos to play in their hair during free time. Can it be looked at as inappropriate YES do I trust easily NO after working in a prison for almost two decades everyone is suspect; however I just don’t see someone as brazen as this to be doing inappropriate things within his classroom and recording it that would Incriminate him if he was indeed being inappropriate or Sexual of any sort. I think they will crucify any minority especially a male who does anything out of the scope of professional but the consequence should be across the board. I encourage my child to build healthy relationships with his teachers and I also encourage him to be vocal and upfront if at any time he feels uncomfortable when he’s out of my eyesight. It comes to talking to your kids, putting faith in your teachings that they will be open and honest and continued prayer. In my heart I don’t think he was doing anything out of the scope of getting his hair taken out. You can tell those kids love him. And to be honest kids need relatable mentors. Someone who can show them that we are far bigger than any shortcomings.
I totally agree with you! This teacher most likely is the only role model some of these kids have and they trust him. I see absolutely nothing wrong with multiple children helping him take out his hair at the same time. Whatever happened to the Big Brother concept?
@@AfroMillennialMomma What R Kelly was doing was no secret to the world. Managers, fans, PARENTS knew sold they daughters to this man. Now people acting brand new like the news was a bombshell. I still listen to his music his sins is between him and the man upstairs. They been marrying off young girls 12- 16 yrs to these old ass men since the 1800s. Now the world wanna act shocked that this shyt still happening. It never stopped.
All problem solving begins with the foundation. Had our communities had the wear with all, to keep adults as adults, being accountable for their actions and cut out the demented glorification of of thug & azz whole culture, we'd be further up on this long list of issue WE KEEP CREATING. One dummy just got his head blown off by the cops, sleeping in a car, high with an AK rifle. But y'all blaming the cops. Who the hell does this? Black boys, while knowing full well the cops out looking for just one excuse to shoot. It's the accountability and common sense choices, that none of y'all want to be responsible for. People are so tired of your crocodile tears. Ugh.
There isn't an until these comments are sick… yinz need therapy from your past experiences. Women are predators too. Men aren't the only ones grooming people.
I’m disappointed in so many WOMEN supporting this man. Sad and that’s how young girls are violated and don’t feel SAFE to tell when something does happen to them.
I just feel like parents should home school their own kids. It’s always something and it gets old. There is a teacher shortage due to severe behavioral issues from students and a lack of support from upper administration and parents. Public education system is doomed at this point. Parents need to teach their own kids, one parent works and the other stays at home and teach the kids problem solved.
I’m praying for y’all’s kids. There are far too many people defending his behavior. There are no re-dos as a parent. Don’t set your kids up by defending this man. It has nothing to do with his intentions. That’s what seems to be going over people’s heads. He was also the one that was foolish enough to livestream it. Not everything is for internet consumption. He’s in a position of authority, I’m tired of people acting like you can’t be a cool teacher and maintain the appropriate boundaries. You can’t blur the lines with kids, period. Not everybody has good intentions and t children cant always detect that. This isn’t even unique to teaching, the same expectations exist in healthcare, prisons, churches. Anywhere where there are authority figures, because sometimes authority is abused.
Inappropriate, period. Too comfortable... borderline grooming, I said it. Teachers get it together. Your educator is not one of your lil friends. Boundaries?!! Students don't need to be in their (male or female) teacher hair, just like they don't need to know their sexual orientation (yes it's relevant). Growing up, we couldn't even go behind his/her desk unless you were called up there. Then he makes a vid of himself crying reading msgs from students after his admonishing. Something is really wrong!
Students have been shaving teachers heads or doing stuff like this for years. Even when most of us were in school. He did nothing wrong from the video I saw. Students tell teachers all the time that they love them and miss them. That doesn’t mean anything inappropriate happened.
What does grooming a child mean? What Parents Need to Know About Sexual Grooming | NSPCC Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked.
You're a wonderful person the negative responses. Moving forward, all things don't need to be recorded for the public. I see it as being a black young man being a big brother or father figure to his students that need it. My son had adopted over 40 of his students and they give him nothing but respect as they call him "pops". Male and female, parents support the relationships. Everybody isn't a pedophile and it's sad our world can't see innocence anymore. I've had several slumber parties that had male and female children stay over the weekend in our Club. We had breakfast, lunch and dinner, then ended the nights with pillow fights. The requirements was they all had sleeping bags that were zipped up and we all were in the same large room. I slept in the middle the room, they were positioned all and me. No one over 12 but it was a blast for all of us. And when the parents picked on Sunday, 95% of them didn't want to leave. Agreed; we got so horrible people out here but we can't believe EVERYONE is bad and there's no good people left😢. There's teachers and coaches actually violating students but there's no hands touching at any place or words exchanged. There's just some of us that honestly love children. Period🌷🙏🏽
There maybe adults in these schools that grooming these students. They need to have a talk with these kids in all school and get those unprofessional teachers out and do random drug tests on teachers.
This young man did nothing wrong. If you follow his pages, you’d understand the gift he has with not only educating kids but inspiring them to be and do better. The world needs good, Black, educated men in the classroom. So what some kids took his braids down at the end of the school day, there are tons of videos of teachers allowing kids to do their hair and vice versa but somehow, this young man is wrong? He’s not grooming. He’s not a pedophile. He’s a human being who happens to be a teacher with a good heart and a good relationship with his students and their PARENTS. This will pass young man and you will bounce back from this.
