未來在祢手中 The Future is in Your Hands 等候神音樂 Soaking Music 輕音樂 放鬆壓力 relaxbgm ,Stree Relief, Sleep Music

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • 未來在祂手中 The Future is in His Hands |等候神音樂 Soaking Music 輕音樂 放鬆壓力 #療癒音樂 #relaxbgm ,#streerelief #sleepmusic
    這是一首上帝想對你說 : 孩子,你的未來在我手中。
    這首歌彈奏出上帝對我們的信實與良善,也許你還不認識祂,也也許你已經認識了祂,今天祂想對你說:我對你的未來有一個你從未想過的 計劃,也許你對你的未來感到疑惑,但上帝要在你聆聽這首歌的過程中來安慰,鼓勵你! 每個音符彈奏出對你未來的亨通與順利,相信祂,一切都在祂手中,因為祂是信實的上帝。
    祝福我的未來,讓我經歷祢的信實與良善,祝福我的工作,我的所愛的親朋好友,賜給他們平安,祝福我的生命與未來經歷祢的真實,讓我有機會來認識 你在未來的生活中經歷你的平安Amen
    This is a song that God wants to say to you : Child, your future is in my hands.
    It's a song of faith and confidence that God is a good Father and if you don't know Him yet, you can come and know Him today.
    This song played with God's faithfulness and goodness to us, maybe you don't know Him yet, maybe you already know Him, and today He wants to say to you: I have a plan for your future that you have never thought of before, maybe you have doubts about your future, but God wants to comfort and encourage you as you listen to this song! Each and every musical note plays out a good and prosperous future for you, and trust Him that it's all in His hands, for He is a faithful God.
    Let's pray together:
    Dear God I put my life into your hands.
    Bless my future, let me experience Your faithfulness and goodness, bless my work, my beloved family and friends, give them peace, bless my life and my future to experience Your reality, let me have the opportunity to get to know You in the future life to experience Your peace Amen!
    (if you guys finish praying, share your thoughts, God loves you)
    將你心所願的賜給你, 成就你的一切籌算。
    詩篇 20:4 CUNP-神
    May Yahweh give you every desire of your heart and carry out your every plan as you go to battle.
    Psalms 20:4 TPT
    願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。 願耶和華使他的臉光照你,賜恩給你。 願耶和華向你仰臉,賜你平安。』 他們要如此奉我的名為以色列人祝福;我也要賜福給他們。
    民數記 6:24-27 CUNP-神
    “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ’ “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
    Numbers 6:24-27 NIV
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    © 2023 CLH Music
    製作編曲/氛圍設計 Piano /Arrangement |Shaling
    混音 Mixing|Shaling
    #等候神音樂 #Soaking Music #鋼琴輕音樂 #放鬆音樂 #自然音樂 #背景音樂 #療癒音樂 #睡眠音樂 #等候神音樂 #奇蹟音樂 #輕柔音樂 #休息音樂 #最佳輕音樂 #自然聲音伴奏 #瑜伽音樂 #冥想與平靜 #音樂治療 #lightmusic #meditation #relaxingmusic #soakingworshipmusic #streerelief StreeRelief, #sleepmusic Music #soothingrelaxation