The RIGHT way to calibrate your Arrma 223S SLT3 radio: Typhon, Senton, Fury, Vorteks, Mojave Grom

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @RazorRC
    @RazorRC  14 годин тому +1

    I forgot to mention at 10:34 that it's a good idea to put your TH/LIM back up to 100% and SR to max at this point.

  • @frederickgrassie3383
    @frederickgrassie3383 7 годин тому +1

    Just received my Typhoon 223s so really needed this video!
    Next we need you to do a breakdown of removing all three diffs!
    I hear that there is no diff fluid in them but black grease but do have gaskets on the diffs!
    What do you think?
    Thank you!
    Great videos😊

  • @K1ngC0ur7n3y
    @K1ngC0ur7n3y 10 годин тому

    Wish I had seen this earlier. Already having to replace the servo saver on my Typhon Grom.

  • @magnusstone
    @magnusstone 15 годин тому +2

    First! I want a grom desperately!

  • @GarageLifeRC
    @GarageLifeRC 2 години тому

    Greta info. I feel like for being a system suited and geared towards beginners, it sure is hard to program. lol.

  • @dylanwhite6539
    @dylanwhite6539 2 години тому

    You do get the orange button on NON DSC equipped models as well.

  • @wyldebill7248
    @wyldebill7248 14 годин тому

    Needed this vid! Thanks 👊🏻

  • @ramongrady3166
    @ramongrady3166 14 годин тому

    Appreciate this video! Typhon is set!

  • @MrtipRC
    @MrtipRC 6 годин тому

    I wish they were able to pair up to the DX6C , pro , rugged etc .

  • @GreatLakesRC
    @GreatLakesRC 6 годин тому

    This is great info! I haven’t seen this procedure in the manual. Where did they hide it? I also haven’t found a binding procedure for the Grom 223S 🤔

  • @reginalpradia2219
    @reginalpradia2219 12 годин тому

    Great video , will this be the same for the dx6c after you install the 315 receiver in the typhon 3s,I purchase the DX6c with the 315 receiver for my 3s Typhon.

  • @danielc5191
    @danielc5191 15 годин тому +1

    Does this apply to Kraton 6S V6 too?

  • @frederickgrassie3383
    @frederickgrassie3383 2 години тому +1

    ok. I my car won’t run at all. Wheels cut to left throttle runs wide open!!!!!!
    😢help. It’s the s223 v4 at 75 it runs full speed. Radio won’t turn on it ran fine before I did your video?

    • @jurgenfischer8615
      @jurgenfischer8615 Годину тому

      Hallo ich habe das selbe problem bei
      75% ich weis nicht mehr was ich machen soll
      Haben sie schon eine lösung liebe grüsse aus Austria

  • @stefan-norge
    @stefan-norge 5 годин тому

    Great, thanks 👍🏻

  • @charlesoclassen5356
    @charlesoclassen5356 12 годин тому

    Right on!

  • @justatyranitar
    @justatyranitar 10 годин тому

    How do I calibrate the steering on a car with a slt3 with the black button?

  • @frederickgrassie3383
    @frederickgrassie3383 56 хвилин тому

    Rc. Directions are not working. After setting steering end points when I hit 75% throttle it runs out of control!! I have done it 12 times it won’t work! I am not the only person that is having the same problem after following the video!
    What is being done wrong??

  • @drewcas76
    @drewcas76 14 годин тому

    Super useful video!!! Truly great stuff!

  • @craigpoer
    @craigpoer 14 годин тому

    Are they trying to make it harder than traxxas haha😂😊