His intentions are not important here because you don’t know his intentions 100%. While I agree, his heart may be in the right place, I don’t know for sure…. But his actions lacked professionalism and as you see, they can easily be interpreted as evil by many. The Bible says to refrain from the appearance of evil. Teachers are held to standards and the standards should be the same for all teachers. He might not have evil intentions, but the next person may. These are all precautions and we are all better safe than sorry.
So you didnt see tht resurfaced video of him lus ting over the teen ? He tried to delete but ppl saved and reposted it. Women like like you naively fail to protect chil dren every day yall need to be case studied 🥴🤮
@@TOPHITTA463 At the end of the day, at the end of a school year, after they passed their exams? What teacher doesn’t allow students free time…..a whole 10 minutes?!
This is a form of GROOMING. Clearly there are multiple adults in this comment section that have never been taught healthy boundaries. He is there to TEACH and that is all. “Besties”!? This is inappropriate, period! Don’t get me started with him filming himself crying! Come on people… this is not normal behavior from a grown adult there to do a professional job, which is instruct the students. Thats why you see so many reports of inappropriate conduct with students, because of this nonsense right here. We have got to do better as a community by protecting our children, no matter how “innocent” it may initially appear.
PG county resident here. At first I just thought it was a lapse in judgment but the fact that he said they were his “best friends” and “literally are his kids” gave me groomer vibes. He shouldn’t be a teacher for the simple fact that he doesn’t know what the word literally means.
Exactly how I felt. It wasn't until the "bestie" comment that made my ear perk. They are your students. There are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed for many reasons. He seems to be an habitatual line stepper
Y’all kill me wit this “bestie” stuff y’all never had a cool teacher you considered a friend or had a nickname for he CLEARLY he didn’t have those intentions seeing as he didn’t even make eye contact with any one of them stop sexualizing everything
@@jacorifloyd8815 Even the cool teachers were not explicitly claiming to be anyone's best friend. They just had a cool attitude but still understood that they were the authority figure in the situation. I've had a lot of teachers and even college professors when I was grown and have never heard a comment from them like that.
No. Sorry this is unprofessional. If he wants someone to unbraid his hair, then he needs to visit a hairdresser who will unbraid his hair. He’s there to teach, plain and simple.
I understand the frustration and unprofessionalism, however seeing as tho there’s already a shortage of teachers. I don’t think he should be fired, reprimanded in other ways but not fired.
On what job- in what profession is taking your braids out with the help of peers or subordinates professional/ appropriate? As a teacher in Maryland, my lessons last the entire length of the period. That is the guidance I am provided. At the end of the day he was on the clock live on TikTok while students took his hair out. This is a HR/Human Capital issue.
Social Media and the need to perform in front of a camera..Will continue to be the death of many careers...
Truth unlearned true. 🤦🏾♀
But that is the purpose of social media- from You Tube to IG to FB- to perform for the camera lol
The lines are being blurred. Teacher and student relationships need to have boundaries. The kid should not even be on social media.
My concern is that he did not know how unprofessional and irresponsible this was.
And is still justifying his actions smh. That's Maryland for you.
Watch his other videos! One video where he pretends to be spying on a woman in a gym without her knowledge. Another with him not wearing a shirt. This video does not even touch on anything.
Yes he did
This is considered "grooming of kids" per my nephew who works with kids. He said the teachers just had a training on this subject of boundaries with students.
Not necessarily, I did my teachers hair back in school. We played with him a lot as well. He was a good teacher and a kind man, kids loved him, and no nothing happened. Not every situation that looks like this is grooming.
It is.
@@geraldine6174This the stereotype they place on blk male teachers. I didn't see half this outrage when these whyte woman teachers were all over the news for sexing and having babies with 14yr olds. These palm teachers treat our children like dogs and the blk community shows absolutely no outrage.Yet they got all the outrage over hair. There's a teacher at my daughter school that keeps giving her gifts , clothes, shoes and stuff even after I said stop she doesn't need those things. Would that mean she's grooming my child with gifts? Guess what? The cream puff patty still got her job and ignore me asking her not to give my child gifts. You know what they said ? She's just being nice building relationships with the students,she means no harm. The blk community will forever fall a house divided cannot stand.
Whaaaat??? Ok parents, how much you gone allow him to teach yo daughters? Because if they are willing to be in his hair, he gone test what else he can get them to do, with your permission offcourse. Plez believe it.
As a Father, No way in hell would i allow my underage daughters touching any part of a grown man, including his nappy hair.
Where are their mothers? These young girls getting way comfortable and too attached to a grown man. And clearly have developed some kind of feelings towards this perv who is gaining their trust. If this fool finds them sexually attractive he will not have self control and its just a matter of time. This is flat out strange. Where is this si called teachers wife? I bet, he aint married. His wife would slap the stupidity out of him. This is a bad feel and look, asking for all kinds of trouble.
Your hair is attached to your body by court of law. So why would schools allow juveniles or children touching adults (body parts)? And why is anyone approving of this behavior? Its Pre stages for the worst case scenario.
Last, if it was a hot female teacher allowing yong juvenile boys to touch her hair, or unbraid her hair, this would totally red flag.
Nope. Not happening because "Unwanted touching" anypart of the body or hair is grounds for sexual assault! Adults allowing children not belonging to them to touch their hair in this type of situation is flat out wrong. Especially at school? WTH???
This is why girls end up pregnant. Parenting is no longer protecting your childrens future. You allow them to be in adult mature situations.
Why is this even being Questioned? 🤔
@@geraldine6174Just because he didn’t get you doesn’t mean he didn’t get another student.
This would never been a thing if he would’ve kept this off social media did it to himself.
So, you're rooting for him?
If people were rooting for him, what would be your reasoning for people not to be on his and his students side ?@@SeekingGreetings
Remember when teachers only taught?! A grown man can’t find “besties “ outside of work. SMH
That part!
Exactly chicks slow 💯
Smh yall bitches bitter
I looked at his social media posts, and the majority of his videos are with kids and animals! No adults, girlfriends, or male buddies his age... just kids and animals. Things he can control, groom, feel important, and be in authority over!
Exactly! This is beyond weird 😕
It's not sexual, but it's intimate. This teacher has more influence on the kids than the parents, which can be dangerous. The "fun" teacher that everyone likes is the one that can get away with the most inappropriate things if they wanted to. No kid is gonna tell on the teacher that everyone likes. Even if he's not grooming them, the kids look up to him, and it would be easy for that to be taken advantage of. why aren't any boys taking his hair down, or why isn't he helping them? Even if it was a woman and boys doing her hair you don't want kids so close to the teacher that the lines are blurred, some students have crushes in teachers and read things the wrong way.
"It's not sexual but it's intimate" Thank you! I couldn't find the words to describe it, but you said it perfectly.
This teacher is young and naive. His actions were immature and unprofessional. His back story about not having enough time is irrelevant and people expressing their individual opinions about how they “feel” it’s ok is also irrelevant. Teachers are held to professional guidelines and he obviously wasn’t clear about these expectations. He needs to be trained and reprimanded; and after he understands his mistake and his professional expectations, he should be able to return to the classroom.
This is an unfortunate situation for him. But it’s growing pains.
I AGREE!! It’s completely unprofessional and naive. These young girls are immature, and ALTHOUGH he MAY not look at them that way I’m sure more than one of them are. If it were a woman it would be inappropriate. There are beauty colleges they can go to to receive this preparatory work.
I agree! He should have just moved his hair appt to another time 🤷🏽♀️
@@ashleyjones5396 Right, or he needs to get a new hairstyle that he can manage on his own.
I think this is a great suggestion, too many here are quick to assume the teacher is predatory. He seems like a genuine man, i think he just needs to be trained on how to be more of a teacher than a big brother. If he stays professional, he can care for the kids as much as he wants.
He knows the world we're living in so he was dead wrong 😒😒
IDC what anyone says, you just don't do this as a teacher. Period
But he and they were ok with it y'all makin it weird
@@Swexvttthey are kids!
@@Swexvtt You really think KIDS would understand that this is inappropriate??? WTF!
Stg you couldn’t even walk to our teachers desk without permission
It’s common sense. The people defending him are stupid
Thats a no for me... authority vs student... not on the same level..
Exactly the words! they are NOT on the same level.
And when you make kids feel that way, especially pre-teens that’s when they start acting out. He’s building a family dynamic in his classroom. I bet he had the most well behaved class in that school. Teachers like this are the ones that are helping to put an end to the school to prison pipeline.
@deonbroomfield93 teacher with that kind of influence over kids are also able to manipulate them if they ever wanted to. And get away with it cause no one believes the likeable teacher would hurt a fly. As parents we never know who is who so it's best to keep the boundaries for everyone. Kids who think they are on the same level, who want to prove they are grown may try to act grown with a teacher like this and lines get crossed. How you think those teachers who get pregnant by students relationships start off? Student crush+teacher friend=??
As a mother I would not want my child at school in some grown man’s head taking out braids but that’s just me
As a mother of all girls, I say hell no as well
It's not just you, 😂, it's plenty of us.😉
@@ashaundacarter4287Most of us send our kids to school to learn.Whst was he teaching? And I would feel the same if boys were doing it!
Why not?
@@barbararichardson2747and would you?
I think if the principal walked in while this was going on the students and teacher would probably have stopped because deep down I think everyone would feel that it’s inappropriate
These comments are crazy. There is no way in west hell I would be okay with my young teenage daughter playing in a teacher’s hair. Grown man at that. She may think it’s okay, but his grown ass should know better. This is not a cousin or a brother. He was their teacher. I wouldn’t let kids in my classroom do that if I was a teacher. And the first rule of black hair, is to not let more than one person be in your head anyway. I thought we all knew this. I’m not defending this. Social media has messed up people’s brain. Seriously. There is a boundary between teachers and students. On top of that, his grown ass calling teenage girls his “besties”. You best keep your grown ass in your place around my kids. I’m 43 and my “besties are all grown. When I was 21, my “besties” were adults. Kids have a time and a place…and its not in my face.
Well Said! 👏🏽 💯
But it's okay for your young girls to be twerking in the hallways.
Yall gon get enough of recording every damn thing!
Recording was smart, there’s nothing inappropriate occurring! He was smart to record
The comments saying this is building trust can also turn into grooming period it’s a Hell No! For me
That part!!!
Not every situation that looks like this is grooming
@@geraldine6174 welp my child ain’t finna be in any of them to find out I said what I said
The number of people in the comments who think this is ok OR are completely unaware of the cause for concern here....really scary. Protect us, Father.
It’s indicative of how unsafe society is these days.
I had a woman teacher who specifically asked students to massage her scalp and to play in her hair. She would have one girl who most of the boys had a crush on play in her hair. I thought that was strange as a teenager and I still do.
Your Spidey Senses were tingling and were deemed right to question.
Lady groomers do exsist…
Boundaries! Boundaries! Boundaries! These children are not his “best friends “ This is the difference between adults and children.
Adults can’t be friends with children?
Yet nobody said nothing of the friendship between the old palm man and lil palm lilly being 4yrs old and a strange as old man calling her his best friend. They even had it on the news. All you saw was people saying how wonderful,nice , how sweet it was.Hugs, sitting on his lap. Yet they tell blk people taking hair down is grooming our kids and we should be outrage over hair. Didn't even see this outrage from the blk community when the cream teacher cut of the 5yr old blk girls hair because it was to curly. ATTENTION ALL BLK TEACHERS QUIT AND LEAVE THESE NINJAS CHILDREN TO THEM FOLKS.
@@geraldine6174 That’s not even half of what’s going on right now
@@geraldine6174with teacher put their hands in the teachers HAIR and yes make or female their is a place for this not at school boundaries…
I don't know one Black father that would condone this for his daughter.
He giving pedo
I don't know his real intentions, but I personally can't trust a grown man who makes it seem like he's an equal with children ("besties"). Anyone who's been molested or at least watched To Catch a Predator knows that's how grooming can start. You're not fully qualified to teach if you don't understand the firm boundaries that exist between adults and children. That should be common sense 101.
Very inappropriate and concerning. And the students are texting him calling him BESTIE? grooming at its best
Why would anybody do that?
I’ve had teachers numbers and still keep in contact with them to this day. My mom was aware it too. Now calling them “bestie” never happened but, I don’t think there is anything wrong with communicating with the students via text
Professional boundaries are there for a reason . His behaviour was not only unprofessional but also inappropriate. His justification also show lack insight and poor judgement
The real problem here is this teachers need to be on social media while working. Get off of social media and do your job!!
Yet those teachers that where on the clock hanging blk dolls tied to ropes on the clock still have a job working around the very students the disrespect and display racist behavior around.Where is the blk outrage for that. Where the outrage for the palm teacher who made the 5 yr old blk boy clean shyt out the toilet with his bare hands? She still on the job. So palm people get a pass on mistreating children but y'all in an uproar over hair. Didn't a whyte teacher marry and have 2 babies with a 14 yr old? No outrage. Wonder why?
Dam hater... I see the kids hate you
I don’t think he should be fired but it was not appropriate. It probably was innocent but there’s this thing about ethics…just no
I agree, but unfortunately, due to his gender, I believe that's why he is being demonized by the public right now. He can try to sue the district for gender discrimination because female teachers are more than likely able to get away with stuff like this, but I think even then his case would unfortunately fall through. It's not easy being a male teacher, yet alone a black male teacher at that.
@@wildboy700 🎯
Nah, it’s 2024, we went thru and continue to go thru the metoo and GROOMING OF YOUNG GIRLS!!!! Be smart and move vigilant. Eff that dude. Lover boy method.
@@wildboy700 Why would a woman let alone one who teaches, ask children/give children permission to do her hair? No woman would do that, and if she did she should also be fired. Just think about that. Then the way he went on social with it, spoke about it like it was a privilege for girls to do his hair. It’s about boundaries. This is exactly how kids get caught up. No one said he did anything but he was the authority and unfortunately that was an abuse of power. It’s ethics. Business acumen. Professionalism. No blurred lines.
To be honest this starts at home the young girls shouldn't be that comfortable taking down a grown man hair he just demonstrated how easy it is to groom these young women
Not necessarily, I did my teachers hair back in school. We played with him a lot as well. He was a good teacher and a kind man, kids loved him, and no nothing happened. Not every situation that looks like this is grooming.
@@geraldine6174 grooming starts innocent. tat's why it's called grooming
She didn’t say it was grooming, just how easy it is to do in this situation if that was his intention…
@@geraldine6174 just because nothing happened does not mean that was an ok situation, or that men don't groom young women in situations similar. it is not something that should be encouraged in schools. and where would this be ok in the future? would i sit and do my male boss' hair? would i do this at university? NO NO NO because why? it is inappropriate. why it is ok here is sus.
@@geraldine6174Point is they're on the job and stealing time ! That alone is a poor. example of a role model.
Protect these young girls. They are not your best friends you’re an adult, you should have adult best friends
Absolutely NO!!! Unprofessional! You are Not their best friends. You crossed the line. Needs more training
Being a grown man and being so entrenched with little kids doing tik tok challenges letting them physically touch you calling them besties is a bit strange
Utterly ridiculous! So unprofessional! These new young teachers are insane and so childish! How about cut that mess off and wear a low cut! He needs to grow up
You definitely a dumbass hes probably the best teacher in the school
Exactly why students don’t like there teachers don’t listen and fall behind some kids fall into depression easily so I don’t see anything wrong with trying to bond with them 🤦🏽♀️
EXACTLY …. 💯💯 when he said that they are friends I felt disgusted 🤢🤮
@@queenc1409 is it cus you dont have friends? Or is it because you're insecure because you sleep with your "friends"
The lack of self-reflection bugs me. And the fact he says that if a female teacher did it people wouldn't have found it creepy. That's such an incel thing to say...Why create a hypothetical situation with a female teacher when you're being reprimanded for something you did as a male teacher...
Why didn't he ask the male students to take it down? Because he and them would have been creeped out in all kinds of ways at the suggestion of that. Keep that same energy with the female students. This was inappropriate, unprofessional, and very unnecessary. With that said, he seems like a great guy. Just needs to learn boundaries in the workplace.
Excellent point. Switching the gender highlights how strange it truly is due to the intimate nature of the activity
@ItsGoingDao so...if my wife gets her hir done...she's cheating? It is on such a "intimate level". When I get my and the barber gotta be doing something? Cutting my hair is already so intimate. Wrong. Just because you are getting your hair done does not make it an intimate act.
@@devonalston20 I see your point and respectfully disagree as that is a false equivalency. Barbers and hairstylists are being paid for those services. This is a grown man in a position of authority with young girls and it seems taking braids out takes a lot more time/touching than a razor to the scalp.
If I asked my male son to take down my hair he would be reluctant to do it and probably tell me no, whereas my daughter would jump at the chance. It’s not that it’s weird, it’s just not what boys do.
@higherrealms5309 boys who have hair do. This teacher has taken out his own braids before. Funny he had the students "helping" him, but he wasn't doing any taking down himself. I think he may have enjoyed being serviced a but too much, and he probably recorded it for his collection
We don’t know his heart or true intentions. He may be the nicest most genuine teacher in the world BUT how many parents have been shocked about a person they TRUSTED harming their children. Pastors, other family members and of course teachers and coaches. So to keep boundaries and his job he should not let impressionable young girls play in his hair at school. He is their teacher. It’s also unprofessional, imagine the superintendent walking in and seeing this. Or you at your job playing in your bosses hair… be so for real!
You are speaking facts💯I had a 5th grade female teacher that everybody loved because she was "a good teacher"but she was super creepy and made me so uncomfortable when no other adults were around.she would make me rub her neck and shoulders😶it felt so disgusting because she would literally get pissed off if I didn't want to do it..she would undo the buttons on the back of her dress and tell me to rub her neck and back until she says to stop😢her skin felt so nasty to my little hands because I was only 10 but I knew it was giving her some type of pleasure in a sick way because she would force me to do it when no other adults was around..she got away with it because who would expect a respected,good with the kids,older yt woman to be that type of weird??I'm 39 now and I'll never forget how Mrs. Montgomery made me feel😢
Hell nah this is weird. Why is a grown man letting kids even touch him. Wtf is wrong with him??
Yet the shaderoom doesn't report on stories involving WW sleeping with underage boys. They are quick to demonize a bm tho.
That entire part and the crying afterwards reading the kids messages don’t sit right with me
@@chocolatechipcookieface3668 let's not forget he calls them his "besties"
Did y’all miss the part where it was stated that he needed his hair took out and the students “offered” to help , 2 what’s wrong with him for letting children take out his hair? Y’all sexualizing the situation a lil too much he never even made eye contact with any of them
@@browngone1782they call each other “besties” you mean, y’all never had a cool teacher to where y’all would call them a nickname my god this generation🤦🏿♂️
He wanted attention...He got it. Where does he draw the line?! If a few of them want to be massage therapists, would he let them give him a massage? It's all inappropriate.
I appreciate that comparison and I’m going to use it! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@@chocolatechipcookieface3668dont it lacks sense
Unprofessional yes inappropriate if the lesson has been taught and it’s the end of the day the students have nothing to do plus am I the ONLY MF that heard the students “offered” to take his hair out he didn’t ask
@@jacorifloyd8815even if they offered, he is not a cosmetology teacher and in that case it would make a lil bit of sense 😂 If the lesson is done, that does not mean crowd around the teacher to chill and take his braids out. He could have done that on his own during the down time as they worked on something…
@@jacorifloyd8815how did you hear that when the teacher said out of his own mouth that he asked them and they agreed?
Bottom line is, he should’ve never put it online in the first place. He wanted to show how he was this cool teacher that all the kids love and it backfired on him. Now for one did not see anything wrong with what was going on. But some things just need to be kept off-line because it was blown out of proportion.
This is why the kids don’t respect teachers now. As a teacher I draw the line bc students lose respect for you when they see you as their friend.
As a student I respect the teachers who can relate to me more
The stricter you are the more I am to rebel and just not listen.
@@cuppidty6280there are many ways to relate to a child. If you were an adult you'd know that. And for him to be an adult, and lacked the forethought and basic common sense to make better decisions AS A MAN, is very concerning.
One of the major roles in adulting, is keeping yo azz out of trouble. That's why it's called youthful indiscretions, when children f up!
@@cuppidty6280The youth of today doesn't respect their elders 😔 I just seen a young man they say socked ✊ a 81 year old man
Sooo far from the truth...
I understand, if I send my child to school nowadays I DON'T want my child touching their teacher in any kind of way unless its a "high-five" PERIOD ...He's a great young man but he has a job to do, professionally!
And who said he was not professional? I'm willing to bet that all those girls that was on his hair that day will be going straight to cosmetology school. You never know how this would have played out. This man just lost his job because of parents like you. And it's sad! I would rather my kid learn with love than learn from a teacher who is only there for a check.
You’re right, you never know how this would have played out…
@@naturalbrwngirl they not even in hs yet. They should be thinking of college
@@naturalbrwngirlProfessionals don't post videos of underage children online without the school and parents' consent. Professionals don't allow children to perform personal hygiene tasks for them and their body--whether on the clock or not, but especially not on the clock. (Helping a child with grooming is completely different. _You're helping the child._) Professional teachers understand optics and know this isn't a good look and could easily be misinterpreted (and you're saying it is being misinterpreted). That's why you avoid certain behaviors, and Professionals know this. That he lacked this knowledge is the very basic meaning of lacking professionalism.
@@naturalbrwngirlExactly teacher walking around with a bytch face all day.❤ Giving out negativity energy to my kid.
Crossing the line all the way, then he's going to want that respect. Clown behavior
This was absolutely 💯 out of line! Could never be my daughters!!!
Inappropriate and Unprofessional.
shut up
"He doesn't want kids of his own" but all of his " students are his best friends and his children "? He knows what he was doing and guarantee he's been eye balling those young girls. Definitely grooming. Ought to be ashamed of himself. Now since he was called out this time he'll be more careful but will definitely continue. SMH
I have fond memories of many of my teachers. Mr. White will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on his students, just as my teachers did on me. His ability to connect with his students was truly admirable, and I believe they will carry those memories with them for years to come.
Great now he can find “besties” his own age.
I don't think he should've gotten fired over it.
That’s why you’re not in charge
He's getting his hair done during work hours, idk what job would OK this
He didn't get fired, just reassigned to another classroom for the time being.
Regardless of gender, that's weird. He owes the kids backpay and an apology for using child labor.
Bestie? No grown man need to be calling kids his besties , and no child should be calling a grown man Bestie , I have a 21 and 13 year old ! I’m speaking as a parent
And you're the reason why he lost his job. Parents like you. You took this way out of context. And if bestie is teaching and my kids grades are showing it... because in the long run, that's the only thing that's carrying over, we don't see the issue. Now they're about to get a new teacher that will probably only be there to collect a check. They actually had a teacher that REALLY CARED. And I'm speaking as a woman with a master's degree that actually turned down teaching as a career because of the pay.
@@naturalbrwngirlwhat does pay have to do with a grown man having teenage girls in his hair AT SCHOOL?! What is wrong with yall?
I understand you, mam. But however to the pure all things are pure. Your outlook on life may be due to things, experiences, or situations you know. However, not everyone has negative intentions. I appreciate your point of view. But it seems a bit askew.
Nor does everyone have positive intentions, ijs
@@naturalbrwngirlPeople with the mindset that he grooming are probably feeling they own pedo tendencies. This one them times when all blk teacher's should quit and leave these ninja kids to them palm wolves.
Praying for this teacher that God will keep and give him strength in Jesus name. Keep moving and soaring! 🙏🏾🙏🏾
He actually remind me of my high school science teacher. My teacher allowed us to be ourselves and come to her classroom all the time and we felt very safe with her. She would pay to get less fortunate students hair done, purchased food and even take down hair (the irony is she’s a female teacher) their were many students who she let play in her hair (males included). I don’t see anything wrong with this.
You never know what the students are going through and if they find this gentleman to be their safe space why try to tear him down?
If it was only one student, I would find it weird but I don’t think it’s a big deal. Nothing looked inappropriate in the clip.
I’m sure he texts them all day too
Did you not see the other videos he had before you posted this. Please, the comments are delusional. If they want to be cosmetologists then buy them a mannequin head, simple. He referred to one girl as "the homie". A grown man has no bisiness being a bestie with a child. A teacher has no business texting his students.
I wouldn’t want my daughter doing this at all. Its outta order! School is for learning not cosmetology.
My tax dollars do not pay him to ask students to take down a GROWN MAN'S HAIR DOWN... Come to work prepared for work.. not to allow students to touch you and do your hair...
Your tax dollars don’t even cover the teachers being there. Please have several seats.
@@corneshiahill1856 ohhhh so you okay for these young girls playing in this man hair
I love when black folks say my tax dollars lol
@@Noise_floorxxwhat’s funny is if your living in a Sanctuary city the immigrants are getting your tax payers money.. bye bye government assistance
As a substitute teacher, I find this to be highly inappropriate and unprofessional. If he sees nothing wrong with this, I hope that misconduct allegations are not in his future.
You probably didn’t watch the video to the end if you think he’s still a substitute teacher
I said that *I* am a substitute teacher! I guess you misunderstood my comment. I am speaking from the POV of a substitute teacher, and there are certain lines that you should not cross.
This new breed of parent is weird to me.
Naw this new breed of teachers is weird
@ladytionne1 very true but the amount of people who are parents and see "nothing wrong" or inappropriate is just weird.
I agree the amount of people agreeing with this is crazyyy then be shocked when something like quiet on set comes out lol
Agreed. Where is this heat for Sexyy Red when yall daughters at school twerking?? Or your kids disrespecting everyone around them?? This was not the time or place for hairbraiding but it was not as serious as it’s being made out to be.
Don't allow this world to change who you are, Mr. White. Learn and grow.
Why are people overlooking the fact that he got their parents' permission
I doubt it. And if it was, I’m pretty sure there was no father present in the home because no man is going to allow his young daughter to play in a grown man head.
Who said that's a "fact". Have you seen the waivers? I find it hard to believe that the social media waiver they signed was for his personal TikTok as opposed for the district.
Well I heard they did sign a waiver for being on camera for his tic tok.... but.... there is no waiver for touching and taking down hair
@@RavenDesithe parents are very vocal in comment sections regarding this on social media
And if the parents approved, then something is wrong at home.
He is fired! They're not going to keep him. Again why are the kids stroking the whatever is in his hand!
He shouldn’t lose his job over this
But if my kid was taking his hair down, I'd be nervous about him from here on out... I think he's a perv
@@trafficjam.apparently y’all missed the part where they “offered” to take his hair out and 2 never reproduce
@@jacorifloyd8815 They probably offered because he told them his personal business about what was going on with his hair. They wouldn't have said that without being prompted.
@@marissar.359 that could be true also but the person you responded to didn’t hear that they offered. He said himself that he asked them and they agreed.
Lose *
And if I’m correct he was the one who asked people for their opinions.
Boy oh boy did the give them.
Unacceptable period!! These kids are not your children. These kids are not your besties. These kids are there to learn, and those teachers are there to teach. We have to do better ❤
I know of a teacher who let students cut and dye my hair, nothing wrong with that, parents even knew about it and no one cared.
Stop putting everything on social media…
So he doesn't prepare the night before bcz he's lazy with terrible time management and kids are pampering him!!!
He should have just been suspended for suspicious behavior
That's creepy 😳
He needs to be sat down
Why?? He was trying to be a cool teacher.
I will say this. Is it apart of the cirrirulum NO. But I’m so many instances I’ve seen teachers step up and help children who’s hygiene isn’t up to par, I’ve seen YT teachers allowing their kiddos to play in their hair during free time. Can it be looked at as inappropriate YES do I trust easily NO after working in a prison for almost two decades everyone is suspect; however I just don’t see someone as brazen as this to be doing inappropriate things within his classroom and recording it that would Incriminate him if he was indeed being inappropriate or
Sexual of any sort. I think they will crucify any minority especially a male who does anything out of the scope of professional but the consequence should be across the board. I encourage my child to build healthy relationships with his teachers and I also encourage him to be vocal and upfront if at any time he feels uncomfortable when he’s out of my eyesight. It comes to talking to your kids, putting faith in your teachings that they will be open and honest and continued prayer. In my heart I don’t think he was doing anything out of the scope of getting his hair taken out. You can tell those kids love him. And to be honest kids need relatable mentors. Someone who can show them that we are far bigger than any shortcomings.
Best comment ever❤ These same parents a be complaining later when there's no blk teachers in the classrooms and they children are left to the wolves.❤
I agree with you , This young man maybe the only father figure in those Childrens have .
I totally agree with you! This teacher most likely is the only role model some of these kids have and they trust him. I see absolutely nothing wrong with multiple children helping him take out his hair at the same time. Whatever happened to the Big Brother concept?
R Kelly recorded himself...ppl be wierd
@@AfroMillennialMomma What R Kelly was doing was no secret to the world. Managers, fans, PARENTS knew sold they daughters to this man. Now people acting brand new like the news was a bombshell. I still listen to his music his sins is between him and the man upstairs. They been marrying off young girls 12- 16 yrs to these old ass men since the 1800s. Now the world wanna act shocked that this shyt still happening. It never stopped.
He's a positive role model with approval from the parents who also follow his tiktoks. We have bigger problems than this to worry about
All problem solving begins with the foundation. Had our communities had the wear with all, to keep adults as adults, being accountable for their actions and cut out the demented glorification of of thug & azz whole culture, we'd be further up on this long list of issue WE KEEP CREATING.
One dummy just got his head blown off by the cops, sleeping in a car, high with an AK rifle. But y'all blaming the cops. Who the hell does this? Black boys, while knowing full well the cops out looking for just one excuse to shoot.
It's the accountability and common sense choices, that none of y'all want to be responsible for. People are so tired of your crocodile tears. Ugh.
Listen… UNTIL …. And trust me there will be an until
There isn't an until these comments are sick… yinz need therapy from your past experiences. Women are predators too. Men aren't the only ones grooming people.
Yes until one of the children feel “uncomfortable” a certain something that just did feel right!
Was he really texting a minor sexually? I’m hearing he was, but can’t find proof.
People are weird… this is why my kids won’t be in a public school.
Very highly inappropriate!
5:04 God please protect these students because the adults are plum fools and clowns 😂😂
I’m disappointed in so many WOMEN supporting this man. Sad and that’s how young girls are violated and don’t feel SAFE to tell when something does happen to them.
I just feel like parents should home school their own kids. It’s always something and it gets old. There is a teacher shortage due to severe behavioral issues from students and a lack of support from upper administration and parents. Public education system is doomed at this point. Parents need to teach their own kids, one parent works and the other stays at home and teach the kids problem solved.
I’m praying for y’all’s kids. There are far too many people defending his behavior. There are no re-dos as a parent. Don’t set your kids up by defending this man. It has nothing to do with his intentions. That’s what seems to be going over people’s heads. He was also the one that was foolish enough to livestream it. Not everything is for internet consumption. He’s in a position of authority, I’m tired of people acting like you can’t be a cool teacher and maintain the appropriate boundaries. You can’t blur the lines with kids, period. Not everybody has good intentions and t children cant always detect that. This isn’t even unique to teaching, the same expectations exist in healthcare, prisons, churches. Anywhere where there are authority figures, because sometimes authority is abused.
It’s crazy how much teachers literally HAVE to do to connect with the youth in order to have any kind of impact these days!
if it was a hair emergency ... why wasn't he taking out his own hair too? why was it only his students? idk...
Inappropriate, period. Too comfortable... borderline grooming, I said it. Teachers get it together. Your educator is not one of your lil friends. Boundaries?!! Students don't need to be in their (male or female) teacher hair, just like they don't need to know their sexual orientation (yes it's relevant). Growing up, we couldn't even go behind his/her desk unless you were called up there. Then he makes a vid of himself crying reading msgs from students after his admonishing. Something is really wrong!
Students have been shaving teachers heads or doing stuff like this for years. Even when most of us were in school. He did nothing wrong from the video I saw. Students tell teachers all the time that they love them and miss them. That doesn’t mean anything inappropriate happened.
These parents don’t really feel it was wrong inappropriate. They just want attention
So if I’m a women who got my students to take out my braids is it wrong because they always touch my hair no matter what
How are they your children, your students and your best friends all in one??
What does grooming a child mean?
What Parents Need to Know About Sexual Grooming | NSPCC
Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked.
You're a wonderful person the negative responses. Moving forward, all things don't need to be recorded for the public.
I see it as being a black young man being a big brother or father figure to his students that need it.
My son had adopted over 40 of his students and they give him nothing but respect as they call him "pops". Male and female, parents support the relationships. Everybody isn't a pedophile and it's sad our world can't see innocence anymore.
I've had several slumber parties that had male and female children stay over the weekend in our Club. We had breakfast, lunch and dinner, then ended the nights with pillow fights.
The requirements was they all had sleeping bags that were zipped up and we all were in the same large room. I slept in the middle the room, they were positioned all and me. No one over 12 but it was a blast for all of us. And when the parents picked on Sunday, 95% of them didn't want to leave.
Agreed; we got so horrible people out here but we can't believe EVERYONE is bad and there's no good people left😢.
There's teachers and coaches actually violating students but there's no hands touching at any place or words exchanged. There's just some of us that honestly love children. Period🌷🙏🏽
It was unprofessional and people could look at it a lot of different ways ..he should have known better
There maybe adults in these schools that grooming these students. They need to have a talk with these kids in all school and get those unprofessional teachers out and do random drug tests on teachers.
Didn’t they mention “last 10 minutes of class”, yall makin this seem smth it’s not😭😭😭
This young man did nothing wrong. If you follow his pages, you’d understand the gift he has with not only educating kids but inspiring them to be and do better. The world needs good, Black, educated men in the classroom. So what some kids took his braids down at the end of the school day, there are tons of videos of teachers allowing kids to do their hair and vice versa but somehow, this young man is wrong? He’s not grooming. He’s not a pedophile. He’s a human being who happens to be a teacher with a good heart and a good relationship with his students and their PARENTS. This will pass young man and you will bounce back from this.
They at school 🤡it's very inappropriate
His intentions are not important here because you don’t know his intentions 100%. While I agree, his heart may be in the right place, I don’t know for sure…. But his actions lacked professionalism and as you see, they can easily be interpreted as evil by many. The Bible says to refrain from the appearance of evil. Teachers are held to standards and the standards should be the same for all teachers. He might not have evil intentions, but the next person may. These are all precautions and we are all better safe than sorry.
So you didnt see tht resurfaced video of him lus ting over the teen ? He tried to delete but ppl saved and reposted it. Women like like you naively fail to protect chil dren every day yall need to be case studied 🥴🤮
@@TOPHITTA463 At the end of the day, at the end of a school year, after they passed their exams? What teacher doesn’t allow students free time…..a whole 10 minutes?!
@heyheyhey40 nah you gotta stfu what evil did you see in thos video
How old is this man ? Does he have a girlfriend /wife , to take down his braids , this is very unprofessional and should never be allowed
He’s fine af and likely a good person and teacher, but what he lacks is judgement. Harmless but totally inappropriate.
I think this teacher wanted to resign but didn't know how to.
This is a form of GROOMING. Clearly there are multiple adults in this comment section that have never been taught healthy boundaries. He is there to TEACH and that is all. “Besties”!? This is inappropriate, period! Don’t get me started with him filming himself crying! Come on people… this is not normal behavior from a grown adult there to do a professional job, which is instruct the students. Thats why you see so many reports of inappropriate conduct with students, because of this nonsense right here. We have got to do better as a community by protecting our children, no matter how “innocent” it may initially appear.
Sirrrrrr it’s INAPPROPRIATE for ANY ADULT but especially for a TEACHER who’s on the clock AND OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. Can you say GROOMING!?.
PG county resident here. At first I just thought it was a lapse in judgment but the fact that he said they were his “best friends” and “literally are his kids” gave me groomer vibes. He shouldn’t be a teacher for the simple fact that he doesn’t know what the word literally means.
Exactly how I felt. It wasn't until the "bestie" comment that made my ear perk. They are your students. There are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed for many reasons. He seems to be an habitatual line stepper
Exactly and remember on the updated tiktok he was somehow communicating with them outside of school and they sent him messages saying “Love You” 🤨
Y’all kill me wit this “bestie” stuff y’all never had a cool teacher you considered a friend or had a nickname for he CLEARLY he didn’t have those intentions seeing as he didn’t even make eye contact with any one of them stop sexualizing everything
@@jacorifloyd8815EXACTLY but will say their own kid is their you are the PARENT. not the BEST FRIEND..make it make sense people 😒
@@jacorifloyd8815 Even the cool teachers were not explicitly claiming to be anyone's best friend. They just had a cool attitude but still understood that they were the authority figure in the situation. I've had a lot of teachers and even college professors when I was grown and have never heard a comment from them like that.
One thing can lead to another that is straight on physical contact. Ask the fathers if that's cool.
No. Sorry this is unprofessional. If he wants someone to unbraid his hair, then he needs to visit a hairdresser who will unbraid his hair. He’s there to teach, plain and simple.
But you support kids learning about LGBTQ subjects in school ..we seen those books with Man Man with adopted children..
He was teaching them to learn how to unbraid hair lol😂
This is when being hip goes wrong. At times, you have yo know when to be an adult.
I understand the frustration and unprofessionalism, however seeing as tho there’s already a shortage of teachers. I don’t think he should be fired, reprimanded in other ways but not fired.
On what job- in what profession is taking your braids out with the help of peers or subordinates professional/ appropriate? As a teacher in Maryland, my lessons last the entire length of the period. That is the guidance I am provided. At the end of the day he was on the clock live on TikTok while students took his hair out. This is a HR/Human Capital issue.